Our Town April 26, 1919

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Transcript of Our Town April 26, 1919

8/7/2019 Our Town April 26, 1919

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Y. ~ r . C. A.8<'111,,,1 Anditorium.


Y. ~ r . C. A. 'B lock .

School Auditorium.

"The Object of this Associations ha l l b e t o i m pr o ve a n d b e au t if yth e Borough an d v ic in i ty ; to assistan d co-operate wi th th e authorit ie s i n e n fo r ci n g l a w s an d ordinances r el at in g t he re to ; t o promote an y pro jec t haVing fo r it spurpose th e bettel1llent o f t he communi ty as a Whole; t o p r ov i de ameans of acquiring an d dissemina t ing infol1llation on an y sub jec tof g en er al i n te r es t ; a n d to fosteran d main ta in a f r at e rn a l s p ir i tamong th e people o f o ur community." Dues fo r Vo t in g M e mb e rShip fo r on e year, $1.00. Everyr e si d e nt o f N a r b er t h a n d v ic in i tyeligible,

To w ns h i p' s P e r so n a li t y a n d R e a l Esta te

Is Assesscd at Hugc 8,.un.

$90,000,000 IN L O WE R M E R IO N TA X



\ \ ' it h n ' : ,] l ' sl : " ., \ : , ]II : lI i"I" of a i i i :]"0\'('1' ,;;:: 1,II110,II01l, a l ld 1" 'l ' s, , "a l 1'1'0\,,'1'1 yn'll1J'11s I",t \\'1"'11 $,-",01111,11110 alld $Iil',1100,0110. Lo\\'1'1' ~ [ " l ' i " l 1TOlll lsl l ip 's la xI'I'1I1J'11S this y('al' \\'ill I'"sil,\' "x, 'eed :i'!III,'1100,111111, 'I'h.' to\\II"hi", \\'lJi..I1 I'xt"lIdsfrOl1i UVl'rhl'ook !11 Vi l l a n o v a , :IIl,L

100I'd., 1 ', fin II", N"]III."lkill Hi\(,1' Oil ,,",,

sid!' au d t h l ' Dpl: l \ \ ' : l r l ' ('OllJlty l i l l t , rill

tl,,' 011,,'1', \\ill pay 11101'" I l lall ol l l '- thi l"l

"I ' tlu) taXt ' : ' Ill ' )ICllltg'(lllll 'I'y C ( l t l l l t ~ ' " ,

}"'I'lllll fll(l :'1Hlldpoillt u t ' I H ' l' s o ru t ! proL'el ' tr :dolll' il s 1 ' l ' , i d l ' l I t ~II':rtl the (Illil.'d~ l a t . ' s ,il is h..Iil'\·"'!. ill \\'palth.

Less thall $JII,1I1111 W : l ~~ I i " , ' dofl' th "1'l':i1 (,:-itat.. : l :--:-iPSSIlll ' lI t : , II,\' :1:(' C o u l l t y

( 'O l l l l l l i s l " io l l ( ' I : - - at a p r , ' : d ~hllanl f r o B t

IJ,,' filldillgs of Alhl'l'! L,'I'. lh p assessol'.

!Illd h is t wo assistallt" ill 11,,· Il'i"lIni:11a:-,:->t'l":-;llIt'1I t. j U l " l ( ' om pl!'t cd.

~ f r , L.,(' h a ~oh lai l l l' d p ra ,' j "'all,\' J i l l

pel' 1'('111. l't'tUJ'lIS flf l ' l 'l ' sollal pn) ' j" ' l' ly1'1'0111 lhp lI l iJ l ionail' l ' J ' I ' sid"l lls of tl,,'

to\\'llship, 011 \\'hi"h a 4'mil! ~ t a f l 'ta xis 1.I1J'lll'd 0\'1'1' to t he t'Ollllt)',

To in\ 'est in Wal' Stamps :s 110t. o n l ~ '

lL patriotic duty w hi ch a ll of u s s ho ul dregard, bllt it is an inves tmen t whieh

eanno t be heaten bccause' o f t he rate ofinterest paid an d th e p r iYil e ;. : es eonn c ct e d w i th i t. U n io n C o un ty , P a. , ha spurchased $3.19 p e r e a p it a fu r 1919, an dt h re e m o nt h s of th e year have ! l o t pass

ed. :Montgomery Coun ty ha s plll'chasl'fl

$.55 pe r c ap it a a nd Narberth $,85 pe rcap i t a . T ho g oo d pa t r io t i c people ofou r town should giYe proper a t ten t ionto W ar Stamps.


Honle Bilk.,.

S eh oo l N ig h I.

~ I o n t h l yn" 'd ing .


........ '" ' .. , .. ' , " ........... , '" , .





St.ory-t"lling", songs an d l'i,II1I(';; will het.aIH'n up, and t.wo I ( 'e ! ur ( 's w il l ,leal

with "hil,1 psy"hology,

~ I i " i~ I : l I ' . "1', C o mp t on , C h il d l' e n' s\ \ 'ol 'ker an,1 I ' l a ~ ' g l ' o n n dS n p c n i s o r a 1Bryn : \fawr : l l ld Pl'estoJl. i ~ g'i\·ing tllt '

"OUI'S", 1'01' II'hi"h a , ' ha l 'g e o f $:l,OO \ \ i l l\ ,, , lIIa,le. th " pl',,,,c(',ls to I,,' 11,,',1 by 1h.,BI' ,\ 'n ?\fa\\'! ' ('Ollllllllllity C('atl'("

Elll'ollnwnt. a nl 1 l h" t il 's t I (' ch lJ '" \ \' i! ]tak" " la r" OIl Fl ' iday. Apl'il ::!;ith, atl.:lO.

U se T hi s Blank in Sending in Announcements o f Coming Even t s .

Ashes \l'iIl ag-a;1I h,' <,oll('(,t,',l durin:!;

t h e \ \ 'e ek of }Iay l::!-II, an d th"l'('al't"I'

OJlce ea"h month ulllil Ol'toIH'I",

(', E, HIDfPIIRI·; \ , :- ; .


School MeetingMay 2, 8 P. M.

r rJ U ! ( 'O U l' S (' is 01)('11 10 :t IlYOIil ' . : l l l t l

\ \' i lt 1", "ont inup,f o n ' I' ll ,'sd a ,\- :l nd Fl'ida y aftpl 'noons a t, f ll l' sam" h"lIl' (,/.::11)un t il ,'ompl,'te,l on ~ I a ~ '::!Ith,

Calendar of Coming ,Events

Starting Apr:] : : ! ~ .a , 'I ": lI I- lIp \l'cpk~ l n , lash ('onpdion \ \ i l l 1,,' , 'al ' l' i . . , l 0'1, i o i n t l ~ - .' rhp "alll(' ""]1('<1111., ",ill he fol100\,pl1. All rubbish 10 ],(' I ' ,'n,o\ '('d must111\ 1'1ar,p<1 011 s i , l e ~ I ' : J l k .

C'ollediolls s ta r t al j' " ' , ' Io, ,k ;\ , ~ r .

an,1 "ollpetors will "Illy " 0 \ " ' 1 ' lhp ront"once.

Purpose • • . . . . • . • . • . • • . . . . . . • • . • • • . . . . . . . ,. " : .. , , . , . . . •

P lace • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • . • • • , • • . . . . . . . . . • • . . , . . . . , . • • . . . . , . . . . • . . •

Orgunization ". , . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . " " , . " , . , . , .

Applieants III11st ha\'(' I'l'aeh".1 their::!lst h11t not th( ' ir {i;ith hirthday on thl 'dat( ' of examination,

Applieatiun FOl 'l ll :104 an d full iu,

forlllation c01H'erning th( ' r C ( l u i l ' l ' I J I ( ' l l t s

of t h,' pxamination ma y 111 sl'cul'ed

f r O I l l t 111' Post lIIastcr at thI' plaee ofvaeancy 01' fl'olll th e Civil Serviee ComI l l ission, IVa! 'lhington, D. C. Applica

t ions s ho ul ll h e properly ('xe,'uted Hnlltile,1 with th e COlllmission at IVashing

ton, D. 'C" in t ime to arrange fo r theI'xIlJninat ion o f t h e a pp l ic a nt .


VI'. H"l',l B. 'I'i"ll'iel" 1l"llilly ::-111"'1'illtplldl'lIt f lf J ' lIhl i" I IlS ll ' lI . 't io l l, \\'ill

addl'.,,,, th " l'itiz"lIs of Xal'hcl ' th on

lh,' I l l " " ] ; ; of 111e ; \al ' l" ' l ' lh "dloo!:'.

' I 'h ,' I fI""ti l lg \\'ill J,(' "1"'11 1'01' diseus"ioll frolll t he floor.

This is a ll op\ 'orll lnity for ],IIS)' III('nto gl ' f ill ' l in 'd, to'II'), \I ith St')IOO] 1'1'0],1"1I1S.

To lw ('Jig'H))!' fo r t l l i ~( 'xt l l l l in: l t ion

all appli"all t III11st h,' a "il iz( 'n of the1'lIited Statl 's , mllst, adua l ly rl'sille

\\'ithin th e ,lplivl'ry 01' th,' olli"" a II I 1hayl ' so I'l'sidpd at th,' t i ll l l' t h (' \ 'a , 'al l"y(It','u)'l'ed.

,:\1. iIlt' I'l'qllt':..;t Itf tIll' l ) l I s t l l l a ~ t t \ r( i t ' l l ·

I'l'al th,' Fllit"d ~ I a t " "( ' i \ ' i l ~ " I ' \ ' i , ' 1 '

' ( ' O l l l l l l b ; ~ i l l l lh a ~: l l l l t f l l l l l t" l 'd :III I'X:tllIill:l·

tioll to h,\ h('ld lit, : \arl" ' l ' th, I'a .. 1111

~ r a y:!J. I!I]!I. 1'111' 11", pllsitillll of ['0"1'

Ulasll'l' a t C yl lw yd , This lilli"., lias :IIIallllllal "OIllI"'II"1,ti'lIl of' $I,SO(J,

26, H ·I P. ~ r .WOll1'cn 's A u x i H u l ' ~ · .

2, 8 P. M.

2, 8 P. 1\r. 'Community SehoolNigh t .

~ l a ~ ' .i. 8 P. M. Wo m e n 's A u xi l ia r y.


~ [ a y

: l I a r

THE FIRESIDEOUI' TOII'n a, 'kno\l '!r ' l1ges lI ' i th t hanks

ml'l'ipt of a donatioll of $:1.1111 I'l'onl ('las"

I!JI!!, Xar-lll 'l ' th High N"hollJ.

~ l i s sHuth K PI'I',,'oll is "lIt l ' r lail l 'ill;.! a large h o t 1 ~ ( 'part.\" t h i ~wl'pl\ ( ~ ' 1 l 1

at h,'1' hUllgalo\\' al (lI-l':l1I Cit,Y i n h ou o rof ~ I r , alld ~ [ r s , 10, DOli ";lIlil'ld. ,,1'\ \ 'ash i IIg t o n .

\\'illialll Fal'lIl1l1l apI,,'ars Ollel' 1I10l'l'ill a :-- tI 'OJlg' "!<'IIIt'lital 1'01(\ ill th p :--;ix

at'! pho to d ra ll l a , "'I 'h( ' :\Iall IIUIII<'I', ..to ],(' sho\\'11 at. th(' l 'aJa, '" '[ 'III'a1l"'. A]'(I,11101'('. 011 \V('dnnsda:,·, ~ r l H '\\") '( ' t ·k (I f a

gTt'at l ' a ~ : - ; t l t l ; . ! ( l 1 ','(':->spl at : - - : t ' ~ 1i:-: :l :-"trollg'

l'pat 11]( o f t hi s 11111111)('1'. an d ~ I r ,Farll1111l"('olldu('t:-;" tw o of the 1lI0l"t J'l'ali:-:tief ight S ( ' l ' l l ( l ~l'(l(,l'tl11y stag-cd, Thtll'e is

spl"IHli,1 dran,ati , ' illt('I ', 'st in a 1Il0stunu"lHll story ,. ,iust 1'1111" Ill' a d i o a

, ' \ 'p ry momen t ,

.\ I't' ~ ' I I11 11:-" i l l ; ! t h l' " ( ' a 1t ' l i 1I:lr 0 f (' 0 I l l ·

illg' E"t'111s" fo r y O l l l ' l l l 'g: l l l izat if l l l ~

li s liSt ' is 1'1'1"', alld II", "i'plll'llIlIity ofpla<"'illg'" y0111 ' ( ' \ ' 1' 111 " rOI!:,pil·1I01l: :1y l i t ' ·

1011 thl' pl'o!,l,' of :\!Ir1"'l'lh sholl1.1 IIDtht' IIl'glpl,tpfl.

T he 8 e\ ' en t h Allllllal I ' O I 1 ~ 'an d DogSho\\', iu ai d of I \ 'o l 'k m an P l ae p l I ou s (' ,

will he held at th(' resideaee of MI'.

IV, .J, IClothil'l', \Vynn l ' \\ ' oo, l , o n Wetln (' s

day, ~ [ I I Y14, at Jl A. ~ r . . In ease ofr ai n t he sho\\' will he postpon ..d untilt he f ol lo wi ng duy. E nt ri es f or Do g

Sho\\' dose M uy 8 th , lind' should b.. Sl' l1twi th cn t ry fces to Ml's. E, 1 ~ . Rivinus,C h es tn ut H il l, t he en tr y f c c · be in g 50

('pnts in eaeh dass . Post ent ries t akenat th e Show, $1.00. . Iudgil lg will s ta r tpromptlJ ' at 11 A. ~ L There will bePuppr, Nov:iee, A m cr i" al l B l' ed an dO p en C la ss es , ' b ot h s ex es fo r al l brceds.~ [ u n yvery h an ds om e c up s offel'ed ass p ec i al p r iz e s. Thc list of jlrizps fort he P on y S ho w w il l b e s cnt o ut in af e \\ ' d a ys , Entricll close Ma y 5tll , an dshould b e s e nt to Mrs, Victol' C. ~ r n t h ( , I ' ,

H u\ 'p rf or d. A n intt ' l 'cst ing fe.at1lrc of

t he S ho w t hi s year w!jJ) h e s ev el 'a lGymkhuna Hueell fo r children.

Lil'ut. Ilr. alld ~ I I ' ~ ,\\T, ~ l . (':llIlI'I'Onh,,\'(' rl 'lul'Il( 'rI til :\al ' \I<'I ' lh 1111111 all ,'x·

t,'nsi\'(' tour tlll'Ollg'llI>llt 1111' South.L i" ll t. D r, ('alllpl'IJlI 1\'"" r"I'III,,!'I,\" ,,1'1'lillll('d at ('alJlp I\ 'h ('"I <1'. Ga,

11:1\'1' you )'(':111 til'" · ' O l l , k l ' ! : ' ' ' lIf' I l l ( :

: \al 'h"l ' lh ('iYi,· AS""'iatiou at tl,,' to pof th,' Illst "Oh11l111 , of p ag (' OUI'! Ifyou ha\','. alld 111'1' still 1Il1ll1illdfll] of its

" I ' I" ' a l, you "\'i<1I'I1II,\' an ' uol 1 I 1 I o \ \ ' i l l ~

lh(' "l'por11lIlil,\· lit' " d ( l i n ~ -.\'our i l i t"

1'0)' :\:tI'lHlrth wort','" you ttl allY ~ T t ' a '

( 'xt( ' I lL Thl ' ( ' j \ - i l ' A:":-"IH'iatioll 1I( ' ( ld , , , ;

y01l1' SUppOI'1.

TIll' ~ l a i l lLillI ' ( 'Ollllllllilily ('o\llH'il

l I' il l h ol rl it , ,,', 'olld 11I "p til lg ' i n tl. le~ I i l l ' s l o l l l '.. ~ . j " l . a l l " a ~ I , ' ra\,pllUI', HI'."11~ I a \ l ' r .1111 ~ l a ~ 'lith. al S o ', 'lllt'k,

' r h , ~IVonH'n's AlIxiliar.y i l l \' i t l' you to

tlll'ir HOllH' B :l I, ,' o n Sa tu rday, Apl'il~ ( j t h ,Jrom 11 to 1 n ', '],wk. 'Php .pri('"s

",ill interest you.

A heg inner s ' e ou rs e o f te n lee( nr'JSin pl'uetical p l ay g ro u nd w o rk will bcs ta r ted n ex t w ee k at th e COlJlmunity

Ct.'nt!·(, in th e Bryn ]\[U\\"1' Pnblic 'School

on IAlIlcaster Pike. Th e id.l'a is t o t r ai na s s i st a n t s t o local p layground d i recto r s .

Th e e ou rs e w il l include p ap er a ndcardboard cons truc t ion , sloyd, lJIodell ing

an d wute r c ol or . T he l' e w il l b e p re pa ra t ion in g um es , s uc h ns ring games,

f inger games , games o f i m i ta t i on , e o un t .i ng a nd t ossing ball nnd gJ"nna st ieg um es, m em or y g am es an d rhymes.

The "M. P.R. S.Class" Hike

:\ 0 t a x p a ~ ' ( ' I '01' fl'i('nd o f s "h oo b e a' i

:ilJ'ol'd to 111 igllol'llnt of lo"al ,'on,litiolls

ill lJ"m o "l'a,'."·s Ag"l l t - Ihp I 'uhli , '

~ " h o o l s !

. ' ,""°,01,\'. ' was the' o l l l y ., tt'lld(lrfoot,"1 I : I \ ' I I I g ' )lal 't:II\(\1I o f H ]'(':d h f l l l l t ' ('OllliPc1

11I't'akfa:-it lH'ffll'l' I I ' a \ ' i t q . ~ ' : 1 1(j A. :\LHut ,"Oil kJlo", nohody c · a l l g,(·t ahead' of~ I I ' . "Foot ..,

.:\ (':!llll,illg' ~ i t ( ·W:I:-, ~ ( · I ( l c · l l · t I:11 nu l p l l~ I i l l "a l' lp l" a haJ .t ' Iloul"s ,"':lI'"JI 1'01' ad!',\' sl '0t . a ll rl Ihpl I 1'01' a d:l. \· III' i i i " "

Llli ldi l lg ' , fr,\ ' i lq,!, ' 1:111 I I I t ' a l ~( I ' \ 'P I I 1h(,

t ! ' : ! h"oug-ht ll y " U I ' English fl'il'lIcl W:l:- '

\11'( ' \ \ '( '" ill t h i s all-l"lIl1l1d 1I1"IIsill, "1Ir1I,ill,hook fislJiIlg' \l'ith lilll"y " \litl',

II \ \' :l s a i il'"rI hilI Il1Ip!'y iJllllt 'h lhatr l l ' a ~ ' ; " ' : I ' d: d ( " l ~t I J \ \ : ln i ~ a r h l ' r l hin mid

afH'l'lIoo". alld IOlld as \\','1'" th,' h o a s t ~oj' : - . tOI ' t · : - , o f s l l r p l l 1 ~( ' n ( I I ' ; . ! Y ~ther alljlllllpr'tl at t i l l ' opl""'tllllit,v to ridp 1111111

\'iJlallfl\'!1 to ](a\"'l'l'ol'd ill IIII' t O l l l ' i l l ~

":11' of a killd Samal' i tan.

Are You InterestedIn your home .choo'.?A re t he y Up-to-date?Wherein aretheyWeak?

COOle to th . School OD

Wal to n F oo tp , B il l Or:lY, , la"k ('UIInillghllill an d Bill "", ,hh \\'I're th .. ollly

III1,nl')II'I'Sof ~ lr. Bo\\',," 's SundaySl'llo,:1

(·I:l:-'s "dlO had c'ourag"(l ( ' l Io u g h ' t o hr.a I

th e sun ti p last F'l'i1hl,\" 1 l l O l ' I l i l l g :lJld ~ ( )

lI'ilh him on all : l lI ' da y t r am p , Ha\\'(g;g:-o. " 'OHIP dpst illC'(l to l ) ( ~ hl'okpIJ on

Iii., lI'ay, ha,'on, potah ..., s a ll tl h,'alls.

"I "" lilIPd IhI' kllapsa..J,s.

Frida,. Evening, May 2Deput,. Sgperintendent Teitriclr,

of Harriaburlr' will anawar theaequaatlona.

Class Act iv i t i e s Varied,

'1'1", ~ 1 . ", Il, S.Clas,. ; ]'pli,'\"'S ill~ l l I l l t stlJ:ll 11I'C hl'l'pflll liS \\1,11 as "11

joyal,]ro aud tha t tplld to hllild III' '1

nl:rlll}l)l"l Ihat IS four's'lual'l', 'Ph 1 ' \ '

lIil'l't. III' "IIUI'S", with th " SUII,I,,\' ~ , ' I I I , ; ) 1

( ~ [ . ' t h o t l i s t )('\'t'l'y SUllday 1I1Ol'!'lillg au ddi" 'IIS' tl,,' g'l":II!"d ]('SSOIl 1'01' that da\ ' .:11111 ill a<1ditioll 11I.,,,t at ]roast 011"" rllI'ring P:lt'll W('('k 1'01' 01h(11' a l ' f i v i l i ( l ~ .

AlIlollg tIll ' lat1<'I ' ha\ '" hp"11 a tl'ip 1:0

fhl' o'bspl ' \'atol 'Y of tIl(' IT. of 1'. as tm' ' ' 'lIli' 'aI <1"pal'tlll('ut, with II h oy s p re sSl' lI t. a tOp-1I0 t". !1 ",I t' ia l a t \Va lt. onFoot, , ' , . a, tl'ip through th,' historieh "a rt o f J'hilad('Jphia, a ll Il t h ,' last Olle,t h e h i lw.

Ano th (' r soei aL a hoat tl'l[l dowu th eDl'lawal'(' II1)(l Ilnoth,,1' hike a 1 ' ( ~on th esr'hpdnl" fo r l \ [ a ~ - .

,ser\ ' iee fo r other" i s a ls o playing" alarge par t ill t i l l ' l ife ( if t .hi s ( , lass. Anadopt,ion ph'dge to pa y $,3.00 p er m o nt h

dUl'illg t hi s y ea r ill orde r t hut a n Armell i an o rphu l l h o ~ -might he fe d und,,10thI'd is 011(' ae t alollg tha t lille. To

eal'l'y t hi s p la n t hr ou gh a n a tt cm pt will

he m a de \ \ 'i t hi u the nex t w eek t o fillth(, elass t r ea s ur y h y s el li ng s om e u se

ful "oJIIll1odity. l1f yo u a re a sk ed tohu,\', r e l l l e l l 1 ~ ) e rth e purpose.

The objel ' t ive of all these ,Ioings is

tha t e ae h m em h ..r of th e e lu ss w il l h eh el pe d t o i ne re us e, liS .Nd .Jesus (Luke2: 52) in \\'i"dolll an d stlltUl't'. an d infayor with God lind man.


School Auditorium I

'Call ,326342, Nar


NARBERTHFriday, May 2nd, 8.00 P. M.

inp: to ' i t l l t ,y : - : a y ~ l !eOI tH ' to th(' :'wl!ool.

Ilpal' :l stl':lightfol'lI'ar,l talk on th"

Xal'lll'l'th 1'l"I)()o!s h,\' "II "nflwl'it.",

Proposed By-Laws of Ithe Main Line Com

munify Council

FO R SALE-Frt. 'sh eggs.Woodbine Ay... W ri te B oxberth.

I. 'I'h,' 11:11111'of lhi" org'''lIizatioll shall

lw " T h l ' ::\laill Lil lP ( ' O l l l l l l t J l I i t y ('UUII(·iL"

:!. Thl' jJlll'llll:-;P:-o of thi:-- O I ' ~ i l l l i z a t i ( J 1 I

Hl't l: (1 ) to hr ing tOgpthl'I' I'ppn1:--l'ntn

ti\"(,:-o of ' ~ I : l i f lLil l I ' ol'g':IllizatiHJ1:-: 1'01'

( ' 0111 ' ( ' 1 ' ( ' 1 ] ( ' ( , ill }(.!..::l1C1 to : ! l , t io t l 011 1Ilat

t p } ' of ~ ' ( ' I l l ' r : dI·Ollllllllllit, ' · in1PI'(':,q; al ld

(:!) 10 : - , u g g ( ' ~ 1IJI'04·(,(ltlI'P 1'01' pil i ( ' i t ' l l t

( 'o-0l ' l ' ra t i o ll !lpt\\"(lt'Jl 111.., ol ' ; ! : l l l iz .a t io l l : - ' .

:L ~ ' ( ' T 1 d l ( l r : - , h i pin t h i s j, ( 'oUIl( · i I · '

shall h,' 0)1"11 to a l l ~ 'o)'gallizalioll 1)('·,(\\,.'ell (h"I 'I ' l 'ook allll Yilla XO\'a, Inc·lu:-;'jvt'. . \ ' (1 \ \ ' ol'gaJlizilt iOll:- ' :-"h:dl ht,

adlllilt"01 hy a I Il aj o) 'i t, \' YOlt' o j' I h o ~ , '

p n ' ~ ( , 1 1 1at a !'('g'ula1' or ~ ' l l ( l t ' i : t lTlIt't't i1lg'.

nIH' noi ie·(l ~ h : t I IlIP ~ " , d \ ' ( , 1 1of :l ] l n l ' H I ~ t ' d

( ~ l l ' { , t i ( ) J 1(If I l l ' \ \ ' J I l t l l l l l l J ( ' I ' ~a1 a J ' ( ' , ~ ' l l ] : I I '

01' :-iJI(,,'ial 1I1t1'1 ing, a l ld \ 'o tl 'd U Jl ol l a t.

th e 1I,'Xt IIII·eting.-t, E:I(·h t '(j,op('ra1illg" l I q ~ ' a l l i z a t i o J l

shall ,,1""1 0111 1" ' I 'n ' , ,' n l a ti l ' (, and alla l l "l ' l Ia l , ' t o )'''lll'''5('nt it on lh, ' "('01111'eil . ' '

;;. Ht'J.!1Jlar 1 I ] ( 1 ( ' 1 i l l g ' ~o f th e 'I ('OUIl

..iI" shall I", h,'I<\ on the lil'st T u " s r 1 a ~ '

()\",('lIing' (If al t t '1 ' I la t f l 1 l 1 ( ) n t h ~llPg'irlllil1!.!

in OC'follt'I ', ~ I I l ' I ' i a l1I1peting 11l:l\'" hf'

"all",1 a t a II)' t i lIIe by 1he otJj""I"S, Fi t',1 ( ' ( ' I I shall ,'onstit nt e a qUOI'UJIl,

Ii, 'PhI' (lm""I'" 01' til" "C(I\lIII,il" shall('(Hl:-,i:-1' or a PI'(,: . d d p l l t , tw o Y i t ' t ' - P r l ' ~ i

d( 'nts , a N " " l " l ' t a l " ~ 'and a Tn'asun'I", 'PhI'dutil'S of tIl<' "nil'pl"s shall h,' tho",'u:-iua11r :t:-'Sigl1fltl.

I, B,Y·Lall 's lIJ:ly hp anl<'ll<ll'rI hy :l

t\l'o,thil'ds \,.,t(' of th(' 1I1<'lIlhl'l"s 1'1'1'".P l l t at a 1 ' l ' ~ ' I J 1 a l 'l l l C · ( ~ t i l 1 g ' .. .\lllP1Hllllflllt

t o t hl ' B y- La ws JIlIISt I", 1'1'0I'o,,'d at al'I'gular Inp"lin;..:' allll \"ot('d upon at thefo l lowi llg mce t ing .

T ....o centl l per word eacb IDaertlon, c ... I>

In a dv an ce . N o advertl .. meDt acoepted nD.Ie.. cu b aocompaDlea oop,..

FO R S A L E - H a l f s as h i ns id e w in do w

s cr ee ns , s ev er al s iz es . 205 Forrest:1\ 'enuc, Nll l 'bel ' th, (31.e)








WA N T E D - H o u s e in Narbert ,h vieinityo r t hr ee rooms an d boaI'll, for th1'e3

adults an d t.\I'O children. Phone ~ [ r s .

C, Eo Long, :l3fl-<1\I, Nurberth.

WA N T E D - G i r l to a nsw er tel('phoneant! t(')1(1 olliee. Walton Bros. (2\1-1')

EGGS fo r ha tch ing , Rhode Island Reds,lac. euch. A. E. Wohlert , Montgom

cr y avenue, Nurberth. (c)

CLIFFORD W. H U N T ~ Ris n o 1 0 ll ge r

in m y employ. Allen C. H a le , M o to rCars, Wa yn e, P a . (29-1')

8/7/2019 Our Town April 26, 1919

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-april-26-1919 2/4

- - - - - - - - - - -----




Da y and Night

Ot OOUfse. wedeliver - anyp I a oe - any

t ime


Phone, Ardmore 967 W

S o u t h ~ i d eAt th e S t a t i o n

CALDWELL & CO.R e a l E s t a ' t e

I n s u r a n c eNARBERTH, PA.

Lad ies' and G en ts ' G a rm e nt s Dyed,Cleaned, Prel!slld and RemodeledWork Called for an d Delivl'red

F re nc h D ry Clean ing a Special ty

Be l l ' P h o n e 12154 J

T. l e p h o n e N a r b e r t h 1633

23 4 Haverford Avenue

45th and Parrish Sts.





For - Good - Work - See


TheHome TownTailoringParlo


-P . . . . t e u r l z e d Milk \ DELIVERIESB r y n c l O ~ i l k C e r ' l I l e dWEST PHILA.

(Ped r l l lUe S o e l e t ~ ) OVERBROOK

S p e c i a l .. G u e r n s e y " MERIONMilk WYNNE FIELD

(Rober t s ' &r. S h a r p l e s s ' BALA-CYNWY. Dai r i e s ) NARBERTH

Cream B u t t e r m i l k ARDMORE

Ta b l e an d W h i p p i n g WYNNEWOODC r e a m . =

H. C. FRITSCHPnpertJes Fo r Rent and Sal.

FIre Insurance

Bell Pllone 8li2 W.

"_all Bo1Id.Jng. NarbortIJ, P ..

GARAnteed Roofs





Y . M . C . A . B U I L D I N G

r a ..a - M ~ G i n l ~UI23South 1 7 ~ s tP h i l a d e i i l 1 :

JOHN MARMORAHanllng and Moving


Rates Reasonable ARDMORE, PA.

I n t he following up-to·date homes:

20 5 Grayling Avenue5 Woodside Avenue14 Avon Road16 Avo n R o ad

Colonial House, Anthyn Road

NARBERTHGARAGERaymond Wei.s. Proprietor




1 -:\VJC'l'Uf'.


Positions OpenW H I T E G A R DE N E R ( li v e home)2 ND C OO K ( CO LO RE D)


1.10 to 5.30






MainLine EmploymentBureauRoom 5. Phone 1163.



Gilbert. l ~ t l l ' t ]an n .John Wilson ar c asinseparahle a" : .\l utt a IIII •,...tl'. Ther" d o " tlt l ' ir I'I'I'allds e\'I'I'.\' ,1ar af t ...1's('ltoo] allcl { ' O l l l ( ' l'ullillg- lip th e hill withhea"y h a s l ; p t ~ .That ' s thp ,p i r i t . h o ~ ' s ~

Bu t muell to their disappoin111wlltTh e Scniors only 'miled.

A "ouplc of \rl'ek;; ago \ \ '1 ' a "k et l w ha tday in this eplltur,'· \ \ " a ~' ·Pi(l Du.,"'!"O nl y on e (,Ol'l','I·t allSWl'r has be"l1 i'lL

" ...h· ...d. fo r \\'hi"h .lellJIIll'l1e \ \ 'alton willl ' e { ~ ( \ i y { 'as a l'l'izp :t Y:u 'a ti ol l j n t h ~

la!"t. \\"eek of .lUIIl' l ' i l ' (pi) is ; l . ! , l l l i .

>'0 was :'Ilarch 14, '16.

•• Over Here" in Room l..\IOIll-EIIIIIW :'I[llt'Ilel'.Pop--GiIlH'1'1 Pord,Young Xuisalll 'p-EI"auor Eyre.0alamit.,- . Ja l lc - l loro thr "\Yilsou.JIolI :tud ]i , 'ari , ' - : ' Iral 'y 111\1]0 TOlll.Ole' . Iohl l nOl l ' I - D o u ' l gin l up 't ill

yOIl Ii II ,1 thp hllllller.Yiola th e eat - . I , ' s s HaJliugall.Wpe Will i l ' -Ed. Co!!g-,'shall.Little Aug'. , j-Elizalwth ;\fillpr.C'lIll ..., l i a l l -Phi l Lil""ingston.Bluhhcl ' - \ \ ' a l ton ,Hat t ie -GracI ' "'oolcoel;s.Stupe-Halph B e a t t ~ ·.1'n('1" Zeke-Laur ie Houston.Young- f-;on (just r,'lu riled fl' lIll1 sel 'v

;f ' , ' )-Fn'c!. Harsch.Tltl' VOg'-JIo,," IllallY S"lIiol's in a

gT:Hll1ating- class'?

The Brightes t Spot in NarberthA Drug S to re in theMost Modern Sense of th e Term

Heal'll in ])ollleHtit' S"ic'u"e Boom:Cooking I 'el ' iorl-" ~ [ i ; ; sF r ~ ' ( ' r .J for·

go t 1 l I ~ "apron,"Sewing P ( ' r i o d - " ! I,'ft lily I hirnblo

an tl neen!e hOllle."J :1111 sn 1"(' :.\1 iss Pryer w ou ld b o glad

to h a n ' lIIother:, len,l a h an d t o tllt' f01",g l ' t t e r ~ 'training,

LEE'S. GARAGE Essex Ave. abo HaverfordA venue N a z ; ~ : ~ t h


L . C . S H A H A N

But, quietly: tw o ofeHows"\Ver ... pu t upon it s track,

And i n t h' : e on rs e of a da y or soThey ha<1 t h e h a n ne r hack.

~ o , whf'n th, ' play w a s g i\ ' el l,And th e Imnllel' a ga In w as "1'1'11,

As someono sa i ,l i t , - i t ' s just 0111 nlore

credit1'01' the y,'al' 's e l a s s , - ':-iinet,'ell.

W" I'l','ol'cl willt sorrow th" death of.\II'S, .Jt'll't'I'SOIl n. YOWI'll, the faithfulalII] d,'\'otl'd moth, 'r of 0111' 1'1'110\1' stue1l'ltlS, Quill"y alit! Bl'ujalllill. :1[1'.

Yowell has 1'01' S01I1" y l 'a l' s h el ' n th<Jjallilor of ou r 8'choo!.

']'he studellt h o ( ] ~ -wa s representec]at. Ihe fllneral ~ e l ' \ ' i " e ~011 \Vl'dnesllay,,\'plling- h ~ ' n. repn':i"utati\ 'e 110111 each"lass of til(' High School anI] s"\ ' l 'mlIlll'lIlhcl's o f t he fl lcnlty.

The sympathy of tIll' ~ tu']l 'nt hodyand f a c u H ~ -is IIl'rl'l,,\" tl'lIdNI"] to theb,'!'C'aYI',l family.

" N o w , " s ai d t he wily Juniors," W e Imve Ule Selliors r i led ."

B y I nv ic tu s .

C A m W I ~ l j])0\\ ' - : \ ES,



\\'1' art' ! ,arli"ular]y happ.'· to ltotl'Iliat. ~ I i , , ~Wc,thl'rill i" ahle to be npanI] about. :-;III' l 'l 'c l' iYet l a l imitedllullllH'r of I ' a l l l ' r ~t hi s w ee k, an d hopeswithin a \ \" l' l' k or two to be p(,l'lIIittetlby hc'l' Jlhysic'iall to rl'l'eiYe th e mallYt l ' a c ' h l ' l ' ~ ,]IlIJlil, aod ! ,alrons "'ho an 'waiting- to " a n y h ...r words of cheer.


To lllllend Section 1 of Ul l Ordinancoentitl"d, "A n Ordinanee ~ I l l k i n gunAppropriation to D e f n l ~ 'the Ex·p ( ' n S t ' ~of tlte B or ou gh o f -:\al'herthfo r t II<) Year I!II!l," appro\ 'ed th "J:lth , l : t ~ .of ,January, A. D. J!l1!l.

T hc C ou nc il of the Borough of l\ ar],"rth doe" ordain:

Sec,tion 1. ' fhat. thl' f i l ' ~ tparagraplt ofSectioll 1 of an ordinau" ( j entitled, " A l lOrdillanc',' ;\[aliin,L: an Appropriation toDefray the E x p e l l " ' ~of th " B or ou gh o fXarherth fo r tit", )",'ar J!lJ!l," al'pro\",,<1th e l :l th d ay o f .January, 1!l1!l, be all'\

the sallie is hpl '"h,\" alllenuecl h y s tr ik 'illg Ollt t he w or ds " T h i r t y thousallllall,l s, ,\"ell Ituntlr"d all,l fh 'e" lIntl t1u:figures " $ : ~ f J , ' O ; j . ( ) ( ) · ·an d ins"rtill/o: illlhe pla('" thereof th,' \\,Ol't1's " T h i r t ~ " " o l l ( ,

thou"lllld 1i,,1' huntll ' t ' , lallt l l in," :tIlIl th,'ligurus "$:\],505.00."

~ " ' e t i o l l2. T ha t n "n l fi of Section ]ill tllf' Ordinanl'1' h, 'reinheforc re.fI'ITe,1to in :-;""tion J of tltis Ort !ina ll t e , which} ' ( 1 : 1 I 1 . ~ . ." J f:PJI) fJ. F 0 1 ' f i J ' p profflc:tioll .

Th rllC t h o U ~ : l l I t Isen 'n hundred dollllr;;($;:,700.00)," lJP anc l t Il (' saILl'" is hl'l'I"hy alll('lltlt'cl to 1'<'a<1:

' lJtf ' l l l i). ~ E ' l l J l 'firp pl'ofp('1itlll, F o ur

t h ou sa n, l f h' " huudl'l'll dollars (:H,fiOO.OO).' ,

l 'a ss " d t hi s J"lth cla.\ ' of "\ l' l 'i l, A . n.1!ll!l.


,\ t test:

' C I f A ~V. NOEL,'Se"l't.tary of Council.

'.\P]>ro,,',] t h i ~llitlt 1 1 a ~ "of April. A. n,1fl1!l.

East '.1" l'Xl'I'C·j:-:P:-; W l ' l ' l ' hel<1 in . l \ s s e l l l ~

hi." 0] 1 'l'hur,,1:,y Illornillg. A ~ ]lsual,thl' n I \ I ~ i "\ras a slH', ·ia] fl'atlll'l'. Behonl("loSt,,] for 'l'hlll's,lay antI Friday, 10 11"

o p" n o n :'I!ollllay 1II0rning.

1I0W IT l lAJ ' I 'E : \ED.

orhl' ]I1ore th o ,Tllniol's SIlW it .'l'he lllore a n xi o us t h ey became

To talH' it from tlIl' platform,Bllt it : ; tay l' t l t h l' l ' e just t-he same.


But- at last they g o t t o go t hc rAmI said it could n o t s t ay,

Aml 1'0 1ho banncr l l isappearedOn a win,ly, 'rold ~ [ a r c hdlly,

\Y, H, n. HALL,

1'I'"sid"lIt of Council.

'('he Selliors h:lIl a hanncr,'Twas b la ck w it h orang" writing,

I t l ll lJ lg ahon ' Ass.-'m'blyTn a IlJanlll 'l ' most- i1l\'iting.




II igh,



B a l ' l I l 1 l t ' f ( ' l ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

'!'h"I'llIonle!t'r ,. " 'f [ u n I i d i t ~ , .Jll'l' "I'llt. .. , . , .

Precipita.t ion.Total fol' week, .. " , .. 1.68 inchesTotltl fOI: 1II0nth to Ilatl' iI.51 inches

1'1'0" : i l l o'atl"r of tl", lirst "lass1",,1 ag-" ,11:111 I", ,"Ita rg" ,j at t hi ' rat" oftw o ('('111:-- fo r ('aI'" 11\11111 flI" J'rac;tioll

Ih"I'l'of. jll.-!'ltlill,L: cI"li\'"I'.\· at l e t te r"arril 'r o1li,"'S, alld O i l " ""lll fo r I'ath011111'(' 01' f r : L I ' t i o l l tlH:I'l 'of wht ' l "p 1'l ' l 'o

d"ji\'I'I',\" ],y "alTil'!' i ~ llot " ~ t a h l i s h c d ,

\Yllt'll J H ' ) , : - ; l I l l ~0, ' ('0111'('1'11:-: 111 allY eity01' 1'1al'I' spnd t heir letters in bulk. fo r1I1:lililll! for io,'a1 d , . J i \ ' c r ~ "at a postoni,'" al alloth, '1' I 'lac"" \\ 'h I' l't) th e one

""111 tiro!, ]"tt t ' l ' r at " is a l ' p li eah le , such1 t ' ( I I ' I ' ~a I' '' n ot drop 1.'tll'r5, and a l ' l ~not"ntitJto,l to t h" o n! ' ", 'nt drIll' ld te l ' rate,but shall 1,,' "harg','d with poslag" atfll(\ l ' a H ~of tw o ( ' f ' n t ~fo r t ' : j f ~ hO l l n e p (11'

fl':Jc·tion of an ounce.

l 'o"la] ( ' a l ' c 1 ~shall 1", t ra l l: ipor t-eu111l'fll1g'h thp I J l H i l ~at a postage rllul'gp

of onl' t'I'1I1 "ael" inch"Iing tl", c , , ~ toflII:Jnllfa.-'tul't'.

'1'" tltl' Eelit,,1' 111' 0111 ' ' 1 ' ' '\ 1 ' 11 :

G l ' o \ l " ' I ' ~of ~ p r i l l gt l l l \ l ' , ' r ~<hcnt!cl Ill:011 tl", al"rt t o " at l' h stt'all'l'.< of thl ' ' ' :h ! O ~ ~ I I I 1 I S ,St·hlllli I'h i lell't'1l SI'CIII pos;;c,,·

ell to "' l'arl'.'- tJowel':- tot e a d l ( ! r , ' ~

01'(·151 til pl ay w ith the111 Il\l'hill', th"nthl ' ' ' ' ' ' th"11l a,,"ay, III' 1"'l'haps de('orat":t hoI''' ' 's l" 'acbtall . AII,1 old,'1' peo]>ll':lI 'P Ilot ah(J\'\ ' ( 'Ol l l l l l i t t i J lg ' lh( ' salJlt'

thl'ft .A 1'I'"id"lIt Oil :-iarlwrlh an'lI\H' has

h all a ll h, 'r ,'arl.\· 111\lh j l o \ l ' , ' r ~stol"Il.alld h,,1' plalll , 'd :-:;ardcll rlln on'l ' . "\Iloth, 'r h a ~ had t\l'O l a ur t' l p l al l l" 1'1t!ll'dlip alld ' "a lTi" ,l o fr , a lI t! a third ],11)1;111

oil'. T h l ' ~ " \ \" I' rt ' h roug 'h t \ \" ilh IIlIIL"ht rOIl],11' fl'Ol1l .\1 il! Crt' t '!; 1h, ' y " a l ' ~ago.all'] Olll' ha,l j l l ~ t('01111' illto hlld for th,'f i l ' ~ 1tillll'. Th I' I 'l ' ' \ " a ~"" thi l l g- to att I'a'"a ..hild, alld al l ol d .. r 1"'I'sOIl i" 1Il,li"\, , t!10 I ll ' t Il l' Ihi l'1' ,

\ \ 'h i lt - o il t h i ~ ~ l I h j " , ' 1jpt IlIC' slwali

,d' the.' g'l'll\\"ill:,! law}ps:O:'llt';.;;-\ ill eros:--ill!.!

I'l'iyal ... gl'lIl11llls, ,,'IIic'" li,'eps 11:(('1' \\"ithfh(' g r o \ \ " j l l ~ '!lul'ulati{)lI. Owing' to thesltarp :lIlg'I" iliad, ' loy :\al'hl'rlh a\'elllle

a ll ' ] th, : 1'ik", Ih,'I'" i ~ "" I I" l al l l t " l ll p t a" 'l i o l l to l l i a k l ' :-:111111. 1'111:--, P\'PII , , " h ( I I ' t ~ .

f " I I " I ' ~Ita\'e h""1l 1\11 lip, alII] l'l'sidel1tsh av e to ~ p f ! ' l l dtoo 1I11H·11 t i l l l P \ \ " : d ( ' h i l l ~

f or a ll d \\"al'llillg' lin' 11 "" c' t r l ' ~ l ' a s S l ; r s ,

:\JlIth of t h i ~ rUJllling' tltroll:,{l1 i:-, <lollfl:Jal(\ at night or ( ' a r 1 ~ ~il l tIlt, 1lIol'I1ing.

jll,lg'illg' frtO\Il th,' fllOtpl'illh, "'hell t h ( ' ~

c ': tl ll lo t I ll ' I ", 'a, li l. \" l \' nt ,. ]I l"1. I rt'fl'aillfl'tlJll lIl1'lltiolling- 1lit' I l a l l l t ' S of tho;.;p whlJ

l1a\"(' 11((11 ~ ( ' { ' I lg o i n g through.rrhis thh"\'illp; f"t ' I '1I1S til 1)(, tlH' J·(·sult

Ill ' a ll i l ll ' il , i" l lt HllbIt"\'islll, \I'hi"h ig-'11111"', tI ,, , I 'ig-hts Ill ' ) 'I ' i\ nt " p r ll p "l ' ty,

'I'h,' atl"lltioll of :'III', Hill alltl tIte ITollle( :I I: tl 'd I ll ig 'h t h ,' d i l' l 'l ' l" , l to lh, ' IlIatl,,'·.

A :-;\·PFEHI·:H.




E D J ULY 1, 1919.


H, E. 1'. '11,

:'If0\llh"r of -:\, H. S. Ahlllllli .-\'H",iatilill.


o nl y t he looks, either; e:t,,11 olle nf 'emcould af'! Iilw a stn'al; . /Anr!\ oIl hoy!:Maybl' thl'Y ,,,o111dll ' t l lIa' li c 10\' ,0 ' to theI,o,\':-'! \Volldl 'l ' wl,o tallg-ht " ' II ' ~ ::\Iayh"thl'Y " " I I I e hy it n a l u r a J l ~ ' !

.Iohn ' Wi ls ol l ha r! p lt -l lt y of plOp asthl' g-.l'lll di rl',·,t 101' alit! "how,' ,1 TOIll Harr i l lg ' t 011 ". ho ' \ 'a: 'l 110:->:;, a l r igh ty, alr ig ht .\ '. A ll ri ' ] I 'a r l i t tl t - Chia sure ha dtho ( , l I t , ~l i t t k a"l 'eltl wi,th h n "Yees!"gin'lI just :ft thl' I'il-lht 'i 1Il( ' , Theil

1hose two c o l l t , , ' t o r ~ ,1"101"'111'1' 1I:t:l f a llelEli7.ahp,th :II it'sell, "" ' 1 ' 1 ' j ll st " lI lp ha I ic'Plloug-h :mt! a d cd jll"t as if tht'.\' hadhCt'1I ill th e lnisilll'ss for a 101lg', 10llgt imc,

'I'h(' plot w a ~ ~ p l , ' " , l i d:111 thl' way

1hrongh, th,' a"t "r" C'X"l'pt i"wtll,\" p;oo,l,alld t'\·l'l'.\'ho,ly ha d loIs ancllots of g'oo,]laugh;;, ali I] ill ; ;h or t it ('ollld 1>1 pro·

11OlllJ{'l'cl a w Ol ld "l 'f li l S l l " " e s ~ ,ThcClnss d('s('I'\"('s "redit, and \I'C "'ouM SllYit was ahout - t ll f' I ", ,, t s l lo , ,' , , \ '1 '1' p;iv(,l1ill th e s l· ho ol . AI I, l righl h" I'" i t should1)(1' ~ a i ( l a J l ~ - ]t1'ogram f ' f l l l t a in i l lg ' 1110

\\'orclillp;, "\'-1\']"1' thc' rlil'l'..t;oll of : ' I l i ~ s

::\f. LOllis B " ~ " l I t l l l l , "will a l " ' I l ~ "hc' aSUI·('("S.

Henry Rose,

A. J. Loos,


Se lld a l l adn'rtising an d news i t ems toP. O. Bo x 966.

O ur T ow n is on sa le at t he d epo tnewsstand, an d at the store of H. EoDavis.

Entered a s s ec ond -c la ss mat t J rOctober 15, HJ14, at t he P os t Office atNarberth, Pennsyh-ania, u nd er t he ac tof March, 1879.




Mrs. R oy E . C la rk ,W. T. Melchior


Owned a n d P u bl i sh e d e v er y S a tu r d ayb y t he Narberth Civ ic Assoc ia tion .



OUR T OW N wi ll gl adl y printan y news i te m a bo u t a n y subjecttha t is of interest t o N a rb e rt h

follts, but in Order to llleet th eprinting s ch ed ul e, a ll •• copy' ,- l l lanuscr ip ts -must reach th eeditor l>y 6 P. M. Wednesday eachweek,



Fire, 350Police, 1250

1 w a n : tu j 'o l lgTatulat l ' tho t;PlliorC l a ~ ,"f II", \ " r h " r t h High :-;"hoob Oil

Iwh: t lf I , f tl", :\llIlIllJi AS"'l('iatiolJ of th,'

St:hool llj"'1! tilt' p " l ' l ' ~ -little p la y t he y

g a\ '. : r ec l' nt ly, E n ~ r y"11(' ill it.f ro ll l ( 'h i: , III' tl) the 1l'a,lillg l11all-TOlll HalTing'lon, alia, o ur y er y o\\'nG t ~ o n . ~ ' t '] \ o : " l ' - W : h right 011 thpir tOl';';

1I1ltl (,,,ni,,c1 I h, ' w ho le plot ont in P,

Y"rr n a tu r al a n d '1uit(' arti"tie aull 1'1"0'f";;sioual mannel'. Fo r instauce, thp, l " a r J i t tl , ' S i " ,, - . la l l lt " "\Vo],('rts, or a""'l' two\\' him, ,lohn ~ " , , ' h a n ' , ' r ,Ill:[(l,' his

dl'hut in thl 'alri l ' lIb ou ~ a t u ! ' C l a yn i ~ h ! ,

an d it ! i l l l ' t ' \\"a< a g'oo,l s ta rt . H is part

, \\ 'as an.'-Ihillg' hut easy, 1I11(1 J ,1011'1kllow j u ~ thOI\" h" ctlul,l hll\'(' illll'rOYl'tlit . TO!ll :'Ifartiu ill his rol,' of ]leg-gyBla('k ,<h"I\"(' ,1 l ot s o f n at ll ra l : l h i l i t ~ · ,

an d w, ' h ,' li l' \" (' h , ' l\"ou1,1 pro\'(' , i l l , j l l ~

g oo tl a fril'nd to a f('110 \\' ill 1'1':11 l ifras he did to 1'011\ H ar ri l lg t ol l . P hi l ipLi\'ing,;ton a ~ P1'lIf. .-Inlllt's I\"a< Oil,' ofth " ;;hilling s ta r, of Ih0 "\"'lIillg-, alldwhen lit., \I"('nt t h ro ug h h i s " F r a t . sig'Il als " ht: had the whole amli"lI('1' incon Yltl,<j,)!!S, Th, 'u th01't, wa , Frl',lHarsch a . Ilall, th0 llloulliaille('r, thro\l- 'ing l l l ' " I " ~ 'right alld l e , f t - ~ · o uhad totakl ' a gooll pe" [l at th t' p rogral l ', torcaliz,' ju;;t ,dlo hi' \\'as, ,,'ith his " ,honouf" ll1tllilltain Jrawl. lI e s ur e w as

('Ie \"(',1', Alld talk a h ou t y o ur lIie" l i l t kwidows! If D o r o t h ~ '"\Vi1sol1 'l"aslI'tid('al fo r tIll' part, J' u l ike to know\\'ho \ \ ' a ; ; ~AlIrl say. peop l t' who rli(hl'tknow Gilhpl't Ford ;;\yore IIp nIHl 110wnI", wa;; a l"<'al, honps t , to -good l le s s o ld

mall of " a t h'ast 30 or : li 3! " Ho w un~ " t ) u l i k , ~thai, G iH lP rt ? S ho w; ; howgood tlnt1 natural y ou w en '. Could II 't

ha \ ' t ' heen a he-tt!;"r old Da<1 tha II G i1..\\"i tII hi s dep,p ".nice llnd his a \-oirdupois

to help, and llis calm an d digllified poise.And, h o p , you missed s('{)illg three ofth e Jlre-ttiest g ir ls i n Narl)('rth if ~ ' o u

, l idn't sec M'ary Chalfant, EleanorEyre, llnd Elizabeth M il le r. An ll lIOt



AnExperiment in Co-operativeJournalism-No Paid Workers.

Subsc ription price one dollar peryear i n nd \ 'ance.

Pres ident -Joseph H . N as h.Viee-presidents--A. C. Shand, James

Artman, A .• J. Loos.Secretary- '1 'reasnrer-Robert J. Ed

g ar , P. O. Bo x 601-Directors--.J. J'. O ah re y, M rs . C. P.

Fowler, W. R. D. Han, George M.Henry, H. H. H il le ga s, C ha rl es E.Humphreys, F. A. Lanahan, DanielL e it c h, E . A. :Musehamp, Mrs. A. PerryRedifer, 1\[ rs . A. B . R os s, Fletcher W.

S t it e s, Wa lt o n M., W ent z, A. E. Woh·l e rt , M rs . Charles oW. Young.

8/7/2019 Our Town April 26, 1919

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-april-26-1919 3/4


"Eyes of the Soul"


Montgomery Ave., NarberthE ve rb lo om in g H y br id Te a Roses

at from 75c. e ac h f o r th e newes t varieties. One thousandplants on sale.

G ra pe Vin es , Currants, Raspberr i e s, Gooseber ri e s .

Climbing Roses, 3 years, at 50c.e ac h. Ol de r plants, $1 to $1.50.

Wi s te r ia , I m p or t ed Chinese, t h a twill bloom th e f i rs t season .

Grass Seeds . Fertilizers fo r lawnan d garden.

Frui t Trees from $1.00 up. Bearin g s i ze t r ee s , $6.00 each.

A . E. W O H L E RTP h o n e . N a r b e r t h 6 9 6

M o n t g o r n e r : r Av e .

I l lAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NEABA8 P o s s m L E TO 10.15 A. u .. n.GO, 1.00.

3.41i , 1i .45, '1.4Ii, 9.30 P. lIf.

I have purchaser!the DRUG STOREformerly ownedby W. F. FIEDLER

A ~ s 5 ' u r ~ . 2!Aines t P h o t op l a y T h e .a l r e 01 I t s S i ze in Ih e

EnUre Wor ld .

PIJ .. lop lavs -Conl inu l lus 10 A. M. 10 11.38P.M.

P h U a •• P a.

- I N -


Your Pat ronage Solicited

Standard cold remedy Cor 20 years - in tabletfonn--snfe, sure. no o p i a t e s - b re a k s u p a coldin 24 hours-rel ieves grip in 3 d ay s. M on eyb a c k i f i t Cait.. Th e genuine box ha s a R e d t o pwith M r. H i l l' , p ic tu re . A t All D r u g S t o re ••



Elsie Ferguson

Plenty of exercise, fresh air,regular hours-is al l the prescription you' need to avoidInfluenza-unless throughneglect or otherwise , a coldgets you. Then t a k e - a tonce


Fancy Fruits ~ VegetablesFrelh Fi.h and OysterlEvery Friday

\V e deliver anywhere in Narberthfree.

Come i n a nd let us tr y to convinceyou that we have" F r u i t s an d Vegetables t h a t you can ea t

Prices an d Quality you cannot beat .. .

N a r b e r t h C u t Pr iceF r u i t a n d P r o d u c e Co.

2 2 8 H a v e r f o r d A v e n u e







123S. Sixteenth St.



:"illt'tl'l'1l d l' er h a, -e hel11l l'oanliug'alHlllt Lowp\, ;\[I'!'iOJl an d \Vest Consho·hoekplI. ' ] , h ( ' ~ 'werl' s ca re d f ro m th eI't'Sel'I'atioll of Hiehllrd G. \Vood by :1

hl'lI"h Ii,'" \'L'C"'lltl,\'.



1. Name. The nalllo o f this organiza t ion sha ll he thc NAR,BJo}RTH CIVICASHOGIA'TJOX.

II . Obj ec t. T he ohjeet of t he A ss o·c'iation shall he to improve an d beautifythp Borongh. IlIlll I ' ic i ni t y, u n d assistan d (,()-('I'I'I'atl\ I\'ith th e a n th o ri t ie s ; nt " , f o r , ~ i n ~lull'S a n d o r di n un e es relatingthprf'to: to promote an y p r o je c t h a vi n gfor it:'! [lUI'POSl' ·tlw hetterme'nt of th eI'ollllnuuity as a , ,- ho ll ': t o p ro vi tl " a1I1PHIls of tle<jllirillg" anll disscnlinutil lginfol'lllat ion 011 an y sll'hject o f g en er alintel ' l 's t ; and to fostpr all'Il maintain afl'atel'nal spirit anlong- the l'eople of our,·olllmnnity.

III. Membership. All )ll'rSOIlS rc·sid·ing ill this , · o n l l l i u l l i t ~ ·ar c members andaro e nt i ll pc l t o attC'nl], meetings of theAssoeiatioll a,"l avail thplllselyes o f itslu'lll"fits.

IV. Dues. 'I'hp :tnunal chIPS of Yot·ing' IIlcmlwrs shall h I' 0 :' \ ,.; DOIJT,AH,payahle at the t illl!' the application isrecei"pll ancl annually then'after at thpt imo of the all lnlal meeting'.

V. Officers. Th e ofiicers of t h ( ~Assoeiution shaH he eomposed o f y ot in gIIwmhers, an d s ha l l c o ns i st of a Presi(lent, th ree Yiee 'Pres iden t , a Secretaryan d Treasure r, and a BoaI'Ll of l I i rec to rsconsisting of fifteen memhers. Each oft h o f o rc g oi n g officers shall hold officef or t he term of one year. The PresidO!ll, Yicc-Presidents a nd S ec re ta ry

shall ,h ~ "

l ' ir tue of their offiee, h e m em ')wrs of the BoaI'll of Directors, an a shallpreside a t i ts meetings.

Th e B oa rd o f D in 'c to rs shull ehoosefrom their number four p e rs on s w ho ,w it h t he P re si de nt o f th e Association,shall constitute an Ex('euti"e Commit·tee, of whieh th e 1'rl'sid'('nt s ha ll beChairman, which COlllmitteo shall havepowl'r 10 tmnsac t a n ~ -husiness of theBoan1; pJ'ovidcd, tha t finy act done by111elll s ha l l h e suhject to t h e a p pr o ya l of111<' B oa rd o f Directors.

' fhere shall he TIo r p ~ u l a rmeetings oftl\(' Boal'<l of Dirt·dors, bu t meptingss ha ll h e hC'ld from 1im e to t im e as thohus'ine,s anll in1f 'resfs o f t he As..sociaJionma.,- require. A majority of t he Board,hall eonst it u to a quorum.

V I . M e et i ng s . An aTIuual m ( ' e t i n ~ofth " A s so ci a ti o n f or t hl ' p u rp os e of eleetin g officers an(1 fo r transacting' suchotlwr h u si n l' s s a s ma y eOllle l lefore tIll'll11'eting'. s ha ll h e h el d during the monthof l\fal'eh of I'a"h yl 'ar on SllCh d at e a sl l l a ~ -I l l ' fixed hy the Boarel of Dil'l'etol'sor hy th e Exeeutiyc Committee.

' 1' he rl ' slH lll h I' n o o tl 1l 'r stated mel'tings of. t he Assoe iat io ll , hu t meetingsshall he ('allpd hy th e President at a n ~ "

t ime uJlon the requl 'st of t he B oa rd o fD ir ec to rs , o r o f the E X I ' , ~ o t i l ' cCommittpe. or uJlon th o written requl'st o f a nyt"n vot ing- lllcmlJers w ho s ha l l stato in'I'l'iting' t he p o rp o se fo r which they de·,il'l' slll'll I I I C ' r t i n ~10 he ealle(],

\Vhl'nl'\'l'r a meet in g is to he called,i t s ha ll 1)(' tht ' dll ty o f t he S e cr et ar y topost on the h u ll e ti n b o ar d a notice oft h ~ t ime, place find o b je c t o f such mee ti Ill!'. 8uI·h notiee slmll he posted fiS longl,<'fol'o the elate of meeting- a s c i rc um~ t a n , · < , spermit. in 01'(1t'r th at a n memIll'rs shall have reasonable opportunityf 0 at t<'llll tho .meeting'. Bu t i n no caseshall a m ee ti ug h e c on ve ne d on l es sthan ! In ' lf ty · four l lours' notice.

TWl'nty I - o t i n ~mf'I1l'bers ,hall consti ·tute a quorum.

VII. Amendments. '1'his Constitutionma y be alllende(l at an y t im o l )y voteo f t wo ·t hi rd s o f t he m em be rs present·

all,l <'Iltit!<'d to \'ote, providec1 th i r tyi 1 a ~ ' s 'n o ti r f' o f th e m e o t i J l ~find of th epropose,l allll'ndlllC'lJ'ts ,ha l l haye lwen~ i y ( ' n .


TIl,'"da.". AI'ril 2!1f1,. \Iill I .., tIll ' I 'pgilIaI' 1l11'dillg' of the \ \ 'onll ' lI 's COIlI1UUII.it,\' L'llIh of X ar h( 'l 't h. ' l' hi s i s tbe all·

!I11a1 el"l·tioll alld 11I(,II1'11"rs a re u rg ed10 afteud. JII thC' "\·C'lIt of unavoidahle:t":- 'PH('P. a J l l t l J l lh l ' r : - io d l · : . . ; i l ' i J l ~ . ! :I l i ay l l la i l

h"I' 1'1'<'1'(,1'('II"l'S f 1'0 II1 fill ' loallot as ar·rall).!l'll alld allllolllll'pd April ] , ' j . 10 :\LI'';.\\'111. L i d l l g ~ t o l l ,t'hail'lllan 01' the Nom·

illatill)! COllllllitt",·. b,'foro th " aboved at c' , i ll a s l, :t ll 'd " lI ve lo pc '. proddingt Ii" Imllot I" 'ars Ill' I autograph.

III Ililditioll to t h" a b o" , ', 1\liss :\Iar·g·a l' l· t : \ l'd"l l i"" wil l slleak Oil "Allier·i , 'anizat iol l . ~ " as llutl'd ( ' I : - i I ' w h l ' l ' l ~III

t hc'so ""lullIns.

Tho hired girl (]re'\\ ' $1.:;0 a week.PUI'lllers came to town f o r t h ei r mail.Noh(H)y " l i s tened in " on t he t el e·

phonC'.Folks said pneuma t ie t i "p:, ' H I ' < ) a

joke.X o l l o I l ~ 'cared fo r ti l l ' p ri ee o f ga so·

line.'1'he huteher "tli,'c'\\' in " a ( 'h un k o f

lil·pl·.Strawstucks \\'('I'c·hurnecl instpa,l of

halc)(].,Tides V ( 'r n ,· w as Ihe only conl'C'rt to

I hC snhma rillC'.Yon slnek tnl ll ' '; in your ('.ars to hC'ar

a phonogl'llph alll) it eost a (linH'.

1'he I)('st \m y t o b ui ld liP a t 011'11 i>

fo\' e ae h a nd el 'ery ]lIall in it not to, tr iYe to rell(l and tear down. \\ 'hl 'nel'l'r a J l\ an in a t ow n i s doing \ l' el l d onot tr y to t ea r h im down. All the residl'nts of n to\l'n ar e par tn ('rs, not opponents. III a ll l i lw Hh oo d th e IIIOl'ehusiness dOlle by ~ ' o u rr i n d th e lIIore;YOU will (10.

:--;0I11\, \\"(·(·ks ago tlip, ~ l a j l lIJitlt\ E l l l ·

"lll,I"lIc'III Hlln'all s t ~ l I · t C ' < 1a e t i \ ' ( ~,vorkwitlI it s " Il ic !' 'iu tlIP ~ f l ' r i o u' r i l l . ·BlIildiug'. ArdIlIO\'l·. I'a., HOIIlll G. Th,'""sults aln'ady "hlail l l 'd h a n ' h""lI IIIOStsati ,fa. · tor." :111,1 tilt· l'utirp ,·tlllIUlllUil.l·has s l lpport ! ' d this pllhlic'''l'il'itcotl pro'j!'.,( in a way th:lt dl 'arly sholl'S howg"J'I 'at a 11( \( \< 1 f'xi:;tcd.

Whl'lI this I ' l'Oj".·t II 'ns first )allul'h"dII" aIlIlOIlII",-d thnt pmdi( ' : lIly al l '.11

th" ,·il·i,· a l ld ph il au th l ' op ic orgallizatiolls alllllg' lh " :\[nin Lille 11"'1'<' al·tin·I.I·"O-tlpl' l 'at ing' ill it:' sU)lpor1. [lu,' ttl auol'prsight 11''' j ' a i l , ~ . lt o l I I en t ion the :MnillLiliP Canning C lu h. ' 1' hi s o l ' ~ a l l i z a t - i o l 1 ,

t ha t h as llIeallt "" ulll"h dnrillg 1hc' lI'artillll·S. \\-as o u" o f ti l l ' HI'S! ti l oJ]'!'1' ],othlillaucial :Illd llIoral support to t hc : \ l ai l lLillO g n l ' p l ( J ~ - I I , , ' u tBureall Hllll throllghi t s eo -op"ra t io l l an,) tha t of th e otherorgauizations this BIII'l'au is nol\' HI'IlIlypstahlishecl und h as p ro \ '( ' d t o he of rea!:"1'1' \"it ' l ' ill un r ( , O J l l l l l l 1 l l i t ~...




Suffrage Notes


:'\ar!"'l'th Brallc·h of \\'olliall H I I I ] ' r a ~ l '

Par1 r IlIt ' f lh· . ; 1h(\ :--( '( ' lI l ld ll'l'iday (d' e:lt'h

loollth at :; 0 ·(·Iol·k ill thp Y. :\I. C. A.1... : l I l "I ' - :\ l l ' s. ( · ha r ! ..s \ \ ' . Youllg.\·i('()-L,'adpl'-·:\Jl's. \ \ ~ J I I .n. Pug-h. ;11'.

Tn'aslll ' l ' r-: \Irs. ";dg-ar II. Cu"kprL'11.8p,·r .. tal ' r-: : \Tiss AlI lIa : \1:wK ..ag'.

\ 'ololll , 'prs ar .. 1I('eded to s er Ye i ll th e"afefC'ria of thl' Sut1'rag-l' I1ml'h rOOln,l i l ~ CIH'stlluf sll'<' '' t . Tf ~ · o uean Sp:l"()'"lp , la y e ae h we ..k to assist ill thiswork, : l O t i f ~ -:\11',. Young. LUlll'1H'OIl 1<

't'I'I'c'<1 1'1'1'(> to thos(> assistillJ.('.

The subj ( 'd AIII " r icanizat ion wi ll b"IIIOSt ahl)- disc'oul'sl'd bJ' : \ I i ~ s?llargarl't.\leGuire, pl'illl,ipal of thl' :\I"Call~ . . J l O o lof l'hil:\llelplJia.

:\liss ?lIoUlli ... · [I ... ·SC·II\S Ihis n'l'.}' \ ' i talsuhjpet ill a vel',\" hig' ,nly, g'j ,. iug j t aI'ar· greater SI'OIIt' than just the \l'ordI\Ou1l1 imply. : \ l i ~ s:\leGuil'e ,d l l bringwith hoI' se\'eral ehilr1I'cn, products ill'this I'ro).! ...·ssil·,· Rl'hoo]. who \l 'i ll d"llIon·slrale 'I'"1c' of thoir aooOlllplisllllleu!s.

A sl'c"'ial illl'itatioll h a ~heell issued10 tl,,' s.,]lOoI f a c u 1 t ~ -of Narber th an,lIll<' g'irl pupils of the gralllJllar an dhigh ~ , · l " , o ] , ; .'1'hc' IlIoth,'r5 01' thl' girlsaI''' al ' l ' I'xtplJllpd, through tbl':'l' ('01·

II III liS, a IIIOSt l'lIl'dial in\ ' i lation to af,Il' lIti thi,; meeting.

$199,950.00125,000.00163,9 10.88165,000.00



LIABILITIESCapital Stock .•

Surplus .....Undiv ided P,ofi t sBills PayableDeposits . . . . .

8 1 1 1 1 l ) a ~ - ,!,.-j; ' j A. ?lL-Bibh' Hchool.]1 A. : \r.- . \ lorlli l lg wOI':,hip. Talk to

the ..hillln·1I hy t he p as to l' a ud Sl'J'IUOIl011 the slll l jed, " : \ Iy Church."

i 1'. :\1.-Union Youllg People's lIIedill).!'. Lpall , ' r fUl'llisheL! h y t he :\lethollisf.l'hul'eh.

iA;j P. l \ I . - L ' nioll seI'Yi,·". Serll1011 byB"I·. John Yall 1\ess.

\ r c d l l p s L l a ~ ' ,S P .. H . - S o n g an,) prayer~ e r d l ' e .Subj"et fol' pray. 'r all,l ulI·di·tation. " G o d ' s Cal'l' fo r the lndiI·illoal. ' ,

Pl' iday. S ]' . :\r.-:\Iouthly meetillg oftIll ' '1 'ea"hc'r,, ' Asso"iation af t he h om e01 :\ll'. '1'. (' . Tl'Ottpl', 20!l \\"oolbide aI'C"TIUl' ,

Church Notes .

l.last ; - S l l l l d a ~ 'waz-; a gn. 'a t day. T hel'hureh lUIS JilIe,l thl'ee lilllc:; fllr thl'"'·I'\·i,·":,, alld thc ehildrc'lI did thl'llI: ' \ 'h"s gn 'a t eredit. fo r the exeell , 'ntIlay ill w hi c h t h e J' took t heir part.

The h al lq ue t o f thc .\lc'II's Assoeiatiou 011 :\Iouday l'I'l'ulllg w a s \ ' er y large·Iy attenuecl anLl a l l 1 ' r esen t I\'ere greatlyplc'ased with th e llIasterful audl'ess giycuhy I ~ i r s tLieutenallt ~ a y l o r .Other localspeakers jo i l l ed ill llIaldug' thl' oeca,;iona real happy one.

'The youug peuple a re p la nn in g ttgrea t s oc ia l t o close th e !Jest yeur lI'eha \' e h ad i u tha t d e pa rt l ll e ll t . T h e at ·tcmlullcl' an d i l l terest has lll'! 'n (Jlliteiuspirillg anLl \l 'ell lI laintained.

~ l i " Margar! ' t l lol 'p, 'r sailed I:lstI\'('pk fo r recons t ruct ion "'ork in Prunee.This is th e sl'conLl ~ ' o u l I gWOIlIUIl frolllthi" l'hul'l·h to go ahroal! f or t hi s killdIIf Ilol'k, .Miss Mary Super ha l 'iug sa i l"dJ'ol 'Constantiuoplc sunle t im o a go ,

\ Ve h ay (' just ll'uJ'llUd tha t "Ill! of ou rhoys, 1\[1'. G eo rg e S h el d on , h as Iwell iuthe hospital in Brest u\-"r the l , j r " . , ( S ofIllling' g-a:-::-:t'd thl' lUSlt- f l \ \ \ ' w('l'ks of tlll't ighting.

Avery S. Demmy, Pastor.



Church Notes.

will I 'I 'l ·aeh. Text , " \ \ 'hat t hi ll k ye u fth e Chris t l · ,


:'\uhody swattl 'Ll tho flJ-.

l\'ohudy ha d HPlH·ndicitis.

1\·ohody \1'01'(' white shops.'Crealll ,nts fin.' Cpllt,; a pint.Canteloupcs we!'L' IIIl1slollelons.1\IiJkshake \ \' as a fal 'orito drink.AdI'Crtisemcnts did 1101. tell the truth.You Jlever heal'll of a " t i l l Lizzie."Doctors walltl'Ll t o s ec y ou I' tongue.

X'!xt \Vcclnpsduy eYenillg' t h ,' a l l ll ua l"ollgregational mcetillg- will he hpJd.Fillallcial ),I')lorts from all the organiza't ions of t h,' ehureh will he gin'n an,)all plel'tioll of trustees \l'ill h .. hel.l.:\1 r. A .. r. Loos ,,-ill preside.

]u llIany ways last : : iunday ,n lS th e1lI0st notabl .. an d encouraging da y int he h is to ry o f the ehul'I·h. The ] ~ u s t e r

decorations \\'l're beautiful, the singingby thc augmc'lItpc! c hoi r wa s of s ue h ahigh order a, to IJe long' remembered,an d the attC'ndunce fo r t he da y brokeu ll p r el ' io o s r ec or ds . 1n t he morningilG2 prowded in to thc' ..hul'I·h "dificc', alld

it became I I C ~ e c s s a r . l ·to borrow chairsfrom th c adjoill i l lg hon,;('s to furnish, ea t s fol' all. ' l 'her( ' \ l'p, ', ' on ' r ~ o o

present ill t h e e y el l in g llIe'eting. - I t wa sa \l'ondl'rful Easter Duy, and it s fra~ l ' : l l l " ewi!l tar!')' with us always.


$584,781.97777,626.24580,848 77460,G65.11


RESOURSESLoans on Collateral • . • •Mortgages and Judgments .Commercial Paper. . . . .Bonds . . " .Documentary & Wa r S t am p sReal Estate, Furniture Bnd

Fixtures . . . . . • . .

Cash o n H an d a nd in Banks


Merion Meet ing House , Mer ion , Pa.

:\lC'l't i · I I ~ ' ;for lIext Sunday;n.::o A. :\1.-:\["II·S Bihle Class. Dr.

H. A. B a l l k ~ ,t('ueher.

]0 A. ~ L - 8 1 1 I 1 d a ~ 'School. All g\'ade:;.·n A. ~ r . - l ' u h l i e\l 'or:;hip. Se\'lIlon by

t he p as t or 1)11 th .. thellle, "Tes t ing b ~ '

Xnil Prill!,;." East .. r J1IlIsiC' I'l'peatcdby t h o C h ur "h Quartet.t('.

7 P. : \L-Union Youllg People'sIIlC'cting in the Bupt.ist Church. Leaderfurnished l)y tho l\fethodist society.

iAG 1'. 1\f.-Union m ee ti ng i n th eBapt i s t 'Church. He\ ' , .John 'Van Nes!

Rev. John Van N es s, M . A., Minister.





" T h e Little Church on th e HilI."

Statement Close of BUline ., March 31, 1919


Rev. R. I '. Cowley, Rector

Ear ly Mass on Sunday f ro m A p ri l1 to Ootober 31 a t 7 A. M. FromNovember 1 to March 31 at 7 A. M.Lato Mass, 9 .3 0 A . M. throughout th ey ea r. M as ses o n h ol yd ay s, 6.30 an d8 .3 0 A . M. Weekdays at 8. Ev,eningdevotions a'nd o t h e r s e r vi c e s at regula r times.

Merion M e et i ng i s open fo r worshipO\'ery Fi rs t -day morn ing at 11 0 'clock.We c o rd i al l y welcome an y visitors whodesire t o w o rs hi p with us.

A CC ID EN T I NS UR ANC E$ 1 0 0 Monthly Indemnity $ 1 0 Annual Premium

MILLER BURKHARDTP. O . B ox 1 04 N A R B E RT H . PA . Phone 6159 M

R ev . F . M . G ra y, Pastor.

Sundar, April 2i th :flAG _\. 1\1.--'8UII t 1 , , ~ .~ l ' h o o l .elm;"e:,

fo r all ages.] 1 "\. : \L-:\fol ' lI i l lg sen·icc. 8el'II1on

hy pasto]' 01 ' topi, .. " L l ' l :\fy Pcople

Go.":J P. :\f .-Childn·n·s 'Churdl. Ohject

talk hy pastor. :\lusie h ~ - ehildrcn '5

Yc·sl<·,l ehoir.i 1'. :\1.-liui"l1 Yoong People's mcet.

i ll g a t t he Bapti,<t Chlll '( 'h in charge ofthe :\Il'thodist Epworth LeaguC'.iA 5 P. : \ l. - ] " ni o n s e n 'i e e in the

tlle Pr"sbyt"rian pa,tol ' , HC·I·. ,fohn Ya n1\ ess.

: \ [ o l l < l a ~ · .,q P. :\L-2\leeting "I' th eBoanl of ' r l ' u ~ t e e sat t h e c hu rc h.

S P. : \ f . -Bosi l l ( 's , meeting- o f t he Ep ·w o rt h L e ag up .

Tuesday, . ~ I'. : \1.-Soeial 1 01 (> III, 1' ll io r ( ' ho i r a l t h .. parsolJaj!p.

\ \ " " l I n " s d a ~ ' ,S P. : \ r . - P r a ~ · e l '1IIpl'liug.1'a,lol"s topi('. " A II H 'l ' i" a 's I d ea l f o r :1

Xl'\\' \\ 'orld. ' · !':oloist, :\11'. Edward B.

St a n Il'J·.'l'horsllay, n.::o 1'. :\1.-ThC' Pllbl'lllall

Dpllionstrat ion Plall pun ' food supper atth e Y. l\f. C. A., gil ' l 'n hy the \VolJlI'n'sHOIIIO 1\lissiolla ry Society of o u r c h ur c ht o h el p s up po rt the ])eaeoness HOll1e inPhiladelplJia. ' r ickets. il5 eents.

8 P. l \ f . -P i rs t Quarterly Confel'ence

at th e ehul'eh. "\1I t hp c hu re h oflicerssluJII)d h e j l re , en L

All o r ~ a l l i z a t i o nof Girl S eo ut s h ashe, 'n wplI s t a rt e d a n d IJll'ets each :\1011'I l a ~ 'aftel'lJIJOII at :-) 1'. : \f . i ll t he h as e·IJllJllt or thl' :\1<'Ihoclist Church. :\11'';.BO\\'C'1l is thp Cal,tailJ an d 1\Irs. E1IIlI1ett,:\Iiss :\lar.l· Chalfollt a ll d M is s Olil 'hR o l l l ' l ' t ~al'l' LielltenalJfs.

8/7/2019 Our Town April 26, 1919

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-april-26-1919 4/4



l l ~.. c:z;8

Labor Mater ia l


.. :I"C~ ' i


Laborabor Mater ia labor Yard8

~' ~




Hauling Trunks, Baggage an d Freight


The NarberthTailoringCOaWill give Good Reductions onMade-to-Order Ladies' and Gentlemen' s Sui ts , also reduced pri ceson Repairing and Cleaning andDyeing of your clothes. WorkAt . Don't lo se t ime in callingup Narberth 305. '

234 WoodbineAYe. NARBERTH,PA.R. D . L OU IS . Prop .

$610 97

471 91




$63 48

70 47

136 56

Plumbing, Gas Fittingan d HeatingN A R B E R T H PA


Del ic ioua M e a t sA l H i e h G r a d e C h i c k e n a

Egga a n d B u t t e r

$34 41




LIGHTING FIXTURESlIIcDonald John . Na rbe rt h phone. 1288.

1533 Cbest, st .• Phlla . Phone . Spruce 1118.lIIlLK

8cott-1'uweD Dalrle8. Phone. Preston 23 hSee display advertl8ement In thl8 luue

lIIUSIC, J o ( ' k ~ o u . ~ l i s "A nn e. Vio li n Instrllctlon,

StUdio, Arcade B ul ld in g. P ho ne , 316-.r.Loat, Fa nn y H . Pl an o teacher.

StUdio. Arcad. B ld g. P ho ne . 316-,T.SJoholm. lilies Ebbe. Muslo Teacher and AC

companl8t. 228 lana ave .. Narberth.NOTAR1! t'UuLIC

J"lI'erle8. J. II. 111 Narberth ave,Phone, 666·M.

TY80n. "'arren R. 200 Woodbine a.ve,Phone, 1202-W.01'TICIA1'l8

Fenlon. C ar l F. 506 E88ex ave. Phone. 818-'VI'Phil .. addrea .. 1806 Che.tnut at. Looust III.

ZentmaYer, Joeeph. 228 S. 15th st .• Pblln,PAINTERS

Cole, Jamea R.246 Havertord av.. Phone. Sprue. 1111.

WaI.er, Fred.117 Winsor ave. Phone . 1247-,T.

PAPER IlANGERSWitte. Goo. A. Falrvl.w ave.

Phone, Cynwyd 778-,T. Flr.t-cl . . . . . . . . ork.PHOTO PLAYS

"Arcadia," 18tb an d eheatnut atL. Phil ..See dl.play advert isement In thll lalue.

PLUMBING. ETC.Wall. H . B . P ho ne . IU·J.

S8e dlaplay advertlaement In thl. laaue.REAL ESTATE

Caldwell &: Co. Phone. l I71-W.See dl.play adv.rt lsement In thla I. . ua.

FritBClb, II. O. Pbone, snow.See dlaplay advertlaement In tbl . laaua.

Godfre7, Wm. B.114 Wood.ld. ave. Phon •• I n · w.

Nath, Robert .J. Phone, 10&.Mon.y for Flr.t and Bacond Kortsagel.

Simpson, Jomel C. 2 U E ue x ave.Phone. 636. or 1430 Che.tnut at.

ltOOFlNG, ETC.Gars-MeGI..leT Co. Phone, u n - w .

S8e display advertl.ement In tbls laaue.IIlI\er, John A. 241 Iona ave . Pbona , UI · J .

Sbop. 246 Haverford ave . Pbone , l IS&-JSHOEllAKlCBSGood Wear Sboe Repair Sbop,Con8tantlne. B. G. Y. M. C. A. BIds.

TAILORSPrem08t, H. Pbone. 1254-J.

S"e dtsplay ndvert lsement In tbls Issue,TUUST E S TATES, E TC.

r,lInohan. Fre.lerlek A. 205 Forrest ay. PhonC'.344·R. Phlla.add .. ProvIdent LICe & Tr. Co.The above depar t men t . h o uld b. or tb .

Breatest U8e to tb e community. the lIat oon·t al ns t he n am e o f every profesalonal man.trade.man. mechanic . shopkeeper, e tc ., whodoes or can In any w ay s er ve hl a fa llo ...·town.man. and who la proBre.lve enoughto a dd n ame to lI.t of Regl.ter.

As It 18 dlmcult f or t ho ee contrlbutlnltheir tIme an d el!ortl to the produotlon or"Our Town" to personally elth.r \ mo w orInterview all s uc b, I t w oul d he mo.t belpf ul I f t ho se not now f ou nd I n' the prtnte4lIat would .end In a memo o f t be lr n am .. .addreaa. phone n u mb . rs a nd b W l l n . _ orproreaalona to r lIating. This wl1l oOlt .. tollo...a: 10 oents eaob l s au . f or S line.; &caDtstor e ac h a dd lt lo .. al liD••


to "OUR TOWN"?


2 0 5 H a v e r f o r d Av e .



$53 19

100 80

$5 41







Narberth 3 0 2 W

atiOlI. al'cording- to th e fal ' ' ' of th" ! ' l ' -

tllI'lIS. is I'la('('d at $128.54!l,ilj-l for lfIl!l.

a" I'omparl'{! til $ 1 2 ; ; , 1 3 i . 6 : ~ 1 ifor Hill", or

an i l l ( , ! , l ' a ~ 1 'in nllllatioll Ill' $:1.412,128,

IIpllll w hi l' h t hl ' re\ ' l 'nue al thl ' Sta te

t ax m tl' o f l'Oil I' I l l i l l ~is, approximately,

$ I:1,Ii-lS,:; I. Th i s a'lll'OlInt, Ilf' I'IlIl rs<', I'C', - ,' r t" t o th e cOllnty to Ill' used ill Iwrnw'

nl'1l1 illlpro\'emellts of' highwny.

Of thl ' "e, 'eml I!istrids Lower ~ [ e r i o n

J < . a d ~in ,'alllalioll. Th " ,-aluatiol1 of

propl'rties f.or l ' o l l n t ~ ·ta x I l \ \ l ' p o s e ~is$:.!9,4-12,6ifi und that of j ' I \ - " " , t l l l t ' n t ~IIIH]

"alllu1>les 1'01' S ta t e tax pllrposes is fixe,1at $;,);'j,16i,0!l0. Til j J l ' 0 p l ' r t ~ ·nIll lat ion,: \ o r r i ~ t o w l Iis Sl'{'olld \\'ith a t ot al o f$!-I.!lSli.6:;0; Potts'tOWIl. t hi rd . w it h apro]ll'l'ty '-alllation of $1:I,i:I1,88:,); ehe1·

ll'nhaill. fOlll'th, with a proIH'I -ty \ 'I ll lIal ion of $1::.:i02,OlO. a1lll Ahing-toll. fifth,

\\'ith a 1'I'0lwI'ty \ 'uhwtioll of' $!l,:iliI.28r..I II in, - !' s t, I I,ents u l1 ,l o t h! ' r \ ' al l la h le s,

Ch l 'l t ! 'nham i s sl'{'olld with a total \'aluntiou of $:20,:;IiS,-!::!O; :\ onistown third,

with a tOla1 \ 'a lualiol l of' $!I.:l:,)ll,S10;Ahillgtou, f'llllrlh, w i t h " ,-ainatioll of: \ ' I i , L ; J . ] ( ) , ~ .all t! 1 '0 tt stO\ \'11 I I l'xL with

an ill,-"'IIIIt'1l1 ,-:dllalillll 1If :\,::,:2(1(1,-1-10.

O u r t ho u gl lt is tha t th e Con! Busiuess will be slow t hi s S pr in g n nd

SUlllmer, to be fol lowed by n stampede in t he F al l. Take o ur a dv ic e an d

order early, nnd don ' t forget to order from liS, \I'here yo u will get good coal

aud lots of :tppl'el'iation furnished f. o. h. w it h t he goods.

WI' ' I- il l 111' g l: ul t o I)ook o r de r f o r .JI"lelo Coal clminl; the month M

April at p l ' i " " ~prl'\'niling in Philadelphia n n d v i ei n it )" .

~ I o s tof you k no w I ha t t hi s coa l is t he hest t ha t cOllle" to l I l arke t , an l!

t o t ho se o f y ou w ho d OI l' t, w e have 110 h l ' " i l a l l " ~ 'ill procla iming the f ac t tha t

i f b c tt e r conI e x is t s a ny wh el 'c i n t he wide ea r th it h as not as y l' t b ee n dis

( ~ o \ ' e r e d .

Narberth RegisterTw o Lines, JOc pe r issue; Sc fo,r each addi,tionalline

ACCOUNTANTSKelm. H. C. Cer ti fied Publ ic Accountant.

202 Dudley aVe. Phone. Narberth 300-W.ADVERTISIN<J

Cole, W. Arthur. Phone. Spruce 1638.Ideas. Plan8. COpy. Art, Typography,

A U T O ~ I O B I L E 8Lees' Garage-Repairing. Etc , Phone . 1605.

See dl8play advertl8ement In thIs laaue.Narberth Garage. l ' hon e Na rber th 1633.

See display advert isement In tbls Issue.BANKS

Merion Title &: Tru.t Co. Phone. Ardmore I .See dlaplay ad verU8.ment In this laaue.

BUILDERSSmedley, "'m. D. &: n . '1'. Phone, 1lOO.

See display advertIsement In this Issue.CANDY. ETC.

Davis, II. E. Phone. 1254-W.See display ad vertl8ement In thl . laaue.


103 DUdley aVe. Phone. In- l l .CONTRACTOR O F PL ASTER ING

Fratantonl , Jame8.23\l Hampden ave .• Narberth. BOll: 270.

DENTISTSOrr, Dr.A. L. 101 Elmwoodav. Phon., I n - w.

Phlla. Phone. F l lbs r t U6I . Keith Bldg.DRUGGISTS

Howard'a. Phone. 1267.See dIsplay adv8rtlsement In thl . luue.

Smi th, T. B . A rd mo re , Pa.See display advertisement In tbls Issue.

ELECTRICIANSPusb, Veri 225 Iona ave.

N ar. P ho n8 , 650- W. A rd , Phon.. 111-,T.FISH AND OYSTERS

imperial GroceI")' Co.Phon.. Narb.rth 101.See display advert ls .m.nt In thl . Isaue.

FRUIT AND PRODUCENorbe rtb C u t P r i ce Fruit a n d P ro d uc e Co.

See display advertisement In tbls Issue.GARDEN NURSERIES

WoWer t, A . E.Montgomery avs. Phons. 696 Narbsrtb.

HAULING. ETC.IIlormoma, Jobn. Ardmore, Pn.

See display advertisement In tbls issue.Walton Bros . Phone . 672.

See dl8play advertlsemsnt In tbla luue.INSUBANCE

Bowman, Samuel P. (Life.)116 Elmwood ave . Phon.. 661-W.

~ u r k h a r d t ,MUler. General In.urance.100 Maple ave . Phone , 16t-:ItL

Jonea , Cbaa . R.305 S. Narberth ave . Phone , 681·,T.

Jonea , Wm. J. 103 S, Narberth ave. Pho....680-J Phl la. addre s. . Pe nn Mutual Bldg.

Lonwlon,Fretlerlck A. 205 Forrest av. Pbone,344-R. Pbllo.add .• Provident Life & Tr. Co.

SOrotter Broa. (Fire. etc.)209 Woodalds ave. Phone. 1261-8.

LAWYERSGllro", JobD 211 E.aex ave . Phone , U45-R.

P bl la . a dd re . . , L in co ln B ld g.8tltea, Fletcher W. ., I Haverford aTe.

Phone, 172·W Phil .. addre •• Croler Bldg.l\IEATS. ETC.

Cotter, Boward F. Phone, 1398.See dl.play advert l.ement In t h l. l uu ..

Hertder, J oh n B . N ar be rt h.See dtsplay advertlBement In thlll IlIlIue.

$1 44 @137 60

1 04 125 54


$1 08 $115 15

80 110 78




$100 00

100 00

100 00

Aecon!ling to tIll' f a ~ cof the I'l'tnrns

<"nb,it'd. of' l ' O l l r ~ e ,t o s ne h ('llrl'l'l·titlnsas t Ill- County COlllm i",ion{'rs I I l a ~ 'la tel'

e1etermine 01' ns m n ~ 'Ill ' Illodifie{! by

rl'asOn o f t he s n" ce s, fn l n pp ea l o f i nu i

\ ' idual taxable>;) the t ot al , 'u ln at io n o f

all p r op l ' I' t y i n t h e c o nn t y fm taxation

for county purposcs, is $146,81:2,:1-18 fo r1!l19, ns compnred to $13i,90S,S:1O in

1!l18, or an inc rease in yu luu t ion of $8,40:1,518. Th e incrensed re\ 'enue to the"onnty 011 the two mill rato on t ho f a ceof the r etu rns , is npproximutely $16,ROi.O:I. T he t ot nl v al uu ti on o f ull valu·

nb!<'s ill thc ' eonnty sUlbject to S t ut e t n x'


County Commissioners Will Star t Hear

i n g A p pe al s M a r ch 20th.

WANTED-Youny man, clerk.

Th e Merion Tille & Trlls' Co.Narberth


C a n d l ~ . t .fo r th e


REGISTER O F WILLSOf Mo.. t..,mer" Co.....,.

Lower MerionLeads County

Greal en 'd i t is tI nl' t tl th .. ..JIIII'n>;choir at the l \ [e thot li " t, Chul' l·h i i, its

, 'x( 'cptionnl rendering ojt " I 11ll1I01'tulit ,1 ' ' ' l a s t S u nd a y night al "T h .. Littleehul '"h on the HilL" T h is , ' al l la t a,I'oillposed by S tn lt z. h as a !)('antifnlly

tl'inlnphant theme from llcj.(illliinl! to till'ish. aile! ('ombillcd \l'ith th .. ril'h 1II..10diou:-; 1(11101" ha:-;s an d :--oprnno ~ o I o ~ .alld

ma It' .,]\{lrus. se ems t o p ort ray 10 1hi'I-(I'..a l " s l satisfal ' t ion thl ' \l'olllltol'fnl~ I o r yof the Hpsurrcclion. Thl'l'e \I'{'r"20 , 'o i( 'l 's i n thc ( ' h o l ' l l ~ ,hnt. Itol! h)' Prof

" i l " " s skilfnl ha t 011. a pl 'e nl 'l 'l ! t tl Ill 'j ns t o n, ' spll'nllitI f ul l t Oi le . Thl' solo

parts, t ak en h y ~ I i " ,I'n's<'oll, ,'sl", .. ial

I,\' the )[ngl!al""{", , sO110\I' ill lituliu;.(Ihat h" r 1...01'<1 ha,l hl'(,11 lakl'n a \1' :1" ,

\1'''1'1' \l'dl portraYl'd aile! I I l ' a u t i f n l l ~ 'n'lItit·l'('II, :lH wa s alslI t h ( ~ t ('IIor ~ o l o : - ;h ~

) [1 ' . S t a n l l ' ~ 'allcl 1h . . 1>ns" ",io hy )( ,(;I'iflith.

"al 'hl 'r th {"'I'laillly i s f or tu ll al .. itldt'tld in huvi1lg' Prof. :\ic'(\ a:-; 011( ' firth .. t o \ l ' I I ~ n l l ' n ,a llll it wa s dll .. t o I ti ,.d in ", ti on a nd t raini l l l ! thaI thi" I'allt:t t:1 \ \ ' : t ~:-;11('h a :-;UCCt :--5.


'/ 'h,' finals of the t r i "l l n ia l a""'ss'll1"lil11:\'-" h.'en matIe by th,' As",'",or:, 01' thl'," , ' \ '1 ' I'llI fil'st-dass to \l ' l Ish il ' s. Uh 'i r n'ttll'lIS h:l\'ing- been mndl' dt l l ' ing thl' past

fC'\\' Jays, Th e last "OIlU'I'S \\'1'1'1' frtlll1thl' t hn 'l ' b ig tl istrkt", namely, Lo\l'l'l':\I{'l'ioll, Cheltenhall l allll AhillgtOIl. In

I h l' l a tl , '1 ' instaJl('e, t ho d el ay wa s dnl'

to th" d eu th o f William .r. Dillel'. an dtIll'- snhs, t i tut ion o f n n ot hp r A" , ..",ol' byIhI' Conrt . '






Ja ...


Sen. ' tal ' ) ' pro (.{'1I1.

Th(\ I't',:.:i:.-l(')' ill whit·h I',"pr.'· l ' l l lbll 'cl

IItali I'I'OIll " \ ' a rh l ' r lh i s i l l, -i ! l'd 10 ill:"Wl'ihl' hi s t1HlIlP, ra l lk . 11'1I;!11J of' ~ l ' r \ · i ( · c ·

allti otlll ' l ' i llll'0l ' lallt I ': ll"ts i" l'I'ady all'!

ill t h ,' h a ll l l" 01' l'o"llIla"t,,1' lIall',. "-)'0l I' il l k l" '1 ' il r t' ad ," for IIll' bo)'s ,,-hl'lIllH\Y ( ' tJlIII ' to 1'( ' \ '01 '11 tll(' 1'I''1uil'l'd i l l

f l l l ' l l l H t ion.

~ t l \ · l ' r : l lof 0111" IJI 'Ol l t i l l l ' l l l l,it i Z I ' I l ~

ha\!' :,idl'd ill 110111I i IIg' t h l' " l 'l l 'l I di d

hoo]\ w]li,·ll lias 111(,11 pn,, · idl l l l . 111011;.(1

_\11', H, II, 111I1']'ill dl'"ig-III'd Ihl' hoo];.,\11 ,,-ho l \ ' l ' n ' "Itli"ll'd for tl", p;I'l'at

\\'al' aI '' ' a"l ,pel t tl S lt lp alld "PI' II,,' 1'0,,111I:1:-.t(ll', that :l ( · t l l l l p l t ' t ( , a l l d pPI ' J I I : l l l l 1n t

n ' I ' o re ! 111:1,'" h., :--1"'l1J'('d 1"0)' 1'1ltllrt ' ll:-'c'.

~ l a l ' l , h:2.>, 1!l!9.



President. Mrs. C. P. Fowle r,Vi ce -P r es ' ld e nt , M r s. C h as . W. YoungCorresponding Secre ta ry, Mrs. Edward

C. Batchelor.Recording Secre ta ry, Mrs. Harry A

Jacobs.Treasure r, Mrs. Edgar H. C o c k r n ~

Chairmen of Committee:!Food Conservation, Mrs. A. B. RossHosp i ta l i ty, Mrs . Char les A, VerlUl.I ~ e g l s l u t l o n ,Mrs'. William H. Russ-allMusic, Mrs, Joseph A. Barclay.

Progrnm-Mrs . N. J. Mulholland.

.:\:-; it ~ e ( ' I I I : - 'tlwt IIP:!!'1,}" ( ' \ 'ery house\ \ ' I f { ~1;-; l \ i thcr pn 'pa r ing to 1 l I ( J \ " ( ~orI ' } ( ' a l l h O l l ~ edUl'ing' t l l t ~(·omiJl}.{ l ! louth,

thl' Auxilial')' will be V"I')' g la l! t o I'c'l i, ' \' e y o u of all " \ \ ' h i t c p ! l' p ha1 l 1s " in

IIII' natu!'" of 11-I'e1e1iug'g i Jt s t h a t are no thpillg' uSl'll, S{'colltl-hallll fUl'Ilitul 'c, pictu!'I''', {'hiua, eIothl's, 01' allythil lg t ha t\ \' e ca ll dispose of ill a saIl' to lJe held

a t all {'ady date.

Will :rou k il ld ly s a ,-c all sudl dOllat iOIl" fo r liS, a nd n o ti fy l'ithL'r ~ [ r ~ ,D.P. H l i d \ I l I ' ~ - ,P re si de nt , o r Mrs, G. E:.K !'l'alll {'I ' , Vice-Presidcnt '

' I 'he n{'xt !'l'gu]ar lIll ,pting' \\ 'i ll he held

on ~ [ o n , l l l Y ,~ I a yGth, at 8 P. M. Al l

hushands o f memhe l's w il l h e g la dl y,,'p]I'OIl'I'I! at !l 0 ' c lock.

po \\,1'1' of t h l' o l' g al l iz at iOIl d"l 'endedlarg"l'ly Oil thl' IIP1I'gat{'", thaI til(' Il'ad·" I ' ~ ,mthl ' l ' than thl' 1'1"I"lt'd l'I'I'I"'Sl'lltat in 's . ,,-ollld, IH' a hl l' t o a d IIIOI'C '1l1ick1,1, nllll would hL' mol'l' wi l li l l g to H"SIlIllCnilt hOl'i t ~ · ,

"\HI'I ' (pl( 'stion 1'1'0111 ~ I 1', l[al'l"hol'lIc

n" to the 1'0\\"'1' of Ihl' ('olllll'ii. )Iis"SlIIith s la tl' d t ha t lh, ' ('olllll·il "holl ld

:-'l1g't!l'st Hf' t ion, an d :--hould :d:-;u havep l ' o h l " l I I ~hl 'o l lght to it for al'{iou.

011 Illotion of ~ ( I ' ,)IIIII'h. dill," St'I'olldl'I!, the itl'IIIS of til(' b y -I a \\ ' " \ \ 'e r e

tak"11 up i l l l 1 i \ ' i d l l a l l ~ 'aud \\'1'1'1' \\'I'iltl'n

as '!lll·loSI'II.Thc IJlOt iOIl wa s 111(11 I 'a l 'I 'i l'd t I,:, t I he

('ouuI'il 1'1''I1I1,,,t th " IIsl' of olll' of th er oom s ill t hI' ~ [ j l e s t l J n c .S-I,; Lalll'aster

1 aVI'IIII(', BI')'II )[awl'. '1':;.. for thl ' il ' I I I l 'd

iIIgs.Thl' Illotioll 01' )[1'. ~ l l I t l ' hl'al'l'i,'d, that

('Heh organ iza t iOIl h(' n"l,,'d 10 "'lIti ~

1 ' l ' 1 ) ] , 1 ' ~ l ' u t a t i \ ' ( ' ,alld t ha t a l 't ll ') , til' Ihel I I i l l l l t , , ~h{' sl'ul thl'1I1 ],," ~ [ i s s Hilda

Smith. )[i"s SlIIith to I'all I h, ' I ll 'x t

lIIl'etiug at he r ('OU'-I'Uil'UI'I',011 1I10tiOIl the lII('ellllg- adjIJlII'II"I!.

Hl'SjH·.,j f u l ly s l l hl l l il l l 'd ,

l ~ ' g t ' .

11. ~ I I ' ,\\'at'flll, ~ I a i nLilo ' J.'OI'IIUI.1 ~ , :\11'" lIal'l"hol'lo', ~ 1 . L. Cilizpus'

A;-;so(·iatioll.1:;' ~ [ I ' " ,(0. C. :4hal'pll'''>'. W"I'dl'l' ' ' ' ('llIh,

H, ~ [ i " sA. I: .. Iohll"oll. W, l ' . ' I' . 1 :,l;'j, :\11'". j·;d\\". \\"oohoall. PI'<,,,lou TII'al1

iug HOO l l l .

I n , ~ I I ' ,1':1111'. \ \ 'oolu, , 'u , lIa'-"l'l'ol'd Coll{lg'p.

l'i, ~ I i " s ~ ,~ l o r r i " ,\\'Olllt'II'" ( ' Iuh . Ard

more,11", ~ I I " . )1('( 'al!. H,'d ( 'I 'O"S ~ r . L.

Brau{'h.l!l, : \ I i"s Walhal1lo. Ilo"pilal S. 81'1'\-il'l'.20, :\[1', Gall". C O I 1 l 1 1 1 1 l u i t ~ ·Cputl'r.12, )11'. )[aull'. )1. L. ( ' i t izpu,, ' , \" ,ol ' ia

tiou.20, : \ [i "s Hilda :-;lIlilh. ('oul1l1uuity ( ' ' ' l i -

t ( ~ r .

A lI:ot io ll l ias I Ilad l' l ,y ~ 1 1 ' ,~ 1 1 1 1 1 ' h

that ~ I I ' , ,\ll'l'l 'd ~ I : l \ t l l 'hI' appoil l t l 'dt " l 1 I p o r a l ' ~ '(,hail'lllau.

) I i ~ sHillith, of ( ' t ) I l ' l I l l l l l i t ~ ·Cl'lltl'l'.askl'l! Ihat S"I'I','lal',\' pro teill. al"o h')appointed. ~ I I ' ,)[alll,' ltppointpcl ) [ i , , ,

'\Va!huulll,The Chail'lllall th"11 n ' po rt l 'l ! t h at it

had hl'{'11 "oll"icl"I'l'd a d , ' i ~ : l l d e h ~ 'sf"-I'l'al ol'gallizatiolls til' Ih,' ~ [ : J i l ll ... ille to

f orl ll a COIlIll1l111ily COll11l'il of all Ihe

organizaliol l fl'Olll O " l' l 'h ro o k t o " i l i a

~ o \ ' a ,hrforl ' ,,-hidl Ihill;':s of illlport.ancc to t h l' w h ol l ' ( ' O l l l l l l l l n i l ~ '"lIlJlcl he

hrought.The il11'u Ilati Ii 1':;1 1o1'1'1l "lal ' l , 'd I,y

?>I1'", Brallsoll and ~ [ i " "8111ith, of thl'

COlillllllnity C"lItl'1', B I ' ~ ' 1 1)la\\'1'. alld hI'wonld. ther('/'ol'<', : ,s k I ha t ~ [ i , , > ,:4ll1ithprl'sent Ihl' plall to tho",' P I ' I ' ~ " I l t .

Mis" ,Slllilh 1I1l'1l l'''jHll'tl'tI Ihal as

lIlan), prohlrll1" had 1'011'" to hl'l' not iel'of late whid) \\'1'1'" t o h I' ! ll 'o ll ;! ht hI"fore a COlllmit tl '" of all t he o r ga n iz a·tious 011 thl ' ~ [ a i l lLill('- "h<, fplt itwould hI' advi"a_hl t, to flll'Il1 a COlllllllln·ity COl1n{·il, Iwfol'l' \\'hil'h a l l t h l '' ' ' ' pl'ohlenui of g-eJIPral i l l t t l) ' t ' l"it l I l i ~ h tlw pl'l.lsl'nted. T h i ~\\'ollld a, 'oi l l Illally 1IIl'<'lings, aid J l l I h l i l ' i t ~ ·of any pl'ohl"lIls ofimportancc, an d wOllll" pn'\ ' l 'nl dllpli·


Miss Smith saiel thNI' \\'I'I'C s{'\'l'ralp ro hl em s n o" , ! lI 'f or e the eomlllllnity,

namely:1. Amerieunization.

2, A Soldiers ' :Mcmorilll.:1. An Employment Bureull.

4. Pub li c L ib ra ri e s .5. A Contagious Hospita! .

6. A General HNIIth 'Campaig'll.7. Housing.

8. Us e of Schoo l Bu ild ings .

!l. A Communi ty Ki t chen .10. A d h , i t i ( ' ~of' H"tul'II( 'd Sollliel 's,

A sl lla ll cOl ll ll li tt{, l' . ( 'on t in ll{' tI ) [ i "

Smith, had he{ 'n appoin l{ 'I ! ' to draw upa tentati\'(, sl't of hy-Ia\\'s to h{' hl'ollg-htbefore this p:lI'til'lIlul' I l I l' d ing fo r 1'01"

recti on an d TIl tifica tion.

'l'his COlllmitt,H' ha d pl'oposc,1 all'<) tha tn culendal' o f m e et i ng s eOllld b e m ud eto prevent guthering's a m i e n te r tu i n

ments f r om o c cu r ri n g at thc slime t ime.

It h a d s u gg e st e d, f u rt h er , sOllle kindof skoleton plan loy which a committeecould work.

Th e g'cneral q uc st io n o f w he th er aCommunity Council w as a dv is ab le w as

then up f'or discussion.

A motion by Mr . H a r ts h o rn e , d u lyseconded, WllS carried tha t a ComJllunity

Council wns desirnble."

Mr. Bruden, of t he L ow e r M er io n Y.l\f. C. A., s ta te d t ha t t he n ct io n a nd

A 1I11'l'tillj.( wa s hl']d to ol'g-allizl' for

a COllllllllllity '( 'oulI"il Oil ~ l a l ' . . J l~ ; ; t h ,

to ,,,hiI'llfOl ' t y · f j \ · ( ' I J r ~ ' a l l i z : t t i ( ) l I : - ;

oft h j _ ~

~ [ a i l ll.ill" 1\" '1 '( ' ill,'ill'l!.

Of Ih{',,· 1,,"l'lIty 1\1'1'1' 1'I'pl'<''''lItl'd 'IS1'0111)\\,,:

1. )[". ~ l l I l l ' h ,F,',lt-ratioll 01' l'hul'"h{'".'J )(1', GailI '. BI'Yu ~ ( a l l ' J 'Fil'l' COIopauy.:L )( r. Bl'ad"lI, Y, ~ 1 . (., A .. Lowpr

M"l'iou,-I. )(1', Bowdl'u. Y, ~ 1 .C. A ., "all l l ' l ' lh.;j. )I'i'. l'l,tl'l'soll. Yard alld (ial'l!<oll. ~ 1 .

L, C. A.n, ~ I I ' ' ' .~ I I ' L ' a l l .\ \ 'oloau ~ u n ' r a g - I "Low-

1'1' . \ ["r iou.i. ~ l i " "Hamilton, EIII]>loyu\('ut BUI'pall,R. :\li:o>':-o J ~ d \ \ · a l ' ( l ~ .I 'atr iot i( ' LC:lg-t1p.n. ~ I I ' . " ' i b m . '('hl'i"tiau FOI'III11,

10, )Ii"s Kiug"hul','·' HI',"II ~ ! a \ \ " l ' ,('01-