Our society

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Our society

Chanel Lantz

Shelby Sapcutt

Damon Gray

Dakota Blanchard

Taryn Mazur

Karnie Gilliam

Adriayna Stidham

Colten Neighbors

Christopher Jordan

Hannah Henry

Nikki Stege

Christopher Albrecht

Katie Travis

Kamber Broadhead

Type of Government

Elected Conservative and Liberal into office


Veto (Legislative could override with a 2/3 vote)

Control armed forces

Protect individual freedoms

Uphold any declarations of war given by the legislative branch

Both one conservative and one liberal are elected to represent a region.

Responsibilities/Powers: Create laws Control money, taxes Regulate/investigate

the governmental system

Declare war Impeach the President

or judges in the Supreme Court.

Both “Presidents” appoint 3 judges into office, collectively known as the Supreme Court.

Responsibilities/Powers: Determine whether or

not a law violates individual freedoms

Interpret laws These judges would

serve until retired, and could only be removed from office by the legislative branch.

Liberal JudicialExecutive

Every citizen gives one fourth of their paycheck to the government for taxes.. No exemptions.

Rewards will be given to citizens for no criminal behavior.

Sales tax of 8 cents per every dollar.

Every able bodied person must serve 2 years in the military. This will provide the knowledge necessary for each person to be able to defend against invasion

Citizens may enlist once they turn 18, but must enlist before they are 25.

An alien must file for a visa to enter the country. This will permit them to stay in the country for 3 months until they have to reapply.

After receiving a visa, the individual can apply to become a citizen and take a government test, at their own expense.

If a person doesn’t reapply for a visa (or never did in the first place) and hasn’t taken steps towards becoming a citizen, they will get deported.

Military ImmigrationTaxes

Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement Capital Punishment

After completing their 2 years of military service, those who are interested may choose to complete a 2 year “police academy” program and may become law officials.

The death penalty will replace life sentences in the jails to free space and save money. However, highly preventative actions will be taken to prevent innocent people from this fate. (i.e., case reviews by multiple officials, etc.)

Prison System All incoming prisoners charged with a felony must be thoroughly

evaluated by an on-site psychologist and must meet with a therapist biweekly until the therapist approves a case appeal.

If friction occurs between a therapist and a prisoner, certain arrangements would be made.

All incoming prisoners serving time for a misdemeanor may undergo the same treatment, depending on severity crime and criminal history. Otherwise, extensive community service and monthly appointments with a therapist (at offender’s expense) will both be a mandatory part of the punishment.

Probation for criminal offenses will also include community service and monthly counseling sessions (at offender’s expense) until rehabilitation is verified by the offender’s therapist.

Criminal Justice (continued)

Individual Rights Equalities

Sexuality Race All marriages will be legalized through

the court system. Any personal religious ceremonies are of no concern to the government. Therefore, same-sex marriage will be legal.

Adoption will be legal for any qualifying member of society; despite sexuality, religion, or race.

Sexuality discrimination will be a crime. Public places will be open to all. No application may be denied

because of sexuality. (i.e. housing applications, job, school, loans, etc.)

Racial discrimination will be a crime.

Public places will be open to all.

No application may be denied because of race.

Individual Rights Equalities (ontinued)

Religion Gender

The people will be free to practice any religion they choose, as long as it does not interfere with others’ freedoms. (i.e., no sacrifices)

Religious persecution will be a crime.

Gender discrimination will be a crime.

Public places will be open to all.

No application may be denied because of gender.

Individual Rights Freedoms

ALL measures will be taken to prevent abortion.

For example, an informational session where other options are discussed, but fear is not the prevalent factor in dissuading the women.

However, it will be legal for those over the age of 18 to get a MEDICAL ABORTION. Surgical abortions will not be legal.


Individual Rights Freedoms (continued)


Drugs and alcohol will be legalized for people over 18 who pass a government course. Once a citizen turns 18, they can take a free course from the government on the effects of each drug. They must pass the test given at completion of the course, and pay for a permit (with a photo) that allows them to purchase drugs/alcohol.

Providing drugs/alcohol to someone who has not successfully completed the course will be a crime. Repeated offenses will result in a revoked drug/alcohol license. Undergoing probation as well as an extensive rehabilitation/re-education program (at their expense) would reinstate the permit.

Driving under the influence will be illegal. Repeated offenses will result in suspension of license and special tags to be placed on any and all vehicles under the offender’s name. These tags would allow law enforcement to pull over and test the driver for inebriation at any given time, whether the driver is showing signs of intoxication or not. Successfully completing all probation and rehabilitation programs, and a full five years of sobriety would result in the removal of the plate. Driving under the influence at any point after receiving plates will result in automatic imprisonment.

Individual Rights Freedoms (continued)

Gun Control

Owning any type of gun will be legal for people over 18 who pass a government test. Once you turn 18, you can take a free course from the government on gun control. You must pass the test given at completion of the course, and pay for a photo permit that allows you to purchase them. An expiration date (3 years) will be on the permit. (During the class, a vision/psychiatric examination will be done) If you fail the test, you may take it again at your own expense.

After completing the course to own a gun, you will need to pass a separate course for conceal and carry. Both of these courses/tests will be provided at the same place, and consecutively for those who choose to take this course. The first test is free, but you still have to pay for one photo permit that allows you to own AND conceal and carry. An expiration date (3 years) will be on the permit. You must provide documentation that you have satisfactory sight/mental state to renew your permit.

There will be a 30-day waiting period to purchase firearms. During this time the criminal and mental history of the applicant will be looked over.

Education/LaborEducation Labor

It will be required for students to successfully complete grades K-8, mastering all skills up to that level. After completing grade 8, students may either be admitted into high school, or into a vocational school that focuses on fully preparing the student for the workplace.

Sufficient government aid will be instated to provide adequate learning environments.

At the University level, only major work will be required, and elective classes will be offered for the student to take.

Each separate occupation will have the same starting salary and have set pay raises and incentives. This would reduce the controversy over pay inequality.

Welfare Programs• A eligible family would be one where the sole source of income has a

disability that interferes with maintaining a job, the combined household income is below poverty level, the income is not sufficient to support all in the household, etc.

• Those who receive welfare must complete a minimum of 8 hours of community service a month.

• The regulation and investigation to be eligible for welfare will be constant and extensive. Fraud will be a federal offense.

• Healthcare will be provided for those who qualify, but will not be mandatory for all.