Our Reason for Riding

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Our Reason for Riding

Our Reason for Riding

Team Pulmonary Peddlers

We first learned about

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) from my coworker,


Landmark Design 2011

Hugh’s son, Ben, was diagnosed with CF when he was 3

months old. At that time, Ben’s parents were told the life

expectancy for someone with CF was 27 years.


CF is a genetic condition that primarily impacts

lung and pancreatic function.

I’m sure you can imagine what it would feel like with a whole lot of mucus in your lungs.

Ben and others with CF have cells that don’t function

correctly, making them unable to break down the mucus

in their lungs and to digest food properly.

Ben depends on daily medications to help break up

the mucus and assist with digestion. He also does

morning and evening breathing treatments.

Yep, breathing treatments every day. Even when camping.

But even with the medicine & treatments, it’s a given

that Ben will require hospital “clean outs” lasting two weeks, as often as once a year.

Clean Outs = Rigorous physical therapy and antibiotic treatments to break up the mucus and get rid of the bad bugs that get stuck in Ben’s lungs.

He loves to play soccer and the French horn.

Ben is now 19 years old. He completed his first

year of college and is now serving an LDS mission.

Since Ben was diagnosed with CF, research

advancements have increased the life expectancy of

someone with CF to 37 years.

Advancements in treatments—and toward a cure—are being made each day due to research.

Contributions made as part of the Cycle for Life ride

will go toward the ongoing research and efforts to

make life for those with CF better (and longer).

Donate today by going here:


All donations can be made online or in person through the day of the Cycle for Life ride: Saturday, September 13, 2014.

That’s where you come in...

The end.

To learn more about CF, check out this video: http://youtu.be/EsCfijn-z1E

Or visit: www.cff.org