Our PSHE Class Rules and Expectations · 2020. 6. 15. · Girls’ breasts will start to get...

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Transcript of Our PSHE Class Rules and Expectations · 2020. 6. 15. · Girls’ breasts will start to get...

Our PSHE Class Rules and Expectations

Let's Review our class PSHE rules and expectations discussed in the previous lesson!

You have scrap paper on your tables to write down questions as our discussion is happening.

The next two lessons in separate groups so you can feel completely comfortable asking any questions you have.

EO: To know how the human body changes over time.

F: Physical changes

Science link to NCSc2 2f: Humans and other animals - growth and reproduction about the main stages of the human life cycle

How do our bodies change physically?

Remember..Some changes are physical and some are emotional. Some of

these we can control and some we can’t.

Today we are going to focus on physical changes and while

some changes we have in common (getting spots, sweating)

many of these changes are different for girls and boys.

These changes do not happen at the same age for all

children – some begin to go through puberty when they are

as young as 8 or 9, others don’t begin until they are 12, 13

or even 14.

So do not worry if your body doesn’t change as early as

some of your friends – the changes will happen when your

body is ready.

Puberty – A Closer Look

Everyone goes through puberty. Every adult has already experienced it and every

young person will get there soon, and yet…

…we still get embarrassedand don’t like talking about it!

We’re in a safe place with adults we trust so we’re going to look at a few aspects of

puberty in a little more detail.

Puberty for Boys

Gain hair on arms and legs

Grow hair on chestGrow hair under


Grow pubic hair

Grow facial hair

Sweat glands produce more sweat

Skin becomes oilierLarynx (voice box)

grows – ‘Adam’s apple’

Scrotum, testes and penis develop

Become more muscular

All parts of the body grow

Grow taller

Puberty for Girls

Gain hair on arms and legs

Grow breasts

Grow hair under armpits

Grow pubic hair

Sweat glands produce more sweat

Skin becomes oilier

Larynx (voice box) grows

Start to menstruate

All parts of the body grow

Grow taller

Puberty for Girls

Puberty for girls starts between 8 and 14. It happens at different times for different girls but their body will

begin to change when it is ready.

Emotion - Hormones

The hormones in girls’ bodies that cause changes to occur during puberty may also affect their mood. Girls may have highs and lows and feel a bit more emotional especially near the time of their period.

Sweat glands become bigger and more active, causing girls to sweat more.

Personal hygiene (washing) is important and they may want to start using deodorant/antiperspirant when this happens.

HairHair will begin to grow under girls arms and pubic region. The texture of

the hair on thier head may also change a little due to hormones.

Sweat Glands

Girls’ breasts will start to get bigger, hips will start to get wider and may find that some girls are growing taller than the boys. This is because boys’ puberty begins a little later than girls

but most of them will catch up.


MenstruationOtherwise known as ‘periods’, this monthly bleeding will start at some

time during puberty and is part of the female body’s monthly cycle. The average is to have a period every 28 days which lasts 3-4 days, but they

can be anywhere between 24 and 35 days apart and last 1-7 days.

What Are Periods?

• Periods (menstruation) happen due to the hormones changing in the female body.

• Even before birth, a girl has 1-2 million tiny eggs (ovum) in her ovaries.

• When puberty is reached, an egg is released each month from her ovaries.

• The egg moves from the ovary and along the fallopian tube and down into the uterus (womb).

• The lining of the uterus and the egg leave the body through the vagina; this is called a ‘period’.

The Female Reproductive SystemFallopian Tube



Why Do Periods Start?

Periods are caused by hormone levels changing within the female body.

It is nature’s way of preparing the female body for having a baby when

they are older.

Periods are a normal part of the female reproductive cycle and there are products used, such as sanitary towels.

Puberty for Boys

There are lots of signs that a boy is growing up.Most boys begin puberty somewhere between the ages of 9

and 14 – but it’s different for everyone.

Larynx - Voice

Boys’ voices will gradually deepen but until this settles down they could sound croaky and produce some interesting

sounds! This is their voice breaking.

Like girls, hormones can make boys more sweaty and spotty – good personal hygiene (washing and deodorising) is all


HairArmpits, legs, arms, face, chest and the

pubic region all become more hairy.


HeightA boy’s body keeps growing until it’s reach a height that it

will stay at. They may become more muscular too.

Penis, Scrotum and Testicles

The penis and testicles grow.The extra hormones may also cause mood swings while these

changes are taking place.

Wet DreamsBoys’ bodies also start producing sperm which may be ejaculated

(released from the penis) during sleep.

Video Clip

Watch the clip Sticky Situation (Duration




Pause the clip at the question points and

allow children some times to discuss their


Remember…puberty is not a secret!

Every adult or older teenager has already experienced it, so if there’s anything you

feel worried about, they will probably understand.

Questions? Questions?


Make a list of key physical changes that

take place during puberty.

Now choose the two they think a younger

brother might worry about the most and

produce a ‘Puberty for Boys’ advice poster, focused on these changes.