Our Lady of Perpetual Help Churcholphdowney.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/May-13-2018.pdf“The...

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Transcript of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Churcholphdowney.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/May-13-2018.pdf“The...


The Lord has set his throne in heaven.

Psalm 103

El Señor puso en el cielo su trono.

Salmo 102

CLERGY Pastor: Monsignor Lorenzo Miranda

Associate Pastor: Rev. Ambrose Udoji

Sunday Supply: Bishop Joe Sartoris - Retired

Permanent Deacons: Carlos Origel Richard Medina

STAFF Parish Business Manager: Betty Origel ext. 205 borigel@olphdowney.com

Secretary: Patricia Inzunza ext. 201 pinzunza@olphdowney.com

Bulletin Editor: Erika Sanchez ext. 221 esanchez@olphdowney.com

Liturgy Coordinator: Theresa Nicholas ext. 211 olph.reled@yahoo.com

Director of Music: Amy Brent - ext. 211 Seminarian Intern: Brian Lazaro - blazaro@StJohnSem.edu

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Monday - Thursday (12 noon - 8:30pm)

(562) 862-7268 olph.reled@yahoo.com

OLPH SCHOOL 10441 Downey Ave., Downey


10727 So. Downey Ave., Downey, CA. 90241 ■ ■ Phone: (562) 923-3246 ■ Fax: (562) 862-7020

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church PARISH OFFICE HOURS

Monday – Friday: 8:30am - 7:00pm

Saturday: 8:30am - 7:00pm

Sunday: 8:30am - 7:00pm

Closed (Monday - Friday) 1pm - 2pm



Saturday: English 5:00pm (Vigil)

Sunday: English 6:30am, 8:00am

9:30am, 11:30am, 5:00pm

Español 1:30pm, 7:00pm


Morning Prayer: 7:55am (Monday - Friday)

Morning Mass: Monday - Saturday: 8:15am

Misa en Español: Lunes - Viernes 7pm


1st Friday of the month

8:15am - 12 midnight

Monday - Friday

6pm - 7pm


1st Friday of the month

7pm - 12 midnight

Mondays and Fridays of the month

6pm - 7pm

Saturday 3:45pm - 4:45pm


Please call the parish office.



Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, God’s generosity towards each one of us is so great, it seems that blessings from Him come to us at every instant of our lives. What a blessing to be called to life, to be alive! What a blessing to be able to have a relationship with God! What a blessing to have the Holy Spirit within us!

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you …” Acts

The Holy Spirit keeps us together, helps us overcome all divisions, all the attacks from the evil one. We prevail over all sin.

“Bear with one another through love … striving to preserve the unity of the Spirit …” Ephesians

The Holy Spirit inspires us to reach out to all persons in the world through prayer and action. We are a “mission” people.

“Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to everyone…” Mark

Lord, bless all mothers living and deceased! Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us!

Monsignor Lorenzo Miranda

MAY 13, 2018 PAGE 3

Please join us for Havana Nights! Our annual wine tasting event will be Saturday, May 19. Tickets will be on sale at the school.

Our school is currently accepting application for the 2018-2019 school year. If you have a child enter-ing Kindergarten or Transitional Kindergarten, please stop by for Take a Look Wednesdays from 10am -11am. We offer tours of the classroom and are available to answer questions. Please call the of-fice for more information.

Please follow us on social media: Facebook page: OLPHSchoolDowney Instagram: @Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tk8 Twitter: OLPH School Downey

Blessings! Our Lady School (562) 869-9969 tvoeltz@olphsdowney.org

OUR LADY SCHOOL NEWS My brothers and sisters,

In the celebra on of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, we are filled with joy because we see our future realized in Jesus. We strive to reach the glory of the Father, we want to go to heaven, we work and sow many mes between tears and sobs, but we will gladly gather the fruit of our effort. To all the mothers of the world especially those of our community who are alive and those who are already with God in heaven, a loving gree ng and many congratula ons on this day when we remem-ber them with love and gra tude. Blessings, Deacon Carlos

Deacon’s Corner

For those suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers Dn. Leo Pinal Gilbert Salas Regina Armenta Jose Hernandez Alveda Gonzales Laura Castro Abelardo Mendoza Teresa Peppard Porfirio Landa Ralph Ellisson Adolph Negrete Manuel Gaytan Marta Noguera Kerri Grothe Balayan Estela Aldana Ruth Prado JoAnnna Fernandez Mateo Valdez Lopez

For those who have gone before Mario Perez Mario Jimenez Javier Gomez Melvin Benne Ernes ne Landa Refugio G. Dueñas Elvira Gonzalez Adrian Chavez Parker Jenkins Lourdes Alonso


Lord, Hear our prayers. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families. We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


Evangelization: The Mission of the Laity

That the lay faithful may fulfill their specific mission, by responding with creativity to the challenges that face the world today.



Chris ans know that our most important task is to share God’s love with others. Finding ways to communi-cate love in a fallen world can be tricky, however. Try these strategies:

“And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kindly to everyone, an apt teacher, forbearing,” (2 Tim-othy 2:24). Does someone have a need you can meet? Can others benefit from your knowledge or talents? Show love by cheerfully helping those around you.

“The ill‐tempered s r up strife, but the pa ent se le disputes” (Proverbs 15:18). It’s hard to show love for others if we are figh ng with them. When tempted to get involved in a spat, ask if winning will strengthen a rela onship, lead to a be er outcome, and if the issue is meaningful or important. If not, try to compromise or walk away.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul; and do not forget all his gi s” (Psalm 103:2). When we are constantly aware of God’s love, our natural response is to offer up our voices to praise him.

© Copyright 2018 Success Publishing & Media, LLC



The Archdiocese continues helping survivors of sexual abuse and their families

During Na onal Child Abuse Preven on Month,

the Archdiocese wants to reiterate that it remains

commi ed to helping survivors and their families

heal and find peace.

If you, or someone you know, is a vic m of sexual

abuse by a Church employee or volunteer, please

contact the Archdiocesan Vic ms Assistance Coordi-

nator at (213) 637-7650 or www.archla.org/vam for

help and support.

For more informa on, call our Parish Contact

Theresa Nicholas at 562) 862-7268.


RELIGIOUS ED NEWS If you have any ques ons or would like more

informa on, please call the Religious Educa on Office at (562) 862-7268. 


Please pray for our men and women serving our country. To include a family member’s name please email bulletinolph@gmail.com. Please include fami-ly member name and where they are stationed.

Kevin Amador‐ USS Carney DDG64, Spain Jesse Chavez‐ Camp Pendleton, Oceanside Jorge Paz‐ Naval base, San Diego Michael Alexander Vega‐ US Army, Germany Daniel Villanueva‐ US Army, Ft Drum, New York Bre Baldwin‐ Air Force, Colorado Shane Hale‐ US Navy, Norfolk, Virginia Andrew Goodman‐ US Marine Corp, Okinawa Japan Jadin Sanchez‐ Lackland Air Force Base, Texas Kadin Sanchez‐ Lackland Air Force Base, Texas Col. Tomas Dorame‐ US Army, Washington D.C. Jorge Luiz Olmos‐ US Army, North Carolina Timothy Arthur Untalan ‐ US Marine, Twenty‐Nine Palms Jennaline Reyer ‐ US Army, Irwin Base, California Javier Ovando ‐ US Marine Corp, Japan Jose Alfredo Jimenez ‐ US Army, Oklahoma Fernando Jantes ‐ US Marine Corp, San Diego, CA C.J. Herrera ‐ US Army, N. Carolina, Qataar Elizabeth Morales ‐ US Navy, Virginia Beach Rodrigo Miranda, US Navy, Vanderberg Jesus Aven Nieves ‐ US Navy, North Carolina Frederick McDonald ‐ US Navy, Coronado Jake Spieckerman ‐ US Marine, San Diego, CA Joseph Sco ‐ US Marine, Camp Pendleton Lisa Sco ‐ US Army Na onal Guard, Los Alamitos Javier Garcia ‐ US Marines, San Diego, Ca

Brian Eric Brooks ‐ US Army, Santa Monica, CA Adrian Ariesteo Sandoval ‐ US Air Force, Mississippi Joseph Perez ‐ US Marines, San Diego Jason Mar n ‐ US Army, N. Carolina (Syria) Heydt Quinn ‐ US Army, Oahu Hawaii Mikel Sambrano ‐ US Navy, Coronado Island Jus n Aragon ‐ US Army, JBLM Tacoma, WA Jasper Aragon ‐ US Army, Fort Bliss, El Paso, TX Allen Florence ‐ US Navy Reserve, Coronado Isle James Granger ‐ US Army, Mare Island, San Diego Eulalio Unzueta ‐ US Army, Camp Zama, Japan Javier Angulo ‐ US Air Force, Barksdale, Louisiana Craig M. Steele ‐ US Navy, Biloxi, Mississippi Vince Mendez ‐ US Air Force, Beals, CA Robert C. Cadena US Navy, San Diego, CA LCPL Alfonso C. Rodriguez ‐ USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA CPL Joey Starr ‐ USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA LCPL Isaiah San Nicholas ‐ USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA LCPL Gilbert Sosa ‐ USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA PFC Josh Sanchez ‐ USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA CPL Logan Su e ‐ USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA LCPL Jose Rodriguez ‐ USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA CPL Trevor Thiel ‐ USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA LCPL Jacob McCarty ‐ USMC Camp Pendelton, Oceanside, CA Andrew Moreno ‐ US Army, Fort Jackson, SC Joseph Curbelo ‐ US Army Na onal Guard, Ft. Gordon, GA


Are you interested in the Catholic Faith? Are you new to the Catholic faith or missing some of your Sacraments? Do you want to

explore the calling that led you here?

Sessions are EVERY SUNDAY beginning AUGUST 26. If you are interested, please call the Religious Education Office at (562) 862-7268.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


June 21, 25, 26, 28 3:00pm - 8:00pm

Religious Education Office, OLPH School Campus, Room F

FEES AND REQUIREMENTS Year 1: $80 and Child’s Baptismal Certificate If the child needs to be baptized, please bring his/her birth certificate. Check or cash (please bring exact change) accepted.  

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Collection for Weekend of May 6, 2018

Sunday Easter Collection $17,176 Electronic Collection $3,391 Cardinal McIntyre $7,356 (2 weeks = $7,417) School Support $663 Capital Improvements $3,000 Envelopes and Direct Deposit 515

STEWARDSHIP Thank you to all the parishioners who support our parish

and various ministries. God bless you.

MAY 13, 2018 PAGE 5

DIFFERENT, YET CLOSE  The feast of the Ascension is an opportunity to consid-er what we think of heaven, and also of earth. Both are God’s crea on. What comes to mind when you think of heaven? Heaven has been depicted, by Chris ans and others, in many ways. These depic ons are some mes far from what the scriptures describe. In the Bible, heav-en is less a place one goes a er death, and more God’s space that interacts with physical crea on, which is de-scribed as “earth.” Heaven is quite different from earth, yet also close to earth. The Ascension teaches us that heaven interlocks with earth most completely in Jesus, who is both divine and human. When he ascended, Jesus began his reign over both heaven and earth. We also hear the promise of Je-sus’ return, when his reign will be made complete. Heav-en and earth will be fully renewed, transformed, and joined together in a new way. WAITING ON THE SPIRIT  Having received Jesus’ final instruc ons, and having watched him taken to heaven, his disciples were also told to wait. Jesus had promised that they would soon be bap zed by the Holy Spirit (at Pentecost), but now they must wait and prepare themselves. Together with the ul mate wait for the return of Jesus, they also needed to learn to wait in small ways. They waited for the Spirit to empower and to guide them. Wai ng is o en difficult for us, the Church. We tend to move quickly, to want to take ac on. Some mes we conclude that we have good ideas and plans that will make a posi ve difference, and so must now act. But our good ideas are not necessarily God’s ideas for us at this par cular me. O en, we need to slow down, perhaps place our plans before God, and wait on the Spirit. At these mes, we are learn-ing that this is primarily God’s work, not ours. We always must receive from God, and be sustained by God, in order to share God with others. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.,


DIFERENTE, PERO NO TANTO  La celebración de la Ascensión es una oportunidad para considerar qué es lo que pensamos del cielo, y tam-bién lo que pensamos acerca de la Tierra. Ambos son la creación de Dios. ¿Qué es lo que te pasa por la mente cuando piensas en el cielo? El cielo ha sido representado tanto por cris anos y por otras personas. Estas represen-taciones están tan lejos de lo que las Escrituras nos des-criben. En la Biblia, es todo menos un lugar a donde uno va después de la muerte, sino más el espacio donde Dios interactúa con la creación sica, la cual es descrita como la “Tierra”. El cielo es muy diferente de la Tierra, sin em-bargo, muy cercano a la Tierra. La Ascensión nos enseña que el cielo se entrelaza con la Tierra más completamente en Jesús, quien es tanto divino como humano. Cuando él asciende, Jesús empieza su reinado en el cielo y en la Tierra. También escucha-mos la promesa del regreso de Jesús, cuando su reinado se llevará a cabo. El cielo y la Tierra serán totalmente renovados, transformados y unidos en una nueva mane-ra.

ESPERANDO EN EL ESPÍRITU   Después de haber recibido las instrucciones finales de Jesús, y haberlo visto elevarse al cielo, a sus discípulos también se les dijo que esperaran. Jesús había prome -do que pronto serían bau zados por el Espíritu Santo (en Pentecostés), ahora ellos mismos deben esperar y prepa-rarse. Juntos con la úl ma espera para el regreso de Je-sús, ellos también necesitan aprender a esperar en las pequeñas cosas. Ellos esperaron el Espíritu para que les diera poder y los guiara. A menudo esperar es di cil para nosotros, la Iglesia. Tendemos a movernos rápido, a querer tomar decisiones y llevarlas a cabo. Algunas veces llegamos a la conclusión que tenemos buenas ideas y planes que harán una dife-rencia posi va, por lo que es momento de llevarla a ca-bo. Pero nuestras buenas ideas no son necesariamente las ideas de Dios para nosotros en ese momento especifi-co. A menudo, necesitamos reducir nuestra velocidad, quizá poner nuestros planes ante Dios y esperar el Espíri-tu. En esos momentos, estamos aprendiendo que esto es el trabajo de Dios, no nuestro. Nosotros siempre debe-mos recibir de Dios, y ser sostenidos por Dios, para po-der compar r a Dios con otras personas. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc



Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,

La generosidad de Dios hacia nosotros es grande, parece que las bendiciones de El nos vienen a cada instante de nuestras vidas. ¡Que bendición es ser llamados a la vida, estar vivos! ¡Que ben-dición es poder tener una relación con Dios! Que bendición tener al Espíritu Santo dentro noso-tros!

“Recibirán poder cuando el Espíritu Santo descienda sobre ustedes …” Hechos

El Espíritu Santo nos mantiene unidos, nos ayuda a vencer toda división, todos los ataques del maligno. Prevalecemos sobre todo pecado.

“Sean comprensivos y sopórtense mutuamente con amor … esfuércense en mantenerse unidos en el Espíritu …” Efesios

El Espíritu Santo nos inspira a llegar a toda persona en el mundo por medio de la oración y la acción. Somos gente en “misión.”

“Vayan por todo el mundo y prediquen el Evangelio a todos …” Marcos

¡Señor, bendice a todas las mamás, vivas y difuntas! ¡Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, ruega por nosotros!

Monseñor Lorenzo Miranda


13 DE MAYO, 2018 PÁGINA 7

La Arquidiócesis sigue ayudando a sobrevivientes de abuso sexual y

sus familias

Durante el mes de la Prevención Nacional del Abuso de Niños, la Arquidiócesis quiere reiterar que sigue comprome da a ayudar a los sobrevivientes y a sus familias a sanar y encontrar la paz. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce, es una víc ma de abuso sexual por un empleado de la Iglesia o un volunta-rio, comuníquese para ayuda y apoyo con la Coordi-nadora de Asistencia a las Víc mas, de la Arquidió-cesis, al (213) 637-7650 o www.archla.org/vam.


Mis hermanos y mis hermanas,

En la celebración de esta fiesta de la Ascensión del Señor nosotros también nos llenamos de gozo por que vemos realizado en Jesús nuestro futuro. También noso-tros nos esforzamos para poder llegar a la gloria del Pa-dre, también queremos ir al cielo, nosotros trabajamos y sembramos muchas veces entre lágrimas y sollozos, pero recogeremos alegres el fruto de nuestro esfuerzo. A todas las madres del mundo especialmente a las de nuestra comunidad vivas y las que ya están con Dios en el cielo un saludo cariñoso y muchas felicidades en este día en que las recordamos con amor y agradecimiento.

Bendiciones, Diácono Carlos

Por favor únase con nosotros para las noches de la Habana! Nuestro evento de cata anual será el sábado 19 de mayo. Los boletos están a la venta el la escuela.

Nuestra escuela está aceptando aplicaciones para el año 2018-2019. Si tiene un niño/a para entrar en jardín infantil o transicional Kindergarten, por favor pase por la escuela para visitar, los miércoles de 10:00-11:00. Ofrecemos visitas a las clases y esta-mos disponibles para responder a sus preguntas. Por favor llame a la oficina para más información.

Por favor síguenos en las redes sociales: · Facebook: OLPHSchoolDowney · Instagram: @Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tk8 · Twitter: OLPH School Downey

¡Bendiciones! Our Lady School (562) 869-9969 tvoeltz@olphsdowney.org


Mensaje del Diácono

El Encuentro Matrimonial

estará el día 20 de Mayo

en las misas de 1:30 pm y 7:00 pm

dando información a nuevas parejas

qué quieran vivir el fin de semana

del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial.


Los eventos no son prorrogados automaticamente.

Es tiempo para reservar los salones y fechas para sus eventos y reuniones para el año 2018-2019. Las hojas de reservación están disponi-

bles en la Rectoría. Las formas deben ser en-tregadas a la Rectoría. ¿Preguntas? Llame a Patty Inzunza al 562) 923-3246.



Pastor: Monsignor Lorenzo Miranda Associate Pastor: Rev. Ambrose Udoji Regular Sunday Supply: Bishop Joe Sartoris - Retired Permanent Deacons: Carlos Origel Richard Medina

Parish Business Manager: Betty Origel - ext. 205 borigel@olphdowney.com

Secretary: Patricia Inzunza ext.201 pinzunza@olphdowney.com

Bulletin Editor: Erika Sanchez - ext. 221 esanchez@olphdowney.com Liturgy Coordinator: Theresa Nicholas ext. 211 olph.reled@yahoo.com Director of Music: Amy Brent - ext. 211 Pastoral Council: Chair: John Saavedra ~ Co-Chair:Vicki Carnavale Finance Council: Chair: Ray Brown ~ Vice-Chair: Debbie Hale Regional Vocations Director: Rev. Angel Castro - St. Helen’s (562) 563-3522

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday (12pm - 8:30pm)

(562) 862-7268 ~ olph.reled@yahoo.com

Director: Theresa Nicholas Secretary: Mary Rogers Confirmation Coordinator: Daniel Rodriguez Communion Coordinator: Maria Estevez RCIA/RCIT Coordinator: Ruby Gaytan rgytn@hotmail.com

OLPH SCHOOL 10441 Downey Ave., Downey ~ 562-869-9969

PARISH MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Women’s Guild: 3rd Wednesday of month at 10 am School Hall Paula Mayfield (562) 923-3518 Melodie Santana (562) 544-8188

Little Rock Bible Study Richard Ching (562) 382-3360 Paul Lamotte (562) 869-1234

Couples for Christ Albert Mendoza (951) 264-1822 Ma Cecile Mendoza (562) 858-2326

Knights of Columbus John Kirschner (562) 923-1932


RESPONSABLES: Diácono Carlos Origel

CORO: 1:30 pm y 7 pm Efrain Andrade (562) 305-1927 ENSAYOS DE LOS COROS jueves 7 pm

GRUPO DE ORACIÓN lunes 7 pm Humberto Ascani (562) 413-0912

ROSARIO martes 6 pm Aaron Lugo (562) 806-9823

MINISTERIO DE DUELOS Lourdes Ceja (562) 450-8125

SACRAMENTS & MORE Baptism: Pre-baptismal Preparation Classes required for parents and godparents prior to scheduling Baptism. It is highly recommended parents and godparents attend clas-ses BEFORE the child is born. Marriage: Call the parish office at least six (6) months (strongly recommend one (1) year) in advance to make arrangements. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. To schedule a visit by a priest, we highly recommend that you call early in the illness. Quinceañeras: Call the parish office at least six (6) months in advance to make ar-rangements. The young lady must have received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Eucharist. It is highly recommended that the young lady be enrolled in Confirmation.




Sunday Scriptures Study Gino Bosdachin (562) 688-3836

Respect Life Committee Linda Malme (562) 869-6491

Los Padrinos Detention Ministry Sr. Teresa Doherty (562) 940-8711

Our Lady of Fatima 1st Saturday Devotion - Nerita Agustion (213) 550-7162

Filipino Community Chito Romero (562) 413-7173

COLABORADORES: Maria Bertieri • Emma Romo • Aaron Lugo Teresa Morales • Raquel Velazquez

APOSTOLADO DE LA CRUZ jueves 7 pm Elsa Salazar (562) 644-2495

ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL miércoles 7 pm Rafael y Rocio Romero (310) 692-5430

CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD Miguel y Teresa Vela (562) 879-9516

DIVORCIADOS Y SEPARADOS Maria Paredes (562) 397-6444

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Every Thursday after the Morning Mass

First Friday of the Month Eucharistic Adoration: 8:30 am - 12:00 midnight Benediction: 12:00 midnight

Saturday,May12 8:15am ProPopulo(parishionersofOLPH) 5:00pm MaryDixon MariaGuadalupeCernas MarinaLoaiza FloritaIrabaganCajayon BenMajercin MichaelLew SophieDavin IreneHallSunday,May13 6:30am 8:00am 9:30am 11:30am 1:30pm 5:00pm 7:00pmMonday,May14 8:15am Mother’sDayNovena 7:00pm ReginoLepeTrinidadTuesday,May15 8:15am Mother’sDayNovena 7:00pm JavierHernandezWednesday,May16 8:15am Mother’sDayNovena 7:00pm AdultCon irmationThursday,May17 8:15am Mother’sDayNovena 7:00pm ProPopulo(parishionersofOLPH)Friday,May18 8:15am Mother’sDayNovena 7:00pm Agustin&RosaGonzalezSaturday,May19 8:15am Mother’sDayNovena 5:00pm AlberthaByrne DaysiDiaz ElisaIsabelAcosta LinoPerenaSunday,May20 6:30am ChesterDorazio GermaineMathieu ShellySutton 8:00am ProPopulo(parishionersofOLPH) 9:30am FrankHernandez RusselDeLeon YolandaArriola LauraCastro RenataBrown DahliaGonzalez MercedesMercado VictoriaWalter Sera inA.Juarez DeborahMartinez 11:30am NonisioRivera 1:30pm JoseJorgeUrtusuastegui FideMartinez JesusDavidSantos KassandraMichellGarcia GloriaGarcia 5:00pm LinoPerena 7:00pm AnimasdelPurgatorio



Mondays before 10am Please email: bulletinolph@gmail.com or bring to Rectory Office. Thank you

Bul let in

For all our ministers who serve in the Homebound Ministry at

OLPH. This meeting will be a time of

fellowship, bonding and sharing.

Master Calendar 2018-2019 No event from last year is automatically carried over to

the new calendar. Please fill out a new form.

Scheduling forms to reserve a facility for events for the 2018-2019 calendar year will be available in the Rectory office Mon-day, April 30.

Scheduling is done on a first-come, first-served basis. Forms may be submit-ted in the Rectory.

Questions? Call Patty Inzunza in the Rectory at 562) 923-3246.

You are invited for refreshments and a tour of their new “home.”

Saturday, May, 19 9:30am - 11:30am

Wells Fargo Bank Building 8345 Firestone Blvd. Suite 300

(Back Entrance)