Our Lady of Lourdes Church and School

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Transcript of Our Lady of Lourdes Church and School

Our Lady of Lourdes

Church and School A Catholic Tradition in the foothills of Los Angeles since 1920

First Reading: Exodus 17: 3–7 Second Reading: Romans 5: 1–2, 5–8 Gospel: John 4: 5–42


Sunday of Lent

March 15, 2020

Pastor Fr. Rolly Astudillo

818-352-3218 x 103 frrolly106@gmail.com

Deacon Dn. Mar Enriquez 818-802-1639


In Residence Fr. Jiwan Kim


Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass

5:00 pm Sunday Mass

7:00 am, 8:30 am (Spanish), 10:30 am, 12:30 pm & 6:00 pm

Daily Mass Monday through Thursday:

7:45 am Friday: 8:30 am (School Mass)

Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday

8:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Saturday and Sunday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

ollenriquezy@gmail.com 818-352-3218

Church Location 7315 Apperson St

Tujunga, CA 91042 Office Location

7344 Apperson St Tujunga, CA 91042

OLL School Office Hours Monday through Thursday

8:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday

8:00 am - 1:30 pm officemanager @olltujunga.org


Adoration First Fridays after 8:30 am Mass

Reconciliation Every Saturday 3:45 pm - 4:50 pm

Rosary After Daily Mass

Baptism and Marriages Please call the Parish Office


The readings for the Third Sunday of Lent revolve around the different kinds of living water and how our thirst for God may be satisfied. "Living water" is the opposite of stagnant water. It is the water that flows from springs and rivers. It is what we hope for spiritually, the right relationship with God and eternal life.

In today's first reading, the people grumble against Moses because of his failure to give them food and drinking water. They murmur against Moses and indirectly against God when they asked, "Why did you ever make us leave Egypt? Was it just to have us die here of thirst?" Eventually, through God's miraculous intervention, Moses supplies them with "living water" when he struck the rock as the Lord had directed him.

In the Gospel, Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the Jacob's well also concerns thirst and living water. From Jesus' request for a drink, the conversation moves in the direction of the living water, spiritual worship and the true food that only Jesus can provide.

The woman identifies Jesus as a Jew, who uses nothing in common with Samaritans. As Jesus converses with the woman, he promises "living water" that will satisfy her thirst forever. Jesus correctly tells the woman about her past. And because of this, the woman identifies him as a prophet. Jesus admits that he is the Messiah, the one called the Christ. The Samaritan woman becomes a channel by which Jesus' message is conveyed to others. She in effect became the first Christian missionary when she tells others about Jesus.

The center of this encounter is

Jesus' affirmation that salvation is from the Jews and that soon true worshippers will worship the Father "in Spirit and truth." Other Samaritans met with Jesus for two days and they declared him as the "Messiah, the Savior of the world."

Early in the story, Jesus promised to give "living water" and later on he speaks about "my food" to his disciples. Christian readers will naturally make connections with the Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist.

In the second reading, St. Paul's helps us to understand better the dynamics of spiritual thirst. He shows how faith, hope and love work together and form the framework of Christian life. Hope begins with God's love for each one of us. St Paul points out that while we were still sinners, the Father gave His only begotten Son to die for us. This is a proof of God's love for us.

Moreover, the Father continues to pour his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and we need to respond to this gift with the love for God and for our brothers and sisters.

The way we participate in the paschal mystery is through faith. Through faith, we have peace with God and with ourselves. Through faith, we have continuous access to God's grace. Our Christian life is spiritually sustained by our hope for eternal life. Our greatest hope is the glory of God, and this hope does not disappoint.

Another way to describe St. Paul's point is to say that our life consists in seeking and finding the "living water" and the "true food" in and through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. ❖

March 15, 2020 Our Lady of Lourdes www.ollchurch.us 2

Cast into the Deep (March 15)

The Ides of March

Nelle Orsburn

Today is the Ides of March. The most common image evoked by this is the assassination of Julius Caesar immortalized by William Shakespeare in a play by the same name. In the play , a fortune teller tells Caesar, “Beware the Ides”. But the Ides of March did not always have a sinister connotation. On the contrary, In the old Roman calendar, the Ides marked the first full moon of the month and the Ides of March was the first full moon of the new year. Thus, associated with it were many festivities to celebrate the new year.

We could say that the Ides of March marks the halfway point of the month. But we are also almost at the halfway point of Lent. By the time we reach the end of this new week, we would have passed the halfway point.

In many things, there are special events and processes that take place at the halfway point. In sports, the halftime break ushers in plenty of entertainment from cheerleaders and, at the Super Bowl, a whole extravaganza. Surely, during this time, too, the coach and players plan and adjust their strategy based on their performance during the first half of play. In the workplace, typically there would be a midyear review aside from the big one at the end of the year. Again, it is a chance to see how the employee has performed against the goals set at the beginning of the year and how he or she can improve through the rest of the year. Corporations, while they make sure they perform their monthly financial analysis, typically will do a mid-year analysis with comparisons to prior year and even to market benchmarks.

Well why not with Lent as well. Lent, as we know, commemorates the 40 days of prayer and fasting in the desert that Jesus embarked on at the beginning of his public life. We are enjoined to imitate Christ and live the 40 days in the spirit of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We may have resolved to give up things that we had gotten attached to like chocolate, or TV or gossiping. We may even have resolved to attend Mass more often than just on Sundays or say the extra Rosary. These are all in an effort to bring about a conversion in our lives and in our hearts. Lent is a 40-day period of repentance and reconciliation – a radical conversion to return to God, to turn away from sin. “At the same time it entails the desire and resolution to change one's life, with hope in God's mercy and trust in the help of his grace.” (CCC 1431) And this is what this time is all about, isn’t it? Lent closes with the Passion and Death of Jesus and His resurrection – the saving action that reconciled us to God; that “brought to the whole world the grace of repentance.” (CCC 1432)

So at the halftime of Lent, where do we stand. Wherever that is, we have the second half to renew our resolve. When we think of prayer, do we listen to Jesus in the Mass readings? Do we spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and let him speak to us? Maybe we can also make an effort to increase the silence in our lives and in our hearts so that God can get a word in edgewise. Then our prayer can be a true conversation.

When we think of fasting, we think of giving up food. While this is good and appropriate, we can also think about fasting from other things that prevent our getting closer to God and neighbor. How about fasting from unkind thoughts or words; from complaining when we are inconvenienced, or we don’t get our way; from being pre-occupied with digital devices that keep us from interacting fully with our neighbor of the present moment.

When we think of almsgiving, we may think of giving money to the poor, to the homeless, to charitable institutions. Not bad at all. Admirable in fact. But maybe we can expand our horizons and think about other needs. Is someone lonely? Maybe we can spend more time being with them, listening to their stories even if we have heard it a hundred times. Is a new mother struggling with caring for her baby? Maybe we can offer to lend a hand, holding the baby and even sharing wisdom from having been there in that situation before. Is someone deprived of the Eucharist because he or she can’t drive anymore. Maybe we can offer to bring them to church with us.

The list is endless!

There are so many things going on in this new week. Tuesday is St. Patrick’s Day and the wearing of the green. Thursday is St. Joseph’s Feast Day and an Italian family may invite you to St. Joseph’s table. The same day is the beginning of spring (astronomically speaking.) As we don our green shirts or accessories, let us remind ourselves to put on Christ. As we feast at St. Joseph’s table let us remember the

faith-filled and faithful St Joseph who woke up from his dreams, heeded the angel’s warning and took Mary and Jesus to Egypt. And as we revel in spring, and the new life abounding around us, let us be grateful for our new life in Christ that we experience each time we say our “yes” to God’s will and God’s Grace.

March 15, 2020 Our Lady of Lourdes www.ollchurch.us 3

Calendar of Events

Monday, March 16 7:45 am - Daily Mass (Fr Rolly) 7:00 pm - Boy Scouts (PH4) 7:00 pm - K of C Bingo (AUD) 7:00 pm - RCIA (PO) 7:00 pm - Spanish Altar Servers/Ushers (CH) 8:00 pm - Spanish Lectors (CH)

Tuesday, March 17 7:45 am - Daily Mass (Fr Rolly) 3:00 pm - RE Classes (JH) 5:00 pm - Jr Legion of Mary (CP) 6:00 pm - Spanish Prayer Group (PH5)

Wednesday, March 18 7:45 am - Daily Mass (Fr Jiwan) 6:00 pm - 6pm Choir (CH) 6:00 pm - RE Sacramental Meeting (AUD) 7:00 pm - Spanish Youth Group (PH6) 7:00 pm - Spanish Choir (PH5)

Thursday, March 19 7:45 am - Daily Mass (Fr Jiwan) 4:00 pm - Children’s Choir (CH) 5:30 pm - Divine Mercy (CP) 6:30 pm - RICA (PH) 7:15 pm - Adult Choir (PO)

Friday, March 20 8:30 am - School Mass (Fr. Rolly) 5:30 pm - Lenten Fish Fry (PH) 6:00 pm - Stations of the Cross (CH) 6:00 pm - Legion of Mary (PO) 7:00 pm - Stations of the Cross Spanish (CH) 7:30 pm - Spanish Prayer Group (PH5)

Saturday, March 21 8:30 am - OLL Lenten Retreat (CH) 9:00 am - Pasture 3:45 pm - Confessions (Fr Rolly) 5:00 pm -Vigil Mass (Fr. Rolly)

Sunday, March 22 (4th Sunday of Lent) 7:00 am - Sunday Mass (Fr. Rolly) 7:00 am - Spanish Choir (BR) 7:30 am - Health Ministry Blood Drive (AUD) 8:30 am - Spanish Mass (Fr. Rolly) 9:30 am - Confirmation 1st year (PH) 10:00 am - RCIA (BR) 10:30 am - Sunday Mass (Fr. Rey) 12:30 pm - Sunday Mass (Fr. Rey) 6:00 pm - Sunday Mass ( Fr. Rolly) A-Auditorium; BR-Blue Room; CH-church, CP-Chapel; H-Hospitality Patio; JH-Junior High; PH-Parish Hall; PO-Parish Office; PTR-Pasture; R-Rectory; RG-Rectory Garage

Our 100 Years History

Did you know?

Did you know: Before Bishop Ryan established the current Religious Education Programs all the education of the children not attending Catholic school was done by a group known as the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)? They were considered one of the most important groups in the parish, as they were responsible for preparing the children for First Communion and later Confirmation.

Road to Centennial News

If you could leave a congratulatory message to O.L.L.,

what would it be?

On October 17, 2020 OLL will turn 100! Be a part of the special messages section of the 100-year commemorative

book - a beautiful keepsake capturing OLL’s past, present and future. Reserve your space now – leave a congratulatory message, highlight your

family or ministry or promote your business. Books will be distributed in February 2021.

• Purchase Space—Personal Messages or Advertisements

Leave a message or advertise your business – include photos too!

• Sponsorships & Incentives

Commemorative Book Title Sponsor – only 1!! Angel Sponsor Enjoy delightful incentives as a thank you for purchasing an ad or

becoming a sponsor. Contact our Chairperson for details. Questions: Ads and Sponsorships Chair: Anita Dominquez — anitamarie.dominguez@gmail.com All other questions: Giovanna Dottore — DanceItUp127@gmail.com

What’s on the Calendar?

March 15, 2020 Our Lady of Lourdes www.ollchurch.us 4

Readings for Mar 16– March 22, 2020

Mass Intentions Saturday March 14 5:00 pm Loretta Adasa Hamoy † Sunday March 15 7:00 am Bessie Damon † 8:30 am Cirila Gallardo † Crecensian † & Petra Garcia † 10:30 am Veronica Brescher † Joanne Lytle † Bobby Butler † Dale Taylor †—Birthday Remembrance Julie Marsh--Healing 12:30 pm Rosemary Thompson † 6:00 pm Julia Corum † Tuesday March 17 7:45 am Gertrudis Santos Cunanan † Jackie Diaz—Healing & Recovery Patricia Lambengco—Birthday Blessing Miguel Calleja—Birthday Thanksgiving Wednesday March 18 7:45 am Christopher Smith—Healing & Recovery J.P.—Birthday Thanksgiving Allen Rose—Birthday Blessing Thursday March 19 7:45 am Irene Salazar † Friday March 20 8:30 am Sebastiana De La Cuesta † Salvador Mercado †—Birthday Remembrance


LENTEN RETREAT An opportunity for reflection and prayer in the season of Lent

Date: Saturday, March 21st Time: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Where: OLL Church

Come and join us for fellowship, reflections, music, adoration and opportunity for confession. To register or for more information, call the parish office at 818-352-3218

Mon 16

2 Kgs 5:1-15b Ps 42: 2,3;43:3,4 Lk 4:24-30

Tue 17

Dn 3:25,34-43 Ps 25:4-5ab, 6&7bc, 8-9 Mt 18:21-35

Wed 18

Dt 4:1, 5-9 Ps 147: 12-13, 15-16, 19-20 Mt 5: 17-19

Thu 19

2 SM 7: 4-5A, 12-14a. 16/ Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29 Rom 4: 13, 16-18 Mt 1: 16. 18-21 24a

Fri 20

Hos 14: 2-10 Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14 and 17 Mk 12: 28-34

Sat 21

Hos 6:1-6 Ps 51: 3-4, 18-21ab Lk 18: 9-14

Sun 22

1 Sm 16:1b. 6-7. 10-13a Ps 23:1-6 (1) Eph 5: 8-14 Jn 9:1-41


March 20-22, 2020 – A “Beginning Experience” workshop will be held at Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino for those who’ve experienced the loss of a spouse through death or divorce/separation. This weekend helps a person move from the darkness of

grief into the light of a new beginning with renewed hope. Be-ginning Experience is recognized by the Office of Family Life for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The ministry’s website is www.beginningexperience.org. For more info/registration, con-tact Peg Setti at 818.767.1007 or Brenda Mikhail at 818.352.5265 or (if you need info in Spanish, call Maria Rojas at 909.592.0009. Our email is beginningexp.losangeles@gmail.com.

Stations of the Cross “Then you will call on me and come and

pray to me, and I will listen to you. “ Every Friday night at the Church

6:00 pm English 7:00 pm Spanish

Parish Penance Service At the Church, Tuesday March 31st at 7:00 pm

“But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. “ Matthew 18: 21-22

THE PASCHAL TRIDUUM (Triduum: Latin word meaning “three days”)

HOLY THURSDAY/ JUEVES SANTO April 09 @ 7:00 p.m.

Mass of the Lord’s Supper/Misa de la Cena del Se-ñor. Reposition/Reposición (Auditorium) GOOD FRIDAY/ VIERNES SANTO April 10t** 1:15 p.m. – Stations of the Cross followed by

the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

7:00 p.m. – Celebración de la Pasión del Señor

March 15, 2020 Our Lady of Lourdes www.ollchurch.us 5

LENT 2020

Some ideas for a terrific Lenten experience 1. Don’t buy anything you don’t NEED. 2. Throw away (or donate) 40 things in 40 days. 3. 40 days of home organization. 4. No gossiping. 5. No eating after dinner. 6. Give up soda for Lent 7. Say 3 nice things to your spouse and kids daily. 8. Don’t eat out for 40 days. Except for the O.L.L. Fish

Fry. 9. Replace 30 minutes of TV with 30 minutes of prayer. 10. Don’t complain.

Baptism Classes for Infant Baptism

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Tuesdays 2020

June 02

Dates for Infant Baptism 11:00 am

Saturdays 2020 April 18/

May 16/June 13

Clases Pre-Bautismales 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Miercoles 2020 April 15/Mayo 06/Junio 03

Fechas de la Celebracion de los Bautismos

11:00 am Sabado 2020

Abril 25 a las 10am/Mayo 23/Juno 20

Baptism Baptism classes are held in the Parish-Office. Parents and Godparents are required to attend and participate in the class.

These schedules are subject to change. Please contact the Parish Office at (818) 352-3218 to confirm dates.

The Lion’s Roar OLL School Update

Our Lady of Lourdes school is gearing up for their annual Gala. It's a night of Magic, dinner, dancing and great fun with your friends at the La Canada Country Club on April 24. There will be a live auction and a silent of incredible gifts and activities. Doors open at 6:30, Signature Drink available until 7:30pm

Proceeds of this event will go towards our future S.T.E.A.M. program, a music and arts program as well as our continual structural and security improvements to the school campus. We'd love to see you there. Tickets are pre-sale only and available until 4/17 or until sold out. $70 per person or $800 for a table of 10.

Please go WWW.OLLMAGICALNIGHT.COM for more information or to buy tickets. You can also call the school. We will be outside selling tickets as well in the coming weeks.

Knights of Columbus Council 4438 Lenten Fish Fry

5:30 to 7:30 PM March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3 Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall

10275 Tujunga Canyon Bl. Tujunga, CA Adults: $10 Children:$8

Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge for 2020! If you haven’t yet, please fill out the pledge card in the

pew and become part of this vital campaign.

Guidelines for the Flu Season

• If you’re feeling sick- Stay home! • Use common sense and good hygiene. Wash your

hands frequently with soap & water or hand sani-tizer.

• Rather than holding hands at the Lord’s Prayer, use the ancient Orans position, raising your eyes and hands toward heaven.

• For the Sign of Peace, simply nod and say, “Peace be with you.” (avoid shaking hands, hug-ging & kissing)

• At Holy Communion, receive the Body of Christ in your hand, rather than on your tongue.

• During this time, we will suspend Holy Commun-ion with the Precious Blood until further notice.

Children Baptized in January 2020

Cutlor Stephen Gouger-Fannon

Bry Ly Tien Gouger-Fannon

Ryder Ace Morrisroe Naylah Elizabeth Ortiz

Children Baptized in February 2020

Raynier Jacob Valenzuela

Anthony Piamonte Williams

Mila Marie Fregoso Christopher Gordon

Elizarrar Ricardo Castaneda, Jr. Fabian Gomez

Hernandez Maria Gualdalupe

Gomez Hernandez

“Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.”

March 15, 2020 Our Lady of Lourdes www.ollchurch.us 6

Nuestros 100 años de historia ¿Sabía que: antes de que el Obispo Ryan estableciera los actuales Programas de Educación Religiosa, toda la educación de los escolares no católicos era realizada por un grupo conocido como la Cofradía de la Doctrina Cristiana? Se los

consideraba uno de los grupos más importantes de la parroquia, ya que eran responsables de preparar a los niños para la Primera Comunión y luego la Confirmación.

¡Gracias a todos los que hicieron una promesa para 2020! Si aún no lo ha hecho, complete la tarjeta de compromiso en el banco y forme parte de esta campaña vital.

Cuaresma 2020

Algunas ideas para una excelente experiencia cuaresmal 1. No compre nada que no NECESITA. 2. Deseche (o done) 40 cosas en 40 días. 3. 40 días de organización en el hogar. 4. Sin chismes. 5. No comer después de la cena. 6. Renunciar a refrescos para la Cuaresma 7. Diga 3 cosas bonitas a su cónyuge e hijos diariamente. 8. No comas fuera por 40 días. Excepto por el O.L.L. Pes-

cado frito. 9. Reemplace 30 minutos de televisión con 30 minutos de

oración. 10. No te quejes.

Noticias del Centenario

¿Si pudieras dejar un mensaje de felicitación a O.L.L., qué podría ser?

¡El 17 de octubre de 2020, OLL cumplirá 100 años! Sé parte de la sección de mensajes especiales del libro con-memorativo de 100 años: un hermoso recuerdo que captura el pasado, el presente y el futuro de OLL. Reserve su espacio ahora: deje un mensaje de felicitación, destaque a su familia o ministerio o promueva su negocio. Los libros se distribuirán en febrero de 2021.

Compra de espacio: mensajes personales o anuncios Deje un mensaje o anuncie su negocio, ¡incluya fotos tam-bién!

Patrocinios e Incentivos Patrocinador del título conmemorativo del libro: ¡solo 1! Patrocinador Angel Disfrute de incentivos deliciosos como agradecimiento por comprar un anuncio o convertirse en patrocinador. Póngase en contacto con nuestro presidente para más detalles.

Preguntas: Presidente de anuncios y patrocinios: Anita Dominquez - anitamarie.dominguez@gmail.com Todas las demás preguntas: Giovanna Dottore - DanceItUp127@gmail.com

Servicio de Penitencia Parroquial En la iglesia, martes 31 de marzo a las 7:00 p.m.

"No juzgues, y no serás juzgado. No condenes y no seras conde-

nado. Perdona, y serás perdona-do. “ Luke 6:37

Pautas para la temporada de gripe • Si te sientes enfermo, ¡quédate en casa! • Use el sentido común y la buena higiene. Lávese las

manos con frecuencia con agua y jabón o desin-fectante para manos.

• En lugar de tomarse de las manos en la Oración del Señor, use la antigua posición Orans, levantando los ojos y las manos hacia el cielo.

• Para el Signo de la Paz, simplemente asiente y di: "La paz sea contigo". (evite darse la mano, abrazarse y besarse)

• En la Sagrada Comunión, recibe el Cuerpo de Cristo en tu mano, en lugar de en tu lengua.

• Durante este tiempo, suspenderemos la Sagrada Co-munión con la Preciosa Sangre hasta nuevo aviso.

ESTE SÁBADO RETIRO DE CUARESMA Una oportunidad para la reflexión y la oración en la temporada

de Cuaresma. Fecha: sábado 21 de marzo

Hora: 8:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. Donde: Iglesia OLL

Ven y únete a nosotros para compañerismo, reflexiones, música, adoración y oportunidad de confesión.

Para registrarse o para más información, llame a la oficina par-roquial al 818-352-3218

Fr. Rolly Astudillo 818-352-3218 x 103


Priest in Residence Fr. Jiwan Kim


Deacon Couple Mar & Vivian Enriquez 818-802-1639


Front Office Secretary Yolanda Enriquez 818-352-3218 x 100


Accounting Office Nelle Orsburn 818-352-3218


Confirmation Coordinator Deacon Mar Enriquez 818-352-3218


Religious Ed Coordinator Gloriann McGowan 213-278-8910 ollregloriann.tujunga@gmail.com

Religious Ed Office Manager

Lona Barone 213-278-8910

Evangelization Coordinator Nelle Orsburn 818-352-3218


Safeguarding the Children Helen Lopez 562-716-3238 lopez726625@gmail.com

Music Director Ania Balon 818-224-9363


OLL Rose Cottage Pre-School Michelle Eyraud-Saunders 818-352-4455


School Principal

Evelyn Cortes 818-353-1106 principal@olltujunga.org

School Office Manager

Pamela Fernicola 818-353-1106 officemanager@olltujunga.org

Parish Bulletin

Dani Calleja bulletineditoroll@gmail.com

Ministries & Organizations

Ministerios Hispanos

March 15, 2020 CONTACT US www.ollchurch.us 7

Bereavement Brenda Mikhail 818-352-5265

Catholic Daughters Candy Piscitelli 818-429-1333

Confirmation / Youth Deacon Mar 818-802-1639

Divine Mercy Blanca Marco 818-353-7835

Environment Pauline Penn 818-352-5995

Eucharistic Ministry Jackie Pensanti 818-686-2450

Evangelization Nelle Orsburn 818-352-3218

Family Fun Days Anita Dominguez 818-397-5178

Fellowship Ministry Mary Dausner 818-951-4846

Filipino Ministry Bobby Rigoroso 714-350-4509

Greeter Ministry Paul Robich 818-352-2821

Health Eloisa de Guzman 818-281-4818

Junior Legion of Mary

Cel Cabrera 818-913-9479

Knights of Columbus Javier Vazquez 818-428-7106

Lectors Scheduling Gloriann McGow-an Robert Seward


Legion of Mary Linda Bustamante 818-943-1346

Liturgy/Wedding Michelle Laforce 818-515-5068

Martha’s Helpers Candy Piscitelli 818-352-2506

Ministry of the Sick Eleanor Graf 818-897-6143

Music Ania Balon 818-224-9363

Parents Club Gina Escandon 818-645-7228

Pasture Gena Beierschmitt 818-352-1550

RCIA-Adult For-mation

Jim Lank 818-367-4757

Religious Education Gloriann McGowan Lona Barone


Respect Life Joan Noyes 818-425-6251

RCIC Children Jackie Tanker 818-352-0706

Sacristans Raquel Rose 818-633-0813

Usher Ministry Ben Menicucci 626-808-1696

Youth Choir Nina Ragonese 818-522-9230

Acolitos & Ujieres Claudia Yesenia Navarro


Pre-Bautismales & Duelo

Antonia Garcia 818-731-8742

Comunidad Hispana Irma Velasquez 323-447-2290

Coordinadora de Bodas Jenny Aguilar 818-470-0532

Coro Hispano Rosalia Perez 818-642-9606

Cursillos Blanca Nava 818-858-7991

Eucaristia Zoila & Ezequiel Mendoza


Grupo de Oración

Yolanda Oliva 818-793-9683

Grupo Juvenil Eloisa Macias 818-469-1474

Lectores Andrea Mata 818-601-2805

RICA Guadalupe Cueva 818-216-0154