“Our Help and Comfort” - stkatherinegoc.org€¦2 Our Help and Comfort SAINT KATHERINE PARISH...

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Transcript of “Our Help and Comfort” - stkatherinegoc.org€¦2 Our Help and Comfort SAINT KATHERINE PARISH...

Our Help and Comfort

“Our Help and Comfort” St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church Rev. Fr. Michael K. Courey, D.Min., Economos

Rev. Dcn. Cary Constantine, Pastoral Assistant 722 Knob Hill Avenue, Redondo Beach, CA 90277

(310) 540-2434 Website: www.stkatherinegoc.org

May & June 2012 Volume 2, Issue 3



Dearly Beloved,

Christ is Risen!

Our parish has responded to efforts by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios and National Philoptochos to offer financial assistance to those who are in need in Greece through two collections trays passed on the Sunday of the Holy Cross during Great Lent and Palm Sunday. Throughout our Greek Archdiocese of America communities and individuals have responded to this appeal for help. The article below describes the first installment from the funds collected that have been given to the Church of Greece for their distribution to the poor from our faithful in America. The funds were given in person by a visit from His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America to His Eminence Archbishop Ieronymos II, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece.

May we keep the people of Greece in our thoughts and prayers that they may recover from their economic crisis.

Love in our Risen Lord Jesus Christ, Father Michael

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America visited on Holy Tuesday, April 10, 2012, His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece and presented to him a check of $500,000.00, as a tangible expression of support and solidarity of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Omogeneia to the suffering people in Greece. This amount comes from the Relief Fund for the People of Greece, which the Archdiocese established Feb. 15, 2012.

Archbishop Demetrios in a letter accompanying the check writes that it is the first offering to the special programs of the Archdiocese of Athens and the Church of Greece, programs created for the relief of those of our brethren suffering due to the severe economic crisis. He says that these programs address the areas of need for food, clothing, shelter, medical and pharmaceutical supplies. “This amount is the product of care and love of our parishes and of individuals who responded to our call for solidarity and support of the Greek people during this difficult period,” he adds.

Following the 45-minute meeting at the Archdiocese of Athens, His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos in a statement to the Press, expressed his gratitude and said: “It is a very touching day, during Holy Week, during this crisis for our country, for the Archdiocese of Athens and for a large segment of the Greek people. And during this crisis of poverty, unemployment and insecurity we are grateful to have the personification of love from our Sister Church, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America with the presence of Archbishop Demetrios. I want to say a great ‘thank you’ to the Archbishop, to his co-workers and to the whole Omogeneia, who are so moved to help in this special way. We received a substantial and respectable amount for this ministry of alleviating poverty and we will use it in the best possible way, so as many people as possible can benefit from this expression of love.”

“We are here today in a visit of love and respect for a people who suffer a great ordeal. I am very moved to convey the love and at the same time the economic support of the faithful of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America,” said His Eminence and also conveyed the heartfelt greetings and blessings of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. “Our faithful of the Omogeneia, fully understand that we are supporting people who have a sense of dignity and nobility despite the tough times, and they retain their dignity in all levels,” said the Archbishop.

2 Our Help and Comfort


Every couple of months I prepare an article about our Church, usually including something or other regarding our Volunteers. So I will not divert from this practice.

Do you ever stop to realize how much it would take annually to operate a complex such as ours without Volunteers? We have the numerous Committees with dedicated members that continuously guide us through our operational activities. Try to estimate what it would cost to financially underwrite these committees. My guess is a couple of hundred thousand dollars more.

Just do the simple arithmetic yourselves. For those that have financial investments, what does it cost you for this service; what does it cost you to have someone plan a construction project for you; what does it cost you to have your children partake in various outside activities; and, what does it cost organizations when they try to raise funds for their various endeavors...

We are committed to obtain the best results we can with the resources we have available to us.

We value our diverse, talented Volunteers and encourage support from all of you.

We give our best effort to provide sound financial solutions to the Church’s everyday operation while keeping all of you in mind.

We pursue excellence from our dedicated Spiritual leaders and those who provide a service for all of us.

We can only hope we are delivering the value you expect.

A Parish Assembly is scheduled for June 3rd. This assemblage should be one of the most important to date. The Committee Chairpersons of the Capital Building Campaign, Planning, Festival and Stewardship will bring you up to date on what has transpired from last November to the middle of this year. Please plan to participate since an effort will be made to reach important decisions for the future of our Church.

May the blessed Lord be with you, your families and friends.




Once again it is time for “Thank Yous.” To begin with, we sincerely appreciate the kindness and generosity of our wonderful community during Great Lent and Holy Week. We appreciate the donations to our tray collection on Palm Sunday for Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and the relief efforts in Greece. Thank you to everyone who assisted at the Palm Sunday luncheon: to Chris Loukatos, our wonderful chef; to those who helped with set-up, serving, and clean-up; and to all who attended the luncheon. Thank you also for your financial response to our Epitaphio mailing and to everyone who assisted during Pascha activities. Thank you for the calla lilies and red eggs. A special thank you to those who helped decorate the Kavouklion (Epitaphio) on Holy Friday. It was truly magnificent! A sincere thank you to the Georgia Defterios Family for donating a portion of the flowers used for our Epitaphios and for their continued generosity to our church and Philoptochos. The work of Philoptochos would not be possible without our dedicated volunteers and your support.


Mark your calendars for the week of August 13-17. Your children are invited to this year’s Vacation Bible School. Families with children will receive registration information in June. High school and middle school students will receive applications to serve as leaders and junior leaders. If your children plan to attend, please return registration forms as soon as possible so that we will have adequate staff and supplies. Parents and other adults are welcome to participate too. If you need VBS information or you would like to be involved in this year’s program, please call Andrea Ballas at 310-325-5002.

Our Help and Comfort 3

Once again, we have very positive news on our 2012 Stewardship Campaign. We feel certain that this response from our community will continue as we embark on our Capitol Campaign to improve our St. Katherine Campus. As of May 1, 2012 we have received 360 pledge cards in the amount of $407,173.00. In comparison with 2011, at approximately the same period of time, we had received 336 pledges in the amount of $368,269.00. A substantial increase! Thank you to all our stewards who have made this increase possible.

Many of you have requested that your payments be made through ACH. We have kept a record of that and plan to send you a letter explaining the procedure that you may follow. If you would like to move ahead on this before you receive the letter from us, please: 1) open the St. Katherine web site 2) click “DONATE” and you will be guided through the process. If a senior “senior”, like me, can do it, it should be a snap for most of you!! It will save you a great deal of precious time. Please call the office if you encounter any glitches.

For the May/June period, we have spotlighted two ladies who from the early years to the present time, have been true dedicated stewards of St. Katherine by devoting so much time, talent and energy to make our church experience so much more pleasant and meaningful. Please read the bios of Angie Schwitters and Ann Zampas on the Stewardship Bulletin Board in the Community Hall who have in recent years undertaken the responsibility of the Bookstore and have made great strides in content and appearance. Thank you Angie and Ann for all that you continue to do.



Christ is Risen! Now that we have all had the opportunity to rejoice and enjoy the Great Feast of Pascha, we shift our focus to the summer months, and of course, our annual Greek Festival to be held July 13-15.

With the festival dates approaching quickly, we once again ask our parishioners to lend a much needed hand and help prepare food and pastries. Last year, there were several occasions where we were a bit shorthanded. This year, we plan to begin pastry baking early and work with as many volunteers as possible and as quickly as possible to complete all of the baking during the month of May. To achieve our goal of completion during the month of May, we will need many people, and as we all know, ʺmany hands make light work.ʺ We are particularly fortunate this year, to have a professional baker working with us. Philippos Parliaros will provide his expertise and assistance, as well as provide an opportunity to learn a few baking tips from a pro!

Please see the attached schedule and contact Meschelle Courey via e-mail at meschellemaria@hotmail.com or by phone at (310) 977-5030 or if you can participate. Thank you!


The Foundation Scholarship program is a ministry that we place great importance upon. It identifies these stu-dents as dedicated young people who place a great value on their education and their service. This year we had fourteen applications picked up and hopefully, all of them will have been completed and submitted by now. The deadline was April 23, 2012 to meet the request of Loyola Marymount University who will review the applica-tions and rank the students. We wish all of them the best of luck and God’s blessings.


It is time to put it on paper (or email) and send to the office the names and pertinent information for those graduating from High School, College or University. We will honor all the graduates by listing their names, School of Graduation, Major and Degree Earned. For our High School Graduates we would like to list the school they will be attending. All of the graduates will be listed in the July/August Newsletter. The deadline to submit names is June 5, 2012.

4 Our Help and Comfort

Date Epistle Coffee Hour Altar Boys

May 6 Carolyn Crossley

Dena Giakoumis Youla Krikelas Fane Zambros

Team No. 1 — Garrett Pierson, Captain: William Scolinos, Adoni Tzortzoudakis, Vaggeli Tzortzoudakis, George Gianoukakis, Jackson Dulgarian, Harrison Dulgarian

May 13 Karen Hood No Coffee Hour

Mother’s Day Luncheon

Team No. 2 — Ioan Gheorghiu, Captain: Dimitri Frangoudis, John-Paul Frangoudis, Alexander Farrow, Timothy Farrow, Larry Jenkins, Michael Ticknor, Henry Hood

May 20 Nathaniel Hubbard

Helen Anastassiou Helen Brock

Maria Donlou

Team No. 3 — Michael Vezzuto, Captain: Archer Defterios, Harrison Mitsanas, Michael Mitsanas, Robbie Vezzuto, Teddy Stavropoulos, Niko Stavropoulos

May 27 Arlene Staich Yvonne Boyiazis Ellie Thermos

Xenia Tzortzoudakis

Team No. 4 — Samuel Wolfe, Captain: Panos Makrygiannis, Nikolaos Florakis, Andrew Vasilion, Kosta Schiappa, Sam Menzelos, Theodore Nezis

June 3 Lucretia Watkins

Katherine Kennedy Catherine Stevens Alexandra Zarkas

Team No. 1 — Garrett Pierson, Captain: William Scolinos, Adoni Tzortzoudakis, Vaggeli Tzortzoudakis, George Gianoukakis, Jackson Dulgarian, Harrison Dulgarian

June 10 Jan Chilimidos

Dina Andrews Helen Andrews

Helen Zogopoulos

Team No. 2 — Ioan Gheorghiu, Captain: Dimitri Frangoudis, John-Paul Frangoudis, Alexander Farrow, Timothy Farrow, Larry Jenkins, Michael Ticknor, Henry Hood

June 17 Rdr. Michael


Carolyn Crossley Bonnie Mitrosilis

Elaine Wade

Team No. 3 — Michael Vezzuto, Captain: Archer Defterios, Harrison Mitsanas, Michael Mitsanas, Robbie Vezzuto, Teddy Stavropoulos, Niko Stavropoulos

June 24 Nathaniel Hubbard

Ellen Papadakis Mary Tervo

Sandra Wilson

Team No. 4 — Samuel Wolfe, Captain: Panos Makrygiannis, Nikolaos Florakis, Andrew Vasilion, Kosta Schiappa, Sam Menzelos, Theodore Nezis

July 1 Gus Alex Joelle Bardos

Ann Gianoukakis Argyro Yiakas

Team No. 1 — Garrett Pierson, Captain: William Scolinos, Adoni Tzortzoudakis, Vaggeli Tzortzoudakis, George Gianoukakis, Jackson Dulgarian, Harrison Dulgarian

July 8 Carolyn Crossley

Mattina Alexakis Ellie Thermos Evelyn Tragus

Team No. 2 — Ioan Gheorghiu, Captain: Dimitri Frangoudis, John-Paul Frangoudis, Alexander Farrow, Timothy Farrow, Larry Jenkins, Michael Ticknor, Henry Hood

July 15 Karen Hood No Coffee Hour

South Bay Greek Festival

Team No. 3 — Michael Vezzuto, Captain: Archer Defterios, Harrison Mitsanas, Michael Mitsanas, Robbie Vezzuto, Teddy Stavropoulos, Niko Stavropoulos

July 22 Gus Alex Nitsa Bazos Helen Litsis

Stella Schiewe

Team No. 4 — Samuel Wolfe, Captain: Panos Makrygiannis, Nikolaos Florakis, Andrew Vasilion, Kosta Schiappa, Sam Menzelos, Theodore Nezis

June 2012 Schedule COFFEE SET UP: Mattina Alexakis & Helen Servetas

July 2012 Schedule COFFEE SET UP: Carolyn Crossley & Bonnie Mitrosilis

May 2012 Schedule COFFEE SET UP: Gus & Kay Alex

Our Help and Comfort 5

Then Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst…”John 6:35

You may wonder what do Holy Bread and Sunday School have in common with each other? If you ask our Sunday School students, they will readily be able to share with you how Prosfora is made, what the seal means, the meaning of Holy Bread, the meaning of Communion and how to reverently receive the Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ. They will tell you that Holy Bread is an integral part of their weekly Sunday School curriculum.

It was two years ago, during our first of the year staff meeting, that we discussed the issues that had arisen around serving our Sunday School students an appropriate snack. Too much sugar, peanut allergies, wheat allergies, food additives and dyes, sugar drinks, not enough snack , too much time taken from class time to serve snack… whew! As a thoughtful and concerned group of teachers we talked and decided that our most important responsibility to our students is to share the word of God, spending our forty minutes of teaching time engaging and educating our students about our Greek Orthodox Christian faith.

Solutions were tossed around and then Adelina Damean-Stubberud suggested that we offer Holy Bread as a snack! It was unanimously approved to accept this wonderful solution. Carolyn Crossley offered to teach the Sunday School staff how to make Holy Bread as she was taught in seminary. We scheduled two Saturdays to make 40 loaves at each gathering. Family, friends, students and teachers met in fellowship and made enough loaves to feed all of the students all year! The bread became a labor of love that was blessed during Divine Liturgy and Father Michael read the names of our teachers and their families to remember in prayer in the offering. It was as if the Lord knew all along what we needed to do.

This year we could not find a Saturday that fit all of our schedules. Once again, the Lord planted the solution in our hearts. A list went out to the teaching staff to sign up for a Sunday to bake the three loaves of Holy Bread for our students. The list slowly filled with teachers names offering to bake the Prosfora (means “offering”, the Body of Christ, the bread of Life) for their students. Some teachers baked the Holy Bread for the very first time… recipes and seals (sfrayitha) were shared with one another. Most importantly, each one of us grew closer to Christ as we prayerfully made our three loaves of Prosfora. This ancient tradition passed down from the first century connected all of us- student, teacher and Christ in a way that was an unexpected blessing. At the end of classes, our students leave full, nourished with the word of God and sustained by the Prosfora, the body of Christ.

This year our Sunday School student roster has significantly grown and participation in our Christmas program, our Sunday of Orthodoxy Icon procession and our Palm Sunday procession have exceeded previous years attendance. Could it be the yeast in our Holy Bread? Each and every Sunday our classrooms are well attended and our students and teachers can be heard singing praises, sharing the word of God, embracing a richer understanding of Christ’s heart and inviting Him into their lives. We are blessed to have a loving, dedicated, educated, servant-hearted teaching staff whose Orthodox Christian lives are models for their students.

Thank you to our students, parents, support staff, our Office angels, substitute teachers, classroom teachers, Deacon Cary and to Father Michael our loving spiritual director for a blessed Sunday School year. A heartfelt thank you to Hanna Mitrosilis, Bonnie Mitrosilis (pre-K), Shana Ghekiere (K), Angelica S. Rausch (1st), Presbytera Maria Courey and Anastasia Courey(2nd), Ronnie and Elaine Wade (3rd), Karen Hood (4th), Mary-Helen Black (5th), Carolyn Crossley, assistant Kynthia Furgis (Middle School), Ted Wolfe (High School), and to our substitutes teachers: Russell Pierson, Grig Gheorghiu, Andrea Ballas, Yvonne Boyiazis, Adelina Damean-Stubberud, Philip Rausch, and Barbara Menzelos.

Mark your calendar, May 13, 2012 for our Sunday School Promotion/Graduation. We look forward to seeing you.


6 Our Help and Comfort


More than 15,000 guests will notice your company, organization or grandchildren when they visit this year's South Bay Greek Festival.

But only if you save a spot in the AD Book!

Please follow these four easy steps:Fill out this form.

Include one of the following: The cleanest business card you own, black & white artwork, a photograph with your name on the back, digital artwork, or write a message below.

Write a check (yes, it's tax‐deductible!).This one's important: Return this form to us before June 15.

Name of company/organization/individual as you would like it to appear in the ad book:

Name: Phone Number:

Your e‐mail address:

Business Card Ad $90 Size: 3.5” wide x 2” tall Half Page Ad $150 Size: 3.5” wide x 4” tallFull Page Ad $270 Size: 3.5” wide x 8.5” tallFamily Ad (½ Page) $150 Show us who lights up your life

Photo & message only $130 with Yiayia and Papou discount.Message:

□Last year's ad looked great! Please use again. □New artwork is included.□I will e‐mail a 300dpi .PDF with all the fonts embedded to: ads@sbgreekfestival.com

Ads are printed in black & white. Ad space is limited and reserved only when payment and artwork are received.

For best results, place your artwork in an envelope. Do not paper clip it or staple it.

Deadline for ads and payment is June 15, 2012. Send yours in early!

Please make checks payable to St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church (Memo: Festival Ad Book) and mail to 722 Knob Hill, Redondo Beach, CA 90277.

For any questions, please contact Christ Tzelepis (christ.tzelepis@gmail.com) or the church office (310) 540‐2435.

Our Help and Comfort 7

SAINT KATHERINE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 722 Knob Hill Avenue • Redondo Beach, California 90277

2012 SOUTH BAY GREEK FESTIVAL July 13, 14, & 15, 2012


Please return this form as soon as possible to: Andrea Ballas, Greek Festival, 722 Knob Hill, Redondo Beach, CA 90277

If you are not available for a complete time period, please list the hours you are able to volunteer. If you have special notes or requests, please write them on the back of this form. Thank You!

For questions or more information contact: Andrea Ballas, Volunteer Coordinator 310-325-5002 or avballas@gmail.com

Family (Last) Name


Telephone Other Phone


Everyone’s help is needed to make our festival a success. Please register on this form. If you are not able to commit to times now, just register and we will contact you.

Prior to the festival, you will be contacted to confirm your assignments.

I/We will help set-up on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 (evening)

I/We will help set-up on Thursday, July 12, 2012 (daytime and/or evening)

I/We will help clean-up on Monday, July 16, 2012 (between 10:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m.)

Thank you for your help!




Name of Volunteer

Booth Preference 4:00-8:00 p.m.

6:00- 10:00 p.m.

11:00-3:00 p.m.

2:30- 6:30 p.m.

6:00-10:00 p.m.

11:00-3:00 p.m.

2:30- 6:30 p.m.

6:00-10:00 p.m.

8 Our Help and Comfort

St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church

722 Knob Hill Avenue, Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Have you thought about how you would like your ad in the Festival Program Book to read? Now is the time to take that special picture you would like to use. Your ad in the Program Book does not have to be revenue driven. Have you thought that your article or pictures would interesting for the upcoming generations of your family?

It is also time to start thinking about which booth could make best use of your talents. In a short time, volunteer sign up sheets will be available. Please do take some time and write in your choice of booths and availability. Last year we served around 12,000 guests. It takes many hands doing many things to handle that number of people.

A new and revised cooking schedule will be out soon. We are trying to more evenly spread the work between evening and day volunteers. No matter when you are available, the Festival can use you. Remember that the funds received from the Festival go toward the renovation that will, with God’s help and yours, begin after we clean-up the grounds from the Festival activities.

South Bay Greek Festival Christ Tzelepis

May 2012Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 * 10:00am Budding

Angels Fellowship * 7:00pm Philoptochos Board Meeting

* 10:00am Bible Study * 10:00am Writing Your Life Story * 7:00pm Bible Study

* 4:30pm Greek Language School * 6:00pm SKY Night

* SJC Oratorical - Metropolis Finals @ Ranch * 10:30am Greek School for Pre-schoolers

6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 9:00am Orthros * 10:00am Divine Liturgy * 10:45am Sunday School * 11:45am Sunday School Staff Meeting

* 5:30pm Greek Dance School Open House

* St. John the Theologian* 9:00am Orthros * 10:00am Divine Liturgy* 11:00am Seniors' Meeting

* Fr. Michael away * 10:00am Bible Study * 6:30pm AHEPA & Daughters Meeting

* Fr. Michael away * 7:00pm Bible Study

* Fr. Michael away * 4:30pm Greek Language School

* Fr. Michael away * 10:30am Greek School for Pre-schoolers

13 14 15 16 17 18 19* 9:00am Orthros * 10:00am Divine Liturgy * 10:45am Sunday School * 11:15am Promotion Sunday * 11:30am Mother's Day Luncheon

* Fr. Michael Away * 5:30pm Greek Dance Practice * 6:00pm Festival Prep - Spanakopita/Tyropita

* Fr. Michael Away * 10:00am Budding Angels Fellowship * 10:00am Festival Cooking - Spanakopita/Tyropita * 6:00pm Festival Cooking - Spanakopita/Tyropita

* Fr. Michael Away * 10:00am Bible Study * 10:00am Festival Cooking - Spanakopita/Tyropita

* Fr. Michael Away * 10:00am Writing Your Life Story * 7:00pm Bible Study

* Fr. Michael Away * 4:30pm Greek Language School

* Fr. Michael Away * 10:30am Greek School Graduation

20 21 22 23 24 25 26* Fr. Michael Away * Sts. Constantine & Helen Observed * 9:00am Orthros * 10:00am Divine Liturgy * 11:45am Sons of Pericles

* Fr. Michael Away * 5:30pm Greek Dance Practice * 6:00pm Festival Prep - Kourabiethes

* Fr. Michael Away * 10:00am Festival Cooking - Kourabiethes * 6:00pm Festival Cooking - Kourabiethes

* Fr. Michael Away * 10:00am Bible Study

* Fr. Michael Away * Ascension Thursday - Office Closed * 9:00am Orthros * 10:00am Divine Liturgy* 6:00pm Festival Prep - Koulourakia * 7:00pm Bible Study

* Fr. Michael Away * 10:00am Festival Cooking - Koulourakia * 6:00pm Festival Cooking - Koulourakia

* Fr. Michael Away

27 28 29 30 31 * Fr. Michael Away * 9:00am Orthros * 10:00am Divine Liturgy

* Fr. Michael Away * Memorial Day - Office Closed * 8:00am Trisagion Svc - Green Hills

* Fr. Michael Away * 10:00am Bible Study * 6:00pm Festival Prep - Melomakarona * 7:00pm PC Meeting

* 10:00am Festival Cooking - Melomakarona* 7:00pm Bible Study

(as of 5/04/2012)

NOTE: Events are subject to change. Please consult weekly bulletin for current schedules.

June 2012Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 * 6:00pm Festival

Cooking - Melomakarona* 6:00pm SKY Night

3 4 5 6 7 8 9* 9:00am Orthros * 10:00am Divine Liturgy * 11:30am Parish Assembly

* Fr. Michael away * 5:30pm Greek Dance Practice * 6:00pm Festival Prep - Bakalva

* Fr. Michael away * 10:00am Budding Angels Fellowship * 10:00am Festival Cooking - Baklava * 6:00pm Festival Cooking - Baklava * 7:00pm Philoptochos Board Meeting

* Fr. Michael away * 10:00am Festival Cooking - Baklava

* Fr. Michael away * Fr. Michael away * Fr. Michael away

10 11 12 13 14 15 16* 9:00am Orthros * 10:00am Divine Liturgy * 11:45am Sons of Pericles

* 6:00pm Festival Prep - Saragli

* 10:00am Festival Cooking - Saragli * 6:00pm Festival Cooking - Saragli

* 10:00am Festival Cooking - Saragli * 7:00pm AHEPA Meeting

* 6:00pm Festival Cooking - Karidopita

17 18 19 20 21 22 23* 9:00am Orthros * 10:00am Divine Liturgy

* 6:00pm Festival Prep - Kadaifi

* 10:00am Festival Cooking - Kadaifi * 6:00pm Festival Cooking - Kadaifi

* 10:00am Festival Cooking - Kadaifi

* 6:00pm Festival Prep - Tsoureki

* 10:00am Festival Cooking - Tsourekia * 6:00pm Festival Cooking - Tsourekia

* 10:00am Festival Cooking - Tsourekia

24 25 26 27 28 29 30* Nativity of St. John the Baptist * 9:00am Orthros * 10:00am Divine Liturgy

* 6:00pm Festival Prep - Dolmathes

* 10:00am Festival Cooking - Dolmathes * 6:00pm Festival Cooking - Dolmathes

* 7:00pm PC Meeting

(as of 5/04/2012)

NOTE: Events are subject to change. Please consult weekly bulletin for current schedules.