our ewer ords/4200 characters) - College of Arts & Sciences · Description of your dissertation...

Post on 09-Aug-2020

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Transcript of our ewer ords/4200 characters) - College of Arts & Sciences · Description of your dissertation...

College of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Completion Fellowship Application

Please submit the following information to be considered for a College of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Completion Fellowship. Programs may nominate up to three students for dissertation fellowships. All applications must first be reviewed by the applicant's program. Save this file before entering information and save it again after completion.

Last Name ________________________________________ First Name_______________________________________________________

IU e-mail __________________________ Major___________________________________ IU ID _______________ GPA __________

Semester of first enrollment in major program _________Date of PhD candidacy as recorded by University Graduate School __________

Expected graduation term/date ___________ Full Dissertation Title ________________________________________________________

Date of dissertation prospectus defense ______________ Name of dissertation director __________________________________

Semester of expected entry into job market_______________

Description of your dissertation research (Please limit your response to 500 or fewer words/4200 characters)

Current progress on dissertation research and timeline for completion.

Relevant employment history including all student academic appointments.

Grants and fellowships or honors received (please include the amount, source, purpose and dates of each)

Performances or scholarly papers presented (include conferences and dates of presentations)

Publications (include complete citation)

Provide the names of two IUB faculty members who will submit letters of recommendation on your behalf. Letters must confirm progress on dissertation.