Our Animal Exhibit By Mrs. Frys Class. Arctic Fox by Kate This is an Arctic Fox. It is 18 to 27...

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Transcript of Our Animal Exhibit By Mrs. Frys Class. Arctic Fox by Kate This is an Arctic Fox. It is 18 to 27...

Our Animal Exhibit

By Mrs. Fry’s Class

Arctic Foxby Kate

This is an Arctic Fox. It is 18 to 27 inches long. It has thick, white fur and it turns brown in the summer. It eats fish, birds, small animals and polar bear leftovers. It lives in the North Pole where it is cold and snowy. It builds a den in the snow.

Blue Jayby Alexa

This is a blue jay. It is one foot long. It has a crest on its head and a long tail. It is blue and white. It is a songbird. It eats nuts, seeds, bugs and eggs from other birds. It lives in woodlands.

Cardinals by Makayla

This is a cardinal. It can be 8 to 9 inches tall. It has a crest on its head. The female is gray and brown and the male is red. It lives in nests in shrubs and trees. It eats seeds, fruit, buds, and insects.

Cheetahsby Troy

This is a cheetah. It is 7 feet long. It has black spots, long legs and yellow or tan fur. It eats antelope. It lives in grassy areas or savannas in Asia and Africa.

Dolphinsby Sara

This is a dolphin. It can be 30 feet long. It has tail flukes, two flippers and a dorsal fin. It lives in the ocean near the equator. It eats fish, squid and shrimp.

Great White Sharksby Matthew

This is a great white shark. It can be 20 feet long. It has a gray back and a white underside. It lives in the ocean in cool water. It eats seals, sea lions and dolphins.

Guinea Pigsby Jane

This is a guinea pig. It can be 2 to 3 pounds. It has short hair or long hair. It lives in a cage. It eats fruits, vegetables, hay and pellets.

Hammerhead Sharksby Grace

This is a hammerhead shark. It can be 4 feet to 15 feet long. It has eyes on the sides of the head. It is an ocean fish. It has a hammer-shaped head. It lives in the ocean—alone or in groups called schools. It eats stingrays, squid and other sharks.

Hamstersby Eliza

This is a hamster. It is small. It has strong teeth, big pouches and a soft furry body. It lives in a cage with a cover, tunnels, chew toys and an exercise wheel. It eats fruit, vegetables, grains, and seeds.

Hawkby Evan

This is a hawk. It can be 1 to 3 pounds. It has wide wings that are brown, black, blue or gray and it has speckled feathers. It eats mice, insects, snakes, rabbits, crows, frogs and songbirds. It lives everywhere except in icy areas.

Newtsby Kevin

This is a newt. It can be 3 to 5.5 inches long. It has a tail and legs. It lives in bogs, and water, lakes, ponds and woodlands. It eats bugs, worms, shrimp and snails.

Palomino Horsesby Sarah C.

This is a Palomino Horse. It can be 14 to 17 hands tall. It has white or silver marks on its face and legs, a white or silver mane and tail, and a gold coat. To take care of them you need to brush their coats, give them food and water, and exercise them.

Peacocksby Lexie

This is a peacock. It weighs 13 pounds. It has eye-like spots on its feather’s ends and long trains of feathers. It eats seeds, berries, grasses, snails, worms, insects, and small snakes. It lives in rainforests and roosts in trees at night.

Pet Rabbitby Skyemarie

This is a pet rabbit. It has long ears, a tiny tail, a wiggly nose, and a soft body. It lives in a large cage with wooden toys, a food dish, a water bottle, and a place to sleep. It drinks fresh water and eats raw vegetables, timothy hay, pellets, and fruit.

Rattlesnakesby Dean

This is a rattlesnake. It can be 2 to 8 feet long. It has rattles on its tail. It is poisonous. It lives in hot, dry deserts in North America and South America. It eats rats, lizards, birds, and other small animals.

Tarantulasby Nick

This is a tarantula. It can have a leg span of 4 inches. It has 8 legs and a large, hairy body. It can be different colors. It lives in rain forests and deserts in underground burrows and trees. It eats grasshoppers, beetles and bugs.

Thoroughbred Horsesby Marissa

This is a Thoroughbred Horse. It can be 16 hands tall or weigh 1,000 pounds. It has long legs and strong hindquarters. It is brown or bay. People train them to race and jump. To take care of them, you need to give them food and water and exercise.

Tiger Sharksby Nathan

This is a tiger shark. It is 14 feet long. It has stripes. It is a fish. Its stripes fade as it grows. It eats sea snakes, seals, squid, sea turtles, sharks and garbage. It lives in the ocean.


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