OUMH2103 Albee Ting

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Transcript of OUMH2103 Albee Ting

  • 8/13/2019 OUMH2103 Albee Ting


    PART A

    As in Malaysia, the numbers of people who suffer from the obesity problem keep increasing.

    It been showed by the survey reports from World Health Organization (WHO) that published

    on weightlossmalaysia.com (2012). As in this survey report, it was show that Malaysia has

    become the six highest adult obesity rate among the countries in Asia contingency. As been

    expressed by Robinson, T., Borzekowski, D., Matheson, D. and Kraemer, H. (2007), eat habit

    is one of the most important factor that cause the obesity problem among the people in

    Malaysia. He also explained that most of the people in Malaysia like to take junk food in their

    daily. Therefore, it is not surprise at all why more people in Malaysia are face the obesity


    As we know, most of the people in Malaysia like to consume junk foods like potato chips,

    chocolate chips and biscuit, Keropok, and fries, burger and so on. These junk foods are oily

    and easy cause the obesity problem among the people in Malaysia. Apart of that, Robinson,

    T., Borzekowski, D., Matheson, D. and Kraemer, H. (2007) also explained that frequently

    consume these kinds of junk foods will easily cause various kind of psychological as well as

    social problems among the people in Malaysia. The psychological, health and social

    problems will be discussed in this section.

    According to the explanation that given by Li, C., Engstrom, G., Hedblad, B., Calling, S.,

    Berglund, G. and Janzon, L. (2006),heart failure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity,

    stroke are among the most common sickness and illness that caused by consumption of junk

    food in daily life. Obviously, the junk food will be prepared by using the deep fried method.

    After the junk food fried in the oil, the fatty elements from the oil will stick on the junk food.

    These fatty elements will later absorbed into the blood vessel after consume by people. Then,

    it will cause the blockage of blood vessel and cause sickness like stroke or heart attack. These

    are the fatal sickness for the human. On the other hand, Niemeier, H., Raynor, H., Lloyd-

    Richardson, E., Rogers, M. and Wing, R. (2006) also explained that lots of synthetic

    preservative and addictives been add on into the junk food. These addictives are including

    Benzoic Acid and Monosodium Glutamate. Those people who over consume these synthetic

    preservative and addictives will possible face the respiratory related health problem.

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    On the other hand, the research that done by Robinson, T., Borzekowski, D., Matheson, D.

    and Kraemer, H. (2007) also proved that consumption of junk food will potentially cause

    various kinds of psychological problem. First at all, he explained that the artificial food colors

    as well as other types of add on addictives that been used to produce the junk food will make

    the children become more hyperactive than before. At the mean time, the studies that carried

    out Manski, C. F. (1993) also showed that people who like to take the junk food are

    obviously easily facing the moody and depression problems. In other words, consumption of

    junk food may worsen a persons mood. Manski, C. F. (1993) further explained that it is

    because the Trans Fat that consists in the junk food can easily affect the brains

    neurotransmitters.Robinson, T., Borzekowski, D., Matheson, D. and Kraemer, H. (2007)also

    explained that those people who like to consume the junk food will potentially facing mental

    disorder problems like Alzheimer as well as depression.

    At the mean time, the studies and researches that carried out by Li, C., Engstrom, G.,

    Hedblad, B., Calling, S., Berglund, G. and Janzon, L. (2006) also proved that the social

    problem among the people in the society also related to the consumption of junk food in the

    daily life. It is because those people who like to take the junk food will easily get fat or gain

    weight. Therefore, they will start to lost their confident especially in socialize with other

    people. They will think that they are ugly and fat. It makes them not dare to communicate

    with other people in the society. Later, they slowly will be abandoned from the society. It

    prove that the consumption of the junk food will cause the social problems among the people

    in Malaysia.

    As a conclusion, we should stop from consume the junk food in daily life as it causes various

    kinds of social, psychological and healthy problems to the people. The early education is very

    much important to shape the minds of children so that avoid from taken too many junk food

    in the daily life.

  • 8/13/2019 OUMH2103 Albee Ting


    PART B

    The Sources that Caused the Heat in Greenhouse Effects

    According to the explanation from Solomon, S.; Qin, D.; Manning, M.; Chen, Z.; Marquis,

    M.; Averyt, K.B.; Tignor, M.; and Miller, H.L., ed. (2007), the rapid development and

    urbanization activities are among the most important factors that cause the greenhouse effects

    in this world. This global issue can be serious and affect all living thing in this world.

    Generally, the greenhouse effects caused by the heat energy from sun. Earths natural

    greenhouse effect makes life as we know it possible. However, human activities, primarily

    the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests, have intensified the natural greenhouse

    effect, causing global warming. However, not all the heat energy from sun will reach us. It is

    because a partial of the heat energy will be reflected off by the atmosphere or ozone. The

    other partial of the heat energy from sun will be radiated into the space. Therefore, only third

    portion of the heat energy from sun will reach to us. The ultraviolet (UV) in the heat energy

    from sun will be harmful for our skins. There will be more heat energy from sun reach

    directly to us due to the urbanization and development activities that carried out by human

    being in this world.

    First at all, the urbanization and logging activities cause more trees are cut down.

    Unquestionable, the lucrative incomes cause more peoples involve in timber and logging

    activities. However, most of the companies will cut down the tree without properly planning

    or replanting. Therefore, it cause the numbers of trees that consists in one area become less. It

    will cause less Carbon Dioxide been absorbed by the green plants. Obviously, the production

    in the industries and increment of vehicles on the roads cause more Carbon Dioxide been

    released in the air. This Carbon Dioxide will later combine with the Oxygen molecule in the

    ozone. This will directly cause the ozone layer in the atmosphere become thinner. Once there

    are no more tree help in absorb the carbon dioxide, there will be more carbon dioxide

    molecule combine with the oxygen molecule in the ozone. Therefore, it causes the ozone

    layer become even thinner. Thus, the heat energy from sun will not be reflected in the

    atmosphere and it causing more portion of the heat energy from sun reaches to us. Therefore,

    it will cause various kinds of negative impacts like milting of ice block in south and north

    Atlantic, greenhouse effects, increment of world temperature and so on. Due to that, it can be

    a disaster to the human being in this world as the ecosystem will be affected.

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    As a conclusion, the problem of greenhouse effect become worsens for last few years.

    Generally, it caused by the rapid development and urbanization activities that happened

    globally. Therefore, we should plan and involve more in the environmental friendly such as

    recycling, replanting program, and green loving program. These are the important activities

    and efforts that we must enhance in order to protect our earth from destroyed by the

    greenhouse effects.

    (500 words)

  • 8/13/2019 OUMH2103 Albee Ting



    Weightlossmalaysia.com (2012). Obesity Statistic.

    http://www.weightlossmalaysia.com/obesity-statistics/ (12 June 2012)

    Li, C., Engstrom, G., Hedblad, B., Calling, S., Berglund, G. and Janzon, L. (2006), Sex

    differences in the relationships between BMI, WHR and incidence of cardiovascular disease:

    a population-based cohort study, International Journal of Obesity 30(12), 17751781.

    Niemeier, H., Raynor, H., Lloyd-Richardson, E., Rogers, M. and Wing, R. (2006), Fast food

    consumption and breakfast skipping: predictors of weight gain from adolescence to adulthood

    in a nationally representative sample, Journal of Adolescent Health 39(6), 842849.

    Manski, C. F. (1993), Identification of endogenous social effects: The reflection problem,

    Review of Economic Studies 60(3), 53142.

    Robinson, T., Borzekowski, D., Matheson, D. and Kraemer, H. (2007), Effects of fast food

    branding on young childrens taste preferences, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent

    Medicine 161(8), 792.

    Solomon, S.; Qin, D.; Manning, M.; Chen, Z.; Marquis, M.; Averyt, K.B.; Tignor, M.; and

    Miller, H.L., ed. (2007). Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, Contribution of

    Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on

    Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-88009-1 (pb:978-0-521-

