OTP Based 2F Authentication

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  • 7/27/2019 OTP Based 2F Authentication


    Mobile OTP



    The rapid growth in the number of online services leads to an increasing number of different digital identities each user needs to manage. As a result, many people feeloverloaded with credentials, which in turn negatively impacts their ability to managethem securely. Passwords are perhaps the most common type of credential used today.To avoid the tedious task of remembering difficult passwords, users often behave lesssecurely by using low entropy and weak passwords. Weak passwords and bad

    password habits represent security threats to online services. Some solutions have beendeveloped to eliminate the need for users to create and manage passwords. A typicalsolution is based on giving the user a hardware token that generates one-time-

    passwords, i.e. passwords for single session or transaction usage. Unfortunately, mostof these solutions do not satisfy scalability and/or usability requirements, or they aresimply insecure.

    Besides the fact that, the widespread use of the Internet has contributedenormously towards the growth of e-commerce. Technological advances in mobile

    phones (e.g. Smartphones) have also made it possible to carry out e-commerce viamobile phones (m-commerce). M-commerce involves the use of mobile devices suchas mobile phones and PDAs in carrying out electronic transactions. Applications inthis domain range from normal information consumption to high securityfinancial electronic transactions. Just like e-commerce, the security of m-commerce applications is critical, especially when it involves applications thatdeal with user sensitive data such as credit cards details, medical details etc. Oneof the solutions for this issue is the two factor authentication technique as afundamental security function.

    Our proposal, The mobile phone as an OTP device Based 2 FactorAuthentication , explores the two factor authentication technique and implementation

    issues which can be used for the two factor authentication technique. In this thesis, we propose a scalable OTP solution using mobile phones and based on trusted computingtechnology that combines enhanced usability with strong security.

    Two factor authentication also have disadvantages which include the cost of purchasing, issuing, and managing the tokens or cards. From the customers point of

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    Mobile OTP


    view, using more than one two-factor authentication system requires carrying multipletokens/cards which are likely to get lost or stolen.

    Mobile phones have traditionally been regarded as a tool for making phone calls.But today, given the advances in hardware and software, mobile phones use have beenexpanded to send messages, check emails, store contacts, etc. Mobile connectivityoptions have also increased. After standard GSM connections, mobile phones nowhave infra-red, Bluetooth, 3G, and WLAN connectivity. Most of us, if not all of us,carry mobile phones for communication purpose. Several mobile banking servicesavailable take advantage of the improving capabilities of mobile devices. From beingable to receive information on account balances in the form of SMS messages to usingWAP and Java together with GPRS to allow fund transfers between accounts, stock

    trading, and confirmation of direct payments via th e phones micro browser .

    Installing both vendor-specific and third party applications allow mobile phonesto provide expanded new services other than communication. Consequently, using themobile phone as a token will make it easier for the customer to deal with multiple twofactor authentication systems; in addition it will reduce the cost of manufacturing,distributing, and maintaining millions of tokens.

    By definition, authentication is the use of one or more mechanisms to prove thatyou are who you claim to be. Once the identity of the human or machine is validated,access is granted. Three universally recognized authentication factors exist today: whatyou know (e.g. passwords), what you have (e.g. ATM card or tokens), and what youare (e.g. biometrics). Recent work has been done in trying alternative factors such as afourth factor, e.g. somebody you know, which is based on the notion of vouching.

    Two factor authentication is a mechanism which implements two of the abovementioned factors and is therefore considered stronger and more secure than thetraditionally implemented one factor authentication system. Withdrawing money froman ATM machine utilizes two factor authentication; the user must possess the ATM

    card, i.e. what you have, and must know a unique personal identification number (PIN),i.e. what you know.

    Passwords are known to be one of the easiest targets of hackers. Therefore, mostorganizations are looking for more secure methods to protect their customers andemployees. Biometrics are known to be very secure and are used in special

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    organizations, but they are not used much in secure online transactions or ATMmachines given the expensive hardware that is needed to identify the subject and themaintenance costs, etc. Instead, banks and companies are using tokens as a mean of two factor authentication.

    A security token is a physical device that an authorized user of computer services is given to aid in authentication. It is also referred to as an authentication tokenor a cryptographic token. Tokens come in two formats: hardware and software.Hardware tokens are small devices which are small and can be conveniently carried.Some of these tokens store cryptographic keys or biometric data, while others display aPIN that changes with time. At any particular time when a user wishes to log-in, i.e.authenticate, he uses the PIN displayed on the token in addition to his normal account

    password. Software tokens are programs that run on computers and provide a PIN thatchanges with time. Such programs implement a One Time Password (OTP) algorithm.OTP algorithms are critical to the security of systems employing them sinceunauthorized users should not be able to guess the next password in the sequence. Thesequence should be random to the maximum possible extent, unpredictable, andirreversible. Factors that can be used in OTP generation include names, time, seed, etc.

    Using tokens involves several steps including registration of users, token production and distribution, user and token authentication, and user and token

    revocation among others.While tokens provide a much safer environment for users, it can be very costly

    for organizations. For example, a bank with a million customers will have to purchase,install, and maintain a million tokens. Furthermore, the bank has to provide continuoussupport for training customers on how to use the tokens. The banks have to also beready to provide replacements if a token breaks or gets stolen. Replacing a token is alot more expensive than replacing an ATM card or resetting a password.

    From the customers prosp ective, having an account with more than one bank

    means the need to carry and maintain several tokens which constitute a biginconvenience and can lead to tokens being lost, stolen, or broken. In many cases, thecustomers are charged for each token.

    We propose a mobile-based software token that will save the organizations thecost of purchasing and maintaining the hardware tokens. Furthermore, will allow

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    Mobile OTP


    customers to install multiple software tokens on their mobile phones. Hence, they willonly worry about their mobile phones instead of worrying about several hardwaretokens.

    The mobile OTP software describes a method of implementing two factor authentication using mobile phones. The proposed method guarantees to authenticatingto services, such as online banking or ATM machines, is done in a secure manner. The

    proposed system involves using a mobile phone as a software token for One TimePassword generation. The generated One Time Password (OTP) is valid for only ashort user-defined period of time and is generated by factors that are unique to both,the user and the mobile device itself.

    In order to secure a system, the generated OTP must be hard to guess, retrieve,or trace by hackers. Therefore, it's very important to develop a secure OTP generatingalgorithm. Several can be used by the OTP algorithm to generate a difficult-to-guess

    password (user can use mobile number or PIN for services such as authorizing mobilemicropayments). These factors must exist on both the mobile phone and server in order for both sides to generate the same OTP password.

    In proposed design, the following factors were chosen to generate an OTP:

    -IMEI number of mobile device (get IMEI number to play as the factor to generate seed code. The term stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity which is unique toeach mobile phone allowing each user to be identified by his device. This is accessibleon the mobile phone and wi ll be stored in the servers database for each client.

    - IMSI: the mobile phone number (we can use the mobile phone number when themobile devices supporting the SIM card instead of IMEI number of device). The term

    stands for International Mobile Subscriber Identity which is a unique number associated with all GSM and Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS)

    network mobile phone users. It is stored in the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card in the mobile phone. This number will also be store d in the servers database for eachclient

    -PIN code (to be secure user when login app). This is required to verify that no oneother than the user is using th e phone to generate the users OTP. The PIN together

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    with the username is data that only the user knows so even if the mobile phone is stolenthe OTP cannot be generated correctly without knowing the users P IN. Note that theusername and the PIN are never stored in the mobiles memory. They are just used to

    generate the OTP and discarded immediately after that. In order for the PIN to be hard to guess or brute-forced by the hacker, a minimum of 8-characters long PIN isrequested with a mixture of upper- and lower-case characters, digits, and symbols.

    - Username (user registered account with the authentication server. Although nolonger required because the IMEI will uniquely identify the user anyway. This is used together with the PIN to protect the user in case the mobile phone is stolen.

    -Hour, minute, day, year (time makes the OTP set unique to other times, application

    get the time from the service). The time is retrieved by the client and server from thetelecommunication company or authentication server. This will ensure the correct time synchronization between both sides.

    The following chart is how the software generating OTP using HMAC-SHA1algorithm:

    -Seed: a key is shared with each side (client and server), it is made from factors whichmentioned.

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    -Counter: a counter event (click on generating OTP) or time counter (period time tochange to the new OTP), it is synchronized both sides (client and server).

    OTP change for each defined period of time (30seconds, 60 seconds or 1 minutes, 2minutes, ...)

    Model For Implementing OTP

    In this paper, we propose a mobile-based software token system that is supposed toreplace existing hardware and computer-based software tokens. The system will havetwo modes of operation:

    I ndependent Au thentication System (OTP is generated in both sides: cl ient

    and server) : A one-time password (OTP) is generated without connecting theclient to the server. The mobile phone will act as a token and use certain factorsunique to it among other factors to generate a one-time password locally. Theserver will have all the required factors including the ones unique to eachmobile phone in order to generate the same password at the server side andcompare it to the password submitted by the client. The client may submit the

    password online or through a device such as an ATM machine. A program will be installed on the clients mobile phone to generate the OTP. - Register device:

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    - Generate OTP: input pin in order to make OTP

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    Database Design

    A database is needed on the server side to store the clients identificationinformation such as the first name, last name, username, pin, password, mobile IMEInumber, IMSI number, unique symmetric key, and the mobile telephone number for each user. It will not store the password itself. Should the database be compromised thehashes cannot be reversed in order to get the passwords used to generate those hashes.Hence, the OTP algorithm will not be traced.

    Client Design

    An Android program is developed and installed on the mobile phone to generatethe OTP. The OTP program has the option of generating the OTP locally using themobile credentials, e.g. (IMEI and IMSI numbers).

    In order for the user to run the OTP program, the user must enter his PIN andselect the OTP generation method. The PIN and generated OTP are never stored on themobile phone.

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    Mobile OTP


    If the user inputs PIN is used to locally generate the OTP and is discardedthereafter. The PIN is stored on the servers side to generate the same OTP.

    Server Design

    A server is implemented to generate the OTP on the organizations side. Theserver consists of a database as described in Database Design.

    In order to setup the database, the client must register in person at theorg anization. The clients mobile phone/SIM card identification factors, e.g.IMEI/IMSI, are retrieved and stored in the database, in addition to the username andPIN. The Android OTP generating software is installed on the mobile phone. Thesoftware is configured to connect to the servers GSM mode m in case the SMS option

    is used. A unique symmetric key is also generated and installed on both the mobile phone and server. Both parties are ready to generate the OTP at that point.

    F inal ly, there is a method for authentication using OTP mobil e device

    Note that the token symbol, now, play as mobile phone (mobile devices)

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    Mobile OTP


    In order to use this software, a customer must be login with registered usernamewith authentication server. When a user lost a username using for any services (theusername is disclosed), he can absolutely believe that the hacker can not use it for cheating his account, as only a device which registered with server can make the OTP

    password in the same which is correct to authenticate. In case of losing the mobile phone, none can use it for generating OTP because it requires password and usernameto login that OTP software.

    H ow do we integrate OTP to authentication process of VM EET or M oM EET application f or ser iously important video meeting?

    This approach, mobile phone OTP as two factor authentication can be used for checking the user when the user connect to meeting room on MoMeet application toassure to be secure that user. It is necessary to protect the user from illegal access of others. OTP code resolves the problem how do we verify that a user is he claims to be;it brings the security for all of the important video meeting in any organization.

    Multiple factor authentication aims to solve the various problems associatedwith single factor methods by adding another layer of security to the authentication

    process. The method involves the use of some-thing the user knows (e.g. OTP) andsomething the user has which improves the strength of the authentication process.

    The following figure is the OTP authentication process flow:

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    Mobile OTP


    Summary: OTP-Based Two-Factor Authentication UsingMobile Phones

    Authentication is the cornerstone of security information. It is accepted thatauthentication uses one or more of these:

    - The users knowledge, such as password or PIN with username - The users possession, such as smart card and token - The users biometrics, such as fingerprint, DNA, ...- The users behavior, such as voice and a signature

    Password based authentication is the most widely used.


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    Mobile OTP


    A one time password solves the problems of reusable passwords.

    Areas of use:

    Online banking: Log on and payment authorization

    Card payment: payment authorization Automated application process:

    Loans and insurance Mutual funds and share trading Ticket purchasing and change on the mobile Healthcare Industry

    Secure and Remote Data Accessing Login to Operating Systems and Web Servers Setting up a Strong, Shared Key between parties that only share an OTP value.

    Benefit of mobile Authentication using OTP software:

    Replace HW (hardware) tokens with your mobile phone User friendly Pay for the value, not the hardware Only one token: Your mobile phone

    One mechanism for many service providers Meets banking security requirements

    About OTP algorithm in Detail:

    The algorithm that will generate one time passwords is TOTP (Time-based OneTime Password), an extension of HOTP (HMAC-Based One Time Password) tosupport a time based moving factor. TOTP is an Internet Engineering Task Forcestandard and a cornerstone of Initiative for Open Authentication (OATH).

    As defined in RFC 4226, the HOTP algorithm is based on HMAC-SHA1. Thesecurity and strength of this algorithm depends on the properties of the underlying

    building block HOTP, which is a construction based on HMAC [RFC2104] using

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    SHA-1 as the hash function. The security analysis conclusions described in RFC 4226are that for all practical purposes.

    The conclusion of the security analysis detailed in RFC4226 is that, for all practical purposes, the outputs of the dynamic truncation on distinct inputs areuniformly and independently distributed strings.

    HOTP was published as an informational IETF RFC 4226 in December 2005,documenting the algorithm along with a Java implementation. Since then, thealgorithms were adopted by many companies worldwide and became the world'sleading standard for event-based OTP authentication. The HOTP algorithm is a freelyavailable open standard.A. HOTP Algorithm:

    The HOTP algorithm is based on an increasing counter value and a static symmetrickey known only to the token and the validation service. In order to create the HOTPvalue, we will use the HMAC-SHA-1 algorithm, as defined in RFC 2104.As the output of the HMAC-SHA-1 calculation is 160 bits, we must truncate thisvalue to something that can be easily entered by a user.

    Where: Truncate represents the function that converts an HMAC-SHA-1 value into an

    HOTP value. C is 8-byte counter value, the moving factor. This counter MUST be

    synchronized between the HOTP generator (client) and the HOTP validator (server).

    K is the shared secret between client and server; each HOTP generator has adifferent and unique secret K .

    We can describe operations in 3 distinct steps:

    Step 1 : Generate an HMAC-SHA-1 value:HS = HMAC-SHA-1(K, C)

    Step 2 : Generate a 4-byte string (Dynamic Truncation):Sbits = DT (HS)DT returns a 31-bit string.

    Step 3 : Compute an HOTP value:

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    Snum = StToNum(Sbits),Convert S to a number in 0 2 31 1Return D = Snum mod 10 ^ DigitD is a number in the range 0 10 Digit -1Digit: number of digits in an HOTP value, system parameter.

    The Truncate function performs Step 2 and Step 3, i.e., the dynamic truncationand then the reduction modulo 10 Digit . The purpose of the dynamic offset truncationtechnique is to extract a 4-byte dynamic binary code from a 160-bit (20-byte) HMAC-SHA-1 result.

    We define DT function as:

    DT (String)

    Let OffsetBits be the low-order 4 bits of String [19]

    Offset = StToNum (OffsetBits)

    Let P = String[OffSet]... String[OffSet+3]

    Return the Last 31 bits of P

    End (DT)




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    Mobile OTP


    X represents the time step in seconds (default value X = 30 seconds) and is asystem parameter;

    T0 is the Unix time to start counting time steps (default value is 0, Unix epoch)and is also a system parameter.

    Basically, we define TOTP as: TOTP = HOTP (K, T)

    Where T is an integer and represents the number of time steps between the initialcounter time T 0 and the current Unix time (i.e. the number of seconds elapsed sincemidnight UTC of January 1, 1970).

    More specifically,

    T = (Timestamp curent - T 0)/XThe analysis demonstrates that the best possible attack against the HOTP function isthe brute force attack.


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    Mobile OTP



    1. Wikipedia, Time-based One-time Password Algorithm,

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-based_One-time_Password_Algorithm .

    2. RFC 4226, HOTP: An HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm,http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4226

    3. Wikipedia, HOTP, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HOTP 4. TOTP: Time-based One-time Password Algorithm,

