(OTigrnat unit Srlrrtfi “ ffityrtUais- Heal Eitatiffciisiraiiu Aiint. · 2015-02-09 · (OTigrnat...

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Transcript of (OTigrnat unit Srlrrtfi “ ffityrtUais- Heal Eitatiffciisiraiiu Aiint. · 2015-02-09 · (OTigrnat...

F L A IX K IK D D , N. J. J U L Y 2(1A N V L U m K M K M H

i ' K.STjji r a y . (OTigrnat unit Srlrrtfi “ ffityrtUais-


Heal Eitatiffciisiraiiu Aiint. tha p ttu ttiy if

n m o ithat I *64 m i l m i yv% and. j a m ■ night bi«*th* I be a lr c f framlcnn. And we reioic* tu-day, m r i proud and >Mpb7 « i rUd, fftal that .amt fa thcr* died for u instead of com pott­ing aa I f dia fur them. Thor, wt*w grant* graad turn. In faet, they vara a n y ■ f thei* great-grae-d tether*

ll la sweet to die for ana'* country. ]| u w n | to ms tbU I, too, would gladly, pli, flow gladly, add my auoa lo the lut o f tba groat aad good, aad dia for m r country— of aid ago t WauU dt* manor if It Waa thnugiitS-ve-seSy, bat 1 lisToa’t got limn. 1am too lu ty . liut if any H c r ik u Me needed wait 4>Ul#DuUI, they may Pali to me. aad I s i l l either m m or ioDilalloud- 'i |

l W flitter* died for u*. They died willingly and gladly. Hut if they

cuultlc uaa back to day and see whet bind of a crowd they died for, (juar-rulting over the President’* policy, wrangling over the currency, and aome or thptu trying to pay a dollAr’ s Wurth of debt irith ninety c,-uta' worth

S t., C b m rr rum -til W.

ESTATEI r l , o r E n rh iin p-,

W. Gamble, M. D.

e :<r t i s t ,il STKET, ft.AIRFIELD it J.lUhlilsfind fir Etnftu Tcelk

. ^ t w T r t 'to f r r n l S i . n p s w i r t c l t f i T . i t

S . L . S T E W A R T , ITTCBJfBT I f t l f ,

dJ? W *. Ml Eu BIM it iW n . Unr III run Milieu! fell rml Sreet

P L A I l f F U L D H- } .

t other iiyuriuut ala- frees* ibair anti lily f Itu ttii unaware df which a e talc* in, in ^bulbar, through air.lN D O L P H ,

and Builder,

TIT3WDBTE, TEAK CIS A KA25E,C J o tiflW jIO lW Ml J i l lW .

ihk— " I vuHH'liJce lo see every char- liable 'tgauihftion existing io this oily. lOiludiog;. my own enterprise, *w*pt out o f foditenoe. I would like lo MO MtabLiadeJ in their piece a tin- glo organtzaiad whoat grand pur-

it (•. tu tfrSrh * radical cur* of pauperism , Sm touW like to aes tba ril> guvornnSgt, which u directly ra- •I'tnifibli* fup^ptrre than half the pau­perism n barf, united ia adminis­tration with ftoc cli'i»en representa­tive* o f the tSumvoltnc# o f tba city, in the wnrhigj£Gut ol (hia grand rum I vpuid lilt* see the city derided Into diatrictafiW email that one man can hold in rath- not only a ragiatry ot tjmry (anrdj’ bring jo It, but ob­tain and n r S fr w a hnowiedga of each to n ify 'h *w a metatiooe a q l char actor. 1 sroufiFfcars a labor-bureau in tr tty diitriofc'jn conned-tra with thie loenf iUp*>'fl$t«<foti[r» oA#e. i would bare 1 ha t*jttfl of erery man aad woman e ra iv A in complete than anythat ha* avekigkn made by------ '-----eautil# agwudha. 1 would i Vagrancy u M I e d iiluatrai t*ain]ia and d)*d-Leat» wl ■ boat tba c ig n * tuIBcieut (•ondoiun&liifW&o hard labhr

ItoU aft


B . C O W A H D ,•t m y rat l* f tW . Ara* - a i t v r u n L i e ,

Fanet* i i E t io r iA a iJ<jL:in*,— “ It ia not tJivcoalition tbal hue detbruDci! tjie," Paid NaboJetin on hie mar to the file of' Elba,, “ it ie liberal idea, {lei ideei libernleij j" and about the iamo epofh the curbed conqueror •igbrd : "Jo b* puii [ il l me ratabMr —j'a i cliiHjue If « peaptei."

Fond of gctteraliaellon, th* great rmfetor louftim ae raiatooh or feign­ed to Buitakw tfae cabav of hii-dlear- terii Idll, ho at foeal rand the bietor ry of Lie age aa no mare juoib'o of ■ otrULeuta, buJ'Lbe ordered and calcu­lable! ietueo f Bvll-deflbtd combina­tion ■ ; be jiereeired a ml teuk uceouni not only o f m uitr tradifione In Euro- pcab itatccraft, but of ihoee vnat un­derlying force* of popular aentiment, thrnio tnigbry tcndeuelee ut modern L-mlintion, which work iu powerful­ly in ehaping aventa, and aid in cait- f«(t the liofoeokpo of the future-

The ponding grapple of Ituefuvite aud Idualem h*a now giren freeh iu- fereat to the itudy of tliven undorly- iEg force*, th*ie wodora teudoociM, inumyieruL ulerlv u the map of cen­tral hurepa h t i bean eo largely re- coniLructed by thorn in »ur o *b day. Speculatiuo, indeed, w a. at the out- .«1 of ibe Wa* ombarioaeod by the C tar 'i anuoniLcoipeiit that he curated au Turkiah territory. For W uit Eu­rope ha* been-during half a century not only dietraitful o f Ituiaian greed, but rather despairingly iaclined to coneider UuMtaa aggraudizemenf a mere que.tton.of lim e; and Napote- olill prophecy <m the etihjecl, etill ringing fn mac’t ear*, baa began or late year* fu bo *o etrikiugly fulfilled in it* npubligaa half aa to gain all the nova erode ace for the other half.

Jhxn aof the C iar i oeighbori. tuc- tted-Stvhi- diwHnimet of fuel for TUI- hfiit etrtl, have evidently agreed to ra- g»rd hi.-language aa a mere /«<*a it pttrltr, not’ to be much built upon, and paralleled, indeed, by other hiatorio utterances of royalty, not i|uile squa­ring with tbeerent— aa, fur inataooe, {dot to go furftier back), the declara­tion wherewith lb* l*el [ir«**ding Eu- rupoan war began, the unuucatiotia- biy eincorw dAlaraliua o f K ing W il­liam that ho warred with the r ranch Emperor, not with the French jmopl*; although when the Ifti£|jWor wa* crushed at Hssdan K ing ttTHMuu'a ar-tniea went on '■ coLquonug FruLCo.

Conceding ihe C a r tu hara no in­stall t doiign, upon Constantinople, (which, if Weil dclauded, he probably could not take); nor upon the baaha uf die Danube (which Austria would hardly consent to hi* annexing), nor even upon Turkey's Asiatic lUolc, where England would unwillingly»«# widened the Euasian road to India—- aupjxxiug, we say, tbs C a r la bo jtte- !<ti*d ia maiming that if Jiu»ia bed ever Nought Turkish toil the would bain nought (t when her ticlurtuu* nnniei unde* DicbiUch crossed tbio Italic an, eight and lorry ‘years ago, nod conquered apearout AdHaoople, anil, hiar u<jS Hu-d* contemplate o*- rabliablug, with European consent, a zone Of freed Turkish provinces north oi the liulksn rengn, as a ednfodara- ey of itidepaadcni t-'hrietiaifc atalM.— Gtitutf (nr AagMt.

Acct.B nr (Jiuiiso Acs m i l u n o — Jieifjurkablt- ionjjruocy a t to the per- moability i f jthe ground and ol th# foundations Of our bouses has L e u given by gsa emanations in(o him-os which had m* gaa laid oft, I know cases where person, were poieonad uod killed by gas which had to Irav- oi for twenty foal under lb# atraot, and tbeti ilnoiagh tbs foundation^ rsltar vaults and dooring of the low­er rooms. Aa tbeae kinds #f aocidaate happened only ia winter they have boon brought iorward Is a proof that the froaen soil did not allow tho ga* to escape i ja ig b l upward, but droro if into the Is*uao- I have told you already w hyll take th* frozen soli to be not m en air tight than a fawn But

■ frozen. 1c auch case* Che p ta stw tiuu of g*a ifato the- house ie facilita- loil by th* □ torrent in the ground alt caused by,tt» bouse. The bouse be-' tog warmer [inside than ids* eateraal sir, ecus Uke'a heated chimney on its ■ u.rro\mding*, chiefly cm tbo ground OB which it lUBd* a id tiu 'a ir thexe- ihj which « e will call the ground air- Th# warm u|r iu the chimney M prsne-

‘ *4 into and-ftp tb#' eblnuiey by the. cold air aaiftMtudiug tho same Tics warm air inside ie Ugh#r th n the cold air onteide, *0.1 this being so, th# former nftwt float upward through the dsiioDeyi like oil in water. It confirmee to; do #o «e fong e* fteeb ml<t air aoeaas into iu neighborhood tram lb- uafetde. As s w i M we in- terrubt thi. arrival, the draught tnl"

CHAa f . OUION,Mlrt, r« ilW UII arbitral

E. W. A ft. ItlJNTOBf, '

attomcija St fecuitaillnwA T - C A B . i

Nounfi finis. Mttfniis Caiiatn utlyafT.U, | I n iiKir »»e • * - mlWfeiis a

would «ay, I* ia “ alee.’ ’ Look abroad near out land, tu n I h r .u f t t of his­tory nod m * what lire mighty geollia o f prt-gcrss line wrooghf fla t one short century ago lb* earner ston* of tbla foigb-.y fabric was ttsid, amid the tbu nelotl o i cannon aad tb# rattle of musketry. Canopied by tbstn u k * ofLaiUe and wmented with blood. A little! band of struggling, needy p4- triotf, half «Ud, poorly W , with only a '<■ w dollars in tbe aatioaal treasury. Iij.dpy the enn o f one hundred and oo* y*ar» br»*k« wpow; the foad— wheinvir JctanTitarming— and where do a)* stand. A biUiuf! dollars in


B O T . B Y P U B L I C ,rum m n iii i ic ii d ircm ,

H H. LOWRIE. M. 0.BtaawaTSJQT.

H o t r t: "f Kiw v -A LWEUPUOL A LlttDlN AltLQCL * T W A of Hiflr.ini KurriwEMm Of uf* vosf K h l A I., nf y.iiit'snd HERMAN AMlR'CW. HE# WORK F W A R lu L w l.fl'hHil AMERlUFf OF ■ IfWHK.j IN. J. FIKElWlfon! ilsnr.nl MilKHANTI : OF piEW'SKj ! N- Jf i h e h 'k iv * ‘ -IIMWriW A TflADlRS PI M. 1K.llCVir'.HW'. Y"|» if*MANUFACfURtfll"; H ie ir i. S J P B O P t-B F ' of Traania ■ EWAkK mrrtijj.. KowWk. s j . . nts.on


■ Wl KWEFIT L I 1 i h: latfin CH CC., i

rRAVikttir AhviDEKr '*»- co.

fu, luo.rrin , 2S,4ift.0Wl1T.tihn.ofw i ,Ai«»,r«i


tw ill for that purpewn. iih rg fsrr on tu* stroet U|S punishable by imprie- H|ld h it# every helpfoi*Kpand where help inktin always be bad by Ac iif fact*, subject to im- iTmp.-i.-cit exaruination. K matter au arranged m wnuld b# put upon 1% ban upon falsehi**i.igd idleaip«rmace shouldraei'lerwiion* in ' dealing ■* There ia Be limit to Mioh e»eh an orgamxa- ■jruld hare the power to ■4 perpetuate, and, g*n- Fljr foil lev* thet undwrica

onasent. 1 JHirson uni ejnergoncie repr**#niat modiat* in 1 would sec that a preh the trial is, a Teniperanei aiway* fee

tadrbode. i f they h*d they might hev«i dii«4 Wtth fo*e eipeh#* aad trou­ble before they got fo tbe war. Oar father* nisVeV knew the aceUtie pints- ur* of leaning out o f 'a oar window and gelling a iL-dbut -imicr aa big aa a poa i t their eye before1 they W ild look at ]a ti-M. They had no telegraph aud tLevur knew what a cuBWDienoo il #*e fo pay forty cent* to send a njf**agi» Shy mile*,: sud then ■ have [be despatch come lagging a day or two after lb# tuna W I died ol old ag*. 1 W bad no kereaene lamps and nPTrr knew what if wa* Us light a kicehen flte and make a balloon as e#n»toiiou| o f the snwe t»n. They


Urgwd Viator— Tbs chief if the Turkish umpire.

Uiijan— The Turkish stateEDUCATIONAL

r V i la t s that under ita 0 faithful administra- ' banish beggars from Btroduee a hew era of | virtu* among all the [and saro cursaLraa ijt- ternbla pauporiutioB.


A R C H I T E C T S ,* * r »

Building SuperiiUendenlsO F F I C S :

Cor. Charry St., A north Ava. , PLAPIFIELD. N. f ‘

uf the l'rophet all the fanatkai horflaa uf Islam tu fight to tbe death against the "jntidslifin th* firm belief that death on tha battle-field ie a rare

aud never had forty-lira rainy day* in a afoutb. with a tdtnado every wash-Jay. Their want* war* few and simple. They didn’t need a gteat deal of weather, and what they had Was regulated by ib e.''ground-liog, and that reliable wcoth*r bureau nor- «r made ainiitake. •

The*# zjigq have parsed away. In tlicif aiznbl# habits, their sterling honesty, their grand patriotism, their unaitlfieli devotion to pfiaciplc, they

■ pnsand! from lif* to eternal fame The men of '76 are garni 1 da aSt Itoow w heyc, but they have goioeomvwber#, I do not ee# aay of them k m - I f there are any present they will please rise, for I tun williag to b* corrected ahon I bn wrong. ■'

Tba Fourth of July was iuTsntad by it tlaq olio so nenwfa dear Bo fill A merman hearts-—tfeogge VT. Waah- iDgSoO. i»r “ 0 iflgenioae arrange. meat th# Fourth "/J u ly wm ae oon- trired try tlso invoDfor that il would «lway» fall on a rainy day I t ha. Cniiaod it only once in the past LweWo hunfied year*, and m that once it hailed all,day. The Fourth o f July ■ rad not the only invention of this grvkt andlgooA man. If* invented a Bath# tb at will fit two-ihird* of the Luyk o f e*#ry goneratiea in America, A grsti-fu! people never forgot the Ibcil and ‘Washington, ■ when at tho tenlth of hit power, waa nominated by ta U q a tio o foe tha capital o f the United State*, Washington wa* ooee diseov*ts>4 nvayiogat Valley Forge, and from lb* gr*at stress laid bjjch tha'ilKidebt by all historians, il i*

mthat it Wa* the paly tins* any- tier caught him praying. Ue -vi*4 a Brave, good man, bat h* drt s,-

CiLtsr freaps.— A girl who make* herself too cheap ia uae to bo avoided. No young man, not eteO th# worst, excepting foe a base putpo**, wants anything to do with a cheap young lady. For a wife, non# but a fool or

-yrs irsl will approach such a woman. •Theap jawclry nobudy wiU touch if h» coin get nay bettor. Cheap girl* arn nothing bat the refuae ; and th'-' young men knew it, aad they will look in every other direction for a Ufa-Lung friend and companion b*-" for<j they will gire a gianoe at the pinchbiek a roll that tinkles at every turn for faMinatiag tha eye of any that will kmk. You think it quite the “ correct lliiusr" to talk loudly ani| i arm-lv, be Loti teruua and hoy- denish m oil public piacew i tom tit"yourself so bold and forward andcommonplace, everywhere, that peo­ple wbnaer if you aver had a mother, or home, or anything tu do. So be it, You will probably be taken for what you are worth, and one oi thsaa years if Vou' do not make vui^se than * shipwreck of yeurmelf, you wilt begin to « A d a t where the charms are that you thought yourself poH«M*i| of, and what ssril psbiril could bar* so befooled you- w on, but wntsmlwr cheap g ills attract oobody but foulsand rascals- _______

k i u t t l s — Though anagram* are .JM.il the grandest pmdutlfotie of butn- on gotiius, yet the ingenuity toma-lime* _ diapfsyrd, in compounding aotnc new word chsraciariltio o f tbe original, is qu*t#*urpr)*ing. For ex­ample: A»trt*otn*>v, tn ou a.iU rsn ;IVaitentiary, n a j, I repeat il ; Radi­cal Reform, rare made frolic; Fret- byterlan, beat in prayer -, Oallantrial all great s in : Old Eogiaui, golden land. Editor*, *0 tired. Some jraara age there was an eminent physician >n London who*# name, John Abern- rthy. on account o f bis blantneo* and rotlgbaeaa) was metsmorpboerd into “Johnny tbe beof.11 D osotfo s not &faw persena were confirmed in their adherence Iu the Hr*lender to the British throne, bv the coincidence ot Charles James Btaart with his ana­gram : Jit l e J ir a trm rltm Oat uf the iireiticst of luodera aitagram* i* the tulLowing :

- f i a u r r i Niuaiatukt-a,FiVtse, Ateriay eeyaf.'"

When tiaorgv Thompson waa nrg* ed tdtgu info rariiamtwt, fo terra the cause of negro emaaeipauun, oaa uf his friends found in the letters of his


Islam—The religion of kfobammed.' islann—Tk# Mohaiunsedao* theta

•elvea . •Hassuliaan—A fotlov^yr of Mo

liahimed.‘ Htc-rown Empire— Another name

far the I t titbit empire, and darivei its isams from Oalcsaa, lie founder

OnoMotia—Tha la r k s proper.Ji*t all follower* ot the E’rophst

are Turk*, in European Turkey, id

COTTAGE SEMINARY.whom heydomd. “ Xton’t ha afraid,^ •he replied; "U n ju stS i mark Behan*, •d o f them aal you n g ”

Chin am ea about to testify, iu court ■waar hot c j tbe Bible, but <on a chicken Thekw u »o*f# sense iu |hi^ fo* boarding bouse spring chicken if

'h vain t; and K n o k fn g Tohnrm .M i f f . n r t 3 , * r .

ii i.i! iiv *r‘. m , rIJti. rL.ttvrfet.lvP la in f ie ld P u b lic School.IE lHSURiHCE VO

l t j a a v i E t j } , k . i .


l htrlrt* Itraiid. of Kami I.i Flour. ItTHEll.


, v o m o E A E 1 E S .With Prrpa'A**wj [)f|uripKiu

A vx rn n t or J jm m 11 t i n t —Jtn,#i llarpor was a man of immense vitali­ty. u f g sy spirits, elastic, wjtU an so- Laihag humor end the shrewdest good sen**. B is humor wsa dry and irro- ■ isU blo, *r,<T the familiar story o f hia

, ti-pljr Lo lb* qusstion what hisparfluifibaltiUsidaSa was, foau *Xc#llsnt iClta-iretiem o f it. Thom* rfhp raoalf hit aArioua aspect, with th* hair brushoj

: Lack inita his brwW add th* specla- rle* pnshnd up, t n itgdginn tha )ir.j- found gravity with which h# regard- i*l this qwistionra wfo> h*4 bera sit­ting long fo vsry Jztti* pat puss, and Who finally said : " Wall, Mr. Harp-

Plain and Fancy StationaryjU vsya oa hand. Aha,

tAiO Booii Bint Gan, Ac., al.i i Jm h a i r yHR. j. E. floWLEt,LIVERY STABLE.

E U B E R T I O S * C O ,vantalEtja*.

. r’urriuifet ar-nf to Ihr l*rpnf.3GRSZ3 ASH BU33IES TO LIT.

Q O C K D T X T F lI S I .O U r r S

Oirtu W h lie Du. West «r (utLa lA hit* a sii i. *!C rutMiifw

S A D D L E H O R S E Sl a f f t n i . t l Jrii!


f . n t n \ 3 > . i - i i m t t .

TH ItfcftlJAT . I U I ,I 3», ! « '

j puoftr.KSt fit fli

nt F‘lairlNrl.1 ■ n n a i hmflnl (radlialr. fiM a In-tar*- In a »• b n ludlrarr a few o n l a p sifir# at thr house of A id w r Atwood. no "Komm 'i Wort and How to An h.“ an ruredtagly »fll pirp*ifd papn. 1< tn a M pittclpa! I j «f 'In' doty of *nmni I" p tp p r ttwnt-■ tItpi u nurara. raparialli' in Ihr Pair of children. *b»'rine how the "aerifies- of ■ nativ p u n live* might hr nnidNl. if proper ran wan rw ir tu l, and adrquair

It waa a rain*' dart and but lillb p bu u n waa anticipated. I*i> Ju*l l»-f„rc tattling(be (Win ntWrd tad a decidedly M llmtana bad <m *Uirr. ilrj*r*rp wbm lit* or lirp <aaar Ui re an I lurk and all wen i*My

down again In torrent* and rontiauaral lie III the pan j p a M ur

TM< /Wedneadar) afrenuwai a Family np iern tu bo of oar young prop*,- in r-ronpenv with a party (ran llaheiY and aomc from Halnhld and other ptarr*. will r|«lt tfeh in pa a Rock HnwMain Housr. fnt Tbr |rairpi»* of haring a grwraf timr gnw-ru11y. The program will « a «t«l of otukie, dniwing, ipnrh making, nipper. rte.j The rummitic* of arrange meuts arr Miss A. tHit«, Messrs. C\ K Young and Alfred L«y,

-The fuJIowini! Ilal of IHiwa remain id uncalled for la ibe WexArld |«wi n«erJulj-:«l. 1WT: Miss Mamit Hunter. oirr of T 1 lliinier i?i, MU. Mary Hayden, t l> flrifisM. M|e Atm la1 Mu m o rare of Wfiit Parry. (J). It Mamt-rill*-, Mr. K. P Mutual*. Hubert ?lrw*n. KarharJiip rrna. raft- of Magic NTeriu* Prison* tail

.fng for the klwirc plruv say aralrr-Jliv-vl in( r*TU*t. f ir e JvksVl TlNKr J

• (m l Decker. f Mrilim-mah'i Whirr, arar fbe niJnwd

cnaiiiif. mmilnl a shoe for a woman 1 ramp lilt other day, for which ala-trn- derid twenty Are m b awl n-orived fl v« cent* in rAanp' This , Ira A m rd an «urbtian[ 'charge, and di'BiwW hum- ebatucr. To pacify her lac gave In Mlcli- tlserad firerent*. Thi* enraged her. and. in rutting the mruvry lo liar grown], alar Went io thr railroad and. picklag tip a moor, llarcW it l lm u ll Ihr window of the liH iaualn'i atop. t*bc then ionic bar de. | pan tier. frellat Ih»i reTohfir 4* sweet,

—I '-.n-nljlr Msn-h arre».leil Wm, Lloyd | at bin hotntjin Mmllstm on Monday: morn I tig. oa • Mtrplainl nf Pnirieti B Baker, . dealer I* nyrala, hotter a tail la rtf Tor Weal jna rat tan 1 tin Lit night a quantity of In- { polk. liiitlrr >ml lard, to 11m nlupof fit, from Ills flare of tutelar'— HI* examina tkm look Mart' before Justice Godfrey.and 1 he erfdcnrr of bisgollt beingcoodurive, he waa given in charge o f tvma[«li|i* Marsh lo pilot to the 'cwmiy Jail to await trial. A m i n of rillzroa infofmrd our Ttflirter that I here were egtmualing tir- cuiaafancef In iMa maa'a eaae. tnaaiunrh •> hr tn flu d havi two dollar- a weglt foe hia w«k. Whh'h. conattlcrtof bl> family, was insufflclrni (or ihcir aap|>»n. and ibey htuai cal But‘.the la*, on Uk ulluf hanrl. 'dora not pinnil a mail toatcwl to keep front


—A. S Rtinj'on U doing unite n lmsinr— making rahinrla aod tj-pr caara fur »ma tmir printer-, for a (few Yoek Arm

-F o r aiitren yearn Pi mi mac ter Cttitcll 'baa arrrrd in that rapwrily, and hit-always given aaii-fjctlon. In fart, me know <if n r inManw, when an oiti imldewt of thr pi are. who reran m l In PhlndrU iomie yrafa afn. fifu k tl) oumra U> Ihil [Hstof Act in mail hb ptwial matter, which ia quite large ia Its* way of riKtlbn.

—We feel Iwtbrt peisiil of taif -hiilr(rrvs. i--|in i«lly time hnrdt ring Ihr main ra d I etwee n Duwllra and this pintr.. They nrr hands-mtr

— Wurknirit arr Inin; grading »lsmi Iberwti beitjaea of Jeremiah Vantlevmter lie I r a q this fdaewaud DuatHu, very hiaeh in the Impriurrarm of the (»rt>|iepy

—Augtistua IA Hunytuo ta i show ijjc fan ) growlb of strawberry plant- nt ibla year > planting in three parte

-T h e Academy is ahartrf hr amor half a datum large AliiiBthn* trees It.is tlmughtby same* among a* lhat their removal ahooM he hut the work of a few hour*. a« they arr iltemrcl very pciisnnmir.

—A guest nl the We-terveli (*8™ House wi-nt nn a A.-bingemirsina tiilaiflgBtaac-fa Iasi.week, andrrturnedwilhalalg"•Ming"; enough lo supply I be lernsr fur wvtral

W atfUihmu- I r t J trf Jtrare a* trrw lew a w + r M f-

Jaa General '•» legal tan- in would dp In gold i and bit which he | (he Frenchf that mirt greet. With ■ kould h u e | and on* In'

the etalo gom n aieal »■ to lament­ably w»ak (bat it w hld not Rrappla . with tbedieorderjy etaikera, i t o were < soon euwasinaa of their itiparinr pan- | *r It required 0*1/a few houra for i the eiriiatnnnl In reach llaltipore where tha virioue clasA of that u lr notju joined ia the riotoui demohaCra- fiona .T h a o blundering; militia’mea delivered a promiaruoui and deadly lim which added foeUo the flame. | This ciasjtera .iug cii«iaitl*M « s o lj ) aerenl. in the excitement of the hour, j to a reuse the aympathy of a o tiia tii pn other made, and to waliat them in tbe ip iiiing. Soon the l ’ennayl- rania road * M involved and at 1’ itls- burgh, a a at Laltimgra, (he move­ment waa joined by th* rough* of that rily. Hera i™*t a* by a strange fatality, tbe militia lo»t th.eii head* and tired upon the crowd whan thate wai no pall tor it, killing aoyeril ah i Hipitiug the mob to deapetation The mob eras soon in the aacyndant and drum a regitneatof a Itaonawiid alrong

-into a Rrmiid Home, and kept them there for houn until they were about hritig tbr place, when rather thanbe roDiumed by fire, th* ref^meatflrd from th* building- Never be-, fore baa a «a>b gained »uch a lompn- rary away in our country.that they ruuld rapture cannon and guna, and ilely with itnpuuiiy a (urce of arm­ed Wtldferi. E ien the great »t»te ofI'anhaylraei* wa> euupelled lo callfflr aid ftoiu the l ’r*<ideD( to atiptirewthe iptuneulioB.

It looks at i l a present writing (Tuesday) n if all the railroad* in iheiraWHrj will b* railed on to abar* Iha trouble and that a tint re real sus­pension of travel «nd traffic will be the temporary roault- For men aie UDrutaoliilr iu Ibe initial of any u - cifctu^nl which ditoclly affi>cti their intersiir, aod will prrlorm ac-ta that aie decidedly harmful lo themaelrea

It ia not (he time now to diacusa the prinetplo* Tneolred ia this OUI- break o f labor agwinxl rapilal. Only one phase of the suljsct detaandapur at-eulion, Aid Lltal ia Ilia enormity of the crime ■ huh that man rum rail* who make* hi* own grieranre th* ol - radon of bringing untold misery and

4 loaa to ihuiuands of hi* fallow men.. Ilraot that rkilroah'cor pork ti etna havedssall unfairly with (heir employee hr reducing their Wtgasa to xtaTTation tiguraa, one wrong due* notjualify u j Ukflaitly greater wrong. The b a a y

IJcsirt m il P-nfr; Knights r.f Pyttia., Sa. 101. of I Ms t iju a . v ljle l Irntcnrally hu' Thuraday vi rijM: Fcntermncc lodgs' Xu. ft . of I’irainflriil iop-in the on e w n of their inarallkihta (if nfllrrm It wsaarcry n(sysU« snaskraT^ill Ibe fwet broil

— l.«*t It'eritm^iy nNU-nlngas tbs- reach man of Henry J. Wbstn-y. living'*! Front ■ trvrl. Bear Terrel rcM. <r» adjoalinjt Uw malinuss of bis bird, a pistol, which hr kepi ohilrt hi* pillow, frtl lo liar 11« jC and exploded, the h*|| enlextag Ms right f " * Hi- waa.takFnro PtalnBrld. and Dr. Glllrllr Is-iog us]led Tlpoa mrai r •Irsr-l'-lthe halt, which had airtick the bon* andWas ijulte flat The woo ml 1* healing Slne-i r ■ ■ .

—Mrs Willim tronpri met With a (11s 1 cr-sing act Ilk’S! t U‘( l i nlm-siaC rasirtllug,by (uitlog ihr H'Sc «f one <>r lo r fret witha pair of shears Thr rhiliiron hud been railing paper and lq(l the shram on itu- (1o*’t. sgaln-t the ilia-e Mrs. Cooper.


lat tbe belief bay hut gold-


jrirt Am *1a**The uucrtloB'of

rl&bd It A .k auyr w . V kal err Ibe uUa of money 7 Ths- answer *-|B be : blaipty ■ « represent Taloes and to larilt 1 ate lOmmetrial tramnrt inns. There I* Ho Utrjnslc Value >« poawy, do matter of wbat Material It is'madr i* a lurke rtpreomtstive ol ejfiuc, Gold ia«Bcy. as such, pMsaura act ubhv value than paper ; Iklaslpiply worth tin uaHic K rapvcraeal- Her is fa|wr imarj. .-One great error, and a fatal «**■ . too, ia tbr Mind lafatuatiin witli whleh we itnagitir nuthiag tube gemd money but gold. ’

[ . What *]*« - pay rant] tu n -

And what ountry at thi*

blade-, infllrlifUtaaCVCTe la-LGu- ienCl Ibe font. Dr. t'aqpcr, ol WeUSekl. t summiincil and gave la-neflriiil ab|L last re [Wirt Ibe tnjuiri member Nad do

adr_trees, abrabiawy. (Inumra aluul the W otem ll Farm very beautiful. The ri spiel W h il ib k r r ’a S u g a r C u r e d H a m *

D a v is & C o . ’* “ * " "Phi|»pTB 1 “ 14D a r iV i “ “ B a co n

A U a l N e w Y o r k P r it w .

\ - T * o of tbr VCHIDK atca who sen- te-pniffd *ci kraut- net out for t'allforjiili laal tank hare returncsl id their bums* One rt-iurtM-d the first night, ftnlsorr and tt-enry i *h- -A-nj.l rearbrd, (irave BrUtas- tt'irk. but bring -cbiel with -o I flc n ill nets was Imnigbl lu-inr :in a carriage' A c sscrasl d»V The oibrr two resold Itily luthnl their faev* toward the »cl ting-tin nod It i* thought they »IU trail ■ return for a mnphs » l week-, aorhirw.

—IVacetn Hrnry IlijUfW. who fifty tear* ago iris ibe; firal "superinii-talent t>(I he I'n siiy u HUn Sunday — h- xd. i* atltr bale and hsarly. atral stepa as quirk and walk* ■ » met, and d«ws tvs much work as many a voting mail of fifty-five, If w*» only jIsuii (hur yusfs*lnre that hr carried on actlre !sulira--s » a na! dealer where C. A. Kmilh is now located.

—eAt the re n is i men lag of the ' Truck company last Monday week there araa no

| iVrtuitrt would hi 'h^B thia doloati

i alutbuDce in iW I err ini life ; bat< itooj cvintciou.H (JI it-j Hii in IK '3] run on the bauat ior* yviil lit clou i -(ilk bill huldortj t tuofry iu thu wcj I latfri* apucie uniI I* nroBUn

—During the heavy ibutnleT-sbower of Tuesday week, the lightning strurk the west rtd of Ed. Mahtoy's laun about * rale wraith of here, passing down the era tef board, splllling It uud opa stud and then paved Into the froand T-urklly. t In■ 1—rn bad Just lss-r llnlahtd the day la- fore. In a fvw days it would hav e bra-o (Ini' with hay, and if then wrart It would probably1 tbvrr taken Are.

—J'-hnGilo* and John Nagle. Ill roll er>, While ^ft ag their inncti In tfa'1 wagon hnlri at 1 he Dickens' place, west of Dun clk'ii, last Tueadiy aftenurara. daring ihr severe chaniier-dKiwer wore -IudiwiI lir the lightning rat rilling Uk comer of tbe

Old Goremmeitt Jan Coffee,

—Two mg peddler* Horn Newark, lima. Know l do A Jacob ' Klln.-r wen- artvslvd hoTO no Monday tty f onMahlr March, on. pomplaint of Charles Hrigblon, «>f Scotch Plains, (of Mealing from [taelwl Darby (e-sloTrd) jjrticlrs of el-railag. towrla. two smrrolhitis inms, a large ditk knife i used by her htOtlwnd In bulehering). and da dollars in i money L'poo tielag armiod they wrrri token before Jcuvire. Codfrry and a search for the Dibwlng snk'lfs Made, whkh. with the rerejnIrm of the money, were found In tbrlr pnwwsalou. Knurr I arkncitth-lgi-d picking the things up la the road apd jiatting them Into his wagon, bul had not stolen tlv.ni. and knew noth ing of 1h* money, a«pl Uuat Kllher knew nothing of Ibe matter unlB afterward. By tbr vrlticatT of Es.dk and 1 hat of w ilbnwn f (. ran the flat i f . it was dreannt expedient by live Justice in dbeharge Kliner on hb

P u r e J a v & Ck>ffee, • 3 2 c .

G o o d G r o u n d C o f f e e 1 8 c

Bent New Orlewna M olm yr0 & cti. > -■

Good Molnnscs, 50c.

C h o ic e E’ ca eh ca , 31b. twtw, JBe.

Good Butter 3^- op-

New So- 2 Mackerel Sc, per lb, B*»t Caroline- Ri-eo,' 8c,

Alkethreptif 50c. per package.

Borj^n'a Extract Beef S5c, ■

Liebig'a Extract Beef 50c.

Tajlqg'a .Bermuda Arrowroot

X ’ Q ^ I P A l t l r f l

103 . 2H , J f l j Q , W L BB0* J » A T

I l f O O R P O R A T E D i $ 5 0

U U W I , HMUfesf(UIWDS BtflJW*

IK fSiapi Patna nil; Cf are

—The oh] ir-m rapnon. i f n-voluliomiry rami-, witli Its aiMirni tp-iuniinjp*, Is in lari' of ihr proprietor nf llriufn's Ilotil. Thr retie i,t Iw-v-.i.- (inras has many a time ts-i-n glvrtvs pr, nr inert I plate In (wlrltrid ing the glorht.tr F(ra,rt)l lo IlaladhU. WaatOrid rod thi- rilhgl', and it Si* pns pc—I'd 1(1 havi- tised lt »gnli> lu»t Fcairth In firing salutek, tract Ihr cimituillt-t (HI sa lutes did Dig htiar flufficlrat fund- in the tyrosnry In liuy punier Thncfurc (liras ’ t-ailn (jiusluilnfi : /si il r id in jv-io.

—We rongratulaU' the Htiiens ol th* i illatcv njajn haTing an opportunity ui pro- i nring ill a very nw-slerale owl. no ravel lent piriuie tA the Baptist ('faurrb, rtcratn ly taken In tarn vh-wahy Thnrti. Th* one Iraki n with the figure of Hi-.- Tiuki Iteporl rr in the f-WragnMiad 1* ti'ncrarr u/waiiaa.ldi-- ciilnlly lira* lumdsraraiie-u . —It !■ * nuttier of gi-ru-ral rrgm riiai-

out f IlfC-Jy hunt IK lari for so long hewn ighrirrd 111 the railroad, and iltir -I 111 il'ti permineral lo la- known na Fxnwis-I Aurrly trail for us then- would la w hen DO lU-cd al a stall'raj at lint point, and it la noro*>n- tli"(v right that v ibnell hawt * ret- •ighlllorai ui th* hands of rahi- 'railroad au ibitritie-a. The hrilnuail Irft U", no! raw l i e ' railroad

' —The ikuulay wlrara.l of tbe Methodist ( hunch is mil likely to gn U. Oman 11 Hire

Ttu-tit is thought to hare fallen through. What could bv the objn-tkm fur ihc avver. al aclrocil* hen- Iu Join, and have ait cxrur ainn in their own right, imlujwndenl ufthel'i(y of [hv Plains T Who tmy», Ayt t

- A t t i r t u n m W m i r n , r F t M Iforint—J- W Hvt^TKiir. Pr«p. -July (1th Ororge (1. PrW, FJilals-lli lllth. Miss Minnie Wells, X. V. Jas. It. God (Urd. New Igimlon, ('w o. 14th. >. M. Falrt-naber. H. D . M. V .; Mr- J, T. Wiley. EHubath. T.IUl Wm |BaWwiaand wife, BUrarmfirkT [?tb. II, E., Hey ur.lds Brooklyn. S T. Alb. A. E. Mestro, Sew York. Hu. Mr*. A. E. Fori™. Master Mil,'- / Furl**. Eli/talwtll.

Absolutelie propose* In rafirh thin h t a rpm-rUion. )o this hr is raw

t 'lm v' A rnn-tld|tional amend triach Ibis rraull will settle fur allHim-(he whole AagariC qaval ram i.Minify and pher ft upon a Ann Mrjlpg hasli N-ablur Jtmea s t hr lo phci upon Issue » sum espial ity tline* the nutoW-f of our pop (t#d I p o w it n r * yrar at the ■ lip. [Thi" would j v r U- al presetflAWgMO WO. To gwravt^a ibe Uktin pnpulaihoi he jpeofra-™ to b 'en-llra taken I'-'rJ year. This ii easa.IT thH-e in Ate yean would

Management, ty. to j

, The Insured.of Lift1 and kpdant

and In nqitnil Charks Knotrl to I be i-tre t v all to iwaii trial CodMildr Marralt,(-'inrd in* young, nun to EHulrili.

' | m1 n e c k c r 'g F lo u r.

T w in B ro th e r* an d N a tio n a l Y c u t C a k e* 7c. p a c k a g e .—Ira.uuit.lrum. —Why la Si (ha! s« few

of our r it liras lira: 'rail fine river for Im-t ing?

— ,1 sidewalk has lieni edninteaiwil rm■ hr- want iM rnf Main Hi. lirarinl Aathb'm hurnesa shop ‘

—On Wealneaday of this wrek nminvral Ihr pic nie t-f th* talhraslle church poopk. of ihia pl«T at rkinury Burk.

— Hra-r. Mr. (h-wcll. o f the M, E, Church left with hi* family «'■ -pvnd the rswann al O-ean Orurr. where- Ik baa a collage j —-Maln*B( ia brine Improved ran*Idem - bl v by Ira-inc raisrarai arith many lads of

jnvall aiou-, nnd by * top dm—ing uf dirt.

rn pA t ie ' a s d s l- frl hm n rrlert trltA fg- awvfliiiK-'f ffiun.surti a tasira auffirirnl.

If nmr for all prarliral purpram. W|lh ■ his ktna t-mlrraeri* in the riraator’i proppsed amenditpiii t It would no derails miry.

It |a ratbrar «.ingu|af that the speiir Iwsuaralrrwale-rarf .few jtaar*agn hareabaocUtrased allua-i uDe balf their grand. They Bri- now (UTloicntJ^oppaacdtoaOvernaou e f aa they were Umk to paper m«w-y i and ' tfs-ir-rii-u-r is iUrag silver ia loo plrtilifol. Will,they not als*. klwhdoa Ihr other bail: whs-a go id Iwoonvegnwrr plrnliful 1 There: U n firmer pru-prajh to-day mat gohl artll. Jrirafiy lurfra-aae. the rtrarailU ol musing (Wove, than there fiaa a lew yrora ago f'e the ^KTreoc of iiflper IU what material Till fhey hare tnifavy ruiaed trhrn gnld and silver both become too plentiful 11 Tber|r Is naiir Atfiurawa and stability [□'

Fr.sipi-(1 PI i laMlnfi of grit — A (OBraiilen

furl bar, and rooks In a rt>rtdg*fu(s •pirit to indict injury -upon janm i; and.property, he becomna * oomnsotfi criminal wb'o caarila a ]>uniahtuiui|k con:taenvurate with, hi* dtiponu|| parpoaa Any attempt to palliate higr , conduct ia, to dutly Kith the hr* I hit:' ia ready toconanmc-the dv*ll,up user; ,: our head.. To handle barn p D g*riy|. i i to foetnr the contagion which tony,v)■’ thereby, apreud far and wide and utt ilaruiiiiB the very foundations ot aoriF)1 •ly . I t would' indeed ba giving aid; t and «ncouragem«n( to th* very wuta .1

P . III. B E X A B E S T ,

Fmt tl - icariy moult Pul Mu. P H I F F I E L O It, kui OcennjUrovo c.a Tuodaj. Her Mr.

WwiralndJ, of this place, attended ss a member f t the (xeeuUVu eotnmlitro

—Lraratpavisj eresung, the Ptesradioig Eldar, ifrv Ml. Arndt, of EUiabetfa, prrm-htraji to tbe Methodist «U|rtgulou -—Comp. Vail recently reluredd from

IV Lshlngtou. U. C . sulftring froth malar ini fever.! At our laat rcjraijt hr seemed improving:.

- -rtevorsl jransuts whom- sutfrn rra from jwthma, and who. upon their arrival here • frw work* ago. bwl to he ***UM into ihr h.nuy\ are bow ahlr.lo waft about without eld So much for Dunelleu air.

—Her. Thro. 8- B h its 1* th* proprietor of jls Ana a gardm pawh as unit ttoeld n i r to raisr. Ho (« fieqncatly « « la St I with boa In hand keeping down (hr trreds

—Th*rl*re«hylerUii 'kanday ik-beul will hold their annual pie-air Tuesday the Jim in-l.al lleynigrt agrovr. PltuaOrld. There will be *; gnnerul tnfresui of (ha frirada of (be arhofii oU the isviali* wad a real live pit ulc nLay 1- expeKed.

haring gone

'r e « s i j T r e e s !

ran sale low!i’ubtk hrliool. ripKts to lake up hi* rwiilvner In 1’UlnBeW next’ week. '

—It** Dr. Millar, of New Yuek. preach i-d Ui ibi- FrnabrteTiancbuirh Uilriahhalti al tragi nvsruing and e m itg w-rrlera.

—A party of n ru n liftlip atnai In n*g- nas to fbraf Bwuk k-l ThuratUy Not • ilhstaniling lb* rain they had a jrjly tlmr, ' .

— A number of our . itiiens arill jiliu Ihe rwnfltkl rxcursiun lo Lung Itrunch ami Geean 0 m*r, a lltk lt ie * fUric today ilbc

l l ia «*i4 that retlnnd men are np among (ho rioten. That 'may b«

■ Bui they hare thorn (he aims tpiri of lawlownew, if (bey bare get yvnau tar, in ordering other workmen t leave their xhopa, and in the d-aatiuu lies of rapiUl by forcibly iatrifenn] with traffic. Aa-i furthar»iur«a it i thi* high-handod eonduct of rail roav

-P ro f VaaDykr of live- TlH-utogirarSeminary. New Bniarawlck delivered Iwii wi-ll-written tltscourws from the Pr-si-v- terian pulpit ret EJundny last.

—J. P bkillniait ami family. an>l Ii V Undratbury, -I*rt—I Last Ttnu-la; ua s ride tress the coraiatry to Long Braarh; wbrrr (bey pmprsir spending a week ■

-ra-Tlur t 'i i t« * i T l-»■ npin ranM iw to m hnow Irdgc the Haxipt of b0*k Merit Icntprora up™ th* w a t o m l hw lasj

ilaapsiLn and eanmaoiratir apiril whk^. II as- s.-f tl» h-ts is iravha* been growing in thia country ^ i,: ® ®ncyear*, it ahnlt appear that good ha* •'**’ ' ■I s - . „ I » J 1 ™ ■ *. i r o n ,,h ,1 S .. .-J A . Eor 1 1 , ;ndjii(tm«nt a[ tbe relatieo* of CapitaJ j j, i. -Tpa.ly grodet j and Labor, ■ * belirra that thn ragul . pi..|u ny from the tuj lat lo a will m b *, nut through thn ty- j - —Jftra I'utirlU I ratiiural action o f Tttdee Uatoo*, buf I balkling a brifigi- lad through the difftLuon of correct*! f ,1,*P *|*r *** " * 4 aeutmenU both nmong the rnttfei o il w,lh JWOFktngmen aad capratalvsD, by • Licit '-Mr. < '--rwlia s hid ara it ahnU appear that tb .ir ittratwb Wr*i | ttj» rgprwJrc *d identified, epd that th a n ran bo nv| Hr.xdt. in Prva|Kvtj

WBrux had m et red Ihr

C E N T R A L N E W J E R S E Y T IM E S —T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 26,

C re tr r i I f i w J c rw y T j u m .

c i t y U B T A K T M K N T .

CotUpt Suit#, complete, to r

Terry or IU ir Cloth Parlor Suit.-* Solid Black Walnut Bcdntead* Walnut Marble Top Dimming t'-aa Terry or Carpet Lounge* -

cabin will arid l« Ihr awmil -rrt-nr h"hnd rlfc ln r j "t ihr calirr m » anil ibr ahipnl -late aw? p i throng!. Uw aorgr. Tint l a f iliiraft-n II* n i n e # v> * frail.<r <d mfeljr l i t U n k * . I lUnk. l r Hm-b

ICIiIiji Imi: ■ Holclj !*t>. I litrrnuich N, At the lairf- l tW I of-rumi i-a war cJrttrlWrd t*M< kohL-t liul —(u«| |n ibr RrllrU It, » " aJ*" leant-I gbai be ioul aHefctri In Ur -m u MiM at lie CWBpaOJ *- * T HI brow iw*y n J. awM lint hi.extradition lu* lain detuamdi-ri liy NtnJw*c|* nuiUidttcrC

Mr Ibaiglaa <rf i-nwia Jr L a lu n arpm|il,.yt-F of K<Jil*r ami U* "if*' wnu InHat- C lf ,Sin4ay g»wl v|.f|rt| lie injurnl * ,*uaa Ha ■ va* her kA airrlh'H tltataifrr trill rrjirr*mli Ih I liurluntl nair l f burial In W* fballwDl r f her. HU' bail, hr naiil. C> » hundred dollarr In bar1 ‘w * iuuim-. hunt <4 alilrh abr had civt-ii her liii-lMiitl fr'nni |iiti> In lime. .Vlwlanm «» fin wm»ln«l u&li-li U- -enin-d hrftvig


i-lllxm Hbotihl n-IW i '* amUnHly, a* la- 1i» ■ In, wh«i M'fill la* I V

b*l U r fnim NrrB York hi Ua [da-*• of -tuiKlX'-r Ilia «*L- alijm hi Irylng to lake her Hfr war In rM-hiitiarlf ‘ >f her, It wn*‘for lliia [mriy— ihi.t ht» anirhl nut■ nr* * -ff* T k t i M . in f ktah.hr It'tt bar f->r dr-rid arc unfn*|iwtitn). and

Jlrr i.*|v inijfbt l*»«: lain for *r«.-k- uB- ilW'iivin-l and IlnU is- aafcal Hi* mtinh-rcr uil'ulau-l u|h.iii. Till* htntld hart- mailt- ll lm;w.*.ihk lilanlify U-t. *i*l lie wrtuH

I hi* NiluniAnu-qt, whrri Urn oflii-f rhim ** hi- alp* finni ihr ni-ua-r »l

iurs. am! i l4 m« hint fur hi* prtain Verily. hit tin hat ftniiui him tan lIcT ha- » ball record. Uc *«• o»-- tn JtiavL- hi* home in lii.lii-Tliin [in

in | bti tliri- tlf hit hrUi}-|1 'if a *-«► - • h" irw*ii-ij Ittii). And Bow hi; lie- ’ like tt-Hifiik-nc* of tint- who ha* ir-cti ilc for arvenj vriir*. s*d iric, let .lay i cti.ltl lib*-I A repreaeBlallvC frf a|M-r vitilttl ■ Mr*, Ktihlrr lu*t Tnc* li'-rivotr in hmij-jay a-frj? one a-h-i nm irnc wigk h.rr In her own Iwu-IShr Hated: llial lU- Lic-l • hirtar -U

■ ila-ra, la- a-kttl her to -It down and nn.l iiloyfuAy |iui hit. arm ari>tir*l Aflrr Ihnli -Im »a* cmelott* wf

ritf iiuiil -li- |1r"in-l hcru-tf itcft«riB* ■ ii»a lil-M*l. SIh fiirllicr'talitl tbnl f had Ut-uii i-timhum "tiUlcr fur li in iIn- l*ru.+ ii!h army, ami tiitajiia -**l a -iirijt culler TU- rumor,

i liar Kaiai4 "l'im- tlirreni y lb <rur llul be waa'cif atilibt hlcwcL, Im* III I laiUn. iL-lh lit- und hit wlf\ l*-Lmu- Ik-IIi t rla-t.ul liilHjrinA people/

-l-r-lly |m-hL>1IiL- lh*1 H it Kuhjcr TrOi-rr, ■ Inril*1) luifnvninililr ayif|i. -ll"*rtl lU-U-rlr-t M— Uy niKU.hr *t«nit-fl hi le very ft-e-liR- whenK U-r Wiu-ailay ovrnihff In n-ply k>

itill hit ariic'ir may n a tie rrwly nr—lay nuirnillir.

Btnkri Ml lb% ■ *» jarany CentralTU* thikef*1 toaiafiofl rc*rb*il ilir IVn

irui (hi- |Wt-.lin-«ljiy)nmrniT>; Alllrrij-litan-l i-"«l Tr»in. an- dl*-oiiljnut-1. iuvl anjtat>Tiu.-T trail)* rnn * w l of Hmutrvlllr.Tim jn-.-HrtB mail train of 'WrdAc«t*ym-irainp viil- il»l*ii!i*l l.y Iht- ulriprr* al iiiilllmtbuijr, ihri* la-air*. N.i lu ll. vii.I'-rui- is apprehend'd ab-ni; jba n*il

fine v— .rlun-i,! cf'bll himit al Wc .-Ikii - 'V’lrat !» Ibrrr tri'-T* |th-ii-tinl 1 liar a p* ■

litrhi*r shin r tvbrlng nuiki - tu urdi-T I A line awtlm-in of Kcrtr-i no CtMiulc

li'-r-, 1-aiHii-. lirarki-L- At. iif Ihtrtti". Cherry W,

All Tlahb-a nr* (Hmlrmtira-a irmr*. Jm-i tbrjr rtnoe. I hey roe. they imumi'i. -tn- lim a Irjtttrlr of nfle ariltoe** 1>at by t-niitinm-i and lutf- uri..u- rrjiiip la d-iie-l by Coin-, Tet ih|tur, CImIuL hi . e-er I>r. Jliill - Baby ^i pj|- hy. ilt n-nih n

aoLL-PLm DPIIT 8c EAK.RIlfes,

CllCS l ’ IK B <'OH A LIN K.film FU m B ridp ,

ommiuec of Ihr fi-mol nf I'n-rhul -1 ni Lainl-a Hall luH I'ldday Mill

'J'Urr. There nri-Te at-vrnlcrn bid* iimtiBe irnm PA* "R (llielowi-*1) n Tb* -nt-rr—fill pariim wt-ir ii Kiu*,t of Si-.ai-li Haifa A-

MEDALLION CENTERS-. Vttk. ri.-L-.b. -a . II WU-tm*. if

finalnft .,ut »bii|f rl-alt .4 Uu - ai Cat" at at-art rod. Call and tfd pnt-t-- JaiMjrX rum/ St. wjrj

ITnlliiut inwlilni*, * 2.<Hi mih inilu l nn*-i [n-rfit-i - Tin puli- any wblin, -nnv maliri*! IjmIU" *a\e price of fl thin* in in a tune one rtn— Wili—ixtiillle -i.-HH- *, , o]-|i |-Hill (br. if

A latiiitlful.tnnipli-ii'a) diieutiauptin- lairily of lie M»*l. Tt- kt*-p ■

-Mon pur- ami healthy mm Dr, B-ul

w au tlN d T O N MOCK uovdle.d i i i r i Kko*. I'm Ip» ■

l“n-=rer^'V^” £3bV ,'annia n'.B

in t:lo»in

l» IIIiube IT.-1 well, the imlU-l Kurtlj -nl'L I r*n« hardly worth while u ahe wnuld y v(. no fiirad*. nuit an inn: wtrul-i rwn- ■ iiyililnE fur In-r an-l a-Jdial. 'i*raifVcautlj .

nn-i-n-a-lt nor of ibe aa.il It-I ever du-iWith, and OOi will'll np[avil* nnjrit tcjiiief y In jHiy wife. vi le«c i hoQEU e»n mi-taut Ih- irrriltlr ansiiieh whirh mod fill Ihe ta-art td Cot- wi fihiMy di-.ili wilh liy a hnt-

A T k i m a i B u n t. mAl-JUt a Heok acri a ytrunit nmn nlnriet B

rr.wv i.liL uaroed Martin McCarty, nun- LitheriutfiU-imenf Frafek Mt lmyn- Puirnb -Iiycl. and told n painful laic til haftl linn*. Jn fnnritlrmlitiffl of lii- hiriTijl.rh - DH-ip lietfof I be rantily Hint *is Jr*rt agn, ilm Inivine litrn lakrB fnjin tin l ulbullr I lr .plhHt A-j-lum in Sith atr.el. Sc-w York.Ihe tout miule w. Irrntw nalll *a"h lime ii* he nii|glii la- aide to inya-urr work, anil i n art! In ih iflt ll Join *h<ul i k l»m '. »l in me pdil-wideh inn! chain ilk i heruom of Mi—

Tle- lw-i tt’blt.- .him in ihe rile fur I Ik h aw moth-i'-ril for *7, M Labi/-. SI En>Bl afw t, ’ ISJyUn

limn*., ihe Tailor, may tie fouml m ChetTJ- Si mar Trim PI . wln-t. In1 l* Tirt-pan-I with fm-reari-I f»l i(|l|e» to *CT.-- hi* i* l pal Nina Esn-nia li"l« and pri <*• eortewpoadiagly W» > »

rhildnnV IaK-c and llimily Ciitlnr- al A V. W * W a • * if

Call anil lmo- fia e irnlrr* for l-aifij'* 0 Itw | i hliin- font liar- le ter. inu warn them ' IHJrlm

f*etrril>(lt »hlrt* al* HV»r|r frmtl Ib—be-l material with a S ply Ihtra U-uat. Tltr


|125. 41.40, S3-«aR e d u o t i i n f i sG n a tPrl-lin-lm Wlliilt*. . SI. Ki.ny.in cm »«m S mMJj Amirov ■ Inn Friday tlhdalyaia of tin- heart.

i i i I ' r i c t s .

C l a i r i n t r b u t k o i i i c I j i e . s

o f Q o o d s a t

I r o W P H IC K S .

lay amide A w l'll- make lieu nl I" runlihl tuir frlntda Ihat tin- 1* noly "lli.lltur illurtPalion nf out rlftwt in itiuki ll.,. T i m * *™ha |»i*r n*«irril,n iay Iw proud Of, We ran >I-| Iv l-'it-l Ihht ii I-fttri eurgiamH'd by liny loeal |lt)«r In I Hr mull-, n.11 only In piviiusa faiihiul «.* "M -fall Hull jpri-a I" make up Ibrlhi-lnry

I«U In ijn-wmlns ih:,i m.nd In afdl. Ihm IU.it will -land the le-1 of a ervertjr mli-

FeI hi^ l

Inti, llAlt’

- W h o) * to H u m f 1 'Eurniw fs.yrn.ai. S ,T. Tiw>:

Winn till- OU'ilr rjf eon ll |il -lull Iwi'c |W*aed a.Way, and Ihe wlu-i ln of irtffle ami Irark aje min nmn ■ *-■ in aurihin/thr f|Uo*Cimt will I-. ru-ki-d. "Wbta L- lu lilanrr for Hu1 tiiltJulcwand rartu-cr »hkh ha>e »[>pulh*l and d.-'*-l iiu-! ibe owiilty: for the pttel few -bl_VE !" To -Ilike tin: -pipitlet l b-mi We nillM aiirlbtno It) tint- -irik ft* mnilMItnlalU- IPnilrBrlr*. whlmr ptfip. i t pint*! leal (he i nd of u rofw. t'-rll I*-aid they putaoe a wlou/ ctriirtwl and ahulibl allia the law rn riyht rJn-ir nrrruip, 'hinigft l bail m si r known the law btcom|ir) ther-u.j.b.yt r to iti.-r. a-, 1 he wa pw of Ibe ckfl-ployee.' StiU. no man ia jualiflni in fotutniitlng a Ui«il.-w art, and he 15 a da jnpT-reu riltit-n who fail* 10 frown nl kilape-

rh old i tiitnl Mniiia l.ifi In t|MUir ie rtill k-itdiny rri-tyhit itiitemili ]

l*unbt-trier. . « . a-nok vii-ld ifiyIlilns (hi; *rt> f*--t in irtit tJertnkin to tht- ■ him imrre.1. of Ihr dty w* r-turwiil. e 1111-i.h r-il a |<ai\ "f oar duty! «• u*.- ir rtiluniBHli>adnnac* ibtru' ini.-ri -i. ami iTJit'ne Im-Ihr |irl* lli p -lo maltr hini iVle ard ritirtUyb I in in it lhlMN-i-aiii"B ,i niwwt."I -prriSaafc-warraQI it - our in- — mi i>ol*ptikeD anti inEurtii|al Jmir1 oil ntl 1 bums ipiaPtloAa with h nK-’ l thc-1falt*rd tlu peti|ihiUm'fiKiii7!«l,'w.- urr..... I-know, by *11 lnlcllii.-' ■ inlo i.-,i* nut aim, not only W »uM*i« ihnt np nl"it. Jell to adtH" it. an Iknre akir*.';- In ifi- rieparlBhtit of tnlarrllaliriiii* milt!





G r e a t l y R e d u c e d P r i c e !In 1 In- .oniK-t'ii-rit H Kivt-a 11* pivw-utv ■ o atue Lhai tilt! Frvy Trin of f l jOii In Ill'Ll vfleml by Utia i«njmnr for the lar gltd ihefC-aet- «.f laia|m-»* Inf tl* ftr-t *ix mi mill* of 1«7T hat hwn won by Mr J. T. K fire Ibr flcncml aymt for Kra l«m-y. Ml Tertlr wu run iwfitl laat Man'll in' *VUti»F pollcit-a-tif In-unurn f-n nrnny of, ni|r v-romljM-m l.i,.lni***niun. anil hi- tuatsv f ,l.-ii, f- in >2ii* 1 icicity yill rk^l,* it lit*


Jnlr n . ! « 7-UFEHZO.

pTima-nllOU J|U1 if will no! lo for Ibr Wealth of Ihr .roilltlrjv whellwr In tire pulpit, ariiirtnntur'fiiruni. to hi*i*tkj|a<n ilir bum- ib'-oy-.if tftja.iv) -wt-f tunil iintra and jilt dec all tin :U M aa ii.



IIAT8.A i-oaipany nf about IMtorn ytmnji ntrti of our t-ity, who -.imeltow ajpi lurtor-1 lii.-m—lie* into a Writ of wlCtal club. ,1™* a nuainlljrhi rltle on laat Mnnitny evtriiln a/e'rinpanied by about lhe-u tar on tuber nf yntinu ladle*, TJiey-ju*! nuidi- two p»*l -imp load*, ant] drew ilim-tly ip'lhe Ws-i flcltl lltrtd. *injititf rung*, and iliakinc iiu-

. W. 8 WIST FED IT STJ. 0. CIIFBEU, J. 1 Ml)l*elud-Jt

H i l lC m t l S i m f i t [ i » K . i

irntgiCt'i Ortfar to Limit C n ii la n .h^pi-^ aeU , Eu—w tri JlenHitta lha>-a .ttla e a * *1 Ur tlm aratl t io rn . it ib i j i lr iw t l n r itw g t t artMTaetlai la

BTAMIfrtt-i-lvrfl liy Mr Brorksmilli tb.- pmj-rlr- t'li "f tb* Hotel, and u huM*.- **- *pic-Ii■ I-. ' (wat-d L' tbeai Murl". -in/lng an.l

t** h -If wbh-hafp* of hr —k..ih- ihlBCW]*** .

IlHorbiajT tb.-eilrnd .air ckrulalkiu. W« woitkJ rr numl J irii fjfrtbe* Uni » t rmlU a-A pivr|'U -each a l*r|"*r arrr ii ntri fnl the Iril-i tu*r "f ll*" Joh IHBor Wr law|Wah. Ibm a -rill furlbei pwlrcnua— - f Ihla ilrpari Turait. wbrrr wr ru m tt ail kiml- i.f tt,m nierria] printing in p u l uric am] al na-

I i i f l J w . S iir? i n o T a r n' Tbr Hoanokr* nf lN> eify tlrfeab-d

V'C tbr-.ru. nf Sew Bnm.wr.-h laat 1‘rrday, i . ii wrn- id IS U- 13 T V I h n a w >en. lo lake sbu lull, but tbr ITailtfWbl 1—j t tb-wiphl ttai would keep it.

—The third ■ pun.1 in a arrie* nf dvr Iw tw.vn tbr t tiTrient- al ibi* dry. ami ihr llrribt af llt>* lie. l i t [dayid al that pb*e laa) Saturday, ihr I nweent* ivmlng brnw I hr virtat*, drA-ating their opponent. 1“

lawn Tartlpbl inj New Yurt u a loan like ihia it ha-iknt

1 » lithllarl wniw. -ll ia for

«!c*; for of mum riri-Iw ruppliatl. earn Umuch

' Ihr nad iJtmujded nr-

C E N T R A L N E W ' J E R S E Y T IM E S.—T H U ftB O A Y .

C L O T H E F O R O O L W A K N .

' A l l o f t h e L a t e s t B t y l t s o f






P O P E BEOSJ d*>W, in u n u Mu* Probably, I egiiorir*; »r ih* j 1«« tils lU»tOD-Rlttsip, n d •» ■ w'l'iiounm bantu Bother yard to { anted ; but lit* Lw m m M M t t m r i b e & e v i s ,


m t m m ,

’H O S T I E R . ' S ’ , G L O V E S

Lurili and llniu- good IaM* i'ouj, put *u e u j InL

n, CV:bin™, And . T ill I'clandf,it II rahoj44, withi rango, will URegg* !■ “ ennui*,1 the n u ll brood*id lor tho Itr*lfor a hushel arid =1 i ad a half &

, T i n n i f f o .


tlir lirajfl a* fast •> it rallied to it. II a |i*r»‘ju lar» hi law’ ll down on i l r n l floor f»r Jlerp, a pertfoa of] the head. *t Ir-oatl i* lower than lh« heart, and d i i w n b r t ' i> fw o iadu.. ■ •(I; lienee, very proper l j ,i tbo worldover, the heed « duringel**p Thu u » K n uve a Imt wu>d or a L until ol Irarm ; tbs civil-j ued a pillow , and if this pillow is tool illicit, tiiiio g i}ig kuad too high, !h®r*r in not blood enough carried to lhe| brain, and, u thn brain .in niiuriahcd,j

.renewed ami inTi tforatod by (ho m»ur i ikhmnnl it recairea from lbs bloial,

. J until; »1**P. it i* “ of SechloflitieBtiF.' nod tbo revisit i* unqinoi alaep dur­ing the night, and a v a lin r up ini ■ tinn iu, Without rdfroahiuent, toi be IvHgsad by a d*y of diiroinftirt,! driiw*iiiv*a and general mactiritj o i both mind and body, Tbo health Ink KLt'llie’ iv f pillow by which the pin.-I 'P roof the head tempi about foul! inch** above fh® level bf the hed| matt rasa; nor ettould the pillowed hi Miliar to allow the bead to L* hiir-j toil in it and excite perspiration, ent ■ In,goring carer lie or Bold in tlirt bend on turning over. The pillow; rlumld be bard enough to ' preruafdm lii'ad riotin g murn than about iHri'o inches? * j

jieingtuci small, a[■ ■ ml ne the Drub Hher larfe* i Itm laiuhnrgE, find L

BotTSEEgo u.W. n. Voorbec*. Ileynoi.ls Jb Stcili

. SliSVr. ami C Ct Itotec, ajtBUAND X F u ll an d OoiitpL*U' Aewort-

■ m erit o f th e

BEST OF GROCERIESA 1 wa_VR <mi Land, which he will

se ll Ut ■L O W P H I C m

H isb d S f-orei^h hrked old Mrs. i f , rum tin paper site iy, he’e no ininifl

•H r. Blankiaielar, Jeh f" ehd glanced

Far like a pi raid'lading 15 meditatepy of the pulpit -

■ a aiKiw up | [niching, K e J k S c r o ll Sn i


writing a u'k '- i what “ I am itr|I in rar. in

iho was doing *ting tuy J dcclemli jnj ligate at hnT

The b^Anepo:end u I'htar was



W fF O lisA L K A F Il HI




haded out thejeclvd.'WI lh« pr tu bo very i pVberf'e th e '

T h e u n d e r s i g n e d w o u l d r e s p e c t f u l l y i n f o r m t h e c i t i z e n s o f P l a i n f i e l d a n d v i c i n i t y t h a t h e h a s s u c c e e d e d F r e d . C a s ­p a r in t h e U p h o l s t e r i n g

l ’ r m i e tub B (n t |o E u t r - -j s, Thn yuung rascal ha* n l nor* U rp *of going to sloop than th« min ia thrt &, miwm. f ir deftly clnti-hoa toe Ijj bail) ( , ■ .rings, end, throwinji him salt upon *T. hi* l*et in n mantlet calculated to At i» A s th" toOet f«nd l U n n i ' i 1*^01'. h»ttar, and siertng frirgev by way ['f i steadying binucif, ha Urntly gnej«{ my Mn>b, vh id i be l-oJy rylinquiahva ■ U my meet Turnert and repeated H i | -j. lu'itationr.- finding less Bom fort thorrf

* iliac li“ h*<L iuwiii tu expect. In'prut n,, Cvede to vipter* my eyes, noac, (tardlffi. «nd mouth with liii . liiibhy f, rotingJ jSj" ors, emphuxing lha reeenTcli liy lr_v j 8 ing Ijis t n l l un tint ilyrsaUI u ttu b r r s ls AruMmy evhnuated, fan turn* to p u i S lure* hew. I to not imagine tba t4 lS |L hare h v k an idln rtwijiivnt of trie'ii fund aitemi-une. Kn I I hate ho-ii ewoctly chanting, - trotting and rock-lEm ing. I have tenderly given "Nwn«t PI', irnd low," VSIaep, Jiubjl d m .1' £ 1have done ' ‘The Crvuked Wsti'’ | "UuBipty J turn ply,” w ilt rariatiohij "H kkury Uiekurj i *c« k, ’ So . and i bar* wDj“Ji»ntu>uyIjf UuubeU ‘"JIuiL 7 11 or I.Iuoihv" — nut evvu diwlaincd • uch t " uiusicul prisldcliuu* an ’ 'Fopgue* lha =yi WeaeL'l” uud ‘"Mutbor may I go out yn to SwimT" 111 tho illusirn belief that limy are ualculuted to ttuy and bit JF“ the wumlering oyia **d attontioij o f ,N Yoiiag Aaieriih— I liijiceedeil to more; L Hiloma bminess J djnpited tD/Wlf ■_ r .— (,»: I. _J|j all otto^ ■ [,,

a n d F u r n i t u r e B u s i n e s s a n d w i l l f o r t h e p r e s e n t c o n d u c t t h e s a m e a t h i s o l d s t a n d s

lA D I jH tS A Y E . k T i l l ]

i t L A lM F I E L D , N,1 think the Ires r»n i» *lft®ntimer irgi-r o iss , I tki melt good when ed iin nliL'u I wa,nd on the whole; :.— Beecher. ■

teent at littl* cbil- llis bnft lemon hfr nk 1 usuil to got as 'liarles wur whip-

wSippwl niyaell,, tiling I pi'.'furrfd A F ttil Assortnieiit,ff

i i n d H i d

Seasoned Pine Li

w h e r e h e w i l l h e p l e a s ­e d t o s e e h i s o l d f r i e n d s a n d a l l n e w o n e s w h o m a y g i v e h i m a c a l l .

HUGO WEIGMANN. M o u l d i n i r so

, luW *1.1.1 ■ n >1 brim e ru a r kxi

ryiapatlij M W .J E E S E Yi k m pjEiiif



i . , ,0

LOWEST PRICES.W e mukc l|- specialty of


"Tube Rose Hoar."Ia ttncqunled. -Al*o, good fam­

ily Flour at ..

B O T T O M P l U C J j S .

Fin! Cider aid White flu Tiiaar fir PitlliBi

Give tta a caII uk I nee Ittr your-

A. V. SEARING,F E O i T T S T . ,

SLillinan's Block. Opp PontoFice


B n l'T tF .ftN CEDAR,A Sflc fount

AND . ‘

MEAT MARKET IBw‘f, Mutton, Vml, Ijtmb, At .

A,'! nil Inn'i.vl M.*u Fuh.1C K T A IL I 'J t l i t .S .

Porter House Steak ■ • 24cS i r l o i n .............................20cR o u n d - - - - - 16cC h u c k ............................. 14cRoast Beef - - IS to 20cSngur-Caml Haim. . - 14cSugar-Cured Slmulders - 10c jSugivr-Ourod Bacon - 10cStituked Beef ’ - - Ilk?Smoked Tongue.* - lHuOnhn Imin.l I Mln-U „ i i1 L...... *|. unj itl>. **4VV l lf °rt—* Will

Trt'itiK < tixfi on / t r f lw f f .

I I . I ' O T T L Y . '

s s

■ Barer, and motaphari_______ _ _my eleven, I atriko into; Th* 'twuE I uccn ' "O, to grave haw great it ,debtor." ii a coinfort To toe, bill illaeporiKc . 1 tlu ri.o i. Inns dol’d tu rhuif .cLoa. H#by itill puke* and ilutthraa t uay 11. fuel ■‘llnli| iho i'ort” riugi ( out u'llh lhe heat ol uui 'uai. Unbj( evidently intend* In du eiu. Hnviod gone through my reperwin. of luvju* tunvj with no tuOLfo*. I| t'abclude l( lesurt to heroic treniihrni. Witlrgruunlngs tliat uniiui bi- uttered, I lay the young uiau iJuwn atui (irmly i'bt'-p him iu my a u i. K w u li— a v - r j oxneponled boy. a year u|d w Kfi itruggU i and A|u»lU' ni.,»t !uetil>| lfeibg ■ Little rtrultger, 1 hhlj uh im l »nlenifily chant, "Uurk, from lh| liinili* ' l ive nunu|qa <jf i |h* iiiuoS

Supplies lo r

Builder*, ‘ ’M esons, -

Contractors,Blacksm iths,

F o r m e r s ,


' lllivsmic

P O R U S E ,f lE A D f T

1 uDH,|Ajtiring no mixing, stirriogtir addition ut dryers-Nieiitn Li Dculert', nrid natisliiclimi gUAmii-

lew I to tbeir CiisloiiierK.S O L D B Y T H E G A L L O N , K E G O B B A R R E L .

o h i ) i ;h >i P B o n r T i i i ’ i T m u t p t o b y

TH E NEW JE R SE Y EN AM EL P A IN T CO M PAN Y,s , A i ^ x ,x ,j A 2 s r . i - j . c r .

A g e n t s f o r

O H E S A PK K EEasily applied hiLitwrul ini

Ifuvrag thus Birtutet i’ at it again smU

walk. dHiiU —pte* je-rlirnn.urall] tier gutting eeliS dual gtli, when an urn bull Itjsosc ,iu*v little p-'4 :mhl. and,, alniggiinl 1*_V hoiirt, ho reiigti iturvirabl*, huw swell -Chvtja TrBurnt s


< ? H I I . P H Y l K ’ B C A B - a i A C L f f l A

P IA N O S P I C T U R E S .C O A L a . iT T O im i1


ih i w o i . t o » M 10 r t w r r a r . l .n s j r u a w u * r ■ ■ MBs. .* T T , T H E l a t e s t s t y l e s o f



'V t r t i . — l i it * iu i infante dria[ is tMrutuI tu health snd life th air they breath,' In this o tprw i.* i f tuesa tu include ths milk th® tkke. W ater farm* nighty por evd dfthe budiee o f iuloncv. It C1MT1fn.11 v , then, a vrrv large part uf all the

'Vp can hardly appreciate the v» ui> ul water until w« reaLtfe how col arantly the in fartil... *pb*;aUin di luanin i t : how rapidly it ig m i n hy p*rapiration and IU* copious > «rt‘ !i»an hy the kidnr.} . and.cli* tlicn


Can be pn>curt-d at the Joweatr a te * fiOIH

SuMeneaf Id

J. J M. RUKYON,P e a c e B t . , o a r . F o n r t

Aue, Lwi* 1* 1hm*i1 U T O Nl A T I CSilent Sew ing M achine, .


M L L L I N E R Y !sandauf glande fuandxn every pa ti p ith s syttpin II irn.ii.1* drink null - ing 1s t milk, van ihl* Itu.J »H[.p 1, the demand for Water? O o ro rn o * oervatiua aaeurei ue that tosuty inf»a « are readerrd feeble and sickly hy uBt having the proper »mount .if <14. preciuiu bevorage, at n W h they aAi »o largely made. \V« hsve. naw- adU‘ [bon, been vailed to *u^vring la lu j l , who were relieved at once by glv ^ Ibem a draught of cold water g

S latlu n may depend upon it U U a few tvaipcV.ufuU uf cool water niia uaefuL in >iui*hBg roit«-**«ic*v *|4 pibmoting lleep . In |i*ahh bu than ia di^oer., frcsU'wa-.pr U a* m j- eu ary ae fraeb air Freeh air, puH water, and aanatuq* will aid u ila n in eapeiliDg febrile diMaee, and will super ami v to a w ry great extant t|t

M illin ery , Bonnets, Hata, Ac,Bleaching and Preening done at

ahort notW Pfritbera curled and dyed, l ’inking dona.

I L & - ENO Ceaiiai ar Trttn*,

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