Osita Onyebalu - English - United Kingdom - Lumina Spark Full (2014-12-11 16-45-44)

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Transcript of Osita Onyebalu - English - United Kingdom - Lumina Spark Full (2014-12-11 16-45-44)

Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants. John W. Gardner

Osita OnyebaluLumina Spark Portrait

Inspirational and Practical Personal Development

Spark Portrait Contents Page

Spark Portrait Contents Page  2

Welcome  4

Introduction  5

How you use the four archetypes  6

Your eight aspects on the Spark Mandala  7

Your Spark Mandala  8

Your strengths and possible weaknesses  9

Qualities Mandala  10

Two quotes to inspire you  11

Your use of the Four Archetypes  12

Your Archetype and Aspect Bars  18

Your Twenty Four Qualities in detail  19

Three perspectives on who you are  20

Your three persona positions  21

Your Three Personas  22

Your Archetypes split by Persona  23

Your Aspects split by Persona  24

Your Underlying Qualities  25

Your Everyday Qualities  26

Your Overextended Qualities  27

Your Twenty Four Qualities in detail  28

Valuing Diversity  29

Working with your Opposite  30

Seeing Yourself in Others  31

Working with your Mirrored Self  32


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014


Your Communication Preferences  33

Creating a High Performing Team  35

Archetype by Persona overview  38


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014


I am excited to share with you your latest Lumina Spark Portrait. I will be demonstrating some innovative learning structures and some well tested interactive exercises that I know work well. I will also provide you with the opportunity to practice your skills using these resources. A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. ~Mohandas K. Gandhi I hope that you will find the qualification educational, fun and enriching. All the very best Stephen Brooks


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Viktor Frankl

The intention of this portrait is to raise your self‐awareness and help you understand your behaviours. You can use this knowledge to become more effective at making things happen and to improve your communication with others.

At the heart of this approach is a questionnaire which measures different aspects of your behaviour. This portrait, based on years of psychological research, will give you some indicators about how you behave, acknowledge your strengths (and how you sometimes overplay them) and identify behaviours that you rarely display. It will also make distinctions between your behaviour and your motivations.

Getting into the right frame of mind

First a really important ground rule: this is completely confidential information. It is solely to help you develop, although we do suggest you consider sharing it with those you trust.

Be open to the feedback in this portrait ‐ it is intended to help you make positive changes.

Focus on the observations in this portrait that you think can really help you develop. View this as an opportunity to work on improving yourself.

When reading your portrait it is important to remember that no one quality is more important than another. Each aspect of who you are can prove to be a crucial strength depending on what situation you find yourself in at any given time. This portrait is not a judgement of who you are; it is simply an aid to guide you towards a better sense of self‐awareness to allow you to recognise your strengths and possible areas for development in the near future.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

How you use the four archetypes

Your four archetypes:

You often use the colour Commanding Red. You actively seek clashes of opinion to bring hidden problems out into the open. You like to push yourself with ambitious goals, but you are not so driven as to ignore changing circumstances that affect those goals. You use almost as much of your second colour, Inspiring Yellow. You see that every cloud has a silver lining. Problems contain new possibilities and ideas to be explored. You enjoy the opportunity to make new friends. Your third colour archetype is Conscientious Blue. You don't make any decisions without carefully thinking through the consequences. You tend to stay grounded and realistic, but recognise the value in studying the trends and patterns hidden within facts and figures. You don't usually access your fourth colour archetype, Empowering Green. You find that the people you meet tend to bring out either your deep trusting side or your strong competitive side. You enjoy communicating both orally and through writing.


Commanding Archetype


Inspiring Archetype


Conscientious Archetype


Empowering Archetype


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your eight aspects on the Spark Mandala

Osita, on your Colour Mandala you can see eight aspects of your behaviour:

The mandala(1) shows a colourful approach to understanding key differences between individuals. On it you can see your colour scores across the eight aspects of behaviour.

(1) The word 'mandala' means 'circle' in Sanskrit. In many different cultures over the

centuries, often through paintings, the symbolism of a circle has been used to help people

consider "who am I?" ‐ in fact, the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said "I knew that in

finding the mandala as an expression of the self I had attained what was for me the ultimate".


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Osita Onyebalu ‐ Your Spark Mandala


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your strengths and possible weaknesses

Osita, your natural strengths are:

Here are some of your possible weaknesses:

Some suggested methods of development:

You actively try to confront people. You believe that these kinds of conversation are useful because they provide a place for people to air thoughts which might seem out of place in other circumstances.

You know that every problem is a new possibility in waiting. The potential for new ideas is limitless and temporary problems are just one more way of guiding your thinking in new directions.

You are a great 'team‐player' and you advocate the overall importance of good teamwork when it comes to achieving your targets. By working together people can achieve much more than they would individually.

Your very direct approach has probably created some resentment. Some people find it threatening to be confronted brusquely and not everyone is as open with their thoughts as you can be.

On occasion you can get so swamped with data that you spend all your time looking through a very narrow field of vision. This stops you from seeing the bigger goal you are actually working towards. It can also deprive you of a feeling of involvement with the rest of the group and their efforts towards that goal.

Even if you are certain that you are right and that your opponent is wrong, there is no harm in taking a step back and leaving the debate for another day. The ability to accommodate another person's point of view is important if you wish to work together effectively.

Once you have committed to getting something done, you should keep your focus on achieving that objective. Not only will other people have more respect for your dedication and follow‐through, you will feel a greater sense of achievement for completing something you really had to work hard for.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Qualities Mandala

On the questionnaire you 'claimed' many qualities. The symbol shows your top 5.

There are other qualities that you did not claim and the bottom 5 are shown by the symbol.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Two quotes to inspire you

This is a ruthless world and one must be ruthless to cope with it. ‐ Charlie Chaplin

You agree with this statement although you may stop short of describing yourself as ruthless. You know there will be times when you will face a lot of opposition from others and you will have to stand up strongly for what you believe in. However you have the confidence and self‐belief to back your ideas and to stand in the face of staunch opposition. You feel that there is not enough time for half measures. You always aim for the heart of the matter and deal with things in a prompt manner. You try not to let anything go unresolved.

The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people half way. ‐Henry Boyle

You sometimes have trouble taking the first step towards meeting someone in the middle. You are reluctant to reach a compromise when you are 'in the right'. This definitely makes your opponent 'in the wrong'. However this attitude rarely resolves anything and often breeds resentment on both sides. Negotiation and compromise are important things to understand and you don't have to look at everything as if there is a winner and a loser.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

You primarily use your Red Archetype

Sometimes you may use too much Red:

Sometimes you may underuse your Red:

When you filled in the questionnaire, you did not report any underuse of red

More on your Red Archetype:

Often those as logically minded as you have a tendency to favour process over the needs of people. However, this is not a problem for you. You know that it is no good listening to people if you are too focused on staying detached. You try to be willing to "meet them half way" and keep actively trying to imagine some of what they are feeling.

Your key Red Strengths are:

You stick to your views and you aren't afraid of conflict

You know the importance of both inspiration and discipline in attaining goals

You like to be the voice of reason but take time to see things from other people's points of view

You can be too blunt when you are trying to be direct

Your empathy can get submerged under the weight of your logic


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Second Archetype is Yellow

Sometimes you may use too much Yellow:

Sometimes you may underuse your Yellow:

More on your Yellow Archetype:

You see yourself as a visionary with a strong imagination. Colleagues may view you as an 'ideas machine' and will come to you when they need a fresh perspective. You can also help others become more creative themselves. When people talk to you, some of your enthusiasm for a subject may rub off on them!

You love big picture thinking and will always want to take a holistic view. Colleagues who cannot see your vision will frustrate you. You should be aware that they in turn may be thinking "Why do you always have your head in the clouds?".

Whatever the problem, you can always see possibilities and ways forward. This makes you invaluable as a catalyst and source of good ideas within a team.

Your key Yellow Strengths are:

You enjoy thinking outside the box

You are never short of something to add to a conversation

You can be very enthusiastic and energised at times but you balance th is with a mature level of introspection

Your ideas for change can sometimes alienate some of your colleagues, and given you possess a strong cautious streak yourself this can give you a crisis of faith in your own ideas

If you are passionate about everything you can lose the desired impact when it really matters

Challenging tradition can make you feel uncomfortable

You are threatened by ideas that disrupt your routine


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Third Archetype is Blue

Sometimes you may use too much Blue:

Sometimes you may underuse your Blue:

More on your Blue Archetype:

Osita, you are a very prudent and cautious person. You strongly object to leaders who embark on 'change for the sake of change' because you are well aware of the hidden costs of such an approach. This makes it unlikely you will ever be carried away with the latest fashion, fad or gadget, as you are far too level‐headed for that. It would take a strong rational argument for you to consider embracing change. You may even like to describe yourself as conservative (with a small 'c'). You probably like the old saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Your preference is to stick with tried and tested methods. Underneath your cagey exterior, you hold a traditional set of values that make you sceptical of new and unproven ideas.

Your key Blue Strengths are:

You are happy to critique any radical idea presented to you

You are good at creating practical steps and you combine this with an understanding of the bigger picture to give them context

You tend to only trust things which you can verify using your own experience

Sometimes you do not embrace the opportunities change offers you

You do not enjoy having to concentrate on tasks which require high levels of precision

You do not always work effectively when left with time on your own


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

The Archetype you use least is Green

Sometimes you may use too much Green:

Sometimes you may underuse your Green:

More on your Green Archetype:

Others tend to think of you as a calm and sober person, and will be surprised when you switch into being extremely passionate and engaging when enthused by an idea. This duality allows you to exercise great control over your emotions and release them when the moment is right. You recognise the impact of positivity and inspiration on a team's morale and productivity.

Your key Green Strengths are:

You encourage others to share their honest views, yet you are also unafraid to challenge them with constructive criticism

You have a great amount of control over your emotions; you know when to stop and reflect, when to rise up and show your enthusiasm

You take time to see things from other people's points of view, but can bring yourself back to an objective perspective

Sometimes you are so focused on getting the team enthused you don't allow yourself to open up about how you're really feeling

You do not enjoy it when you have to be diplomatic and avoid conflict

You are not naturally inclined to shift your stance in a conflict


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Recommendations to increase your 4 archetypes

Commanding Red

Based on how you filled in the questionnaire, there does not seem to be a need to increase your use of the red archetype

Inspiring Yellow

Conscientious Blue

Empowering Green

Try a fresh approach when looking for solutions

Consider balancing traditions into a changing world

Discipline yourself to work methodically, with more attention to detail

When a task requires you to work on your own, avoid the temptation to call others and get distracted

Recognise when it is best to seek harmony and a peaceful resolution to a conflict

Work on your diplomacy skills so that you are less likely to offend people


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Recommendations to temper your 4 colours

Commanding Red

Inspiring Yellow

Conscientious Blue

Empowering Green

Try to temper your need for order by being sensitive to the needs of others

Rather than carry a grudge, learn the lesson and move on

Build team energy by drawing in quieter members of a group

Understand most people's discomfort with change

Make sure you maintain a balance between planning and doing. Do not use planning as a way of procrastinating

Try to build in time in your plans for the unexpected

Expressing and showing your passion about something will encourage others to follow suit

By opening up to people and sharing how you feel, you will build deeper connections and a sense of mutual loyalty


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Archetype and Aspect Bars

Your use of the Four Archetypes

The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of

over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.

Your use of the Eight Aspects which underpin the Four Archetypes

45% 84%

75% 69%





41% 97%

45% 53%

69% 90%

63% 40%

People Focused Accommodating



Inspiration Driven Adaptable



Big Picture Thinking Conceptual



Extraverted Sociable


Takes Charge

Outcome Focused Tough



Discipline Driven Purposeful



Down to Earth Practical



Introverted Observing




Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Twenty Four Qualities in detail

The Twenty Four Qualities that make up the Aspects

The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of

over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.

28% 47%

9% 99%

64% 57%

73% 86%

35% 72%

48% 60%

50% 27%

36% 79%

81% 74%

70% 91%

61% 22%

77% 87%

Intimate Listens first and gravitates towards one‐

to‐one conversations

Accommodating Strives for harmony and is willing to

adjust their stance in a conflict

Collaborative Team player with a win/win mindset

Empathetic Considerate and in touch with other

people's feelings

Adaptable Works in passionate bursts towards

emergent goals

Flexible Easy going and informal

Spontaneous Makes quick gut‐feel decisions

Conceptual An abstract thinker comfortable with

complexity and ambiguity

Imaginative A source of new and creative ideas

Radical Embraces change and is willing to

challenge tradition

Sociable Friendly and energised by interacting

with others

Demonstrative Enthusiastic and expresses positive


Takes ChargeSeizes the initiative in a group and is

drawn towards authority positions

ToughArgues forcefully and is comfortable

with conflict

CompetitiveStrong willed with a win/lose


LogicalObjective and rigorously applies


PurposefulSets ambitious goals and then works

diligently towards them

StructuredAn organised and effective planner

ReliableDisciplined and meets commitments

PracticalAdopts a realistic and common

sense approach

Evidence‐BasedFocused on observable facts and

attentive to details

CautiousResists change ‐ prefers to stick with

tried and tested methods

ObservingBoundaried and energised by their

inner world

MeasuredSerious minded and contains

positive emotions


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Three perspectives on who you are

Your Three Personas

In the following sections we will delve further into your persona. Up until this point we have been displaying information drawn from all three of your personas to give you an overall picture of who you are. Now we will explore you in more detail. Most people recognise their Underlying Persona and their Everyday Persona. This is because you can recognise your motivations and day to day behaviour quite easily.

However there is a third persona, your Overextended Persona. This Persona reveals itself when you are in high pressure circumstances and can be seen in the way you interact with other people when the demands of the situation increase.

We hope to give you a deeper understanding of your personas and to do that we will separate them into three distinct items and give you some in‐depth feedback on what trends have been revealed and if there are any areas you can look to strengthen.

Your Underlying Persona

This is you at your most natural

This persona motivates you

You do not let everyone see this level of your persona

Your Everyday Persona

This is how you tend to behave

This persona is an indication of how other people might see you

You may be consciously putting on this persona to suit your work environment

Your Overextended Persona

This is who you are when put under stress

Or how you react to unexpected events

This persona can come into effect unconsciously


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your three persona positions

Your three Personas on the Lumina Mandala

Osita, your underlying persona tends to be Outcome Focused with Red energy. You have an underlying preference for being direct and to the point in your communication style. You also enjoy resolution however and will do what you can to make it occur. Your everyday persona mostly uses Inspiration Driven Green energy. You have a knack for finding a way around bureaucratic obstacles to progress.

Your Underlying Persona

Your Everyday Persona

Your Overextended Persona

Osita, the compelling force behind your overextended persona is Discipline Driven Red energy. Sometimes you find it hard to look for options outside the bureaucratic guidelines which govern your organisation.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Three Personas

Your Underlying Persona

Osita, you have a preference for using Outcome Focused Red blended with Down to Earth and People Focused energy You can become very invested in your ideas. When you are secure in your convictions you prefer to argue your case strongly, but you still take the perspectives of others into account even if you believe they are wrong.You prefer sticking with processes that you have worked with previously before you go looking for alternatives. You like being able to predict the way things will occur based on past experiences.

Your Everyday Persona

Osita, you most often use Big Picture Thinking Green blended with Inspiration Driven and Outcome Focused energy You are not a naturally trusting person and sometimes you are suspicious of the intentions of others. Despite this your colleagues see you as a great team player and you try to do your best to earn their trust, just as you feel they should do their best to earn yours. You don't like interrupting your flow of ideas to write them down, but when working with others you have found that it is sometimes easier to work in this way. This is because you know it allows them to follow your train of thought as your ideas grow and develop.

Your Overextended Persona

Osita, when your overextended persona emerges you may notice that you use more Down to Earth Red blended with Discipline Driven and Outcome Focused energy You usually avoid lots of data collection but, when under pressure, you take refuge in the facts and you sometimes hide behind statistics. Facts can be important but you can spend so much time collecting them that you leave little opportunity to develop ideas or take action. People don't usually see you as the greatest advocate of change. However, when you get frustrated with the way things are, you start looking to make wholesale changes. You throw caution to the wind and pursue any alternative without taking the time to weigh up their pros and cons.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Archetypes split by Persona

Your use of the four archetypes split by persona

The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of

over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.


72% 95%


94% 64%


18% 66%


64% 93%


91% 54%


40% 60%






Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Aspects split by Persona

Your use of the eight aspects which underpin the four archetypes, split by persona

The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of

over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.


81% 98%


66% 73%


14% 51%


31% 81%


82% 27%


29% 59%


59% 97%


85% 53%


41% 86%


69% 61%


65% 67%


47% 31%

People Focused Accommodating



Inspiration Driven Adaptable



Big Picture Thinking Conceptual



Extraverted Sociable


Takes Charge

Outcome FocusedTough



Discipline DrivenPurposeful



Down to EarthPractical







Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Underlying Qualities

The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of

over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.

The twenty four qualities that make up your Underlying Persona

30% 30%

60% 99%

66% 69%

88% 91%

84% 90%

18% 87%

17% 36%

39% 70%

86% 60%

46% 94%

80% 50%

87% 50%

Intimate Listens first and gravitates towards one‐

to‐one conversations

Accommodating Strives for harmony and is willing to

adjust their stance in a conflict

Collaborative Team player with a win/win mindset

Empathetic Considerate and in touch with other

people's feelings

Adaptable Works in passionate bursts towards

emergent goals

Flexible Easy going and informal

Spontaneous Makes quick gut‐feel decisions

Conceptual An abstract thinker comfortable with

complexity and ambiguity

Imaginative A source of new and creative ideas

Radical Embraces change and is willing to

challenge tradition

Sociable Friendly and energised by interacting

with others

Demonstrative Enthusiastic and expresses positive


Takes ChargeSeizes the initiative in a group and is

drawn towards authority positions

ToughArgues forcefully and is comfortable

with conflict

CompetitiveStrong willed with a win/lose


LogicalObjective and rigorously applies


PurposefulSets ambitious goals and then works

diligently towards them

StructuredAn organised and effective planner

ReliableDisciplined and meets commitments

PracticalAdopts a realistic and common

sense approach

Evidence‐BasedFocused on observable facts and

attentive to details

CautiousResists change ‐ prefers to stick with

tried and tested methods

ObservingBoundaried and energised by their

inner world

MeasuredSerious minded and contains

positive emotions


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Everyday Qualities

The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of

over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.

The twenty four qualities that make up your Everyday Persona

79% 73%

4% 74%

97% 50%

82% 79%

26% 77%

87% 21%

87% 12%

70% 64%

95% 27%

46% 68%

63% 12%

45% 96%

Intimate Listens first and gravitates towards one‐

to‐one conversations

Accommodating Strives for harmony and is willing to

adjust their stance in a conflict

Collaborative Team player with a win/win mindset

Empathetic Considerate and in touch with other

people's feelings

Adaptable Works in passionate bursts towards

emergent goals

Flexible Easy going and informal

Spontaneous Makes quick gut‐feel decisions

Conceptual An abstract thinker comfortable with

complexity and ambiguity

Imaginative A source of new and creative ideas

Radical Embraces change and is willing to

challenge tradition

Sociable Friendly and energised by interacting

with others

Demonstrative Enthusiastic and expresses positive


Takes ChargeSeizes the initiative in a group and is

drawn towards authority positions

ToughArgues forcefully and is comfortable

with conflict

CompetitiveStrong willed with a win/lose


LogicalObjective and rigorously applies


PurposefulSets ambitious goals and then works

diligently towards them

StructuredAn organised and effective planner

ReliableDisciplined and meets commitments

PracticalAdopts a realistic and common

sense approach

Evidence‐BasedFocused on observable facts and

attentive to details

CautiousResists change ‐ prefers to stick with

tried and tested methods

ObservingBoundaried and energised by their

inner world

MeasuredSerious minded and contains

positive emotions


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Overextended Qualities

The percentages indicate where you score in relation to the general working population. For example a score of

over 50% would put you in the top half of the population.

The twenty four qualities that make up your Overextended Persona

7% 41%

17% 99%

14% 37%

36% 65%

18% 32%

40% 64%

47% 71%

20% 44%

23% 93%

85% 84%

23% 30%

76% 69%

Intimate to Passive

Accommodating to Acquiescing

Collaborative to Consensus obsessed

Empathetic to Emotionally stretched

Adaptable to Unfocused

Flexible to Chaotic

Spontaneous to Impulsive

Conceptual to Unfeasible

Imaginative to Fantasist

Radical to Change for the sake of change

Sociable to Can't be alone

Demonstrative to Overbearing

Takes Charge to Controlling

Tough to Seeks conflict

Competitive to Win at all costs

Logical to Argumentative

Purposeful to Goal fixated

Structured to Rigid planning

Reliable to Hesitant

Practical to Narrow sighted

Evidence‐Based to Lost in the details

Cautious to Change resistant

Observing to Detached & aloof

Measured to Serious & withdrawn


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Twenty Four Qualities in detail


Underlying     Everyday     


30% 79% 7%

30% 73% 41%

Takes Charge    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Accommodating Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

60% 4% 17%

99% 74% 99%

Tough    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Collaborative Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

66% 97% 14%

69% 50% 37%

Competitive    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Empathetic Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

88% 82% 36%

91% 79% 65%

Logical    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Adaptable Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

84% 26% 18%

90% 77% 32%

Purposeful    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Flexible Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

18% 87% 40%

87% 21% 64%

Structured    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Spontaneous Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

17% 87% 47%

36% 12% 71%

Reliable    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Conceptual Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

39% 70% 20%

70% 64% 44%

Practical    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Imaginative Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

86% 95% 23%

60% 27% 93%

Evidence‐Based    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Radical Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

46% 46% 85%

94% 68% 84%

Cautious    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Sociable Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

80% 63% 23%

50% 12% 30%

Observing    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

Demonstrative Underlying     

Everyday     Overextended     

87% 45% 76%

50% 96% 69%

Measured    Underlying     Everyday     Overextended

100% 0% 100%


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Valuing Diversity

Recognising your psychological opposite

Osita, everyone has encountered people whose personas are the opposite of their own...

It is likely that you will be able to remember a time, or in fact several times, whilst you have been working, when you have encountered people who appeared absolutely alien in their modes of thinking and in the way they get things done. These people probably had a very different set of persona scores to your own. Have a look at the mandalas below and compare your own to that of your psychological opposite.

No matter who you are, there are many positives and negatives which can be drawn from working with your psychological opposite. One main strength of working with someone so unlike yourself is that you complement each other's weaknesses. Your strengths will be very useful in helping your opposite deal with areas where they have 'blind spots' and vice versa. As long as your communication remains good and you ensure nothing is misinterpreted you can have a very effective working relationship as there will be very few problems that at least one of you cannot handle.

However, it is also possible that you can encounter difficulties when working with your opposite. You may start to see them as the answer to all of your problems and place too great a weight of expectation upon them. Try to develop your weaker qualities yourself. You should also try to aid your psychological opposite's growth in dealing with their own "blind spots". Another problem which often occurs is a breakdown in communication; because you think in very dissimilar ways it is easy for ideas to get lost in translation.

One way you and your psychological opposite could work well together is that your opposite has a talent for resolving conflict without hurting people's feelings. If you and your opposite ever get into an argument you will find things easier to resolve than normal. On the other hand, you and your opposite could encounter problems because you are very direct. Your opposite might see you as blunt and tactless when it comes to resolving underlying problems.

Your Persona: Psychological opposite persona:


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Working with your Opposite

What is good about working with your opposite:

Some problems you might encounter:

Some ideas to build your working relationship:

Your opposite has a talent for keeping things balanced and avoiding conflict. You may find that your working relationship is very harmonious.

You don't spend a lot of time building up intense relationships with high levels of sharing. In contrast, your opposite can show you the benefits of having a tight knit circle of friends to support you.

Your opposite likes to think of themselves as someone who can be trusted to always keep their word. They set an example of the level of dedication which is sometimes required to fulfil your promises.

Your opposite's desire to always find an answer to people's problems is very hard for you to stomach. You see it as wishy‐washy and a way of avoiding a proper resolution.

Sometimes you find yourself swamped with data and you are quite comfortable sifting through it. However your opposite will spot the time wasting which might occur. They may well try to get you to redirect your energies elsewhere, whilst you argue that the data is more important than other considerations.

Try to take a less direct approach to problem solving. Allow your opposite to bring up issues in their own time.

Make sure that the information you enjoy collecting serves the team goal. One way of doing this is to have your opposite propose the task while you gather the data to back it up.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Seeing Yourself in Others

Recognising your mirrored self

Sometimes your biggest blind spot is in the mirror...

You may find that you instinctively recognise when you are working with people who possess the opposite qualities to your own. Because they are so dissimilar to you they are easier to recognise as you find inconsistencies in the way you tend to work together. However, it may be more difficult for you to recognise when you are having trouble working with someone who is very similar to you.

Once again, there are pros and cons to this working relationship. When you are working with someone who works in a manner akin to your own it can be very successful. Your strengths mesh and you have an intuitive understanding of how you both think things through. You can resolve issues before they arise by accommodating your partner's preferences prior to them being voiced and vice versa.

One example of how you might find working together very easy is that you are both very direct and upfront about any problems which might be brewing. This will take care of things immediately and remove any underlying stresses. Then again, you and your mirrored self might have trouble working together. Others may see the two of you as very dismissive of ideas that others have produced, yet are thought of as producing all sorts of audacious ideas yourselves. This may lead some to see you as hypocritical.

Remember Your Persona . . .

  Commanding Archetype


  Inspiring Archetype


  Conscientious Archetype


  Empowering Archetype




Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Working with your Mirrored Self

What is good about working with your mirrored self:

Some problems you might encounter:

Some ideas to build your working relationship:

You both enjoy clearing the air and place a lot of value on being open and direct about any problems between you. This leads to a very honest relationship with issues quickly resolved as soon as one of you notices them.

You and your mirrored self both have an optimistic outlook which allows you to treat setbacks as possibilities for future development. This means that you both stay in a positive frame of mind even when things are going badly.

You are both motivated to work well together, encouraging one another to succeed. You also know when a more challenging environment is needed and know how to build up a friendly rivalry.

You both communicate in a very straightforward manner. This can lead to bruised egos and hurt feelings when issues that were better left alone are dragged into the light.

There is a chance that you may both feel alienated from the rest of the group in terms of your priorities. Your focus on data collection can be very time consuming and you can fall behind when delivering the results is required.

If it looks like an argument is about to erupt between you and your mirrored self, don't simply throw yourself into the fray. Try to defuse the situation before it escalates into something unpleasant.

Sometimes you should put the needs of the team before the needs of you and your mirrored self. Whilst you would feel more comfortable collecting more evidence your team might want to take what they already have and move forward.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Your Communication Preferences

How you prefer to communicate with others:

How you like others to communicate with you:

You are always frank and honest. You do not do this out of a lack of respect, but to convey your meaning clearly and directly without confusion.

When you have an idea, you want to act on it immediately. Your enthusiasm then energises those around you.

You relish the chance to congratulate group members on their successes, and also know how to accept compliments gracefully.

You prefer to communicate in writing as this ensures clarity of meaning, but are not afraid to demonstrate practically and in person where necessary.

You prefer arguments to happen rather than allowing people to bottle up their feelings. You feel that conflict is a healthy and necessary way for people to overcome their underlying issues.

You get a lot out of talking to people about things you find interesting and feel enthusiastic about.

You like it when the whole group contributes and works amicably, but know when relationships should be kept strictly professional.

You like discussing ideas that are presented to you in a serious enough manner that you can understand them, and with enough energy and enthusiasm that you feel engaged.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014


What is likely to irritate you in other people's communication:

Here are some suggestions to improve your communication with others:

You don't like it when people keep their thoughts to themselves and it becomes time consuming to draw things out of them.

You don't like it when people challenge the practicality of your ideas. You are a visionary ‐ you view it as your job to create the ideas and someone else's to make them happen.

You don't like people who do not take into account other people's views. You find their communication style to be selfish and uncaring toward the team and other people. On the other hand you don't like 'people‐pleasing' conversations.

It annoys you when people dismiss valuable evidence whether it's data, ideas or opinions.

Be more open to forgiving people for past slights. Holding a grudge will make any necessary future relationships with the person difficult.

You must allow your impulsive team mates time to discuss ideas that concern possibilities and ambiguity. Their inspiration will give you a bigger purpose for your evidence gathering.

Use deadlines to focus everyone's commitment. By doing this collectively you can all support each other through any difficulties and ensure help is available when needed.

Understand the power of compromise. By combining others' needs with your own, you can come up with a better solution that everyone can buy into.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Creating a High Performing Team

Here are some ways you can be effective in building high performing teams:

However sometimes you may overplay your strengths:

You are known for saying what needs to be said. This can be an important skill when a team is faced with a difficult situation where others may try and steer away from contentious issues.

Exercises like brainstorming and 'blue sky thinking' really play to your strengths and others appreciate you for your creativity.

You involve all members of a team in strategy and decision‐making. This allows everyone to fully engage in the process, feel responsible for its success and be accountable. It leads to a strong team identity and high performance with lots of camaraderie.

You are good at maintaining focus on the issues at hand. Group work needs this skill, especially where there are a number of people who can take the discussion off in other directions. But you can also provide these additional avenues of conversation when the group becomes bogged down.

Your capacity for conflict can mean that you reach an impasse in discussions with no easy way forward.

Other people may find it hard to persuade you of their point of view, even if it is perfectly valid. You have a tendency to only believe things from your own experience.

If others see you as a rebel, rather than a good force for change, you may struggle to make yourself heard. This can also be difficult for you if surrounded by a team that values existing processes.

Your expressiveness may be overwhelming to quieter members of a group with the result that they are less forthcoming with their valuable input. It can also be at odds with your occasional emotional reserve.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014


Here are some blind spots you might encounter when it comes to working in a team:

Here are some suggestions to improve your teamwork:

You are not always a skilled diplomat and at times you may have caused offence. Although your intention is to say something helpful, it is not always received that way.

You would prefer not to be tied down to times and places. This represents a real issue for team working as trying to get a team together can be hard enough even when people are committed.

When given individual tasks to do you often become bored, distracted or uninterested.

Your views may look a bit flimsy without evidence to support them. This can result in good ideas being discarded if you can't persuade others of their merit.

Be open to others gut‐feel opinions. They may not be in the plan, but that doesn't mean they aren't the best way to get to the required result.

By all means take time to discuss issues and concepts. Then develop a plan to deal with them and ensure that the plan is fully implemented.

Life is about compromise. If you hold up the team's progress because of your unwillingness to change your view, you do neither yourself or them any good. Look for the middle ground where both parties get some of what they want.

If you feel you need thinking time, plan it in so that it doesn't impact other people in the team. Then the results of your thinking can be better received.


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Lumina Spark Portrait

Lumina Learning www.luminalearning.com info@luminalearning.com Lumina Learning LLP Third Floor St George's House Knoll Road Camberley, GU15 3SY, UK

Lumina Learning 63 Linden Lea Finchfield EnterWolverhampton West Midlands WV3 8BQ

Facilitated by Stephen Brooks E: sbrooksaui@yahoo.co.uk T: 07940237959

Date Questionnaire completed: 15/02/14 18:41:43 Date Portrait most recently regenerated: 15/02/14 18:42:25


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014

Archetype by Persona overview





Commanding Archetype


Conscientious Archetype


Empowering Archetype


Inspiring Archetype


Empowering Archetype


Inspiring Archetype


Commanding Archetype


Conscientious Archetype


Commanding Archetype


Conscientious Archetype


Inspiring Archetype


Empowering Archetype


Personalised Portrait for Osita Onyebalu ‐ facilitated by Stephen Brooks

© Lumina Learning 2014