OSH Link 17...Excellence in OSH at the Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Awards 2005. In this...

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Transcript of OSH Link 17...Excellence in OSH at the Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Awards 2005. In this...

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IntroductionIf patients receive instant medical treatment after being injured in an

accident or having occupation disease, they will have quicker recovery

and get into the occupational rehabilitation stage which is very critical

to the patients. According to experiment, the sooner the occupational

rehabilitation starts, the faster the patients recover from injury or

disease. It also helps revive the patients' confidence and curb the

tendency of pessimistic thinking. Instead, the patients can go back to

work in shorter time. To the employers, they can retain the valuable

human resources and attain win-win situation. In this issue of Link, 3

organizations launching Occupational Rehabilitation Scheme, namely

Tarmac Asphalt Hong Kong Limited, Bachy Soletanche Group Ltd and

the Jardine Engineering Corporation Ltd will share their experience

and the benefits of the scheme.

The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers Award for Excellence in OSH was

a new award category at this year's Hong Kong Occupational Safety &

Health Award Forum and Award Presentation Ceremony. This award

recognizes those organizations that are striving to decrease the incidence

of occupational accidents and diseases. To be eligible for the award,

organizations must also provide occupational rehabilitation services for

injured employees to promote a better and speedier recovery and

facilitate their safe and early return to work. The gold award this year

went to Jardine Engineering Corporation (JEC). Link is delighted to have

been able to interview Mr Raymond Fung, Safety Manager at JEC, to

discuss the implementation of JEC's rehabilitation programme.


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JEC is part of the Jardine Matheson Group. It was established in 1923

in Shanghai to carry out engineering operations. Today, JEC's

operations encompass many fields of engineering, and the company

also provides complementary services and distributes products. It is a

leading machinery and engineering company, employing over 3,000

members of staff.

JEC has always had health and safety risk management in place.

However, in 2002 JEC formally introduced an additional element to

their safety and health management system: the Worker Injury Risk

Management programme, available to every employee. JEC's

management strongly believes that enterprises have a social

responsibility to take care of injured employees. In addition, there are

also good business reasons to implement such a programme, such as

reducing the cost of compensation to injured employees and those

involved in accidents, reducing the cost of insurance premiums, and

reducing the adaptation problems that many injured employees

experience after a long period of sick leave.

The Worker Injury Risk Management programme is a voluntary

occupational rehabilitation programme. Employees can decide for

themselves whether or not to take part. The programme aims to help

injured employees return to their posts of work safely and speedily,

thus minimizing the adaptability problems that injured employees can

experience after longer periods of sick leave. Another aim is to reduce

the occurrence of accidents at work and occupational diseases. The

programme is based on continually and comprehensively assessing the

needs of injured employees. From the point of view of the company,

the goals of the programme are to minimize lost hours, reduce the

need to replace employees due to accidents and injury, improve

employee morale thus raising work efficiency, and obtain more

favourable insurance terms.

When an injured employee joins the Worker Injury Risk Management

programme, the company holds discussions with the employee, the

Worker Injury Panel physicians and rehabilitation consultants (including

doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and others).

Discussion will also be held with the employee's department to

determine 'on-the-job' rehabilitation opportunities and define the

types of work that the employee will be able to do during the different

stages of his recovery (ie, light duties). In addition, depending on

individual circumstances, the company will also pay home visits to

injured employees to further understand how to aid their recovery

and identify any further help the company can provide.

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Since the implementation of the Worker Injury Risk Management

programme, the biggest problem Mr Fung has found is that employees

are not accustomed to such a scheme. In the past, injured employees

took sick leave and returned to their original post immediately after

the end of their leave to carry out their original duties. However,

employees on the Worker Injury Risk Management programme are

instead assigned alternative light duties, and the company may make

home visits. Such arrangements are rather new and unfamiliar for

many people in Hong Kong. Some employees worry that they will be

labelled as 'injured' or 'a patient'. On the other hand, the employee's

department may worry whether the work or duties they give the injured

employee are suitable, and might assign them the simplest tasks or

duties, or even avoid them as far as possible. Consequently, an injured

employee could feel labelled or even ostracized and would therefore

develop a negative impression of the programme. In order to prevent

such situations from happening, JEC takes great care to ensure that

employees understand the reasons for and benefits of the programme.

Moreover, the programme is not compulsory so employees can opt

not to take part if they think it is not suitable for them.

It has been three years

since the Worker Injury

R i s k M a n a g e m e n t

programme was f i r s t

implemented in 2002.

Over these three years, the

company has seen a

considerable increase in

employee morale due to

the fact that employees truly feel that the company cares about them.

As employees taking part in the programme share their personal

experiences with their colleagues, other staff members understand

more and more about the programme. As a result, employees are

showing more acceptance of the programme. As injured employees

gradually take up their original duties, the company needs fewer

temporary workers and related expenses also decline. Insurance

companies respond positively to this too. As the insurance companies

are satisfied with the safety and health conditions of the company,

and the related compensation to employees is reduced, they are willing

to provide more competitive terms to the company.

Looking to the future, JEC will continue its efforts to minimize accidents,

aiming at a zero accident rate. JEC strongly believes that this can be

achieved with the joint efforts of all parties in the company.


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The victim of a work accident suffers more than just physical trauma.

The employee also has to deal with psychological pressures arising from

inactivity during his recovery when he is unable to work, and

uncertainty as to whether he might lose his job. To help minimize

employees' concerns and speed up the recovery process, Bachy

Soletanche Group Ltd ("Bachy"or "The Company") launched its Work

Injury Risk Management scheme ("WIRM") in 2002. The scheme won

the Silver Award for The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers Award for

Excellence in OSH at the Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health

Awards 2005. In this issue, Links talks to Bachy's Mr. Ringo Lau, Director

- Operations; and Ms. Ellen Soo, Human Resources Manager, to share

their immensely valuable experience of implementing WIRM.

"Bachy Soletanche Group Ltd regards its employees as precious assets,"

said Mr. Lau. Bachy believes that an employer should make every effort

to help injured employees recover as quickly as possible. In addition,

Bachy's parent company considers occupational safety and health

("OSH") to be a top priority. Therefore, an annual internal construction

safety competition is held at construction sites scattered across Asia,

Europe and other parts of the world. Construction sites with an

outstanding safety performance are awarded to recognize their

remarkable achievements. Bachy in Hong Kong is a two-time winner.

The Company's safety committee members attend the annual

conference at the Group's headquarters to keep abreast of the latest

information on OSH.

In line with its culture of caring for staff, Bachy already had a

comprehensive medical plan for its staff in place before WIRM was

launched. To provide even greater assistance to injured employees and

reduce costs incurred from industrial accidents, Bachy's management

discussed the feasibility of implementing a rehabilitation program with

its insurance company and a rehabilitation institution in March 2002

and presented the resulting recommendations to the safety committee.

WIRM was implemented in June the same year.


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Ms. Soo added that the effect of this scheme has been significant, even

though WIRM has only been in place for three years. With the aid of

the professional panel of doctors introduced by the rehabilitation

organization, injured employees are able to receive instant and

appropriate treatment, which helps to speed up the recovery process.

The enhanced communication between employers and panel doctors

not only keeps employers informed of the latest news of the injured

employee's health, it also helps panel doctors to recommend

appropriate light duties for injured employees prior to their full

recovery, through the results of work assessments. Examples of such

light duties include simple cleaning jobs or acting as messengers.

"All WIRM fees and medical costs incurred are borne by the employer

until the employee is fully recovered. No upper limit is set for medical

costs and injured employees are not required to bear any of their medical

costs. In addition, all injured employees are paid while they are performing

light duties. Since the light duties are different to their normal

construction role in nature, working hours and working days, salary

calculations are subject to adjustment (when necessary). However, the

amount paid will not be less than the regular payment stated in the

regulations. This arrangement helps to alleviate employee's concerns that

they will become unemployed," Ms. Soo explained.

Mr. Lau also pointed out that WIRM is able to reduce the number of

sick leave days as well as alleviate the impact of manpower allocation

on construction sites due to work accidents. When losses incurred

through work accidents are compared with the cost of launching and

running the WIRM scheme, it is clear that having WIRM in place pays

off. Since WIRM also helps to speed up the recovery of injured

employees, it is a win-win-win scheme with benefits for the employer,

employee and insurance company. Mr. Lau said that WIRM was

implemented with ease and runs smoothly because employees are

aware that the aim of the program is to support them and shorten

their recovery time.

Bachy is one of the few companies in Hong Kong which runs a

rehabilitation program for employees. Both Mr. Lau and Ms. Soo agree

that cost is the major factor that influences the launch of such a

program. However, other enterprises will find it is worth investing in a

rehabilitation scheme when they consider both the tangible and

intangible advantages such as the sense of loyalty and belonging that

this program inspires in employees. They believe that more and more

enterprises would take the initiative to launch such a program if the

government could provide more support in this respect.


"Safety is the most important thing of all", was the phrase that Ms

Katherine W. K Fung, HR & Administration Manager, Tarmac Asphalt

Hong Kong Limited ("Tarmac" or "The Company") frequently used in

our interview. "We will reduce the number of accidents by ensuring

that all our safety standards are achieved and all our staffs are aware

of occupational safety issues," said Ms Fung. This commitment to safety

and health has led the Company to achieve excellent results and record

"zero accidents" over two consecutive years - 2003 and 2004.

Tarmac obtained the bronze award in the 'Hong Kong Federation of

Insurers Award for Excellence in OSH' category at the Hong Kong

Occupational Safety and Health Award 2005. Tarmac introduced an

occupational rehabilitation program ("The Program") in 2004. Ms Cindy

W.S. Lui, Safety Officer, believes that it was thanks to the dedication

and concerted efforts of the Company and its staff that the Company

obtained such a good result in the competition.

Tarmac Asphalt Hong Kong Limited's main business is asphalt

production and road construction. For many years, Tarmac has held

employees' work safety and health as one of their top priorities and

they already had a 'panel doctor scheme' in place prior to the launch

of the current Program. Based on the original panel doctor scheme,

the present Program covers a wide range of medical services, from

general consultation to specialist diagnosis. The Program comprises of

a team of dedicated medical and para-medical professionals, including

nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists, with extensive

knowledge of occupational rehabilitation.

When an industrial accident occurs, any injured workers are treated

by the rehabilitation organization's doctors, explained Ms Fung. Over

the treatment and rehabilitation period, medical professionals evaluate

the physical and functional limitation of the injured workers. This is to

determine their working ability and recommend appropriate

rehabilitation treatment. The Company provides the medical staff with

comprehensive information relating to the nature of the injured

worker's job, to enable them to determine when it is appropriate for

him to take up his original post. In the meanwhile, during the initial

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post-recovery stage, the medical staff will assess the worker's abilities

and state of health and suggest appropriate and less physically

demanding jobs, such as stock or inventory checking, or cleaning of

tools and equipment. They might also recommend the worker taking

part in incentive programs or training to increase their understanding

of health and safety and hence prevent re-injury. Ms Fung added that

their rehabilitation organization and the insurance company operate

independently. Tarmac can have direct contact with the medical team

to discuss an individual case at any time. The rehabilitation

organization's coordinator can follow each case directly and submit

reports to the Company's safety officer. This communication channel

enables the Company to have a better understanding of the injured

worker's rehabilitation progress. In this respect, Tarmac's Program is

different from that of other companies in the industry.

Both Ms Fung and Ms Lui agreed that the Program not only helps to

reduce injured workers' compensation costs and sick leave, it also

facilitates working efficiency and increases employees' sense of

belonging and loyalty to the Company. The main advantage of the

Program is that it enables injured workers to receive appropriate

treatment. The Program also helps workers to return to work as soon

as practicable and regain their confidence. Thanks to the fact that the

Company had previously had a similar panel doctor scheme in place

which workers were familiar with, the new scheme was launched

smoothly. The Company did not face any major challenges as the

workers tended their full support to the Company and welcomed the

Program wholeheartedly.

"With more and more companies aware of the

importance of occupational safety and health

issues , the provis ion of occupational

rehabilitation programs such as this will be a

growing trend in the future," Ms Fung

concluded. She suggested that the government

should provide more resources to promote

rehabilitation programs. Investing in these

programs would be worthwhile in the long run,

even though a company would have to inject

additional costs in the initial stage. The number

of industrial accidents and overall labour compensation costs would

be greatly reduced if more organizations launched rehabilitation

programs. This would be beneficial to their employees, the companies

and the industry as a whole.

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"OSH Link" is a bilingual newsletter published by the OccupationalSafety & Health Council. The Council accepts no responsibility forany views expressed in any articles published in the "OSH Link".

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On 24 February 2006, 16 members of the Green Cross Group visited

YKK Building in Tuen Mun which is managed by Jones Lang LaSalle

Management Services Ltd (Jones Lang) to learn about the company's

experiences in respect of occupational safety and health management.

Mr K K Lam, Associate Director, Management Services, Investor Services

of Jones Lang and Mr C H Kong, Estate Manager, YKK Building, firstly

gave a presentation on the company's experiences of implementing a

safety management system at YKK Building. After the information

sharing session, they visited different places in the building, including

the offices, repair and maintenance centre, staff room, and store room,

to see how 5S good housekeeping practices are implemented. For

example, things are kept in order with labels and safety classification

symbols. The members then moved on to learn about the fall-

prevention device installed at the central void on the roof, as well as

safety measures such as the stainless steel fences at the entrances of

heavy machinery and lifelines on different floors of the building.

Electric platforms are installed where goods are loaded on to and

unloaded from lorries in order to minimize accidents in relation to the

loading and unloading of goods. At the end of the visit, members

appreciated the need for care and innovative thinking as well as strict

implementation in order for

occupational safety and health

management to be efficient and


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Occupational Safety and Health and Safety Improvement Program

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