OS Mini Project

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Transcript of OS Mini Project

  • 7/28/2019 OS Mini Project


    BITI / S1G1


    (BITS 1213)


    SOO PHENG KIAN B031210015

    ANDY LOW FOO HWA B031210343




  • 7/28/2019 OS Mini Project


  • 7/28/2019 OS Mini Project


    Type of Processor Scheduling

    Long-term: which process to be admitted

    Medium-term: which process to swap in or out

    Short-term: which ready process to execute next

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    Scheduler will always choose a process with highpriority 1st over the low priority process

    Have multiple queues to represent each level ofpriority

    Lower priority may suffer starvation- allow a low priority process to change its priority based on its ages and

    execute history

    Decision mode Non-preemptive: When a process is in running state, it will continue

    until it is terminated or block itself for I/O

    Preemptive: -currently running process will be interrupted and move toready state by OS

    -Allow for better service to avoid 1 process monopolize theprocessor very long

  • 7/28/2019 OS Mini Project


    Shortest-Job-First Scheduling(SJF)

    To pick a quickest fastest little job that need to

    be done and get it out 1st, and pick the next

    smallest faster job to do next.

    The SJF algorithm can be preemptive or non-


    Preemptive: will preempt the currently executing process

    Non-preemptive: allow the currently running process tofinish its CPU burst.

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    Shortest Remaning Time

    Process with the shortest expected CPU burst time will

    be process 1st.

    A process may preempt when another process becomeready.

    The decision mode is preemptive.

    I/O bound process will be picked 1st.

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    Can be classify multiprocessor system as :

    Loosely coupled / distributed multiprocessor / cluster

    each processor having its own memory and I/O channel.Functionally specialized processors

    controlled by the master and provide services to it.

    Tightly coupled multiprocessor

    set of processors that shared main memory and under control of operating system.


    Grain Size Description Synchronization


    Fine Parallelism inherent in a single instruction stream

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    Assignment of processes to


    the question arise about to

    whether the assignment should bestatic or dynamic.

    The use of multiprogramming onindividual processors

    for individuals processor should beable to switch among a number of

    processes to achieve high utilization

    and therefore better performance but

    not for medium-grained application.

    Process dispatching the use of priorities or of

    sophisticated scheduling algorithms

    based on past usage may improve

    performance over a simple-minded

    first-come-first-served strategy.

    o Design Issues

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  • 7/28/2019 OS Mini Project


    Gang Scheduling

    A set of related threads is scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same time, on a

    one-to-one basis

    Dedicated processor assignment

    This is the opposite of the load-sharing approach and provides implicit scheduling

    defined by the assignment of threads to processors. Each program, for the duration of its

    execution, is allocated a number of processors equal to the number of threads in the

    program. When the program terminates, the processors return to the general pool for

    possible allocation to another program.

    Dynamic Scheduling

    the number of threads in a process can be altered during the course of execution.

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    Real Time Computing

    Correctness of system depends to the logical result and the timewhich the results are produced.

    Hard Real-Time Task

    We must meet its deadline,otherwise fatal damage r error will occur

    Soft Real-Time Task

    We should meet is deadline but not mandatory and schedule it evenif the deadline is already passed.

    Aperiodic Test

    Random task which may have a constraint on start or finish time or


    Periodic Task

    A sequence of tasks which appear once per period T.

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    # Operations are performed at fixed,predetermined times or within

    predetermined time intervals

    # Concern how long the OS delays before acknowledging an interrupt

    # Maximal delay is small


    # How long,after acknowledgment,it takes the OS to service the


    # This includes

    -Amount of time to begin execution of the interrupt

    -Amount of time to perform the interrupt

  • 7/28/2019 OS Mini Project


    User Control

    # Its includes user specifies priority,specify paging,whatprocesses must always reside in main memory,disks

    algorithms to use and rights of processes.


    # More important for real-time system than regular system

    # Error generally not recoverable# Attempt either to correct the problem or minimize is effects

    while continuing to run and most critical,high priority tasksexecute.

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    Fast process/thread switch

    Small size

    Ability to respond to external interrupts

    quickly Preemptive scheduling base on priority

    Delay tasks for fixed amount of time

    Special alarms and timeouts

  • 7/28/2019 OS Mini Project


    Operating system is responsible for using disk drive efficiently,having afast access time and disk bandwidth.

    Access time has 2 major components.->time for the disk to move the heads to the cylinder

    containing desired sector.-> additional time waiting for the disk to rotate the

    desired sector to the disk head.

    Disk Bandwidth is the total number of bytes transferred, dividedby the total time between the first request for service and thecompletion of the last transfer.

    To minimize seek time.

    Seek time Seek distance

    For example, we take a request queue (0-199).

    98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67

    Initial value=53

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    First Come First Serve(FCFS)

    Request runsequentially.

    All processes are fair.

    Random scheduling ifthere are many

    processes.Also can be known asFirst In First Out(FIFO).

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    Shortest Seek Time First(SSTF)

    Selects the requestwith the minimumseek time from thecurrent headposition.

    May cause starvationof some requests.

    Job on the far endwill starve whereasclosest job will keepgetting serviced.

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    Elevator Algorithm or SCAN

    The disk arm starts atone end of the disk, andmoves toward the otherend, servicing requestsuntil it gets to the otherend of the disk, where

    the head movement isreversed and servicingcontinues.

    Avoids starvation.

    Provides good

    performance.Fair to all request/job.

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    Provides a moreuniform wait timethan SCAN.

    The head movesfrom one end of thedisk to the other.servicing requests asit goes. When itreaches the otherend, however, itimmediately returns

    to the beginning ofthe disk, withoutservicing anyrequests on thereturn trip.

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    Version of C-SCAN Arm only goes as far

    as the last request ineach direction, thenreverses directionimmediately,without first going allthe way to the end ofthe disk.

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    Comparison and Conclusion

    Performance depends on the number and types ofrequests.

    Requests for disk service can be influenced by the file-allocation method.

    The disk-scheduling algorithm should be written as aseparate module of the operating system, allowing it tobe replaced with a different algorithm if necessary.

    SSTF is common and has a natural appeal

    SCAN and C-SCAN perform better for systems thatplace a heavy load on the disk.

    SSTF or LOOK is a reasonable choice for the defaultalgorithm.