ORT Effect of Degree and Duration of Shade on Quality of...

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HORTSCIENCE 42(3):514–520. 2007.

Effect of Degree and Duration of Shadeon Quality of Greenhouse TomatoMartin P.N. GentDepartment of Forestry and Horticulture, Connecticut AgriculturalExperiment Station, P.O. Box 1106, New Haven, CT 06504-1106

Additional index words. blossom end rot, cracked skin, irregular shape, uneven ripening, yield

Abstract. Some amount of shade may be optimal to produce high-quality tomatoes in agreenhouse during summer months in the northeast United States. Simultaneouscomparisons were made among greenhouse sections that were either not shaded orcovered with reflective aluminized shadecloth that attenuated 15%, 30%, or 50% ofdirect sunlight. The shadecloth was applied at the start of warm weather in June. Thehouses were shaded for the rest of the summer, and fruit was picked until late August.Total yield decreased linearly with increasing shade, but there was no significantdifference among shade treatments in marketable yield. The fraction of fruit that wasmarketable was greatest for plants grown under 50% shade. This fraction was 9% greaterthan in a greenhouse with no shade in 2003 and 7% greater in 2004 and 2005. Crackedskin was the defect most affected by shade. Among sensitive cultivars, up to 35% of thefruit produced in greenhouses with no shade had cracked skin, whereas in greenhousescovered with 50% shade, only 24% to 26% of the tomatoes had cracked skin. There wasno consistent trend for shade density in the fraction of fruit with green shoulder, blossomend rot, or irregular shape. The effect of shade increased with duration of shading. Therewas no effect of 50% shade compared with no shade on total yield within 20 days, but yielddecreased by 20% in the interval from 25 to 45 days after shading and by 30% after 50 ormore days of shading in 2005. Marketable yield only decreased after more than 45 days ofshading for cultivars that were not sensitive to cracked skin or uneven ripening. Shadedecreased fruit size over the entire season only in 2003. In general, shading increased thefraction of marketable tomato fruit without affecting fruit size.

Shade can increase total and market yieldof tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)grown in hot climates. Tomato plants grownin Egypt for the entire season under shadethat attenuated 30% to 40% of sunlight hadhigher yields and more fruit than those grownwithout shade (Abdel-Mawgoud et al., 1996;El-Aidy, 1986). Increasing shade densityabove 40% decreased flowering and yield.For crops grown in Oklahoma, 63% shadedecreased yield in 1 year but not in another(Russo, 1993).

In climates with more moderate temper-atures, shade typically reduces yield oftomato grown in a greenhouse. The structureand covering of a greenhouse reduces lightintensity, so additional shade could be dele-terious. In Brazil, a humid subtropical cli-mate, 52% shade reduced yield by 20%(Sandra et al., 2003). In England, a cool andlow-light environment, 23% shade reducedthe yield by 20% (Cockshull et al., 1992).Movable shade, applied only during sunnyperiods, is less deleterious than constantshade. In England, a 1-week period of shadehad no effect on yield (Adams et al., 2001). InSpain, mobile shade used only under intensesunlight increased marketable yield by 10%(Lorenzo et al., 2003). The benefit of shade

on quality in the latter study was attributableto less blossom end rot and cracked skin.

High light intensity can lead to severaldisorders in development and appearance oftomato fruit that affect quality (Dorais et al.,2001). Sunscald injury and uneven ripeningare two disorders brought on by direct effectsof light on fruit. Sunscald injury of tomatofruit increased with irradiance and airtemperature and their combined effects(Adegoroye and Jolliffe, 1987). High tem-perature in conjunction with high irradiancealso contributed to blotchy or uneven ripen-ing (Lipton, 1970).

Cracks in the skin are one of the mostcommon defects of tomatoes produced in theeastern United States (Peet and Willits,1995). Sunlight plays a role in this defect.Field-grown fruit exposed to sunlight weremore than twice as likely to develop cracksas shaded fruit (Whaley-Emmons and Scott,1997). Plant water status also plays a role.Plants that were watered excessively had20% more fruit with cracked skin than thosewith just sufficient water (Peet and Willits,1995). Excess water also increased fruitweight. Conversely, when sodium chloridewas used to increase electrical conductivity(EC) of the nutrient solution for tomatogrown in rock wool, fewer fruit had crackedskin (Chretien et al., 2000). This treatmentalso resulted in a smaller fruit size. Anincrease in concentration of nutrients had asimilar effect on cracking of cherry tomatofruit grown in hydroponics (Ohta et al.,1993). Thus, increasing solution EC or reduc-

ing water supply prevents cracked skin butresults in smaller fruit. These practices maynot be welcomed by growers in the northeastUnited States, because they believe theircustomers want large fruit. One benefit ofshade to increase the quality of tomato fruitis that shade may increase quality withoutreducing fruit size.

The climate in the northeast United Statesvaries from cool and cloudy in winter andspring, with nights colder than 0 �C, to warmand humid in summer with days warmer than30 �C. During a multiyear cultivar trial ofgreenhouse tomato, the average fraction ofmarketable fruit was 56% to 58% in years inwhich the houses were covered with 30%shadecloth, but only 32% to 44% in years inwhich no shade was applied (Gent, 2003,2004). It is not clear whether shade appliedin summer, or what density of shade, wouldimprove quality of greenhouse tomato grownunder these conditions. In the present report,yield and quality of tomato produced insummer in a nonshaded section of green-houses was compared with that in sectionscovered with various densities of shadecloth.

Materials and Methods

Growth conditions. The experiments wereconducted at Hamden, Conn. [lat. 42�N, long.73�W, 50 m above mean sea level (ASL)] infour hoop houses, 17.1 m long · 4.3 m wide ·2.7 m high, with a double glazing of 0.1-mmclear polyethylene film. The air was heatedby a forced-air heater and horizontal air flowequalized temperature throughout eachhouse. Plants were grown in four rows ofrock-wool slabs (Talent; Agrodynamics, EastBrunswick, N.J.) fertilized with a completenutrient solution of 5N–7.9P–31.5K (Tomatoformula; Hydrogardens, Colorado Springs,Colo.), Ca(NO3)2, and MgSO4. This wassupplied at every watering. Nitrogen wassupplied at 100 to 200 mg�L–1 during vege-tative growth and fruit set. This concentrationwas reduced to �120 mg�L–1 during fruitproduction. Potassium was supplied at 140mg�L–1 initially, and it was increased to�190 mg�L–1 during fruit production. TheEC of the nutrient solution supplied to theplants during fruit production was 2.4, 2.1,and 2.0 dS m–1 in 2003, 2004, and 2005,respectively. The average EC of solutionremaining in the slabs was 3.3, 2.6, and 4.0dS m–1, respectively, in these 3 years. Thefrequency of watering was adjusted accord-ing to plant size and sunlight integral, sonutrients were not depleted and adequatewater remained in the root zone.

Seeds were germinated in January andseedlings were transplanted to a final spacingof 1.8 plants/m2 in March. Greenhouses wereheated to a minimum temperature of 14 �C to18 �C until June. The ventilation temperaturewas 28 �C in early spring, falling to 24 �C inearly summer. Plants were pruned to a singlestem and supported by string. Flower trusseswere pruned to four or five fruit.

Four cultivars of greenhouse tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were grown

Received for publication 7 Nov. 2006. Acceptedfor publication 10 Jan. 2007.I thank Michael Short, James McDonald, andClaudia Ritter for technical assistance.E-mail Martin.Gent@po.state.ct.us.

514 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 42(3) JUNE 2007

in each year. ‘Buffalo’, ‘Match’, ‘Quest’, and‘Rapsodie’ were grown in 2003. ‘Cabernet’and ‘Jetstar’ were selected in 2004 and 2005because they tended to produce a greaterfraction of nonmarketable fruit, whereas‘Buffalo’ and ‘Quest’ were retained fromprior years. Seeds of ‘Buffalo’, ‘Match’,‘Quest’, and ‘Rapsodie’ were obtained fromHydrogardens. Seeds of ‘Cabernet’ and‘Jetstar’ were obtained from Holmes SeedCo. (Canton, Ohio).

Treatments. In 2003 through 2005, sec-tions of greenhouses were either uncoveredor covered with reflective aluminized shade-cloth that provided 15%, 30%, or 50% shade.The 15% shade was derived from the 30%shade by cutting a staggered array of square0.3 · 0.3-m holes in the 30% shadecloth. Theeast and west half of each greenhouse wascovered with a different shade, either acombination of none and 50% shade or acombination of 15% and 30% shade. A 4-m-wide strip of shadecloth covered the top ofthe houses. It was attached to a 1.8-m-wideblack woven polyethylene shadecloth rated at50% shade that covered the north and southsides of all houses, including those with noshade on top. The shade on the side reducedthe variability among rows within a green-house (Hamer et al., 2004). The clear poly-ethylene sides were rolled up to a height of1.5 m to improve ventilation when the shade-cloth was applied.

In 2003, shade was applied 1 week beforeany fruit ripened. In 2004 and 2005, the firstfruit ripened �3 weeks before shade wasapplied. Shadecloth was applied on 5 June2003, 23 June 2004, and 14 June 2005 andremained over the greenhouses for the rest ofthe summer. Fruit began to ripen on 13 June2003, 2 June 2004, and 23 May 2005, andfruits were harvested at 4- to 5-day intervalsthrough August. Fruit from four plants persubplot were combined for counting andweighing. Total yield, weight per fruit, andnature of defects of the fruit were recorded.Defects included radial and circular cracks inthe skin, rough skin, green shoulder oruneven ripening, blossom end rot, and cat-facing or irregular shape.

Environment. Shaded thermocouples andtemperature humidity transmitters (model500; Campbell Scientific, Logan, Utah) mea-sured air temperature at a height of 1.5 m inthe center of each greenhouse. A fine wirethermocouple (Omega Engineering, Stam-ford, Conn.) was pressed against the under-side of an upper fully expanded leaf to recordleaf temperature. These thermocouples weremoved every few weeks and repositioned ona new upper leaf. A total of eight thermo-couples were used to track leaf temperaturesimultaneously in two replicates of eachshade treatment. Quantum sensors (model190; LI-COR, Lincoln, Neb.) measured pho-tosynthetic active radiation (PAR) within thegreenhouse above the height of the crop. Foursensors measured sunlight under each shadetreatment simultaneously. Halfway througheach year’s experiment, the sensors weremoved to sample another replicate of each

shade treatment. Readings from each sensorwere taken every minute, averaged hourly,and recorded. Another sensor measuredambient sunlight in an unobstructed location.

Experimental design and analysis. Theexperimental design was a split-plot withshade (greenhouses) as main plots and culti-var as subplots. There were four greenhousesin which shade treatments were replicated.The location of each shade treatment wasvaried within and among houses betweenyears. Different cultivars were planted ineach of the four rows within each shadetreatment, and their location was variedbetween years. Each row of eight plants ofone cultivar was split into two subplots offour plants to record yield characteristics.

Analysis of variance of yield componentswas conducted separately for each year andonly included harvests while the greenhouseswere shaded. Shade was analyzed as a con-tinuous variable with linear and quadraticeffects. Effects of cultivar and interactionsbetween cultivar and shade were included ina general linear model in SYSTAT (version10; SPSS, Richmond, Calif.). The cultivarswere also analyzed separately in each year todetermine the nature of any cultivar-by-shadeinteraction. The effect of shade on the rate ofproduction and yield components was alsocalculated within consecutive periods of 20to 25 d after shade was applied. Each periodcorresponded to five to six harvests. Eachperiod was analyzed separately for maineffects of shade and cultivar.


Environment. The effect of shade on leaftemperature could only be detected underhigh sunlight intensity. There was no measur-able difference in the dark or under lowirradiance. When ambient irradiance wasgreater than 1600 mmol�m–2�s–1PAR, leavesthat were not shaded were 1.5 to 1.8 �C

warmer than those under 50% shade (Table 1).There was a proportionally smaller effectunder less shade. The 24-hr integrals ofsunlight intensity (PAR) measured under theshade treatments were compared with that fora sensor placed outside. Compared with thenonshaded sections, the reduction in PARunder each shade treatment was very close tothe nominal rating of the shadecloth. ThePAR in the nonshaded sections was �30%less than that outside the greenhouse. Theplastic cover was renewed before the 2004season resulting in a higher transmission of76% in that year. Air temperature did notvary between treatments. The temperature inall houses was less than 1 �C warmer thanambient at night and �2.5 �C warmer thanambient in the day during the period whenplants were shaded.

Yield. When total and marketable yieldwere analyzed over the entire period aftershade was applied, an increase in shadedensity reduced total yield significantly ineach year (Table 2). Plants under 50% shadehad the lowest yield, except for ‘Cabernet’and ‘Jetstar’ in 2004. Nonshaded sectionshad the highest yield, except in 2005, whenmost cultivars had the highest yield under15% shade. Total yield under 50% shadewas 26%, 13%, and 11% less than that underno shade in 2003, 2004, and 2005, respec-tively. Despite the consistent effect of shadeon total yield, there was no significant effectof shade on marketable yield in any year.The marketable yield resulting from 50%shade was only 10%, 0%, and 3% less thanthat from plants under no shade in 2003,2004, and 2005, respectively. The fractionof fruit that was marketable was greatestunder 50% shade and least under no shade.Compared with the number of fruit producedunder 50% shade, 9%, 7%, and 8% more ofthe fruit was unmarketable when producedunder no shade in 2003, 2004, and 2005,respectively.

Table 1. Environment in greenhouses covered with a double layer of polyethylene film and aluminizedshadecloth.z

Daily integrated PAR

As a fraction of outside As a fraction of nonshaded section

Year No shade 15% shade 30% shade 50% shade

2003 0.632 0.846 0.729 0.5022004 0.763 0.850 0.690 0.5602005 0.679 0.837 0.709 0.546

Leaf temperature under high PAR, �C

None 15% shade 30% shade 50% shade

2003 28.9 28.3 27.6 27.12004 28.7 27.9 27.3 26.92005 31.1 30.4 29.9 29.6

Air temperature, �C

Ambient In greenhouse

Night Day Night Day

2003 21.0 28.2 21.7 30.32004 21.2 26.6 21.9 29.12005 19.8 28.4 20.5 31.0zDaily integrated PAR in a nonshaded section was compared with that outside, and PAR in shaded sectionswas compared with that in the nonshaded sections. Leaf temperature was measured under ambientirradiance greater than 1600 uE m–2 s–1PAR. All values are averages over the period of shading.PAR = photosynthetically active radiation.

HORTSCIENCE VOL. 42(3) JUNE 2007 515

Weight per fruit. The effects of shade onfruit weight were not consistent over the3 years. In 2003, the weight per fruit pickedfrom plants under 50% shade was less thanthat under the other shade treatments, and thispattern was similar to the effect of shade ontotal yield. In 2004, differences betweenshade treatments were not significant. In2005, the largest fruit were produced under15% shade, and weight per fruit was similarunder no shade and 50% shade.

Nature of defects. Radial cracks in theskin that propagated from the calyx was thedefect that occurred with greatest frequency.Often, these were deep cracks that extendedinto the mesocarp. Plants in nonshaded sec-tions produced more fruit with cracked skinthan those under 50% shade. In 2005, thedecrease in the number of fruit with crackswas proportional to the shade density. Greenshoulder or uneven ripening was the nextmost common defect. However, shade had aneffect on this defect only in 2004 when plantsthat were not shaded had more unevenripening that under other shade conditions.Defects such as rough skin, blossom endrot, or irregular shape occurred at a lowfrequency, typically less than 5%. The effectof shade on the fraction of fruit with thesedefects varied among the 3 years of theexperiment, in part because two of the culti-vars grown in 2003 differed from thosegrown in 2004 and 2005.

Difference between cultivars. The culti-vars differed in weight per fruit and thefrequency of various defects such as fruitwith cracked skin or irregular shape. Therewere some interactions among the effects ofcultivar and shade. Such interactionsoccurred for the fraction of marketable fruit,the number of fruit with cracks in 2003 and2005, and for weight per fruit in 2005. Trends

were similar in 2004 and 2005, but the effectsof shade were not as significant in 2004,primarily because there was more variationbetween subplots.

In 2003, the effect of shade on marketablefruit was different for ‘Buffalo’ than for theother cultivars. ‘Buffalo’ had the highestfraction of marketable fruit overall, but themarketable fraction was least under 50%shade (Table 3). For all cultivars except‘Buffalo’, plants under 50% shade producedthe fewest fruit with cracks. ‘Buffalo’ had thesmallest fruit and fewest fruit with crackedskin, whereas ‘Rapsodie’ had the largest fruitand the most with cracked skin. The inci-dence of blossom end rot was lower in 2003than in other years, because ‘Jetstar’ was notincluded.

In 2005, the weight per fruit of the variouscultivars responded differently to shade.Shade had relatively little effect on ‘Buffalo’,whereas intermediate shade of 15% or 30%resulted in the largest fruit for the othercultivars (Table 4). The fraction of fruit withcracked skin varied in a similar manner.‘Buffalo’ had a low fraction that did not varywith shade, whereas shade decreased thefraction of fruit with cracked skin for ‘Cabernetand ‘Jetstar’. The fraction of marketablefruit increased with shade for ‘Cabernet’ and‘Jetstar’.

In 2004 and 2005, ‘Cabernet’ had a hightotal yield, but it also had a low marketableyield and the greatest fraction of nonmarket-able fruit. The poor market quality of ‘Cabernetwas primarily the result of cracks in the skin;up to 67% of the fruit had cracked skin. Theincidence was 17% or less for ‘Buffalo’ and25% or less for ‘Quest’ in 2005. ‘Cabernet’produced the most fruit that ripened unevenlyor had green shoulder, and ‘Jetstar’ had themost blossom end rot. ‘Quest’ had the most

fruit with rough skin. There was no consistenttrend across cultivars or over years in the effectof shade on rough skin, uneven ripening, orblossom end rot. ‘Jetstar’ had the most irregu-larly shaped fruit.

Effect of Duration of Shade

Rate of production. Analysis of yield overthe entire period of shading obscured the factthat the effect of shade changed with timeafter it was applied. To visualize this aspectof the response, the yield was separated into20- to 25-d periods and each period wasanalyzed separately. The results are plottedas graphs for each of these periods with datafor the 3 years superimposed on each graph.There were considerable differences betweenyears. In 2003, fruit did not ripen until aftershade was applied, so the rate of productionwas slow in the first period (Fig. 1). The rateof production in 2005 was greater than in2004, particularly in the period from 25 to45 d after shading. An accident with thewatering system resulted in desiccation ofthe plants �20 d before shade was applied in2004. Recovery from this incident was slowas shown by the relatively low yield duringthe period from 25 to 45 d postshade ascompared with 2005. This desiccationincreased variability between subplots com-pared with the other years. This is the primaryreason why shade did not register as asignificant affect in 2004. However, thefigures show that many of the trends in2004 were similar to those seen in 2005.

Shade had no effect on production withinthe first 20 d after it was applied. There was adecrease in yield attributable to shade in theinterval from 25 to 45 d after the shade wasapplied. This effect was significant in 2005.The effect of shade on yield during this period

Table 2. Yield, weight per fruit, and fraction of fruit with defects averaged over four tomato cultivars as affected by density of shadecloth applied overgreenhouses in 3 years.

Year Shade

Yield, kg/plant

Wt, g per fruit Market fraction

Fraction with defectsz

Total Market Cracks Rough Uneven BER Irregular2003 None 6.6 3.4 210 0.53 0.31 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.02

15% 6.0 3.4 205 0.57 0.30 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.0330% 6.0 3.2 209 0.54 0.30 0.01 0.06 0.03 0.0350% 4.9 3.1 197 0.62 0.25 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.02

Significancey Shade (S) L** NS L*,Q* L*,Q** L*,Q* NS NS NS NS

Cultivar (C) ** * *** *** ** NS NS NS NS

S · C ** *2004 None 9.1 4.3 228 0.48 0.28 0.04 0.14 0.05 0.07

15% 8.2 4.3 209 0.49 0.27 0.05 0.17 0.03 0.0630% 7.9 3.9 220 0.51 0.28 0.03 0.11 0.04 0.0750% 7.9 4.3 216 0.55 0.24 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.06

Significance Shade L* NS NS NS NS NS L** NS NS

Cultivar NS ** ** * * ** *** ** ***S · C

2005 None 9.4 4.6 236 0.49 0.35 0.03 0.11 0.05 0.0315% 9.7 4.8 255 0.51 0.33 0.03 0.12 0.05 0.0530% 9.2 4.6 243 0.51 0.30 0.04 0.13 0.03 0.0650% 8.4 4.4 238 0.56 0.25 0.02 0.09 0.05 0.05

Significance Shade L**,Q** NS L*,Q* NS L** NS NS NS L**Cultivar ** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ***S · C * ** *

zFraction of total number of fruit. Cracks and rough are skin defects, uneven is green shoulder or uneven ripening, BER is blossom end rot, irregular is blossomend scar or open locule.ySignificance of linear, L, or quadratic, Q, effects of shade.NS*,**,***Nonsignificant or significant at P < 0.05, 0.01 or 0.001, respectively.

516 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 42(3) JUNE 2007

was slight, corresponding to a decrease in therate of production of �20 g per day per plantunder 50% shade compared with those innonshaded sections. In contrast, when theplants had been under shade for 50 d or more,the effects of shade were more profoundcorresponding to a decrease in the rate ofproduction of 30 g per day per plant under50% shade compared with no shade. Theproduction of all cultivars responded similarlyto the duration and intensity of shade.

Weight per fruit. Within 20 d after shadewas applied in 2003, there was great variabil-ity in weight per fruit picked from plants underthe various shade treatments (Fig. 2). This was

largely because the plants were not yet in fullproduction and small differences in stage ofdevelopment affected fruit size. There was aslight trend toward increasing fruit size withshade within 20 d after shade was applied in2004 and 2005. However, these trends werenot significant. After 25 or more days ofshading, shade decreased weight per fruitconsistently across years. This trend wassignificant after 45 d or more of shading in2003 and 2005. It represented an �10%decrease in fruit size under 50% shade com-pared with no shade.

Fruit quality. The duration of shadeaffected the rate of production of marketable

fruit less than the total rate of production. Theshade treatments had no significant effect inany year up to 45 d after shading (Fig. 3). Theonly trend was a slight increase in marketableyield with shade in the first 20 d after it wasapplied in 2005. Even after 50 or more days,the effect of shade on marketable yield wasmuch smaller than that on total yield. The rateof production of marketable fruit under 50%shade was decreased by �5 g per daycompared with no shade. There were distinctdifferences between cultivars up to 45 d aftershading. ‘Buffalo’ and ‘Quest’ produced themost marketable fruit and ‘Cabernet’ pro-duced the least. Thereafter, all cultivars had a

Table 3. Yield, weight per fruit, and fraction of fruit with defects for four tomato cultivars as affected by density of shade in 2003.

Cultivar Shade

Yield, kg/plant

Wt, g per fruit Market fraction

Fraction with defectsz

Total Market Cracks Rough Uneven BER Irregular

Buffalo None 5.3 3.7 187 0.69 0.23 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.0215% 5.9 4.1 184 0.70 0.21 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.0430% 5.2 3.5 187 0.68 0.21 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.0250% 4.5 2.7 176 0.57 0.29 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.04

Significancey L*,Q* L*,Q*

Match None 7.4 3.1 215 0.41 0.36 0.01 0.15 0.03 0.0315% 5.9 2.7 209 0.46 0.34 0.00 0.10 0.01 0.0430% 5.8 2.5 206 0.42 0.35 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.0550% 5.6 2.8 192 0.51 0.29 0.01 0.11 0.01 0.03

Significance L*,Q* L*

Quest None 6.4 3.6 191 0.59 0.23 0.01 0.09 0.03 0.0115% 6.2 3.3 205 0.53 0.35 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.0130% 6.8 3.5 208 0.50 0.33 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.0150% 4.7 3.3 192 0.72 0.17 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.02

Significance L* L*,Q*

Rapsodie None 7.2 3.2 245 0.44 0.42 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.0215% 6.3 3.9 221 0.63 0.29 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.0130% 6.6 3.7 243 0.55 0.33 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.0250% 5.1 3.4 228 0.65 0.28 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.01

Significance L**,Q* L**,Q* L* Q*zFraction of total number of fruit. Cracks and rough are skin defects, uneven is green shoulder or uneven ripening, BER is blossom end rot, irregular is blossomend scar or open locule.ySignificance of linear, L, or quadratic, Q, effects of shade.*,**Significant at P < 0.05 or 0.01, respectively.

Table 4. Yield, weight per fruit, and fraction of fruit with defects for four tomato cultivars as affected by density of shade in 2005.

Cultivar Shade

Yield, kg/plant

Wt, g per fruit Market fraction

Fraction with defectsz

Total Market Cracks Rough Uneven BER Irregular

Buffalo None 8.7 6.7 212 0.77 0.15 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.0115% 7.9 5.8 211 0.73 0.17 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.0330% 8.0 5.9 198 0.73 0.14 0.07 0.06 0.01 0.0350% 7.1 5.4 216 0.76 0.16 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.02

Significancey L*,Q*

Cabernet None 10.0 2.2 263 0.22 0.67 0.01 0.25 0.03 0.0115% 11.2 3.2 271 0.29 0.57 0.02 0.30 0.03 0.0230% 10.3 3.1 251 0.30 0.58 0.02 0.25 0.02 0.0350% 10.1 3.7 242 0.37 0.47 0.01 0.21 0.03 0.01

Significance L* L*,Q* L**,Q*

Jetstar None 9.1 3.7 223 0.41 0.36 0.03 0.02 0.15 0.0815% 9.2 3.6 267 0.40 0.31 0.02 0.04 0.14 0.1430% 9.0 3.9 272 0.43 0.26 0.02 0.06 0.10 0.1750% 8.1 3.6 249 0.45 0.24 0.01 0.05 0.13 0.15

Significance Q* L**,Q* L* L*,Q*

Quest None 9.9 5.6 245 0.57 0.23 0.04 0.15 0.02 0.0215% 10.4 6.4 272 0.62 0.25 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.0130% 9.4 5.6 249 0.59 0.23 0.04 0.13 0.01 0.0150% 8.7 5.5 234 0.62 0.24 0.03 0.09 0.05 0.00

Significance L*zFraction of total number of fruit. Cracks and rough are skin defects, uneven is green shoulder or uneven ripening, BER is blossom end rot, irregular is blossomend scar or open locule.ySignificance of linear, L, or quadratic, Q, effects of shade.*,**Significant at P < 0.05 or 0.01, respectively.

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similar market yield. Marketable yield wassimilar in 2004 and 2005, except for theperiod from 25 to 45 d after shading.

When fruit quality was expressed in termsof the marketable fraction, there was rela-tively little effect in the first 20 d afterapplication of shade. However, after morethan 25 d, there was a trend in which thefraction of marketable fruit increased withthe amount of shade (Fig. 4). This increasewith shade was significant in the period from25 to 45 d in 2003 and 2004, and it wassignificant for the period after 50 or moredays in 2003 and 2005. In this last period,�10% more of the fruit was marketableunder 50% shade compared with no shade.

The marketable fraction varied amongcultivars and years, particularly in the inter-val from 25 to 45 d after shade was applied.The fraction of marketable fruit was consid-erably lower in 2004 than 2005, particularlyfor ‘Buffalo’ and ‘Quest’. In 2005, the trendtoward a greater fraction of marketable fruitwith shade after 50 or more days was mostlythe result of an increase for the varieties‘Cabernet’ and ‘Jetstar’.

Nature of defects. In 2003, there were fewfruit with cracked skin within 20 d after shadewas applied, because the fruit were justbeginning to ripen (Fig. 5), and these firstfruit rarely developed cracks. More fruit hadcracked skin soon after shade was applied in2005, and this fraction was decreased signif-icantly by shade. Shade decreased the frac-tion of fruit with cracked skin 25 or moredays after it was applied in each year. Thiseffect was significant in the interval from25 to 45 d after shade was applied in 2004 and2005, and after 50 or more days in 2003and 2005. The effect of shade on cracks inthe skin was consistent across cultivars in theperiod from 25 to 45 d after shade wasapplied. After 50 or more days, the effectdiffered among cultivars. Shade decreasedthe fraction of fruit with cracks for ‘Cabernet’but increased this fraction for ‘Quest’ and‘Jetstar’.

There was a significant effect of shade onthe incidence of green shoulder or unevenripening only in the interval from 25 to 45 dafter shading was applied in 2004 (data notshown). There was a linear decrease inuneven ripening with the amount of shadefrom a frequency of 25% under no shade to�17% under 50% shade. This may havebeen a delayed effect of desiccation,because there was much less uneven ripen-ing in other periods in 2004 or in this periodin 2005. There was no consistent affect ofshade on blossom end rot or irregular shapeas a function of time after shade wasapplied.


Environment. Shade altered sunlightintensity with relatively little effect on airtemperature in this study, because the radia-tion balance was similar for each greenhouse.Each house included two sections that wereshaded to different extents, resulting in either

Fig. 1. Effect of duration and density of shade on total production rate of tomatoes per plant. Results for3 years are separated into panels for intervals: (A) within 20 d; (B) 25 to 45 d; and (C) 50 or more daysafter shade was applied. *,***Indicates linear effects of shade significant at P < 0.05 or P < 0.001,respectively.

Fig. 2. Effect of duration and density of shade on weight per fruit of tomato. Results for 3 years areseparated into panels for intervals: (A) within 20 d; (B) 25 to 45 d; and (C) 50 or more days after shadewas applied. *,**Indicates linear effects of shade significant at P < 0.05 or P < 0.01, respectively.

Fig. 3. Effect of duration and density of shade on marketable production rate of tomatoes per plant. Resultsfor 3 years are separated into panels for intervals: (A) within 20 d; (B) 25 to 45 d; and (C) 50 or moredays after shade was applied. *Indicates linear effects of shade significant at P < 0.05.

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a 25% or 28% attenuation of sunlight aver-aged across both sections. In addition, thesides of the houses were rolled up so therewas continuous ventilation. This designresulted in attenuation of sunlight in absenceof any change in air temperature. The effectof shade on leaf temperature was smallexcept under high irradiance. Consequently,any effects of treatment on yield and fruitquality were likely attributable to the responseto irradiance rather than to temperature.

The design used here contrasts with manyother studies of shade. In hot climates inwhich houses or crops were covered com-pletely with black shadecloth rated at 30%to 50% transmittance, air temperature wasreduced by 2 to 3 �C averaged over day andnight (Abdel-Mawgoud et al., 1996; Russo,1993; Smith et al., 1984). A study comparingwhite with black shadecloth showed thatwhite shadecloth performed better in keeping

the greenhouses cool (Willits, 2001). Therewere some slight differences between alumi-nized shading screens and whitewash ontomato photochemical efficiency; however,the change in photoinhibition was not directlyproportional to shade rating (Fernanadez-Rodriguez et al., 2001).

Fruit set. In hot climates, shade has abeneficial affect over no shade in that itincreases flower number per plant, fruit set,and yield. Studies in Egypt suggested a 40%shadecloth was optimum, with an increase to50% or 60% shade generally decreasing plantgrowth and yield (El-Aidy, 1986; El-Gizawyet al., 1993). In this climate, changes in airtemperature under shade were probablyan important factor in plant response.Controlled-environment studies of the effectof heat stress on flowering and fruit set intomato showed that consistent heat stress at32/26 �C day/night temperature prevents

fruit set, but this could be alleviated by afew days at a lower temperature or as little asthree to 24 h of cool temperature immedi-ately after anthesis (Sato et al., 2002). Therewas little effect of shade on fruit number inthe present study, because the fruit werepruned to four or five fruit per truss. Night-time temperatures were rarely as warm as26 �C, and any effect of shade on flower budtemperature did not appear to be critical forfruit set.

Yield. The effect of shade on productionwas less than that expected from a propor-tionality to integrated PAR. If plants are putin darkness, the growth of tomato fruit in laterstages of development is less affected by thecarbohydrate starvation than the vegetativepart of the plants or fruit early in development(Baldet et al., 2002; Gary et al., 2003). Thus,growth of established fruit appears to be littleaffected by carbohydrate availability.Tomato plants accumulate carbohydratereserves in the stem and leaves that can bemobilized to support fruit growth (Hockingand Steer, 1994). The present study suggeststhese reserves can be used for an extendedperiod of time after shade is applied. Duringthis interval, the effect of shade on total yieldcould be attributed to changes in fruit sizerather than fruit number as observed byothers (Cockshull et al., 1992; Sandra et al.,2003).

Shading affected fruit production after 25or more days of shade, and there was a largerrelative decrease in yield after 50 or moredays of shading. This may be the result of theeffect of shade on fruit at an early stage ofdevelopment. When PAR was integrated overthe entire period from anthesis to harvest for asingle-truss tomato crop, there was a highcorrelation between total yield and lightintensity (McAvoy et al., 1989). In the latterstudy, fruit growth rate was roughly pro-portional to integrated PAR, because theduration from anthesis to harvest variedmuch less than integrated PAR. Thus, effectson yield of tomato are much greater whenshading or reduced carbohydrate availabilityoccurs at or before fruit set compared withshade applied during rapid fruit growth.

Fruit quality. Radial cracks in the skinwas the most frequent defect, and it wasresponsive to shading. Other studies of thisdefect have focused on water management asa method to prevent cracking. In soil or bagculture, an increase in watering in terms offrequency or volume resulted in morecracked fruit and larger fruit size (Abbottet al., 1985; Peet and Willits, 1995). Lower-ing plant water potential in hydroponics byincreasing solution EC had the oppositeeffect of increasing fruit quality but decreas-ing fruit size (Chretien et al., 2000; Ohtaet al., 1993). In the present study, the watersupply was altered according to shadingtreatment, and EC showed little variationamong shade treatments (data not shown).The EC of the nutrient solution was likelynot the factor that caused cracking.

However, shade influences another aspectof plant water potential that could affect the

Fig. 4. Effect of duration and density of shade on marketable fraction of tomatoes. Results for 3 years areseparated into panels for intervals: (A) within 20 d; (B) 25 to 45 d; and (C) 50 or more days after shadewas applied. *Indicates linear effects of shade significant at P < 0.05.

Fig. 5 Effect of duration and density of shade on fraction of tomatoes with cracks in the skin. Results for3 years are separated into panels for intervals: (A) within 20 d; (B) 25 to 45 d; and (C) 50 or more daysafter shade was applied. *,**Indicates linear effects of shade significant at P < 0.05 or P < 0.01,respectively.

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development of cracks in the skin of fruit.Shade decreases transpiration and theresponse of leaf transpiration to ambientsunlight (Medrano et al., 2004). The middaydecrease in plant water potential should beless for plants grown under shade than forthose with no shade. This may be an impor-tant factor in controlling cracking undershade. The effect of shade on transpirationmay be as important for fruit growth as itseffect on photosynthesis and carbohydratestatus. Pearce et al. (1993) noted that underhigh irradiance during the day, the rate offruit swelling was reduced to half of that ex-pected from the temperature response in thedark. This was presumed to be the result ofplant water stress brought on by transpiration.Under Mediterranean conditions, a low vaporpressure deficit that reduced transpirationincreased fruit weight of tomato but decreaseddry matter content (Bertin et al., 2000).

Exposure of fruit to sunlight could changethe water potential of the fruit directly andcause the skin to crack as a result of heatingof the fruit surface. Field-grown fruit exposedto sunlight had more cracks than shaded fruit,49 versus 20% (Whaley-Emmons and Scott,1997). Shading clearly would ameliorate thiseffect in proportion to the reduction insunlight intensity. Secondarily, plant leafarea tends to increase under low-light con-ditions, and shading may result in bettercoverage of the fruit by leaves. This is anaspect that is hard to quantify and was notmeasured in the current study.

Various other defects of tomato fruit havebeen related to sunlight intensity or shading.More fruit with symptoms of uneven ripeningwere produced under nonshaded than undershaded conditions both under cool and low-light conditions (Cockshull et al., 1992) andhot conditions with more intense sunlight(Abdel-Mawgoud et al., 1996; El-Gizawyet al., 1993). In the present study, ‘Cabernet’was the only cultivar with a high frequency ofuneven ripening. A trend toward less unevenripening with increasing shade density wasonly significant in 2004. The frequency ofblossom end rot (BER) has been correlatedwith integrated sunlight intensity (Ho et al.,1993). The improvement of tomato qualityresulting from the use of moveable shadeover a greenhouse in Spain was attributable toreduction in the incidence of BER (Lorenzoet al., 2003). Neutral or white shade alsolowered the incidence of BER in a compar-ison of shade treatments in England (Tatabaieet al., 2004). In the present study, ‘Jetstar’was the only cultivar that exhibited muchBER, and there was no response to shade.

‘Jetstar’ was also the cultivar most proneto produce fruit with open locules or irregularshape. This was the only defect that occurredmore often under shade in 2005. This defecthas been primarily related to cool nighttemperatures (Dorais et al., 2001), However,shade treatments did not differ in nighttemperature in the present study.

When shadecloth was applied over agreenhouse at or after fruit began to ripen, itreduced the number of fruit with cracked skin

while having relatively little effect on weightper fruit. Although shade did not increasemarketable yield, the marketable fractionwas least without shade and greatest under50% shade. If shade were applied only duringperiods of intense sunlight, using a moveableshade system, it would have a less adverseeffect on yield, but shading should still have apositive effect on the marketable fraction. Aneconomic benefit to shade is that less laborwould be used to pick nonmarketable fruit.The labor cost per unit of marketable fruitwould be lower under some degree of shadethan without shade.

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