Original Maxa brochure

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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first edition of this internal recruitment brochure.

Transcript of Original Maxa brochure

New and improved


MAXA Programme

Prepare for success with MAXAAn elite leadership development programme

Could this be you?

Are you the cream of the crop? MAXA is a limited-place fast-track

development programme that prepares and equips knowledgeable,

creative and learning agile managers to take on even more challenging

and rewarding roles within Biogen Idec.

The MAXA programme is a two-year tailored investment of time and

resources in Biogen Idec’s future leaders. But MAXA is not for everyone;

it will take a lot of hard work and commitment. Working through the

Eligibility Quiz and talking to your Manager will help you decide whether

the programme is for you or not. Biogen Idec has alternative leadership

development programmes and there may be one that would suit you

better. See page 19-20 for more options.

So, the big question is, are YOU ready for MAXA?



[Mirror foil]

Can you take the pace?

Why MAXA? By Hans Peter Hasler

MAXA is Biogen Idec’s elite management training scheme -

a ‘hothouse’ development programme designed to cultivate and nurture

the skills of a new crop of emerging leaders.

We created MAXA because we need a reserve of candidates

with strong management and leadership skills - to take on the

challenges we are facing since the Tysabri launch. The launch of this

important therapy has initiated an exciting period of substantial growth

for Biogen Idec, which will result in more complex jobs requiring even

stronger management and leadership skills all round. With this in mind,

we have redeveloped our entire series of development programmes so

that everyone can benefit from them: senior managers, managers and

other employee groups.

But MAXA is very special, providing a sustained fast-track to

the top - but only for those with the determination, stamina and

capability to get there. We have created a suite of experiences and

events to accelerate the development of these people towards the

competencies we know they require. Entry to MAXA is on merit, and

continued participation requires dedication to an exhilarating two-

year regime of learning. MAXA events are planned long in advance

with external speakers and follow-up support. There is developmental

guidance from 360s and assessment centres, as well as dedicated

MAXA mentors who will do periodic checks to see that things are

progressing well. In addition, there is project work designed to expand

your experience and ability to deliver top-notch results.

MAXA requires substantial commitment - you need to put in a lot

to gain the full rewards. This level of commitment should be driven

by a passion for personal growth and a need to be the best. We are

confident that MAXA will provide the means for the successful to

realise their dreams.

To get onto MAXA - you need a track record of success, and a

passion for your own development. You need to be a senior manager

or above. Successful applicants will show us their determination, their

agility in tough situations, and their suitability for bigger jobs.

So, now it’s up to you - Take the time to work through this booklet

and think carefully about your suitability and dedication for MAXA

before you apply. It’s not to everyone’s taste, and other development

programmes may be a better fit to your workload, preferred pace for

development and capability. But for those who have got what it takes,

MAXA is “the business”.


We are confident that MAXA will provide the means for the successful to realise their dreams



Attend and fully contribute to all mandatory MAXA modules

What is required from you?

Participate in MAXA projects

Create and update a Personal Development Plan

Have an open mind and receptive approach to feedback

Take personal responsibility for your own development and career

Initiate dialogue with others concerning your progress on MAXA

Have an open-mind to all career opportunities including those outside your career comfort zone

Apply all new skills and knowledge to further improve your performance in your existing role

Our commitment to YouParticipation in a two-year programme with tailored development and support

Encouragement and support of your career aspirations

Significant investment in terms of time, resources and money to help you to develop the skills and knowledge that are required of a future leader within Biogen Idec

Attendance at professionally run training programmes, which we will endeavour to schedule at least six months in advance

The option of internal mentoring and/or professional coaching to help you develop your career

Continual progress and performance review and constructive feedback

Opportunities to deliver real business value by working on cross-functional projects

Structured development options on completion of the MAXA programme

Spend time reviewing what you want from your career as well as actively plan to achieve that aim

It’s all about commitmentCommit to succeed

As it is aimed at providing the boost needed to

take on a broader role, the MAXA programme

involves a whole range of extra-curricular work.

Training events, project work, mentoring and

coaching will take place alongside focused and

personalised development during the two-year

programme, so it does require a significant

amount of commitment.

Commitment, though, is a two-way street.

In order to make the programme worthwhile

for participants, we will also commit ourselves

to investing time and resources in you.




MAXA Programme

Eligibility QuizAre you ready for MAXA?

This quiz gives you the chance to think

carefully about the competencies that we

are looking for in a MAXA participant. Try

and answer the following questions to

see if you have MAXA potential.

Pre-Eligibility Test

1 Are you a manager at Grade 10 or higher?

2 Are you committed to dedicating the time required to

complete the MAXA programme (six modules of 2–3

days each plus preparation and project work each year)?

3 Are you a consistent high performer demonstrated by

a three-year track record of delivering results either in

Biogen Idec or with a previous employer?

4 Does your last PPA rating and review demonstrate your

top performance?

5 Are you promotable within two years and do you have

further potential after that?

6 Does your success profile demonstrate your

competence in your current role?

7 Are you fluent in the company language of English?

If you have answered yes to all

the above, please start the quiz at



How did you score?1 – 8 points Learning lethargic

With your toolkit for problem-solving, you

certainly have a lot of potential within

Biogen Idec, but there is always room for

improvement. Before you apply for MAXA

though, it may be worthwhile thinking again

about the time and commitment required

to complete the programme. We offer a

variety of different leadership development

programmes one of which may be just right

for you - see page 19-20.

9 – 23 points Learning lively

You have what it takes to be a truly impres-

sive leader: personal drive, presence and the

ability to build teams. All you need now is to

put yourself out of your comfort zone and

exercise and strengthen your learning agile

muscles. The MAXA programme offers a

kind of training camp for world-class lead-

ers. Consider applying for the programme

– details can be found in this brochure.

to complete the programme. We offer a

variety of different leadership development

programmes one of which may be just right

for you - see page 19-20.

24 – 38 points Truly learning limber

With this much learning agility, you must

be well on the way to being one of Biogen

Idec’s top leaders. But don’t rest on your

laurels now. Applying for the Biogen Idec

MAXA rapid development programme will

enhance and develop your learning agility so

that you can reach your own potential.

5 You know you are ‘results agile’ when you...A Can build and maintain consistently high-per-forming teams

B Usually meet deadlines for reportsC Are flexible and adaptable to a variety of situations

D Maintain high performance in new or challenging circumstances2 Who springs to mind when you think of someone who is comfortable with complex-ity and ambiguity?

A Albert Einstein

B President of a major nation

C A person who remains calm and makes rea-soned decisions under pressure

3 You know you are mentally agile when you...

A Enjoy doing both sudoku and crosswords

B Find solutions to tough problems

C Have an encyclopaedic knowledge of Biogen

Idec history

D Can draw parallels and find contrasts easily

4 The best thing about charisma or personal presence is...

A Being able to charm and manipulate people to get things done

B Motivating people to achieve the very best they can

C Commanding attention when you address a roomful of people

D Getting positive feedback from others

Results Agility

People Agility

9 You would describe your ideal working situation as...

A Working towards annual targets

B Within a calm and focused team of like-minded people

C Constantly changing but with an overarching vision and a diverse group of colleagues

D Chaotic but fun

Change Agility

1 Curiosity is...

A Asking lots of questions

B Questioning conventional wisdom

C A time waster

D The basis of exploration and thus discovery

and knowledge

Mental Agility

8 How many of these qualities could you

honestly say apply to you?

A Open-minded

B Skilful at communicating

C Flexible work approach

D Hands-on management style

E Encouraging to others

F Able to deal with constructive criticism

G Committed to ongoing personal development

7 Your dream team consists of...

A A diverse group of talent, working towards a common goal

B A friendly bunch of people with similar back-grounds

C A hierarchy in terms of age and experienceD Skilled people with a respectful attitude

6 Political savvy is...

A Being able to name the past prime ministers of

your country

B Being able to solve conflict situations with tact

and diplomacy

C Being comfortable talking frankly with anyone in

your organisation

D Being a skilled communicator

E Projecting a peer attitude to most people

F Being competitive with those in similar positions

to your own


1) a = 2, b = 3, c = 1, d = 3

2) a = 1, b = 2, c = 3

3) a = 2, b = 3, c = 1, d = 3

4) a = 1, b = 3, c = 2, d = 2

5) a = 3, b = 1, c = 2, d = 3

6) a = 1, b = 3, c = 3, d = 2, e = 3, f = 1

7) a = 3, b = 2, c = 1, d = 2

8) 2 points for each ticked box

9) a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 2



Being agile means being nimble and fast on your feet. But agility is not just physical;

learning agility is the key element that distinguishes good managers from enlightened

and progressive leaders. Take our mini-quiz to see whether you have the agility to make

mental leaps and bounds . . .

Are you learning agile? Are you learning agile?



Module 3

Managing People

This module gets to the essence of being a

good leader and managing people well. You

will learn about the spectrum of skills that this

entails, including approachability, composure,

conflict management, directing and developing

others and managerial courage.

This module will be highly participative and will

give you the opportunity to practise some of

these key skills within a safe environment.

Year 1 modules

The 360-degree process

Being a Biogen Idec leader means being able

to improve your skills by listening and learning

from what you hear. The 360-Degree process

tells you how your capabilities as a leader are

perceived. Through a series of coaching ses-

sions you will understand:

• Yourfeedbackresultsintermsofyour

current role

• Howtosetgoalsforcurrentandfuture


• Howtocreateadevelopmentplanforyour-

self, and achieve it.

One-to-One Feedback & Coaching Session

In this module, you will develop your per-

sonal development plan (PDP) which must

be signed off. In addition, you will identify a

suitable mentor with whom you share your

360-degree assessment feedback and PDP.

During this session, you should agree details

such as mentoring objectives and frequency or

meetings/calls. The mentor’s feedback will be

gathered as part of the MAXA review process.

MAXA Briefing Day & Development Workshop

This very important day is when you get to see

the full picture of what the MAXA programme

entails; It’s essential that both you and your

manager attend. In addition, project groups will

be assigned and briefed on this module.

Coaching for Results

Coaching is an invaluable skill if you are to get

the most out of each member of your team and

therefore maximise your team’s effectiveness

and achieve the highest level of performance.

This highly interactive module will give you

some key models and skills and the opportu-

nity to practice them using real life scenarios.

External Speaker Event

Business Acumen at BIIB

Being a MAXA leader involves having an acute

sense of what is good business. With a high-

calibre external speaker, this module will en-

lighten you as to how to develop your skills in

this area, including staying abreast of current

and future policies, practices, trends and in-

formation affecting the business; knowing the

competition and being aware of how strategies

and tactics work in the marketplace.

External Speaker Event


Year 1 Assessment

Proceed to Year 2?

“It’s not just an interesting course”

Gert-Jan Kouseband

Country Manager Netherlands

Biogen Idec Benelux

“The benefits of the MAXA are two-sided. On a personal level, I can improve the

skills that I need for my current job and my future prospects. The other side is that

the level of skills within Biogen Idec will be improved and a talent pool is created

within the company.

MAXA is not just an interesting course; it’s a process. I am constantly confronted

with my behaviour and skills. This has given me the opportunity to develop and

improve both myself and how I work.

But the programme is not suitable for just anyone. There should be a strong

internal driver for personal growth and a realistic self-awareness. Before applying,

you should ask yourself, is this my ambition? Do I have sufficient time to partici-


I am looking forward to continuing my participation.”

The MAXA programme overview

360-Degree Feedback

At the start of the second year of MAXA, you

will have the opportunity to undertake the

360-degree feedback process again. This pro-

cess can help you to hone in on the areas of

strength that you should maximise, whilst help-

ing you to clarify the areas of your manage-

ment style that require further development.

One-to-One Feedback & Coaching Session

During a one-to-one coaching session you will

be helped to understand the results of your

360-degree feedback exercise and focus on

the key areas that you would like to develop

during Year 2 of the MAXA programme.

Interpersonal Savvy

In this module, you will hone the people skills

that are invaluable in both personal and pro-

fessional contexts. You’ll learn how to build ap-

propriate rapport with people, create construc-

tive and effective relationships, handle people

with tact and diplomacy and be able to diffuse

high-tension situations comfortably.


For Modules 4, 5 and 6, there will be a sched-

uled conference call with the trainer at 4,

8 and 12 weeks after the training event to

review the application of learning.

Module 1 Module 2

Personalised and Function-Specific Development Options

Year 1 of the MAXA programme is about

building some solid foundations for your career

as a future leader. In Year 2 we will work with

you to understand where you are trying to get

to in your career and build a structured de-

velopment programme that helps you to meet

that aim.

personalised modules

Final Assessment

Graduation?Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

There are a number of reasons why you may not want to pro-

ceed with MAXA. Check out the other Biogen Idec leadership

development options on page 19-20 . When you feel the time

is right and you have all the skills, experience and commitment

necessary, feel free to apply to MAXA.

Module 5 Review Day Module 6 Module 7 Project Presentation


Getting through MAXA is a very rewarding ex-

perience, and the benefits don’t end here. There

are many post MAXA development options


Post Maxa Development Options



opment programmes






ness review (or functional equivalent)




Year 2 modules

Time for a break?

It may be that this is time you decide not to

move forward to MAXA’s second year. It’s an

intense programme and at this point, having

received your feedback report, we may recom-

mend that you explore some of our other devel-

opment options. You can use the assessment

report to build your PDP. Once this is agreed

with your manager, you should utilise our De-

velopment Architect tool and Framework so you

can continue your leadership development.


Project Presentation

So if you decide to go for MAXA, this is what the next two years

may look like for you; yes, it will be intense, but also very rewarding.

The programme has been designed to give candidates the skills,

experience, knowledge and exposure that they require to take on a

broader role.

Eight specific competencies form the basis of the MAXA programme:

These competencies have been selected in order to focus MAXA

on organisational development gaps and to develop leaders who

are equipped for the future. The first year must be passed into

order to move onto the second. For real high-fliers, the opportunity

to fast-track the programme will be available.

The programme content will consist of a series of mandatory

elements, along with more individualised learning opportunities.

Candidates will take part in workshops, network meetings, have

the opportunity to listen to industry and company speakers and

will also be part of a work-based project group, along with other

MAXA delegates.

Year 2 Briefing Day & Development Workshop

This module will be attended by both yourself

and your manager. Your second-year project

is assigned and will also be sponsored by the

Managing Directors. In addition, project groups

will be briefed.

Dealing with Ambiguity

Interpersonal Savvy

Managing Vision and


Managerial Courage

Developing Direct Reports

Motivating Others

Organisational Agility

Innovation Management

Are you ready for MAXA?


Yes Time to rethink your options? The MAXA process and projects are chal-

lenging; it may be that you didn’t quite make

the grade this time. But that’s okay, as this

provided an opportunity to receive a construc-

tive feedback report on your development so

that you can build your PDP in agreement with

your manager. There are also more options for

continuing your professional developing includ-

ing using the Development Architect tool and




MAXA Questions& Answers ??? !!!


What happens if I am not based in Europe and find it

difficult to attend the MAXA workshops?

All the MAXA workshops will take place in Zug. However,

the focus of MAXA will be on the outputs of such sessions

and how the knowledge gained is applied. As such, distance-

learning modules could be available as alternatives to attending

the mandatory workshops for those who are geographically

remote. Should such options be taken up, it will be up to

those participants to demonstrate that they have applied what

they have learnt within their roles, just as is required of those

attending the workshops.

How will I be reviewed whilst I am on MAXA?

Participation on the full two-year MAXA programme is subject to

passing a six-monthly review in both Years 1 and 2 and a full-year

assessment at the end of Year 1. All reviews will take the form of

a formal interview using the criteria as detailed below:

• Demonstratefullcommitmenttotheprogrammeas

measured by the indicators laid out in the MAXA Learning


• DemonstratetangibleprogressagainstPDPtoptwo

competency development areas

• Demonstratecontinuedhighperformanceincurrentrole

• Demonstratetheapplicationofallnewskillsandknowledgeas

measured by feedback from the MAXA delegate, their manager/

MD and mentor, MAXA programme manager and tutors.

Do I have to stay on the programme if my circumstances change/

I cannot give the programme the commitment it requires?

MAXA requires a high level of personal commitment and

a significant investment in terms of time. Whilst on the

programme, should you feel that you can no longer give the

programme that commitment, you should initially discuss

this with your mentor/manager. Should you decide to leave

the programme, more suitable development options will be

offered to you. You can of course reapply to MAXA when your

circumstances change and you are able to give the programme

the necessary level of commitment again.

What happens if I have already attended workshops that

are run as part of the MAXA programme?

The programme contains a number of structured events, in

the form of mandatory modules, which all participants must

attend. In the rare circumstance that a MAXA participant can

fully demonstrate the application of the learning that has

been gained from a previously attended event, they will not be

required to re-attend.

What alternatives are there to MAXA?

Biogen Idec International provides a comprehensive curriculum

of leadership development activities, which can be accessed

via the intranet. In addition, as part of a structured series

of development programmes, a Director’s Development

Programme will be run that provides a package of workshops,

along with the opportunity to attend a development workshop.

What happens to existing MAXA delegates?

All existing MAXA delegates will receive a communication pack

during Oct. detailing how the changes to MAXA will affect them.

Biogen Idec is committed to the ongoing development of all

the existing delegates. MAXA delegates are amongst the

top performers in the International business and as such

we are keen to ensure that they have access to the most

suitable development options. For some that will be the MAXA

programme whereas for others, different solutions may be more


How do I apply for the MAXA programme?

The MAXA programme is open to all managers in International

at Grade 10 and above. Once a year, all eligible managers

will be contacted and invited to apply to the programme. The

application process consists of a self-review, your manager

completing an application form and assessment centre.

What happens if my application to attend MAXA isn’t


All unsuccessful candidates will receive feedback on both

their strengths and development areas, and more suitable

development options will be made available. You will continue to

work on your development with your manager and may reapply

for the MAXA programme in the future.

Do I have to be mobile to be considered for MAXA?

There are no mobility criteria associated with the MAXA

programme; however, you should be aware that in terms of

progressing your future career, the more mobile you are, the

more options are likely to open up for you.

What is the time commitment associated with MAXA?

MAXA is a structured development programme run over a two-

year period. Each year there will be approximately six mandatory

modules, each being two to three days in duration. In addition

there will be project work and pre and post workshop activity.

What support will I get whilst I am on the MAXA


The Company is committed to your ongoing development and

will make a significant investment in terms of time, resources

and money to help you to develop the skills and knowledge that

are required of a future leader within Biogen Idec. You will be

provided with professionally run training programmes and the

option of internal mentoring and/or professional coaching to

help you to develop your career. In addition, Biogen will continue

to provide you with structured development options once you

have completed the MAXA programme.

Will I get promoted at the end of the MAXA programme?

Promotion at the end of the MAXA programme is not automatic

and will depend not only on your performance in your current

role and a new role being available at the higher grade, but

also on the extent to which you have utilised the development

opportunities that MAXA has given you. Whilst we can’t make

promises about what new opportunities we can offer, we

will encourage you and do all we can to support your career


Can I be promoted without attending the MAXA


The majority of eligible managers will not attend the programme

and can still gain promotion and have a long and successful

career within Biogen Idec. The MAXA programme will, however,

give you unique development opportunities and allow you the

possibility to maximise your potential.


Manager Development Programme

(MDP) – The MDP is similar to the DDP

described above, with entry by selection for

those at Grade 8 and above with a good

performance record and a proven interest in

self-development. The MDP offers a multi-year

package of events, regular progress reviews,

and graduation. The Manager Development

Programme will focus on enabling higher

performance in your current job and some

capability buildingfor more senior roles.

Tailored Development Solutions Of course you may prefer a more tailored and less formalised development approach. Biogen Idec has some great development tools such as the Development Architect and Framework that can help you to develop your competence both in your current role and prepare you for future roles. Your HR Team will be able to explain these options to you in more detail.

At this point, you might be having second

thoughts about MAXA, as it is an intense

programme that requires a lot of time and

energy. This may not be what you are looking

for right now.

Luckily, MAXA is only one of several leadership

programmes offered by Biogen Idec, some of

which may be suitable for you. Now would be a

good time to consider your options.

“MAXA changed my point of view”

Johanna Friedl-Naderer National Sales Manager

Biogen Idec Austria

I have actually got much more than I expected from MAXA; it has increased both the quality and efficiency of my daily work. I have

improved my relationships with my team, which has led to more commitment and enthusiasm for our work and our goals. The Interpersonal

Savvy module in particular has had an impact on all kinds of relationships – customers, colleagues, my boss, my teenage daughter, husband

and friends.

MAXA is suitable for ambitious, top performers who are interested in structured and guided development and are willing to grow, learn and

most importantly go the extra mile(s!) to get the most out of the programme.

At a crossroads?


MAXA Programme

Director’s Development Programme (DDP) – This programme differs from MAXA in focusing on improved performance in your current job. There will be some content to build capability for managing and leading both existing and larger departments and teams. The programme spans several years and contains mandatory development events and some self-events events. Whilst you can expect support from your manager and local HR Team, the DDP will not give you the international project work, international exposure, and VP support that MAXA participants will be given.

Entry to the DDP will be by selection following a written application. Those with a strong performance history, and proven record of development, at Grade 10 and above are candidates for the DDP. Of course, you can always try out the Director Development Programme and then apply for the MAXA at a later date.



Now you have worked through this booklet,

you should know whether or not to apply for

the MAXA programme. It is competitive

but those who make it through the

application and programme will reap the

benefits. It’s time to apply

Are you ready for MAXA?

Step 1 – Self-Assessment

In this pocket, you will find a number of

documents including a self-assessment form.

Read through this carefully and fill it in.

Step 2 – Discuss with your manager

Once you have completed the form, you should

discuss your application with your manager and

MD/Functional Manager. If agreed, it can then be

sent in.

Step 3 – Invitation to MAXA assessment centre

When we receive your form, potential participants

will be invited to a MAXA assessment centre or

given feedback on why their application has been


How do I apply for MAXA?



Copyright © 1992, 1996, 2001-2003 by Robert W. Eichinger and Michael M. Lombardo. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This work is derived from Aspects, a component of the LEADERSHIP ARCHITECT® Library developed and copyrighted by Robert W. Eichinger and Michael M. Lombardo for Lominger Limited, Inc. Without the prior written permission of Lominger Limited, Inc., no part of this work may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, by or to any party outside of Licensee.