Orientale Lumen1

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Transcript of Orientale Lumen1

8/9/2019 Orientale Lumen1

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Orientale LumenEuro-East III

“The Councils of the Church”

July 5 - 8, 2010Constantinople(Istanbul), Turkey 

sponsored by:

Eastern Churches JournalEastern Christian Publicationsthe Orientale Lumen Foundation

 with the blessing of:

the Ecumenical Patriarch

of Constantinople


Eastern Churches Journal, Eastern Christian

Publications, and the Orientale Lumen Foundationannounce a popular and scholarly conerence or

lay men, lay women, religious and clergy entitled

Orientale Lumen Euro-East III. Modeled atertwo previous conerences in Constantinople and

over 10 years o success in Washington, DC, this

conerence will be held rom Monday aternoon,July 5th until midday on Thursday, July 8th, 2010

in Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey at the H iltonHotel and the Halki School o Theology. The theme

will be “The Councils o the Church.”

Open to the public, but requiring pre-registration, the conerence will provide an

opportunity or Roman Catholics, Eastern

Orthodox, Eastern Catholics and Oriental Orthodoxto gather, discuss and learn about their respective

traditions. It will include presentations by scholars

and theologians, liturgical celebrations o manyvarieties, and opportunities or everyone to learn

rom each other and participate in a “dialogue o 

love and understanding.”

Sample videos can be viewed at www.oltv.tv.


Monday, July 5th

Registration (2:00 - 6:00pm)

Dinner (included)Moleben to the Holy Spirit

Welcome by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

Social Reception

Tuesday, July 6th

Travel to Halki Theological Seminary

Akathist to the Mother o GodPlenary I - Metropolitan Kallistos

Lunch (included)Plenary II - Archbishop Cyril Vasil’, SJ


Return to Istanbul Ecumenical Pa

Wednesday, July 7Orthodox Divine Litu

Plenary III - Archiman

Lunch (included)Tour o the Ecumenic


Dinner (included)Plenary IV - Proesso

Social Reception

Thursday, July 8th

Catholic Divine Litur

Plenary V - Sister VasLunch (included)

Plenary VI - Archiman

Closing Session and

Friday, July 9th

 Tour o Churches o C

Saturday & Sunday

Tour to the Island o

monastery o St. JohSt. John, & Vespers in

Tour to Ephesus: MarLiturgy at Mary’s Hou

Ephesus ruins

Inside of Hagia Sophia

The Amphitheater of Ephesus

Street in Istanbul Throne of St. John Chrysostom

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Special Notes

Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia (Greek Orthodox)

Retired Lecturer o Eastern Orthodox Studies o Oxord University, England

Archbishop Cyril Vasil’, SJ (Greek Catholic)

Secretary o the Congregation or EasternChurches, The Vatican

Archimandrite Robert Taft, SJ (Greek Catholic)

Proessor Emeritus o the Pontifcal OrientalInstitute, The Vatican

Archimandrite Job Getcha(Ecumenical Patriarchate)

Institute o Orthodox Theology, Chambésy,SwitzerlandCatholic Institute o Paris, France

Sister Vassa Larin (Russian Orthodox Outside Russia)

University o Vienna, Austria

Professor Richard Schneider(Orthodox Church in America)

St. Vladimir’s Seminary, New York, NY

Moderator – Bishop John Michael Botean(Greek Catholic)

Romanian Greek Catholic Eparchy o St. George,Canton, OH

Each speaker will discuss the conerencetheme o “The Councils o the C hurch” rom

the perspective o his/her own tradition and

Speakersexpertise. Each plenary will conclude with alimited discussion period among the speakersand questions rom the audience. All o the

papers presented will be published and providedto all attendees in a Proceedings book ater the

conerence. A special booklet will be preparedor ull participation in the liturgical services.Opening and closing remarks will be provided

by the moderator, conerence hosts and otherChurch hierarchs. Audio and video recordings o all plenary sessions and liturgical services will be

made available ater the conerence concludes

through OLTV.

Conference Fees

Conerence ees are payable in advance andinclude most meals, materials, space usage,travel expenses or the speakers, receptions,

local bus and boat transportation, and otherrelated conerence expenses (excludingtransportation to/rom Istanbul or participants).

Accommodations are available at the conerencesite or an additional cost in the main conerence

center 5 star hotel (Hilton Hotel) with either

double or single occupancy. Conerence eesmust be paid in advance by US dollars, by check,

money order or major credit card (VISA, MC,Amex).

ConferenceNormal Fee: $700

Monastic & Student Fee : $650

Accommodations (includes breakast)

Double Occupancy/per person $120/night

Single Occupancy/per person $200/night

Optional Tours  Tour o Churches in Constantinople $ 90

  Tour to Ephesus & Patmos $700Includes: airare, three nights accommodations(Friday, Saturday, & Sunday nights), airporttransers, tour buses, chartered boat to

Patmos, tour guides, and most meals)

DepositA fty percent (50%) deposit is required byMarch 15, 2010 with the remaining ees due byMay 1, 2010.

Orientale Lumen Conference

PO Box 192, Fairax, VA 22038-0192

Phone: +1-703-691-8862Fax: +1-703-691-0513

Email: ino@olconerence.com



Ancient Ruins at Ephesus

Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia


Name _____________

Street _____________

City _______________


Zip Code/Postal Code _

Country ___________

Email ______________Nationality _________

Passport Number ____


Full Fee or Monastic/Stu


_____ Double or _____

or _____ nights @ $ __

Arrival Date _________

Departure Date _ _____

 Tour o Churches o Con  Tour to Ephesus & Pat


Credit Card # ________

Credit Card Expiration D

Please mail or fax regi

Orientale Lumen ConePO Box 192

Fairax, VA 22038-0192

Fax: +1-703-691-0513

Register online at w

Deposit DueMarch 15, 2010

Make checks payable to

Patriarch Bartholomew will welcome participants atthe opening session

All plenary sessions will be conducted in English

US citizens must obtain a Turkish visa on arrival atAttaturk International Airport or $30.00 cash

Clerical dress is not permitted in public in Turkey

Dress or the conerence will be business casual

Fees are higher than previous conerences becauseprices in Istanbul are now in Euros.

United Airlines connects to Luthansa in Munich or

Frankurt rom most US major cities