Organizational Behavior - Communication

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Transcript of Organizational Behavior - Communication




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Communication - Definition

• The sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to reach a common understanding

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Importance of Good Communication

• Increased efficiency in new technologies and skills Learning, Implementing, Training Expands workers skills

• Improved quality of products and services• Subordinates communicate problems and solutions for

increasing quality to superiors

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Importance of Good Communication

• Increased responsiveness to customers Empowered workers lower response time to satisfy

customer wants and needs• More innovation through communication

Cross-functional teams communicating effectively produce higher quality products more efficiently

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The Communication Process

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Communication Issues

• Verbal Communication The encoding of messages into words, either

written or spoken• Nonverbal

The encoding of messages by means of facial expressions, body language, and styles of dress

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Nonverbal Communication• Nonverbal Communication - all elements of

communication that do not involve words• Four basic types

Proxemics - an individual’s perception & use of space

Kinesics - study of body movements, including posture

Facial & Eye Behavior - movements that add cues for the receiver

Paralanguage - variations in speech, such as pitch, loudness, tempo, tone, duration, laughing, & crying

Barriers to Communication

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Communication Barriers - factors that block or significantly distort successful communication

• Physical separation• Status differences• Gender differences• Cultural diversity• Language

The Dangers of Ineffective Communication

• Managers and their subordinates can become effective communicators by:– Selecting an appropriate medium for each message

—there is no one “best” medium.– Considering information richness (the amount of

information a medium can carry).• A medium with high richness can carry much

more information to aid understanding.– Is there a need for a paper path or electronic trail to

provide documentation of the communication?

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Communication Networks

• Communication Networks The pathways along which information flows in

groups and teams and throughout the organization.

Choice of communication network depends on:• The nature of the group’s tasks• The extent to which group members need to

communicate with each other to achieve group goals.

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Communication Networks

• Pathways Vertical

• Manager to upper level managers• Manager to subordinates (direct reports)

Lateral• Manager to other managers

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Communication Networks

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Communication Network

Formal Informal

Organization Communication Networks

• Organization Chart– A pictorial representation of formal reporting channels

in an organization.• Communication in an organization flows through

formal and informal pathways• Vertical communications flow up and down the

corporate hierarchy.• Horizontal communications flow between employees

of the same level.• Informal communications can span levels and

departments—the grapevine is an informal network carrying unofficial information throughout the firm.



Formal and Informal Communication Networks in An Organization

Formal communication network



Communication Networks in Groups and


Communication Networks in Groups and Teams

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Type of Network

Wheel Network Information flows to and from one central member.

Chain Network Members communicate only with the people next to them in the sequence.

Wheel and chain networks provide little interaction.

Circle Network Members communicate with others close to them in terms of expertise, experience, and location.

All-Channel Network

Networks found in teams with high levels of communications between each member and all others.

Information Richness of Communication Media

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Collaborative Work Environment

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New Technologies for Communication

• Informational databases• Electronic mail systems• Voice mail systems• Fax machine systems• Cellular phone systems

Technological Advances in Communication

• Internet– Global system of computer networks used by many

firms use it to communicate with their suppliers.• World Wide Web (WWW)

– Provides multimedia access to the Internet.• Intranets

– A company-wide system of computer networks for information sharing by employees inside the firm.

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How Do New Technologies Affect Behavior?

• Fast, immediate access to information• Immediate access to people in power• Instant information exchange across distance• Makes schedules & office hours irrelevant• May equalize group power • May equalize group participation

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• Communication can become more impersonal -interaction with a machine

• Interpersonal skills may diminish -less tact, less graciousness

• Non-verbal cues lacking• Alters social context• Easy to become overwhelmed with information• Encourages polyphasic activity

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Defensive Communication• Defensive Communication - communication that can be

aggressive, attacking & angry, or passive & withdrawing• Leads to

– injured feelings– communication breakdowns– alienation– retaliatory behaviors– nonproductive efforts– problem solving failures

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Non-defensive Communication

• Non-defensive Communication - communication that is assertive, direct, & powerful

• Provides– basis for defense when attacked– restores order, balance, and effectiveness

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Two Defensiveness Patterns


Defensive Tactics

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Defensive Tactic Speaker Example

Power Play Boss “Finish this report by month’s end or lose your promotion.”

Put-Down Boss “A capable manager would already be done with this report.”

Labeling Boss “You must be a slow learner. Your report is still not done?”

Raising Doubts Boss “How can I trust you, Chris, if you can’t finish an easy report?”

Defensive Tactics

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Defensive Tactic Speaker Example

Misleading Information

Employee “Morgan has not gone over with me the information I need for the report.” [Morgan left Chris with a copy of the report.]

Scapegoating Employee “Morgan did not give me input until just today.”

Hostile Jokes Employee “You can’t be serious! The report isn’t that important.”

Deception Employee “I gave it to the secretary. Did she lose it?”

Tips for Effective Communication

Thank You

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