Organisation of Society

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Transcript of Organisation of Society

Chapter FiveChapter Five

OrganisationOrganisation of Society of Society

Chapter 5 Slide 1

Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

1. What is a social system?

2. How were the social systems in ancient India, China and Southeast Asia different/similar?

3. What were the strengths and/or weaknesses of each social system?

Chapter 5 Slide 2



Why do you think a class committee is Why do you think a class committee is necessary?necessary?

What would happen if everyone in class What would happen if everyone in class was a monitor?was a monitor?

Chapter 5 Slide 3

What do you see in the picture?

Can you identify different groups of people in the picture?

What do they share in common?

What Is a Society?What Is a Society?

A group of people ruled by the same government, sharing common needs forms a society

Chapter 5 Slide 4

What Is a Social System?What Is a Social System?

The way in which members of a society organise themselves into groups and specialise in different jobs

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What Is a Hierarchy?What Is a Hierarchy?

It is the system by which people are ranked according to their wealth and power. It takes the form of a pyramid.

People who share similar occupations within this pyramid are known as a social class.

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Society in IndiaSociety in India

Social classes were introduced by Aryans in c. 1500 B.C.E

4 varnas (classes): kshatriyas brahminsvaishyasshudras

Chapter 5 Slide 7

Shudras considered impure because they did not speak the pure Sanskrit used by the higher classes

Brahmins replaced kshatriyas as the most highly ranked class

Varnas later divided in jatis 500 B.C.E — creation of the caste system

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Strict division of ancient Indian society into classes based on specific occupations

What Is the Caste System?

What Is the Caste System?

Chapter 5 Slide 9

A brahmin advising a kshatriya on how to rule

A vaishya selling his wares

Members of a specific caste had a specific occupation

Members were born into a caste and could not take up an occupation not assigned to their caste

Members had to marry within their caste

Caste was hereditary

The Caste SystemThe Caste System

Chapter 5 Slide 10

By 1000 CE, there were about 3 000 castes

Another group of people introduced, known as the pariahs (untouchables)

These people did not have proper jobs — primitive jungle people

Chapter 5 Slide 11

The Caste PyramidThe Caste Pyramid

pariah (outcastes)pariah (outcastes)

kshatriyaskshatriyas warriors, rulers

vaishyasvaishyas merchants, farmers

craftsmen, labourers

Chapter 5 Slide 12

brahminsbrahmins priests, scholars, teachers


You Be the Judge!!You Be the Judge!!

Plus, Minus and Interesting Points of the Caste System

1. Brought order to society

2. Everyone knew his or her role

3. Gave members a sense of belonging

4. Did not allow people to change their caste, even if they were capable or talented Chapter 5 Slide 13

Chinese Society During the Shang Dynasty

(1523–1027 BCE)

Chinese Society During the Shang Dynasty

(1523–1027 BCE)

Chapter 5 Slide 14

The ruling class(King, priests,

feudal shi)

The working class(farmers, soldiers, craftsmen)

Chinese Society During the Zhou Dynasty

(1027–221 BCE)

Chinese Society During the Zhou Dynasty

(1027–221 BCE)


Ruling class





Chapter 5 Slide 15

kings, priests,feudal shis

Evolution of the Shi Class

Evolution of the Shi Class

Chapter 5 Slide 16

Shang Dynasty (1523–1027 BCE)

Shang Dynasty (1523–1027 BCE)

Shi given land in return for supporting the king

Land passed down from father to son

A shi estate can be large — included armies and farmers

Chapter 5 Slide 17

Qin Dynasty (221–210 BCE)

Qin Dynasty (221–210 BCE)

Qin Shihuang took away the armies and land (estates) of the shi class

Shi became appointed officials whose job was to look after the provinces for the Emperor

They did not own the land they looked after

Chapter 5 Slide 18

Han Dynasty (202 BCE–220 CE) Han Dynasty

(202 BCE–220 CE)

Becoming a shi now depended on one’s performance in the Imperial Civil Service Examinations set by the government

Origins of system of meritocracy — a system whereby people are givenpositions and rewards based on their ability

Chapter 5 Slide 19

What Is Social Mobility?What Is Social Mobility?

In China, meritocracy allowed people to move

from one class to another. The ability to move from one class to another is

known as social mobility.

Chapter 5 Slide 20

You Be the Judge!!You Be the Judge!!Plus, Minus and Interesting Points of

the Social System in China

1. Brought order to society

2. Everyone knew his or her role

3. Gave members a sense of belonging

4. Allowed people who passed the civil service examinations to achieve social mobility

5. Women were not allowed to take the examinations Chapter 5 Slide 21

Society in Southeast AsiaSociety in Southeast Asia

A Tribal Society

A tribe is a group of people who1. trace their roots to a common

ancestor2. have a common language and


Led by chiefs, lived in villages

Chapter 5 Slide 22

Tribal Village to Port CityTribal Village to Port City

ruling class

(king, his famiily and nobles)

trading and priestly class

(traders and priests)

working class

(farmers, craftsmen, fishermen)

The Melaka Sultanate (1411–1503 CE)

Chapter 5 Slide 23

In the Khmer kingdom, there were slaves who farmed and built temples

The class system in Southeast Asia was flexible

Chapter 5 Slide 24

Learning OutcomesLearning OutcomesLearning OutcomesLearning Outcomes

Chapter 5 Slide 25

1. A social system is …

2. Ancient India was organised into… Ancient China was organised into… Ancient Southeast Asia was organised into…

3. The strengths and/or weaknesses of each system are…