Organic - Introduction

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of Organic - Introduction

Organic Chemistry


Organic Chemistry

- is the study of compounds that contain carbon.

There are lots of them.90% + of known compounds are OrganicWhy?Because carbon forms chains


Organic compounds that contain only hydrogen and carbon.


Hydrocarbons containing only single covalent bonds

Ex: CH4 – methane – natural gas

Dot diagram


Reminders about dot diagrams

Only show 2 D shapeCarbon likes to bond in ____ placesHydrogen likes to bond in ____ place

Dot diagram for C2H6

Straight-chain alkanes

Contain any number of C atoms, one after the other, in a chain.

You should know the names of these next alkanes

First 10 straight-chained alkanes

Methane CH4 CH4

Ethane C2H6 CH3CH3

Propane C3H8 CH3CH2CH3

Butane C4H10 CH3CH2CH2CH3

Pentane C5H12 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3

Hexane C6H14 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3

Heptane C7H16 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3




Homologous series

A group of compounds in which there is a constant increment of change in molecular structure from one compound in the series to the next.

The alkanes differ by one CH2 group each time


Types of formulas

Molecular formula – C4H10

Complete structural formula

Condensed structural formula – C – H bonds are understood.

Condensed structural formula – C-H and C-C bonds understood

Carbon skeleton; hydrogens understood

Draw a complete structural formula for the straight-chained alkane having 3 carbons

Branched-chain Alkanes

Substituent – an atom or group of atoms that can take the place of a hydrogen atom on a parent hydrocarbon molecule.

Parent chain – the longest carbon chain.May not always be written in a straight line on


Alkyl group – a hydrocarbon substituent

CH3 – methyl

CH3CH2 – ethyl

CH3CH2CH2 – propyl

Alkyl group = alkane – 1 HName = -ane + ylWhat would CH3CH2CH2 CH2be called?

Branched-chain alkane

An alkane with one or more alkyl groups attached.

Naming a branched-chain alkane

1. Find the longest chain of carbons. This is the parent chain

2. # the carbons on the parent chain. Starting with the end that will give the substituents the smallest numbers

3. Add #s to the names of the substituent groups to identify their positions on the chain.

4. Use prefixes to indicate if a group appears more than once. Di – 2Tri – 3Tetra – 4Penta – 5

5. List the names of the alkyl substituents in alphabetical order (ignore prefixes when alphabetizing.)

6. Use proper punctuationCommas separate #s from #sHyphens separate #s from words

Properties of alkanes

Nonpolar – electrons are shared about equally

Very weak van der Walls forces (dispersion)

Have a low mass, low boiling pointDo not dissolve in water.Flammable