Org Culture Climate

Post on 20-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Org Culture Climate

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    Organizational Culture &Organizational Culture &ClimateClimate

    Prof.Shabir AhmadProf.Shabir Ahmad The Business SchoolThe Business SchoolUniversity of Kashmir University of Kashmir

    August 17, !1! August 17, !1!

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    "earning #b$ectives"earning #b$ectives

    1. Differentiate between values andnorms and understand the wayculture is shared by an

    organizations members2. Describe how individuals learn

    culture both formally and informally3. dentify the four building bloc!s or

    foundations of an organizationsculture that account for culturaldifferences among organizations

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    "earning #b$ectives %cont.&"earning #b$ectives %cont.&". #nderstand how an organizations

    culture$ li!e its structure$ can bedesigned or managed%. Discuss an im ortant outcome of

    an organizations culture'cor orate social res onsibility

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    Basic TermsBasic Terms' #rgani(ational culture) the set of

    shared values and norms thatcontrols organi(ational members*interactions +ith each other and +itheo le outside the organi(ation

    ' -alues) general criteria, standards, or

    guiding rinci les that eo le use todetermine +hich ty es of behaviors,events, situations, and outcomes aredesirable or undesirable

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    Basic Terms %cont.&Basic Terms %cont.&

    ' (erminal value' a desired end stateor outcome that eo le see! to

    achieve' nstrumental value' a desired mode

    of behavior

    ' )orms' standards or styles ofbehavior that are consideredacce table or ty ical for a grou ofeo le

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    Selected efinitions on #rg./ultureSelected efinitions on #rg./ulture

    0lliott ac2ues%134 &5 The culture of the factoryis its customary and traditional +ay of thin6ing anddoing things, +hich is shared to a greater or lesserdegree by all its members, and +hich ne+ membersmust learn, or at least artially acce t, in order to beacce ted into service in the firm.5

    Andre+ Pettigre+% 1373& 8 /ulture is a system of

    ublicly and collectively acce ted meanings for a givengrou at a given time. This system of terms, forms,categories, and images inter rets a eo le*s o+nsituation to themselves.5

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    ' /aren Siehl and oanne 9artin % 13:;rgani(ational culture can be thought of as the glue that

    holds an organi(ation together through a sharing of

    atterns of meaning. The culture focuses on thevalues, beliefs, and e< ectations that members cometo chare.5

    =arrison and anice Beyer % 133>&

    8 /ultures are collective henomena that embodyeo le*s res onses to the uncertainties and chaos thatare inevitable in human e< eriences. These res onsesfall into t+o ma$or categories.

    The first is the substance of a culture shared,emotionally charged belief systems that +e callideologies. The second is cultural forms observableentities, including actions, through +hich members of aculture e< ress, affirm, and communicate thesubstance of their culture to one another.5

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    ?igure 7 1) Terminal and @nstrumental?igure 7 1) Terminal and @nstrumental-alues in an #rgani(ation*s /ulture-alues in an #rgani(ation*s /ulture

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    #rgani(ational /ulture#rgani(ational /ulture

    ' Based on enduring values embodied inorgani(ational norms, rules, standardo erating rocedures, and goals

    ' Peo le dra+ on these cultural valuesto guide their actions and decisions+hen faced +ith uncertainty andambiguity

    ' @m ortant influence on members*behavior and res onse to situations

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    Strong and ea6 /ulturesStrong and ea6 /ultures

    ' Strong cultures are often sha ed by strongvalues and strong leadershi .

    ' ?actors that determine the strength of anorgani(ational culture are

    ' Shared ness

    ' @ntensity

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    /haracteristics of #rgani(ational/haracteristics of #rgani(ational

    /ulture/ulture' #bserved Behavioral egularities

    ' Corms' ominant -alues' Philoso hy

    ' ules' #rgani(ational /limate

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    =o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ulture=o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ulture

    Transmitted to its 9embersDTransmitted to its 9embersD' *ocialization ) the rocess by +hich

    members learn and internali(e thevalues and norms of anorgani(ation*s culture

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    =o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ulture=o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ultureTransmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&Transmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&

    ' +ole orientation ) the characteristic+ay in +hich ne+comers res ond toa situation

    E nstitutionalized role orientation ) results+hen individuals are taught to res ond to ane+ conte

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    =o+ Sociali(ation Tactics Sha e=o+ Sociali(ation Tactics Sha e0m loyees* ole #rientation0m loyees* ole #rientation

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    =o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ulture=o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ultureTransmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&Transmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&

    ' /ollective vs. individual E Collective tactics' rovide ne+comers

    +ith common learning e< eriencesdesigned to roduce a standardi(edres onse to a situation

    E ndividual tactics' each ne+comer*s

    learning e< eriences are uni2ue, andne+comers can learn ne+, a ro riateres onses for each situation

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    =o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ulture=o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ultureTransmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&Transmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&

    ' ?ormal vs. informal E ,ormal tactics' segregate ne+comers

    from e

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    =o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ulture=o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ultureTransmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&Transmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&

    ' Se2uential vs. random E *e-uential tactics' rovide ne+comers

    +ith e< licit information about the

    se2uence in +hich they +ill erform ne+activities or occu y ne+ roles as theyadvance in an organi(ation

    E +andom tactics' training is based onthe interests and needs of individualne+comers because there is no setse2uence to the ne+comers* rogress inthe organi(ation

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    =o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ulture=o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ultureTransmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&Transmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&

    ' ?i

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    =o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ulture=o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ultureTransmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&Transmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&

    ' Serial vs. dis$unctive E *erial tactics' em loyed, e

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    =o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ulture=o+ is an #rgani(ation*s /ultureTransmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&Transmitted to its 9embersD %cont.&

    ' ivestiture vs. investiture E Divestiture' ne+comers receive

    negative social su ort and e

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    Stories, /eremonies, and #rgani(ationalStories, /eremonies, and #rgani(ational"anguage"anguage

    ' #rgani(ation rites E +ites of assage' mar6 an individual*s

    entry to, romotion in, and de arture from

    the organi(ation E +ites of integration' sharedannouncements of organi(ationalsuccess, office arties and coo6outs

    E +ites of enhancement' ublicrecognition and re+ard for em loyeecontributions

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    #rgani(ational ites#rgani(ational ites

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    here oes #rgani(ationalhere oes #rgani(ational/ulture /ome ?romD/ulture /ome ?romD

    ' /omes from interaction of fourfactors)

    E The ersonal and rofessional

    characteristics of eo le +ithin theorgani(ation E #rgani(ational ethics E The ro erty rights that the organi(ation

    gives to em loyees E The structure of the organi(ation

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    here an #rgani(ation*s /ulturehere an #rgani(ation*s /ulture/omes ?rom/omes ?rom

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    here oes #rgani(ationalhere oes #rgani(ational/ulture /ome ?romD %cont.&/ulture /ome ?romD %cont.&

    ' /haracteristics of eo le +ithin theorgani(ation

    E Through a rocess of hiring eo le thatmatch e

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    ?actors @nfluencing the evelo ment?actors @nfluencing the evelo mentof #rgani(ational 0thicsof #rgani(ational 0thics

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    here oes #rgani(ationalhere oes #rgani(ational/ulture /ome ?romD %cont.&/ulture /ome ?romD %cont.&

    ' ro erty rights' rights that anorgani(ation gives to members toreceive and use organi(ationalresources

    ' The distribution of ro erty rights todifferent sta6eholders determines)

    ' =o+ effective an organi(ation is' The culture that emerges in the


  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    /ommon Pro erty ights Fiven/ommon Pro erty ights Fivento 0m loyeesto 0m loyees

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    here oes #rgani(ationalhere oes #rgani(ational/ulture /ome ?romD %cont.&/ulture /ome ?romD %cont.&

    ' ro erty rights %cont.& E To managers are in a strong osition to

    establish the terms of their o+n

    em loyment and the ro erty rightsreceived by others E /hanging ro erty rights changes the

    cor orate culture by changing theinstrumental values that motivate andcoordinate em loyees

    E Strong ro erty rights may harm the


    h ( l

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    here oes #rgani(ationalhere oes #rgani(ational/ulture /ome ?romD %cont.&/ulture /ome ?romD %cont.&

    ' #rgani(ational structure E 9echanistic vs. #rganic

    ' 9echanistic redictability and stability are

    desired goals' #rganic E innovation and fle

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    /an #rgani(ational /ulture be/an #rgani(ational /ulture be9anagedD9anagedD

    ' /hanging a culture can be verydifficult

    E =ard to understand ho+ the revious four

    factors interact E 9a$or alterations are sometimes needed' Some +ays culture can be changed)

    E edesign structure E evise ro erty rights used to motivate

    eo le E /hange the eo le E es ecially to


  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    Social es onsibilitySocial es onsibility' *ocial res onsibility ) refers to a

    manager*s duty or obligation to ma6edecisions that nurture, rotect,enhance, and romote the +elfare and+ell being of sta6eholders and society

    as a +hole

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    Climate DebateClimate Debate

    ' (he term climate has two distinctly different meanings in theliterature which hel s to add to the im ression that OC 4includeseverything.5

    ' a Common erce tion or common reaction of individuals66..7' b set of conditions66.7' Organizational Climate is a relatively enduring -uality of the internal

    environment of an organization that' a is e erienced by its members' b influences their behaviour ' c can be described in terms of the values of a articular set of

    characteristics of the organization


  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    Organization Climate 8iteratureOrganization Climate 8iterature

    ' (he roots of the climate conce t are 8ewinian.

    ' 8ewins conce t of behaviour as the roduct of individuals acting inconte t has rovided the basic meta hor and conce tual framewor!for climate research.

    ' #se of the term OC and elaboration of this rinci le in organizationresearch began during the 19:;s.

    ' "$ ,orehand 19:=$ 8i!ert 19:1 & 19:>$ Cambell$ Dunnette$ 8awlerand ?eic! 19>;$ (aguri & 8itwin 19:= @ all resented formulations thats ecified a number of dimensions of organizational climate.

    ' Des ite a number of years research$the conce t of OC still remains a-uestionable status ?oodman & !ing 19>=.

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    Alements of ClimateAlements of Climate' Buality of 8eadershi' mount of (rust' Communication$ u ward and downward' ,eeling of useful wor!' +es onsibility' ,air rewards' +easonable 0ob ressure' O ortunity' +easonable controls$ structure$ and bureaucracy' Am loyee involvement$ artici ation.

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    9easuring /limate9easuring /limate

    ' 8itwin & *tringer ' Structure' es onsibility

    ' e+ard' is6' armth' Su ort' Standards' /onflict' @dentity

    ' 8i!ert' 8eadershi


    ' otivational forces' Communication' nteraction influence


    ' Decision ma!ing' Eoal setting' Control

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    /limate @nfluences/limate @nfluencesClimate nfluences

    otivation erformance *atisfaction

    odels of Organizationalodels of Organizational

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    odels of Organizationalodels of OrganizationalFehaviour Fehaviour

    Autocratic /ustodial Su ortive /ollegie ends on) Po+er 0co res "eadershi Partns9gr.#rnt Authority 9oney Su ort T

    0m .#rnt #bedience Security ob. erf es0m . syr e .on b e .on org Part Self.d0m .ndm Subsist 9aint =igh.ord

    Perm rest 9inimum a+6.drives 9odr.en

  • 7/24/2019 Org Culture Climate


    (han! Gou(han! Gou

    ?ish Gou ll (he Fest