orchha india

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Transcript of orchha india

The Chhattris are located in the southern part of the town on the Kanchana Ghat. The chhattris sit peacefully on the banks of the river away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Since the chhatris were built in the remembrance of kings, the site is secluded and isolated to keep the sanctity of the place.The only human inhabitation in close proximity is on the north eastern side where the Orchha resort and Betwa retreat resort located.From north-west to south west, the sides are surrounded by forest. The river Betwa flows in the southeastern side of the complex.The surroundings are serene and tranquil. One hears the sound of the river flowing in the background and vultures flying or sitting on the chhattris is a common site. One also feels tremors and soft thuds due to mining activity close by. The upper floors of each chhattri gives spectacular views of the river and forest. The Chhaturbhuj temple is also visible from here. At down, the chhattris are illuminated by the rising sun and at sunset their majestic silhouettes are reflected in rippling waters which can be best observed from the opposite bank of the river.The main complex has green lawns, flower beds around each cenotaph. The five chhattris of the complex are interconnected by elevated walkways flanked by neatly trimmed bushes on the sides.