Oral Presentations and Civic Engagement 3/8/2013.

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Transcript of Oral Presentations and Civic Engagement 3/8/2013.

Oral Presentations and Civic Engagement


My Office Hours

• Doyle 226B (BSS Main Office)– Monday after Spring Break 3-18

• And by Appointment


This paper must also be submitted to turnitin

About Turnitin

• It Checks your paper for plagiarism

– Against the web

– Against the other papers in the turnitin archive

• Failure to use this results in a 10 point deduction from your paper

Accessing Turnitin

• Log into Blackboard

• Go to the CAPS 4360 Page


Click on Assignments

Click on Assignments

Click on View/Complete

Click on View/Complete

Step 1 in Submitting the Paper

• Fill out all the parts

• You must have a title for your paper

• Browse for your file

• Choose Upload

Step 2 In Submitting the Paper

• Preview the Paper

• Make sure everything is ok

• Choose Submit

Step 3 in Submitting the Paper

• If you do it right, you will get the following message


The First Oral Presentation

• 5% of your final Grade

• 8 Minutes in Length plus questions

• March 18 to March 25

Attendance and Professionalism

• You must attend all the oral presentations and each absence will reduce your final grade by 1%.

• You should also be respectful of your colleagues presentations


Oral Report Grading Guidelines

• Content

• Format/Style

Part I Content

• Clear identification of your thesis question, including a brief definition of terms as necessary (30 secs - 1 min). Should…

• An introduction to your social problem and describing why it is important (scope, targets statistics etc.) (1-2 Min)

Part I: Content

• A description of the two sides to the controversy including the general and specific stakeholders and why they are important (1-2 Min)

• An explanation of the key issues being debated

Part I: Content

• A summary of the arguments and evidence (1-2 min)

• Conclusion (30 sec-1 min)

Part II:Format/Style

• PowerPoint is required

• You are required to speak in front of the class

• Read the Capstone Handbook about speaking in public (77-82)

Part II: Format/Style cont.

• Visual Delivery– Powerpoint– Visual and Content

• Vocal Delivery– How you sound (verbal)– How you present yourself (non verbal)

Be prepared to ask/answer questions

Civic Engagement



Civic Engagement and the Mission Statement of SEU

• The University mission urges you to take action to solve problems

• You are required to take action supporting your position


• Part of Your Final Oral Presentation

• It does not need to be particularly extensive or time consuming.

• It should be an action that connects your project with the problem

What you can do

• Attend a meeting of involved groups• Speak to a group• Attend a march• Circulate petitions• Volunteer• Write a letter- you must turn the letter and

stamped envelop into me so that I can mail it (verification)

What you cannot do

• Plan to take an action• Make a Donation- this

is too easy, and too effective

• Sign up for a Newsletter

• Anything else that does not consist of a concrete action

The Reality

• In politics, one person really cannot make a difference unless they are politically, socially, or economically important

• Grassroots is a euphemism for either “poor” or “unorganized”

• Money is the best form of political activity because it converts itself and it is identifiable

Understanding this…

• You should consider an activity that involves the greatest political impact

• Involves the least cost (direct, indirect, opportunity)

• Fulfills the requirements of the paper

Where to Go for help

Capstone Handbook pp 75-76

Come see me

Writing Up Civic Engagement

• This appears in your second presentation

• It appears in written form in the final submission– what you did– why– Expected Political Impact – how it impacted you,

others (reflection)