Oral English week 2 李蕊

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Oral English week 2 李蕊. New function part. dating 约会. propose 求婚. Marriage 婚姻. Dating Propose Marriage. Question 1. How to ask for a date in English?. Birthday Party. Question 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Oral English week 2 李蕊

Oral English week 2 李蕊

dating 约会

propose 求婚



Question 1

How to ask for a date in English?

Birthday Party

Question 2

If tomorrow were your birthday and you wanted to hold a birthday party, how to invite your friends to your party in English?

SoPart 1: How to make an appointment (extend an invitation)?

Useful expressions:1.“We are having a … party. Would you like to join us?” 2.“Would you like to come to …?”3.“How would you like to …?” 4.“Are you free this ….? I would like to invite you to …?” 5.“Would you by any chance be interested in …?” 6.“Do you want to …?”

Accepting an Invitation:“That sounds great/like fun.”

“I’d love/like to.”

“Yes, that would be great!”

“Sure. When would you like to … ?

Refusing an Invitation:“Oh, that sounds like fun. I would really like to, but …(I have other plans/I have to…)”

“I’m sorry. I would like to …, but …”

“What a pity! I can’t make it to your party, I …”

Pair Activity: 2 Circles

Administration building



Golf course

Swimming Pool

Spanish Castles

SIAS Stadium

Roman Amphitheater

Russian Square

Italian Square

European Street

Track and Field

Fountain Square


- How long have you had your cell phone? - What’s the use of your phone?

sending short messages, talking to other people, playing games, chatting online with friends, surfing the internet, taking photos, listening to music, etc..

• - What specifically do they use their cell phones for most of the time?

– sending short messages & chatting online)– make phone calls.


Part 2: Making an Appointment

on the Phone

Example: Transcript of a Phone Conversation

• A: Hello?• B: Hi. Am I talking to ______ (name)?• A: Yes …• B: Hey ______ (name), this is _____ (name). It's good to hear you!• A: Oh, hi ______ (name). I'm so glad you are calling! How are

you?• B: I'm fine. How are you?• A: Great! I haven't heard from you in such a long time!• B: Yes, but I will be in town this weekend, and this is why I'm

calling: Because I'm wondering, whether you would have time for us get together …?

• A: Are you serious? Of course, I would love to see you. What about Saturday? Would Saturday afternoon work for you?

Example: Transcript of a Phone Conversation

• B: Sure that would work. Except that I have an appointment on Saturday at 2. But if you have time later in the afternoon, maybe we could get together then. How does that sound?

• A: That's perfect! So, why don't we meet a little later. Would 4:30 be a good time?

• B: Yes, that sounds really good. And maybe we could go and have some ice cream together. I'll invite you.

• A: What? You are the guest! No, I'll invite you. Don't worry about it!

• B: Well (laughs), we can figure that out on Saturday. It was great talking to you!

• A: I'm so glad you called. See you Saturday then.• B: See you.• A: Bye.• B: Bye.•


This is how you can make an appointment on the phone – by including– Greeting– Reason for call (appointment)– Approval/Disapproval – Approval (ie. setting up a

date for a meeting)– Set time & place to meet– Ending the conversation


Asking for Approval/Responses

ResponsesSure! That’s fine. I’ll see you then.Let me check my schedule (and I’ll get

back to you when I know for sure). That sounds really good.Sure, that’s fine.That’s perfect!I’m sorry, I don’t have time then. How

about at _________?That sounds great, but I already have

plans. Can I talk to you again?

Presentation Activity:

Making an Appointment on the Phone

Idiom part

• “Care to …?” 愿意。。。• (Would you) care to...?• a polite phrase introducing an inquiry as to

whether someone wishes to do something.• John: Would you care to step out for some air?

Jane: Oh, I'd love it. • Sue: Care to go for a swim? • Mary: Not now, thanks.


• beat around the bush • 拐弯抹角,兜圈子• : Used when someone doesn’t say what he or

she means • Examples:• Stop beating around the bush and give us

your final decision.• - I wish Jack would stop beating around the

bush and tell me what he really thinks.


Sounds part

/i:/ /i/


tea three

cheese (奶酪 )Bean meal Meat

peach(桃子 )

Greek Pizza


Cream(奶油 )beef



1. Steve doesn’t eat cheese.2. They order two meat pizzas and one

cheese pizza.3. Three people order Greek salad and

coffee.4. Really? I can’t believe it.5. I agree. Could you repeat that, please?6. Can I please speak to Lee?

• Is sick sit Mrs. listen fifteen • It’s think miss ticket minutes

beginning• If quick film begins fifty

interesting• Thirteen thirty fourteen forty• Sixteen sixty nineteen ninety


Listen to this.Do you speak English?Who is it?I think it is interesting.Com on in.Where do you live? I live in the city.


Minimal pairs

Sheep shipSeat sit

Heel(脚后跟 ) hillFeel fill

Sleep slip(滑动 )Peak(山峰 ) pick