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Esta publicación se terminó de imprimir durante el mes de diciembre de 2010. Diseñada en Dirección Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola; Sector Sur. Hermosillo, Sonora, México La edición consta de 1,012 ejemplares.


Director General Mtro. Jorge Luis Ibarra Mendívil Director Académico Profr. Julio Alfonso Martínez Romero Director de Administración y Finanzas C.P. Jesús Urbano Limón Tapia Director de Planeación Mtro. Pedro Hernández Peña ORAL ENGLISH COMMUNICATION 2 Módulo de Aprendizaje. Copyright ©, 2010 por Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora todos los derechos reservados. Primera edición 2010. Impreso en México. DIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA Departamento de Desarrollo Curricular Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola, Sector Sur Hermosillo, Sonora. México. C.P. 83280

COMISIÓN ELABORADORA: Elaborador: Viridiana Vidal Trasviña Revisión Disciplinaria: Edna Elinora Soto Gracia Corrección de Estilo: Diana Patricia Lugo Peñúñuri

Apoyo Metodológico: Jesús Moisés Galaz Duarte Supervisión Académica: Luz María Grijalva Díaz

Equipo Técnico RIEMS Diseño: Joaquín Rivas Samaniego María Jesús Jiménez Duarte Grupo Editorial: Cynthia Deyanira Meneses Avalos Coordinación Técnica: Claudia Yolanda Lugo Peñúñuri Diana Irene Valenzuela López Coordinación General: Profr. Julio Alfonso Martínez Romero


Ubicación Curricular










Nombre: _______________________________________________________________

Plantel: __________________________________________________________________

Grupo: _________________ Turno: _____________ Teléfono:___________________

E-mail: _________________________________________________________________

Domicilio: ______________________________________________________________




Presentación ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Mapa de asignatura .............................................................................................................................................. 8

BLOCK 1: THE WORLD WE LIVE IN ...................................................................................................... 9 Didactic Sequence 1: Everything about food .....................................................................................................10 • Start up activities .........................................................................................................................................10 • Development activities ................................................................................................................................14 • Grammar Presentation: Polite expressions and refusals ...........................................................................19 • Closing Activity ............................................................................................................................................21 Didactic Sequence 2: My Vacation.....................................................................................................................23 • Start up activities .........................................................................................................................................23 • Development activities ................................................................................................................................25 • Grammar Presentation: Future with Will and Going to ...............................................................................25 • Grammar Presentation: Asking for information questions. ........................................................................32 • Closing Activity ............................................................................................................................................34 Didactic Sequence 3: Our Environment .............................................................................................................35 • Start up activities .........................................................................................................................................35 • Development activities ................................................................................................................................36 • Grammar Presentation: How+ adjective ...................................................................................................39 • Grammar Presentation: Imperatives. ..........................................................................................................44 • Closing Activities .........................................................................................................................................49 BLOCK 2: FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS ............................................................................................... 51 Didactic Sequence 1: Long time no see! ...........................................................................................................52 • Start up activity ............................................................................................................................................52 • Development activities ................................................................................................................................53 • Grammar Presentation: Using Past Continuous and Simple Past Together .............................................53 • Grammar Presentation: Present Perfect Progressive ................................................................................59 • Closing Activity ............................................................................................................................................63 Didactic Sequence 2: What do you think? .........................................................................................................64 • Start up activities .........................................................................................................................................64 • Development activities ................................................................................................................................67 • Grammar Presentation: Adjectives ending with –ed and -ing. ..................................................................67 • Grammar Presentation: Modals and Adverbs ............................................................................................71 • Closing Activity ............................................................................................................................................75 Didactic Sequence 3: A Visit to ..........................................................................................................................76 • Start up activity ............................................................................................................................................76 • Development activities ................................................................................................................................77 • Grammar Presentation: Tag Questions. .....................................................................................................77 • Grammar Presentation: Present Perfect .....................................................................................................89 • Closing Activity ............................................................................................................................................91



BLOCK 3: KNOW HOW OF TECHNOLOGY ......................................................................................... 95 Didactic Sequence 1: Speculating about .......................................................................................................... 96 • Start up activities ........................................................................................................................................ 96 • Development activities ............................................................................................................................... 98 • Grammar Presentation: Present Unreal Conditional ................................................................................. 98 • Grammar Presentation: Past Modals ...................................................................................................... 102 • Closing Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 106 Didactic Sequence 2: She said that ................................................................................................................ 108 • Start up activities ...................................................................................................................................... 108 • Development activities ............................................................................................................................. 109 • Grammar Presentation: Reported Speech .............................................................................................. 109 • Grammar Presentation: Phrasal Verbs .................................................................................................... 115 • Closing Activity ......................................................................................................................................... 119

Didactic Sequence 3: Getting into technology ................................................................................................ 120 • Start up activities ...................................................................................................................................... 120 • Development activities ............................................................................................................................. 122 • Grammar Presentation: Simple Past, Present and Future ...................................................................... 122 • Closing Activity ......................................................................................................................................... 127

• Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................. 128



“Una competencia es la integración de habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes en un contexto específico”.

El enfoque en competencias considera que los conocimientos por sí mismos no son lo más importante, sino el uso que se hace de ellos en situaciones específicas de la vida personal, social y profesional. De este modo, las competencias requieren una base sólida de conocimientos y ciertas habilidades, los cuales se integran para un mismo propósito en un determinado contexto.

El presente Módulo de Aprendizaje de la asignatura Oral English Communication 2, es una herramienta de suma importancia, que propiciará tu desarrollo como persona visionaria, competente e innovadora, características que se establecen en los objetivos de la Reforma Integral de Educación Media Superior que actualmente se está implementando a nivel nacional.

El Módulo de aprendizaje es uno de los apoyos didácticos que el Colegio de Bachilleres te ofrece con la intención de estar acorde a los nuevos tiempos, a las nuevas políticas educativas, además de lo que demandan los escenarios local, nacional e internacional; el módulo se encuentra organizado a través de bloques de aprendizaje y secuencias didácticas. Una secuencia didáctica es un conjunto de actividades, organizadas en tres momentos: Inicio, desarrollo y cierre. En el inicio desarrollarás actividades que te permitirán identificar y recuperar las experiencias, los saberes, las preconcepciones y los conocimientos que ya has adquirido a través de tu formación, mismos que te ayudarán a abordar con facilidad el tema que se presenta en el desarrollo, donde realizarás actividades que introducen nuevos conocimientos dándote la oportunidad de contextualizarlos en situaciones de la vida cotidiana, con la finalidad de que tu aprendizaje sea significativo.

Posteriormente se encuentra el momento de cierre de la secuencia didáctica, donde integrarás todos los saberes que realizaste en las actividades de inicio y desarrollo.

En todas las actividades de los tres momentos se consideran los saberes conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales. De acuerdo a las características y del propósito de las actividades, éstas se desarrollan de forma individual, binas o equipos.

Para el desarrollo del trabajo deberás utilizar diversos recursos, desde material bibliográfico, videos, investigación de campo, etc.

La retroalimentación de tus conocimientos es de suma importancia, de ahí que se te invita a participar de forma activa cuando el docente lo indique, de esta forma aclararás dudas o bien fortalecerás lo aprendido; además en este momento, el docente podrá tener una visión general del logro de los aprendizajes del grupo.

Recuerda que la evaluación en el enfoque en competencias es un proceso continuo, que permite recabar evidencias a través de tu trabajo, donde se tomarán en cuenta los tres saberes: el conceptual, procedimental y actitudinal con el propósito de que apoyado por tu maestro mejores el aprendizaje. Es necesario que realices la autoevaluación, este ejercicio permite que valores tu actuación y reconozcas tus posibilidades, limitaciones y cambios necesarios para mejorar tu aprendizaje.

Así también, es recomendable la coevaluación, proceso donde de manera conjunta valoran su actuación, con la finalidad de fomentar la participación, reflexión y crítica ante situaciones de sus aprendizajes, promoviendo las actitudes de responsabilidad e integración del grupo.

Nuestra sociedad necesita individuos a nivel medio superior con conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y valores, que les permitan integrarse y desarrollarse de manera satisfactoria en el mundo laboral o en su preparación profesional. Para que contribuyas en ello, es indispensable que asumas una nueva visión y actitud en cuanto a tu rol, es decir, de ser receptor de contenidos, ahora construirás tu propio conocimiento a través de la problematización y contextualización de los mismos, situación que te permitirá: Aprender a conocer, aprender a hacer, aprender a ser y aprender a vivir juntos.





Block 1

The World We Live in

Didactic Sequence 1:

Everything about Food

Didactic Sequence 2:

My Vacation

Didactic Sequence 3:

Our Environment

Block 2

Feelings and Emotions

Didactic Sequence 1:

Long Time no see!

Didactic Sequence 2:

What do you think?

Didactic Sequence 3:

A Visit to…

Block 3

Know How of


Didactic Sequence 1:

Speculating about…

Didactic Sequence 2:

She said that…

Didactic Sequence 3:

Getting into Technology

The World We Live In

Competencias profesionales: 1. Descubre y aplica nuevas expresiones y frases utilizadas en un segundo idioma. 2. Plantea y contesta preguntas sencillas sobre temas usuales. 3. Desarrolla y combina las habilidades básicas del Inglés (escritura, lectura, comunicación

oral y habilidad auditiva). 4. Critica y argumenta haciendo uso de un segundo idioma, acerca de situaciones y

problemas de la vida real. 5. Crea y mantiene conversaciones en el idioma Inglés.

Unidad de competencia: Aplica el conocimiento y habilidades del idioma Inglés para interactuar efectivamente en

situaciones de la vida real.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas en cualquier contexto en el que se encuentra. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

Time assigned: 15 hours



Didactic Sequence 1. Everything about food.

Start up activities

To start this semester with the right foot, we are going to know a little bit more about our classmates.

a) Walk around your classroom and find one or more students that match with the characteristics from the box.

b) When you finish with this activity, create some graphics with the help of your teacher to show

the results obtained.

Find someone who…. Write the names here

Has allergies.

Is new in this classroom.

Doesn’t like pizza.

Is a good runner.

Likes the same movies I do.

Doesn’t like Math.

Has never been on an airplane.

Has traveled to Japan.

Activity: 1 Speaking

11 BLOCK 1

Now, let’s work with a Class Survey. Look at the example and follow the instructions below.

Class Survey

Hi, I’m taking a survey. Can I have your name please? Do you like to go to fast food restaurants? What is your favorite fast food restaurant? What do you like to order at fast food restaurants? How often do you go to fast food restaurants?

Step 1: Fill in the chart with information about yourself

Your Name Do you like to go to

fast food restaurants?

What is your favorite fast food?

What do you like to order?

How often do you go out to fast food


Step 2: Walk around the classroom and survey your classmates.

Name Do you…? What is…? What do you…? How often do


Step 3: Do you think fast food is healthy? Why or Why not? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 4: Share your information with the class.

Activity: 1a Speaking

Yes, my name is… …Yes, I like to go to fast food restaurants …my favorite is Mexican food. …I like to order bean and cheese burritos …I go about once a week


Discuss and answer the following questions.

1. Does this picture look familiar to you? 2. What is the name of this city? 3. What do you know about it? 4. Would you like to go there? Why? Or Why not?

Activity: 1b Discussing

13 BLOCK 1


Activity: 1 Product: Completed survey. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes different ways of giving and asking for personal information.

Uses his/her knowledge to create questions, give opinions, read and answers questions.

Shows respect to others opinions.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the following paragraph and discuss the questions below.

Fast Food in NYC Fast food restaurants in New York offer everything from burgers and shakes to burritos and soup. Some major burger chains in New York include McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's. These restaurants serve burgers, fries, chicken sandwiches, chicken nuggets and shakes. There are over 50 McDonald's scattered throughout the city, as well as over 20 each of Wendy's and Burger King. There are hundreds of independent pizza places all over the city, and chains such as Sbarro and Pizza Hut. These restaurants typically serve pizza by the slice or in a pie. A New York pizza pie is round, and cut in triangular slices. It is usually thin crusted, although thick crust is often an option. There are several Tex-Mex style fast food restaurants in New York City, such as Fresco Tortilla and California Burrito. These restaurants serve burritos, quesadillas, fajitas, and other assorted food. Fast food soup is the latest craze in New York, with restaurants like The Daily Soup popping up all over the city. This restaurant offers a complete meal of soup, bread, a homemade cookie, and a piece of fresh fruit. There are also hot dog vendors on the streets throughout New York, offering a quick and easy lunch option

1. What kind of fast food can you find in New York?

2. What is the newest fast food in NY?

3. Do you think you can find delicious food there? Which ones do you like?

Activity: 1c Reading


Development activities

1. A coffee with no sugar is a _____________ coffee.

2. If you put a lot of salt to a meat is a _____________ meat.

3. Kids enjoy eating ______________ candies.

4. The tea is cold. I prefer ____________ tea.

5. I love Kentucky Fried Chicken. I love _____________ chicken.

6. The bread is old. It is a ____________ bread.

7. I love ____________ syrup on my pancake.

8. Hamburger are fat and ____________ food.

9. Many kids don’t like ___________ lemons. They usually make gestures when

they taste them.

In this exercise, you will learn more adjectives. Also, you will notice that verbs can often be used as adjectives. If a word modifies a noun or pronoun, it is an adjective.

Ask a classmate how he/she cooks the foods below. Draw a checkmark in the boxes.

A: How do you cook shrimps? B: I always boil my shrimps. Boiled shrimps are healthier and more delicious.

verb adjective

Activity: 2a Speaking and Vocabulary learning

In this exercise, you will learn some common adjectives that will be useful for you to describe food. Remember that an adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying or quantifying words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies. In this case the adjectives will describe different foods.

Complete the following exercise with the correct adjectives.

Activity: 2 Vocabulary Learning

Food Adjectives










15 BLOCK 1

grill bake boil barbecue roast steam fry







When you go to a restaurant, what do you do first? Order the following stages by numbering them from 1 to 4. 1. ______ Ordering food.

2. ______ Asking for the check.

3. ______ Asking for a seat.

4. ______ Asking for help or for something you need.

Activity: 2b Figure it out


Listen and read the conversations below. Then, identify the four stages and write them in the blanks. After that, practice the dialogues in teams of 3.

Stage 1. ________________________ Waiter: Hi! How are you today? George: Pretty good! Waiter: How many? George: Two, please. Waiter: Smoking or non-smoking? George: Non-smoking, please. Waiter: Please come with me. Do you mind sitting here? George: Of course not, thank you. Stage 2: __________________________ Waiter: Hello. Here is your menu. What would you like to drink? Julia: Coca-Cola. George: Just a glass of water please. Waiter: May I take your order now? Julia: Um… I would like the crispy chicken. Waiter: How about you, Mr.? George: I want chicken salad, please. Waiter: What kind of dressing do you like? George: Ranch. Waiter: Is that all? Would you like an appetizer? We have fish cream for soup today. Julia: No thanks. We're all set. Waiter: Okay. Just a moment.

Activity: 2c Listening

17 BLOCK 1

Stage 3: _____________________________

Five minutes later…..

Waiter: Sorry to keep you waiting. Here are your orders. Enjoy. Both: Thanks! Julia: Excuse me, can I get some salt and pepper? Waiter: Sure. Do you need anything else? George: May I please have more water and napkins? Waiter: Of course. I'll be right back.

2 minutes later……

Waiter: Here you are. Would you like some dessert? Julia: Two ice cream sundaes, please. Waitress: No problem. Stage 4: ______________________________ 30 minutes later…

George: Excuse me. May I have the check, please? Waiter: Okay. $32 is your total. How do you want to pay for it - credit card, check or cash? George: Credit. Here is my credit card. Waiter: Please sign here. George: Okay. Here you go. Waiter: Thank you very much. Have a nice day. Both: You too. Bye bye.

Activity: 2c (continuation)



Activity: 2 Product: Vocabulary exercises and reading comprehension questions.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Defines and identifies new vocabulary, adjectives, and uses word stress.

Analyzes the different stages when going to a restaurant and puts into practice the vocabulary learnt.

Shows cooperation and good attitude to work in pairs.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Answer the following questions about the conversations. Compare your answers with your classmate.

1. Do you think George and Julia smoke? 2. What did Julia and Gorge order as the main dish? 3. Is George paying with cash? 4. What do you think appetizers are? 5. What expression did Julia use to refuse the appetizers?

Activity: 2d Reading Comprehension

a) Read and analyze the stressed words. Practice them with a partner.

Ana: Do you like fried potatoes? Jake: Yes, I love fried potatoes or Actually, I prefer steamed potatoes.

b) Draw the arrows to the following sentences and practice them with a classmate. Ana: Do you like raw fish? Jake: Yes, I love raw fish. Or Actually, I prefer grilled fish.

Activity: 2e Stress

19 BLOCK 1

You can use these polite expressions to refuse offers of food or drink. No, thanks maybe later

No, thanks. I’m fine.

No thanks, we are all set.

I’m ok for now. But thanks.

If you don’t understand what the waiter/waitress is saying, you can use these expressions:

Could you repeat what you said, please? I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you are saying. Can you repeat again, please? You can use modals such as May, Could, or Do you mind to ask for something. NOT POLITE: Can I get some salt and pepper? POLITE: May I please have more water and napkins?

Could you please bring me some extra sugar? VERY POLITE: Excuse me sir, would you mind bringing me more lemonade, please?

It is important for you to know how to make polite questions and polite refusals when you go to a restaurant or even when you go to visit a friend. Read the following polite questions and refusals.

Activity: 3 Grammar Presentation

Remembering note Follow this form when using this modal: Would you mind + verb + ing



Activity: 3 Product: Written polite refusals and questions.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies how to make polite refusals, ask for clarification and ask politely.

Applies his/her knowledge of previous information to make real polite refusals and questions.

Participates actively in individual and group activities.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Imagine that you are in a restaurant. How can you refuse the waiter/waitress politely? Answer and practice polite refusals with your partner.

1. A: Would you like a dessert? B: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. A: Can I get you something cold to drink?

B: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. A: Would you like to try the special dish of today?

B: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

4. A: Do you need anything else?

B: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 3b Grammar Practice

Listen to some conversations between the client and the waiter. Then, decide whether the client is asking very politely, politely or not politely.

Draw a checkmark in the correct column.

Very polite Polite Not polite






Activity: 3a Listening

21 BLOCK 1

Closing activity

Student A

Take your notes here

a) Now that you know a lot of vocabulary and adjectives that describe food and how to

make polite refusals and questions, you are going to use your knowledge to create your own role play.

Student A: You are the waiter/waitress. You are going to tell your client to have a seat, then offer the menu and take the order. Remember to be polite. Student B: You are the client. You are going to order your food, and you are going to ask for the check. Remember to ask politely. b) Then, do it vice versa. Student A is now student B and student B is now student A. Perform your

role play in front of the class.

Activity: 4 Speaking


Student B Choose your food from here.


Activity: 4 Product: A written role play. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Applies prior knowledge and vocabulary to create a conversation.

Uses the notebook notes and menu and to perform a role-play using the structures and vocabulary seen.

Shows enthusiasm and responsibility to cooperate in his/her specific role.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

MENU Appetizers Cheese fingers .......$4 Cheese fries ...........$4 Chicken soup .........$4 Main Dishes Cheeseburger ............................. $6 Spaghetti and meatballs ............. $8 Fish with salad............................. $10 Crispy chicken salad ................... $10 Grilled chicken pieces ................. $10 (served with salad)

Rib eye steak ............................... $12 (served with potato and salad) Beverages

Coffee .................. $5 Lemonade ........... $5 Hot/cold tea ......... $5 Orange juice ........ $5 Desserts

Vanilla or chocolate ice cream .... $3 Mouse cherry cake ...................... $3 Carrot cake .................................. $3

23 BLOCK 1

Didactic Sequence 2. My Vacation.

Start up activities

Do you know the names of all the countries in the world? a) Try to figure out the names of the countries chosen and write the names. b) Circle the country you would like to visit and explain why. Share your opinion in small groups.








Activity: 1 Figure it Out


What are the 6 most important items you would take? What are the 6 most important items your partner would take?

Imagine that you are going to travel to your favorite place. What clothes and items would you take to your trip? Then discuss with your partner what clothes he/she would like to take. One suitcase is for you and another for your partner.

Write 6 items in each suitcase and order them from the most important to the least important. Share your opinions. You can choose from the box or add some other items.

Activity: 1a Pair Activity : Figure it Out








shoulder bag


25 BLOCK 1


Activity: 1 Product: Oral discussion. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes different vocabulary of clothes and items, and names of different countries.

Analyzes the map and demonstrates previous knowledge to names the countries and chooses items and clothes to take for vacation.

Shows respect towards student’s opinions and preferences.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Development activities

Listen without reading the following conversation between Monica and Lucia. Where are they planning to go? Then read and practice the conversation to check your answers. Underline the words that indicate the future tense.

Lucia: Hi Monica! Guess what! I am going to Canada next Saturday and then to Philadelphia.

Monica: Really? That’s great! I am planning my vacations

too, but I don’t know where to take my kids. Lucia: Well, I am going to Osaka because I want to visit my

relatives. I have a long time without visiting them. Monica: That’s a good idea. Maybe I will go to Six Flags to

enjoy the time with my family or just stay here at home resting from work. We need to relax and spend time with our love ones.

Lucia: You are right! Probably I’ll take Ramon, Mariana and

Brianda if they want. Monica: That sounds fun!

Activity: 2 Listening

Do you know the difference between using the future with be going to and will?


Use going to for plans you have decided on. Form: subject +going to + base form + complement.

Example: I’m going to go swimming at the beach.

Use will for possible plans. Form: subject + will + base form + complement

Example: I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll go surfing.

Activity: 2a Grammar Presentation


Complete the following chart by asking three classmates the following questions. Use will for possible plans or be going to if your plans are more certain.

Classmates Where are you going to go next


How much cash are you going to take? And what are

you going to buy?

Who are you going to invite?


I’m going to….. or Maybe, I’ll …..

Activity: 2b Grammar Practice and Speaking

27 BLOCK 1

Student A

a) Read the following situation. Your partner is going to ask you some questions about your plans for this weekend.

Give short answers to all of your partner’s questions.

This is your situation:

b) Now, you have to ask these questions to your partner. Write the answers given.

Work with a partner and decide who is Student A and Student B. Read the instructions carefully.

Activity: 2c Speaking and Writing

You are going to go shopping this weekend. Your sister, (Wendy) and your friend (Marylou) are going to go with you. Your sister is going to drive her new Toyota car. You are going to buy a sweater, and your friend Jennifer is going to buy a dress.

When are you going to go there? Who is going to go with you? What are you going to do? Where are you going to go? How are you going to get there?


Student B a) Ask your partner the following questions. Write the answers given.

b) Read the following situation. Your partner is going to ask you some questions about your plans for this weekend. Give short answers to all of your partner’s questions.

This is your situation:


Activity: 2 Products: Real life situation accomplished.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes the use of will and going to for the future tense.

Compares and applies the two different ways to express the future tense in real life situations.

Collaborates with classmates by sharing information and using the future tense.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

When are you going to go there? Who is going to go with you? What are you going to do? Where are you going to go? How are you going to get there?

You are going to go skiing at Crystal Mountain this weekend. Your friends Gail and Steve are going to go with you. You are going to stay in a hotel. You are going to drive your Jeep to Crystal Mountain.

29 BLOCK 1

Listen to Lucia buying the tickets to Philadelphia. A= Airline ticketing agent

A: Welcome to Nappon Airlines. How may I help you? Lucia: I need a ticket to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A: We have three flights to Osaka weekly: Monday,

Wednesday, and Friday. The flights on Monday and Friday are direct and the one on Wednesday has a stopover in Tokyo. When were you thinking of flying to Philadelphia?

Lucia: I would prefer Wednesday. A: Will this be round trip or one way? Lucia: Round trip returning the following Monday. A: How would you like to fly? Economy? Business? Or first

class? Lucia: Business, please. A: And will anyone be traveling with you? Lucia: Yes, my husband and two children. A: OK, please give me a minute while I check price and availability. Oh! Good! There are several seats still available.

The flight departs at 11:20 AM and arrives in Osaka at 6:40 PM. The price is $877.00. Shall I book it for you?

Lucia: Not yet. I have a few more places to check and then I’ll get back to you.

Activity: 3 Listening

Complete the following chart with the information from the conversation. Share your answers.

Airline’s name Flight Days Direct/Stopover Departure time Arrival time Price

Activity: 3a Comprehension questions


Student A

You are a businessman/ businesswoman. You have some important business in Incheon, South Korea. You need to be in Incheon for a Tuesday morning business meeting. You are not sure when your business will be finished so you only want a one-way ticket, preferably business class. You are traveling with two other people from your company. Option 1

Airline’s name Flight Days Direct/Stopover Departure time Arrival time Price

Option 2

Airline’s name Flight Days Direct/Stopover Departure time Arrival time Price

Work with your partner and create a role play.

Student A: You are the client. You want to buy a ticket to Incheon, South Korea. Choose the best option.

Student B: You are the Airline Ticketing Agent. You’re going to use the schedule to sell the tickets from the next page.

Activity: 3b Speaking

31 BLOCK 1

Student B Use these two schedules to give information to the client.

Trips Airlines

Fares and Flight Schedules

Destination Schedule Stopover Departs Arrives Price (Economy/Business/First Class)

One way Return

South Korea

Incheon Monday Jakarta 11:30 PM

6:00 AM on Tues.

$545 / $789 / $1450 $945 / $1489 / $2450

Incheon Tuesday Jakarta 9:30 AM 5:45 PM $545 / $789 / $1450 $915 / $1469 / $2350

Incheon Friday no 9:30 AM 4:00 PM $545 / $789 / $1450 $945 / $1489 / $2450

Trips Airlines

Fares and Flight Schedules

Destination Schedule Stopover Departs Arrives Price (Economy/Business/First Class)

One way Return

South Korea

Incheon Monday no 10:10 PM

7:20 AM on Tues.

$625 / $970 / $1500 $1125 / $1670 / $2800

Incheon Tuesday no 11:10 AM 8:20 PM $625 / $970 / $1500 $1125 / $1670 / $2800

Incheon Saturday Bangkok 11:10 AM 9:40 PM $615 / $970 / $1500 $1025 / $1630 / $2700


Activity: 3 Products: Reading comprehension chart and role play performance.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes how to ask for tickets in an English Speaking country.

Analyzes a specific real situation in an airport and chooses the best option to buy a ticket.

Shows initiative and interest towards collaborative learning.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:


Imagine that you are in an English speaking country and you need to know where to take a taxi to the nearest hotel. What would you do? You can use these expressions to ask questions for information. Could you tell me...? Do you know...? I'd like to know... Could you find out...? I'm interested in... I'm looking for.. Pay attention on how to construct the sentences or questions.

Formula Wh-question Complement

Could you tell me when the next train leaves?

Do you know how much a ticket costs?

I'd like to know what you think about this hotel.

Could you tell me when the next train leaves?

Could you find out when she is going to arrive?

Formula Gerund Complement

I'm interested in renting an apartment.

Formula Noun Complement

I'm looking for information on hotels.

Listen to a dialogue between a man and a girl. Answer True or False.

1. The girl wants to go to the restrooms. _______

2. She wants to take a taxi. _______

3. The man is Mexican. _______

4. The man drives a taxi. _______

5. He is going to help her. _______

Activity: 4 Grammar Presentation

33 BLOCK 1


Activity: 4 Products: Polite questions to ask for information.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes different expressions used to ask for information politely.

Practices the expressions taught to ask for something in specific.

Uses assertively the expressions and structures given.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Imagine that you arrived at the airport and you need information of how to get to a specific place. Read each situation and write the question. Use the formulas.

1. You don’t know where the nearest cash machine is.


2. You want to know where the closest hotel to the airport is.


3. You don’t know where to take the bus.


4. You don’t know where the restrooms are.


5. You are very hungry and want to eat in the nearest restaurant.


Activity: 4a Grammar Practice


Closing activity


Activity: 5 Product: A brochure. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Lists and chooses a favorite place to talk and write about.

Uses his/her knowledge seen to describe a favorite place or city and creates, and designs a brochure of it.

Shows creativity to design a brochure.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

A Brochure is a single sheet that can be either bi-folded or tri-folded. It contains information of a place, a country, or people. They are most commonly found at places that tourists frequently visit, such as museums, major shops, and tourist information.

a) You are going to design and create a tri- folded brochure of a place you know very well in your city

and that you would like to recommend it to visit. b) Work in pairs or groups of three and use your creativity to create a brochure. c) Search for information if necessary. d) In your brochure you will include these 6 sections:

1) The coverage with an introduction of the place you chose. 2) Location of the place you chose (include a map or guide of how to get there). 3) Description of the place. 4) Tourist places. 5) Hotels and foods 6) Free section (write about any topic you would like to include).

e) Present your brochure to the rest of your classmates. You have to persuade them to visit this place.

Activity: 5 Writing and Speaking

35 BLOCK 1

Didactic Sequence 3. Our Environment.

Start up activities

Look at the pictures below and discuss with your partner. Are these the Rocky Mountains, the Himalayas or the Sierra Nevada’s mountains?

Activity: 1 Figure it out


Development activities

These are the Sierra Nevada’s Mountains. Read the following information about the Sierra Nevada’s Mountains and discuss the comprehension questions.

Activity: 1a Reading

The Sierra Nevada, snowy mountain range is a mountain range in the U.S. states of California and Nevada, between the California Central Valley and the Basin and Range Province. The Sierra run 400 miles (640 km) north-to-south, and are approximately 70 miles (110 km) across east-to-west

37 BLOCK 1

This is a piece of one of the largest and longest-lived life forms on Earth. The giant sequoia tree from which this slice comes survived for over 1,300 years. The full height of the tree, exceeded 300 feet. Several factors contribute to the long life of the giant sequoia. Its unusually thick bark is fire-resistant; the trees actually depend on fires to thin out the firs and pines that would otherwise eventually take over. Giant sequoia seeds do well in a fire-mineralized soil and are shed in greatest numbers after a fire. The tree also contains a natural wood preservative, and is very resistant to disease. No one knows how long a sequoia can live. Many trees in Sequoia National Park, in California, are more than 3,000 years old, still growing vigorously and producing abundant seeds every year. This sequoia slice offers a lesson in how to discover the age of a tree. Around the central point of the slice are concentric rings, some of which are invisible to the naked eye. Each of these represents one year's growth. To make the immense age of the tree more vivid, we have placed marks on some of the growth rings, each corresponding to a significant historical event. Even 1,000 years ago, represented by the fourth mark from the center, this was a very big tree. These rare and remarkable trees are a natural treasure. Most of them are in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks or under other government protection. Today, it is illegal to cut them down.

Growth rings

Activity: 1a (continuation)



Activity: 1 Product: Comprehension questions and speaking chart.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies main ideas and unknown vocabulary from a text.

Discusses about environmental issues, chooses and compares different places.

Behaves and shows positive attitude.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

1. How long is the Sierra Nevada form north to south and from east to west? 2. Which is the name of the largest tree in California? 3. Name some factors of these trees that make them live for many years. 4. How can scientist know the age of a tree? 5. Are people authorized to cut these trees?

Activity: 1a (continuation)

Now, let’s talk about five marvelous places in our country or city. Complete these chart and discuss in groups your 5 marvelous places. Explain your reasons and share your answers.

The five marvelous places of ____________________ Reasons

1. Most important church: 2. Beautiful natural feature : 3. Ancient city or monument: 4. Interesting museum: 5. Popular touristic attraction:

Activity: 1b Speaking

39 BLOCK 1

Listen and complete the following chart.

Name of the natural feature

How large is it?

How hot does it get?

Which animals can you find?

Activity: 2 Listening

Read and analyze the following structures to make questions using How + an adjective.

Questions with How + adjective…..?

How + adjective

How high is the Pico de Orizaba Volcano? How long is the Nile River? How wide is the Grand Canyon? How deep is the Pacific Ocean? How large is the Sahara Desert? How hot does it get the Sonoran Desert?

It’s 5, 636 meters high. It’s 6, 695 kilometers long. It’s about 29 kilometers wide. It’s about 11,000 meters deep. It’s 9,400,000 square kilometers large. It can reach to 98 degrees in January.

Activity: 2a Grammar Presentation


Make questions using the information below. Use How + adjective. Then answer the questions. Practice them with a classmate.

1. Mount Aconcagua / 6,962 meters high.


B: It’s_____________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Lake Baikal/ 1, 741 meters deep.


B: It’s_____________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Grand Canyon/ 29 kilometers wide.


B: It’s_____________________________________________________________________________________________


4. Machenzie River/4,241 kilometers long.


B: It’s_____________________________________________________________________________________________


Activity: 2b Grammar Practice

41 BLOCK 1

Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions to complete your chart. NOTE: You will find difficult words to pronounce. Ask your teacher for help if necessary.


You are missing some information about the highest mountains in the world but your partner does have. Ask Student Y questions using how + adj. to complete your chart

How high is/are ____________mountain(s)? It’s/They’re _________________________ high.

Where is/are they ________________ located? It’s/They’re located in __________________.

Rank Mountain Height (m)[2] Range Location

1 -Mount Everest/ -Sagarmatha /

-Chomolungma 8,848 Mahalangur Himalaya

2 - K2/

-Qogir/ - Godwin Austen

Baltoro Karakoram

3 Kangchenjunga 8,586 Kangchenjunga Himalaya

4 Lhotse 8,516

5 Makalu 8,485 Mahalangur Himalaya

6 Cho Oyu

Mahalangur Himalaya

7 Dhaulagiri I 8,167 Dhaulagiri Himalaya

8 Manaslu 8,163

9 Nanga Parbat 8,126 Nanga Parbat Himalaya

10 Annapurna I

Annapurna Himalaya

Activity: 2c Speaking and Grammar Practice.



Activity: 2 Product: Completion speaking activity.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes the use of questions formed by how + adjectives.

Applies the structure seen to complete a chart about the highest mountains in the world.

Deals effectively with real communicative situation.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:


You are missing some information about the highest mountains in the world but your partner does have. Ask Student X questions using how + adj. to complete your chart.

How high is/are ____________mountain(s)? It’s/They’re _________________________ high.

Where is/are they_________________ located? It’s/They’re located in __________________.

Rank Mountain Height (m)[2] Range Location

1 -Mount Everest/ -Sagarmatha /

-Chomolungma 8,848[7]

2 - K2/

-Qogir/ - Godwin Austen

8,611 Baltoro Karakoram

3 Kangchenjunga

Kangchenjunga Himalaya

4 Lhotse 8,516 Mahalangur Himalaya

5 Makalu 8,485

6 Cho Oyu 8,188 Mahalangur Himalaya

7 Dhaulagiri I

Dhaulagiri Himalaya

8 Manaslu 8,163 Manaslu Himalaya

9 Nanga Parbat 8,126

10 Annapurna I 8,091 Annapurna Himalaya

Activity: 2c (continuation)

43 BLOCK 1

a) Listen to people talking and match each situation with the correct sign. b) Listen again and discuss in small groups each situation. Write some recommendations.

1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______

Recommendations for:

Situation 1

Situation 2

Situation 3

Activity: 3 Listening


Imperatives are verbs used for different reasons, such as telling people what to do, giving instructions and advice, making recommendations and suggestions, and for making offers. Look at the examples.

Come in and sit down, please. Don't open the window, it's cold. Put the coin in the slot and press the red button. Don't ask her, she doesn't know. See the doctor, it's the best thing. Have a bit more wine.

a) Read the following driving information and circle the verbs used as imperatives. b) Then, write a checkmark ( ) in the blanks if you or someone in your family follow these tips.

Discuss and share your answers.

SOLUTION TO POLLUTION: TIPS FOR DRIVERS The following are tips for drivers to reduce air pollution:

___ Avoid waiting in long drive-through lines.

___ Keep your vehicle well maintained.

___ Change air and oil filters regularly.

___ Keep tires properly inflated and aligned.

___ Repair all vehicle leaks.

___ Make an appointment with a repair tech if Check Engine light is illuminated.

___ Fill gas tank during cooler evening hours to reduce evaporation.

___ Avoid spilling gas and don’t "top off" the tank.

___ Replace gas tank cap tightly.

___ Recycle used Motor Oil, Antifreeze, and Oil Filters.

___ Recycle batteries.

___ Recycle tires.

Activity: 3a Grammar Presentation

45 BLOCK 1

Look at the pictures and discuss with a partner what you think the picture is trying to express. Write notes in the bottom and include imperatives.
















Activity: 3b Analyzing and Discussing



Activity: 3 Product: Imperatives exercises and pronunciation exercise.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes imperatives in real conversations and in written texts.

Produces oral communication to talk about imperatives and environmental issues.

Participates actively in group discussion.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

There are some words that are pronounced together. For example: Slip it over your head.

Read the following instructions given by a flight attendant. Draw a to connect the words that are pronounced together and practice with a partner. Then, decide which of the sentences contain imperatives.

1. To dress it, pull it over your head. 2. To inflate it, pull the red tags. 3. Clip on the waist band and pull them tight. 4. Bring the two ends together and adjust it to your body. 5. To unfasten it, pull the upper part. 6. We will now give you some information.

7. I would like to welcome you aboard...

Activity: 3c Pronunciation

47 BLOCK 1

Pair work. Read the following situations and talk with a partner. Then, discuss in the class the different situations you talked about.

Student 1 You have to read and explain the following situations: Describe an impressive natural feature in your country that you have seen or know about: You should say:

Where it is.

What kind of place it is surrounded by. What it looks like.

And say what is impressive about it.

Describe an animal that lives in the wild in your country. You should say:

What it looks like. What its habits are.

How it interacts with people. And say if you think there will be more or less of this animal in the future and why

Student 2 You have to read and explain the following situations.

Describe an ecological problem in your country: You should say:

What the problem is. Why it happens.

How it can be solved. And say if you think it will be solved in the near future or not, and why.

Describe your favorite season in your country. You should say:

When that season is from and to.

What the weather is like. How it is different from the other seasons in your country.

And say what you are planning to do when that season next comes.

Activity: 4 Speaking


Now that you have already discussed with your partner about an ecological problem in your country in activity four, you are going to make three signs that may help prevent this ecological problem. Then, present your problem and signs in front of the class.

Activity: 4a Grammar Practice and Speaking

49 BLOCK 1

Closing activities


Activity: 5 Product: Object made by recycled paper.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Lists different objects made of recycled material.

Applies their knowledge to create an object made with recycled material and presents to the rest of the classmates.

Shows creativity and positivism to work in a group project.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:


Activity: 4 Product: Speaking about environmental issues.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies specific environmental situations in our country.

Compares different situations regarding to the environment.

Shows initiative and interest when working in pairs.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

In order to help our environment, we are going to recycle material. Work in teams of 4 and use your imagination and creativity to create something made up of recycled material. Search for information if necessary. Present your project to the rest of your classmates and explain how you created it (use imperatives). Decide and vote for the best project.

Look at these examples:

Candywrapper Handbags

Recycled Soda bottle

Activity: 5 Project Presentation



Activity: 6 Product: Power point presentation. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies ecological problems to promote a school ecological project.

Applies knowledge to preserve and protect his/her school environment.

Appreciates how the natural world sustains us and promotes the environment and social well-being of his/her school community.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NC

Obtained Value:

In your Written English II subject, you are developing a project in which you will create something for your school to help the environment. For example the school composting, the signs to use light bulbs correctly, the recycling trashcans or the school gardening of organic vegetables.

In this subject, instead of presenting a written report, you will do it orally. Prepare a power point presentation and talk about your project. This will be graded at the end of the semester.

Activity: 6 Project Final Presentation

Feelings and Emotions

Competencias profesionales: 1. Descubre y aplica nuevas expresiones y frases utilizadas en un segundo idioma. 2. Plantea y contesta preguntas sencillas sobre temas usuales. 3. Desarrolla y combina las habilidades básicas del Inglés (escritura, lectura, comunicación oral

y habilidad auditiva). 4. Critica y argumenta haciendo uso de un segundo idioma, acerca de situaciones y problemas

de la vida real. 5. Crea y mantiene conversaciones en el idioma Inglés.

Unidad de competencia: Aplica el conocimiento y habilidades del idioma Inglés para interactuar efectivamente en

situaciones de la vida real.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas en cualquier contexto en el que se encuentra. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

Time assigned: 15 hours


Didactic Sequence 1. Long time no see!

Start up activity


Activity: 1 Product: Oral discussion. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the simple past tense and past continuous.

Recognizes regular and irregular verbs in a text and deduces the name of the person they are reading.

Shows good attitude in participating in the class.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

a) Read the biography of this famous person and try to guess who he/she is. b) Underline all the verbs in the simple past. c) Find and circle a sentence that uses the simple past and past continuous together.

He was born on September 25th, 1968 and is an American actor and rapper. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the second of four children. He started his career as part of the pop-rap duo DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince, performing humorous, radio-friendly songs, most notably "Parents Just Don't Understand". He was a charismatic and energetic performer, and in 1990 the NBC television network signed him up and built a sitcom, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, around him. He began a successful movie career near the show's end with Bad Boys (1995). He was performing the Fresh Prince when he began his solo career in music. Then he starred in several movies, including Men in Black, Independence Day, Enemy of the State, Wild Wild West, and Ali. He released a string of hit singles, often associated with his most recent movie, throughout the late 1990s. He is married to actress Jada Pinkett Smith. Along with his brother Harry Smith, he owns Treyball Development Inc., a Beverly Hills, California-based company named for his son, Willard Christopher "Trey" Smith, III.

Discuss with your partner the questions below. 1. What else do you know about this person? 2. Do you like watching his movies and programs? Why?

Activity: 1 Figure it out!

53 BLOCK 2

Using Past Continuous and Simple Past Together

The past continuous is used for an action in progress in the past. Form: subject + was/were + verb (ing) + complement. Example: We were singing when….. The simple past is used for a completed action. Example: I was watching TV, when she called. Past continuous Simple past More examples: While we were having a picnic, it started to rain. You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.

Development activities

Listen and complete the following conversation between Lucia and Monica. Listen again and practice it with a partner.

Lucia: Hi Monica! Long time no see!

Monica: Hi Lucia! What did you do in your vacations? Did you go to Canada and Philadelphia with your family?

Lucia: Yes, I did but it was too scary.

Monica: Why? What happened?

Lucia: We _______________ _________________ to the airport when

a storm _______________. It was awful!

Monica: Oh really? But thanks God you are okay.

Lucia: Yes, and what did you do? Did you go to Six Flags?

Monica: No, I didn‟t go. Can you see my foot?

Lucia: Oh! What happened?

Monica: I ______________ _______________ when the phone _____________

Then I ran and fell down. But it‟s only a sore muscle.

Lucia: I‟m sorry Monica. You should rest in bed. Let‟s go!

Activity: 2 Listening

Activity: 2a Grammar Presentation


Write sentences using the past continuous and the simple past tense.

1. listen ipod/ tornado arrive

I was listening to my Ipod when the tornado arrived.

2. write e-mail/computer turn off


3. phone ring/ read book


4. eat pizza/ call me


5. do homework/ break leg


Activity: 2b Grammar Practice

Let’s practice the pronunciation of some regular verbs in the past. The “ed” of the past tense of regular verbs can have a /t/, /d/ or /Id/ sound at the end.

Look at the examples:

Worked /t/ Loved /d/ Wanted /Id/

a) Write the past tense of each verb. b) Draw a checkmark in the column that corresponds to the ending sound of the verb.

Ending sounds

Base form Past / T / / D / / Id/

Liked liked




Activity: 2c Pronunciation

55 BLOCK 2

Ending sounds

Base form Past / T / / D / / Id/















Activity: 2c (continuation)



Activity: 2

Products: Sentences using the simple past and past continuous and a chart with ending sounds of regular past tense verbs.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the simple past and past continuous forms and pronunciation of past tense verbs.

Compares the difference between the simple past and past continuous and applies the rules to form sentences.

Shows cooperation when working in pairs or teams.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Discuss the pictures with your classmates. What do you think it happened? Use the simple past and past continuous. Write your notes and share them with your classmates and teacher.

A B C Example: In picture A, I think the man was exercising when a storm arrived or maybe …. _________________________________________________________________________________________________













Activity: 2d Discussing

57 BLOCK 2

Ask two of your classmates the following questions and include two more questions. Use the simple past and past continuous in the answers. Then, you can share them and write some on the board.

Questions Student‟s 1 name: Student‟s 2 name:

What were you doing when the planes hit the twin towers?

What were you doing when Michael Jackson died?

Where were you when the last storm arrived?

Activity: 3 Speaking



Activity: 3 Products: Speaking chart answered and completed sentences.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the simple past and past continuous in real life situations.

Applies the grammar rules to answer questions or complete sentences using the simple past and past continuous.

Participates actively with his/her partner.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair Work. Work with a partner to complete the following sentences using the simple past tense or past continuous. Share your answers with your teacher.

Student S Read these sentences to your partner. He/She has to think fast to complete the following sentences using the simple past or past continuous. One day while I was watching my teeth,

On Monday I was doing my English homework…

Last week, while I was walking at Boulevard Lake…

On Friday I was taking a very difficult English test…

I saw Will Smith walking down the street…

I met the most beautiful/handsome man/woman…

Student O

Read these sentences to your partner. He/She has to think fast to complete the following sentences using the simple past or past continuous. I saw a building on fire

Yesterday while I was dancing in a party…

I was in the Casino …

While I was dancing in the club with my friends, …

One day I saw the ghost of Michael Jackson …

Last week, I was flying to Australia

Activity: 3a Speaking

59 BLOCK 2

We use the Present Perfect Continuous/ Progressive to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now.

These are the structures to follow:

For WH – questions

Where has she been working the last two months? She has been working in Peter Piper Pizza for the last two months.

For Yes/No questions

Has he been eating the same food all the week? Yes, he has been eating the same food. Or No, he hasn‟t been eating the same food.

Read the dialogue and practice it. Then read and analyze the grammar explanation of the use of the present perfect continuous.

Joseph: What have you been doing since I saw you last?

Marcos: Well, I ___________ _____________ going to guitar lessons since September.

Joseph: Guitar lessons? Really? So, what kind of songs do you like to ____________?

Marcos: So far, I have learned to play only _______________ ones.

This is one I‟ve just learned.

Activity: 4 Grammar Presentation

NOTE: Use since + (a specific time).


for + (a length of time).


























Look at the pictures. Write a short paragraph for each picture and practice the present perfect progressive. What have they been doing recently? Then, read aloud and share your opinions.

Activity: 4a Grammar Practice

61 BLOCK 2

Let’s practice the present perfect continuous. First, complete the chart by adding three more questions you would like to ask to your classmates. Then, ask two of your classmates and take notes. After that, with the help of your teacher make some graphics in the board to show the results of the first three questions.

Have you been….

How long have you been…. Classmate 1 Classmate 2

playing an instrument recently?

studying a foreign language lately?

spending much time with your family on weekends?

Activity: 4b Speaking

Story Sequence pair work activity. Think about a list of things that you have been doing recently and tell your partner. Create and describe perfectly well your story. Your partner will draw your story. Remember to use the present perfect continuous. Then, do it vice versa. After that, share your stories with your teacher and classmates.

Activity: 4c Grammar Practice



Activity: 4 Products: Speaking chart and discussion.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identify f the present perfect continuous.

Demonstrates their knowledge by writing, and speaking using the present perfect continuous.

Shows cooperation when working in pairs or teams.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Story’s name:


63 BLOCK 2

Closing activity


Activity: 5 Product: Scrapbook. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the difference between the simple past, past continuous and present perfect continuous.

Applies their knowledge of the three different tenses and creates and presents a scrapbook of their life.

Shows independence when applying the previous knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

In order to practice the simple past, past continuous and present perfect continuous, you are going to create a Scrapbook.

A scrapbook is simply a decorated photo album—but it’s different from a photo album because it preserves something more than just the photos. A scrapbook includes journaling (telling the story behind the photos) as well as memorabilia (tickets, certificates, letters, etc.) You can decorate your scrapbook album with decorative stamps, stickers and/or paint. It can be a short scrapbook but with a lot of creativity and imagination. Use the simple past, past continuous and the present perfect to talk about your life. Present it in front of your classroom.

Activity: 5 Writing and Speaking


Didactic Sequence 2. What do you think?

Start up activities

What does “the color of mood” mean? ____________________________________________________________________

What do psychologists paint do? _________________________________________________________________________

What colors are used in restaurants and in mental hospitals and why? __________________________________________


Do you know what the meaning of your favorite color is? Read the following article that talks about the symbolism of colors. Then, answer the questions below.

Activity: 1 Reading

Live Your Life in Full Color

Color is all around us. We see it all the time. Most of us have no idea the impact color has on our lives. This

impact of the many colors in our environment is usually not conscious. Sometimes we get an uncomfortable

feeling in certain rooms or very relaxed in another, but we call this a mood. The "Color of mood" can be what is

surrounding us.

Today paint companies may hire a paint psychologist to advise what shades of colors will sell best. Color

psychologists also work in the decorating field. Orange is used in restaurants, because orange increases the

appetite. A good combination for restaurants is pale blue or turquoise and orange. A relaxed atmosphere and a

big appetite are the perfect environment for a restaurant.

Also, there are laboratory experiments about the effect of color on the state of a person's health. We now

know that winter in some parts of the world has not enough sunlight. A light with the sunlight spectrum can now

be used to avoid illness. Blue light is used for a calming effect in some mental hospitals. Other hospitals are now

using soft green, blue, peach and sunny yellow on walls and even sheets and gowns. These colors seem to help

the patients to get well faster.

65 BLOCK 2

We already read that color can influence our emotions, our actions and how we respond to various people, things and ideas. Much has been studied and written about color and its impact on our daily lives. Work in pairs to answer this quiz. You will ask your partner and he/she will ask you. Write a checkmark his/her answers. Then read his/her results. Share with your teacher your results and talk about your personality.

Color Quiz

1. You almost always take the consequences for your actions.

2. You rarely feel sorrow over your own sufferings.

3. You want to live life to the full and you work at it every day.

4. You are a persistent person and endeavor to achieve your goals.

5. You consider yourself an ambitious person, as you work for your dreams to come true.

6. You like to have a little magic and mystery in your life.

7. You are a very active person and really like new things and changes.

8. You look inside yourself every day and try to know yourself.

9. You enjoy your own company and often like being alone.

10. You are good at explaining what you‟re thinking and getting your point understood.

11. You are a calm person and avoid arguments.

12. You take great pride in all that you do and try to do your best.

13. You are a spiritual person.

14. You enjoy competitive games.

15. You have lots of spontaneity and will do things at the "drop of a hat".

Activity: 1a Speaking



Activity: 1 Product: Color personality quiz. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the meaning of colors and different personalities.

Analyzes the text and discusses about the different personalities and color meanings.

Shows confidence to talk about himself/herself.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Check results If you answered "NO" to one or more of questions 1, 9 or 11, you need more serenity in your life. You may be a person who does not take enough time for yourself. This causes you to go out of balance spiritually and you may feel overwhelmed or frustrated more often than is appropriate for the situation. By adding more of the color blue to your environment, you will promote a peaceful feeling of serenity that can balance your active life. Blue can put you more in tune with your inner self, so that your activity is more focused and effective in reaching your goals. If you answered "NO" to one or more of questions 3, 7 and 14, you need more energy and action in your life: You have dreams and desires, but are lacking the energy to make them real. You may be an intelligent person with ambitious plans, but you are missing the passion you admire in others. Add some red to your life to encourage more activity and energy. Red is the color of vitality and passion. If you answered "NO" to one or more of questions 5, 10 or 15 you lack creativity and need more intellectual energy in your life: You may feel a sense of emptiness at times. You could be an energetic person but at the end of the day you feel that you haven't really accomplished anything of substance. You might consider that your life is dull, boring and lacking focus. Yellow will stimulate the intellectual energy that is buried within you. Creativity makes even the smallest pieces in the game of life more interesting. If you answered "NO" to one or more of questions 2, 4 or 12 you really need to get your life in harmony: You might feel that you are at odds with people and situations around you. You may be easily influenced by others and this can sway you from your chosen path. This indicates a lack of self-respect that is hindering your growth in some or all parts of your life. Use the color green to promote well-being, balance, learning and harmony. Green is the color of fertility and nature. You need to open your abilities to learn new things, and balance your life in a direction that meets your needs. If you answered "NO" to one or more of questions 6, 8 or 13, you must bring a better spiritual feeling into your life: You may feel restless, or incomplete, or unhappy. If you are severely lacking in spirituality, you might feel bitter, angry or even emotionless at times. Spiritual health is the base from which all your dreams and goals will spring. It is the foundation for lasting happiness. Purple is a very powerful color.

Activity: 1a (continuation) : Figure it Out

67 BLOCK 2

Development activities

By looking at the picture, what can you tell about their personalities? Listen and complete the following conversation. Jennifer: Look at Joe‟s face. He looks _________________.

Merary: Yes. Maybe Tom must be telling one of his silly jokes or boring stories.

Jennifer: Oh, You are right. Do you remember the joke of a boy that went to the doctor and said: “Doctor!

You‟ve got to help me! Nobody ever _____________ to me. No one ever pays any attention to what I

have to say.” And the doctor says “Next Please!”

Merary: hahaha! Oh, that joke is _________________.

Activity: 2 Grammar Presentation

Change the ending of the adjectives from the sentences below. More than one answer is possible. Look at the example. 1. I get annoyed with my boyfriend. My boyfriend does a lot of annoying things.

2. I‟m bored with my new job. ____________________________________________________________

3. I‟m excited about my trip to Cancun. ____________________________________________________________

4. I‟m interested in making a lot of money ____________________________________________________________

5. I‟m scared of crocodiles. ____________________________________________________________

6. I‟m fascinated about buying a new car ____________________________________________________________

7. I‟m confused about this book. ____________________________________________________________

Activity: 2a Grammar Practice

ADJECTIVES ENDING WITH –ED Describe how you feel about someone or something.

Example: I’m interested in Geology.

ADJECTIVES ENDING WITH –ING Describe someone or something.

Example: I think Geology is interesting.


Discuss the following questions in pairs or teams. Then, share your answers aloud with your teacher.

1. What do you think about politics and how do you feel?

2. What do you think about recent terrorist attacks and how do you feel?

3. What do you think of couples living together without being married?

4. What do you think about global warming? Do you think it is the principal reason of natural disasters? How do

you feel about it?

5. Do you consider boxing as a sport? How do you feel about it?

Activity: 2b Discussing

Pair work. Work with a partner and read the instructions below.

Read the situation to your classmate. He/She has to complete the sentence by using the adjectives from the list.

Look at the example.

Student R Student X: You spilled water on your pants. Student R: I feel embarrassed / this is embarrassing. What are my friends going

to think about me? SITUATIONS: Your pants fell down in front of the class. You want to learn about this new computer. This is a new and wonderful computer! This TV show isn't saying anything informative or new. He's been talking about statistical formulas for hours!! You‟ve been working all day. You've been running for three miles!

This unfriendly dog has big teeth! The hurricane is going to hit our city!! This fly keeps buzzing around my head She won $25 million in the lottery!!

Activity: 2c Speaking and Vocabulary building

List of Adjectives

Embarrassed (ing)

Humiliated (ing)

Interested (ing)

Fascinated (ing)

Bored (ing)

Tired (ing)

Exhausted (ing)

Scared (ing)

Frightened (ing)

Terrified (ing)

Annoyed (ing)

Confused (ing)

Entertained (ing)

Surprised (ing)

Amazed (ing)

Astonished (ing)

Inspired (ing)

Depressed (ing)

Devastated (ing)

69 BLOCK 2


Activity: 2 Product: Real life speaking situations.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies adjectives ending with –ed and –ing.

Applies their previous knowledge by using the adjectives ending with –ed and –ing orally and written in real life situations.

Shows initiative and interest when learning and using different adjectives.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the situation to your classmate. He / She has to complete the sentence by using the adjectives from the list. Look at the example.

Student X Student R: You spilled water in your pants. Student X: I feel embarrassed or this is embarrassing. What are my friends going

to think about me? SITUATIONS This unfriendly cat has big teeth! He's picking his nose in public! The homeless man is doing number two on the street!! Women were tortured, raped and killed during the war!!! He told a good joke that made me laugh. This show made me laugh until my sides hurt! The show was too expensive. She was pregnant and had twins. My son isn‟t home yet, and it‟s after midnight. My daughter isn‟t eating her vegetables anymore. I'm going to take my driving test today.

Activity: 2c (continuation)

List of Adjectives

Embarrassed (ing)

Humiliated (ing)

Interested (ing)

Fascinated (ing)

Bored (ing)

Tired (ing)

Exhausted (ing)

Scared (ing)

Frightened (ing)

Terrified (ing)

Annoyed (ing)

Confused (ing)

Entertained (ing)

Surprised (ing)

Amazed (ing)

Astonished (ing)

Inspired (ing)

Depressed (ing)

Devastated (ing)


_______ Being with your feet together is a sign of formality and respect. _______ Moving the glasses and pushing them to your nose is a sign of nervousness. _______ If the person is far from you it means that he/she is not interested on what you are saying. _______ If the person is frowning is because he or she does not agree on

what you are saying. _______ Making movements with your feet indicates the person is anxious

or impatient. _______ People that is always looking to the floor means that is shy and if

the person is looking to the sides means that he or she is nervous.

1. According to what Amanda said in her TV program, what is her definition for body language?

2. What are some examples of non-verbal communication?

3. Why do you think the signal that people send out with their body is a very important social skill?

4. Do you know another body language that is not included in this article? Which one and what does it mean?

5. How do you know when someone in your classroom is nervous when presenting in front of the class?

6. How do you know when someone is telling you a lie?


Activity: 3 Product: Comprehension discussion questions.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies main ideas in a text. Discusses some questions about the text.

Develops good reading comprehension skills and pronunciation.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Listen to an educational TV program talking about some tips of how to read body language. Number them in the correct order and then discuss the questions below.

Activity: 3 Listening

71 BLOCK 2

Modals and adverbs


The modals might and may mean possibility. Must is used to express certainty.


We use adverbials of probability to say how sure we are about something. For example: definitely, maybe, perhaps, among others.

It might/ may mean the woman is scared. (not sure) It must mean that the man is angry. (sure)

Maybe/Perhaps it means the woman feels sorry. (not sure) Definitely they are upset. (very sure)

Look at the picture. How do you think the man and the woman feel? What does their body language tells you?

Activity: 4 Grammar Presentation

Listen and repeat the sentences above. Then, practice linking and deleting sounds as shown with a classmate.

Linking and Deletion with must LINKING SOUNDS DELETING THE ( T ) SOUND Before a vowel sound or the consonants /h,l,r,w,y/ Before most consonant sounds She must enjoy working. She mus(t) be a genius.

She must have some other plans. She mus(t) study English.

She must live with her boyfriend. She mus(t) feel lonely.

Activity: 4a Pronunciation










Look at the pictures and write about it. What does his gestures and body language tells you? Use modals and adverbs. Then, discuss your answers with your teacher.

Activity: 4b Grammar Practice

73 BLOCK 2

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Discuss in groups the meaning of these people body’s language. Then, create a short dialogue between 2 or 3 classmates by using pictures 5, 6 or 9. Use modals and adverbs.

Activity: 4c Discussing and Writing

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9








Activity: 4 Product: Sentences using modals and adverbs.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies modal and adverbs in sentences.

Describes different pictures using modals and adverbs and compares with their classmates.

Demonstrated their previous knowledge in every activity.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair work. What am I describing?

a) Describe the people or objects of this picture. When describing people, use the adverbs and modals we already saw.

b) Your classmate has to guess what person or object you are describing. c) At the end, write a descriptive paragraph of this busy street scene.

Activity: 4d Speaking

75 BLOCK 2

Closing activity Example: (picture of the two old women) Rocio: Hi Juanita! How are you? You look excited. Juanita: I´m excited! I´ve just bought a new car! Rocio: Really? That´s amazing! And what happened to the other one? …. _________________________________________________________

















Activity: 5 Product: Written and oral presentation.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Verifies the correct uses of modals, adjectives and adverbs.

Writes and performs a dialogue using the adverbs, adjectives and modals.

Shows and proves their understanding by using their knowledge in real communication.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Look at the picture and choose two characters to write a dialogue. Remember to use adjectives, adverbs and modals. Then, present it in front of the class.

Activity: 5 Dialogue


Didactic Sequence 3. A visit to…

Start up activity



Activity: 1 Product: Reading comprehension box.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies tag questions in a text. Applies listening skills to complete the dialogue and performs it.

Shows a good performance and motivation when participating.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Listen and complete the following conversation between the doctor and his patient. Then, practice it with a partner. After that, complete the chart below with the information you have just listened to.

A = Doctor B= Patient

A: Hi. Come on in and have a seat.

Now what seems to be the ___________________?

B: I have a rash on my arm. It is not dangerous, is it?

A: I don‟t think so, and how long have you had the _______________?

B: It‟s been about a week.

A: You are taking something for it. Aren‟t you?

B: Yes, I ______________ some on it but it doesn‟t seem to be helping.

A: I see. Are you allergic to any medications?

B: Not that I know of.

A: I‟m going to give you a _______________ for some ointment. I want you to apply it three times a day.

You should also avoid scratching your skin. And it‟s important to use as little soap as possible.

Make an_____________________ to see me next week if it doesn‟t get better over the next few days.

Medical Condition

Duration Prior Medication

Allergic to Medication?

New prescription

and directions.


Activity: 1 Listen and Read

77 BLOCK 2

Development activities

These questions are called Tag Questions. A tag question is a special construction in English. It is a statement followed by a mini-question. The whole sentence is a "tag question", and the mini-question at the end is called a "question tag". We use tag questions at the end of statements to ask for confirmation. They mean something like: "Am I right?" or "Do you agree?" They are very common in English. The basic structure is:

+ Positive statement,

- negative tag?

The dog is sick, isn't it?

- Negative statement,

+ positive tag?

You don't like me, do you?

Look at these examples with positive statements:

Positive statement [+] Negative tag [-]

Subject Auxiliary Main verb Complement Auxiliary Not Personal pronoun (same as subject)

You are coming, are n't you?

We have finished, have n't we?

You do like coffee, do n't you?

Look at these examples with negative statements:

Negative statement [-] Positive tag [+]

Subject Auxiliary Not/Never Main verb Compl. Comma Auxiliary Personal pronoun (same as subject)

It is not snowing , is it?

We have never seen that , have we?

You do not like soda , do you?

They will not help , will they?

Go back to activity 1 and analyze the bolded questions. Do you know how are these questions called?

Activity: 2 Reading



You don't know where my wallet is, do you?

rising real


It's a beautiful view, isn't it?

falling not a real


Let’s Practice with a partner. Speaker B is a baseball player, but he has a broken leg and is in the hospital. Speaker A is his wife and is very worried that he will try to get out of bed and go to the game today. A: You're not going to the game, are you? (with rising intonation) B: I want to go, but since my leg is broken, I guess that I'm not going, am I? (With falling intonation)

We can change the meaning of a tag question with the musical pitch of our voice. With rising intonation, it sounds like a real question and you are expecting an answer or information. But if our intonation falls, it sounds more like a statement that doesn't require a real answer and he/she is only seeking for confirmation.

Listen and practice the following tag questions.

Activity: 2a Intonation Practice

Now, you will listen to your teacher. Pay attention to his/her intonation and decide whether he/she is seeking agreement or wants information. Draw a checkmark in the correct column. Then, check the correct choice.

The speaker is sure and is seeking

agreement. The speaker is not sure and wants


1. It‟s going to rain today, isn‟t it?

2. I‟m pretty forgetful, aren‟t I?

3. They won‟t report us, will they?

4. I can never do it right, can I?

5. John was there, wasn‟t he?

6. We mustn‟t tell her, must we

Activity: 2b Listening

79 BLOCK 2


Activity: 2 Products: Intonation charts, and tag questions.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies Tag questions and their different intonations in questions.

Analyzes and differentiates intonations and its meaning in tag questions.

Shows initiative and interest in a collaborative form.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Complete the following tag questions. 1. You are coming to the party, _____________________________________________________________________?

2. It wasn‟t very difficult, __________________________________________________________________________?

3. Jonathan is getting something for Sue, ____________________________________________________________?

4. There‟s some milk in the refrigerator ______________________________________________________________?

5. We don‟t need to go to the store today, ___________________________________________________________?

6. Alex can bring some food, ______________________________________________________________________?

7. The movie was very long, _______________________________________________________________________?

8. There‟s a dictionary is in the shelf, _______________________________________________________________?

9. Mrs. Smith is sick, _____________________________________________________________________________?

10. George won‟t be at the party, ___________________________________________________________________?

Activity: 2c Grammar Practice

You can use Tag Questions in any situation, but in this case we are going to practice them when visiting a doctor. We can have any health problem when visiting an English speaking country and it is very important to know what to do and how to communicate effectively. First, let’s learn vocabulary commonly used in this specific situation.

Activity: 3 Building Vocabulary


Look for the definition of these words in a dictionary or create your own definitions.

Vocabulary: Appointment: Symptoms: Prescription: Health insurance: Medical history: Wound: Rash: Pain: Swell: Crutch: Injection: Flu: Mumps: Illness: Treatment:

Activity: 3 (continuation)

81 BLOCK 2

Complete the following dialogue by using some of the vocabulary seen. Then, circle the tag questions. After that, perform it with a partner.

Making an Appointment Clinic: Hello, Houston Hospital Center. May I help you? Patient: Hello, My name is Maria Gomez. I would like to make an ______________ with the doctor. Clinic: Who is your doctor? Patient: My doctor is Dr. Anniston. Clinic: What is your phone number? Patient: 621-64-78 Clinic: How will you be paying for this appointment? Do you have health insurance or medical coupons? Patient: No, I don't. Can you tell me what the charge would be for this visit? Clinic: We charge $50.00. Please bring your ID with you and come 20 minutes before the time of your

appointment to fill out a ___________________________. What is wrong with you? Patient: I am not feeling well. I think I have a _________________. I hate my runny nose. Clinic: OK. Don´t worry. The doctor can see you today at Monday October 12th. You can come at 4:00 pm,

Can‟t you? Patient: Yes, I can Thank you. Goodbye.

Arriving at the clinic Patient: My name is Maria Gomez. I have an appointment at 4:00 with Doctor Anniston. Clinic: You live in Main street, don´t you? Patient: Yes, I do. Clinic: OK, take this down the hall to door number 3. Place the papers in the basket by the door and wait for

the doctor. Patient: Thank you.

With the Doctor Doctor: Hello Maria what´s the matter with you? Patient: I've flu. Doctor: You aren't running a temperature, are you? Patient: I suppose I'm not. Doctor: Let me examine you... Your heart and lungs seems to be all right. Now open your mouth wide... Now

breathe in deeply through the nose... There doesn't seem to be anything radically wrong with you. But you have a little fever. Take a complete rest. I will give you a __________________ to follow. Get these tablets twice a day, every 12 hours. You should be all right in three or four days.

Patient: Thank you, doctor. Doctor: Not at all.

Activity: 3a Building Vocabulary


Student A

You are a doctor and patients are going to come into your office. Ask them about their condition, prescribe some medicine, and give them some advice. This is your treatment list.

Ailment: diarrhea Prescribe: some medicine Take twice daily. Extra Advice: (a) Drink plenty of fluids. (b) Avoid foods containing milk.

Ailment: flu Prescribe: antiviral medication. Take three times daily after meals. Extra Advice: (a) Get lots of rest. (b) Drink plenty of fluids

Ailment: constipation Prescribe: laxative. Take every morning when you wake up. Extra Advice: (a) Get some exercise. (b) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Ailment: sore throat Prescribe: some medication Take every four hours. Extra Advice: (a) Drink plenty of liquids. (b) Drink warm tea with honey.

Ailment: rash Prescribe: an ointment. Apply four times a day. Extra Advice: (a) Avoid scratching your skin. (b) Use as little soap as possible.

Ailment: indigestion Prescribe: antacid. Take after meals. Extra Advice: (a) Avoid spicy food. (b) Cut down on eating and drinking.

Ailment: cuts Prescribe: an antibacterial ointment. Apply three times daily. Extra Advice: (a) Wash carefully with mild soap. (b) Keep dirt out of it.

Ailment: sprained ankle Prescribe: some pain killers Take whenever you have pain. (maximum five times daily) Extra Advice: (a) Keep your foot elevated. (b) Keep ice on it for 24hours

Ailment: high blood pressure Prescribe: some pills. Take after meals three times daily. Extra Advice: (a) Exercise daily. (b) Lose some weight. (c) Cut down on salt and alcohol.

Classroom activity. Now that you know the steps to follow when visiting the doctor and vocabulary used, we are going to practice them.

Work with your classmates with the following situations. Choose whether being Student A or B. Try to include as much tag questions as you can and practice intonation.

Activity: 3b Speaking

83 BLOCK 2

Student B You are the patient. Visit different doctors and tell them about different conditions you may have (choose 5 illness) Write down your doctor‟s recommendations in the table below. Illness you may have: diarrhoea, flu, constipation, sore throat, rash, indigestion, cuts, sprained ankle, or high blood



Activity: 3 Products: Vocabulary meanings and speaking pair activity.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies technical vocabulary tag questions.

Applies their previous knowledge in real hospital situations.

Shows initiative and interest in a collaborative form.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Doctor‟s Name Medical Condition Prescription Prescription Directions Other Advice


Idioms are expressions in which the meaning of the whole expression has a different meaning from the meanings of the individual words.

Match the following idiomatic expressions with its correct meanings.

1. _____I'm feeling very run down.

2. ____After those vitamins the doctor gave me, I feel as fit as a fiddle

3. _____I was knocked out for a few days but now I'm back on my feet.

4. _____My back is killing me.

5. _____He's in a very bad way

6. _____I am sick and tired of the rainy season. I hope it will be over soon.

7. _____Driving on the highway during rush hours is a pain in the neck.

8. _____This year our baseball team, Toronto Blue Jays, is going to win the World Series. I can feel it in my


9. _____I didn't get the job promotion. Instead my boss promoted his cousin. Oh well, blood is thicker than


10. _____This part of town is an eyesore - look at all the garbage and graffiti!

11. _____His irresponsible behavior really makes my blood boil.

A) Very tired of (something/someone) B) To say that you are in good health. C) To be certain that something is right / true without being able to explain why D) To indicate a serious illness. E) Very ugly, not good to look at. F) To say that you have recovered from an illness. G) Relatives are the most important people H) To indicate a lot of pain. I) To indicate you are not in good health. J) Something or somebody annoying or irritating. K) To pay money.

Activity: 4 Learning Idiomatic Expressions

85 BLOCK 2

Taken from: http://www.prweb.com/releases/ballard-tighe/championblue/prweb1248474.htm

You will notice that idioms are used in any context as in the following examples. Read and find out the idioms in the following conversations. Then, look for their meanings in the internet or in an idiom dictionary. After that, practice them with a partner.

Activity: 4a Learning Idiomatic Expressions



Activity: 4 Products: Idioms matching exercise and dialogue.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies idiomatic expressions and its meanings.

Applies the idiomatic expressions used in real situations and dramatizes a dialogue.

Demonstrated a good comprehension of idiom uses.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write and perform a dialogue of any situation to practice the idioms you have learned. You can use these ones or look for more of them in the internet or in an idioms dictionary. Remember that the more you practice the better you learn.

Activity: 4b Learning Idiomatic Expressions

87 BLOCK 2

Talking about Shopping. Look at the following pictures and discuss the questions with your partner. Share your ideas.

Activity: 5 Speaking

Do you read the labels on products? Why?

Do you like window shopping? Why?

Which is your favorite department?

In the box, you will find vocabulary commonly used when shopping. Make sure you know the definition of all the words and use the dictionary if necessary. Complete the following sentences with the correct word.

Recommendations When Going Shopping

If you want to go shopping there are a number of things you have to consider. If you

would like to find a ____________________you should make sure to go to a sale. The

only problem with a sale is that it is sometimes hard to exchange something once you

buy it. Many stores also refuse to give a refund on anything you have bought. If you are

looking for clothes, make sure to ______________________ and check the

______________________ to make sure that it is a good _____________________.

Another good idea is to look at the __________________and ______________________ to

see instructions for washing, etc. It's always a good _____________________ idea to also

ask the _____________________________ for advice. Finally, when you go to the

_____________________________ you can usually pay by ________________________ or

_____________________ if you don't have the ____________________________. Never

forget to get the ____________________________!

Activity: 5a Building Vocabulary

Tag Label Cashier Bargain Receipt Exchange Take Back Try them on Fit Advice Shop Assistant Credit card Check Select Cash Refund Size Sale


Listen and complete the following conversation between the salesman and the customer. Can you identify the tense of the words in bold?

A: Salesman C: Costumer

A: Can I help you?

C : Yes. I‟d like to return these jeans.

A : May I ask why you‟re returning them?

C : I bought them for my son, but they‟re too __________________.

A : Do you have the receipt?

C : Yes, here it is.

A : I‟m sorry. These jeans were on sale. There are no _________________ On sale items. You can exchange

them for something else or we can give you a credit note.

C : Do you have the jeans in a larger size?

A : Let me check………….. I‟m afraid they have sold out. I can give you a ________________ _______________.

Have you ever gotten one?

C : No, I have never gotten one. What is it?

A : Well it´s a ticket given to you instead of ________________ and It‟s good for a year.

C : Okay. I‟ll come back next week and see if I can find something else he might like.

Activity: 5b Grammar Presentation

89 BLOCK 2

Present Perfect

Use the present perfect for events at an indefinite time before now. It is often used with these frequency expressions: always, once, twice, many times, never and before. For example: I‟ve always wanted to go to Tucson Mall.


Subject Have / Has Past Participle Complement

I We He

have („ve) have („ve) has („s)

been had


to Canada. a lot of fun shopping.

many clothes.

Answer the following questions and write complete sentences. Then ask the same questions to three of your classmates. Share your answers and experiences with your teacher. 1. Have you ever bought something online?



2. What have you bought recently?



3. Have you ever got something for free?



4. Have you ever saved items in your shopping cart and return to them another day to purchase?



5. Have you ever bought the same cloth as your friend?



Activity: 5c Grammar Practice



Activity: 5 Products: Vocabulary and Present perfect exercises.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary used when shopping and the present perfect tense in a text.

Writes the present perfect tense structures in sentences

Shows respect and interest when participating with classmates.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write two questions using the present perfect. Then, go around your classroom and ask two of your classmates the questions from the box.

Have you ever …. Yes or no? Yes or no?

been on TV

cried in public and embarrassed yourself?

driven a truck?

eaten frog legs?

fallen asleep and forgotten where you are?

regretted saying I love you?

thought of something funny and started laughing out loud in the presence of others?

ripped off your pants while dancing?

shaken hands with a monkey?

Activity: 5d Speaking

91 BLOCK 2

Closing activity

Pair work. You will write and perform a role play with your partner. Read the following situations for the costumer and the salesman/saleswoman and choose your role (costumer or salesman/woman). Include Tag questions, vocabulary learnt, idiomatic expressions and use the present perfect tense.

Costumer You are going to your best friend‟s party and you need something to wear. It is very cold. You only have $90 dlls. to spend and you are going to pay by cash. You can only go shopping from 3:00 to 6:00 pm because you need to work and do your homework. You took the wrong size of a cloth and you need to return it back. You can use these expressions:

Can you help me?

I would like to buy …..

How much does it cost?

Where can I buy …..? or Where can I find….. ?

Do you have …?

What hours are you open?

I would like to return …. Because ….

Salesman/Saleswoman You are going to sell only the clothes that are in the page before. You accept only cash. Your store is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Remember to be polite and return a ticket to the customer. You can use these expressions:

What are you looking for?

How can I help you?

How are you going to pay?

It costs….

I only have …

Activity: 6 Speaking


These are the clothes that can be sold.


Tracksuit Dress Jeans Trainers Shirt Socks Jacket Shorts T-shirt Coat Skirt Gloves Boots Scarf Shoes Hat Sweater





$10 $22



$ 35

$ 4 $5

$ 33

$ 20 $ 15 $31


93 BLOCK 2

Write your dialogue here.



Activity: 5 Products: Written and oral presentation.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the correct uses of the vocabulary presented, present perfect tense, idioms and tag questions in a real situation.

Reviews the grammar seen, idiomatic expressions, and vocabulary to dramatize a dialogue.

Shows a positive attitude when performing his/her role.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Know How of Technology

Competencias profesionales: 1. Descubre y aplica nuevas expresiones y frases utilizadas en un segundo idioma. 2. Plantea y contesta preguntas sencillas sobre temas usuales. 3. Desarrolla y combina las habilidades básicas del Inglés (escritura, lectura, comunicación

oral y habilidad auditiva). 4. Critica y argumenta haciendo uso de un segundo idioma, acerca de situaciones y

problemas de la vida real. 5. Crea y mantiene conversaciones en el idioma Inglés.

Unidad de competencia: Aplica el conocimiento y habilidades del idioma Inglés para interactuar efectivamente en

situaciones de la vida real.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas en cualquier contexto en el que se encuentra. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

Time assigned: 15 hours



Didactic Sequence 1. Speculating about…

Start up activities

Read the following true story about Frano Selak and discuss the questions below.

Frano Selak: 'World's luckiest man' gives away his lottery fortune

The 81 year-old won £600,000 five years ago in the lottery in Croatia, to celebrate his fifth marriage, after earlier surviving plane and train crashes. He also survived other disasters including landing on a haystack after falling out of a plane door that had blown open. Now the pensioner has decided that "money cannot buy happiness" and has decided to live a frugal life. He has sold his luxury home on a private island, given away his fortune to family and friends and moved back to his modest home in Petrinja, which is south of Zagreb, in the centre of the country. He added that people were always telling him he was lucky to have survived so many disasters but he added: "I always think I was unlucky to have been in them in the first place but you can't tell people what they don't want to believe." After his 7 accidents, he then won £600,000 with his first ever lottery ticket and celebrated his fifth marriage saying: "I guess all the earlier marriages were disasters too."

Discuss the following questions: 1. What would you do if you won that money? 2. Do you know the definition of the underlined words in the article? If you don’t, try to guess the meaning

through context. 3. Do you agree with the man when he says that money can’t buy happiness? Why or why not? 4. Do you think the man is lucky that nothing happened to him in the accidents or unlucky to be in those

situations? Why? 5. Do you believe in luck? Why or why not?

Activity: 1 Reading

1 EUR = 1.30450 USD Pronunciation: Euro [yu r-ō]

97 BLOCK 3


Activity: 1 Product: Reading comprehension oral discussion.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies main ideas while reading a text or listening.

Discusses about a specific situation.

Responds satisfactorily to the questions given.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Now, let’s listen to a different situation. What would you do?

When did it happen? Who is the victim? What happened to

him? Why?

What did the police say?

What would you do if you saw someone attacking another person only because of his or her race? ________________________________________________________________________________________________? Would you intervene? ________________________________________________________________________________________________?

Activity: 1a Listening


Development activities

Present Unreal Conditional

The present unreal conditional is used to express a present (or future) condition. We call it unreal because it tells us what would happen or how things would be if the situation were different. Read the example below:

I don't have a car. I don't visit you often.

If I had a car, I would visit you often.

The present unreal conditional is made up of an if-clause and a main clause. In the if clause use the verb in the past tense and in the main clause use the base form of the verb. Examples:

If clause Main clause

If you didn't work so hard, you wouldn't be tired all the time.

If they weren't so expensive, I would have one.

Activity: 2 Grammar Presentation

Answer the following exercise by using the present unreal conditional.

Example: If I were taller, I would play basketball. I wish I were six feet tall. (The truth is that you are not tall.) 1. She doesn’t speak English, so she doesn’t understand you.

If she _____________________ English, she ______________________ you.

2. He can’t drive, so he won’t buy a car.

If he _________________________, he _____________________ a car.

3. He isn’t rich, so he won’t buy a beach house.

If he _____________________ rich, he ___________________ a beach house.

4. He eats too much, so he’s fat.

If he ________________________ too much, he ___________________ fat.

[Note: You need to use didn’t in this sentence.]

Activity: 2a Grammar Practice

NOTE Were is used in all subjects. Example: I am if I were

You are if you were

99 BLOCK 3

Pair work. Take turns with your partner to make sentences. Choose any IF, THEN and AND column to make long and creative sentences. Use the correct tense of the verbs. Example: If I went to Europe, I would….. then I would… and I would….. It would be my perfect vacations. What would you do?


go to Europe go on a diet have a party

learn to cook go to a disco become a monkey

read a book become ill get married

walk to school go fishing take a shower

play soccer sing a song go to Australia

study hard play basketball become famous

go to sleep live alone play the piano

take a rest make new friends buy a car

play table tennis become healthy eat no meat

watch TV get fat become a movie star

buy new clothes listen to music eat pizza

Listen and write a checkmark ( ) in the correct option .Then, discuss the answers with a classmate and explain your answer.






Activity: 2c Speaking

Activity: 2b Listening



Activity: 2 Product: Listening and class discussion.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the unreal Present Conditional.

Applies the unreal present conditional to make sentences and answer questions.

Participates and collaborates in group work.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Work in teams of 3 and discuss the following questions. Remember to use the present unreal conditional. Then, share your answers with your teacher. Write some examples in the board to check the grammar.

If you won a million dollars? What would you do with it? How much would you give to family and friends?

If you were told that you were going to die tomorrow? What would you do today?

If you were asked to give a speech in front of two thousand people? Would you do it?

If you worked in a bank and a bank robber came in with a gun? What if he only had a baseball bat?

If someone you know stole your car? Would you report it to the police?

If you saw a colleague stealing at work? Would you report him/her?

If you could go to the moon?

If you were walking through the forest and you saw a tiger?

If you were invited to your friends’ house for dinner and they served your least favorite food?

If you found a wallet with one thousand dollars in it and an I.D. card?

If you could live anywhere in the world? Where would you live?

If you bumped your car into another person and nobody saw you do it? Would you leave your contact details or

just drive off?

Activity: 2d Speaking

101 BLOCK 3

Listen and complete the following song by Taylor Swift. Then, listen again and check your answers.

Should've said No

It's strange to think the songs we used to sing The smiles, the ______________, everything is gone

Yesterday I found out about you Even now just looking at you feels wrong.

You say that you'd take it all back, given one chance It was a moment of _____________ and you said yes.


You should've said no, you should've gone home. You should've thought twice 'fore you let it all go.

You should've known that word But what you did with her get back to me.

And I should've been there in the back of your mind.

I shouldn't be asking myself why. You shouldn't be ______________ for forgiveness at my feet.

You should've said no, baby and you might still have me.

You can see that I've been ______________. And baby you know all the right things to say

But do you honestly expect me to believe We could ever be the same.

You say that the past is the past, you need one chance.

It was a moment of weakness and you said yes.


I can't resist before you go ___________ me this.

Was it worth it? Was she worth this? No, no….


Activity: 3 Listening


Past Modals Past modals can be formed by using have + the past participle of the main verb immediately after the modals should or would. Use would(not) have or should (not) have + past participle to give opinions or suggestions about actions in the past.


You should have gone to the funeral. (I didn’t go. Now, I regret it)

Lex would have called Karen. (He didn’t called. He had an excuse)

Activity: 3a Grammar Presentation

1. Underline in the song’s lyric all the sentences that follow the structure: should +’ve

(have) + past participle of the verb and write them below. __________________________________________________________________________________________________












2. Discuss the following questions:

What is she regretting for?

What did her boyfriend did to her?

What should he have done?

Activity: 3 (continuation)

103 BLOCK 3


Activity: 3 Product: Discussion oral activity and written sentences.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the past modals would

have and should have.

Interprets the main idea of the song and applies the past modals in sentences.

Shows a good comprehension of the past modals uses.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Complete the following conversation using the past modals (should/shouldn’t have or would/wouldn’t have) and the verbs in parenthesis in their correct tense. Then, practice the short dialogues with your partner.

1. Luisa: Why did you come to the meeting? It didn’t need both of us. You _______________________( know) that I would be there. Erick: How could I have known you'd be there? I haven't spoken to you for a fortnight! If I'd known you were intending to go, I certainly _______________________ (go)! 2. Nicolas: Why did you left all that trash in the park? You _______________________________( do) that! Luis: Yes, I know . If I’d known my friends were not cleaning, I __________________________ (pick up) all

that trash, I’m sorry.

Activity: 3c Grammar Practice

Listen and Practice. Notice how have is reduced in these sentences.

/əv/ /əv/ What would you have done? I would have gone with you.

Now practice in pairs using these examples and the ones from the song. (Activity 3)

Activity: 3b Pronunciation


Pair work. Read the following situations and use the past modals. Choose whether being student A or B and act out your role. Then, share your answers with your teacher.

Situation 1

Student A: You are the presidential candidate for your country. You have just lost the election. You are speaking to one of your aides. What should you have done to win that you didn’t do? Student B: You are the candidate’s aid. Answer your candidate’s question using the past modals.

Situation 2

Student B: You have just left your best friend alone at home because you had an important job interview. Your best friend was feeling terrible and now she is worst. The temperature increased and she was sent to the hospital. Ask your mother/father the following question: What should I have done instead? Student A: You are the mother/father. Answer your son’s/daughter question using the past modals.

Activity: 4 Speaking

105 BLOCK 3


Activity: 4 Product: Real life situations and images oral discussion.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes the use of the past modals in real situations.

Applies previous knowledge and speaking skills to talk about real situations by using the past modals.

Participates and collaborates in group work.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair work. Look at the following pictures. Describe each one and guess what they were doing. Then listen and number each situation. Finally, discuss about what do they shouldn’t or should have done.

Activity: 4a Speaking and Listening


Closing activities

Listen to a depressed girl talking about some personal issues. Then, discuss the questions below.

1. Why did she sleep in the day? 2. What is her main problem? 3. How does she feel? 4. What is she regretting for?

Activity: 5 Listening and Speaking

Pair work Now, imagine you are her best friend. What would you do? Discuss with your partner about her situation and tell what advice you would give to this depressed girl. Remember to use the past modals and the present unreal conditional. You can take notes on the lines below.



















Activity: 5a Speaking

107 BLOCK 3


Activity: 5 Product: Oral discussion to real life situational problems.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes the uses of the past modals and unreal conditional.

Develops their knowledge of the correct uses of the grammar seen to write and discuss about real problems.

Shows respect when listening to other person.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair work. Put pen to paper and write about things you wish you should or shouldn’t have done in the past. Make notes about your feelings and frustrations, then, talk with a partner and discuss your situation. This will help you gain an understanding as to what you did and how you will be able to learn from the errors you made.

Activity: 5b Speaking


Didactic Sequence 2. She said that…

Start up activities


Activity: 1 Product: Completed paragraph. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies reported speech in a text.

Discusses the uses of reported speech in daily life situations.

Shows optimism and perseverance to complete the exercise.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Listen and complete the following paragraph. Then, discuss the question below.

Peter introduced me to Jack who said he was _______________ to meet me. I replied that it was my pleasure, and

that I hoped Jack was enjoying his stay in Seattle. He said he thought Seattle was a beautiful city, but that it rained

too much. He said that he had been staying at the Bayview Hotel for three weeks, and that it hadn't stopped

raining since he had arrived. Of course, he ___________, this wouldn't have surprised him if it hadn't been July!

Peter _________________ that he should have brought warmer clothes. He then continued by saying that he was

going to fly to Hawaii the following week, and he that he couldn't wait to enjoy some sunny ______________. Both

Jack and I commented that Peter was a lucky person indeed.

Activity: 1 Listening

1. Do you know how to report what someone said? (Analyze the text) Many times in English we want to tell someone what someone has said. Saying exactly what someone has said is called quoted speech. For example, (The teacher said, "There will be a test tomorrow.") is an example of quoted speech. English speakers prefer to use reported speech or indirect speech, such as in the following sentence. The teacher told us that there would be a test tomorrow.

109 BLOCK 3

Development activities

Read and analyze how reported speech is used.

Activity: 2 Grammar Presentation

Reported Speech in Questions

Direct question Reported question

When did you leave? She asked me when I had left.

Where have you been? She asked where I had been.

Where does she play? She asked me where she played.

How much are you making? She asked him how much she was making.

Reported Speech in Statements

Reported Statement She said not to misbehave in school. She said (that) she had a party this weekend. She said (that) she wasn´t watching TV. She said (that) she had made a chocolate cake for Mary. She said (that) she had planned an exciting trip. They told me (that) they couldn´t visit me on Monday. They told me (that) they would be studying in Canada. They told me (that) they might go to the beach.

Direct Statement

Don´t misbehave in school. I have a party this weekend. I´m not watching the TV.

I made a chocolate cake for Mary. I have planned an exciting trip. We can´t visit you on Monday. We will be studying in Canada. We may go to the beach


Look at how the verb tense changes from direct to reported speech (in activity 2). Complete the following exercise. Look at the example.

1.- The simple present is changed to The simple past.

2.- The present continuous is changed to 3.- The present perfect is changed to 4.- The future progressive “will” changed to 5.- Present/Future ability or possibility “can” is changed to 6.- Present/Future possibility “may” is changed to 7.- The simple past is changed to

Activity: 2a Grammar Practice

Go back to activity 1 and change the paragraph written in reported speech into conversational form using direct speech. Look at the example. Then, check your answers with your teacher and perform the conversation.

Peter: Hi, Jack. This is my friend _____________ (my name) Jack: It´s a pleasure to meet you ____________ (my name) Me( my name): It’s a pleasure to meet you too. I hope you are enjoying your stay in

Seattle. Jack:

Activity: 2b Grammar Practice

111 BLOCK 3

Group work. Work in groups of three. Ask you partner the following questions and make sure to take good notes. After you have finished the questions, work with your other partner and report what you have learnt about your first partner using reported speech. Everyone must report what a partner said.

Activity: 2c Speaking

What is your favorite sport and how long have you been playing/doing it?

What are your plans for your next vacation?

How long have you known your best friend? Can you give me a description of


What kind of music do you like? Have you always listened only to that kind of


What did you use to do when you were younger that you don't do anymore?

Do you have any predictions about the future?

Can you tell me what you do on a typical Saturday afternoon?

What were you doing yesterday at this time?

Which two promises will you make concerning learning English?



Student 1 “The buyer asked how much was for the single dog.”

Student 2 “The salesman said it was one dollar”

Student 1 Report what the buyer is saying.

Pair work activity. Choose whether being student 1 or 2. Student 1 will report what the buyer is saying and student 2 will report what the salesman is saying. Then, complete the story by writing in the balloons using direct speech form. Follow the sequence of the story by the numbers. At the end, check your answers.

Activity: 2d Speaking










113 BLOCK 3

STUDENT 2 Report what the salesman is saying Example:

Student 1 “The buyer asked how much was for the single dog.”

Student 2 “ The seller said it was one dollar”













Activity: 2 Product: Oral discussion questions and oral and written conversational dialogue.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies direct and indirect speech.

Compares the difference between direct and indirect speech and employs the structures seen.

Participates actively in group work and shows a good understanding of the topic.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

In small groups, discuss a personal experience with a school or job interview. Discuss about the following questions:

What did the interviewer asked you? What did the interviewer wanted to find out? What was the most difficult question you answered? Where there any question you didn´t answer? Why?

Activity: 2e Speaking

Listen to a job interview and mark the questions that were asked. Then, listen again and check your answers.

Asked Not Asked

He asked how old she was.

He asked how long she had been working in the hair salon.

He asked how long she studied in a beauty school.

He asked her address and personal telephone.

He asked how long it took to feel secure to work alone.

He asked if she would like to work with him.

Activity: 2f Listening

115 BLOCK 3

1. How are the underlined phrases called? 2. Do you know the definition of each one? Write them below.

Read and analyze the following comic strip and discuss the questions from above.

Activity: 3 Grammar Presentation


Phrasal Verbs = verb+particle

A phrasal verb consists of a verb + particle (preposition or adverb) which creates a meaning

different from the original verb.


I ran into my teacher at the movies last night. Run + into. The meaning is “meet”.

Some phrasal verbs are intransitive. An intransitive verb cannot be followed by an object.


He suddenly showed up. "Show up" can´t take an object.

Some phrasal verbs are transitive. A transitive verb can be followed by an object.


I made up the story. "Story" is the object of "make-up"

Transitive phrasal verbs can be separable or not separable.


She called in a consultant. (not separated)

She called a consultant in. (separated.)

NOTE: Intransitive phrasal verbs are not separated.

117 BLOCK 3

Match the following phrasal verbs with its correct meaning.

s.o. = someone s.t.= something

Activity: 3a Grammar Practice

1.- call s.o. back 2.- come off s.t. 3.- drink s.t. up 4.- get s.t. across 5.- keep up with s.t. or s.o 6.- tear s.t. down 7.- end up 8.- go on 9.- stay up 10.- work out

Destroy Continue Remain awake Be resolved/exercise Go as fast as Do something unexpected or unintended Drink completely Return a phone call Get people understand an idea. Become unattached

Match the verb with the particle to form phrasal verbs. How many phrasal verbs can you form? Write them and look for their definitions.


up fill


off take


in come


out bring

Activity: 3b Grammar Practice



Activity: 3 Product: Phrasal verbs’ definitions. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies phrasal verbs and their definitions.

Relates phrasal verbs with meanings and uses them in context.

Shows the correct usage of phrasal verbs in real situations.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write your phrasal verbs and their definitions.

Work in small groups. Discuss about how you would like to change the appearance of your school? Try to use as much phrasal verbs as you can. The phrasal verbs from above may help you.

Activity: 3c Speaking

light up make up keep away cover up pick out lie down turn around throw away take off turn on/off put away work off/out tear down straighten up cut down

119 BLOCK 3

Closing activity


Activity: 4 Product: Oral and written role-play. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Uses reported speech and phrasal verbs.

Applies their previous knowledge to create and perform a role-play.

Shows enthusiasm when working.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Group work. Imagine that you listened to someone saying that Mr. Smith, your physical education teacher is getting married with someone you know. Create and write a role-play in which you will use reported speech and phrasal verbs. Then, present it in front of the class without reading it.























Activity: 4 Speaking


Didactic Sequence 3. Getting into Technology.

Start up activities

Look at the following pictures and order them from the oldest to the newest. Then discuss the questions below.

1. Do you remember the name of the man who first patented the telephone? And do you know who invented the cell phone?

2. What is the name of the newest phone device? 3. Why is this mean of communication so important nowadays? 4. How do you think the phone will be in the future? 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of advances in technology? 6. How can these advances affect us? 7. What can we do to make a good use of technology devices nowadays?

Activity: 1 Figure it out

121 BLOCK 3


Activity: 1 Product: Oral question discussion. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the main idea of the text.

Discusses about different questions regarding to technology devices.

Demonstrates effective reading comprehension skills and pronunciation.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Will the real iPhone please stand up?

No, it's not the iPhone; it just looks like one. Fashion designer Prada and LG Electronics announced what they

call the world's first completely touch-screen mobile phone to come to market.

The Prada Phone (LG KE850) features an "advanced touch interface," ringtones, preloaded content, mobile

phone accessories and a leather case, all jointly designed by Prada and LG. It also comes with a 2-megapixel

camera, MP3 player, video player, document viewer, music/messaging multitasking capability, Bluetooth and

USB 2.0 port. The super thin phone comes in at 12 mm thick.

Apple's iPhone may have grabbed more headlines, but it's still some five months from

hitting store shelves. The Prada phone is scheduled to be available in the U.K., France,

Germany and Italy in late February 2007, and in a few Asian countries (Hong Kong,

Taiwan and Singapore) in March. It won't be cheap though. Prices will start at $776.

1. According to this article, is Prada phone better than I Phone?

2. What are some characteristics of this cell phone?

3. Would you buy it at this price? Why or why not?

Read to the following article from CNET News and discuss the questions below.

Activity: 1a Reading


Development activities

PAST PRESENT FUTURE 1980 _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

Listen and complete the following CD’s time line. Then, draw in the box how you think CDs will be in the future. Discuss with your partner about your drawing and share your opinions with your classmates.

Activity: 2 Listening

Let’ review the simple present, simple past and simple future tense and learn how to combine them.

Activity: 2a Grammar Presentation

Present Tense Present tense expresses an unchanging, repeated, or reoccurring action or situation that exists only now. It can also represent a widespread truth. Unchanging action Clouds are white like cotton. Recurring action Every year, the school registers more than 1,000 students. Widespread truth Pb is the chemical symbol for lead.

Past Tense Past tense expresses an action or situation that was started and finished in the past. Most past tense verbs end in -ed. The irregular verbs have special past tense forms which must be memorized. Regular –ed World War II ended in 1945. Irregular form Ernest Hemmingway wrote "The Old Man and the Sea."

123 BLOCK 3

Future Tense Future tense expresses an action or situation that will occur in the future. This tense is formed by using will/shall with the simple form of the verb. Will + base form of the verb The speaker of the House will finish her term in May of 1998. The future tense can also be expressed by using am, is, or are with going to. Am/is/are + going to The surgeon is going to perform the first bypass in Minnesota. We can also use the present tense form with an adverb or adverbial phrase to show future time. Present tense + adverb/adverbial phrase. The president speaks tomorrow. (Tomorrow is a future time adverb.) More time adverbs: tomorrow morning, next Sunday, next year, etc.

Choose the correct option from the box and write them in the correct tense.

1. The candidate ____________many voters when she ran for governor last year.

2. My uncle Jorge still ___________ heating oil from a company in Chicago.

3. Josceline _____________ for the neighbors next Saturday night.

4. When she was younger, my grandmother _______________ in a hospital.

5. The basketball player ______________ with his coach next month.

6. The relative humidity usually _____________when the temperature goes down.

7. Next year we ________________ in the fifth semester!

8. Her best friend ________________ in that apartment building over there.

9. Last week we ________________ 150 newspapers and magazines.

10. Yesterday you ____________________ you would like to learn how to knit a sweater.

Activity: 2b Grammar Practice












Detroit’s design successes and failures from the past 50 years.

1. How do cars used to be long time ago? 2. According to the time line, which cars were a success and which ones failure? 3. What changes can we see on them? What about technology? 4. How do you think cars will be in the future? 5. Do you know how hybrid cars work?

Group work. Look at the pictures and discuss with your classmates the questions below.

Activity: 2c Speaking

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

125 BLOCK 3

Create your own time line. Write a short paragraph that answers the following questions: When and where were you born? How does your life used to be long time ago? How is now? And how do you think it will be in the future? Then, present it and talk about it in front of the class.

__________________’s TIMELINE PAST PRESENT FUTURE _________________________________________________________________________________________________





















Activity: 2d Writing and Speaking



Activity: 2 Product: Oral presentations and discussion questions.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the different uses of the simple present, past and future tense.

Compares and applies the present, past and future tense to complete sentences and questions.

Cooperates in group work and shows confidence when presenting.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Find three objects that represent a portion of your life: your past, present, and future and bring them to the class. The three objects can be unrelated, but for a more creative touch, find three items that are related in some way.

Example: A student brings in three Beanie Babies: a swan, an owl, and a lemur. The swan represents her past as an "ugly duckling" who blossomed. The owl represents her current focus on getting an education and becoming wise. And the lemur, which lives in Madagascar, represents her future plans to travel the world. Bring it to class and share with you classmates. Explain why you chose those objects and what they represent.


Activity: 2e Speaking

127 BLOCK 3

Closing activity


Activity: 3 Product: Time line. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Employs the simple present, past and future.

Designs and creates and electronic device to present to the class.

Shows creativity and produces effectively the tenses taught.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Oral presentation. In small groups you are going to create a time line that shows the history and development of an electronic device you chose. You will need to search in the internet for information. Then, think about how this electronic device will be in the future. Draw and describe it in a separate cardboard. Present your timeline and your drawing using the simple past, present and future. If you can, take the real objects to the class. You can choose one from the pictures below or another from your own.

Activity: 3 Speaking



CLARKE, S (2007) In Company Pre-Intermediate. Spain: MacMillan. FUCHS, M & BONNER, M (2000) Focus on Grammar. A High-Intermediate Course for Reference and

Practice. Second Edition. New York: LONGMAN. POWELL, M (2008) In Company Intermediate Spain: MacMillan. RICHARDS, J. (2010) Interchange Student Book 3. Third Edition. New York: Cambridge University Press.