OR 22 AMP in Mill City.2007-06-29 - Oregon€¦ · June 2007 in association with Otak, Inc. Westech...

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Transcript of OR 22 AMP in Mill City.2007-06-29 - Oregon€¦ · June 2007 in association with Otak, Inc. Westech...

David Kinney
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David Kinney
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February 2008

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

This project is partially funded by a grant from the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program, a joint program of the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. This TGM grant is financed, in part, by federal Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), local government, and the State of Oregon funds. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect views or policies of the State of Oregon.

Page i February 2008

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................1

1.1. Study Area....................................................................................................................1 1.2. Project Background ......................................................................................................3

1.2.1. Public Involvement ..........................................................................................3 1.3. Project Objectives.........................................................................................................4

2. Statutes, Rules, Plans, and Policies....................................................................................5 2.1. Oregon Statutes and Rules ..........................................................................................5 2.2. Oregon Department of Transportation Plans................................................................6

2.2.1. Oregon Transportation Plan (OTP) .................................................................6 2.2.2. Oregon Highway Plan (OHP) ..........................................................................6

2.3. Marion County Policies and Standards ........................................................................7 2.4. City of Mill City Policies and Standards ........................................................................7

3. Existing Conditions ..............................................................................................................8 3.1. Roadway Characteristics..............................................................................................8

3.1.1. OR 22 ..............................................................................................................8 3.1.2. OR 22 Cross-Streets .......................................................................................9

3.2. Land Use Characteristics .............................................................................................9 3.3. Approach Inventory ......................................................................................................9 3.4. Traffic Characteristics.................................................................................................11

3.4.1. Traffic Volumes..............................................................................................11 3.4.2. Crash History.................................................................................................12

3.5. OR 22/NW 2nd Avenue Traffic Operations..................................................................13 3.6. Existing Conditions Summary.....................................................................................14

4. Access Management Strategies ........................................................................................15 4.1. Short-Range Strategies ..............................................................................................15 4.2. Medium-Range Strategies..........................................................................................15 4.3. Long-Range Strategies...............................................................................................16

5. Implementation Plan...........................................................................................................16 5.1. Short-Range Implementation Plan (0 – 5 Years)........................................................17 5.2. Medium-Range Implementation Plan (5 – 10 Years) .................................................18 5.3. Long-Range Implementation Plan (10 – 20 Years) ....................................................18

5.3.1. Recommended OR 22 Roadway Improvements ...........................................19 5.3.2. Recommended OR 22 Public Approach Improvements................................19 5.3.3. Recommended OR 22 Private Approach Improvements ..............................20

5.4. Cost Estimate and Funding ........................................................................................27 6. Deviations............................................................................................................................28 7. Streetscape Plan .................................................................................................................29 8. Right-of-Way Acquisitions .................................................................................................29 9. Access Management Plan Modifications .........................................................................29

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LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Oregon Access Management Statutes and Rules .........................................................5 Table 2. Public Approach Spacing in Study Area ......................................................................10 Table 3. OR 22 Crash Data in Study Area for 2001 – 2005.......................................................12 Table 4. OR 22 Crash Details for 2001 - 2005...........................................................................13 Table 6. Project Costs, Funding Sources, and Phasing ............................................................27

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Study Area ....................................................................................................................2 Figure 2. Annual Average Daily Traffic Volumes on OR 22.......................................................11 Figure 3. Access Management Plan ..........................................................................................21

APPENDICES Appendix A: Public Involvement Process Appendix B: Existing Approach Inventory Appendix C: OR 22/NW 2nd Avenue Traffic Analysis Study Appendix D: Recommended Access Improvements Appendix E: Phasing Plan Appendix F: Cost Estimates Appendix G: Deviation Approval Memorandum Appendix H: Streetscape Plans Appendix I: Preliminary Civil Engineering Design and ROW Acquisitions

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Oregon Department of Transportation: Sue Geniesse Gerry Juster Ed Cantrell Alan Fox Dan Fricke Dave Warren Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation & Development: Steve Oulman City of Mill City: Dave Kinney Deborah Hogan Westech Engineering, Inc.: Steve Ward Ray Engel

Otak, Inc.: Tom Litster Siegel Planning Services, LLC: Scot Siegel DKS Associates: John Bosket Renee Hurtado Carl Springer Scott Mansur Danella Whitt Rick Harkins Real Urban Geographics: Justin Healy

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

Page 1 of 32 Page 1 February 2008

1. INTRODUCTION The goal of this Access Management Plan is to identify short-, medium-, and long-range strategies for access management along OR 22 (North Santiam Highway) within the city limits of Mill City, Oregon that promote safe and efficient roadway operation. Access management is the practice of balancing access and mobility based on a roadway’s functional classification while also preserving the safety and efficiency of the transportation system. For instance, few access points are provided along interstate freeways to provide for high-speed travel while numerous access points are provided on local streets as entry points to residential properties. The statewide Transportation Planning Rule provides the following access management definition:

“"Access Management" means measures regulating access to streets, roads and highways from public roads and private driveways. Measures may include but are not limited to restrictions on the siting of interchanges, restrictions on the type and amount of access to roadways, and use of physical controls, such as signals and channelization including raised medians, to reduce impacts of approach road traffic on the main facility.”1

Research has shown that effective access management can provide the following benefits2:

Up to 50-percent reduction of crashes 23- to 45-percent increase in roadway capacity 40- to 60-percent reduction in travel time and delay

This section provides the study area, project background to date, and project objectives. This Access Management Plan includes a summary of the applicable statues, rules, plans, and policies, existing conditions (roadway, land use, approaches, and traffic), and access management strategies for the short-, medium- and long-range. 1.1. Study Area OR 22 within the city limits of Mill City (Milepost 29.46 through 30.59) is the primary study corridor as illustrated in Figure 1. Secondary study roadways that intersect or parallel OR 22 are also included in the study area because they directly and indirectly impact the operations of the highway. The characteristics of these study area roadways are described in Section 3.1.

1 Oregon Administrative Rule 660-012 (Division 12- Transportation Planning). Oregon Land Conservation and

Development Department. March 15, 2007. 2 Access Management Manual. Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, 2003.
















































Marion Co.Linn Co.




OR 22Access Management Plan










Secondary StudyRoadways

Study Corridor

City Limits

Mill City UrbanGrowth Boundary

500' Proximity toStudy Corridor

Central Commercial

Highway Commercial



Residential Single

Residential Multiple

Special Planned District

0 250 500125Feet

Figure 1 - Study Area

May 2007

County Boundary

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

Page 3 of 32 Page 3 February 2008

1.2. Project Background This Access Management Plan documents the efforts of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)3 and the City of Mill City who have been working together to develop access management strategies for OR 22 within the city limits. Since OR 22 is a state facility under ODOT’s jurisdiction, ODOT is responsible for reviewing and approving access permits for the highway. Mill City is responsible for developing land use zoning throughout the City, including the land directly abutting OR 22, and for reviewing and approving the land uses (including site plans and circulation) along OR 22. The City of Mill City and ODOT proposed the development of this Access Management Plan to address the following issues using strategies that benefit the City, ODOT, and property owners along OR 22:

Access Points: Years of uncontrolled access along OR 22 and adjacent local streets has resulted in many driveway approaches that do not have ODOT access permits and that are not constructed to current ODOT standards (e.g. location, width, turning radii). This has resulted in numerous conflict points along the corridor.

Parking: Although parking is not allowed along OR 22 a number of motorists park on the shoulders when accessing property uses along OR 22. Performing parking maneuvers (e.g. backing into a traffic lane) along OR 22 poses safety risks to those parking and to through traffic on OR 22.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation: A need has been identified to plan for pedestrian and bicycle circulation along OR 22 and to provide connectivity between OR 22 and Mill City’s downtown and residential areas.

Local Street Network: Local traffic could use Alder Street as a parallel route to OR 22 if it is improved along with its access points at OR 22. This is particularly important during summer and winter weekends when traffic volumes on OR 22 are at their highest. These improvements would also allow highway traffic to use Alder Street as an alternate route in the event of a traffic incident or major emergency on OR 22 in Mill City.

Clear Standards and Guidelines: Since strict adherence to current ODOT access spacing standards does not support existing land uses, this plan is needed to provide clear standards and guidelines to property owners and developers while also supporting the City’s future development vision.

1.2.1. Public Involvement Collaboration with the public is a key component of this Access Management Plan. In order to gather input and meet the current and future needs of its citizens, property owners, and business owners the City of Mill City held the following public forums during the past three years:

June 8, 2004: Planning Commission Workshop/Open House February 10, 2005: Concept Plan Open House March 3, 2005: Concept Plan Open House March 15, 2005: Public Hearing May 23, 2007: City Council and Planning Commission Open House/Public Hearing June 20, 2007 City Council and Planning Commission Public Hearing January 11, 2008 Planning Commission Public Hearing February 12, 2008 City Council Public Hearing

In addition to these open forums and public hearings, City staff met with individual property owners to discuss the impacts of the draft Access Management Plan’s impact on specific

3 Mill City is located within ODOT Region 2.

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

driveways and property development. The Mill City Planning Commission also reviewed and discussed various components of the Access Management Plan, including the preliminary engineering concept plan, streetscape elements, and the zoning and subdivision code amendments during its regularly scheduled monthly meetings from January 2005 to June 2007. The Commission invited and considered testimony from its consultants and from interested citizens during those regular meetings. Appendix A includes materials (e.g. notices, agendas, and minutes) from the public involvement process. 1.3. Project Objectives The objectives of this Access Management Plan include the following:

Improve safety, mobility and operating efficiency of OR 22 consistent with its designation as a state Freight Route.

Comply with state policies, administrative rules (OAR 734, Division 51, Highway Approaches, Access Control, Spacing Standards and Medians), and roadway design standards; and comply with local standards, plans, and policies.

Bridge the gap between the access permitting and land use approval processes conducted by ODOT and Mill City.

Identify access management strategies in the project area for all modes (vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians) that provide safe access to local streets and properties and that support existing and future land uses.

Improve the access to and use of Alder Street as a parallel route to OR 22 for local trips. Identify parking improvements that support existing land uses and that deter motorists from

parking along OR 22. Involve local citizens and affected property/business owners in the access management

process. Incorporate this Access Management Plan as a part of the Mill City City Code. Clearly identify future improvements and funding strategies that can be used to guide new

development along OR 22 and to obtain funding for needed public roadway improvements. Plan for pedestrian and bicycle circulation along OR 22 and to provide connectivity between

OR 22 and Mill City’s downtown and residential areas.

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OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

Page 5 of 32 Page 5 February 2008

2. STATUTES, RULES, PLANS, AND POLICIES A primary goal of this Access Management Plan is to conform to state and local statutes, rules, plans, and policies already in place. This section includes a summary of relevant state, county, and city documents that were consulted during the development of this plan. 2.1. Oregon Statutes and Rules Oregon state law pertaining to transportation is included in the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORSs) and the Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs). The ORSs consist of statutes, often referred to as laws, and the OARs include rules that are standards or regulations meant to interpret or prescribe the statutes. Table 1 highlights the statutes and rules that pertain to access management.

Table 1. Oregon Access Management Statutes and Rules


Access Management Content

ORS 374: Control of Access to Public Highways4

Addresses access control of approaches on highways: Intergovernmental agreements for public county/city approaches Permits for private approaches

OAR 660-012: Transportation Planning Rule (TPR)5

Requires all transportation system plans include access control measures that are consistent with a roadway’s functional classification e.g. spacing standards, median control guidelines

OAR 734-051: Highway Approaches, Access Control, Spacing Standards, and Medians6

Key sections within Division 51, whose purpose is to provide a safe and efficient transportation system by using access management practices: 0035: Administration of Rules 0115: Access Management Spacing Standards for Approaches 0155: Access Management Plans & Interchange Area Mgmt Plans 0275: Removal of Approaches 0285: Project Delivery

It is important to note that the Oregon statutes and rules are not intended to deny reasonable access to any property abutting a state highway or to affect existing grandfathered approaches unless there are safety hazards or proposed changes in land use that impact the function of the approach or the property has reasonable alternative access off the state highway. The location, size, and placement of approaches to the state highway system are determined through the permitting process. Administrative rule as defined by OAR 734-051 provides guidance and approval criteria for access permits. Additionally, conditions of approval of an approach road permit may be necessary and may require mitigation measures. The need for mitigation measures is based on anticipated safety or operational characteristics associated with the site-generated traffic and the permitted turning movements.

4 Oregon Revised Statute Chapter 374 (Control of Access to Public Highways). Legislative Counsel Committee of

the Oregon Legislative Assembly. 2005 ed. 5 Oregon Administrative Rule 660-012 (Division 12- Transportation Planning). Oregon Land Conservation and

Development Department. March 15, 2007. 6 Oregon Administrative Rule 734-051 (Division 51- Highway Approaches, Access Control, Spacing Standards, and

Medians). Oregon Department of Transportation. March 15, 2007.

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2.2. Oregon Department of Transportation Plans ODOT provides statewide guidance on access management in two of their plans, which are discussed in this subsection: the Oregon Transportation Plan and the Oregon Highway Plan. 2.2.1. Oregon Transportation Plan (OTP) The Oregon Transportation Plan7 provides a framework for planning, development, and management of an integrated statewide multi-modal transportation network that includes highways, bicycles, pedestrians, aviation, public transportation, and railways. One of the capacity and operational efficiency strategies in the OTP includes the use of access management to protect the integrity of statewide transportation corridors. More specific guidance on implementing this strategy is included in the Oregon Highway Plan and local plans discussed herein. 2.2.2. Oregon Highway Plan (OHP) The Oregon Highway Plan8, which is an element of the OTP, provides a refinement of the OTP goals and policies with respect to the state highway system over the next 20 years. Goal 3, one

of the five main goals in the OHP, focuses solely on access management. It includes policies on highway classification, spacing standards, median placement, interchange access, deviations to standards, and appeals. The OHP classifies OR 22 as a statewide rural highway on the national highway system within the study area. It also identifies it as both a state freight route and a federally designated truck route.

Key access management policies in the OHP that apply to the study area include the following:

OR 22 should provide for the high-speed, continuous flow of through traffic. Direct access to abutting properties is a minor objective. Access rights should be purchased as the opportunity arises. Minimum spacing between unsignalized approaches is 990 feet where the

posted speed is 40 mph and 1,320 feet where the posted speed is 55 mph. Spacing standards do not apply to legal approaches until redevelopment,

change of use, or highway construction/reconstruction/modernization occurs. Avoid conditions that warrant the installation of a traffic signal.

7 Oregon Transportation Plan. Oregon Department of Transportation, Planning Section, Transportation

Development Division. Adopted Sept. 20, 2006. 8 1999 Oregon Highway Plan Including Amendments November 1999 through January 2006. Oregon Department

of Transportation. Aug. 2006.

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Consider the installation of non-traversable medians where safety could be improved (e.g. locations with inadequate sight distance).

2.3. Marion County Policies and Standards Marion County includes access management policies and standards in the following documents:

Marion County Rural Transportation System Plan9: Includes access spacing standards and other access management practices (e.g. approach consolidation).

Marion County Comprehensive Plan10: Includes general development and access policies. Ordinance No. 651: Ordains requirements for access permits, engineering design,

maintenance, and fees. Engineering Standards11: Includes standards on access location, surfacing, width, slope,

and drainage.

Marion County’s access management guidelines apply to county roadways, including NE Alder Street in Mill City until such time jurisdiction for NE Alder Street is transferred to the City of Mill City. In particular, Marion County provides the following minimum spacing standards between an approach and any intersection with a state highway: 300 feet for major collectors, 200 feet for minor collectors, and 150 feet for local roads. 2.4. City of Mill City Policies and Standards The City of Mill City provides driveway access standards and horizontal alignment and spacing standards between intersections in its adopted Public Works Design Standards. Section 2.14 (“Horizontal Alignments”) of the Design Standards includes intersection spacing and alignment requirements that apply to all roadways under the City’s jurisdiction. Standards for driveway widths, spacing, and design are included in Sections 2.28 and 2.29 of the Design Standards. Key City standard requirements include the following:

Driveways for corner properties shall be located on the lowest classification street and as far from the intersection as possible.

Residential driveways shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from an intersection or one-half the lot frontage, whichever is greater.

Commercial driveways shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from an intersection with a minor street and a minimum of 30 feet from an intersection with a collector or arterial street.

Commercial driveways shall have a minimum 22-foot separation between driveways. Once this Access Management Plan is adopted, the City Engineer recommends the City of Mill City amend its Public Works Design Standards to require compliance with this Access Management Plan and require driveways to be closed or located per the Implementation Plan (Section 5).

9 Marion County Rural Transportation System Plan. Marion County Public Works. Chapter 10. Dec. 21, 2005. 10 Draft Marion County Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Element. Marion County Public Works. Feb. 2006. 11 Marion County Public Works Engineering Standards. Adopted by Marion County Board of Commissioners. April

11, 1990.

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

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3. EXISTING CONDITIONS This section includes an overview of the study area existing conditions and includes roadway characteristics, land use characteristics, an approach inventory, and traffic characteristics. 3.1. Roadway Characteristics This section provides an overview of the roadway characteristics of OR 22 and its cross-streets within the project area. OR 22 and the NW 2nd/1st Avenue connector to the 1st Avenue North Santiam River bridge falls within ODOT’s jurisdiction. All of the cross-streets and NW Alder Street are the responsibility of Mill City. NE Alder Street is under Marion County’s jurisdiction. All of the intersections along OR 22 are stop-controlled on the cross-street. No traffic signals or stop signs are used to control traffic on OR 22. 3.1.1. OR 22 OR 2212, also called North Santiam Highway or Santiam Boulevard, is an east-west roadway classified as a Statewide Highway by ODOT13 and classified as a Rural Principal Arterial per the federal functional classification system14. It extends from western Oregon (US 101 in Hebo) to central Oregon (US 20 at the Santiam Junction) and provides access to collectors and local streets in northern Mill City within the project area. Key characteristics of OR 22 in the project area include the following:

Three-lane roadway with one travel lane in each direction and a center two-way left-turn lane through most of study area:

West of NW 9th Ave to East of NW 2nd Ave NE Alder St (west) to east of NE 7th Ave

Two-lane roadway with one travel lane in each direction in rest of project area

Dedicated eastbound right turn lane at NW 2nd Avenue

No on-street parking No curbs or sidewalks No clear delineation of public roadway

or private property approach (driveway) limits where they abut OR 22

Bicycles are accommodated on the shoulder

Lack of pedestrian crossings Sub-standard line of sight and rockfall

safety zone on OR 22 between approximate MP 30.0 and 30.2

Gradual “S”-curve between NW 5th Avenue and NE Alder Street (west)

No significant grades or vertical curvature of the roadway

12 Although locals often refer to OR 22 as Highway 22, ODOT refers to the section of OR 22 within the project area

as Highway 162 for internal record keeping purposes. 13 1999 Oregon Highway Plan, Including Amendments November 1999 through January 2006. Oregon Department

of Transportation, Aug. 2006. 14 Functional Classification and National Highway System Status on Oregon State Highways. Oregon Department of

Transportation, Road Inventory and Classification Services Unit, June 23, 2006.

Looking West at OR 22 from NE 7th Ave

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

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Guardrail on the south side of OR 22 where the embankment drops off steeply between NW 2nd Avenue and NE Alder Street (west)

Posted speed of 40 mph from west of NW 7th Ave to east of NE 7th Ave Posted speed of 55 mph west and east of 40 mph zone

3.1.2. OR 22 Cross-Streets The cross-streets along OR 22 in the project area are typically two lane roadways with one lane in each direction. The City of Mill City classifies NW 2nd Avenue as a Rural Major Collector and NE Alder Street as a Minor Collector15. All of the other cross-streets are classified as Local Roads. The posted speed is generally 25 mph on the cross-streets. 3.2. Land Use Characteristics Although many of the properties within the study area have already been developed, assigned land use designations are useful for determining access requirements for vacant or underdeveloped properties or for when property redevelopment occurs. Property fronting on OR 22 is zoned as Highway Commercial (CH) on both sides of the roadway throughout the entire study area (see Figure 1 in the Introduction section for zoning along and nearby OR 22). Uses permitted outright or conditionally under Single-Family Residential (R-1) or Multi-Family Residential (R-2) zoning and single-family dwellings occupied by personnel that support commercial establishments on the same property are permitted outright under CH zoning16. Commercial uses permitted under Central Commercial (CC) zoning are permitted under CH zoning based on a site plan review. Mill City is currently in the process of updating their City Code to require properties zoned as CH to conform to this Access Management Plan and to require City review of the following uses and actions17:

Zoning or plan amendment designation changes. Construction of new buildings. Addition of existing buildings by more than 600 square feet. Division or consolidation of property boundaries. Proposed changes in land use, development, or site circulation (including changes in inter-

parcel circulation). Reestablishment of a property’s use after discontinuance for two years or more.

3.3. Approach Inventory A total of 12 public approaches and 71 private approaches are included in the study area and 50 of the 71 private approaches are located on OR 22. Private approaches on cross-streets were included for properties that abut both OR 22 and a cross-street. The public approaches provide connections to both commercial and residential land uses. Approximately 25 percent of the private approaches on OR 22 provide access to residential land uses.18 Additional residential properties are located along OR 22 but gain access to the transportation network via

15 Oregon Transportation Map Showing Functional Classification of Roads, City of Mill City. Oregon Department of

Transportation, Geographic Information Services, Map Distribution Unit, 2004. 16 Mill City City Code, Title 17: Zoning. 17 Siegel, Scot (Siegel Planning, LLC). Memorandum regarding “Mill City Code Assistance – Access Management

Plan Draft Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments” addressed to Dave Kinney (Mill City), Steve Oulman (ODOT TGM), and Sue Geniesse (ODOT TGM). Feb. 9, 2007.

18 As noted in Section 3.2, these residential properties are zoned CH and as such, are subject to potential redevelopment for commercial use.

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

city cross-streets instead of the highway. The other 75 percent of private approaches on OR 22 provide access to commercial properties with a variety of uses such as:

Dining Fueling/Auto Services Banking

Real Estate Moose Lodge Laundromat

Retail (sporting goods, lumber, furniture, art, convenience items)

Appendix B includes a detailed inventory of the existing study area approaches and includes details such as location, width, material, ownership, associated land use, permit status, and right-of-way reservations. All approaches are required to have an approach permit except for approaches that are considered grandfathered. Grandfathered approaches include those constructed prior to 1949 and may also include those allowed to remain open per the ODOT Region Manager as part of an ODOT improvement project prior to April 1, 2000. In the study area approximately 30 percent of the approaches have legal approach permits (with or without access deviations) and the other 70 percent are either grandfathered or illegal. ODOT’s spacing requirements (990 feet for 40 mph and 1,320 feet for 55 mph) are not met along OR 22 in the study area. OR 22 has an approach density of approximately 30 approaches per mile on the north side and 27 approaches per mile on the south side, which equates to an average approach spacing of 175 feet and 195 feet on the north and south sides, respectively. Some approaches are located closer together than these averages. There should only be approximately five approaches per mile, or 6 approaches for the entire study area, for OR 22 to comply with ODOT’s spacing requirements. Table 2 lists the existing spacing between public approaches in the study area. Not considering private approaches there is only one segment between public approaches that currently meets ODOT’s spacing standards and another three segments are within 10 percent of the spacing standards. Private approaches are located throughout almost all of the public approach segments.

Table 2. Public Approach Spacing in Study Area

ODOT Access Spacing Standards Met? OR 22 Segment

Segment Distance

Posted Speed (mph)

Required Difference Met?

NW Alder St to NW 9th Ave 570’ -420’ NW 9th Ave to NW 7th Ave 925’ -65’ NW 7th Ave to NW 5th Ave 405’ -585’


NW 5th Ave to NW 2nd Ave 1,055’ +65’ Yes NW 2nd Ave to NE Alder St 925’ -65’ NE Alder St to NE 3rd Ave 620’ -370’ NE 3rd Ave to NE 4th Ave 295’ -695’ NE 4th Ave to NE 5th Ave 275’ -715’ NE 5th Ave to NE 6th Ave 220’ -770’ NE 6th Ave to NE 7th Ave 235’

40 990’

-755’ NE 7th Ave to NE Alder St 915’ 40/55 1,320’ -75’


Note: This table does not take into account private approaches located along each segment.

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3.4. Traffic Characteristics Traffic volume and crash data were compiled to determine the traffic characteristics of the study area. These characteristics play a key role in evaluating access management strategies so that mobility and safety can be preserved and/or enhanced. 3.4.1. Traffic Volumes Figure 2 illustrates the annual average daily traffic (AADT) volumes on OR 22 from 1996 through 2005. The most recent data from 2005 indicates that OR 22 carries approximately 7,400 vehicles (two-way total) east of NW 2nd Avenue and 5,700 vehicles (two-way total) east of NE 4th Avenue. Over the 10-year period from 1996 to 2005 the AADT grew at approximately 1.6 percent per year east of NW 2nd Avenue and stayed fairly constant east of NE 4th Avenue. Based on historical trends ODOT expects the AADT on OR 22 to reach 8,300 vehicles (two-way total) east of NW 2nd Avenue and 5,800 vehicles (two-way total) east of NE 4th Avenue by year 202519. This correlates to a growth rate of less than one percent over the 20-year period from 2005 to 2025.

Figure 2. Annual Average Daily Traffic Volumes on OR 22

19 2025 Highway Future Volume Table. Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation Development Division,

Planning Section. http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/TD/TP/TADR.shtml. Accessed April 9, 2007.








1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005



ual A


ge D







East of NW 2nd AveEast of NE 4th Ave

Data Source: 1996 - 2005 Transportation Volume Tables . Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation Data Section. http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/TD/TDATA/tsm/tvt.shtml

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

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A permanent automatic traffic recorder (ATR) station is located on OR 22 approximately three miles east of Mill City. The data at this ATR indicates the following trends on OR 22 in 200520:

The average weekday traffic is approximately 80 percent of the average daily traffic, which indicates traffic volumes are higher on the weekend.

Traffic volumes are highest between May and September, with July peaking at approximately 162 percent of the average daily traffic.

Traffic volumes are lowest in January. The 30th highest hour is approximately 23 percent of the average daily traffic. Passenger cars comprise approximately 90 percent of the traffic and heavy vehicles

comprise approximately 10 percent (3.5 percent single unit trucks, 5 percent single trailer trucks, and 0.5 percent double trailer trucks).

The following trends may be inferred about the project area based on the ATR data:

The ADT on OR 22 east of NW 2nd Avenue was approximately 12,000 vehicles (two-way total) in July 2005 and is expected to reach approximately 13,500 vehicles (two-way total) by July 2025.

The 30th highest hour on OR 22 east of NW 2nd Avenue in 2005 included approximately 1,700 vehicles (two-way total).

3.4.2. Crash History The crash data for OR 22 in the study area from 2001 through 2005 are listed in Table 3. A total of three crashes resulting in injuries occurred along the 1.13 mile section of OR 22 within Mill City during that five-year time frame. This is equivalent to a crash rate of 0.26 crashes per million vehicle miles, which is less than the 2005 statewide crash rate of 0.90 for rural principal arterials in rural cities.

Table 3. OR 22 Crash Data in Study Area for 2001 – 2005

Number of Crashes by Year21

Crash Rate (per million vehicle miles) Collision

Type 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total OR 22 in Study Area

2005 Statewide Average (Rural

Principal Arterial)22

PDO 0 0 0 0 0 0 Injury 0 0 1 1 1 3 Fatality 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 1 1 1 3

0.26 0.90

PDO = Property Damage Only The study area does not include any ODOT-designated Safety Priority Index System (SPIS) sites with rankings within the state’s top ten percent. In order for a site to receive the SPIS classification there must have been three or more crashes or one or more fatalities at the same location during the previous three years. Once identified as a SPIS site, ODOT scores each site 20 2005 ATR Trend Summary. Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation Data Section, Traffic

Monitoring. 21 PRC Report for North Santiam Hwy #162 (Route 22) from MP 29.46 to MP 30.59. Oregon Department of

Transportation, Transportation Data Section, Crash and Analysis Reporting Unit, March 15, 2007. 22 2005 State Highway Crash Rate Tables. Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation Data Section,

Crash Analysis and Reporting Unit, Aug. 2006.

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based on crash frequency, crash rate, and crash severity. The top 10 percent SPIS sites are then evaluated to determine potential improvements that will reduce crashes while also meeting ODOT’s benefit-to-cost requirements. Table 4 provides a summary of the three crashes that occurred from 2001 to 2005 in the study area. All three crashes took place at a public or private approach and two of them happened on a section of OR 22 where a center two-way left turn lane is not currently provided.

Table 4. OR 22 Crash Details for 2001 - 2005

Crash Location # of Injuries

Crash Details

Driveway (MP 30.16) 4 Motorist turned left from highway in front of oncoming vehicle who had the right-of-way*

Driveway (MP 30.17) 1 Motorist improperly tried to pass a vehicle under unsafe conditions* NE 4th Avenue 1 Motorist ran off road and hit a legally parked car on NE 4th Avenue

* This crash occurred on a section of OR 22 that does not have a center two-way left turn lane for vehicle refuge. 3.5. OR 22/NW 2nd Avenue Traffic Operations A study, which is included in Appendix C, was conducted in 2004 to evaluate the existing and future traffic operations of the OR 22/NW 2nd Avenue intersection23. NW 2nd Avenue is classified as a Rural Major Collector whereas all the other cross-streets in the study area are Minor Collectors or Local Roads. Additionally, NW 2nd Avenue is the closest access point to N 1st Avenue, which is the only roadway in the City that crosses the North Santiam River. Downtown and the majority of Mill City’s residential neighborhoods are located south of the

antiam River.

nds the following design features for the fic conditions24:

660-foot westbound acceleration lane to accommodate northbound left turns

ated that such an improvement could provide for cceptable operation through the year 2027.

S The key recommendation from the study is to install a merge divider on OR 22 at NW 2nd Avenue to reduce conflicts and lower the volume-to-capacity ratio of the intersection. Although existing and design hour volumes for year 2022 meet traffic signal Warrant 1- Case B at this intersection the installation of an isolated traffic signal in a rural area disrupts driver expectancy and increases safety concerns. The study recommemerge divider based on year 2022 traf

200-foot westbound left turn lane 200-foot northbound left turn lane

Another alternative for improving traffic operations at this intersection that may be considered during project development would include the construction of a roundabout on OR 22 at the intersection with NW 2nd Avenue. A preliminary analysis conducted by ODOT staff of a three-leg, single-lane roundabout at this location indica When considering this alternative, it should be recognized that the right-of-way needs associated with a roundabout may be very different than those previously identified for the

23 Springer, Carl and Sean Kennedy (DKS Associates). Memorandum regarding “Mill City Traffic Analysis Study”

addressed to Steve Ward (Westech Engineering). Feb. 24, 2004. 24 These design values do not include required taper lengths or reverse curve lengths.

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proposed highway improvements and that the ability of the assumed 140-foot diameter roundabout with associated 25 mph design speed to adequately accommodate freight movement must still be verified. Also, ODOT roadway design standards may change during the

eriod prior to project development.

rovides refuge throughout most of the study area

imum e east end) per

. The AADT


other design alternatives at this intersection to improve traffic operations and

ycle lanes, sidewalks, designated pedestrian crossings and streetscape furnishings.

p 3.6. Existing Conditions Summary Findings for the existing conditions along OR 22 in Mill City include the following:

A center two-way left turn lane currently pfor vehicles turning from or onto OR 22.

The existing land uses along OR 22 are consistent with Mill City’s City Code. The spacing between existing approaches on OR 22 falls significantly short of ODOT’s

access spacing standards for a rural statewide highway. There should only be a maxof 6 approaches spaced at a minimum of 990 feet (or 1,320 feet at thODOT’s standards instead of 62 approaches (12 public, 50 private).

In 2005 the AADT on OR 22 was measured at 7,400 vehicles (two-way total) east of NW 2nd Avenue and 5,700 vehicles (two-way total) east of NE 4th Avenue. The traffic volume on OR22 is approximately 60 percent higher than the AADT during the month of Julyis expected to grow less than one percent per year between 2005 and 2025.

The crash rate on OR 22 in the study area was 0.26 crashes per million vehicle mile for 2001 to 2005, which is less than the 2005 statewide crash rate of 0.90 for similar facilities.

A 2004 study recommended the installation of a merge divider at the OR 22/NW 2nd Avintersection that provides westbound and northbound left turn lanes and a westbound acceleration lane for northbound traffic turning left. ODOT staff is also willing to consider a roundabout or traffic safety.

OR-22 and adjacent local streets lack bic

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

4. ACCESS MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ODOT, the City of Mill City, and the public developed short-, medium-, and long-range access management strategies for OR 22 in Mill City that support the project objectives listed in Section 1.3 and are consistent with the City’s development vision of OR 22 as a gateway to the community that supports traveler services. By identifying a set of phased strategies now, it will help ODOT and Mill City gradually improve roadway operation and safety through the implementation of these strategies in future years as funding opportunities arise. This section includes a description of the OR 22 access management strategies. 4.1. Short-Range Strategies (0 – 5 Years) The short-range strategies, which are intended for the next five years, work with the existing property uses or will require property redevelopment. Public funding is not currently anticipated for the implementation of short-range strategies. These strategies include the following:

Maintain existing approaches on OR 22 that are necessary to support existing land uses and businesses.

Maintain existing approaches on OR 22 for properties that are otherwise land-locked (lack alternative reasonable access off the state highway).

Close approaches on OR 22 when property redevelops if one of the following conditions is met:

Alternative reasonable access can be taken from a lower classification roadway, or A land-locked property has more than one existing approach, or A shared approach may be used with an abutting property in conjunction with inter-

parcel circulation. Approaches allowed to remain open until property redevelops are considered “temporary”

since they are not ideal locations for “permanent” approaches. Since redevelopment may occur during the short-, medium-, or long-range this strategy applies to all cases. The approximate locations of combined or relocated approaches are shown in the Implementation Plan section. The final location of driveway approaches will be determined at the time of property (re)development.

Periodically evaluate pedestrian safety issues with ODOT District staff and identify potential funding sources for priority improvements.

Conduct traffic speed control studies, as conditions change, to determine if speed limits need to be reduced.

4.2. Medium-Range Strategies (5 – 10 Years) Medium-range strategies are aimed at improvements on City roadways over the next five to ten years so that the City can allocate local funding as a part of their Capital Improvement Program (CIP). These strategies include the following:

Strive toward meeting Marion County’s access spacing standards for the nearest approach to OR 22 on all cross-streets: 300 feet on major collectors, 200 feet on minor collectors, and 150 feet on local roads. Due to the short length of the cross streets, all driveway approaches may not be able to meet these standards, but should be located at the most optimal location to meet access spacing standards, improve sight distance, and enhance pedestrian and vehicular safety.

Limit properties to one approach on all OR 22 cross-streets. Improve east-west connectivity on City roadways to improve circulation and provide local

traffic with alternates to using OR 22.

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4.3. Long-Range Strategies (10 – 20 Years) OR 22 is the focus of the long-range strategies, which are most likely to occur during the next ten to twenty years and should be considered for funding allocation as part of ODOT’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). These strategies include the following:

Strive toward meeting ODOT’s access spacing standards along OR 22: 990 feet where the posted speed is 40 mph (west of NW 7th Ave to east of NE 7th Ave) and 1,320 feet where the posted speed is 55 mph (remaining project corridor).

Restrict turning movements off of and onto OR 22 to reduce the number of conflict points along the project corridor.

Consider alternate operational improvements to avoid the installation of any traffic signals on OR 22, such as u-turn refuge lanes.

Improve traffic operations and safety of the intersection of NW 2nd Avenue and OR 22. During future ODOT project development, the Project Development Team (PDT) will consider alternate intersection design improvements at this intersection. Design alternatives may include, but are not limited to, a roundabout or median controlled turn refuges with a westbound merge lane. Local stakeholders will have input on the evaluation of these design alternatives in public meetings conducted by ODOT.

Improve capacity, traffic operations and safety of OR 22 throughout the city limits with the installation of non-traversable medians at such locations in addition to the OR 22/NW 2nd Avenue intersection as deemed warranted by the ODOT PDT25. The inclusion of medians in a modernization project on OR 22, other than those needed for the safe operation of the OR 22/NW 2nd Avenue intersection, will be subject to consideration of further input by cstakeholders regarding design, timing of installation and business operations at a public meeting(s) conducted by the PDT.


Relocate approaches from OR 22 to cross streets when access can be taken from a lower classification roadway.

Prohibit more than one approach on OR 22 to properties that are land-locked or that cannot reasonably take access from a lower classification roadway.

Replace individual property approaches with a shared approach centered on the tax lot line of abutting properties.

Relocate approaches to the most optimal location on a property frontage to best meet spacing standards or enhance safety (e.g. optimal sight distance).

5. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN An implementation plan was developed using the access management strategies discussed in the previous section and by obtaining public input through a series of open houses and public hearings. Since strict adherence to the existing access management standards may adversely affect or limit access to existing land uses and businesses, it was extremely important to work individually with each property owner to meet their access needs. Figure 3 (3A through 3F) depicts the access management plan for the entire study area. Appendix D lists the recommended access improvements and improvement timeframe (short, medium, or long) by individual approach and Appendix E illustrates the phasing plan for improvements. This section also includes a general description of the implementation actions for the short-, medium- and long-range.

25 ODOT Project Development Teams include staff from the affected local jurisdictions such as, but not limited to, the

city manager, public works director and fire department.

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

The inclusion of an action in the medium-range or long-range plans should not preclude it from being considered in earlier implementation stages and some short-range actions may take longer to occur than assumed in this plan. It should be recognized that the timeframes shown for recommended actions are for planning purposes only and that all actions should be pursued as opportunities arise. The City and ODOT have agreed to work together to implement this plan. Each party recognizes conditions that exist in 2007 will change as traffic volumes increase and properties adjacent to OR 22 are developed or redeveloped. Consequently, the short-range, medium-range, and long-range strategies proposed provide both the City and ODOT with some flexibility. The City and ODOT will work together to implement those strategies that will improve highway safety and functionality while enhancing the OR 22 corridor in Mill City as a viable commercial district. 5.1. Short-Range Implementation Plan (0 – 5 Years) The focus of the short-range implementation plan is the closure of approaches on OR 22 as property redevelops and improvements at the west and east entries to the community. Short-range implementation actions and projects include the following:

Adopt City land use and engineering standards to implement this Access Management Plan. This includes adoption of implementation measures to the zoning and subdivision sections of the City Code and the adoption of amendments to the City’s Public Works Design Standards for streetscape improvements.

Install “Welcome to Mill City” entry signs and add streetscaping at the west and east city limits on OR 22.

Construct local cross-street improvements if funding is available. Identify state and local funding sources to construct needed pedestrian safety and bicycle

improvements on OR-22 and the 1st/2nd Avenue connection to Mill City. In addition to the improvements cited above that will be required by the City development permit process, ODOT may require developers to install traffic control measures, such as medians, as part of the OR 22 approach permitting process. The City and ODOT recognize that, to the extent such improvements are funded by grants and/or an ODOT OR 22 modernization project, private developers will be relieved of the financial burden of paying for improvements required by the City and ODOT development permit processes. It should be noted that ODOT may defer mitigation measures identified through the approach road permitting process until a highway improvement project is constructed. The adoption of this Access Management Plan may provide some flexibility with mitigation measures. This Plan includes recommendations for the installation of medians and traffic separators that would be consistent with mitigation measures associated with access permitting/and or a highway modernization project. Though mitigation measure could be deferred by ODOT prior to the construction of a highway improvement project, it may be necessary for developers to mitigate for traffic impacts. The need for mitigation measures would be based on anticipated safety or operational characteristics associated with the site-generated traffic for the permitted turning movements. Common mitigation measures may include one or more of the following items: striping, signing, non-traversable medians, traffic separators, and turn lanes.

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In 2007, ODOT awarded the City of Mill City a Small Cities Allotment grant to improve NW 9th Avenue, one of the local cross-streets. Funding for additional public improvements is not anticipated to be available over the next five years unless grant funding can be obtained by the City. 5.2. Medium-Range Implementation Plan (5 – 10 Years) The medium-range implementation plan includes the relocation and combination of approaches on OR 22 cross-streets and connectivity improvements on City roadways that may be funded through the City’s CIP or other sources during the next five to ten years. Due to the large extent of the study area, the medium-range implementation plan will likely need to be constructed in phases to minimize disruptions to the City roadway network and to obtain adequate funding. Implementation of the improvements shown in Figure 3 is recommended in the following phasing order, which is also depicted in Appendix E:

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5

NW 2nd Ave/ N 1st Ave

NE Alder St NE 3rd Ave NE 5th Ave NE 7th Ave NE Alder St


NW Alder St (2nd to 5th)

NW 5th Ave

NW Alder St (5th to 9th)

NW 7th Ave

NE Wall St NE Birch St


The phasing order may be reorganized as opportunities arise, but it should be kept in mind that the improvements at NW Alder Street/NW 9th Avenue, NW 2nd Avenue/N 1st Avenue, and NE Alder Street/NE 7th Avenue are most critical to supporting the long-range implementation plan. The medium-range implementation plan anticipates the City and ODOT will cooperatively identify funding alternatives for street improvement projects that conform to this plan, such as streetscape, bikeway and pedestrian improvements on both OR 22 and local streets. Such project(s) conforming to the plan can be funded with grants and constructed prior to a long-range STIP modernization project. They will enhance the commercial vitality of the Mill City corridor and encourage private investment by calming traffic, enhancing pedestrian and bicycle safety, improving the appearance of the community, and creating a stronger sense of place for residents and the traveling public. Project funding will also avoid incremental implementation that would occur through the City’s and ODOT’s development permitting process. 5.3. Long-Range Implementation Plan (10 – 20 Years) Improvements to OR 22 and the approaches on OR 22 are the focus of the long-range implementation plan (10 – 20 year timeframe) and funding for these improvements should be requested as part of the STIP. It would be ideal to construct all improvements to OR 22 at one time to minimize disruptions to through traffic and local traffic. If the improvements to OR 22 must be phased due to funding restrictions, the first phase should concentrate on improvements between NW 5th Avenue and NE 4th Avenue since this section includes the OR 22/NW 2nd Avenue intersection that is most critical to connectivity between OR 22 and downtown Mill City. The phasing order of the sections west of NW 5th Avenue and east of NE 4th Avenue is less critical after the first phase has been completed. This section includes a description of the improvements recommended to OR 22, OR 22 public approaches, and OR 22 private approaches.

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

5.3.1. Recommended OR 22 Roadway Improvements The following improvements shown in Figure 3 are recommended to improve access along OR 22:

Replace the center two-way left turn lane on OR 22 between the west city limits and NE 3rd Avenue with a non-traversable median. Include breaks in the median accompanied by left turn lanes at the following locations:

NW 9th Avenue NW 2nd Avenue NW 7th Avenue NE Alder Street (west): westbound lefts only NW 5th Avenue

Maintain the center two-way left turn lane on OR 22 from NE 3rd Avenue to east of NE 7th Avenue due to short spacing between public approaches.

Install intersection improvements at the OR 22/NW 2nd Avenue intersection. Viable options include a merge divider or a roundabout. The merge divider design alternative at OR 22/NW 2nd Avenue will allow northbound vehicles on NW 2nd Avenue to turn left and head westbound on OR 22 into their own lane without having to wait for a gap in westbound OR 22 traffic. The additional westbound lane from NW 2nd Avenue through NE 7th Avenue will provide adequate acceleration and weaving distance. Maintain the dedicated eastbound right turn lane at NW 2nd Avenue.

During public hearings in 2005 and 2007, property owners and local emergency service providers expressed concerns that medians may have a negative impact on business activity, emergency response, and access to individual properties. Consequently, this plan anticipates that the ODOT PDT will hold public planning meetings and work closely with the community to identify the specific location and length of medians prior to their installation. City officials recognize the ODOT PDT design staff will consider, in addition to community input, a variety of factors in evaluating and placing medians on OR 22, including operational safety, ODOT roadway design standards and capacity. Non-traversable medians may be installed:

As a requirement of an ODOT approach permit, pursuant to OAR 734, Division 51, or Concurrently with a STIP modernization or resurfacing project for the entire Mill City OR 22

corridor, or Concurrently with intersection improvements at NW 2nd Avenue, or After a modernization of the Mill City corridor in order to improve traffic safety, or As needed to increase or preserve capacity of the roadway.

5.3.2. Recommended OR 22 Public Approach Improvements The following public approach improvements shown in Figure 3 are recommended along OR 22:

Improve all public approaches that will remain open to ODOT’s engineering standards for roadway design (e.g. turning radii, slope, and drainage). Many approaches do not likely meet the current standards.

Vacate NE Alder Street approach (west, Sta. 68+75) on tax lot 2900 and change to private approach. NE Alder Street connects to numerous other local roadways that directly access OR 22.

Vacate NE 6th Avenue as a public street and change to a private approach.

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5.3.3. Recommended OR 22 Private Approach Improvements The following private approach improvements shown in Figure 3 are recommended along OR 22:

Improve all private approaches that will remain open to ODOT’s, Marion County’s, and the City of Mill City’s engineering standards for driveway width, surfacing, slope, and drainage.

Restrict access to right turns only through the use of a non-traversable median between the western city limits and NE 3rd Avenue. Provide breaks in the median to allow westbound left turns, but not northbound left turns at the new approach that replaces NE Alder Street (west).

Close approaches where access is available on another roadway. All study area roadways that intersect OR 22 are of a lower functional classification than OR 22.

Limit properties without access to other roadways to one approach or a shared approach where feasible. Close additional existing approaches.

Consolidate approaches into a shared approach centered on a tax lot line where feasible. Align private approaches across from public approaches where feasible. Close approaches to properties that are currently vacant or unused.

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5.4. Cost Estimate and Funding A number of individual projects have been identified based on the phasing discussed in the previous Implementation Plan sections and Table 5 lists each project, its estimated cost, potential funding sources, and recommended phase within its implementation timeframe. Appendix F includes the detailed cost estimates used to arrive at the total project costs included in Table 5.

Table 5. Project Costs, Funding Sources, and Phasing

Project #

Project Name Project Limits Estimated Cost *

Potential Funding Source


Medium-Range Projects (5 – 10 Year Timeframe): Local Streets

1 NW 9th Ave OR 22 to NW Alder $110,000 SCA/City CIP

1 2 NW 7th Ave OR 22 to NW Alder $106,000 4 3 NW 5th Ave OR 22 to NW Alder $120,000 SCA/City CIP

3 4 NW 2nd Ave & N 1st Ave OR 22 to N. Santiam River $480,000 1 5 NE 4th Ave OR 22 to NE Alder $98,000 2 6 NE 5th Ave OR 22 to NE Alder $98,000 SCA/City CIP

2 7 NE 7th Ave OR 22 to NE Alder $124,000 2 8 NW Alder (7th - 9th) NW 7th to NW 9th $386,000 2 9 NW Alder (5th – 7th) NW 5th to NW 7th $180,000 2 10 NW Alder (River Rd – 5th) River Rd to NW 5th $149,000 3 11 NW Alder (2nd – River Rd) NW 2nd to River Rd $121,000 3 12 NE Wall N 1st to NE Alder $145,000 5

13 NE Alder & NE 3rd End of NE Wall to NE 3rd $237,000 SCA/City CIP/ Marion Co. CIP


14 NE Alder (3rd to East End) NE 3rd to NE 7th $426,000 2 Total Medium-Range Project Cost: $2,780,000

Long-Range Projects (10 – 20 Year Timeframe): OR 22

15 OR 22 Reconstruction West to East City Limits $4,987,000 STIP 2 16 Rock Wall Excavation 50,000 CY East of NW 2nd $2,500,000 STIP 1

Total Long-Range Project Cost: $7,487,000


* Estimated cost is in Year 2007 dollars. Improvements made as part of property redevelopment

will be funded by the developer(s).

SCA = Special City Allotment CIP = Capital Improvement Program STIP = Statewide Transportation Improvement Program

Full implementation of this Access Management Plan is estimated to cost approximately $10.3 million, which includes approximately $2.8 million for local street improvements and approximately $7.5 million for OR 22 improvements. The following alternatives have been identified as potential funding sources for implementing this Access Management Plan:

Special City Allotment (SCA): The Oregon Legislature provides $1,000,000 annually from state gas tax revenue for ODOT to distribute to cities with populations less than 5,000 for city street capacity and/or safety improvements. ODOT works with the League of Oregon Cities to agree on funding allocations. No one project may receive more than $25,000 from

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the SCA and each city must match the SCA funds with funding from the city gas tax revenue.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Grant Program: ODOT’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Grant Program is a competitive grant program that provides approximately $5 million dollars every two years to Oregon cities, counties and ODOT regional and district offices for design and construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Proposed facilities must be within the public right-of-way. Grants are awarded by the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.

Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program: ODOT administers the TE program, which uses federal highway funds to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, or environmental value of the transportation system. Project elements of this Access Management Plan that are approved TE activities include bicycle and pedestrian facilities and landscaping and other scenic beautification. Approximately $11 million was awarded to 14 projects for the 2009 – 2011 biennium. The application process for the 2011 – 2013 biennium will likely occur during 2009. If awarded funding the City would have to provide a minimum 10.27-percent funding match.

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP): The STIP is a four-year project scheduling and funding program administered by ODOT for major state and regional transportation systems. The STIP allocates funding from numerous federal and state funding sources and is the ideal funding program for OR 22 improvements.

Marion County Capital Improvement Program (CIP): The Marion County CIP allocates county funds for transportation system improvements.

City of Mill City Capital Improvement Program (CIP): The Mill City CIP allocates city funds for transportation system improvements.

Private Developers: Developers must follow the City of Mill City Code when developing or redeveloping property. The requirements in the City Code (e.g. compliance with this Access Management Plan, frontage improvements) will help achieve incremental improvements to properties adjacent to OR 22 and the local street network. The cost estimates in Table 5 should be reduced when private development constructs a portion of any of the projects listed in the table.

6. DEVIATIONS According to OAR 734-051-0040 (19), a deviation is simply defined as, “a departure from the access management spacing standards.” To guide the decision-making process, specific criteria for the approval or denial of a request for a deviation has been provided in OAR 734-051-0135. With each request, ODOT staff must base a decision on this criteria with written findings produced to document the grounds of the approval or denial. Most deviation requests are the result of property development where only the subject property can be addressed. How the access requested will interact with the surrounding transportation system and other access points over time is often uncertain, as surrounding conditions may change. When an access management plan is developed, there is an opportunity to coordinate corridor-wide improvements, which eliminates the uncertainty associated with a piece meal approach and increases the effectiveness of access management implementation. Deviations to ODOT access management spacing standards resulting from plan recommendations were documented and reviewed by the ODOT Region 2 Access Management Engineer. While the proposed deviations were approved and the spirit of the plan as reflected in the plan objectives and access management strategies was supported, it should be noted that these deviations reflect present conditions that may or may not exist at the time a future highway modernization project is designed. Accordingly, though specific deviations are listed

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herein, they are conceptual and are included only for guidance and illustration purposes. While these conceptual deviations may be determined to be valid and appropriate to rely upon at the time a roadway project or development proposal is initiated, the specific spacing distances in the following tables are not binding or mandated by this plan. Amendments to the conceptual deviations shall not necessitate amending this plan. A copy of the deviation approval memorandum from ODOT is included in Appendix G.

7. STREETSCAPE PLAN Streetscape not only provides architectural interest to the roadway environment but also typically includes elements that enhance vehicular and pedestrian safety. Appendix H includes the proposed streetscape plans for the study area that addresses the following “zones” and includes various elements such as street trees, landscaped medians, lighting, bicycle racks, benches, and trash receptacles:

East and West Entry Treatment on OR 22 OR 22 Transition Zone (City Limits to OR 22 Downtown Core Gateway Zone) OR 22 Downtown Core Gateway (NW 5th Avenue to NE 4th Avenue) Alder Street Cross-Section “A” (adjacent to OR 22 Downtown Core Gateway Zone) Alder Street Cross-Section “B” (adjacent to OR 22 Transition Zone) Avenues

Of note, the OR 22 Transition Zones at the west and east ends of Mill City are intended to alert motorists of the transition from high-speed rural highway environment to lower-speed developed city environment. The medians, street trees, and continuous sidewalks provide visual cues that work in conjunction with the speed reduction signage to remind drivers to reduce their travel speed. Additionally, all of the proposed streetscape for OR 22 includes a planting/furnishing zone adjacent to the curb that provides a buffer between vehicular roadway traffic and sidewalk pedestrian traffic.

8. RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITIONS Right-of-Way (ROW) will need to be acquired by ODOT along OR 22 and by Mill City along the other study area roadways in order to implement the strategies included in this Access Management Plan. ROW acquisition will occur only as part of a grant or ODOT OR 22 modernization project. Appendix I includes plans that illustrate the ROW that will need to be acquired as well as the preliminary civil engineering design details used to determine needs.

9. ACCESS MANAGEMENT PLAN MODIFICATIONS As the access management plan is implemented over time, there may be conditions under which modifications to the plan are desired as a result of new findings or changes in circumstances related to specific property accessibility. Under such conditions, modifications to the plan may be initiated by either the City or ODOT and made by ODOT in accordance to OAR 734-051, with input provided by the City of Mill City. Any modifications made should be documented in writing and provided to ODOT and the City of Mill City. Such modifications applied to specific properties in response to specific changed conditions or circumstances will not require an Access Management Strategy or Access Management Plan amendment.

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

APPENDIX A Public Involvement Process

The City of Mill City held a number of open houses and public hearings from 2004 through 2008 to consider various drafts of the Hwy 22 Concept Design and the OR-22 Access Management Plan for Mill City. The following are representative of all of the public information materials, citizen comments, meeting agendas and minutes that were generated during that year time period. 1. June 2004 Public Information Sheet

2. June 2004 Summary of Citizen Comments from June 2004 Open House

3. June 23, 2004 Notice to Property Owner summarizing public comments.

4. March 2005 Public Information Sheet

5. May 2007 City Staff Memorandum Summarizing Project History

6. May 23, 2007 Public Hearing Agenda and Minutes

7. June 8, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

8. June 20, 2007 Public Hearing Agenda and Minutes

9. December 2007 City Staff Memorandum Summarizing Amendments to Plan

10. December 14, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

11. December 2007 Executive Summary

12. January 2008 City Media Release and Staff Memorandum

13. January 11, 2008 Public Hearing Agenda and Minutes

14. February 12, 2008 Public Hearing Agenda and Minutes

February 2008


Background Information: The Mill City Planning Commission has identified a number of current problems and long range planning issues which will affect the development of private properties along Highway 22 in Mill City. Those issues include: (1) Traffic safety (2) Pedestrian safety (3) Need for a clear long term plan for future

improvements on Hwy 22. (4) Access / driveway locations onto Hwy 22

and adjacent side streets. (5) Required improvements for new

development. (6) Coordination of access permits with

ODOT. The Planning Commission concluded the City and ODOT should work together to create a long term (20-year) plan for Hwy 22 within the City limits. Citizen Input The purpose of today=s meeting is to obtain informal comments from local businesses and property owners. We request that you fill out the back of this form and return it today. We will catalogue all comments and use them in our review of the concept plan. Collaboration with Local Businesses Many cities in Oregon have adopted traffic system improvement plans. The plans provide priorities and estimated costs for needed street and traffic safety improvements in the city. ODOT and City officials propose to develop the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan in collaboration with local property owners and business owners.

The Plan will address the following issues: (1) Auto access along Hwy 22 within the city

limits that addresses local street use, access for all businesses. The goal is to create safe accesses which will work for business property owners.

(2) Hwy 22 Centerline alignment and a street

cross section, showing future curbs, travel lanes, center turn lanes and other improvements.

(3) Parking Plan for businesses in each of 3

sections of Hwy 22. (4) Improved access to and use of Alder

Street for local trips. (5) Pedestrian and bicycle access to and from

Hwy 22. (6) Funding opportunities. (7) Intergovernmental Agreement between

the City of Mill City and ODOT to adopt the final plan and provide certainty to property owners and business owners.

(8) Proposed amendments to the Mill City

Comprehensive Plan and Development Code to simplify review of new developments that are consistent with the adopted Access Management Plan.

Future Funding: The State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) is the 6-year plan for funding maintenance and development projects on Oregon=s state highways. The current STIP does not include Hwy 22 projects inside the City of Mill City. The Access Management Plan will be used to seek funding from ODOT and other state or federal funding sources.

When will Improvements be Built? Unknown. First, the plan must be adopted and funding sources found. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:

David Kinney, City Administrator, City of Mill City PO Box 256, E-mail: millcity@wvi.comMill City, OR 97360 Phone: 503.897.2302

Review Comments from June 8th Meeting Page 1 of 2



Review Comments from June 8th Meeting (2004)

1. Do you have any general comments or concerns about the proposed concept plan? Gary Swanson (285 NE 5th): There will be adverse affects on some businesses. Others will probably be helped. The key is to simply balance impact, though some wont understand that. The improvements as proposed represent not only safety improvements but also aesthetic enhancement. What can’t be overlooked is the need to carefully assess impact on every single business. None are any less significant than others. Its going to be a tough but “do-able” sell. Jim & Paula Gundersen ( 921 N. W. Alder): A lot of it looks good - Slow down the traffic! N. W. 9th is currently paved on the Gundersen side as per our survey done in 1980's or 1970's. Please officially close west end of N. W. Alder. Alan L. Girod (250 N. W. 9th Ave.): Wouldn’t enforcement of the speed limit by the police be a lot cheaper and mor effective than the divides and sidewalks? Earnest L. Freeman (850 S. W. Ivy St.): At the connector road from downtown Mill City, west bound traffic should not be able to turn into Circle K. Road traffic from Circle K should only turn to the right out of their park-ing lot going to the east. All traffic from the Mill City connector should always have precedence to Circle K. Roberta Beldon (233 NE Alder St.): NE Alder speed factor if used at easement - Great plan. Wayne & Barbra L. Thomas (963 NW Alder): Leave the highway access on Ross Mason property, as it’s the only highway access to the highway from our property. Close highway access on the west end of NW Alder. Nancy Simmons (400 N. Santiam Blvd.): Access to bank from east. - Concern: Lack of access with the median. - I think that signage would possibly alleviate the problem. US Bank - Summer traffic is west bound (customers). Parking areas are needed for RV’s, boats, and trucks along entire road for easy access to existing businesses. Joe Uffelman (285 NE Santiam Blvd): Don’t need a sidewalk on the north side of 22 on the NE 200 area. I feel the turn medians would impair certain businesses by impending access from cross highway traffic. No stop light at Circle K. Vehicles (log trucks) need to turn north on NE 4th. Mike Long (160 N 1st): The median at NE 4th will create a problem for the log trucks using Mill City hill. Nancy Kelle (280 NE Santiam Blvd.): I don’t like the middle barriers. Larry Duckett (25115 SW Parkway Ste. B): Request copy of purposed plan around Texaco property.

Review Comments from June 8th Meeting Page 2 of 2

1. Do you have specific concerns about a particular piece of property, street, access driveway, or improvement?

Gary R. Swanson: Proposal to shift Giovanni parking will hurt that business especially in inclement weather. Careful consideration of my business as right of way line is around 6" inside existing building (or so were told). Jim & Paula Gundersen: We currently have a problem with long trucks using NW 9th. They wipe out signs, etc. Earnest L. Freeman: Maybe get rid of all access to Circle K from Highway 22. Nancy Kelle: 280 NE Santiam Blvd. Needs to be P not T. 1. Do you have any suggested revisions to the concept plan? Joe Uffelman: I will need to digest some of this. Do you wish to be involved in any future meetings? 10 Yes 0 No Do you wish to receive notices or information as we proceed? 11 Yes 0 No

Hwy 22 Development Plan Update June 23, 2004

Dear Property Owners & Business Owners: Thank you for expressing an interest in and/or attending the June 8th workshop at City Hall to discuss the city’s long range development plan for Hwy 22 improvements in Mill City. Enclosed is a copy of the concept plan that was presented at the workshop, a project description and a blank comment sheet. We request that you review the plans again and submit any new comments to us at City Hall by July 15, 2004. Approximately 45 people attended the workshop and provided comments on the concept plan. Some of the key areas of concern which were raised during the session included:

Design of the highway needs to correct safety hazards at major intersections.

Access to local businesses is critical. Of particular concern was access to the U.S. Bank, Circle K, Giovanni’s and Poppa Al’s.

Parking for RV’s and trucks needs to be incorporated into the plan.

Use of median barriers and planting strips needs to be reviewed on a block by

block basis. There are some locations where medians need to be removed or modified.

The community would like information about funding, priorities and timing of improvements.

Improvements to NE & NW Alder & connecting streets to Hwy 22 (such as 9th St.,

7th St. or 5th St.) must occur concurrently with improvements on Hwy 22.

Slowing traffic down & traffic speed enforcement are important and can be addressed now.

On behalf of Alan Fox, ODOT project manager, City Engineer Steve Ward and myself I wish to thank each of you for your comments. On June 25th our project team will be meet to begin the review of the comments we have received to date. We will discuss changes which need to be made to the concept plan and when revisions to the plan will be ready for public comment. Thank you again for your participation and constructive criticism of the concept design. Sincerely, David W. Kinney City Administrator cc: Planning Commission & Mayor Kirsch & City Councilors


Open House & Public Hearing - March 15, 2005 Santiam High School - Auditorium Lobby, Mill City

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Open House - Drop in at any time

6:00 p.m. – Public Hearing

Background Information

The Mill City Planning Commission has identified a number of current and long range planning issues which will affect the development of private properties along Highway 22 in Mill City. Those issues include: (1) Traffic safety (2) Pedestrian safety (3) Need for a clear long term plan for future

improvements on Hwy 22. (4) Access / driveway locations onto Hwy 22 a-

nd adjacent side streets. (5) Required improvements for new

development. (6) Coordination of access permits with ODOT. (7) Street, curb, sidewalk and drainage

improvements on NE Alder Street, NW Alder Street and the side streets connecting to Hwy 22.

The City and ODOT staff are working together to create a long term (20-year) plan for Hwy 22 within the City.

Citizen Input Last July we met with over 50 property owners and interested citizens to review “DRAFT #1" of the proposed Hwy 22 Access Management Plan. Participants provided over 75 different comments and suggestions on the proposed plan. Many of these have been incorporated into “DRAFT #2". On February 10th and March 3rd we held two open houses to give local businesses and property owners a chance to talk with us. We received a

number of additional suggestions on how to improve the plan. Thank you to each of you who attended these meetings.

Open House & Public Hearing

You are invited to drop in at any time between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The open house is intended to give you one more opportunity to informally talk with ODOT officials, City Engineer Steve Ward and City Administrator David Kinney. They will be available to talk with you and answer questions about how the plan affects your property. We will catalogue all comments and use them in our continued review of the concept plan. The City Council and Planning Commission will hold a public hearing beginning at 6:00 p.m. You are invited to testify at the public hearing. You may also submit written comments to City Hall prior to the hearing or until March 31st.

Can I submit comments

if I cannot attend? City Administrator David Kinney is willing to meet with any property owner or citizen to discuss the plan. Call City Hall at 503.897.2302 to schedule a time when you can meet with him either at City Hall or at your property to review the plan. You may also submit written comments to City Hall. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: David Kinney, City Administrator City of Mill City PO Box 256, E-mail: millcity@wvi.comMill City, OR 97360 Phone: 503.897.2302

What is included in the Access Management Plan?

Many cities in Oregon have adopted traffic system improvement plans. The plans provide priorities and estimated costs for needed street and traffic safety improvements in the city. The Hwy 22 Access Management Plan will include: (1) Temporary & permanent locations for

driveways onto Hwy 22, Alder Street and side streets. The goal is to create safe accesses which will work for business and residential property owners and protect the safety of the traveling public.

(2) A long term plan for Hwy 22 improvements.

The plan will show future curbs, travel lanes, center turn lanes, medians, bike lanes, land-scaped areas and sidewalk improvements.

(3) Pedestrian and bicycle access to/from Hwy

22. (4) Funding opportunities. The plan will identify

priority improvements and funding sources. (5) An agreement between the City of Mill City

and ODOT to adopt the final plan.

How will adoption

of a plan impact me?

Property owners and businesses will not see any immediate changes on Hwy 22. The plan is a long range plan which will be used to guide development on private properties and help the City & ODOT prioritize funding for Hwy 22 improvements. 1. Property owners who want to build a new

building or redevelop property on or near Hwy 22 will use the plan to identify locations for driveways and parking areas.

2. Adoption of the plan should speed up

ODOT review of driveway access permits to Hwy 22.

3. Adoption of the plan should speed up the

City of Mill City review of building plans for new buildings or major remodel of buildings in the CH zone near Hwy 22.

4. Adoption of the plan will enable the City of

Mill City and ODOT to clearly tell a property owner what driveway, sidewalk and curb improvement are required next to a new building or development.

When will Improvements

be Built? Unknown. First, the plan must be adopted and funding sources identified. This is a 20-30 year plan and we expect to construct the improvements in a number of phases depending on the funding sources. The City will need to work closely with ODOT, Marion County and prospective funding agencies to identify sources of funding for projects. The plan anticipates the first projects may include NE Alder, NW Alder or connecting streets to Hwy 22.

Funding The State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) is the 6-year plan for funding maintenance and development projects on Oregon’s state highways. The current STIP do-es not include Hwy 22 projects inside the City of Mill City. The Access Management Plan will be used to seek funding from ODOT and other state or federal funding sources. In order for the city to successfully compete for grant funding for highway improvements, it is necessary for the City of Mill City to have an adopted Hwy 22 plan.


To: Chairman George Long and Planning Commissioners

Mayor Tim Kirsch & City Councilors

From: David W. Kinney, Planning Consultant

Date: May 16, 2007

Proposal: Hwy 22 Access Management Plan – Public Hearing

Enclosures:A. OR-22 Mill City Access Management Plan “DRAFT”, DKS Associates

B. Zoning Code Amendments, Scot Siegel, Planning Consultant

C. Subdivision Code Amendments, Scot Siegel, Planning Consultant

D. CIP List

E. Minutes of Planning Commission Meetings - January to April 2007

F. Memo from Ann Carey, Planning Volunteer

G. Memo from Deborah Hogan, City Administrator

H. Notice of Public Hearing mailed to Community Members

Open House & Public Hearing:

The City Council and Planning Commission will hold an open house and public hearing on Wednesday,May 23, 2007 at the Santiam High School Auditorium Foyer:

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Open House6:00 p.m. Presentation and Public Hearing

The purpose of the public hearing is to present the proposed OR-22 Access Management Plan and relateddocuments to the Planning Commission and City Council. The open house and hearing will give thepublic a chance to comment on the proposal.

History of Project & TGM Grant:

The City staff and ODOT have been working on the draft Hwy 22 Access Management Plan on and offfor the past 3-4 years. The intent of the plan is to provide a concept plan for the upgrade andimprovement of Hwy 22 in Mill City. Last year the City was awarded a Transportation and GrowthManagement grant to pay for the preparation of the Access Management Plan documents and codeamendments.

Hwy 22 Access Management Plan

May 16, 2007 page 2

The primary purpose of the project was to give ODOT and city staff certainty about the type and scope ofpublic improvements which will be required by the City when a development application is received forproperty adjacent to Hwy 22 or the local streets near Hwy 22.

In order to complete the project, Sue Geniesse (TGM program manager) and Dave Kinney approvedsubconsultants (on TGM’s approved list) to prepare the following elements of the plan:

1. Access Management Plan Document John Boskett, DKS Associates2. Streetscape Plan Tom Litster, OTAK Engineering3. Subdivision and Zoning Code Amendments Scot Siegel, Siegel Planning4. Capital Improvements Plan Ray Engel & Steve Ward5. Concept Plan Map Ray Engel & Steve Ward

Adoption of the plan and code amendments are intended to have the following impacts for the City andODOT:

1. Provide a clear plan for improvements on Hwy 22 (long term).

2. Provide certainty for developers about location of street, sidewalk and streetscapeimprovements.

3. Place the City in a position to apply for ODOT - SCA & Transportation Enhancementgrants to fund portions of the local streets and the Hwy 22 sidewalk/landscapeimprovements.

4. Provide a concept plan for the Mid-Willamette Advisory Committee on Transportation(MWACT) and ODOT to use when trying to secure funding for Hwy 22 improvementsin the State Transporation Improvement Plan (STIP). It is likely to take 10+ years to getthis project on the STIP.

The Planning Commission has reviewed the streetscape plan and the code amendments and made anumber of changes to them. They will be discussing the Access Management Plan document on Friday,May 18th.

Public Comments:

The City held a number of open houses and hearings in 2005 to consider public comments on the conceptplan design. We identified the specific property owner concerns and attempted to address each one inrevisions of the plan.

The biggest concern that has been raised by property owners and the Mill City Fire District is theplacement of center dividers in Hwy 22. My expectation is that the fire district will again raise thisconcern. Deborah Hogan has also expressed some reservations about the adoption of the plan.

Again, the purpose of the open house and hearing is to give the public a chance to review this latest draftand submit comments. It will also give the City Council and Planning Commission an opportunity to askquestions and discuss the draft plan document.

Hwy 22 Access Management Plan

May 16, 2007 page 3

PC and CC Options:

1. Listen to Public Comments during open house

2. Consider overall presentation from Consultants

3. Listen to Public Testimony during Hearing

4. Hold hearing record open to Planning Commission meeting on June 8, 2007

5. Consider Deliberation at either June 12, 2007 Council Meeting or a Special Meeting

6. Upon Completion of hearings:

Planning Commission Actions:

a. Recommend Adoption / Rejection of Access Management Planb. Recommend Adoption / Rejection of Code Amendments

City Council Actions:a. Adopt / Reject Access Management Plan as Technical Amendment to Comp Planb. Adopt / Reject Zoning & Subdivision Code Amendments

7. If Adopted, forward to Oregon Department of Transportation for concurrence

E:\2700+\Corelwp\Mill City\Hwy 22\TGM 2005\Mill City AMP\5-23-07 Hrg memo.wpd

City of Mill CityP.O. Box 256

Mill City, Oregon 97360

Ph: 503.897.2302 g Fax: 503.897.3499 g E-mail: millcity@wvi.com


OPEN HOUSE 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.mPUBLIC HEARING 6:00 p.m.

May 23, 2007 6:00 p.m.

Santiam High School Auditorium FoyerSW Evergreen Street


1. Call to Order and Flag Salute Mayor Kirsch

2. Joint Public Hearing: Hwy 22 Access Management Plan

A. Opening of the Public Hearing & Rules of Conduct

B. Declarations of Ex Parte Contact, Conflicts of Interest or Bias

C. Staff Report

1. Project Overview David W . Kinney, Planning Consultant

2. DRAFT OR 22 Access Management Plan John Boskett, DKS Associates

3. Concept Plan Map Steve W ard, City Engineer

4. Streetscape Elements David Kinney, Planning Consultant

5. Subdivision & Zoning Code Revisions Scot Siegel, Siegel Planning

D. Proponent’s Testimony

E. Opponent’s Testimony

F. General Testimony of Other Individuals or Organizations

G. Questions of Clarification from the City Council or Planning Commission

H. Staff Summary

I. Continuation of Public Hearing and Keep Record Open to June 8, 2007 at 9:30 a.m.

3. Adjournment

City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call City Hall at 897-2302 by noon the day before the

commission meeting if you need an interpreter for the hearing impaired or any other special accommodation.

City of Mill City Joint City Council/Planning Commission Public Hearing May 23, 2007 Page 1 of 4


Joint Public Hearing Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Mayor Kirsch opened the public hearing at 6:00 PM. Councilors present were Chris Bigness, Jerry Carr, Ann Holaday and Michael Long. Planning Commission Members present were Chairman George Long, Ruth Lemke, Cheryl Lundquist, Renate Medley and Sharon Setzer. Lynda Harrington, Nancy Kelle and Gay Stuntzner were excused. Staff members in attendance were City Clerk, Stacie Cook, Planning Advisor, David Kinney and City Administrator, Deborah Hogan. Citizens in attendance were: Dennis Brown, Ann Carey, Shari Castle, Beth Chatleain, Matt Crall, Terri Crall, Rosie Damon, Charles Follis, Sue Geniesse, ODOT, Hal Grimstad, Ray Hanna, Cathy Hoover, Don Hoover, Deb Kass, Matt Lemrise, Shauna Lemrise, Karen Lucas, Rex Lucas, Roel Lundquist, Dan Meredith, Maryann Meredith, Fire Chief Leland Ohrt, Betty Plotts, Josephine Reid, Bill Sanderson, Scot Siegel, Siegel Planning, Kenneth Spaur, Johnnie Spaur, Emmett Thomas, Frances Thomas, Ralph Thompson and Larry Urban. DECLARATIONS OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: Mayor Kirsch stated that anyone who felt they may have a potential conflict with anything on tonight’s agenda may say so at this time or at any time during tonight’s meeting. Councilor Holaday stated that she owns a home adjacent to Hwy 22. Mayor Kirsch stated that he owns a business within the vicinity. Councilor Long stated that he also owns a business within the area. Planning Chairman George Long stated that he also owns a building near the area in question. STAFF REPORT: David Kinney, Planning Advisor, gave a brief power point presentation which included information on access management. Access Management is meant to improve safety, reduce congestion and encourage economic development/redevelopment. The goal is to reduce safety conflict between vehicles. Left hand turns should be at a minimal. With this plan, it is hoped that the city will promote its identity, improve vision, improve safety and appearance. The Access Management Plan has strategies and layouts for development on Hwy 22. Mr. Kinney stated that to comply with driveway requirements, a 40 mph zone requires 990 lineal feet between driveways. Part of the reason for this plan is to determine how and where to put driveways along Hwy 22 to fit Mill City’s needs. The intersection at Circle K fails to meet ODOT requirements during peak hours (Friday eastbound and Sunday westbound). Scott Siegel, Siegel Planning, stated that the draft zoning/subdivision ordinances are proposed to connect the vision /plan with day-to-day decision making for the development applications or change of use applications that come before the city. This sets up procedure for what has to happen and when. The plan shows cross-access with shared drives. Mr. Kinney stated that prioritization has been set as Entry Signs, Connection to Alder, Hwy 22, NE 3rd Avenue to NW 5th Avenue. No state funding has been identified at this time. The City must adopt a plan to be eligible for ODOT funding. The State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) requires an adopted plan and will have competition with projects throughout Region 2. Funding is likely 10+ years away at a cost of an estimated $7 Million in todays costs. Other possible funding sources are the Small Cities Allotment fund (SCA), transportation enhancement program dollars (ISTEA), Marion County (for NE Alder St.) and gas tax funds received by Mill City. The next step is to review testimony with the ODOT design group and have further discussion at the Planning Commission level. The plan will then be modified as warranted and a recommendation will be given to Council by the Planning Commission toward the end of June.

City of Mill City Joint City Council/Planning Commission Public Hearing May 23, 2007 Page 2 of 4

Mr. Kinney noted that there has been some written testimony including a letter was received from the Fire Department, comments from the City Administrator and a petition which was read into the record by City Administrator, Deborah Hogan. Ms. Hogan stated that after the plan is adopted, it becomes a guiding principle that is more work to change if problems are found. Councilor Bigness noted a potential conflict as he owns a home on NW Alder Street. PROPONENT’S TESTIMONY: None. OPPONENT’S TESTIMONY: Fire Chief Leland Ohrt state that the Fire Boards biggest concern is that the plan seems to be identical as that of a couple years back. Medians will force traffic to Alder Street which is narrower in this plan. Medians will also delay response times and limit access to buildings. Cross-access easements will worsen this. Chief Ohrt also stated that there has been no input from community on this plan and he would like to see it go back to the drawing board. Cathy Hoover, Hwy 22, stated that medians will limit home accesses to the Hwy and the design goes against small town living. Hal Grimstad, SE Grove, stated that he questions how Linn County will access Marion County with the bridge condition. Shari Castle, NW Alder St., said that she doesn’t want more traffic on Alder Street. Charles Follis, NW Alder St., stated that he would like to see investigation into how to fix the bank on River Rd. so it doesn’t have to be closed and a street run through the back of his property. Mr. Follis stated that he doesn’t like this plan. As a representative of the Moose Lodge, Mr. Follis stated that the medians will limit customers getting in and out of the parking lot and members coming from the west would not have access into the parking lot. Mr. Follis noted that he is also against increased traffic on Alder Street. Ray Hanna, SW Spring St., stated that he agrees with the principles of the petition and is unsure of who this plan serves. Mr. Hanna stated that there is a need to reinvent Mill City and this plan doesn’t help bring people into town. GENERAL TESTIMONY: Roel Lundquist, SW Linn Blvd., stated that lowering the speed limit should be considered as more accesses could be provided if this were to be done. QUESTIONS OF CLARIFICATION FROM CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION: Councilor Long asked how many signatures are on the petition. Ms. Hogan stated that she counted 68. Mayor Kirsch asked if this plan will continue west as the city takes in more properties. Mr. Kinney said that it is the expectation that the three lane section will need to be extended. Taking the plan out to the UGB should be discussed. Mayor Kirsch asked what the design standards would be without the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan. Mr. Kinney stated that the requirements would be to get access permits through ODOT and if an alternative access is available, such as Alder St, then ODOT has the ability to require it to be used as the access point rather than Hwy 22. Mayor Kirsch noted that he reviewed the petition and it has a number of signatures from out of town, some that are illegible and other names without actual signatures.

City of Mill City Joint City Council/Planning Commission Public Hearing May 23, 2007 Page 3 of 4

Councilor Carr stated that he has only heard unhappiness toward this plan and asked what will happen if there is no plan. Sue Geniesse, ODOT, stated that the give and take won’t be there. This is an opportunity to work out in advance what the city needs. ODOT’s goal is to get traffic down the highway as quickly and safely as possible. Councilor Bigness stated that nowhere else in the State is there anything like this and asked why Mill City is being looked at for a first of its kind. Mr. Kinney stated that the intersection at Circle K was the driving force. ODOT traffic department said this wouldn’t meet its requirements for a signal so a joint decision was made to move forward with finding another option for improvement. Councilor Bigness asked how many accidents a year are at the Circle K intersection. Fire Chief Ohrt said he has seen 2-3 accidents in the last 10 years. Councilor Bigness asked about placing a flashing light since it has worked so well in Mehama. Mr. Kinney explained that ODOT is not installing flashing lights any more and will be removing any remaining lights as highway projects are done. Councilor Holaday noted that another reason for the plan was to help property owners with non-permitted access points so they would still be able to use their current access instead of having a curb installed. Mr. Kinney noted that this plan calls for the rock wall across from Giovanni’s to be cut back which will allow for accesses near Giovanni’s and Poppa Al’s. Councilor Carr asked what the resistance to three lanes clear through Mill City is. Mr. Kinney noted that more medians equal more driveway accesses. Fire Chief Ohrt stated that citizens should be involved in drawing the access plan and commented that he feels out of towners are affected by this plan also. Mayor Kirsch stated that ODOT starts the plan with its standards and then the city follows through with gathering public input through hearings like this so that the plan becomes Mill City’s plan. Mr. Kinney stated that as many citizen comments as possible were incorporated into this plan from the 2005 public hearing. There have been a number of minor changes made to address individual property owner concerns. Ray Hanna asked if the level of urgency in approving this plan is coming from ODOT or Mill City. Sue Geniesse stated that there is no urgency in approving the plan, there just needs to be a deadline due to the consulting contract ending. City Administrator, Deborah Hogan stated that procedurally, once the plan is adopted, it is all or nothing and the City must follow it. If elements need to be added or subtracted, it should be done now. A gateway to Mill City is needed such as a round-about. Mayor Kirsch noted that the loss of business can be just as bad without the plan due to improvement requirements by ODOT. Mr. Kinney commented that the record should be held open for written comment and the hearing continued to June 20th. Councilor Bigness asked if ODOT will work with the City to lower the speed limit. Ms. Hogan stated that ODOT sets limits based upon criteria and there is no way to guarantee a lower speed limit.

City of Mill City Joint City Council/Planning Commission Public Hearing May 23, 2007 Page 4 of 4

Maryann Meredith, SW Spring St., asked where the law enforcement/traffic patrol is. Mr. Kinney stated that the State Police are working to put money into their budget to get more officers in the Salem area which should help in the Canyon. Marion County is also working to add a 6-7 officer traffic safety team focusing on the Canyon. Councilor Holaday noted that Linn County also budgeted more funds for a traffic unit that will patrol throughout the County. Mayor Kirsch continued the hearing to June 20, 2007 at 6:00 PM ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 PM. Prepared by: ____________________________________

Stacie Cook, City Clerk

City of Mill CityP.O. Box 256

Mill City, Oregon 97360

Ph: 503.897.2302 g Fax: 503.897.3499 g E-mail: millcity@wvi.com


CITY HALL– 252 Cedar StreetMILL CITY, OREGON 97360

1. Call to Order and Flag Salute Chairman Long

2. Approval of Minutes: May 18, 2007May 23, 2007

3. Public Hearings:A. File No. 2007-05-0?

Proposal: Site Review / Land Use Action on N. Santiam RiverNew Home Construction

Applicant: Pamela Brackett / Tom KastLocation: T9S Range 3E 30DC TL 101

655 SW Spring Street (east end), Mill City

4. Old Business:a. Storm Sewer Master Plan Report Ray Engel, Westech

i. Set Public Hearing Date (Joint Hearing w/ Council?)

b. Hwy 22 Access Management Plan “Draft Access Management Plan”i. Technical Advisory Committee Report/Changesii. Capital Improvements Plan / Phasing

5. New Business:

6. Upcoming Meetings:July 13, 2007 9:00 a.m. Regular Meeting City HallAugust 10, 2007 9:00 a.m. Regular Meeting City Hall

7. Adjournment

Future Agenda Items:

Future Work Items Buildable Lands Inventory (Begin Discussion)

Sewer SDC (Discussion)

Street Improvement Plan -Dev Agts vs. Deferrals

Zoning Code Changes (other city items)

Possible Applications Susann Heller (Minor Partition)

Ward Annexation (SW Spring St.)

SE Fairview Street Design (next to Remine Addition)

Minutes of the Mill City Planning Commission page 3

June 8, 2007


Storm Sewer Master Plan Report: Mr. Kinney stated that a draft Snake Creek basin evaluation is ready. City

Administrator Deborah Hogan and Ray Engel, Westech Engineering, have looked at the details of the drainage

swales. Ms. Hogan has asked Mr. Engel to modify the drawing of the ditch lines to scale and add planting

components showing types of plantings that can be placed in the swale. The end result is a more detailed system.

Sharon Setzer asked if extensive soil testing will take place before and swales are installed. Mr. Kinney said that this

will need to be discussed with Mr. Engel. Gay Stuntzner said that she would like to have a walk through with Mr.

Engel to go over the storm sewer plan. Ruth Lemke asked what SBUH and Rational mean in engineering terms. Mr.

Kinney said that he is unsure of the exact meanings but that they are both methods of calculation. The drainage lines

will be installed by developers not the city. A consensus was reached to hold a joint City Council/Planning

Commission public hearing on August 14 or 28 . A tentative Planning Commission meeting was set for August 3,th th


Hwy 22 Access Management Plan: On June 4, 2007, Ed Cantrell, John Boskett, Sue Geniesse, Westech Engineering,

Alan Fox, Deborah Hogan and David Kinney, met to go through the items that were marked on the Hwy 22 maps

during the last public hearing. Driveway approaches have not yet been addressed. The median in the area near

Green Mountain was changed and pulled back before th intersection. The likelihood of improvements happening in

the next 5-10 years is slim to none and are more likely 15+ years out. When improvements happen, it should all be

done at once and paid for by ODOT. An addition of a standard driveway approach off of a city street needs to be on

the plan as well as language that improvements needed for circulation on side streets be incorporated into the plan

and completed by ODOT. Gay Stuntzner asked if the round-about was discussed. Mr. Kinney stated that the initial

comments from ODOT’s design staff was there may not be enough room to install one that meets requirements for

heavy trucks and projected traffic speeds for Hwy 22, but they have referred the ideas to the ODOT design staff to

review and respond. ODOT is looking at improvements that increase capacity and medians to that by restricting turn

movements. There are no medians in the east section, east of NE Third Avenue shown on this plan. At the time

improvements are done near Circle K, a median will be required to the west. An alternative design showing a round-

about in this intersection will be included on the map for review at the time of implementation. There was further

discussion regarding access points along Hwy 22. It was explained that the number one driving force for the design

of future improvements to Hwy 22 is freight traffic. The more sidewalks, curbs, plantings, etc., that can be installed,

the better the chance to slow traffic and possibly get the speed lowered. Cheryl Lundquist asked if a statement can

be put into the plan that says although the City is signing off on the plan, the majority of those who attended the

public hearings, were against medians. Mr. Kinney stated that ODOT won’t buy off on the plan if medians are not

included around Circle K and to the west.

City Administrator, Deborah Hogan arrived at 11:14 AM. Mr. Kinney added that to the east, planting strips could be

shown on the plan with no real impact. Ms. Hogan stated that the safest design is to have no open spaces in the

medians in front of Giovanni’s and the curve. Crosswalk locations need to be included as a note for discussion. Mr.

Kinney commented that a note for a future landscaped entry point at the east end of the city could be included as

well. Ms. Hogan said that there are concerns with U-turns at the west end and keeping the road wide enough to

allow them.



The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM

Prepared by:


Stacie Cook, Secretary

City of Mill CityP.O. Box 256

Mill City, Oregon 97360

Ph: 503.897.2302 g Fax: 503.897.3499 g E-mail: millcity@wvi.com


OPEN HOUSE 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.mPUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) 6:00 p.m.

June 20, 2007 6:00 p.m.Santiam High School Auditorium Foyer

SW Evergreen StreetMILL CITY, OREGON 97360

1. Call to Order Mayor Kirsch

2. Continuation of Joint Public Hearing: Hwy 22 Access Management Plan

A. Staff Report

1. Project Overview Alan Fox, ODOT

2. OR 22 Access Management Plan John Bosket, DKS Engineering

3. Revisions to Concept Plan Maps David Kinney, Planning Consultant

4. Response to Public Comments David Kinney, Planning Consultant

B. Proponent’s Testimony

C. Opponent’s Testimony

D. General Testimony of Other Individuals or Organizations

E. Questions of Clarification from the City Council or Planning Commission

F. Staff Summary Deborah Hogan

G. Close of Public Hearing

H. Discussion on Adoption of the Concept Plan

J. Next Steps

1. Revisions for Final Access Management Plan Document (DKS)

* Address Unresolved Issues/Alternatives during Detail Design/Project Development

*Statement to Allow ODOT to modify design to fit ODOT Design Standards

*Findings of Compatibility with City’s General Plan & Statewide Planning Goals

2. Review by Region 2

3. Back to City (PC & CC) for Adoption of Plan and Supporting Ordinances–July/August

4. City Council Deliberation and Decision – July/August

5. Oregon Transportation Commission Action - Fall 2007

3. Adjournment

City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call City Hall at 897-2302 by noon the day before the

commission meeting if you need an interpreter for the hearing impaired or any other special accommodation.

City of Mill City Joint City Council/Planning Commission Minutes June 20, 2007 Page 1 of 4


Wednesday, June 20, 2007 Mayor Kirsch opened the meeting at 6:16 PM. Councilors present were Jerry Carr, Judy Goffin, Ann Holaday, and Michael Long. Lynda Harrington arrived at 6:32 PM. Chris Bigness was absent. Planning Commissioners in attendance were Vice Chair Nancy Kelle, Cheryl Lundquist and Gay Stuntzner. Chairman George Long and Renate Medley were excused. Sharon Setzer was absent. Staff members in attendance were City Clerk, Stacie Cook, Planning Advisor David Kinney and City Administrator, Deborah Hogan. Citizens in attendance were: John Bosket, DKS Associates, Alan Fox, ODOT, Sue Geniesse, ODOT, Gerry Juster, ODOT, Roel Lundquist, Dan Meredith, Maryann Meredith, Helen Merrill, Fire Chief Leland Ohrt, John Pickett, Josephine Reid and Ann Spaur. DECLARATIONS OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: Mayor Kirsch stated that anyone who felt they may have a potential conflict with anything on tonight’s agenda may say so at this time or at any time during tonight’s meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: Mayor Kirsch opened the continuation of the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan public hearing at 6:18 PM and called for the staff report. Staff Report: Alan Fox, ODOT, gave a brief PowerPoint presentation on access management. Mr. Fox explained that access management focuses on improving the control of driveways and intersections and deals with identifying safe and effective access points. Access management also works to improve unsafe conditions and improve economic issues. If a turn is unsafe, then a motorist is less likely to turn off the highway as traffic increases. With this plan, improved safety and appearance are being looked at with the establishment of new development standards. This plan will improve the City’s readiness for state funding as well as help the City to gain an identity. The plan features include safety and traffic control, aesthetics and City identity, development code and timing. The safety of the SW 2nd Ave. and Hwy 22 intersection is a concern as there is limited visibility and difficulty in merging. The intersection doesn’t meet the traffic warrants for a signal design alternative. A left turn refuge, roundabout and u-turns are all alternatives that have been discussed. The State traffic analyst and State traffic engineer feel a roundabout is a viable option for Mill City. The ODOT geo-hydro engineer agreed that the rock wall should be cut back. The current design retains access to commercial properties which is a critical factor in adoption. Councilor Harrington arrived at 6:32 PM. Mr. Fox went through the different aspects of the plan and explained that the exact location for the consolidated approaches are not final until development takes place. The City and ODOT would then have to approve the location of the driveway approaches, sidewalks, curbs, etc. The benefits to adoption are the City is more attractive, property owners are provided with clear development standards and there is certainty for private investment. Mr. Fox added that the plan should be adopted due to increased traffic, deteriorating road surfaces and the fact that a modernization project will happen eventually. There is currently no funding to begin this project and will most likely be no funding for ten plus years. The City must adopt a plan to be eligible for ODOT funding. Councilor Harrington asked what the negatives for the city are. Jerry Juster, ODOT, stated that disruption to businesses during construction are negative impacts. ODOT would work to develop a communication plan with the City and businesses to work through this. Councilor Harrington asked what the projected construction time would be. Mr. Juster stated that it would most likely

City of Mill City Joint City Council/Planning Commission Minutes June 20, 2007 Page 2 of 4

be one season. Mr. Fox stated that the construction can take place in phases with incentives to contractors to get the work done more quickly. Mr. Fox noted that business has improved in other cities where these projects have gone through. Nancy Kelle asked why this is the only plan presented. Mr. Fox stated that there are not a lot of other options available to improve the situation. Mayor Kirsch said he feels the medians are large expanses that will prohibit development of business. Mr. Fox stated that cross through easements will help with development. Cheryl Lundquist asked if a center turn lane would be accepted by ODOT. Mr. Fox said that he does not know what the outcome would be. Funding would be less available because center turn lanes are not a progressive plan. Mr. Kinney said that a median would have to be put in at SW 2nd Ave. should it be improved. Councilor Harrington asked if there are studies available that show how this will increase safety. It was stated that the Federal Hwy Administration (FHA) has downloadable video that shows increased safety and improved business. Helen Merrill, SW Spring St., asked why a stop light can’t be put in. Mr. Fox explained that an intersection must meet certain “warrants” (levels of traffic) to install a signal. City Administrator, Deborah Hogan explained that every signal installed creates an additional five accidents per year so if there are less than five accidents at an intersection, then accidents would increase if a signal were to be installed. Jerry Juster stated that other possible solutions must be looked at before resorting to a signal. Mr. Fox stated that is can be written into the plan that not all medians are to be installed at once and should be phased in instead. It can also be noted that the length of each median shall vary. Helen Merrill asked about sidewalks. Mr. Kinney stated that sidewalks weren’t shown on the north side before. Ed Cantrell, ODOT, advised that they should be shown then evaluated during the detailed time to determine where sidewalks are actually needed. Roel Lundquist, SW Linn Blvd., stated that one of the variables that needs to be considered is cost and this should be evaluated versus a roundabout. Mr. Fox said that this would be determined during the detailed design process. Mr. Lundquist stated that this is important to include and he would like ODOT to look at alternatives. John Boskett, DKS Associates, quickly went through the written document. Councilor Harrington asked if the Planning Commission initiated this project with ODOT. Mr. Kinney said that the project began with a driveway issue at the old True Value store. Mr. Fox asked that it be considered that the vision now will not always be the case for the future. At some point traffic will build up to make the highway less safe. Ann Spaur, SW Spring St., asked why we should even worry about this plan if there is no funding for at least another ten years. It was explained that the process takes a long time, including finding and securing funding for such a project. Mr. Kinney stated that all comments from past years were revisited to determine if they could be incorporated into this plan. Mr. Juster stated that adopting the plan gives flexibility to do a deferral of improvements through non-remonstrance agreements. Mr. Kinney said that the biggest benefits are the flexibility to defer and driveway approaches being determined. Traffic volume and safety were also looked at. The profile for the plan was extended out to the end of the UGB to encompass the Spindel annexation. Intersection radiuses were also double checked and some access changes were made. Some requests for access changes were unable to be done. Landscape elements were added on NW Alder St. along with parking on the west end. There was discussion as to how to do traffic calming on the east end of town. Possibly by installing a large green area with lighting beyond at the corner. The Birch St. design was modified to show the street being closed off and close attention was paid to gas station accesses.

City of Mill City Joint City Council/Planning Commission Minutes June 20, 2007 Page 3 of 4

There was some discussion of placing parking along NE Alder St. to accommodate hospitality traffic. The Fire Department concerns were addressed as best as possible. Traffic lanes are 20' curb to curb if medians are installed. If need be, traffic could be diverted into one lane and still have both directions moving at once. Hydrants will be shown on the map at the time of detailed planning. Water line locations were identified. Tentative placement of crosswalks were added. Mayor Kirsch read a letter dated June 18, 2007 from Ken and Johnnie Spaur and Dan and Maryann Meredith into the record. Proponent’s Testimony: None. Opponent’s Testimony: None. General Testimony: Roel Lundquist stated that the speed limit issue and how it impacts access should be considered. Mr. Fox stated that roadway designers will take this into consideration at the time the plan is implemented. Questions of Clarification from City Council and Planning Commission: Gay Stuntzner asked if the City will be involved in the design phase. Mr. Fox said that public meetings will be held to take comment especially if instruction to do so is included in the written document. Councilor Harrington asked what the position of the fire department is. Fire Chief Leland Ohrt said that several letters have been sent throughout this process in opposition of the plan. There is still some confusion with cross access easements. Mr. Kinney explained that these easements will take place at the time of development. Councilor Harrington asked how the fire department feels this will increase safety. Chief Ohrt said that there is not complete agreement with this. The biggest problem is speeding. A push to decrease speed should be made. This improvement will also send traffic to Alder St. which has been narrowed in the plan. Staff Summary: City Administrator, Deborah Hogan stated that the biggest change is flexibility since the last meeting. Ms. Hogan said that she is very comfortable with the work that has been done. Ms. Hogan said that she now has clarity about what is being committed to if this plan is adopted. If the plan is put into place, then no one can build in the area where the rights-of-way will be in the future. Without the plan, the City won’t have the tools to deter this and help develop a vision for Mill City. Mayor Kirsch closed the hearing at 8:00 PM. Mr. Kinney explained that there is not a Planning Commission quorum, therefore, only the Council would be voting this evening. The planning members present can participate in the meeting and give their opinion. However, another hearing will be scheduled when the document comes back to the City for final action. Councilor Harrington asked for clarification of appropriate discussion between the City Council and Planning commission and citizens. Mr. Kinney explained that this is a legislative amendment so discussion and solicitation of comments can be made. Discussion on policy should take place during open meetings. City Council/Planning Commission Discussion: Mayor Kirsch commented that he can see why medians can deter in town passing. Something needs to be done with the SW 2nd Ave. intersection. Some medians have too great an expanse. Councilor Long said that citizens and business owners have expressed concern over medians. If there is a commitment from ODOT to confer about medians then this information should be made available to citizens.

City of Mill City Joint City Council/Planning Commission Minutes June 20, 2007 Page 4 of 4

Councilor Harrington asked for some past information to be compiled for those who do not have a complete background on the subject. Ann Carey, Planning volunteer, stated that she will put the information together. Councilor Carr said that medians will be a benefit in the next 30 years. The City needs to look at the future instead of the present. Gay Stuntzner asked if the language can include that ODOT will come back to the community for the design process. Mr. Fox said this is ODOT’s policy but it would not be a problem to include. Cheryl Lundquist and Gay Stuntzner commented that they would go ahead with the plan if voting this evening. Nancy Kelle stated that she would vote no. Councilor Long moved and was seconded by Councilor Carr to direct staff to proceed with completion of the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan and include language flexibility in the written document. The motion passed unanimously, (5:0). ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 PM. Prepared by: ____________________________________

Stacie Cook, City Clerk


To: Chairman George Long and Planning Commissioners

From: David W. Kinney, Planning Consultant

Date: December 1, 2007

Proposal: Hwy 22 Access Management PlanFinal Review Draft for January 11, 2008 Public Hearing


The following were distributed on November 9, 2007 in the bound Hwy 22 Plan

A. OR-22 Mill City Access Management Plan, DKS Associates.

B. Zoning Code Amendments, Scot Siegel, Planning Consultant

C. Subdivision Code Amendments, Scot Siegel, Planning Consultant

The enclosed items reflect proposed revisions

D. Summary of Changes to Hwy 22 Subdivision Code Amendments

E. Summary of Changes to Hwy 22 Zoning Code Amendments

F. Additional Items to be included in Appendix “A” – Public Proposed Zoning Code Amendments

1. May 23, 2007 Public Hearing memo summarizing the history of project

2. June 8, 2007 Planning Commission meeting agenda and minutes

3. December 14, 2007 Planning Commission meeting agenda and minutes

4. December 2007 - Executive Summary & Notice to Property Owners

5. January 11, 2008 - Planning Commission Public Hearing Agenda & Minutes

6. February 2008 - City Council Public Hearing Agenda & Minutes

Public Hearings:

The Planning Commission and City Council will hold final public hearings:

January 11, 2008 9:30 a.m. Planning CommissionFebruary 12, 2008 6:00 p.m. City Council

The purpose of the public hearing is to present the final draft of the OR-22 Mill City AccessManagement Plan and related documents to the Planning Commission and City Council. The CityCouncil indicated at the June 20, 2007 public hearing that it intended to adopt the plan and codeamendments once final revisions were made.

Hwy 22 Access Management Plan

December 1, 2007 page 2

Adoption of the OR-22 Mill City Access Management Plan

The City staff and ODOT have been working on the draft Hwy 22 Access Management Plan on and off

for the past 4 years. The intent of the plan is to provide a concept plan for the upgrade and improvement

of Hwy 22 in Mill City.

The primary purpose of the OR-22 Mill City Access Management Plan is to give ODOT and city staff

certainty about the type and scope of public improvements which will be required when a development

application is received for property adjacent to Hwy 22 or the local streets near Hwy 22. In order to

complete the project, the City received a Transportation & Growth Management (TGM) grant from the

Oregon Department of Transportation. Consultants prepared the following elements of the plan:

1. Access Management Plan Document John Boskett, DKS Associates

2. Streetscape Plan Tom Litster, OTAK Engineering

3. Subdivision and Zoning Code Amendments Scot Siegel, Siegel Planning

4. Capital Improvements Plan Ray Engel & Steve Ward

5. Concept Plan Map Ray Engel & Steve Ward

Adoption of the plan and code amendments are intended to have the following impacts for the City and


1. Provide a clear plan for improvements on Hwy 22 (long term).

2. Provide certainty for developers about location of street, sidewalk and streetscape improvements.

3. Place the City in a position to apply for ODOT - SCA & Transportation Enhancement grants to

fund portions of the local streets and the Hwy 22 sidewalk/landscape improvements.

4. Provide a concept plan for the Mid-Willamette Advisory Committee on Transportation (MWACT)

and ODOT to use when trying to secure funding for Hwy 22 improvements in the State

Transporation Improvement Plan (STIP). It is likely to take 10+ years to get this project on the


Public Comments:

The City held a number of open houses and hearings in 2004, 2005 and 2007 to consider public

comments on the concept plan design. We identified the specific property owner concerns and attempted

to address each one in revisions of the plan. The biggest concern that has been raised by property

owners and the Mill City Fire District is the placement of center dividers in Hwy 22. Plan amendments

express these community concerns. Not all citizen comments and concerns are resolved with the

proposed plan, but they were carefully considered by the city staff, consultants and Planning


Hwy 22 Access Management Plan

December 1, 2007 page 3

Next Steps:

1. Final review and changes to the text of the Access Management Plan.

2. Final review and changes to the Zoning & Subdivision Code Amendments

3. Planning Commission Public Hearing to consider technical changes

4. Planning Commission Actions:

a. Recommend Adoption / Rejection of Access Management Plan

b. Recommend Adoption / Rejection of Code Amendments

5. City Council Public Hearing to consider technical changes

6. City Council Actions:

a. Adopt / Reject Access Management Plan as Technical Amendment to Comp Plan

b. Adopt / Reject Zoning & Subdivision Code Amendments

7. After Adoption, present to the Mid-Willamette Valley Area Commission on Transportation

8. After Adoption, forward to Oregon Department of Transportation for concurrence

E:\2700+\Corelwp\Mill City\Hwy 22\TGM 2005\Mill City AMP\12-07-07 PC Final Draft\12-07-07 PC Memo.wpd

City of Mill CityP.O. Box 256

Mill City, Oregon 97360

Ph: 503.897.2302 g Fax: 503.897.3499 g E-mail: millcity@wbcable.net

PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDADecember 14, 2007 9:00 a.m.

CITY HALL - 252 SW Cedar Street


1. Call to Order and Flag Salute Chairman Long

2. Approval of Minutes: November 9, 2007 – Regular Meeting

3. Old Business:

a. File # 2007-02-02 Hwy 22 Access Management Plan (Final Plan Document)

i. PC Review and Finalization of Final Hearing draft

ii. Executive Summary

b. File # 2007-05-07 Draft #1 - Zoning Code Amendments - Riparian Areas

4. Public Hearings: (Beginning at 9:30 a.m.) – None Scheduled

5. New Business:

a. Buildable Lands Inventory – Work Program for Grant App to DLCD (if encouraged)

b. Zoning Code Update

c. Other

6. Information Items

a. Planning Activities Update

b. Other

7. Upcoming Meetings:

January 11, 2008 9:00 a.m. Regular Meeting

* Feltmeyer/Cook Annexation, SE Hazel Street Public Hearing

* Hwy 22 Access Management Plan Public Hearing

February 8, 2008 9:00 a.m. Regular Meeting

8. Adjournment

City of Mill City Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2007 Page 1 of 2

MILL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting of December 14, 2007

9:00 AM Planning Commission members present: Chairman George Long, Cheryl Lundquist, Renate Medley and Gay Stuntzner. Nancy Kelle and Sharon Setzer were excused. Staff in attendance: Planning Secretary Stacie Cook and Planning Advisor David Kinney. City Administrator Deborah Hogan arrived at 10:52 AM. Community members present: Ann Carey and Alan Fox, ODOT. Gay Stuntzner moved, seconded by Cheryl Lundquist to approve the Minutes of November 9, 2007. The motion carried, (5:0). OLD BUSINESS Hwy 22 Access Management Plan Revisions: Mr. Kinney stated that he added all of the changes from the last meeting. The City needs to approve all of the various code changes and the public records/involvement section should have sufficient information included so that ODOT and MWACT know there was an extensive public comment and public involvement process. The plan will include minutes from the public hearings and various comments given by the public. Mr. Kinney noted that he will write the hearing notice for the January 2008 public hearing to advise citizens that all changes were incorporated into the plan per Council and that the Council is ready to adopt the final plan. Gay Stuntzner asked that something be put on the front page of the newspaper regarding this item in addition to the public hearing notice that is put in the newspaper. Consensus was reached to do as Mrs. Stuntzner suggested. Mr. Kinney will do a short article for the newspaper. Mr. Kinney noted that if there are any editorial comments, the Planning Commission should either call him or advise Municipal Clerk Stacie Cook so she can forward the comments to him. Cheryl Lundquist said that she believes the Executive Summary is a good thing to have for the public. Mr. Kinney stated that the most important item in the entire Hwy 22 Access Management Plan are the access location maps. Alan Fox stated that once the final document is adopted, he will see about getting some funding for engineering so better curb grades and such can be added. Mr. Fox advised the Planning Commission that, once adopted, the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan will go before the ODOT planning staff then will be put before the Oregon Transportation Commission for comments. Some components of the plan could change to be brought up to the required standards and findings from ODOT will most likely be added. Access Management statutes will be reviewed to confirm that all access management in the plan complies with them. At that point, the plan can not be changed without both the City of Mill City and the Oregon Transportation Commission agreeing to it. Funding can then be sought for the project. Mr. Kinney went over the code changes to the document. Section 16.16 needs some minor adjustments made to it to reflect the wording in 16.12. The City Engineer’s receipt of the tentative plat for review must also be added. City Planner will be replaced throughout the document with City Administrator. Section 16.24 adds the requirement that the Mayor will sign the plat for dedications of property. Gay Stuntzner asked if a reference can be added that advises that “City Administrator” also means “staff as appointed”. Mr. Kinney said that this can be added under the definition of City Administrator in the document. Ann Carey, SW 1st Ave., stated that the fee section under the subdivision section should be changed to be in agreement with the fee resolution as some fees are refundable. Mr. Kinney stated that Zoning Code Chapter 17 has had minor changes made. Development agreements can be entered into between ODOT and the property owner to defer improvements. Ann Carey asked that the fee wording be checked in the zoning section as well to be sure that it is in agreement with the fee resolution. Alan Fox made it clear that the roundabout drawing has been included in the document strictly as a concept for what could be done at the intersection of Hwy 22 and SW 2nd Avenue and that this is one area that will come back to the City and community for further review in determining the best way to deal with the intersection. It was noted that language was added to the document assuring that ODOT will come back to the City for further public involvement prior to installing medians. Zoning Code Amendments – Riparian Areas: Mr. Kinney explained that Goal 5 requires cities to adopt riparian area requirements. A “Safe Harbor” requirement can be adopted which includes a 75’ setback from major rivers. On the

City of Mill City Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2007 Page 2 of 2

east side of the city, this should not be an issue with the exception of the area from 1st Avenue to 4th Avenue along SE Fairview. The riparian study done for Scott Baughman’s subdivision suggested a 35’ setback in this area. On SW Spring Street, there are a few homes that would be in the 75’ setback. On the north side of the river, the 75’ setback would go to the top of the bank and in some cases to River Road. The only place in the city that needs close attention is along Spring Street and to the bridge. Since there is a riparian report for Santiam Pointe, it can be used in setting the riparian area. The current city code has nothing in it that allows for review on the North Santiam River for structures such as viewing stations along the river. Cheryl Lundquist said that the conservation easement is important to discuss. It was explained that although a conservation easement can be given to the city, the city does not have to accept it. Mr. Kinney said that the streams running through Mill City need to be identified to determine which should have riparian areas and which may need only a conservation area. Mr. Kinney asked if the Planning Commission wants to review every permit that is partially within the riparian area even if the layout for the home site shows it outside of the 75’ riparian area. Consensus was reached to allow for a home to be rebuilt in the same footprint so long as it is outside of the riparian area. Mr. Kinney asked if a bare lot should come before the Planning Commission if the home site is outside of the 75’ riparian area. Consensus was reached to allow staff to issue a permit if the riparian setback is voluntarily complied with. If a home has a pre-existing riparian approval the owner needs to come back before the Planning Commission for a variance review prior to construction. Mr. Kinney will look at compiling a full map that shows all properties in the city and the estimated riparian area in the city to allow for a clear idea of when staff can issue permits and when the Planning Commission must review. City Administrator Deborah Hogan arrived at this time. NEW BUSINESS Buildable Lands Inventory: Mr. Kinney passed out a DLCD application for technical assistance in the amount of $20,000. If granted, the city should have funding to complete a number of items on the list of identified projects. The Planning Commission was asked to review the application and give any comments to Municipal Clerk Stacie Cook to pass along to Mr. Kinney. Zoning Code Update: Mr. Kinney said that he has begun work on this project. Mr. Kinney said that he will continue to add information to the code. PUBLIC HEARINGS: No public hearings were held. FURTHER BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION: None. The meeting was adjourned at 11:04 AM. Prepared by: ____________________________________

Stacie Cook, Secretary



Planning Commission Hearing Friday, January 11, 2008 9:30 a.m.

City Council Hearing Friday, February 12, 2008 6:00 p.m.

December 28, 2007

TO: Hwy 22 and Alder Street Area Property Owners

The City of Mill City has been developing the Oregon Hwy 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City for several years.

Last year the City received a grant from the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) program of the Oregon

Department of Transportation to complete the Access Management Plan.

On May 23, 2007 and June 20, 2007 the City held two community meetings and public hearings to consider the proposed

Oregon Hwy 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City and accompanying city code amendments. At those meetings,

citizens provided a number of suggestions and criticisms of the proposed plan. At the conclusion of the hearings, the

majority of the Planning Commission and City Council indicated that they supported the adoption of the Hwy 22 Access

Management Plan for the City as a technical amendment to the Mill City Comprehensive Plan and directed the city’s

consultants to incorporate a series of changes to the plan to address many of the public comments submitted during the

hearings. The staff completed the revisions to the plan in early November. The Planning Commission elected to wait

until after the holiday season to hold final public hearings.

The City has set the following schedule to consider the final plan revisions:

January 11, 2008 9:30 a.m. Final Planning Commission Public Hearing

January 2008 Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council

February 12, 2008 6:00 p.m. Final City Council Public Hearing

February 12, 2008 Council decision to approve or modify plan

February 26, 2008 If approved, adoption of Ordinance approving Hwy 22 Plan.

The proposed changes and final maps have been prepared and compiled into a “final draft”. Copies of an executive

summary of the plan is available at City Hall at no cost. The “final draft” is available at City Hall for public review and


Overview of Hwy 22 Access Management Plan. The City and ODOT have worked together to create a long term

(20-year) plan for the Hwy 22 corridor within the City of Mill City. The proposed plan includes the following elements:

(1) Access Management maps showing existing and future driveway locations.

(2) Concept Plan showing proposed Hwy 22 street and sidewalk improvements.

(2) NE Alder, NW Alder paving, sidewalk and driveway improvements.

(3) Streetscape improvements including landscaping and lighting.

(4) Capital improvements cost estimates and phasing plan

(5) Subdivision and zoning code requirements to implement the plan.

In the development of the plan, the City considered traffic safety issues, pedestrian safety, driveway locations onto Hwy

22 and adjacent side streets and required improvements for new development. If adopted by the City, any new

subdivision or development will be required to comply with the Hwy 22 access management plan. The plan shows a

conceptual plan for future improvements on Hwy 22. No date has been identified for final design and construction of

Hwy 22 improvements.

The final draft of the plan and an executive summary are available at City Hall for public review. Copies of the executive

summary will be available at no charge. Copies of the full plan document may be obtained for a reasonable charge. If

you wish to speak with either the city staff or the city’s planning advisor David Kinney prior to the hearing, we will be

available to talk with you and answer questions about how the plan affects your property. If you have any questions

regarding the proposal, please contact David Kinney at City Hall by phone 503.897.2302 or by e-mail at


City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call City Hall ( 503-897-2302) by noon the day before the

meeting if you need an interpreter for the hearing impaired or any other special accommodation. If you have any

questions related to the application, call City Hall (503- 897-2302).


David W. Kinney

Planning Consultant for the City of Mill City

City of Mill City PO Box 256

252 SW Cedar St. Mill City OR 97360


To: City Council, Planning Commission

From: Deborah Hogan

CC: David Kinney, Stacie Cook

Date: 12/31/2007

Re: Highway 22 Access Management Plan - DRAFT


Oregon Highway 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

BACKGROUND: OR 22, also known as the North Santiam Highway, runs east/west through Mill City from milepoints 29.46 through 30.59. In addition to serving as an Oregon Freight Corridor, the roadway is a principle area of commerce for Mill City, with Highway Commercial zoning on both sides of the highway. As requests for revised access or additional access points were submitted to ODOT for approval, it became clear that an access management plan would clarify where access could safely and efficiently be provided and identify any exceptions to ODOT design standards that might be needed within the corridor. A Transportation Growth Management Grant to the City of Mill City was approved in the amount of $18,800 and an Intergovernmental Agreement was signed in October, 2004. Federal funds (SAFETEA-LU) and state funds (ODOT Region 2 Corridor Planning Funds) were contributed, as well as local match which consisted primarily of staff time, Planning Commission review and City Council review and City Engineer services to accomplish the project goals. The goal was:

“…to develop and adopt an Access Management and Bike/Ped plan for Highway 22 within the City limits that is developed collaboratively with the City, affected businesses and ODOT …”

PROCESS: Existing condition data collected included a traffic study, inventory of approaches, review of policies and applicable standards. Six public meetings were held between June, 2004, and June, 2007, to present various stages of the project development. The Planning Commission spent considerable time reviewing highway concept designs and streetscape design standards. Code revisions were prepared


and project area maps identified access points for permanent and temporary access and street improvements.


• Access Management Strategies: Recommendations are divided by time-line into short-range (0-5 years), medium range (5-10 years) and long range (10-20 years). Short range strategies consist solely of access changes; i.e. when to keep, close, move or combine access points. Medium range strategies recommend reducing the number of access points and improving east-west connectivity on adjacent city roadways. Long range strategies include limiting turn movements, improving intersection safety, corridor operations and relocating approaches and access points. The improvements in the long range recommendations are extensive and will likely require funding under the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP). Design elements such as medians, roundabouts, U-turn lanes, etc. will be reviewed by an ODOT led Project Development Team at the time when the project is designed and will include input from local stakeholders.

• Access Locations: Figures 3A through 3F show approximate locations of access points (approaches) and indicate whether they are intended to be temporary, permanent, relocated, closed or combined with another approach. Approach numbers correlate with Table D1 (Appendix D) which provides more detailed information regarding future plans for each approach. Appendix B indicates exact access locations, ownership and property use.

These figures will be used by the Planning Commission, city staff and ODOT staff to review applications for building permits and developments. Decisions to retain, combine or close driveways will be made based on this plan and these figures.

• Access Spacing: The plan includes allowed exceptions to ODOT standards for approach spacing. Due to the impact on local businesses and increased costs to develop access spacing to meet current Required Spacing Distances as outlined in the Oregon Highway Plan ODOT is agreeing to allow exceptions to the standard. The summary of these Deviations from Standards is included as Appendix G, Deviation Approval Memorandum.

• Streetscape: Streetscape recommendations are summarized in Appendix H and include different cross-sections for east/west entry points, downtown core, and the transition zone between. Hwy 22 streetscape designs includes sidewalks on both sides, bike lanes, street trees, street furniture, and ornamental lighting. Where medians are included, they are either painted or curbed. Curbed medians include landscaping. Exact locations of medians, if included in final design, will be determined by the Project Development Team. Streetscape cross sections also include recommendations for improvements to Alder, N. 2nd and N. 1st as the local

parallel corridor to Hwy 22. As development occurs, the Planning Commission will require streetscape improvements consistent with the streetscape design standards.

• ROW Impacts: Impacts to right-of-way and estimated needs for additional right-of-way to accomplish the long term improvements is included in Appendix I, Preliminary Civil Engineering Design and ROW Acquisitions. Right of way purchase or acquisition will be required by ODOT or the City of Mill City at various locations depending on the road authority owning the project at the time of development. Many intersections will require additional right-of-way at the corners to meet current street design standards. Sidewalk installation on the north/south streets between Alder and Hwy 22 will likely require acquisition of additional right-of-way also.

• Code Amendments: Revisions to the Mill City Subdivision Code and Mill City Zoning Code are required to establish land use review and approval procedures, incorporate design standards, clarify responsibilities for various public agencies and private developers. Code amendments are incorporated as Appendix J. They will be adoped by separate ordinance.

PLAN IMPACTS: The short term impact will be to provide guidance and standards to ODOT and the City of Mill City for use in reviewing applications for changes in approaches, or access points, to the highway. Long term, the plan provides design guidelines that will assist in the development of individual parcels and the requirements for street frontages associated with those parcels. Additional, the plan is a framework for a future STIP project application that may potentially identify funding to construct the long-term improvements.

NEXT STEPS: Planning Commission will hold a final public hearing on the draft document and make a recommendation to City Council. City Council must hold a public hearing and decide to adopt the plan, modify and adopt, or not adopt the plan. If the plan is adopted, it will be presented to the Area Commission on Transportation for a recommendation and then to the Oregon Transportation Commission for adoption. If adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission the plan constitutes an agreement between the City of Mill City and ODOT regarding future development of approaches and roadway design.

LEVEL OF DETAIL & FUTURE DESIGN OF HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS: It is important to note that the designs presented are conceptual only. Actual intersection design issues such as street width, lane tapers, medians, intersection traffic controls, sidewalk placement, crosswalks and many other design features, will only be finally determined by the Project Development Team at the time of project design. Photos of street furniture are presented as examples of a design concept. Actual selections at the time of the project design may vary.

City of Mill City 252 SW Cedar St. 

P.O. Box 256 Mill City, OR  97360  


E:\2700+\Corelwp\Mill City\Hwy 22\TGM 2005\Mill City AMP\12-07-07 PC Final Draft\media release 1 11 08.doc


anuary 4, 2008 


City Nears Decision on Hwy 22 Access Plan 

The Mill City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the draft Highway 22 Access Management Plan at 9:30 am, Friday, January 11th at City Hall, 252 SW Cedar Street.   The plan includes recommendations for near term and long term improvements to Highway 22, also known as North Santiam Highway.  For the next ten years the plan recommendations include:  Keeping some cross streets and driveways open to full access, limiting some locations to right‐turns only, relocating some access locations and combining some access locations.  The purpose of these near term recommendations is to improve safety of the Highway and allow redevelopment to proceed in compliance with an organized plan for smooth traffic flow.   

An additional element of the plans for five to ten years from now includes improvements to Alder Street so that it can function as a bypass to Highway 22 in the event of a highway closure or an accident inside the city limits.  Alder Street improvement recommendations also include sidewalks on one side, bike lanes and designated parking areas.  These improvements are also intended to make it more convenient for local traffic to circulate to the businesses on Highway 22 without having to make left turns on to the highway any more than needed. 

The long term improvements to the highway include recommendations for traffic controls at the intersection of North 2nd Street, sidewalks, bike lanes, street trees, and street furniture such as decorative lighting, trash cans and benches.  These long term improvements will occur if and when the City is successful in getting state funding for a project to rebuild Highway 22 within the city limits.    

The long term improvements also include recommendations for traffic medians, which have been the most controversial aspect of the project discussions to date.  

Conceptual project drawings will be presented at the public meeting.  These drawings show painted medians in some locations, curbed and landscaped medians in other locations and no medians where full traffic turning movements are needed.  The exact location of medians and the type used will be determined by the Project Development Team when the project is designed. 

No funding has been allocated for any of the project recommendations at this time.  If adopted by the Planning Commission and City Council, the Access Management Plan will ultimately go before the Oregon Transportation Commission for approval.   It is the City’s hope that these planning efforts will lay the foundation for funding of highway improvement projects in the future.   The City Council will hold its public hearing on Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 6:00 p.m. at city hall.   

Anyone who wishes to submit commits may email comments to millcity@wbcable.net or write to City of Mill City, PO Box 256, Mill City, 97360.  The draft plan and executive summary are available for review at city hall and the lan is posted on the City website at p www.ci.mill‐city.or.us . 


For Additional Information Contact:  Deborah Hogan, City Administrator, 03.897.2302. 5



To: Chairman George Long and Planning Commissioners

From: David W. Kinney, Planning Consultant

Date: January 11, 2008

Proposal: Hwy 22 Access Management PlanFinal Review Draft for January 11, 2008 Public Hearing


A. News Release - January 4, 2008B. Public Hearing Notice Mailed to Property Owners in Marion CountyC. Executive Summary of Highway 22 - Access Management Plan in Mill CityD. Staff Memo - December 11, 2007 outlining history and steps for adoption.

Public Hearings:

In November, 2007 staff handed out the final review draft of the OR-22 Access Management Plan in MillCity. At the December 14, 2007 meeting the Planning Commission discussed the changes which wereincorporated into the plan and the city code amendments.

The Planning Commission and City Council will hold final public hearings:

January 11, 2008 9:30 a.m. Planning CommissionFebruary 12, 2008 6:00 p.m. City Council

The purpose of the public hearing is to present the final draft of the OR-22 Mill City AccessManagement Plan and related documents to the Planning Commission and City Council. The hearing isheld to make sure the public has an opportunity to review the final revisions to the plan. The CityCouncil indicated at the June 20, 2007 public hearing that it intended to adopt the plan and codeamendments once final revisions were made.


1. Recommend Council Adoption of Plan

2. Recommend Adoption of Plan with Modifications

3. Recommend Council Take No Action / Do Not Adopt the Access Mgt Plan

E:\2700+\Corelwp\M ill City\Hwy 22\TG M 2005\M ill City AM P\12-07-07 PC Final Draft\1-11-08 PC M emo.wpd

City of Mill CityP.O. Box 256

Mill City, Oregon 97360

Ph: 503.897.2302 g Fax: 503.897.3499 g E-mail: millcity@wbcable.net

PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDAJanuary 11, 2008 9:00 a.m.

CITY HALL - 252 SW Cedar Street


1. Call to Order and Flag Salute Chairman Long

2. Approval of Minutes: December 14, 2007 – Regular Meeting

3. Public Hearings:

a. File # 2007-08-14 Feltmeyer-Cook Annexation

Applicants: Tenny Feltmeyer and R. Patrick Cook

Proposal: Annexation to City and Zone Change to R-1 Residential

1.70+/- acres of a 6.85 acre parcel

Location: T9S, R3E, Section 32BA, Tax Lot 2200

at 601 SE Hazel Street, Mill City

b. File # 2007-02-02 Hwy 22 Access Management Plan (Final Plan Document)

4. Old Business:a. File # 2007-05-07 - Draft #2 - Zoning Code Amendments - Riparian Areas

(update on meetings w/ DSL & North Santiam Watershed Council staff)

b. Other

5. New Business:a. File # 2008-01-01 Zoning Code Revisions (Miscellaneous Provisions)b Other

6. Information Itemsa. Planning Activities Update

b. Other

7. Upcoming Meetings:

February 8, 2008 9:00 a.m. Regular Meeting

March 14, 2008 9:00 a.m. Regular Meeting

8. Adjournment

City of Mill City Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 1008 Page 1 of 4

MILL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting of January 11, 2008

9:00 AM Planning Commission members present: Chairman George Long, Cheryl Lundquist, Renate Medley and Gay Stuntzner. Nancy Kelle and Sharon Setzer were excused. Staff in attendance: Planning Secretary Stacie Cook and Planning Advisor David Kinney. City Administrator Deborah Hogan arrived at 9:34 AM. Community members present: Chris Bigness, City Councilor, Ann Carey, R. Patrick Cook, Kathy Flack, Alan Fox, ODOT, Jerry Juster, ODOT, Pat Kelly, Roel Lundquist, Diane Miller, Leland Ohrt, Meryl Reid, Russell Reid Jason Severs and Larry Urban. Cheryl Lundquist noted that Ruth Lemke was present at the December 14, 2007 meeting. Gay Stuntzner moved, seconded by Ruth Lemke to approve the Minutes of December 14, 2007, as amended. The motion carried, (7:0). PUBLIC HEARINGS: File No. 2007.08.14 Feltmeyer-Cook Annexation Applicants: Tenny Feltmeyer and R. Patrick Cook Proposal: Annexation to City and Zone Change to R-1 Residential 1.70 +/- acres of 6.85 acre parcel Location: T9S R3E, Section 32BA, Tax Lot 2200 At 601 SE Hazel Street, Mill City Chairman Long opened the public hearing at 9:03 AM and called for any potential conflicts of interest, bias or ex parte contact. Being none, Chairman Long called for the staff report. Staff Report: Dave Kinney, Planning Advisor, stated that Mr. Cook and Ms. Feltmeyer have requested annexation into the City due to a septic tank failure. After going through the property channels, it was determined that they must annex into the city and connect to City services due to being within 300’ of a public connection. The Council has approved a Goal 11 exception, allowing for immediate connection to the service. The service was connected in mid-December. The applicant’s have requested annexation of 1.70+/- acres of a 6.85 acre parcel. Staff recommends including the SE Hazel right-of-way as well as the SE 6th Ave. right-of-way with this annexation. Linn County has no concerns with the inclusion of the rights-of-way and the unimproved roads would not be transferred to the City until such time as improvements take place. The Linn County Surveyor also called and requested that the legal descriptions come through them prior to recording the annexation. Applicant’s Testimony: R. Patrick Cook, applicant, said that he has done some additional research and would like to annex the entire property if this option is still available. Mr. Cook asked about the expansion from a 50’ to a 60’ right-of-way requirement. Mr. Kinney explained that this would happen at the time of development. Mr. Cook added that he has spoken with his neighbors and most would like to keep SE 6th Ave closed. Proponent’s Testimony: None. Opponent’s Testimony: None. General Testimony: Fire Chief Leland Ohrt said that at the time of development there will be some items that the Fire Department would like to discuss but there are not issues at this time. Ann Carey, SW 1st Ave., asked about SE 6th Ave., saying that this is a County right-of-way at this time and inquiring at to if they would in fact have some decision as to what happens with it. Mr. Kinney said that the County would have some comment as well as the City. Questions of Clarification from Planning Commission: Gay Stuntzner asked if Hazel Street in its entirety would be increased to a 60’ right-of-way at the time of development. Mr. Kinney said that this is an option but is unlikely

City of Mill City Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 1008 Page 2 of 4

because of the status of Hazel Street. Gay Stuntzner said that she thinks it would be a good idea for the length of the right-of-way easements. Mr. Kinney said that he can add language that says “adjacent to…” Ms. Hogan arrived at this time. Mr. Kinney briefly went over the rights-of-way for this property. Mr. Kinney also noted that should the Planning Commission see fit, the entire property can be annexed into the City. Gay Stuntzner asked what the City’s responsibility is for the cost of a new sewer line extension when being requested by a private citizen. Mr. Kinney stated that the citizen will install the lines within the development area. Ruth Lemke asked if there is some way the property owner can be reimbursed as further development occurs as this sewer main line may benefit other properties in the area. Mr. Kinney said that the line that was installed will serve only the property that Mr. Cook owns. Any other development will come off of a different service line. Sharon Setzer asked why the interceptor tank was placed on the east side of the property instead of the west. Mr. Cook said that this was to avoid having to install a pump. Ms. Hogan stated that the main line extension only goes to the SE 6th Ave. right-of-way and there is a service line from that point forward. Ms. Hogan left the meeting at this time. Applicant’s Rebuttal: None. Staff Summary: Mr. Kinney said that there should be a motion to direct staff to modify the findings if the entire property is to be annexed. Chairman Long closed the public hearing at 9:43 AM and called for deliberation. Planning Commission Deliberation: Gay Stuntzner said that she feels it is fine to annex the entire property at this time. Ruth Lemke moved to adopt the findings of fact as prepared and to approve the application of Tenny Feltmeyer and R. Patrick Cook, File No. 2007.08.14 subject to the staff recommendation and the modified conditions of approval, including annexation of tax lot 2200 and the rights-of-way of SE Hazel St. and SE 6th Avenue. The motion carried, (7:0). Public Hearing: File No. 2007.02.02 – Hwy 22 Access Management Plan (Final Document Plan) Chairman Long opened the public hearing at 9:47 AM and called for potential conflicts of interest, bias or ex parte contact. Being none, Chairman Long called for the staff report. Staff Report: Mr. Kinney gave a brief history of the process of the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan. The final document includes driveway approaches as agreed upon by the City and ODOT. Also in the document are a series of appendices that include a deviation memorandum, a streetscape design plan, and a preliminary engineering design. One of the changes that the Council requested was a notation that this design is a concept design to be used in the future when Hwy 22 improvements are made. It also includes references to medians, saying that this shows concept designs for medians but that ODOT has the final determination as to when and where median s will be installed. The document has a design concept for a potential round-about at the Hwy 22 and SE 2nd Avenue intersection. If the plan is adopted by the City, it must then go to MWACT (Mid-Willamette Area Commission on Transportation) and then on to the Oregon Transportation Commission. If both of these agencies approve the plan, it would then become the plan that both the City and ODOT refer to when making decisions for properties along the highway. Alan Fox, ODOT Project Manager, said that the language regarding this being a “concept plan” means that when a design plan is started, ODOT will come back to the City to meet with staff and citizens. Proponent’s Testimony: None.

City of Mill City Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 1008 Page 3 of 4

Opponent’s Testimony: Chris Bigness, NW Alder St., stated that he understood it was discussed to remove the medians and the language referring to them. Mr. Kinney said that the Council direction was to present the plan with the medians included but to add language to the document that give details requiring ODOT to come back before the City and consider additional design layouts prior to implementing any of the plan. Alan Fox, ODOT, said that conditions on Hwy 22 will determine when and how design elements of the Access Management Plan are installed. Jerry Juster, ODOT, said that this plan could allow for medians to be foregone until such time as they are absolutely required due to development on the highway. Meryl Reid, NE Alder St., said that she feels this plan will intensify local traffic using Alder Street. Ms. Reid also asked why ODOT is not in favor of installing a light at the Hwy 22 and NE 2nd Ave. intersection. Mr. Fox said that Mill City does not meet the requirements for installation of a light. Ms. Reid said that moving forward with this plan will make our businesses suffer. Mr. Bigness asked if this plan accommodates a 40 mph speed limit through town and said that he feels there should be a minimum of 30 mph through the main section of town. Mr. Fox said that the speed limit will be taken into consideration during project design. Mr. Bigness said that he feels speed limits, bigger signs, blinking lights and crosswalks will help with the traffic through town. Mr. Kinney said that it makes sense to request an ODOT review of traffic speeds short term. Russ Reid, NE Alder, said that he agrees that the highway is not pedestrian friendly. Mr. Kinney said that pedestrian crossings will be done in the future based on development that takes place as there is insufficient information at this time to build them into the plan. Mr. Fox added that a median provides a refuge for a pedestrian to cross the highway as they can stay in the median until it is safe to continue on to the opposite side. Mr. Kinney said that the design plan includes future improvements to Alder Street to become a local traffic street in lieu of using Hwy 22. Beth Chatlain, SW Douglas St., asked how the traffic numbers were determined since traffic is seasonal in Mill City. Mr. Kinney said that this is taken into consideration for the study. Chairman Long asked if it is possible to have crosswalks marked along the highway. Mr. Fox said that he can try to set up a discussion with the District Manager to talk about the immediate problem and crosswalks. General Testimony: None. Applicant’s Summary: Mr. Kinney said that he would recommend adding a few items to the document based on today’s discussion. Those include ODOT review for location of pedestrian crossings under the current traffic conditions and periodic traffic speed studies. Ms. Hogan returned at this time. Gay Stuntzner asked if it also be added that traffic studies be done on a quarterly basis since traffic is seasonal in Mill City. Mr. Juster said that traditionally radar guns or tubes are used to determine the actual speed of 85% of those traveling the roads. This then determines what speed should be posted. Ms. Hogan said that she would be happy to work with ODOT on both the crosswalk and speed study requests. Roel Lundquist said that he thinks it is very important that the Planning Commission have the guidelines that are included in this plan. Sharon Setzer asked how enforcement will be done on the highway. Ms. Hogan said that enforcement has increased this last month. Chairman Long closed the hearing at 10:45 AM and called for deliberation.

City of Mill City Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 1008 Page 4 of 4

Deliberation by the Planning Commission: Nancy Kelle said that she feels the medians will kill businesses in this town. From Newport to Waldport, the speed increases only where the medians are. Sharon Setzer said that she feels the increased speed has to do with there being four lanes there, whereas there are only two lanes in Mill City and added that there needs to be a conscious effort to bring people into the core area of Mill City where there is potential commercial development. Gay Stuntzner said that her concern is that if this plan is not adopted, then the changes will be done piecemeal. Regardless of what the City says, ODOT will eventually install medians and if the plan is not adopted, then funding opportunities completely go away. Sharon Setzer said that she feels that this plan needs to be adopted even with the concerns of the medians. Cheryl Lundquist concurred, stating that the other plans that are included in this are needed in order to proceed with further development on the highway. Nancy Kelle said that this plan will also affect the value of properties in Mill City and the tax base will go down. Ruth Lemke said that she feels that the City needs this plan and prior experience with a small town with medians proved positive. Renate Medley moved and was seconded by Sharon Setzer to adopt the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan including the addition of the requirement that ODOT periodically conduct speed studies along Hwy 22 and that a safety study be done for existing conditions of the highway. The motion carried, (6:1) with Nancy Kelle voting nay. The Chairman called for a brief break at 11:00 AM. The meeting reconvened at 11:04 AM. NEW BUSINESS File No. 2008.01.01 – Zoning Code Revisions (Miscellaneous Provisions): Mr. Kinney said that the current code requirement has a 5’ setback for a single story home. Staff would like to add language that clarifies the setbacks for vaulted ceilings. The recommendation is that if the peak of the roof is 14’ or less then it is a single story but anything over would need a further setback. Most other cities are requiring a further setback for the taller ceilings. The simplest way to implement this is to use the peak point for the setback. The only problem with this is the R-2 zone which has smaller lot sizes. Staff would like to have a couple of planning members go over this language to determine the best way to write this section of the code. Staff would like to consider writing the codes for different scenarios including new construction and infill. Roel Lundquist said that the setback issue needs to be consistent with the building code. Gay Stuntzner, Nance Kelle and George Long volunteered to go through the code with Mr. Kinney. Mr. Kinney next discussed vehicle storage. Gay Stuntzner said that she would like to have a footage added to each of the maps provided to allow for staff to use them as hand outs. OLD BUSINESS File No. 2007.05.07 – Draft #2 – Zoning Code Amendments – Riparian Areas (update on meetings w/DSL & N. Santiam Watershed Council staff): Mr. Kinney said that he is working to have someone from the Watershed Council, DSL or both come to speak about riparian issues at the next regular meeting. Gay Stuntzner asked if the City has a code for adult businesses. Mr. Kinney said that there can be a restriction on distance from public school facilities but they can not be restricted entirely. FURTHER BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION: None. The meeting was adjourned at 11:27 AM. Prepared by: ____________________________________

Stacie Cook, Secretary


To: Mayor Tim Kirsch and City Councilors

From: Chairman George Long and Planning Commissioners

David W. Kinney, Planning Consultant

Date: January 24, 2008

Proposal: Hwy 22 Access Management PlanFinal Review Draft for February 12, 2008 Public Hearing


A. New Release - January 4, 2008B. Public Hearing Notice Mailed to Property Owners in Marion CountyC. Executive Summary of Highway 22 - Access Management Plan in Mill CityD. Staff Memo - December 11, 2007 outlining history and steps for adoption.E. Staff Memo - January 11, 2008 to Planning Commission

Planning Commission Public Hearing:

In November, 2007 staff handed out the final review draft of the OR-22 Access Management Plan in MillCity. At the December 14, 2007 meeting the Planning Commission discussed the changes which wereincorporated into the plan and the city code amendments.

The Planning Commission held a final public hearing on January 11, 2008. They received publictestimony related to medians, pedestrian safety and traffic speeds. Based on the testimony theyrecommended adding two short term strategies to page 15 of the plan document:

! Periodically evaluate pedestrian safety issues with ODOT District staff.

! Conduct traffic speed control studies, as conditions change, to determine ifspeed limits need to be reduced.

After conclusion of the hearing the Commission voted 6-1 to recommend the City Council adopt the plan. Nancy Kelle voted against due to inclusion of the medians in the plan and concept drawing.

Since the PC hearing, Alan Fox, ODOT Project Manager, has met with ODOT Region 2 staff to reviewthe final draft of the plan. Based on their discussions, the Region staff has recommended the plan beforwarded to the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) for adoption. Based on the staff reviewDavid Warren, ODOT’s Access Management Engineer, has recommended a few changes to the pp. 15,28 & 29 to add flexibility to approve changes to driveway locations in the future without requiring areadoption of the Mill City Access Management Plan by either the City or ODOT. The changes arehighlighted in the copy of the plan provided to the City Council.

Hwy 22 Access Management Plan

January 24, 2008 page 2

City Council Public Hearing:

The City Council is scheduled to hold a hold final public hearing on February 12, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. aspart of the regular council meeting. The purpose of the public hearing is to present the final draft of theOR-22 Mill City Access Management Plan and related documents to the City Council. The hearing isheld to make sure the public has an opportunity to review the final revisions to the plan. The CityCouncil indicated at the June 20, 2007 public hearing that it intended to adopt the plan and codeamendments once final revisions were made. Alan Fox, ODOT Project Manager, and Gerry Juster,ODOT Access Management staff, will be present at the hearing to answer questions.


1. Motion to Adopt the and direct the City Administrator to prepare ordinances to amend the Mill

City Comprehensive Plan and Development Codes.

2. Motion to Adopt the OR-22 Access Management Plan in Mill City (with Modifications) and to

direct the City Administrator to prepare ordinances to amend the Mill City Comprehensive Plan

and Development Codes.

3. Take No Action / Do Not Adopt the Access Mgt Plan

E:\2700+\Corelwp\M ill City\Hwy 22\TG M 2005\M ill City AM P\2-12-2008 CC Final Draft\1-18-08 CC M emo.wpd

The City of Mill City is accessible to all persons with disabilities.  Telephone City Hall, 503 897 2302, by noon on the day of the meeting to request accommodations.  The City does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, sex, religion or any other status protected under federal, state or local law.  Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service phone number:  1.800.735.1232 



AMENDED ‐ February 12th, 2008 






This is the time for any council member to declare a conflict of interest, or potential conflict of interest related to any of the agenda items in this meeting, except the planning public hearings.

5. CONSENT AGENDA In order to make more efficient use of meeting time, resolutions, minutes, bills and other items that are routine in nature and for which no debate is anticipated shall be placed on the Consent Agenda. Any item placed on the Consent Agenda may be removed at the request of any council member prior to the time a vote is taken. All remaining items of the Consent Agenda are then disposed of in a single motion to adopt the Council Agenda. This motion is not debatable. The secretary to the Council will then poll the Council members individually by a roll call vote. If there are any dissenting votes, each item on the Consent Agenda is then voted on individually by a roll call vote.

A. Approval of minutes of Council Meeting January 22nd , 2008 B. Receive Report of checks through February 12th , 2008, and authorize

Mayor to sign checks enclosed. C. Receive notification of correction to payroll step increase for

Finance Clerk, Joy Cronin (Memo Enclosed) D. Receive League of Oregon Cities Report on Ethics Rules E. Authorize Mayor to sign agreement with Department of Land

Conservation and Development to receive $1,000 Planning Assistance Grant. (See letter and grant award conditions enclosed.)

F. Receive Timber Sale Announcement from US Dept of Interior regarding proposed sales north and south of Hudel Road and north of North Fork Road.

The City of Mill City is accessible to all persons with disabilities.  Telephone City Hall, 503 897 2302, by noon on the day of the meeting to request accommodations.  The City does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, sex, religion or any other status protected under federal, state or local law.  Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service phone number:  1.800.735.1232 


6. CITIZEN COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: Please limit your comments to three minutes.

This is the opportunity for visitors to present comments on items not on the regular agenda. Please clearly state your name and address for the record.

A. Public Comments B. Receive report from LCSO Deputy

7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Annexation and zone change of a 6.85 acre parcel at 601 SE Hazel

Street, including portions of SE Hazel Street, SE 6th Street and SE Kingwood Drive. Applicants: Tenney Feltmeyer and Patrick Cook. i. Hold the public hearing ii. Consider first reading of Ordinance 351; annexing and

rezoning the property described above. B. Highway 22 Access Management Plan – final draft

i. Hold the public hearing ii. Consider holding deliberations or postpone to future council

meeting. iii. Consider adoption of the Highway 22 Access Management Plan.

2. OLD BUSINESS: A. Sewer Project Status:

i. DEQ conditional approval of Predesign Report - letter ii. Advisory Committee Recommendations – Email Memo iii. Project Status report – City Administrator

B. Skatepark Project Update: Verbal report from City Administrator 3. NEW BUSINESS: 4. STAFF/COMMISSION REPORTS

A. City Attorney – Jim McGehee B. City Administrator Report – Deborah Hogan

5. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS 6. ADJOURN 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: ORS 192.660 (2)(g) To consult with attorney

regarding legal rights and duties in regard to current litigation or litigation that is more likely than not to be filed.

Calendar: Following are scheduled events and tentative agenda items: February 20th 6:00 pm meeting at CMS regarding Community Garden planning February 26th City Council -

Public Hearing on Water System Development Charges Complete City Administrator Evaluation

City of Mill City Minutes of the City Council February 12, 2008 Page 1 of 7


Tuesday, February 12, 2008 Mayor Kirsch opened the meeting at 6:00 PM with the flag salute. Councilors present were Chris Bigness, Jerry Carr, Ann Holaday, Michael Long. Councilor Harrington was excused. Staff members in attendance were City Clerk, Stacie Cook, City Administrator, Deborah Hogan and City Attorney, Jim McGehee. Citizens in attendance were Ann Carey, George Dickie, Ernest Freeman, Richard Freeman, Alan Fox, ODOT, Donald Huckeby, Jerry Juster, ODOT, Tree Fredrickson, Dan Lemke, Ruth Lemke, George Long, Roel Lundquist, Fire Chief Leland Ohrt, Josephine Reid, Rick Rentz, Gay Stuntzner and Elton Vandervort. DECLARATIONS OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: Mayor Kirsch stated that anyone who felt they may have a potential conflict with anything on tonight’s agenda may say so at this time or at any time during tonight’s meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Councilor Holaday Bigness pulled item ‘a’, Approval of Minutes. Councilor Long moved and was seconded by Councilor Bigness, to approve items b; Receive Report of Checks through February 12, 2008 and Authorize Mayor to sign, c; Receive Notification of Correction to Payroll Step Increase for Finance Clerk Joy Cronin, d; Receive League of Oregon Cities Report on Ethics Rules, e; Authorize Mayor to Sign Agreement with Department of Land Conservation and Development to Receive $1000 Planning Assistance Grant and f; Receive Timber Sale Announcement from US Department of Interior regarding Proposed Sales north and south of Hudel Road and north of North Fork Road, of the consent agenda. Stacie Cook polled the council; the motion passed unanimously, (5:0). Councilor Bigness said that he wished to abstain from voting on the minutes as he was not present at the last meeting. Councilor Long noted, for purposes of showing that the minutes do not always accurately reflect what happened at the meeting, that there was a statement at the last meeting made by Planning Chair George Long that did not get included in the minutes. Councilor Long indicated that this statement does not need to be added. In addition, Councilor Long said that the second paragraph under Citizen Comments should state that Councilor Long, not Councilor Carr, made a statement about Robert’s Rules of Order. Councilor Long moved and was seconded by Councilor Carr to approve item ‘a’, Approval of Minutes of January 22, 2008. Councilor Long moved to amend his motion to add “as amended”. Councilor Carr seconded the amendment. The motion carried, (4:0:1), with Councilor Bigness abstaining. SHERIFF’S OFFICE REPORT: None. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: Elton Vandervort, Scio, said that the water was recently shut off at an empty home here in town and the rate is about the same as it was when the water was on and asked that Council consider a reduced rate for properties not using water and sewer services. Mr. Vandervort said that he would like to see the City have somewhere to dispose of grass clippings during mowing season. In addition, the alley behind the home is not on his property although the homeowners are the ones responsible for maintaining it and there should be somewhere for the debris to be dumped. Mayor Kirsch stated that there used to be an area where this could be dumped but citizens abused the right by dumping household garbage so

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it had to be closed down. Mayor Kirsch added that DEQ has required the City to stop all burning so this has put a further damper on the issue. Ms. Hogan said that this is not the first request for a reduced rate for water that has been shut off. Mayor Kirsch said that the Council and staff will look into this further. Tree Fredrickson, 4th of July Committee, said that she has not received the funds requested for last year. Mrs. Fredrickson gave staff a memo to hand out to Council with the budget information that has been requested and asked the Council for the $1000 that was budgeted for this fiscal year. Ernest Freeman, SW Ivy St., said that the higher rate for those outside the city limits is of concern especially since some of those people also own property inside the city. Mr. Freeman suggested giving relief to those citizens that are in this situation. Mayor Kirsch explained that the additional costs are used to pay off the bonded debt and that property taxes are allocated to other items. Mr. Freeman noted that the change of entrance needs to be fixed for those that have difficulty entering without handicap access. Mayor Kirsch said that accommodations can be made for anyone with a need if prior notice is given. PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation – Tenny Feltmeyer and R. Patrick Cook File No. 2007.08.14 T 9S R3E, Section 32BA, Tax Lot 2200 A 6.85 acre parcel at 601 SE Hazel St., Mill City Mayor Kirsch opened the public hearing at 6:24 PM and read through the pubic hearing procedures. Mayor Kirsch called for any conflict of interest, bias or ex-parte contact. None stated. Staff Report: Ms. Hogan stated that the applicant had a failed septic and Council approved an emergency connection at a prior meeting. The interceptor tank installation and connection has been done. Tonight’s hearing will complete this process by annexing the property including the full 6.85 acres as well as a portion of SE Hazel St., the full SE 6th Ave., and a portion of SE Kingwood Avenue. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of this application and street annexations as requested by city staff. Applicant’s Testimony: None. Proponent’s Testimony: Richard Freeman, SW Ivy St., said that he would like to see the city build SE 6th Avenue itself as the cost to improve it is more than he is asking for his entire property that abuts it. Opponent’s Testimony: None. General Testimony: None. Questions of Clarification from City Council: None. Applicant’s Summary: None. Staff Summary: Ms. Hogan reiterated that this application should also include the annexation of a portion of SE Kingwood Avenue. Mayor Kirsch closed the public hearing at 6:34 PM and called for deliberation. Council Deliberation: Councilor Carr asked if the applicant was previously on city water. Ms. Hogan said that they are connected.

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Councilor Long moved and was seconded by Councilor Holaday to adopt the findings of fact as prepared and to approve the application of Tenny Feltmeyer and R. Patrick Cook, File No. 2007.08.14, including the 6.85 acre area of the applicant’s property plus the SE Hazel Street, SE 6th Avenue and SE Kingwood Avenue rights-of-way adjacent to the applicants property, subject to the recommended conditions. The motion passed unanimously, (5:0). Councilor Long moved and was seconded by Councilor Bigness to read Ordinance No. 351 for first reading by title only. The motion passed unanimously, (5:0). Ms. Hogan read the ordinance by title only. PUBLIC HEARING: Hwy 22 Access Management Plan Final Review Draft for January 11, 2008 Mayor Kirsch opened the public hearing at 6:39 PM and went over the public hearing guidelines. Mayor Kirsch called for any potential conflict of interest, bias or ex-parte contact. Councilors Long, Holaday and Bigness as well as Mayor Kirsch stated that they own properties along Hwy 22. In addition, Councilor Bigness noted that he attended the January 11, 2008 Planning Commission meeting during which they discussed the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan. Councilor Carr stated that he was in attendance at a Fire Department Board Meeting last night where this was discussed. Staff Report: Ms. Hogan stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan with a few minor modifications including looking at pedestrian crossing safety and speed studies. The plan includes a number of elements including Highway access, street furniture and alternate routes when the plan is implemented. Ms. Hogan went on to say that the medians in the plan have been a very controversial element. Ms. Hogan stated that the Fire Department has submitted a letter regarding fire hydrants and explained that this plan is not the place to try to determine where hydrants will be placed. If the plan is approved, it will then go to the Oregon Transportation Commission for approval and adopted. This plan can then be used by the city as a tool for short range planning. Mayor Kirsch read a few comments from the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan press release from January. The segments included those on sidewalks and medians. Proponent’s Testimony: None. Opponent’s Testimony: Rick Rentz, Sheridan, OR, stated that he owns property along Hwy 22 and noted that there is no access to his property in this plan. General Testimony: None. Questions of Clarification from City Council: Mayor Kirsch asked for Alan Fox, ODOT, to comment on Mr. Rentz’s property. Mr. Fox explained that access must be available or ODOT must try to purchase the property. Mr. Fox also noted that the permanently denoted accesses aren’t necessarily in the location in which they will ultimately be. Jerry Juster, ODOT, said that it is ODOT’s goal to work with every individual to try to provide reasonable access to each property while keeping with the plan that is put into place. Councilor Bigness asked who came up with the idea of medians. Mr. Fox said that it is a combination of both ODOT and Mill City’s vision for the future. After a visioning meeting further discussion was held as to how this highway can be made safer. Mr. Fox said that there is currently no access control along the highway through Mill City. Councilor Bigness said that he sees this plan killing businesses in town. Further discussion on truck parking went on. Ms. Hogan said that she has had some contact regarding this issue and a plan must be made for large trucks and deliveries prior to any changes taking place on the Access Management Plan.

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Mr. Fox said that pre-construction meetings would be held with individual owners prior to any changes being made along the highway. Mr. Juster said that medians are design elements that are supposed to be looked at when designing highway upgrades. Mr. Juster said that this same type of plan has been done in West Salem and noted that a round-about, if used, would create the ability for u-turns to be made. Councilor Bigness said that he doesn’t feel safety is a issue now but will be if medians are installed. Ms. Hogan explained that further design work will be done at the point that engineering design is done which will include turning radii, crosswalk placement and other safety items. Mayor Kirsch asked who will be on the project development team when this project gets funded. Mr. Fox said that it will be a diverse group from ODOT, the City and a number of other agencies. Councilor Long asked Mr. Fox what his best guess on a date for the installation of medians would be. Mr. Fox said that depending on a number of issues, they could come a lot sooner than is thought. At this point it looks like it will be ten plus years. Mr. Fox said that if this plan is passed, he, along with Region Managers, will be advocating funding for this project. The project will take about two years to get ready for bid once funding is available. Councilor Bigness asked if a plan like that of the highway in Sisters would be approved if the city were to request that kind of layout. Mr. Fox said that it would have to be looked at very hard as the days of intentionally building highways like that through Sisters are numbered. A designation of “Urban Business Area” could be requested and the highway planned around that but the city would have to engage in a comprehensive plan effort that was very involved. Councilor Bigness said that he can see this plan being worse for the city than the loss of timber revenue. Applicant’s Summary: Mr. Fox said that there will be issues with this plan but the Council needs to make a determination as to what they want this city to be. Ms. Hogan stated that the proposed ordinance language will allow for this document to be included in the Mill City Municipal Code. Councilor Bigness asked what will be required of a property owner if they wish to develop their property. Mr. Fox said that an access study will need to be done to determine what improvements will be needed. Mr. Juster said that without a plan a lot of this is a burden to the applicant. With this plan, the basics are laid out and they can be looked at to see how a particular property fits in with those around it. Mr. Fox added that this plan gives ODOT an option of deferring a median that would otherwise be required if warrants to not call for a median at the time of properties development. Councilor Bigness asked why the medians don’t go all the way through town. Mr. Fox said that he believes some of the medians were removed based on testimony at earlier meetings. Councilor Bigness asked if this plan would still be valid if the medians were removed entirely. Mr. Fox said that the city would have a plan but ODOT may not. Mayor Kirsch closed the hearing at 7:33 PM and called for deliberation. Mayor Kirsch took a brief break at 7:34 PM. The meeting reconvened at 7:40 PM. Council Deliberation: Mayor Kirsch stated that the plan can be adopted as is, with changes, or have no action taken. Mayor Kirsch said that lack of a plan stopped that sale of his family’s business along the highway due to the requirements by ODOT. Without a plan, any new businesses would be required to do some of the same improvements. Mayor Kirsch said that these changes would have to be learned by those that travel the highway regularly but eventually people would get used to it. Councilor Bigness asked if new developers would have to install these improvements. Ms. Hogan said that after a traffic impact study is done, it would determine what improvements have to be made. Councilor Long said that the probability is that the medians would go in faster without a plan than with one in place. If the plan is approved, the upside is better than the downside. Those people coming in to buy property will know what they are facing and the city will be in a better place in getting help with the traffic issues that are within the city. Councilor Carr asked if the State of Oregon has requirements for median placement. Ms. Hogan said that the Oregon Highway Plan requires that medians be considered as one of the design elements of a project. The traffic impact study tells where the medians would be needed. In addition the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan will be used as well and it also requires medians to be

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looked at as a design element. Councilor Carr asked if these guidelines have been met on the west end of the city with this plan. Ms. Hogan said that it is her understanding that the state guidelines have been met. Councilor Holaday said that she agrees with everything Councilor Long said and added that most of those who objected to this plan early on have changed their minds as this plan has evolved. There aren’t many objections at this point because the owners of the properties along the highway have been involved and understand what the elements are and how they will work. Councilor Holaday stated that as one of the busiest highways in the state, a plan early on is much better than later. Councilor Bigness asked how these changes are going to make the highway any safer than it already is. Ms. Hogan said that the traffic volume increase and amount of increased left turns will eventually increase the number of accidents on the highway. Mayor Kirsch asked if the Mid-Willamette Area on Transportation Commission would be adding elements to this plan. Ms. Hogan said that she believes they would only review the plan. Councilor Long moved and was seconded by Councilor Holaday to adopt the Hwy 22 Access Management Plan including the two additional elements of pedestrian safety and traffic studies that were recommended by the Planning Commission. The motion passed (4:1), with Councilor Bigness voting nay. Councilor Bigness stated his resignation, handing a written copy to Mayor Kirsch and left the meeting. Councilor Long moved and was seconded by Councilor Carr to withhold accepting Councilor Bigness’ resignation for two weeks. The motion passed unanimously, (4:0). OLD BUSINESS Sewer Project Status Update: Ms. Hogan said that the plan for detention in the overflow pipes in each of the three pump stations is looked upon well by Tim McFetridge of DEQ. DEQ has requested engineering data used in determining how to size the sewer main lines. A call has been put in to Mr. McFetridge asking for clarification on this. Ms. Hogan noted that DEQ would like to review the odor control design that the city is proposing to be sure that this will get rid of both the odor and corrosion at the sewer treatment plant. In addition, operations and maintenance manuals must be put together. Ms. Hogan said that the sub-committee for the sewer design met and there was close to unanimous agreement on the designs. Roel Lundquist, SW Linn Blvd., asked if there will be follow up to this meeting to coordinate the project management. Ms. Hogan said that she is working on a timeline for the Council for the sewer project. Ms. Hogan said that Westech has been very diligent in providing information and keeping a tight timeline to get this project out to bid as originally shown. Scott Wilson expects to see the environmental review comments back very soon. Ms. Hogan said that she will be meeting with the property owner for possible property acquisition for the Spring Street pump station tomorrow. Final approval from DEQ should hopefully be received by the next council meeting. Ms. Hogan explained that all bid documents must be complete before we can go out to bid. Councilor Carr said that Scott Branch, City of Salem, recommended some design changes that will end up saving the city some money and commented that he was glad Mr. Branch was there. Ann Carey, SW 1st Ave., asked if the design change for the dry wells was something that Westech Engineering was comfortable with or if this was a change that the city wanted. Councilor Carr said that this was a change that Mr. Branch suggested to save the city some money and Westech Engineering agreed with them. Ms. Hogan said that making the vaults shallower keeps the city from having to purchase training and equipment each year as well as from having to get a confined spaces certification. Councilor Carr said that Ray Engel, Westech Engineering, was uncomfortable with pumping the liquid uphill rather than downhill. Mr. Branch explained that there is a fitting that will correct this and Mr. Engel was okay with that. Mrs. Carey asked if a newsletter with updates on the sewer project can be done. Skate Park Update: Ms. Hogan said that she has spoken with Michelle Scalise, Oregon Parks Dept., and was advised that the current park project does not have to be 100% complete before the city can apply for another grant and that lack of local fundraising by the community was the

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number one item that kept the city from being funded. In addition, the state-wide rules have changed and the match for small cities is now 80/20 rather than 60/40 so only $40,000 in matching funds needs to be raised rather than the $80,000 needed last year. Councilor Holaday said that she has spoken with Tim Widmer and advised him to speak with Ms. Hogan about funding. Councilor Long said that an article in the Statesman Journal this morning said that the amount available for funding parks grants in the coming year was almost triple what it was in previous years. NEW BUSINESS STAFF/COMMISSION REPORTS City Attorney Report: None. City Administrator Report: Staffing: Ms. Hogan said that Gerald Curtis will be back to work by the 15th and Aaron Raines will be reading meters again this month. Ms. Hogan stated that the new late billing now says “FINAL NOTICE” and will be used as the required 72 hour notice. Councilor Holaday asked if the city is regulated by any government agency as to whether or not service can be shut off to certain individuals. City Attorney Jim McGehee said that the city is not regulated by any other agency as long as proper procedure is followed. Water Treatment Plant Site: Ms. Hogan said that the demolition is complete except for fencing billing and finish grading of the site. Kimmel Park Grant: The granting agency has requested a letter asking for an amendment to the grant in order to change out a few small elements of the project. Wolverines Working for You will strip the roof for a good price. Eric Cook has provided a listing of materials to purchase. Once approval has been received from Oregon State Parks, we should be ready to go. Water Billing Procedures: There have been a few glitches with the changeover. Things should fix themselves next month. City Hall Remodel: The remodel is going well. The old storage room will be converted into a break room and the old City Administrator’s office has become the file room. The new break room will also serve the function of a meeting space during court days. Roel Lundquist asked if the 9th Avenue street project is moving forward. Ms. Hogan said that some time has been spent working on this project. Mr. Engel is concerned with what price the Council will be agreeable to when this project is bid. Ms. Hogan said that she feels getting a bid under $65,000 would work but Mr. Engel is concerned that costs will not go that low. Ms. Hogan suggested requesting bids from three local contractors and eliminating project elements to get the bid price to $50,000. Councilor Long asked what the possibility of separating the project into smaller projects would be. Ms. Hogan said she would like to run the project by some local contractors to see if there are any things that can be changed to lower costs. Mr. Lundquist suggested contacting North Santiam Paving about this project. Transportation Enhancement Program Grant: Ms. Hogan said that she submitted a Notice of Intent for a trails grant which has been received and approval for further application has been given. BUSINESS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCILORS

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Mayor Kirsch said that he received a response from Dick Townsend regarding the City Administrator evaluation form and asked Council to review the response. Councilor Holaday said that she would like to continue to use the original form and noted that Dick Townsend sees no issues with the form and feels it is professional. Mayor Kirsch noted that Mr. Townsend suggested that everyone put in a notation as to how they arrived at their numerical score. Mr. McGehee said that the establishment of goals for the coming year is very important. Ms. Hogan said that she agrees that performance goals are very important and feels that this is lacking. Mr. McGehee said that these goals need to be put into place so they can be used next year for the evaluation. Mr. McGehee said that once the evaluation has been completed a workshop should be held to outline the goals for the upcoming year. Ms. Hogan said that she would like further direction from the Council as to what her goals should be. Mayor Kirsch said that the evaluation should move forward with a goal-oriented ending in mind. Ms. Hogan will also complete a self-evaluation. Mr. McGehee suggested having executive session at 5:30 then moving into regular session at 6:30. Consensus was given to move forward with this. Councilor Carr had nothing to report. Councilor Holaday said that there was a drug bust on Hwy 22 on Friday. Councilor Holaday said that she attended the last Neighborhood Watch meeting. Both Marion County and Linn County Deputies were in attendance. Councilor Long noted that the Annual Awards Night is tomorrow night. Mayor Kirsch commented that Mrs. Josephine Reid will be receiving an award of recognition tomorrow night for her generous donation of her home and a maintenance fund to the city. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:05 p.m. Mayor Kirsch adjourned into executive session under ORS 192.660 (2-g) to consult with legal counsel regarding legal rights and duties in regard to current or pending litigation. At 9:25 p.m. Mayor Kirsch reconvened into regular session. Mr. McGehee briefly went through how a jury selection is done. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM. Prepared by: ____________________________________

Stacie Cook, City Clerk

ORDINANCE No. 35__ – Amending the Mill City Comprehensive Plan OR-22 Access Management Plan in Mill City Page 1 of 2





WHEREAS, a portion of Oregon Highway 22 runs through the City of Mill City and OregonHighway 22 is a vital “Access Oregon” transportation corridor; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mill City and the Oregon Department of Transportation desire todevelop a plan for the long term improvement of the highway inside the City of Mill City thatbenefits residents of the community, property owners along the highway and the traveling public,and

WHEREAS, the City of Mill City and Oregon Department of Transportation havecollaborated to develop a Hwy 22 Access Management Plan and corresponding code amendmentsto the City of Mill City Zoning Code and Subdivision Code; and

WHEREAS, the City received a grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation,Transportation and Growth Management Program, and the City & ODOT retained DKS Associatesand various sub-consultants to prepare an Access Management Plan, streetscape plan andimplementation ordinances; and

WHEREAS, the Mill City Planning Commission and City Council held multiple openhouses, workshops and public hearings from 2004 to 2008 during the development of the Hwy 22Access Management Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Mill City Planning Commission held a final public hearing on December14, 2007 and on January 11, 2008 recommended that the City Council adopt the “OR-22 AccessManagement Plan in Mill City” and related implementation ordinances; and

WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on February 12, 2008 and at the closeof the public hearing considered the testimony submitted, deliberated on the issues and concludedthe “OR-22 Access Management Plan in Mill City” should be adopted as recommended by thePlanning Commission, and directed the city administrator to prepare an ordinance to adopt the planand implementing ordinances and forward it on to the Oregon Transportation Commission for theirconcurrence and adoption..

NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Mill City hereby ordains as follows:

Section 1: OR-22 Access Management Plan. The Mill City Comprehensive Plan is hereby amendedto add the following Transportation policies related to the “OR-22 Access Management Plan in MillCity”:

ORDINANCE No. 35__ – Amending the Mill City Comprehensive Plan OR-22 Access Management Plan in Mill City Page 2 of 2

Transportation Policy # 20: The City of Mill City adopts the “OR-22 AccessManagement Plan in Mill City”, prepared by DKS Associates in association withOtak, Inc. and Westech Engineering, Inc. dated February 2008 as a refinementplan to the Mill City Comprehensive Plan. New development along Hwy 22 and theadjacent local streets shall comply with the “OR-22 Access Management Plan in MillCity” and associated implementation measures incorporated into the City fo Mill Cityzoning and subdivision codes.

Section 2: Coordination with the Oregon Transportation Commission and MWACT

1. The City Administrator is authorized to present the “OR-22 Access Management Planin Mill City” to the Mid-Willamette Area Commission on Transportation and to seektheir support for future funding of various transportation improvement projects outlinedin the plan.

2 The City Adimistrator is directed to submit the “OR-22 Access Management Plan inMill City” to the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon TransportationCommission and for their concurrence and joint adoption of the plan.

3. The City Administrator is authorized to prepare appropriate grant applications andfunding requests from appropriate local, state and federal authorities in order toimplement the “OR-22 Access Management Plan in Mill City.”

This Ordinance read for the first time by title only on 11 day of March 2008.th

This Ordinance read by title only for the second time on 25 day of March 2008.th

This Ordinance passed on the 25 day of March 2008 by the city council and executed by the mayorth

this _____ day of March 2008.

Date: By:TIM KIRSCH, Mayor

Date: Attest:DEBORAH HOGAN, City Administrator


Date: JAMES L. McGEHEE, City Attorney

E:\2700+\Corelwp\Mill City\Code\Ords\35xx CP - Hwy 22 AMP.wpd

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

APPENDIX B Existing Approach Inventory

February 2008

OR 22 Existing Approach Inventory in Mill City

Approach No.

Side of Hwy

Hwy Milepoint

Eng. Station

Width (ft) Material Public/

Private Assessor's Map Tax Lot # Property Owner(s) Physical Address Business Name Use

A South 29.47 778+03 57 Public - - - - - NW Alder St1 North 29.49 779+05 23 Private2 North 29.49 779+06 27 Private3 South 29.52 780+64 34 Private 9S3E30CA 1000 Ross A. & Opal F. Mason 989 NW Alder St. Residential (SFR)4 North 29.57 783+58 20 Private 9S3E30CA 100 Don & Catherine Hoover 909 NW Santiam Blcd Residential (SFR)B South 29.58 783+73 20 Public - - - - NW 9th Ave5 South NW 9th - 40 Private6 South NW 9th - 12 Private7 South NW 9th - 58 Private8 South 29.60 784+86 31 Private9 South 29.61 785+71 13 Private10 North 29.60 784+86 34 Private 9S3E30DB 300 C. James Hoover Trust 833 NW Santiam Blvd Vacant Commercial - Retail/Office10 North 29.60 784+86 34 Private 9S3E30DB 300 C. James Hoover Trust 833 NW Santiam Blvd Vacant Commercial - Retail/Office11 North Private 9S3E30DB 400 Santiam Memorial Hospital 825 NW Santiam Blvd Santiam Medical Clinic Commericial - Medical Clinic12 North Private 9S3E30DB 500 May M. Harris LLC 815 NW Santiam Blvd Moose Lodge Commercial - Moose Lodge13 South Private 9S3E30DB 3600 Joshua & Jessica Williamson 870 NW Alder Street Residential (SFR)14 North 29.66 787+97 11 Private 9S3E30DB 600 Radacorp 749-757 NW Santiam Blvd Residential (SFR)14 North 29.66 787+97 11 Private 9S3E30DB 600 Radacorp 749-757 NW Santiam Blvd Residential (SFR)

15 South 29.69 789+59 15 Private 9S3E30DB 3000 Edward Rada, Jr. 756 NW Santiam Blvd Residential (SFR)16 South 29.72 791+42 16 Private 9S3E30DB 2600 Edward Rada, Jr. 716-718 NW Santiam Blvd Deerhorn Apartments Residential (Apartments)

North 29.75 792+94 16South 29.75 792+98 20

17 North NW 7th - 13 Private 9S3E30DB 600 Radacorp 654 NW Santiam Blvd Santiam Quick Mart Commercial - Gas Station/Mini-Mart18 South NW 7th - 21 Private 9S3E30DB19 South 29.77 793+92 139 Private 9S3E30DB20 North 29.77 794+16 16 Private 9S3E30DB 1400 & 1500 Edward Rada, Jr. 603 NW Santiam Blvd Residential (SFR)21 South Private 9S3E30DB 1900 Christina M. Morris Residential (SFR)22 North 29.79 795+08 12 Private 9S3E30DB 100 Radacorp Vacant23 North 29.83 796+96 17 Private 9S3E30DB 100 RadacorpD South 29.83 797+01 21 Public - - - - - NW 5th Ave24 South NW 5th - 80 Private 9S3E30DB 2000 Dallas & Sara Benton 500 NW Santiam Blvd Hair Connection Commercial - Retail 25 South NW 5th - 19 Private 9S3E30DA 2700 Lawrence J. Higgins, Jr. 264 NW 5th Avenue Residential (SFR)26 North 29.88 799+90 17 Private 9S3E30DA 400 Marie M. Stewart Trust Vacant27 South 29.88 799+63 29 Private 9S3E30DA28 South 29.90 800+95 18 Private 9S3E30DA29 North 29.94 802+82 12 Private 9S3E30DA 300 Marie M. Stewart Trust Vacant30 North 29.94 803+03 11 Private 9S3E30DA 600 Marie M. Stewart Trust 347 NW Santiam Blvd Residential (SFR)31 South 29.96 804+05 19 Private 9S3E30DA 2100 Dale & Mary Kirsch 320 NW Santiam Blvd Mountain Edge Café Commercial - Restaurant

32 North 30.03 807+78 27 Private 9S3E30DA 700 800 Marie M. Stewart Trust State of Oregon

33 South 29.98 805+22 114 Private 9S3E30DA 2000 Rex A. Lucas 250 NW Santiam Blvd Commercial - Retail34 South 30.01 806+85 42 Private 9S3E30DA 1800 Mau-Linh Ngoe et al. 202 NW Santiam Blvd Circle K Commercial - Retail E South 30.03 807+55 42 Public - - - - - NW 2nd Ave35 South NW 2nd - Private 9S3E30DA 1600 State of Oregon Vacant36 North 30.06 809+41 15 Private 9S3E30DA 1300 Sean Hosman 127 NW Santiam Blvd Residential (SFR)37 North 30.09 811+01 17 Private 9S3E29CB 300 Victor J. Morrett 113 NW Santiam Blvd Residential (SFR)38 North 14.73 Private 9S3E29CB 401 State of Oregon Vacant39 South 30.16 814+83 70 Private 9S3E29CB 3100 Johan & Moira Cates 146 NE Santiam Blvd Giovanni's Mountain Pizza Commercial - Restaurant40 South 30.19 815+95 159 Private 9S3E29CB 3000 Gene & Dianna Slye 198 NE Santiam Blvd Poppa Als Commercial - Restaurant

Physical Inventory






C Public -





James & Paula Gunderson

U. S. Bancorp


Commerical - Retail

- - NW 7th Ave

Jorge & Maria Martinez 1041 NW Santiam Blvd Residential (SFR)

211 NW 9th Avenue Commercial - Retail/Office


Jim Girod 250 NW 9th Avenue Sportsman Center

400 NW Santiam Blvd U. S. Bank Commercial - Financial/Bank

Page 1 of 4

OR 22 Existing Approach Inventory in Mill City

Approach No.

Side of Hwy

Hwy Milepoint

Eng. Station

Width (ft) Material Public/

Private Assessor's Map Tax Lot # Property Owner(s) Physical Address Business Name Use

Physical Inventory

F South 30.20 816+78 23 Public - - - - - NE Alder St41 South 30.24 818+79 112 Private 9S3E29CB 2900 & 2800 Saba LTD 218 NE Santiam Blvd Vacant Commercial - Restaurant42 North 30.27 820+28 23 Private 9S3E29CB 900 Larry Urban 200 NE Santiam Blvd Residential (SFR)43 North 30.28 820+96 40 Private 9S3E29CB 1000 Godofredo & Tammara Quiroz 259 NE Santiam Blvd High Performance Auto Residential (SFR) & Commercial (Service)44 South 30.29 821+57 24 Private 9S3E29CB 2600 & 2500 Helen Merrill 250 NE Santiam Blvd Green Mountain Real Estate Commercial - Professional

45 South NE 3rd - 78 Private 9S3E29CB 2500 Helen Merrill46 North 30.31 822+52 57 Private 9S3E29CB 1600 Joe Uffelman 285-289 NE Santiam Blvd Uffelman Insurance Co. Commercial - ProfessionalG South 30.32 822+95 20 Public - - - - - NE 3rd Ave47 South NE 3rd - 17 Private 9S3E29CB 2400 Carol & Anthony Thomas 307 NE Alder Street Commercial - Service (Storage/Auto Repair)48 South 30.35 824+85 104 Private 9S3E29CB49 South NE 4th - 54 Private 9S3E29CB

North 30.37 825+88 18South 30.37 825+74 19

50 South NE 4th - 12 Private 9S3E29CD 100 Paul O. & Hallie Golden 405 NE Alder Street Residential (SFR)51 North NE 4th - 70 Private 9S3E29CA 1500 & 1501 William H. & Judith Downer 415 NE Santiam Blvd Smokes "N" Spirits Commercial52 North 30.41 827+54 29 Private53 North NE 5th - 60 Private

North 30.43 828+61 18South 30.42 828+57 19

54 South NE 5th - 42 Private 9S3E29CD 900 & 1000 Gary & Nancy Swanson 285 NE 5th Avenue Swanson's Stained Glass Commercial - Retail55 South NE 5th - 45 Private 9S3E29CD 800 & 1600 Josephine Reid Trust Vacant56 North NE 5th - 125 Private57 North 30.44 829+24 41 Private58 North 30.46 830+19 45 Private59 South 30.46 830+25 51 Private 9S3E29CD 1700 Anthony & Whende Thomas 528 NE Santiam Blvd Commercial - Retail (Vacant)J North 30.47 830+74 17 Public - - - - - NE 6th Ave

60 North 30.50 832+36 99 Private 9S3E29CA 2200 & 2300 Elizabeth Chatlleain 647 NE Santiam Blvd Rosie's Delicatessen Commercial - Restaurant61 North NE 7th - 41 Private 9S3E29CA 2300 Elizabeth Chatlleain62 South 30.49 831+90 24 Private63 South NE 7th - 23 Private

North 30.51 833+11 16South 30.51 833+11 21

64 South NE 7th - 20 Private 9S3E29CD 600 & 500 & 400 Pentacostal Church 280 NE 7th Avenue Vacant65 North NE 7th - 13 Private 9S3E29CA 700 Travis & Lanai Whisenhunt 355 NE 7th Avenue Residential (SFR)66 North 30.52 833+74 34 Private 9S3E29CA67 North 30.54 834+58 50 Private 9S3E29CA68 North Private 9S3E29CA69 North Private 9S3E29CA70 North 30.58 836+95 145 Private 9S3E29CA 2800 Patrick & Kara Kelly 757 NE Santiam Blvd Kelly Lumber Co. Commercial - Retail71 South 30.59 837+44 14 Private 9S3E29CD 200 Thomas & Mary Smith 756 NE Santiam Blvd Residential (SFR)L South Public - - - - - NE 6th Ave74 South 30.55 83+499 27 Private 9S3E29CD 400 & 30075 North 30.60 83+797 20 Private 9S3E29 290076 North 29.29 76+869 26 Private 9S3E30C 20077 South 29.28 76+829 31 Private 9S3E30C 60078 South 29.35 77+198 51 Private 9S3E30CA 140079 North 29.41 77+510 34 Private 9S3E30C 400








H Public - - - - NE 4th Ave

I Public - - - - NE 5th Ave

- - - - NE 7th AveK -


9S3E29CA William H. & Judith Downer

Fred & Karen Crummey




Merritt Truax, Inc. 382 NE Santiam Blvd Commercial - Gas Station (Vacant)

475 NE Santiam Blvd Canyon Crisis Center Commercial

Courtney Jones 509 NE Santiam Blvd Mill City Chevron Commerical - Gas Station

612 NE Santiam Blvd Ivy Court Apartments Residential (Apartments)

Cindy Chauran 721 NE Santiam Blvd Commercial - Retail

Patrick & Kara Kelly 743 NE Santiam Blvd Kelly Lumber Co. Commercial - Retail

Page 2 of 4

OR 22 Existing Approach Inventory in Mill City

Approach No.

Side of Hwy

A South1 North2 North3 South4 NorthB South5 South6 South7 South8 South9 South

10 North10 North11 North12 North13 South14 North14 North

15 South16 South


17 North18 South19 South20 North21 South22 North23 NorthD South24 South25 South26 North27 South28 South29 North30 North31 South

32 North

33 South34 SouthE South35 South36 North37 North38 North39 South40 South


Permit No. Applicant Hwy Milepoint

Eng. Station

Approved/ Completion Date R/W File No. Reservation


Width (ft) Comments

- - - - - - - - NW Alder St (uncontrolled)10564 M Warner / F Moore 29.49 778+90 7/1/1960

35173 Jim Hoover 29.58 783+22 4/1/1994- - - - - - - - NW 9th Ave (uncontrolled)

17950 Pat Herron 29.58 784+05 9/19/196935045 Jim Hoover 29.59 784+49 4/1/1994

12811 W Ficker 29.65 787+62 3/26/196312910 E L Rada 29.68 789+26 5/7/196335526 Fred Thielen 29.7 789+88 8/5/1998 &


20823 Louise Verbeck 29.85 796+71 10/9/1973- - - NW 5th Ave (uncontrolled)

30717 J & D Van Agtmael 29.86 798+67 10/14/198829912 C R Stewart 29.88 799+8330419 U. S. Bancorp 29.88 799+40 3/24/198830420 U. S. Bancorp 29.90 800+70 3/24/1988

10607 Lester L Lamunyan 29.99 805+30 7/21/196027880 27881

Dale Kirsch 29.96 29.97

803+73 804+48

35027 Winn & Stewart 29.98 805+60 10/20/1990

- - - - - - - - NW 2nd Ave (uncontrolled)

24158 C M Stewart 30.05 808+80 4/10/1978723 L J Joaquin 30.10 181+68 6/30/1950

Approach Permits Right-of-Way Research

- - - - - - - - NW 7th Ave (uncontrolled)

Page 3 of 4

OR 22 Existing Approach Inventory in Mill City

Approach No.

Side of Hwy

F South41 South42 North43 North44 South

45 South46 NorthG South47 South48 South49 South


50 South51 North52 North53 North


54 South55 South56 North57 North58 North59 SouthJ North

60 North61 North62 South63 South


64 South65 North66 North67 North68 North69 North70 North71 SouthL South74 South75 North76 North77 South78 South79 North




Permit No. Applicant Hwy Milepoint

Eng. Station

Approved/ Completion Date R/W File No. Reservation


Width (ft) Comments

Approach Permits Right-of-Way Research

- - - - - - - - NE Alder St (uncontrolled)

35302 Green Mountain Real Estate

30.28 820+95 8/18/1995

- - - - - - - - NE 3rd Ave (uncontrolled)

35416 Whispering Hills 30.40 826+50 1/28/1997

18285 Standard Oil of California 30.38 34+30 4/29/197018285 Standard Oil of California 30.40 35+27 4/29/1970

- - - - - - - - NE 6th Ave (uncontrolled)

- - - - - - - - NE Alder St (uncontrolled)

- - - - - - - - NE 4th Ave (uncontrolled)

- - - - - - - -

-- - - NE 7th Ave (uncontrolled)- - - -

NE 5th Ave (uncontrolled)

Page 4 of 4

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

APPENDIX C OR 22/NW 2nd Avenue Traffic Analysis Study

February 2008

1400 SW Fifth AvenueSuite 500Portland, OR 97201

(503) 243-3500((503) 243-1934 faxwww.dksassociates.com

MemorandumDATE: February 24, 2004TO: Steve Ward, Westech Engineering

FROM: Sean Kennedy, Carl Springer, P.ESUBJECT: Mill City Traffic Analysis Study P03100x000x000

The purpose of this study is to determine the long-term traffic control needs at the intersection ofHighway 22 and 1st/2nd Street in Mill City, Oregon. Highway 22 is classified as a Statewide Highway andNHS Freight route1 and is currently a 3-lane, permitted access road at the study intersection. Thismemorandum summarizes findings regarding intersection analysis at Highway 22 and 1st/2nd Streetincluding signal warrants, 30th highest hour design volumes, seasonal factor, and growth rates for futureyear analysis.

Design Hour VolumesBased on ODOT recommended guidelines for developing design hour volumes2, the following sectionsummarizes our assumptions for developing 30th highest hour volumes for the Highway 22 and 1st/2nd

Street intersection.

ODOT maintains an Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) located on Highway 22 near the City of Gates.This location is a good representation of general traffic patterns associated with the study intersectionsince there are no north/south highways between these two locations. Detailed hourly traffic volumes3

provided by ODOT from this ATR were reviewed to determine that the 30th highest hour occurred SundayAugust 25th, 2002 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The fact that the 30th highest hour is on a Sunday afternoonhighlights the highly recreational aspect of this facility.

In addition to the ATR historical data, traffic counts4 were conducted on Sunday March 24th between thehours of 6am and 8pm by ODOT. Since this count was not conducted during the peak month, a seasonalfactor was applied to develop the design volume at this intersection.

Seasonal FactorA seasonal factor was developed using August and March traffic data obtained from ODOT5. Theprevious ten years of available data regarding the ATR percentage of daily traffic for the two studymonths were analyzed. Table 1 summarizes the percentage of annual average daily traffic for March andAugust. The highest and lowest monthly percentages are omitted consistent with TPAU guidelines.

1 1999 Oregon Highway Plan, ODOT2 Developing Design Hour Volumes, ODOT Transportation Planning Analysis Unit, 7/27/01.3 Detroit ATR 24-015, top 200 hourly volumes, ODOT, 2002.4 Traffic Counts conducted by ODOT Transportation Data Unit, March 12, 14 and 24, 20025 ODOT Transportation Systems Monitoring ATR 24-013, 1990-2002.


- StudyIntersection



MEMORANDUMFebruary 24, 2004

Page 3

Table 1: Percent of Annual Average Daily Traffic for Count and Design Hour Months (1)

Average (2) 2002 2001 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990

March 78% 78% 81% 73% 84% 85% 71% 74% 84% 73% 75%

August 151% 155% 150% 155% 153% 146% 144% 152% 138% 159% 153%


(1) Traffic data reported at the Gates ATR 24-013.

(2) Highest and lowest values (shown as underscored) not included in monthly average.

The ratio between the average March count (78%) and the average August count (151%) is the seasonaladjustment factor, which is equal to 1.94 (151/78). The seasonal adjustment was used to convert Marchtraffic volumes to represent 30th highest hour traffic volumes that typically occur in August. This seasonaladjustment factor is higher than the 30% mentioned in the TPAU Traffic Forecasting Methods handbook,but it was applied in this case since it reflects the data sources associated with a seasonally volatilehighway. Table 2 displays the March peak hour counts seasonally adjusted for Highway 22.

Table 2: Seasonally Adjusted 30th Highest Hour Volumes

Highway 22

March 24, 2002 Manual Counts 715Adjustment Factor 1.94Adjusted Design Hour Volume 1,387

Intersection Capacity AnalysisLevel of service, delay and volume-to-capacity ratio were calculated based on the 2000 HighwayCapacity Manual methodology for unsignalized intersections.

Existing Traffic OperationsUnsignalized intersection level of service (LOS) involves a separate calculation for each movement in anattempt to identify problems. The most common problem arises for left turning movements from theminor street, consequently the level of service analysis reported below is based on northbound left turnmovements at the study intersection. The Oregon Highway Plan maximum standard for Highway 22 andsimilar facilities is a v/c ratio of 0.75 where the speed is less than 45 MPH.

MEMORANDUMFebruary 24, 2004

Page 4

Table 3: Intersection LOS – Existing (2002) Traffic Volumes

Sunday March 24, 2003 PeakHour

Projected 30th Highest HourStudy Intersection

Delay LOS V/C Delay LOS V/C

HWY 22/1st Street 3 A/B 0.19 13 A/F 0.94LOS Level of serviceDelay Vehicle delay in seconds for the worst-case approach reported.V/C Volume to capacity ratio, reported for the critical movement.A/A LOS of left turning traffic from major street and from minor street onto major street.

Table 3 shows that in March there is minimal delay during the peak hour. However, the 30th highest hourvolume condition indicates excessive delay and level of service for the cross street dropping from B to F.Additionally, the v/c ratio increases to a 0.94, which is above ODOT’s 0.75 maximum.

Future Traffic ForecastBased on historical counts taken from the Gates ATR6, a per year linear growth rate of 1.23% wascalculated and used as the growth rate for the study intersection.

The following table depicts, by future year scenario, the eighth highest hour adjusted to the 30th highestvolume7 using the linear growth rate described above. The eighth highest hour turn movement countswere then converted to ADT volumes by dividing the eighth highest hour volumes by .0565, as per TPAUProcedure Manual procedures8. The following table represents projected ADT for the main street volumeat the site intersection.

Table 4: Average Daily Volumes on Highway 22 at Mill City

Year Daily Volume2002 14,565

2012 16,356

2022 18,147

2032 19,939

Traffic Signal Warrant AnalysisODOT preliminary traffic signal warrant analysis 9 was conducted to determine whether the Highway 22and 1st/2nd Street intersection currently meet signal warrants and at what point in the future these warrantswell be met. Daily traffic volumes were used from the same day as the 30th highest hour for this analysis.

6 ODOT Transportation Systems Monitoring ATR 24-013.7 Turn movement counts were conducted during the month on March. However, the 30th highest hour occurredduring August, so the March counts were adjusted for seasonally using the TPAU guidelines for state facilities.8 TPAU Procedure Manual 5/14/01 page 1.9 Preliminary Signal Warrants, ODOT TPAU, 5/14/01.

MEMORANDUMFebruary 24, 2004

Page 5

Table 5 identifies the current and projected ADT for the study intersection as well as the ODOT warrantthresholds. Since the study intersection is located within an isolated community with a population of lessthan 10,000 individuals, the reduced warrants were used. Thus, target volumes were reduced to 70percent of the usual requirements.

Additionally, OAR 734-020-0460 (1) states that only the MUTCD Warrant 1 - Case A and Case B can beused in the projection of a future need for a traffic signal. In conducting this analysis, the geometricconfigurations for both approaches were assumed to be unchanged, as shown in Figure 1.

Table 5: Current and projected signal warrant 1 analysis*

ADT onMajorStreet

ADT onMinor


Warrant Met

Case A: Minimum Vehicular Traffic

Warrant Threshold 6,200 1,850

Current Volume 14,565 1,657 No2012 Volume 16,356 1,657 No

2022 Volume 18,147 1,657 NoCase B: Interruption of Continuous Traffic

Warrant Threshold 9,300 950

Current Volume 14,565 1,657 Yes2012 Volume 16,356 1,657 Yes2022 Volume 18,147 1,657 Yes

* Meeting preliminary signal warrants does not guarantee that a signal will be installed. Before a signal can be installed atraffic investigation must be conducted or reviewed by the Region Traffic Manager. Traffic signal warrants must be met and theState Traffic Engineer’s approval obtained before a traffic signal can be installed on a state highway.** Current traffic volumes were use for minor street movement due to lack of historical data required to make an accurateforecast.

A signal is currently warranted based on Warrant 1 – Case B, interruption of continuous traffic, during thecurrent 30th highest volume. Analyzing current traffic conditions as opposed to future volumes, trafficwarrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume is not met. Crash data at the intersection was also analyzed.According to ODOT, there have been no crashes on Highway 22 and 1st/2nd Street between 1993-200110.Consequently, this intersection does not meet Warrant 7, Crash Experience, standards under currentconditions.

Future Traffic OperationsFuture year conditions were reevaluated, and we found that side street delays will far exceed capacity ifadditional traffic controls are not installed.

As shown in Table 5, the minor street will operate at LOS “F” due to short gaps created by high throughvolumes on Highway 22. Vehicles turning left from 1st/2nd Street onto Highway 22 account for

10 Conversation with Alan Fox, ODOT Salem Project Manager

MEMORANDUMFebruary 24, 2004

Page 6

approximately 9 % of the total intersection volume during the 30th highest hour. The capacity of thisnorthbound left turning movement cannot serve demand in the year 2022.

Table 6: Highway 22 at 1st/2nd Street Intersection Conditions – Forecasted Traffic Volumes

30th Highest HourStudy IntersectionHWY 22/1st Street

Delay LOS V/C2012 26 A/F 1.352022 50 A/F 1.91

LOS Level of serviceDelay Vehicle delay in seconds for the worst-case approach reported.V/C Volume to capacity ratio, reported as the worst-case minor street movement.A/A LOS of left turning traffic from major street and minor street.

In an effort to address these unacceptable conditions, two alternative intersection control and geometricconditions were evaluated for future performance:

• Constructing traffic signal controls with current geometric conditions

• Unsignalized control with merge divider reducing conflict between northbound left and westboundthrough movements. The merge divider will allow northbound turning vehicles to have a protectedmerge with westbound through traffic providing an acceleration lane for merging vehicles and acontinuous flow lane for through vehicles.

Table 7: Signalized Intersection LOS – Forecasted Traffic Volumes

30th Highest HourStudy IntersectionHWY 22/1st Street Delay LOS V/C

Current 12 B .53

2012 12 B .57

2022 13 B .64LOS Level of serviceDelay Vehicle delay in seconds for the worst-case approach reported.V/C Volume to capacity ratio, reported as the worst-case minor street movement.A/A LOS of left turning traffic from major street and minor street.

As previously mentioned the Oregon Highway Plan provides a standard v/c ratio for state facilities with aspeed of less than 45-mph of 0.75. Table 6 displays the v/c ratio with current geometric conditions andtraffic volumes forecasted 20 years ahead for the design hour. As can be seen, the intersection willperform adequately with a signal and no geometric improvements such as an additional lane.Consequently, the five-lane analysis has not been reported as the three-lane cross section meets ODOTstandards today and in the future.

MEMORANDUMFebruary 24, 2004

Page 7

Analysis has also been conducted using the forecasted volumes with a merge divider control at theintersection. The analysis is based on the critical movements on a per lane basis and compares the criticalmovements of the signalized intersection with that of a merge divider controlled intersection. Thefollowing chart depicts the associated critical volumes.

Table 8: Intersection Control Critical Volumes – Forecasted Traffic Volumes

Intersection Control 2012 2022

Critical Volume V/C Critical Volume V/C

Signalized 997 0.57 1,106 0.64

Merge divider (non-signalized) 734 0.43 814 0.54

The merge divider has fewer conflicting movements resulting in less delay for west bound vehicles. Thisconfiguration should work well during non-peak periods, as overall delay will be kept low due tocontinual movement. However, side street vehicles could meet with significant delay during the peakcausing a higher v/c ratio under this condition.

The lengths of the taper, storage and acceleration sections associated with this design were calculatedutilizing the projected 2022 seasonally adjusted peak hour traffic volumes. Table 8 displays the requiredlength of the turn lanes for the three movements associated with the merge divider scenario.

Table 9: Turn Lane Design Length - 2022

Intersection Movement Expected PM PeakHour Queue*

Required PocketLength (taper length)

HWY 22/1st Street Westbound, Left 3 205’ (130’)

HWY 22/1st Street Westbound accelerationlane

N/A 960’ (300’)

1st Street/Hwy 22 Northbound, Right 5 125

1st Street/Hwy 22 Northbound, Left 8 200* 95 percentile queue expected in 2022

In addition to the turn lane storage lengths, an acceleration lane must also be provided to allownorthbound left turns to accelerate before merging with the westbound through traffic. The length of thislane should be at least 660 feet11 not including the taper. The taper should add an additional 300 feet12,bringing the total length required for the acceleration lane to approximately 960 feet. This length willextend to the Hwy 22/5th Avenue intersection. To avoid safety concerns associated with the simultaneousmerging of the through and acceleration lane with the left turn movement at 5th Avenue, the accelerationlane should be continued beyond the Hwy 22/5th Avenue intersection. 11 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2001), A Policy on Geometric Design ofHighways and Streets.12 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2001), A Policy on Geometric Design ofHighways and Streets


- StudyIntersection



MEMORANDUMFebruary 24, 2004

Page 9

Findings• Existing traffic operations at Highway 22 and 1st/2nd Street showed little delay in March (v/c of 0.19)

and substantial delay in the peak month of August (v/c of 0.94).

• Using the Gates ATR (24-013) a 1.23% growth rate was computed using 10 years of historical dataand applied to the 10 and 20 year future scenarios.

• Existing and design hour volumes meet the warrant 1- Case B traffic signal warrant. However, neithermet warrant 1 – Case A, warrant 2 or warrant 7. The installation is not recommended however,because of safety and operational issues associated with an isolated rural traffic signal.

• The existing 3-lane section can adequately serve current and long-range traffic volumes with trafficsignal controls. The maximum v/c ratio with a signalized intersection would be 0.64 in the year 2022.If traffic signal controls are not provided, and no alternative traffic control measures are developed,heavy delays are expected on the minor street approach during the summer months with a forecastedv/c ratio of 1.91 for side street approaches in the year 2022. It should be noted that need for systemimprovements are based on the Oregon Highway Plan v/c ratio of 0.75, construction projects mustmeet the Highway Design Manual standard of 0.70.

• The installation of a merge divider without traffic signals would reduce conflicting volumes underfuture conditions, and produce an acceptable v/c ratio per Oregon Highway Plan and Highway DesignManual standards. The acceleration lane should continue through the Hwy 22/5th Avenue intersectionto avoid safety concerns.

Recommendations• While quantitative evidence suggests that the design and construction of a traffic signal at this

location is warranted using warrant 1 – Case B, the intersection does not meet warrant 1 – Case A. Amerge divider would reduce conflicts as well as lower v/c ratios (0.43 in 2012 compared to asignalized intersection with a 0.57 in 2012). Additionally, an isolated signal in a rural setting candisrupt driver expectancy, increasing safety concerns rather than reducing them. Therefore, wesuggest installing a merge divider at the study intersection.

• The merge divider acceleration lane for northbound left turners should be at least 660 feet, notincluding the taper length. The acceleration lane should continue past the Hwy 22/5th Avenueintersection in order to mitigate safety concerns. Additionally, the northbound left turn lane should beat least 200 feet in length to accommodate PM peak hour traffic in the year 2022. The remaining twoturn movement lanes can be shorter as the queues are not expected to be as long.

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

June 2007

APPENDIX D Recommended Access Improvements

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

June 2007

Table D1. Recommended Access Improvements

Improvement Timeframe Approach No.




Recommended Access Improvements

A M Close approach. Access to OR 22 is available via NW 9th Ave.

1 S Maintain approach.

2 S Close approach when property redevelops.

3 L Relocate approach so that access can be shared between tax lots 93E30CA 1000 and 900.

4 L Relocate approach so that it aligns with NW 9th Ave.

B S Maintain approach.

5 S Close approach when property redevelops. Access is available from Approach 6.

6 S Maintain approach.

7 M Relocate approach so that it aligns with the new shared approach for Approaches 5 and 6.

8 S Maintain approach.

9 L Close approach. Access is available from Approach 8.

10 S Close approach when property redevelops.

11 S Close approach when property redevelops.

12 L Combine Approaches 12 and 14 into one approach.

13 L Relocate approach so that access can be shared between tax lots 93E30DB 3200 and 3100.

14 L Combine Approaches 12 and 14 into one approach.


16 S Close approach when property redevelops. Construct new shared

approach to replace Approaches 15 and 16.

C S Maintain approaches on both sides of OR 22.

17 M Relocate approach to align with the new approach for Tax Lot 93E30DB 1400.

18 M Relocate approach to south side of tax lot.

19 L Combine Approaches 19 and 21 into one approach.

20 S Close approach when property redevelops.

21 L Combine Approaches 19 and 21 into one approach.

22 L Close approach. Access is available from NW 7th Ave.

23 S Close approach when property redevelops.

D S Maintain approach.

24 M Relocate approach so that access can be shared between tax lots 93E30DB 2000 and 2100.

25 M Relocate approach farther south from OR 22/NW 5th Ave intersection.

26 S Close approach when property redevelops.

27 S Maintain approach.

28 S Close approach when property redevelops.


30 L Combine Approaches 29 and 30 into one approach.

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

June 2007

Improvement Timeframe Approach No.




Recommended Access Improvements

31 L Relocate approach to east side of tax lot.

32 S Maintain approach.


34 L Combine Approaches 33 and 34 into one approach.

E L Maintain approach. Add median dividers on OR 22 to channelize left turn movements.

35 M Close approach.

36 L Close approach.

37 L Close approach.

38 L Close approach.

39 S Maintain approach.

40 L Relocate approach to vacated NE Alder St.

F L Change approach from public to private. Relocate Approach 40 to this location.

41 L Relocate approach.


43 L Combine Approaches 42 and 43 into one approach.

44 S Maintain approach.

45 S Maintain approach.

46 L Close approach.

G L Maintain approach, but limit turn movements to eastbound and northbound right turns only.

47 S Maintain approach.

48 S Close approach when property redevelops.

49 S Maintain approach.

M Maintain approach on north side of OR 22. Close NE Birch St approach just north of OR 22 on NE 4th Ave. H

S Maintain approach on south side of OR 22.

50 S Maintain approach.

51 S Maintain approach.

52 S Maintain approach.

53 S Maintain approach.

I S Maintain approaches on both sides of OR 22.

54 S Maintain approach.

55 S Maintain approach.

56 S Maintain approach.

57 S Close approach when property redevelops.

58 S Close approach when property redevelops.

59 S Close approach when property redevelops.

J L Change approach from public to private.

60 S Close approach when property redevelops.

61 S Maintain approach.

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

June 2007

Improvement Timeframe Approach No.




Recommended Access Improvements

62 S Close approach when property redevelops.

63 S Maintain approach.

K S Maintain approaches on both sides of OR 22.

64 S Maintain approach.

65 L Construct new approach on NE 7th Ave when Approach 66 is closed.

66 L Close approach. Construct new approach on NE 7th Ave.


68 L Combine Approaches 67 and 68 into one approach.

69 S Close approach when property redevelops.

70 S Maintain approach.

71 S Maintain approach.

L Close approach. Access to OR 22 is available via NE 7th Ave.

72 S Construct new approach on NW 7th Ave when property redevelops and Approach 20 is closed.

73 M Construct new approach that provides shared access between tax lots 93E30DA 2300 and 2200.

74 S Maintain approach.

75 S Maintain approach.

76 S Maintain approach.


78 L Combine Approaches 77 and 78 into one approach.

79 S Maintain approach.

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

APPENDIX E Phasing Plan

February 2008

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Highway 22 Access Management PlanPrepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant

May 18, 2007

EstimatedProject Project Name Between Project Priority Construction

# Cost 1 to 4 Phase

HIGHWAY 22 IMPROVEMENTS15 Hwy 22 Reconstruction West City Limits to East City Limits 4,986,510 STIP16 Rock Wall Excavation 50,000 CY @ $50 CY 2,500,000 STIP

Total Hwy 22 Improvements 7,486,510

LOCAL STREET PROJECTS4 NW 2nd Ave & N. First Ave Hwy 22 to N. Santiam River 479,465 1 Phase 113 NE Alder & NE 3rd end of NE Wall to NE 3rd 237,006 2 Phase 214 NE Alder (3rd to east end) NE 3rd to NE 7th 425,600 3 Phase 25 NE 4th Avenue Hwy 22 to NE Alder 97,436 3 Phase 26 NE 5th Avenue Hwy 22 to NE Alder 97,436 3 Phase 27 NE 7th Avenue Hwy 22 to NE Alder 123,890 4 Phase 23 NW 5th Avenue Hwy 22 to NW Alder 119,102 2 Phase 311 NW Alder (2nd - River Rd.) NW 2nd to River Rd. 120,365 4 Phase 310 NW Alder (River Rd-5th) River Rd. to NW 5th 148,229 4 Phase 31 NW 9th Avenue Hwy 22 to NW Alder 109,426 1 Phase 42 NW 7th Avenue Hwy 22 to NW Alder 105,336 4 Phase 48 NW Alder (7th - 9th) NW 7th to NW 9th 386,033 4 Phase 49 NW Alder (5th - 7th) NW 5th to NW 7th 179,550 4 Phase 412 NE Wall 1st to NE Alder 144,205 5 Phase 5

Total Local Projects 1,533,570 Total Project Cost 9,020,080

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

June 2007

APPENDIX F Cost Estimates

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

EstimatedProject Project Name Between Project Priority Construction

# Cost 1 to 4 Phase

HIGHWAY 22 IMPROVEMENTS15 Hwy 22 Reconstruction West City Limits to East City Limits 4,986,510 STIP16 Rock Wall Excavation 50,000 CY @ $50 CY 2,500,000 STIP

Total Hwy 22 Improvements 7,486,510

LOCAL STREET PROJECTS4 NW 2nd Ave & N. First Ave Hwy 22 to N. Santiam River 479,465 1 Phase 113 NE Alder & NE 3rd end of NE Wall to NE 3rd 237,006 2 Phase 214 NE Alder (3rd to east end) NE 3rd to NE 7th 425,600 3 Phase 25 NE 4th Avenue Hwy 22 to NE Alder 97,436 3 Phase 26 NE 5th Avenue Hwy 22 to NE Alder 97,436 3 Phase 27 NE 7th Avenue Hwy 22 to NE Alder 123,890 4 Phase 23 NW 5th Avenue Hwy 22 to NW Alder 119,102 2 Phase 311 NW Alder (2nd - River Rd.) NW 2nd to River Rd. 120,365 4 Phase 310 NW Alder (River Rd-5th) River Rd. to NW 5th 148,229 4 Phase 31 NW 9th Avenue Hwy 22 to NW Alder 109,426 1 Phase 42 NW 7th Avenue Hwy 22 to NW Alder 105,336 4 Phase 48 NW Alder (7th - 9th) NW 7th to NW 9th 386,033 4 Phase 49 NW Alder (5th - 7th) NW 5th to NW 7th 179,550 4 Phase 412 NE Wall 1st to NE Alder 144,205 5 Phase 5

Total Local Projects 1,533,570 Total Project Cost 9,020,080

Highway 22 Access Management PlanPrepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant

May 18, 2007

Mill City Highway 22

Conceptual Design Preliminary Estimate

May 15, 2007






25+00 TO


29+00 TO


34+00 TO


40+00 TO


46+00 TO


52+00 TO


60+00 TO


68+00 TO


73+00 TO


79+00 TO


86+00 TO


91+00 TO


1 AC AREA $2,503,200.00 $7.00 357600 SF 11000 19600 34000 36000 38000 51000 36000 20000 33000 38000 26000 15000

2 STD CURB $148,800.00 $12.00 12400 LF 0 1000 1200 1200 1200 1600 1600 1000 1200 1400 1000 0

3 MEDIAN CURB $74,460.00 $12.00 6205 LF 205 1000 550 400 300 1000 600 1800 350 0 0 0

4 MEDIAN ISLAND $44,100.00 $6.00 7350 SF 0 800 850 1250 750 1300 1700 300 400 0 0 0

5 SIDEWALK $220,860.00 $3.00 73620 SF 0 3220 7700 7000 7400 9100 11200 6000 8400 9000 4600 0

6 DRIVEWAY $143,640.00 $6.00 23940 SF 0 6440 2400 2800 2000 3500 300 2000 300 1600 2600 0

7 ADA RAMPS $11,500.00 $500.00 23 EA 0 0 3 4 2 2 0 0 4 8 0 0

8 LANDSCAPE AREA $800,000.00 $10.00 80000 SF 1300 7800 9000 8000 7000 12000 12000 5200 8200 6000 3500 0

9 STORM PIPE $551,250.00 $75.00 7350 LF 0 550 700 700 700 1000 1000 650 700 800 550 0

10 MANHOLES $54,000.00 $3,000.00 18 EA 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 0

11 CATCH BASINS $43,200.00 $1,200.00 36 EA 0 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 0

12 STRIPING $55,400.00 $2.00 27700 LF 1500 2000 2500 2500 2500 3500 3200 2000 2000 2800 2000 1200

13 ARROWS $2,100.00 $100.00 21 EA 0 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 4 2 0

14 CROSSWALK $12,300.00 $5.00 2460 LF 0 0 250 560 250 200 0 0 400 800 0 0

15 STREET LIGHTS $88,200.00 $1,800.00 49 EA 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 2

16 CONDUIT & BOXES $103,500.00 $15.00 6900 LF 400 500 600 600 600 800 800 500 600 700 500 300

SUBTOTAL $4,856,510.00

ROCK EX. $2,500,000.00 $50.00 50000 CY

PROJECT TOTAL $7,356,510.00

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 225 L.F $15.00 $3,375.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 225 L.F $10.00 $2,250.003. Earthwork, Complete 225 L.F $20.00 $4,500.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 225 L.F $60.00 $13,500.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A 450 L.F $10.00 $4,500.00b. 5' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 260 L.F $15.00 $3,900.00

6. AC Pavement 225 L.F $50.00 $11,250.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 225 L.F $20.00 $4,500.008. Street Lights: 225 L.F $30.00 $6,750.009. Signing and Striping 225 L.F $10.00 $2,250.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 225 L.F $10.00 $2,250.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 225 L.F $20.00 $4,500.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 225 L.F $50.00 $11,250.0013 Storm Drain Pipe, Complete (off-site NW 9th to Southwest) 150 L.F $50.00 $7,500.0014 ROW Acquisition SF $0.00 $0.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $82,275.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $4,113.752. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $6,582.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $6,582.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $1,645.505. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $8,227.50

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $27,150.75



NW 9th Avenue (Hwy 22 to NW Alder)Cross Section: 32' Pavement Section w/ 5' sidewalk on east side


May 21, 2007Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 240 L.F $15.00 $3,600.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 240 L.F $10.00 $2,400.003. Earthwork, Complete 240 L.F $20.00 $4,800.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 240 L.F $60.00 $14,400.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, Both Sides 480 L.F $10.00 $4,800.00b. 5' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, West side only 240 L.F $15.00 $3,600.00

6. AC Pavement 240 L.F $50.00 $12,000.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 240 L.F $20.00 $4,800.008. Street Lights 240 L.F $30.00 $7,200.009. Signing and Striping 240 L.F $10.00 $2,400.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 240 L.F $10.00 $2,400.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 240 L.F $20.00 $4,800.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 240 L.F $50.00 $12,000.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $79,200.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $3,960.002. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $6,336.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $6,336.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $1,584.005. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $7,920.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $26,136.00



NW 7th Avenue (Hwy 22 to NW Alder)

Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant


May 21, 2007

Cross Section: 32' Pavement Section w/ 5' sidewalk on one side

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 270 L.F $15.00 $4,050.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 270 L.F $10.00 $2,700.003. Earthwork, Complete 270 L.F $20.00 $5,400.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 270 L.F $60.00 $16,200.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, Both Sides 540 L.F $10.00 $5,400.00b. 5' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 300 L.F $15.00 $4,500.00

6. AC Pavement 270 L.F $50.00 $13,500.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 270 L.F $20.00 $5,400.008. Street Lights 270 L.F $30.00 $8,100.009. Signing and Striping 270 L.F $10.00 $2,700.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 270 L.F $10.00 $2,700.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 270 L.F $20.00 $5,400.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 270 L.F $50.00 $13,500.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $89,550.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $4,477.502. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $7,164.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $7,164.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $1,791.005. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $8,955.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $29,551.50



NW 5th Avenue (Hwy 22 to NW Alder)

Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant


May 21, 2007

Cross Section: 32' Pavement Section w/ 5' sidewalk on both sides

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 800 L.F $15.00 $12,000.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 800 L.F $10.00 $8,000.003. Earthwork, Complete 800 L.F $20.00 $16,000.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 800 L.F $60.00 $48,000.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, Both Sides 800 L.F $10.00 $8,000.00b. 5' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, New & Replace 800 L.F $15.00 $12,000.00

6. AC Pavement 800 L.F $50.00 $40,000.00a. Xtra Paving @ Hammond Building 2,000 S. F. $4.00 $8,000.00

7. Streetscape and Landscapinga. General, including street furnishings 800 L.F $20.00 $16,000.00b. NW 2nd Entry Point to Mill City 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00c. NW 2nd Entry Sign 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00d. Art Wall 1 LS $7,500.00 $7,500.00e. Pedestrian Overlook/Viewpoint 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00

8. Street Lights: Decorative lighting 15 EA $4,000.00 $60,000.009a. Signing and Striping 800 L.F $10.00 $8,000.009b. Intersection Signing & Striping 800 L.F $20.00 $16,000.009c. Intersection/Crosswalk Stamped Concrete Work

a. NW 2nd @ Circle K 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000.00b. N First (@ RR Bridge) 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000.00c. NE Wall Street @ 1st 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000.00

10. Storm Drain Catch Basins 400 L.F $10.00 $4,000.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 400 L.F $20.00 $8,000.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 400 L.F $50.00 $20,000.0013 Traffic Control & Temporary Signage 1 LS $25,000.00 $25,000.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $360,500.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $18,025.002. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $28,840.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $28,840.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $7,210.005. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $36,050.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $118,965.00



NW 2nd Avenue & N 1st Avenue

Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant


May 21, 2007

Cross Section: 36' Pavement Section w/ 5' sidewalk on both sides (Hwy 22 to N. Santiam River Bridge)

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 220 L.F $15.00 $3,300.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 220 L.F $10.00 $2,200.003. Earthwork, Complete 220 L.F $20.00 $4,400.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 220 L.F $60.00 $13,200.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, Both Sides 440 L.F $10.00 $4,400.00b. 6' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 220 L.F $18.00 $3,960.00

6. AC Pavement 220 L.F $50.00 $11,000.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 220 L.F $20.00 $4,400.008. Street Lights 220 L.F $30.00 $6,600.009. Signing and Striping 220 L.F $10.00 $2,200.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 220 L.F $10.00 $2,200.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 220 L.F $20.00 $4,400.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 220 L.F $50.00 $11,000.0013. ROW Acquisition

a. West side SF $4.00 $0.00 b, East side SF $4.00 $0.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $73,260.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $3,663.002. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $5,860.803. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $5,860.804. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $1,465.205. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $7,326.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $24,175.80



NE 4th Avenue (Hwy 22 to NE Alder)

Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant


May 21, 2007

Cross Section: 32' Pavement Section w/ 5' sidewalk on both sides

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 220 L.F $15.00 $3,300.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 220 L.F $10.00 $2,200.003. Earthwork, Complete 220 L.F $20.00 $4,400.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 220 L.F $60.00 $13,200.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, Both Sides 440 L.F $10.00 $4,400.00b. 6' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 220 L.F $18.00 $3,960.00

6. AC Pavement 220 L.F $50.00 $11,000.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 220 L.F $20.00 $4,400.008. Street Lights 220 L.F $30.00 $6,600.009. Signing and Striping 220 L.F $10.00 $2,200.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 220 L.F $10.00 $2,200.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 220 L.F $20.00 $4,400.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 220 L.F $50.00 $11,000.0013. ROW Acquisition

a. West side SF $4.00 $0.00 b, East side SF $4.00 $0.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $73,260.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $3,663.002. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $5,860.803. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $5,860.804. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $1,465.205. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $7,326.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $24,175.80



NE 5th Avenue (Hwy 22 to NE Alder)

Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant


May 21, 2007

Cross Section: 32' Pavement Section w/ 5' sidewalk on both sides

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

\Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 270 L.F $15.00 $4,050.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 270 L.F $10.00 $2,700.003. Earthwork, Complete 270 L.F $20.00 $5,400.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 270 L.F $60.00 $16,200.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, Both Sides 540 L.F $10.00 $5,400.00b. 6' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 540 L.F $15.00 $8,100.00

6. AC Pavement 270 L.F $50.00 $13,500.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 270 L.F $20.00 $5,400.008. Street Lights 270 L.F $30.00 $8,100.009. Signing and Striping 270 L.F $10.00 $2,700.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 270 L.F $10.00 $2,700.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 270 L.F $20.00 $5,400.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 270 L.F $50.00 $13,500.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $93,150.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $4,657.502. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $7,452.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $7,452.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $1,863.005. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $9,315.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $30,739.50



NE 7th Avenue (Hwy 22 to NE Alder)

Cross Section: 32' Pavement Section w/ 5' sidewalk on both sides


May 21, 2007

Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 860 L.F $15.00 $12,900.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 860 L.F $10.00 $8,600.003. Earthwork, Complete 860 L.F $20.00 $17,200.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 860 L.F $60.00 $51,600.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, Both Sides 1,720 L.F $10.00 $17,200.00b. 7.5' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 860 L.F $22.50 $19,350.00

6. AC Pavement 860 L.F $50.00 $43,000.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 860 L.F $20.00 $17,200.008. Street Lights 860 L.F $30.00 $25,800.009. Signing and Striping 860 L.F $10.00 $8,600.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 860 L.F $10.00 $8,600.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 860 L.F $20.00 $17,200.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 860 L.F $50.00 $43,000.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $290,250.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $14,512.502. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $23,220.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $23,220.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $5,805.005. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $29,025.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $95,782.50



NW Alder Street (NW 7th to NW 9th)Cross Section: 30' Pavement Section w/ 7.5' sidewalk on north side


May 21, 2007Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 400 L.F $15.00 $6,000.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 400 L.F $10.00 $4,000.003. Earthwork, Complete 400 L.F $20.00 $8,000.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 400 L.F $60.00 $24,000.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, Both Sides 800 L.F $10.00 $8,000.00b. 7.5' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 400 L.F $22.50 $9,000.00

6. AC Pavement 400 L.F $50.00 $20,000.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 400 L.F $20.00 $8,000.008. Street Lights 400 L.F $30.00 $12,000.009. Signing and Striping 400 L.F $10.00 $4,000.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 400 L.F $10.00 $4,000.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 400 L.F $20.00 $8,000.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 400 L.F $50.00 $20,000.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $135,000.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $6,750.002. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $10,800.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $10,800.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $2,700.005. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $13,500.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $44,550.00



NW Alder Street (NW 5th to NW 7th)Cross Section: 30' Pavement Section w/ 7.5' sidewalk on north side


May 21, 2007Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 300 L.F $15.00 $4,500.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 300 L.F $10.00 $3,000.003. Earthwork, Complete 300 L.F $20.00 $6,000.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 300 L.F $60.00 $18,000.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, Both Sides 600 L.F $10.00 $6,000.00b. 5.5' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 300 L.F $16.50 $4,950.00

6. AC Pavement 300 L.F $50.00 $15,000.007. Streetscape and Landscaping

a. General Streetscape & Landscaping 300 L.F $20.00 $6,000.00 b. Stamped Concrete Crosswalk 1 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 c. Overlook area at River Rd. & NW Alder intersection 1 LS $8,000.00 $8,000.00

8. Street Lights 300 L.F $30.00 $9,000.009. Signing and Striping 300 L.F $10.00 $3,000.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 300 L.F $10.00 $3,000.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 300 L.F $20.00 $6,000.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 300 L.F $50.00 $15,000.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $111,450.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $5,572.502. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $8,916.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $8,916.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $2,229.005. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $11,145.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $36,778.50



NW Alder Street (for 300' east of NW 5th)Cross Section: 32' Pavement Section w/ 5.5' sidewalk on north side


May 21, 2007Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 700 LS $15.00 $10,500.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 100 L.F $10.00 $1,000.003. Earthwork, Complete 0 L.F $20.00 $0.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 0 L.F $60.00 $0.005. Concrete Work

a. Reconstruct 6 driveway approaches 6 L.F $3,000.00 $18,000.00b. 5' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 100 L.F $15.00 $1,500.00

6. AC Pavement -- 2" Overlay 700 L.F $25.00 $17,500.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 700 L.F $20.00 $14,000.008. Street Lights 700 L.F $30.00 $21,000.009. Signing and Striping 700 L.F $10.00 $7,000.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 0 L.F $10.00 $0.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 0 L.F $20.00 $0.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 0 L.F $50.00 $0.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $90,500.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $4,525.002. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $7,240.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $7,240.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $1,810.005. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $9,050.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $29,865.00



NW Alder Street (NW 2nd west 700' to existing NW River Rd.)Cross Section: 30' Pavement Section w/ 5' sidewalk on both sides


May 21, 2007Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No. Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 700 L.F $15.00 $10,500.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition L.F $10.00 $0.003. Earthwork, Complete L.F $20.00 $0.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 L.F $60.00 $0.005. Concrete Work

a. Replace/Widen PCC sidewalk north side (1st to Museum) 175 L.F $15.00 $2,625.00b. Sidewalk transition to 8' walk at NE Alder Street 100 L.F $24.00 $2,400.00c. Adjacent to old Wtr Plant site 100 L.F $24.00 $2,400.00

6. AC Pavement - 2" Overlay 700 L.F $25.00 $17,500.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 700 L.F $20.00 $14,000.008. Street Lights 13 Ea $4,000.00 $52,000.009. Signing and Striping 700 L.F $10.00 $7,000.009c. Intersection/Crosswalk Stamped Concrete Work

a. NE Wall @ Museum 0 L.F $0.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins L.F $10.00 $0.0011. Storm Drain Manholes L.F $20.00 $0.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete L.F $50.00 $0.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $108,425.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $5,421.252. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $8,674.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $8,674.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $2,168.505. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $10,842.50

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $35,780.25



NE Wall Street (1st to NE Alder)

Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant


May 21, 2007

Cross Section: Use Existing Pavement Section w/ existing sidewalks on both sides where possible

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 540 L.F $15.00 $8,100.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 540 L.F $10.00 $5,400.003. Earthwork, Complete 540 L.F $20.00 $10,800.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 540 L.F $60.00 $32,400.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, Both Sides 1,080 L.F $10.00 $10,800.00b. 5' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 540 L.F $15.00 $8,100.00

6. AC Pavement 540 L.F $50.00 $27,000.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 540 L.F $20.00 $10,800.008. Street Lights 540 L.F $30.00 $16,200.009. Signing and Striping 540 L.F $10.00 $5,400.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 540 L.F $10.00 $5,400.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 540 L.F $20.00 $10,800.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 540 L.F $50.00 $27,000.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $178,200.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $8,910.002. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $14,256.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $14,256.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $3,564.005. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $17,820.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $58,806.00



NE Alder & NE 3rd Avenue (Poppa Al's to NE 3rd)

Cross Section: 30' Pavement Section w/ 5' sidewalk on north side


May 21, 2007Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant

NE 3rd Avenue (Hwy 22 to NE Alder)

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

City of Mill CityHighway 22 Access Management PlanJ.O. 1780.2031.0

Item No Description Estimated

Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price


1. Mobilization, Bonds, Permits and Insurance 1,000 L.F $15.00 $15,000.002. Clearing, Grubbing and Demolition 1,000 L.F $10.00 $10,000.003. Earthwork, Complete 1,000 L.F $20.00 $20,000.004. Aggregate Base 1"-0 1,000 L.F $60.00 $60,000.005. Concrete Work

a. PCC Curb & Gutter, Type A, North Side 1,000 L.F $10.00 $10,000.00b. 5' PCC Sidewalk, 4-Inches Thick, Per Side 1,000 L.F $15.00 $15,000.00

6. AC Pavement 1,000 L.F $50.00 $50,000.007. Streetscape and Landscaping 1,000 L.F $20.00 $20,000.008. Street Lights 1,000 L.F $30.00 $30,000.009. Signing and Striping 1,000 L.F $10.00 $10,000.0010. Storm Drain Catch Basins 1,000 L.F $10.00 $10,000.0011. Storm Drain Manholes 1,000 L.F $20.00 $20,000.0012. Storm Drain Pipe, Complete 1,000 L.F $50.00 $50,000.0013, 10" Water Main Complete (on NE Alder from NE 5th to NE 7th) 450 L.F $70.00 $31,500.0014 10" Water Main Complete (on NE 7th from NE Alder to Hwy 22 300 L.F $70.00 $21,000.0015 NE Alder Closure & Turnaround 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00

Total Street & Storm Construction Costs $320,000.00

1. Plan Check and Permit Fees (±5%) 1 LS 5% $16,000.002. Engineering Design Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $25,600.003. Construction, Administration, and Inspection Fees (±8%) 1 LS 8% $25,600.004. Legal and Administration Fees (±2%) 1 LS 2% $6,400.005. Construction Contingency Allowance (±10%) 1 LS 10% $32,000.00

Total Engineering, Administration, and Contingency $105,600.00



NE Alder Street (NE 3rd to NE 7th)

Cross Section: 30' Pavement Section w/ 5' sidewalk on north side


May 21, 2007Prepared by Westech Engineering, Inc. & David W. Kinney, Community Development Consultant

NE Alder Street (Turnaround at east end)

1 of 1 6/29/2007 Cost Estimate.2007-05-21

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

June 2007

APPENDIX G Deviation Approval Memorandum

Oregon Department of Transportation

INTEROFFICE MEMO TO: Mike Long, Region-2 Project Delivery Manager FROM: Dave Warren, P.E., Region-2 Access Management Engineer DATE: June 1, 2007 SUBJECT: Standards Deviations for the OR 22 Mill City Access Management Plan I have reviewed the access management measures for OR 22 (North Santiam Highway, Highway No. 162) that are included in the OR 22 Mill City Access Management Plan (AMP). On the basis of this review, I am authorizing the deviations noted in the AMP, which are the result of an extensive public involvement process conducted by the City of Mill City and are intended to address problems with vehicles parking in the highway right-of-way, vehicles backing into the highway, and the need to modernize OR 22 in response to growing capacity, pedestrian, and bicycle needs. On OR 22, the spacing between public and private approaches is below the standard at the specified locations shown below, which is largely the result of years of unregulated construction of approaches to the highway. The AMP proposes a phased approach to correcting poor approach spacing that acknowledges the constraints to relocating and consolidating property access, including limited parcel sizes, lack of reasonable alternate access, and existing development patterns and site circulation. While not all recommended approach locations will meet the spacing standards, the actions from this AMP will move in the direction of meeting the standards and will contribute to improved operations and safety on OR 22. Full compliance with access spacing standards would result in significantly more impacts to businesses and residences, and the potential for significantly increased costs. Deviations are listed for both permanent and temporary approaches. Permanent approaches are those allowed along OR 22 as part of the long-term access management strategy. Temporary approaches are allowed along OR 22 to support existing land uses but must be closed when the adjacent property redevelops. The authorized deviations are listed herein:

Authorized Deviations to Access Management Spacing Standards

for Permanent Approaches– OR 22 Mill City Access Management Plan

Required Spacing Distance from Table 1 in OAR 734-051-0115 (Table 13 in Oregon Highway Plan)

Spacing Distance (feet) Approach Locations

Actual Required

OR 22- North Side

Private Approach #1 (MP 29.47) 470 990 Private Approach #4 (MP 29.58) 400 990 Private Approach #12/14 (MP 29.66) 520 990 NW 7th Ave (Public Street, MP 29.75) 400 990 Private Approach #23 (MP 29.83) 600 990 Private Approach #29/30 (MP 29.94) 200 990 Private Approach #32 (MP 30.03) N/A (1570) 990 Private Approach #42/43 (MP 30.27) 530 990 NE 4th Ave (Public Street, MP 30.37) 170 990 Private Approach #52 (MP 30.41) 120 990 NE 5th Ave (Public Street, MP 30.43) 220 990 Private Approach #J (MP 30.47) (formerly NE 6th Ave)

240 990 NE 7th Ave (Public Street, MP 30.51) 170 990 Private Approach #67/68 (MP 30.54) 250 990 Private Approach #70 (MP 30.58)

OR 22- South Side

Private Approach #3 (MP 29.53) 240 990 NW 9th Ave (Public Street, MP 29.58) 110 990 Private Approach #8 (MP 29.60) 290 990 Private Approach #13 (MP 29.66) 230 990 Private Approach #15/16 (MP 29.70) 290 990 NW 7th Ave (Public Street, MP 29.75) 270 990 Private Approach #19/21 (MP 29.78) 230 990

Spacing Distance (feet) Approach Locations

Actual Required

NW 5th Ave (Public Street, MP 29.83) 250 990 Private Approach #27 (MP 29.88) 320 990 Private Approach #73 (MP 29.94) 180 990 Private Approach #31 (MP 29.97) 150 990 Private Approach #33/34 (MP 30.00) 140 990 NW 2nd Ave (Public Street, MP 30.03) 720 990 Private Approach #39 (MP 30.16) 310 990 Private Approach #40 (MP 30.22) 170 990 Private Approach #41 (MP 30.25) 210 990 Private Approach #44 (MP 30.29) 130 990 NE 3rd Ave (Public Street, MP 30.32) 280 990 NE 4th Ave (Public Street, MP 30.37) 280 990 NE 5th Ave (Public Street, MP 30.43) 360 990 NE 7th Ave (Public Street, MP 30.51) 190 990 Private Approach #74 (MP 30.55) 230 990 Private Approach #71 (30.59)

N/A = Not applicable

Authorized Deviations to Access Management Spacing Standards for Temporary Approaches–

OR 22 Mill City Access Management Plan Required Spacing Distance from Table 1 in OAR 734-051-0115

(Table 13 in Oregon Highway Plan)

Spacing Distance (feet) Temporary Approach Location

Actual- Approach to West Actual- Approach to East Required

OR 22- North Side

Private Approach #10 (MP 29.60) Private Approach #4: 100

Private Approach #12/14: 300 990

Private Approach #20 (MP 29.77) NW 7th Ave: 120

Private Approach #23: 280 990

Private Approach #26 (MP 29.88) Private Approach #23: 270

Private Approach #29/30: 330 990

Private Approach #60 (MP 30.50) Private Approach #J: 160

NE 7th Ave: 80 990

Private Approach #69 (MP 30.57) Private Approach #67/68: 120

Private Approach #70: 130 990

OR 22- South Side

Private Approach #15 (MP 29.69) Private Approach #13: 180

Private Approach #15/16: 50 990

Private Approach #16 (MP 29.72) Private Approach #15/16: 140

NW 7th Ave: 160 990

Private Approach #28 (MP 29.90) Private Approach #27: 140

Private Approach #73: 190 990

Private Approach #48 (MP 30.35) NE 3rd Ave: 140

NE 4th Ave: 140 990

Private Approach #59 (MP 30.46) NE 5th Ave: 150

Private Approach #62: 180 990

Private Approach #62 (MP 30.49) Private Approach #59: 180

NE 7th Ave: 120 990

cc: Dan Fricke, ODOT District-3 Planner Jamie Hollenbeak, ODOT Region 2 AMPC Kelly Amador, ODOT Area-3 Project Leader

OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

June 2007

APPENDIX H Streetscape Plans


OR 22 Access Management Plan in Mill City

June 2007

APPENDIX I Preliminary Civil Engineering Design

and ROW Acquisitions

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