Options for my epq

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Options for my epq


“Is plastic surgery worth it?”

I am going to do my extended project on whether or not “plastic surgery is worth it” and I need to consider the best way in which I can present my research, form an argument and answer the question. This could be either

in the form of an essay or a product with a short essay about the piece and how it relates and answers the question.


Would be good as I can use all of the

evidence and create arguments. This means that my

arguments can come up with a conclusion

to the question which I have posed as the question for

my extended project qualification.

I am doing English Language at A level and so feel that an essay would improve the skills (writing skills) which I need to have for my course.

Because of the course I think that this would make my essay good and argumentative as well as interesting to read from many points of view.


Because my project is about image I could

make a sculpture out of clay (for example) which would be teamed

with an essay describing what it is

about. The sculpture could be a

before and after face with

enhancements, etc

Doing art at school should help me to do well at this kind of project that I could do.


I believe that having a B grade GCSE in Art and doing design at A level would benefit if I decide to do this project as they are both very creative and link well to this idea. However I would struggle to come up with an answer to the question by doing this piece so perhaps a longer essay

would be needed.

I could do an image representing plastic surgery. To the left is a mock up sketch which I could create along with a 1000-2000 word essay

I have decided that I am going to do my Extended Project Qualification as a 5000 word essay as I think that it would be the most practical way to

re-lay my research that I have conducted. Also, I think it would be difficult to make an artefact or sculpture of „final piece‟ (as I did in art)

that would reflect my title well and so an essay would be the best type of project that I could do.