Optimising Performance in a Stressful World. 2 Priory Group Europes Leading Independent Provider of...

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Optimising Performance in a Stressful World


Priory Group

• Europe’s Leading Independent Provider of Mental Health Services

• National provision of focused short duration treatment that achieves results

• Strong focus on return to work and improved productivity


To bring hope, healing, learning & sanctuary


Employee Therapy Programmes

• General

Stress Anxiety Depression Bereavement Social Phobia Panic Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour Healthy Lifestyle (Drama, Music, Art Therapies)

• Specialist

Addictions Adolescents Eating Disorders


Tricia Woolfrey, FCIPD, MNLP, DHP

HR Consultant, Hypnotherapist, Trainer, Coach, Author

An associate of The Priory and private practices in Surrey and Harley Street

25 years in the corporate world as an HR Director

Qualifications include: Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming

Clients in the IT, Telecoms, Pharmaceutical and Finance industries: Dell Fujitsu Schroder NHS

Change management, team building, training, coaching and therapy

From stress management to presentation skills, leadership to conflict management, from anxiety to depression and wellbeing programs including addictions, weight control and smoking cessation


Optimising Performance in a Stressful World

Our chaotic world

Shareholder expectations Battling the giants Mergers and acquisitions Targets bigger, margins are smaller Pressure to produce more with less GPs/Hospital doctors not the only decision makers More power in purchasing Spending is tight Managing the matrix Pressure to drive sales and cut costs Huge pressure to reduce numbers in the sales force Leads to insecurity and fear

Insecurity + fear = stress


What is Stress?

Stress occurs when pressure exceeds your perceived ability to cope


Levels of Stress


Sources of Negative Stress

Threat• Job losses• Restructuring• Poorly implemented change

Boredom• Work underload• Lack of challenge

Environment• Noise• Unsafe environment• Uncomfortable conditions• Crime

Worry• Regrets above the past• Fears for the future• Financial commitments

Pressure• Work overload• Tight timelines• High targets • Work or responsibility significantly above level of skill

Frustration• What you are doing is not working• Perfectionism• Traffic

Conflict• Working relationships• Office politics• Family/partners


Our Response?

Fight Flight Freeze


Our Contribution to Stress

Poor change management Poor management of conflict Hiring the wrong people for the job Failure to manage upwards Providing insufficient resources Negativity Ego-led management –v- motivational management


Signs of Stress

Tension in the body An increase in blood pressure A change in sleeping patterns A change in eating patterns A rapid heart rate Rapid breathing Dizziness Nausea Fatigue/insomnia Lethargy Back pain Headaches Loss of sense of humour Negative/anxious thinking Tearfulness Waking up tired after an early night Biting nails Pacing Depression

Skin rashes Difficulty concentrating Loss of sex drive Irritablity Impatience Nightmares Frequent colds Indecisiveness/procrastination Apathy Sense of isolation Isolating yourself Feeling overwhelmed Distraction behaviours increasing:

Smoking Drinking Eating Gambling Drugs


The Risks of Prolonged Stress

Physical Heart disease High blood pressure Diabetes Stroke Obesity Migraines Heartburn Ulcers Infection IBS

Emotional Memory problems Anxiety Depression Eating disorders Substance abuse

Happiness is not doing what you like, but liking what you do


The Secret Language of Feelings

Understanding the Secret Language of Feelings

Primary feelings1. Boredom To grow through challenge2. Anger To experience fairness for self and others3. Guilt To be fair to others4. Sadness To keep valued things and people5. Loneliness To have meaningful relationships6. Stress To have success in managing your life7. Fear To feel safe

Secondary feelings9. Frustration To meet needs through own efforts

Tertiary10. Depression To be effective and hopeful

Source: Secret Language of Feelings, Cal Banyan

Identify the source and create a strategy


Dealing with Stress


• Eat healthfully• Avoid caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes• Exercise regularly• Work-life balance• Practice deep breathing• Massage• Reflexology• Yoga• Physiology – head up and shoulders down, back and relaxed• Have a pet – really!


• Doing something you enjoy• Doing something physical and tiring – jogging, swimming, gardening, kick-boxing• Having a really good belly-laugh


• Talk problems through with someone you trust• Spend time with friends

For fast acting relief, try slowing down!


Dealing with Stress, continuedTime Management• Learn to say no• Delegate where possible• Create a routine where possible• Maintain an up to date to do list• Prioritise and focus• Set achievable goals and reward yourself when you achieve them• Keep a clear desk• Pack up and go home• Learn to powernap

Develop inner strength and outer calm• Be aware of strengths and achievements• Develop problem solving skills• Embrace change• 7th Path ® Self-hypnosis• Meditation• Emotional Freedom Technique• Use positive anchors: relaxing music, or remembering a time when you

were happy, relaxed, strong and confident

• Adopt a positive mental attitude• Employ motivational leadership

Identify the source and create a strategy


Thinking Distortions and the Art of the Reframe

1. All or nothing thinking He’s uselessHe’s not strong on admin, but he can sure close

a deal

2. Catastrophising It’s terribleIt’s not good, but it is resolvable

3. Over-generalisation He was disrespectful – nobody respects meHe was disrespectful once and there are

plenty of examples of genuine respect from the others

4. Disqualifying the positive Never mind that we got the sale, we are still off target

We can make up the gap with focused effort

5. Jumping to conclusions We will never win this contract – our price is too highWe can win on reputation, quality and service

6. Magnification/Minimisation We didn’t win that contract – may as well write off the quarter

There is enough in the pipeline and we can build more

7. Emotional reasoning After that row, it’s all pointlessWe’ve cleared the air now. Some important lessons

have been learned.

8. Personalisation He’s not happy in his job. It’s my faultLet’s find out why he isn’t happy and see

what can be done about it


The Ten Step Program

Step 1: The negative thought (be specific)Step 2: What is the evidence for the thoughtStep 3: What is the evidence against the thoughtStep 4: Which thinking pattern does it represent?Step 5: How does the thought make you feel?Step 6: Is there a purpose for the thought which does not cause me stress?Step 7: Reality/logic/perspective challenge

RealityHow do you know the thought is true?Who says?

LogicHow does this logically follow?Is this based on fact or emotion?How reasonable is this?

PerspectiveWhat is the worst that could happen?What are the odds of this happening?How would the outside world view this?

Step 8: Alternative positive thoughtStep 9: How does that make you feel?Step 10: Are you willing to let go of the negative thought? When?

From: Think Positive, Feel Good by Tricia Woolfrey

Attitudes are contagious.

Dennis and Wendy Mannering


Ego-Led Leadership –v- Motivational Leadership


Inner fear – outer strength

Creates fear and doubt

Fear and doubt = stress

Obedience and “just enough”

Short-term gain, long-term pain

Command and control

One size fits all



Inner strength – outer calm

Stimulates creativity and confidence

Creativity and confidence = resourcefulness

Commitment and motivation

Short-term pain, long-term gain

Inspire and empower

Adapt to motivational profile


Those who see themselves as weakened, attack

© Copyright Tricia Woolfrey, PW Consulting Limited 2008


Personality Indicators

Towards Away From

Internal External

Necessity Possibility

Specific General

Similarity Difference

Self Other


Action Plan

Create a less stressful working environment by:

Practicing the art of reframing – for yourself and your team Discover your own PI profile and that of your team Apply the PI profile to ease communication, conflict and change

Recognise signs of stress early in yourself and others

Identify the source of stress and create effective coping strategies

Manage expectations upwards, with your peers and with your team

Under promise and over-deliver


Serenity Prayer

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

The courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference