OPIM 5165 Exam Notes

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OPIM 5165 Exam Notes

Transcript of OPIM 5165 Exam Notes

ClM 3163 Lxam noLes Types of IT - Introduction to IT.ppt O Function IT (task oriented): Assists in executing discrete tasks, business process agnostic O nterprise IT (process oriented): Assists in executing speciIic business processes, business process speciIic O etwork IT (people oriented): Facilitates interactions between people in a loosely deIined manner Compliments: work structuresthings you need in order to pull the soItware into a successIul business process Responsibility (management): O $elect the right soItware O ake sure it is adopted by users O xploit soItware`s potential to the Iullest srupt;e Power of IT - disruptive power of IT.ppt IT can disrupt existing business models (e.g. music industry) O !orter`s Five Forces $ecurty - information security.ppt $ecurity measures O Training to prevent social engineering O Firewalls O ncryption O etection (intrusion detection) Transaction $ecurity O ConIidentialitytransaction is only viewable by speciIied recipients O IntegrityTransaction cannot be altered/tampered with O AuthenticationVeriIiability oI parties to the transaction Firewalls: restrict network access based on rules 3terprse IT - IT overview.pptx nterprise IT: Arranges tasks into processes O $oItware is process Iocused us3ess I3telle3ce - I overview.ppt usiness Intelligence: data mining to support business strategy ata warehouse (Iederation): brings together inIormation Irom disparate IT systems ,t,-,ses - database intro.ppt $: general purpose soItware to structure & store data ClM 3163 Lxam noLes etwork IT & etwork ffects - network IT and network effect.ppt Web 2.0: User generated content & interaction O What`s new? Widespread adoption O What`s the risk? eeds critical mass to be successIul nterprise 2.0: Web 2.0 to support business needs !latIorm ediated: interactions are supported & structured by the mediating platIorm etwork IIects: the value to the user depends on the # oI other users O Rapid growth presents a business planning challenge (planning Ior too many/too Iew users) One-sided !latIorm: transaction partners are all in the same group. Alternate send/receive roles ulti-sided !latIorm: transaction partners may be in separate groups with diIIerent roles (e.g. job seekers & recruiters) Winner-take-all arkets: in some markets, network eIIects are so strong that only 1 platIorm survives Homing: users expend time/money to participate in a network O ono-homing: users tend to only use 1 network O ulti-homing: users tend to use more than 1 network O InIluenced by costs (upIront, ongoing, & exit costs) etwork eIIects are stronger when users demand novelty, geography, idiosyncrasy Predcto3 M,rkets - prediction markets.pptx !rediction markets use a market system to predict the outcomes oI deIinite events. Users make/lose money by betting against each other 'wisdom of the crowd` #I of IT - IT ROI.ppt Types oI IT investment O InIrastructure: routine investment in basic IT Iunctionality O Transactional: IT investment which cuts cost or increases productivity O InIormational: increases available inIormation & control potential O $trategic: systems to support strategic decision making