Operations Committee Activity Stan Marshall, Jr. Chair, National Operations Committee 1 2011...

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Transcript of Operations Committee Activity Stan Marshall, Jr. Chair, National Operations Committee 1 2011...

Operations Committee Activity

Stan Marshall, Jr.Chair, National Operations Committee

1 2011 Regional Meetings – St Louis

Operations Committee Activity

Supports ADS and PVS primarily Building a DC staff/Volunteer partnership

- Bringing the experience of the field to software and process development- Encouraging suggestions - Focusing on providing training with personal support through webinars, FAQs and SuperUsers

2 2011 Regional Meetings – St Louis

Operations Committee Activity

Staffing – ad hoc for development projectsSCs can be a source of suggestions for enrolling

project volunteers.

3 2011 Regional Meetings – St Louis

A note about software development –Tax-Aide proposes modifications and new processes to be

implemented by the AARP IT Department with which we have a good relationship.

There is a budget - requiring priority settingTax-Aide software is coordinated with other AARP

Foundation activities which can limit flexibility.The backlog is heavy and the work is meticulous and

continuous – 12 changes in August an 9 in September

Operations Committee Contact

4 2011 Regional Meetings – St Louis

• Stan Marshall, Jr.• Chair, National Operations Committee• snmjr@aol.com

• Miho Kikujo• Sr. Operations Analyst, National Office• mkikujo@aarp.org

Today’s Presentation

Introduction - 5 min (Gulati)Operational Committee Overview - 15 min (Marshall)Activity Reporting – 10 min (Kikujo)Recruitment – 20 min (Marshall, Kikujo)Reimbursement – 20 min (Speedy/Marshall, Kikujo,)Q&A – 20 min

Read ahead is provided for below - no presentation scheduled (Regional discussion on request)

2011 Personnel Report, 2011 Final Activity Report2011 Volunteer Related IRS Allowable Expenses

5 2011 Regional Meetings – St Louis