Operation Timothy

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Transcript of Operation Timothy



Training : Operation Timothy *Ate Nessie*

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Table of Contents

A Biblical Strategy for Discipleship Where Are You Going and How Will You Get There The Objective The Plan The Process The Schedule The Location and Time A Typical Session Finding Timothy The Qualities of a Good Timothy How to Find Timothy Challenging Men Through Introductory Meetings Putting it all Together Chapter Overview Sample Lesson Plan Chapter One – “How To Know You Have Eternal Life” Chapter Two – “How To Understand The Work of Christ” Chapter Three – “ How To Be Sure of God‟s Deliverance” Chapter Four – “ How To Experience God‟s Forgiveness” Chapter Five – “ How To Live By The Power of the Holy Spirit” Chapter Six – “How To Communicate With God” Chapter Seven – “How To Apply God‟s Word To Your Life” Chapter Eight – “How To Know God‟s Will” Chapter Nine – “How To Give Your Time, Talent and Treasure” Chapter Ten – “How To Witness For Christ” Chapter Eleven – “How To Put Your Testimony To Work” Chapter Twelve – “How To Have a Ministry”

Training : Operation Timothy *Ate Nessie*

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A BIBLICAL STRATEGY FOR DISCIPLESHIP Welcome! You are about to embark on a challenge that has excited men for nearly 2,000

years - the opportunity to become directly and vitally involved in God‟s strategy to reach the world with His message, „that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ‟.

The strategy is discipleship, helping men grow in their knowledge of God‟s Word and its

application to their lives that they might become mature followers of Christ. They, in turn, help others grow in their Christian faith. This is God‟s plan for world evangelism.

Paul‟s second letter to Timothy (2 Timothy) is his last recorded message; it is written during

his imprisonment in Rome. In penning his final advice to his young disciple, Timothy, Paul provided us with unique insight into the strategy of discipleship. The strategy is one of multiplication - spiritual multiplication. In a single verse, 2 Timothy 2:2, we see four spiritual generations.

This is what Operation Timothy is about. It‟s

a strategy of spiritual multiplication based on biblical principles. This is the method Paul used with Timothy -- one man helping another to grow in his Christian faith; that man, in turn. helping another and he another . . .

It is a brilliant plan - simple, efficient, effective.

Multiplication is always more profitable than addition. Would you rather do the work of ten men or train ten men to do the work? Think of the potential impact if each of the men trained would, in turn, be able to train others.

BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE FOLLOW-THROUGH1 We have all experienced situations at outreach functions or at other types of evangelistic

efforts where we saw a number of men indicate they trusted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Remember the feeling of joy and the sense of victory you felt from being a part of such an event? This would be particularly true if one of those men was your guest -- a close friend, a neighbor, or business associate.

However, delight often turns to disappointment as we realize that not all of the men who actually experienced conversion continue to grow in their newfound faith. What accounts for this lack of growth we sometimes see in the life of a new Christian? There are a number of

1 Follow-up pertains to helping a new Christian to grow in his faith. Follow-through on the other hand is a more

encompassing term that communicates an ongoing process that moves from evangelism to discipleship. These terms are often

used interchangeable.

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possible causes, but frequently the problem is lack of follow-up from the more mature Christians.

Failure to follow-up can generally be attributed to three main causes. First, many believe that follow-up is the responsibility of someone else, preferably a trained expert. Secondly, we often don‟t know what to do or how to do it; and lastly, time is frequently the culprit. Different priorities constantly clamor for our attention, and the important soon gives way to the urgent.

If any of these hindrances to effective follow-up have appeared in your ministry, you will

find Operation Timothy an effective remedy. THE CALL TO ACTION You probably realize that follow-up is not just for the „experts‟. You‟re right, it‟s not. In one

of His last conversations with His disciples Jesus gave an instruction of such importance that it has come to be known as the Great Commission. This charge was addressed to all of us, not to just a few well-trained experts.

Then Jesus came to them and said, „All authority in heaven and on earth has

been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20 The mandate is to make disciples, followers of Christ -- spiritually mature men and women

who are capable of winning others to Christ - and help them grow to the point where they, too, can win and build others. This is spiritual multiplication. Paul sums up the entire process in Colossians 1:28:

“We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so

that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.” Note the objective, “that we may present everyone perfect in Christ”. This is the purpose of

Operation Timothy. It is designed to help you effectively follow-up and disciple a young Christian, helping him to grow to his full maturity in Christ. This strategy, based on biblical principles, has been used successfully for many years by businessmen in their ministry to other business and professional men. The “how-tos” in this manual are presented in such a manner that even the most inexperienced person can use them successfully with his “Timothy”.

A CRITICAL NEED Jesus used the analogy of being „born again‟ when explaining how one becomes a child of

God. And that‟s just what a new Christian is, a spiritual baby. The follow-up that helps this spiritual infant mature in his faith is as important as the care we give our natural children to help them grow into responsible adults. Walter Henrichsen, author of Disciples are Made - Not Born, calls follow-up “spiritual pediatrics”.

The process of life is growth. We are greatly saddened when we see some area of a child‟s growth retarded. God provides the same expectations for growth in spiritual babies.

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“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow

up in your salvation,” ---- 1 Peter 2:2 Like any good father, Paul agonized over the growth and well-being of his „spiritual

children.‟ He expresses his concern in 1 Thessalonians 3:5:

“…when I could stand it no longer, I sent to find out about your faith. I was afraid that in some way the tempter might have tempted you and our efforts might have been useless.”

Effective follow-through is an essential step in building mature men and women of God,

who can then build others. This is the strategy upon which our Lord staked His success in reaching the world. His men made this objective their purpose. Again, listen to Paul.

“To this end (see v. 28) I labor, struggling with all his energy which so powerfully works in me.”

Colossians 1:29 Before we get to the “how-tos” of Operation Timothy, let us examine some of the

scriptural insights on which they are based. THE BIBLICAL BASIS Your commitment to helping new Christians begin their

spiritual growth will be determined by your personal conviction that it is important. Personal follow-through as a fundamental part of ministry is seen throughout the Bible, and it is essential that we understand God‟s perspective in this key area

Work carefully through the Bible study below being sure

to look up every Scripture reference. Write the answers to each question in your own words.


1. In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus gives the Great Commission. Read this passage carefully. By what right was He able to command us to “go and make disciples”? ____________________________________________________________


2. What does Jesus tell us to teach our disciples in verse 20? _______________


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3. The Lord wants us to have a fruitful ministry in both quality and quantity. In John 15:16, Jesus says that He chose us that we should “go and bear fruit”, but He gives a qualification for this fruit, what is it? _____________________

_______________________________________________________________ B. THE MARK OF A DISCIPLER

The Bible lists many qualities that are important for effective discipleship -- all are desirable, but a few are essential. Ultimately, the success of discipleship will be determined by the CHARACTER OF THE PERSON involved, not by the type of PROGRAM used. Let‟s examine a few of the essential character traits for effective discipleship highlighted in God‟s Word so that we might, in prayer, ask Him to build them into our lives.

4. Here are a few of the qualities we hope to see developing in our lives as we

disciple others:

* Commitment to prayer * Seeking and serving God with a „whole heart‟ * Self-sacrifice * Love and affection

Again, carefully read the verses shown below and match them to these

specific qualities.

a. Psalm 119:2,10,34 ________________________________________ (Note that the key word here is “all” or “whole”. God is looking for the

“one hundred percenters”. These are the men He uses.)

b. Colossians 1:9; Luke 18:1 __________________________________ c. 2 Corinthians 12:15; Phil. 2:17 ______________________________

d. 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 _____________________________________


Several of the verses we‟ve studied provide insight into one of the primary means of follow-through and discipleship.

“Therefore go and make disciples . . . TEACHING them . . .” Matthew 28:1920

“We proclaim Him . . . TEACHING everyone. . .” Colossians 1:28

“And the things . . . ENTRUST to reliable men who will also be qualified to TEACH

others.” 2 Timothy 2:2

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There are many methods of teaching, and Christ used all of them in working with His

men. Discussion is one method that you will use, and it‟s an excellent way to impart knowledge. But, it is your method of setting an example (being a model for others to imitate) that will have the greatest impact. It is your example that will play the major role in the development of attitudes and, ultimately, the behavior of your „Timothy”.

5. Paul knew and practiced this principle. Look up 1 Corinthians 4:16 and write it in

the space below:

Could you say that to your “Timothy”? As you reflect on your lifestyle, your role as a

model to those around you, which alternative below would best represent your responses?

______ “Therefore I urge you to imitate me.”

______ “Do what I say, not what I do.”

______ “Don‟t do anything yet, I‟m still trying to get my act together.”

6. In 1 Corinthians 11:1 Paul gives the same challenge and provides the key to its

implementation in our lives. What is this key?

Dr. Howard Hendricks, commenting on this verse notes, “you may feel, „I

could never say that!‟ But it doesn‟t matter - your men are following you. The question is whether you are following Christ.”

7. Christ used example as a primary means of teaching His disciples. In John 13:12-

15, we read the story of Jesus washing the feet of His men. Why did Jesus do this? (Verse 15)

8. In what areas did Paul challenge Timothy to be an example in 1 Timothy 4:12?

Teaching by example is one of the most important means of discipleship, and the

character of the teacher is the most important aspect of example. Thus, the adage “Christ is often caught rather than taught”.


We saw above that discipleship involves sacrifice. Look up Luke 14:25-35 and read it through carefully.

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9. How many times is the word „disciple‟ used? _____________________________ 10. Is Jesus trying to recruit disciples?

_____ Yes _____ No ______Don‟t rush me, I‟m still thinking.

11. Why do you feel that He placed so much emphasis on „counting the cost‟?

Jesus is saying that there is a price to be paid in order to be His disciple. The

commitment to discipleship is costly both to you, the discipler, and to you “Timothy”. It demands sacrifice in a number of areas - time, possessions, priorities, attitudes, habits, dreams, ambitions, etc.

Discipleship is costly, but cost is a reflection of value. Your return on investment is

mature men of God, a long-term capital asset that will last for eternity.

Sometimes, as we begin to think about the qualities demanded and the price required to be an effective discipler, we begin to feel inadequate for the task. The Lord wouldn‟t tell us to do something He didn‟t equip us to do. His command to “make disciples” was meant for each of us. It‟s our AVAILABILITY He desires, not our ABILITY. “The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24.

12. In Acts 4:13, we see just how unqualified Christ‟s men were. The people “realized that they (John and Peter) were unschooled, ordinary men”. The verse ends by identifying the essential quality for being an effective discipler, what was this quality?

We can be used by God in a mighty way if we faithfully follow-up with our own spiritual

babies in Christ. Operation Timothy is prepared for just this purpose, in response to the commands and examples in God‟s Word. But, there is a cost. Paul advises in 2 Corinthians 13:5, “examine yourself‟. Let‟s take a few minutes and do just that.

Am I willing to let God build into my life in the following areas?

_____ To grow into a closer relationship with Christ. Ephesians 4:15

_____ To develop a commitment to helping others grow in their relationship with Christ. Matthew 28:18-20

If you can answer with an enthusiastic “YES!”, then make your commitment on below and

get prepared for the adventure of your life.

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“I am willing to pay the price! I deliberately set as one of my life‟s highest priorities the

commitment to a ministry of evangelism and discipleship. I will allow God to work through me to help my spiritual children, my “Timothies”, grow to their full spiritual potential.”

_______________________ ______________ Signature Date

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THE OBJECTIVE Operation Timothy is a proven, effective strategy of building disciples. It is important to

remember, however, that discipleship is the means, not the end. There is a natural tendency to become enamored with the process and lose sight of the objective, “...entrust ... to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

To disciple men you need to have a clearly defined objective. In Operation Timothy your

objective is to develop your “Timothy” to the point where he can effective share his faith with another person and teach that person how he, too, can spiritually reproduce himself. Our goal is to produce reproducers.

THE PLAN Keeping your objective in front of you as you work with your “Timothy” will help you avoid

the activity trap and move you successfully toward your goal. To reach your goal you need a plan for getting there and Operation Timothy provides such a plan.

This course has been designed to help you present the biblical basics to a young Christian in

an orderly, easy-to-understand manner. The content is organized into two sections, containing six chapters each. Each chapter deals with a MAJOR CONCEPT of the Christian life. This major concept is an intermediate goal, a step along the path, moving you toward your ultimate objective. The major concepts for each of the 12 chapters are as follows:

1. How to Know You Have Eternal Life 2. How to Understand the Work of Christ 3. How to Be Sure of God „s Deliverance 4. How to Experience God‟s Forgiveness 5. How to Live by the Power of the Holy Spirit 6. How to Communicate with God 7. How to Apply God‟s Word to Your Life 8. How to Know God‟s Will 9. How to Give Your Time, Talent, and Treasure 10. How to Witness for Christ 11. How to Put Your Testimony to Work 12. How to Have a Ministry

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THE PROCESS Remember, our goal is to produce a reproducer. To reproduce himself a man must have

knowledge of what to reproduce, the skill to reproduce it, and character that provides a model of what is to be reproduced. Bringing a man at this level requires a three-fold approach:

1. Teaching -The objective is knowledge. Using Bible study (2 Timothy 3:16), you will

teach your “Timothy” knowledge of God‟s Word, its principles and precepts.

2. Training - The objective is skill. Here the focus is on the “how-tos”, through

discussion and lesson assignments Timothy will learn to apply this knowledge to his and transfer to others.

3. Time -The objective is character. Our goal is to produce disciples who have the

character of Christ. It takes time to build a relationship, and a relationship is the foundation for character development.

The materials, structure, and schedule of Operation Timothy utilize this approach,

blending its three components in such a way as to allow you and Timothy to make the most of your time together. The Bible study completed in preparation for your time together, your fellowship, discussion, and prayer during your weekly meeting, as well as other time you spend together in business and social activities are all important. They provide the opportunity for teaching, training and the time needed for the development of a meaningful relationship. This approach brings us full circle because it‟s character development that brings our obedience level up to our knowledge level.



THE SCHEDULE You will meet with your “Timothy” on a weekly basis with each meeting lasting 90 minutes.

Although Operation Timothy contains 12 major concepts (chapters), the course will generally take longer than 12 weeks. Sometimes you will complete a study of a major concept in a single session, but Timothy‟s needs and his understanding of the material may require that you take two or more sessions to complete a chapter.

In working through Operation Timothy, it is important that you always keep your ultimate

objective in mind - “to produce a reproducer”. To accomplish that goal will require balance - commitment to the goal on one hand, sensitivity to the capability and needs of Timothy on the other.

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A good discipler will push his disciple as far and fast as he can go; he needs that kind of

challenge. Earlier we noted how easy it is to drift into the activity trap and lose sight of our goal. The writer of Hebrews describes such a situation.

“In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God‟s Word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!”

Hebrews 5:12 However, there is plenty of flexibility. You may periodically discover needs in Timothy‟s life

that require you to adjust your schedule. Be sensitive to the leading of God‟s Spirit. Your purpose is to build a person, not just to complete a program. If you need to vary the pace in order to ensure understanding or to meet personal needs, do so.

Each. session is scheduled for 90 minutes, divided as follows:

A. Fellowship and sharing 20 minutes B. Discussion of memory verse, Timothy‟s workbook

Bible study, and the major concept . 60 minutes

C. Prayer 10 minutes A. Fellowship and Sharing

Every session should begin with relaxed conversation allowing you and Timothy to get to know one another and to build toward a strong relationship. This relationship provides the environment for character development and ultimately determines your success as a discipler.

This is an opportunity for you to identify his needs and evaluate progress. To do that

you need to allow him to do most of the talking. A suggested rule-of-thumb is 75 percent/25 percent - he talks 75 percent of the time, you the remaining 25 percent. You, the leader, control the pace and direction of the conversation by asking questions. It‟s an excellent way to gain insight and to express interest in his life as well.

One approach would be to address a different life area each session. One time you

could ask about his family (e.g. How long has he been married? How many kids? Ages? etc.). In another session you could discuss work, life goals, hobbies, or any other subject that is relevant.


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B. Discussion -- How to Use Questions in a Guided Discussion

The key to reaching your session objective is a good start, and the key to a good start is making sure both you and Timothy know where you‟re going and how you‟re going to get there. Explain the major concept and why it is important. Too often, without such an introduction, the session wanders and ends 90 minutes later with little progress having been made toward the goal.

Questions play a vital role in the discussion. They are used to provoke thought,

stimulate further discussion, and move the discussion toward the session objectives. There are four basic types of questions and their value is determined, to a large extent, but the situation.2

1. Leading Question- “Paul says in Philippians that we are always to rejoice,

doesn‟t he?”

This type of question is great for a lecture, but has little value in a discussion. Little, if any, response is required. It should be used only as a last resort.

2. Limited Question – “What three great truths are in this passage?”

This question also has limited value in a discussion. It is clear you have an

exact answer in mind and this will constrain the discovery process. This type should only be used when Timothy has difficulty understanding the initial question and needs further clarification.

3. Open Question – “What are some of the truths you see in this passage?”

This type of question has great value in your discussion. It allows discovery

of one, two, three, or even more truths. The emphasis is on discovery, not on finding the answer.

4. Wide-Open Question – “What else do you see in this passage?”

This question is an excellent way to maintain momentum in the discussion,

particularly if an important point remains undiscovered.

Your discussion should contain at least 80-90 percent of the „open‟ questions. These allow you to guide the discussion in such a manner that your “Timothy” can discover answers himself. Each of the major concept chapters in this Leader‟s Guide highlights a number of such questions for your use.

Begin your discussion by asking an open, application-oriented question: Why is this

concept important? How does it apply to us personally? For example, the major concept, “How to Understand the Work of Christ”, might be introduced with this question: “Why

2 Adapted from Discipleship Leader’s Guide, California: Campus Crusade for Christ, p.19-20

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is it important to know that Jesus Christ is God and not just a great man?” Allow him to wrestle with the answer and then move to the Scriptures dealing with that concept. Continue to ask questions, using the ones you developed during your study and preparation of the subject.

Remember, don‟t preach. If he has difficulty answering a question, rephrase it or

break it down into smaller, simpler questions. It would be better to ask a limiting question than to give him the answer. Otherwise you have no way to measure his understanding. The most effective learning technique is self-discovery, and you‟re the guide.

C. Prayer

In Romans, Chapter 12, Paul describes the qualities that should characterize a relationship between Christians. One of the qualities was that of “being faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12). Prayer not only reflects a close relationship, it helps develop it.

You have a young believer who may not know how

to pray or may be self-conscious about praying aloud. Be sensitive. If you detect a hesitancy, especially during the first few meetings, don‟t push him into praying. If necessary, you close in prayer.

His confidence will increase over time as he watches you.

In the back of each Operation Timothy workbook, there is a place for „prayer

requests‟. Make sure that this section is used so that both of you can pray for these needs during the week and document God‟s response.

THE LOCATION AND TIME Many men involved in Operation Timothy have found an early morning hour the best time

to meet their “Timothies”. Regardless of when you meet, it is important that you have at least 90 minutes of uninterrupted time together. It is also critical that your meeting time doesn‟t conflict with vital family time.

As to a place, a quiet spot that minimizes interruptions is essential. A home, office, or even

a restaurant would be suitable. However, make sure the place you choose has an atmosphere that is conducive to prayer. One note about restaurants: it‟s generally difficult to find a restaurant where the atmosphere is favorable to both study and prayer. If you do build a meal into your meeting time, it might be well to have your fellowship and sharing time at the restaurant and then go to a nearby office for the discussion and prayer. If this is not possible, we suggest having your prayer time in the car just before you leave. It‟s extremely difficult, especially for a new Christian, to have meaningful conversational prayer in a restaurant.

In summary, you need a meeting time and place that is quiet, minimizes interruptions, and

is conducive to prayer. Regardless of where and when you meet, be consistent. Meeting at a

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different place or time every week will hinder your progress. As you finish a meeting make sure you and Timothy enter details for next week‟s meeting in the note section of your workbooks.

A TYPICAL SESSION During the week you will have studied the major concept using the material in that

particular chapter of the Leader‟s Guide. You also should have completed the material assigned to Timothy. Your “Timothy” will have worked through the Bible study in his workbook and memorized the verse for that week. Each week you will meet to study and discuss the material.

The example below will provide you with a guideline for structuring a session. For the

purpose of illustration, this session uses 6:30 am. to 8:00 am., but it could be used in any 90 minute time period.

WELCOME -- 6:30 - 6:35

This is a time for greeting, getting settled, etc.

FELLOWSHIP AND SHARING -- 6:35 - 6:50 This is a relaxed time of conversation - an opportunity for you to identity

needs and evaluate progress. The key is to allow him to do most of the talking with you directing the course of the conversation with your questions.

DISCUSSION -- 6:50 - 7:45 A Scripture Memory Review -- 6:50 - 7:00

Have Timothy repeat the verse assigned from the previous week. Make sure he includes both the topic and the reference location. It is important that in your discussion of the major concept you make sure he knows how to apply this verse in his life. You should also review all verses memorized in previous sessions.

B. Discuss Bible Study -- 7:00 - 7:15

Timothy spent the majority of his preparation time working through the Bible study in his workbook. Discuss any questions he may have and assess his understanding of the material by asking him some questions. The key questions for each workbook assignment are given in the preparation section for that chapter in your Leader‟s Guide.

C. Discuss the major concept - 7:15 - 7:45

You and Timothy will study the Bible verses relating to the major concept and discuss why and how you would apply them in your day-to-day walk. This part of the session is covered in detail in the chapter of the Leader‟s Guide dealing with that particular major concept. The material in your Leader‟s Guide amplifies the Bible stud in Timothy‟s workbook


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Make sure Timothy enters the assignment (memory verse and workbook chapter) and meeting details (date, time, location) in the note section of his workbook. Remember, there will be times when you might not complete a chapter in one session. It is important not to go on the next chapter until you have finished the present one. Periodically you may have to devote the first part of your next session (or even the whole time) to competing the previous chapter.

PRAYER - 7:50 - 8:00

Because this is the last part of your session, you may be inclined to hurry or shorten your prayer time when you‟re running behind schedule. Don‟t! This is one of the most important portions of your time together, and you communicate its importance to Timothy by the time and priority you give it. As you close, encourage him to pray throughout the week for the needs he has listed in his workbook. In reality, there is no such thing as a “typical” session. Personality differences, varying needs, and your own creativity all combine to make each session different.

What do I do if I don‟t complete my lesson plan in 90 minutes? Good

question. Often, because of personal needs that surface during your time together, you will find yourselves at the end of your time but not at the end of the lesson. Here are a couple of hints.

Write down a short lesson plan and note the time allocated for each portion

of your session. There is a sample lesson plan in chapter one of this Leader‟s Guide (How to Know You Have Eternal Life). A lesson plan will allow you to recognize a time problem early in the session and not be surprised at the end.

There will be situations when you can run longer in your session to make up

for lost time, but don‟t make a habit out of it. You have the flexibility of taking up in the next session where you left off in this one. Just make sure you have ended this session in prayer.

FINDING TIMOTHY A CRITICAL CHOICE We can‟t disciple everyone -- the time and commitment required by both the disciple and

the discipler forces us to focus on a few. That was the method Jesus used during His ministry here on earth. Robert Coleman, in his book, the Master Plan of Evangelism, notes that Christ could have had an immediate following of thousands if that had been what He had wanted. Yet with all the powers of the universe at His command, He chose, instead, to pour His life into a few ragged disciples. He knew that a few dedicated people would in time shake the world for God. Victory is never won by the multitudes.3 The principle still applies today -- if we build

3 The Master Plan of Evangelism, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, p.31-34

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quality leadership (e.g. “Reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.”) the multitudes will be reached and won.

If we can only work successfully with a few, choosing and challenging these few becomes a

critical part of the discipleship process. Who are the people we are looking for, and how do we challenge them to become involved in Operation Timothy?

The first step is to be able to recognize a potential disciple. What are the qualities we are

looking for in a “Timothy”? The following four characteristics provide a foundation for our selection criteria.

1. Heart for God --

These are men who are available to God and receptive to spiritual things. The key is receptivity. You don‟t start with a committed disciple but with someone who has the potential to become one, and that involves time. Note the process to commitment of Christ‟s disciples:

* Curiosity John 1:35-39 * Conviction Matthew 16:13-16 * Commitment John 8:31

2. Teachability --

Dr. Howard Hendricks makes the following comment regarding this important quality:

“Teachability is a person‟s capacity for growth. You show me a person who is teachable and I‟ll show you a person in whom there is no limit in terms of potential.”

He goes on to stress that we need to be teachable in two areas: first, we must be

willing to learn from God. David expresses such teachability in Psalm 25:4-5. Secondly, we need to be willing to learn from others. Paul presents such an example in Romans 1:11-12.

3. Faithfulness --

Paul was explicit about who Timothy should entrust with his teachings -- „reliable men‟. This is a prominent New Testament theme. In communicating this concept, the Lord used the parable of the talents. In Matthew 25:21, He stresses the importance and the result of such a quality.

“Well done, good and faithful servant You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masters happiness!”

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4. Willingness to Teach Others --

Again, our goal is to produce a reproducer. Paul reinforces the importance of this objective in 2 Timothy 2:2 when he gives a more detailed description of the „reliable men‟. He notes that they must “be qualified to teach others,” also. The entire foundation of spiritual multiplication rests on this criteria. The issue is one of willingness, not ability. It we are called to disciple men, and we are (Matthew 28:18-20), then we are called to teach.

HOW TO FIND TIMOTHY You are probably wondering where you are going to find men with those qualifications. You

won‟t, God will. But you will play a vital role in the process. Your role in finding the “Timothy” God has chosen for you can be summarized as follows:

1. Ask

Prayerfully make a list of men you believe have these qualities or the potential to develop them. Prayer is a key element in the selection process because these are qualities of the heart. You need God‟s mind in this for only He can discern the hearts of men and see their potential.

“...the Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7

2. Seek Your “Timothy” will come from one of three sources. First, he may be a man

you have had the privilege of leading to Christ. In this case, as his spiritual father, you have the same responsibilities as any parent. In his book, Disciples Are Made - Not Born, Walt Henrichsen notes, “Aggressive evangelism is the mark of the committed disciple, and it is a primarily from the fruit of this evangelism that he chooses his Timothy -- the man he seeks to disciple. If the first step in the process is evangelism then the second is follow-up.”4 Secondly, in your day-to-day activities, God may bring a young, immature Christian into your life and place him into your teaching stewardship. A third source may be a man who is not a Christian but wants to explore God‟s Word and investigate the possibility of making Christ his Lord and Savior.

3. Knock

When the Lord brings a potential “Timothy” across your path the initiative lies with you, the leader. In Luke 6:13 we saw that after He prayed, the Lord “called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them”. How you qualify and challenge your “Timothy” is vital to you overall success.

4 Disciples Are made - Not Born, Illinois: Victor books, p. 79

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CHALLENGING MEN THROUGH INTRODUCTORY MEETINGS There are many ways of recruiting a man to Operation Timothy, but the use of

introductory meetings has been found to be particularly effective. This approach not only helps you to evaluate some of the characteristics you are looking for in your “Timothy”, but it allows you to assess his standing with the Lord. This is an important point. LeRoy Eims makes the following comment in his book, The Lost Art of Disciple Making:

“The first need a convert has is assurance. He needs to know that he has truly been born again. And if you are going to help him, you need to know that too.”5

When you meet a man whom you believe has the potential to be your “Timothy”, arrange

an introductory meeting, possibly over breakfast or lunch. This meeting will have a two-fold objective:

1. To assess his standing with the Lord (when and how did he come to Christ?) and,

2. To assign him to read the Beginning with Christ booklet and to memorize 1 John 5:11-12.

During your interaction ask questions that will help you

discover his attitude toward spiritual things and whether he‟s a Christian. This is especially easy if you have shared an activity such as church or an outreach luncheon. “Tim, what did you think of the message? Did it make sense to you? Do you believe this applies to us?”

As you interact, keep in mind your objective - that both you and he know that he has

eternal life (1 John 5:13). Here are some excellent questions to help you gain insight and confidence regarding his relationship with God:

“Have you reached the point in your spiritual life where you know with certainty that

if you died tonight you would spend eternity in heaven? How would you know?”


“If you were to stand at the gates of heaven and God asked you, „On what basis should I allow you to enter heaven?‟, how would you answer?”

If his response causes you to doubt that he is a Christian, you have several alternatives.

First, if you believe he is open and willing to accept Christ as personal Lord and Savior, share steps to Peace with God with him and give him the opportunity to pray, asking Christ into his life.

5 The Lost Art of Disciple making, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, p. 62

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If you don‟t feel he is open to this; yet there is spiritual curiosity and. a desire to know

more, don‟t force the issue. Assign the Beginning with Christ booklet in the manner described bellow and be alert over the next few weeks for an opportunity to share the gospel with him. Often, after exposure to God‟s Word and after his confidence in you is established, there will be an openness not experienced at first.

The second possibility is that he is a Christian, but young and, possibly, unsure of his faith.

The booklet, Beginning with Christ, effectively deals with this issue. Explain the importance of assurance to him and assign him to read the booklet over the next week. You may want to say something like this:

“Tim, one of the most important aspects of the Christian life is to be certain of our

relationship with God. If we are unsure or in doubt of our salvation, we don‟t trust God to meet our needs and fulfill the promises He gives us in His Word.

He wants us to be absolutely confident in our relationship with Him and totally trust

Him with every area of our lives. He has made provisions for this assurance in His word. This booklet, Beginning with Christ, will help you understand it.”

As you give him the assignment, write it on the inside cover of the booklet. Ask him to do

the following this week:

1. Read it through once, underlining key thoughts.

2. Read it through a second time, aloud.

3. Memorize 1 John 5:11-12 Never give material you haven‟t completed first. It is important that you study the booklet

and memorize the verse before this meeting. Also, remember to point out the Bible memory sheet in the back of the Beginning with Christ booklet and identify the 1 John verse. This might be a good time to ask if he has a Bible... If not, help him get one. You may even want to go to the Bible bookstore with him.

Set up another meeting early the next week so that you can discuss Beginning with Christ,

answer any questions, and review the memory verse. This second meeting will provide valuable insight into whether he has a heart for God, a teachable spirit, and the quality of faithfulness. Did he complete the assignment? Did he memorize the verse? If so, you may have found your “Timothy”. Give him an overview of Operation Timothy, its purpose, benefits, and the commitment required. Challenge him to meet with you on a regular basis for the purpose of completing the course materials.

HELPFUL HINT: Why do you think this man may consider becoming involved in Operation Timothy? In what way will it meet his needs? How can you find out what his needs are? Well thought-through questions and listening intently are keys in identifying his needs. If he does not think these needs will be met it‟s unlikely

he will become your “Timothy”.

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Give him Operation Timothy workbook, carefully explaining the format. Show him the first

chapter, “How to Know You Have Eternal Life”, and explain how to complete it. Encourage him to make this study part of his daily routine, rather than cramming ii into a single session. Make sure he understands the assignment, including the memory verse, and has entered it in the note section of his workbook. Many have found it helpful to work through the first few questions together to ensure that he understands how to do the assignment. Also, enter the details of your next meeting (location, date, and time).


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PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER You have been given a brief overview of the purpose, plan, process and materials of

Operation Timothy. Let‟s see how they all fit together. Every major concept incorporates several different elements, each designed to reinforce and supplement the others.

MEMORY VERSE -- Each week Timothy is assigned a memory verse related to the major

concept you will be discussing. For example, the major concept for next week might be “How to Know You Have Eternal Life”. Therefore, Tim‟s memory verses for this week will be 1 John 5:11-13.

BIBLE STUDY -- Timothy will also complete a workbook assignment (generally a Bible

study relating to the major concept) to be discussed the next session. This Bible study doesn‟t necessarily cover the same verses you, the leader, are studying in your preparation, but, rather it supplements the material.

MAJOR CONCEPT -- This is the knot that ties the session together. It‟s the biblical truth

that the materials and discussion are designed to communicate. The focus is on application of this truth in our day-to-day lives. Your task as a leader is to study the preparation material in the Leader‟s Guide for a particular major concept, and lead Timothy in a discussion of the content that will help him discover these truths and understand how to apply them.

When you sit down for your weekly session, all these ingredients come together allowing a

lively and meaningful discussion. The process might be illustrated like this --

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The leader studies preparation material for major concept #1 in Leader‟s Guide, memorizes verses for this chapter, and reviews Timothy‟s assigned material.

Timothy memorizes the verses for major concept #1 and prepares the Bible study for this

concept in his workbook.


You and Timothy meet to have fellowship, discuss major concept #1, answer questions, pray, and agree

The following chart provides an overview of the entire 12 chapters.





ETERNAL LIFE John 5:24, John 10:2740 1 John 5:11-13

Chapter 1


Romans 5:8 Philippians 2:5 11

Chapter 2


Psalm 33:13-22 Isaiah 41 :9-13 1 Corinthians 10:13 Hebrews 5:15-16

Chapter 3


Psalm 51:1-17 1 John 1:9

Chapter 4


John 16:7-15 Romans 8:1 49 Galatians 5:16-25 Ephesians 5:15-21 Galatians 5:22-23

Chapter 5

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GOD Luke 11:1 -13 Luke 18:1-14 Philippians 4:6-7

Chapter 6


Psalm 1:1-3 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Hebrews 4:12 James 1 :22-25

Chapter 7


Psalm 32:8-9 Proverbs 3:5-6 John 10:1-11

Chapter 8


Luke 9:23 Romans 12:1-2 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Chapter 9

10. HOW TO WITNESS FOR CHRIST John 3:16-18 Acts 1:8 Colossians 1:28-29

Chapter 10


Acts 26:1-29 Colossians 4:2-6 1 Peter 3:15

Chapter 11

12. HOW TO HAVE A MINISTRY 1 Corinthians 4:14-17 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 2 Timothy 2:2

Chapter 12

* Memory verse for each chapter in type.

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Major Concept: How to Know You Have Eternal Life Date: 9/9 1. 5 min. Welcome 2. 15 min. Fellowship and sharing. Ask about his family 3. 55 min. Discussion of memory verse, Bible study, and major concept

A. Scripture Memory Review (10 min.) 1 John 5:11-13 Topic: Assurance

B. Discussion of Workbook chapter 1 (15 min.) – Key questions: 4,10,15,17

* Why did God create us? (4) * How do we know God loves us? (9,1 0) * In John 1:12, what does it mean to receive Christ? (15)

C. Discussion of major concept (30 min.)

1) What is eternal life? (Quantitatively? Qualitatively?) (answer - 1 John 5:11-13) 2) How can we obtain eternal life? (answer John 5:24) 3) What does the word believe mean? (answer - To take as true or real, to have

confidence in the statement or promise of another, to trust) 4) What 3 promises does God make to those who believe in Christ? (answer -

John 5:24) 5) How can one really know he is a child of God? answer:

a. Trustworthiness of God‟s Word (1 John 5:13) b. Witness of the Spirit (Romans 8:16) c. Changed life (2 Corinthians 5:17)

6) Why is it important that we know we have eternal life? (answer - To have a strong foundation on which to grow in our relationship with God)

4. 5 min. Assignment --enter in workbook note section

Workbook chapter 2; Memory verse: Romans 5-8 Meet at Tim‟s office, 6:30 a.m. 9/16 I bring donuts!

5. 10 min. Prayer -- enter in workbook

Ask Tim about prayer background - Has he prayed aloud? Conversationally?

Thank God that we are His children

Remember to update diary

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A. That Timothy „know‟ he has eternal life.

B. That he understand some of the basic Scripture references that provide assurance. John 5:24, John 10:27-30, 1 John 5:11-13.

C. That he has memorized 1 John 5:11-13. PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST A. Memorize the assigned Scripture memory verse, 1 John 5:11-13. B. Complete workbook Bible study, chapter 1. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call your “Timothy” at least 24 hours before your session to confirm meeting

details and to encourage him in his preparation. F. Pray for your time with Timothy and for God‟s work in his life.

DISCUSSION PREPARATION Time may not allow you to cover every question with Timothy. Therefore, as you study

these sections, choose the discussion points and questions you feel will best accomplish your objective and write these questions out in a lesson plan. A sample lesson plan is shown on page 29 of the Introduction.

It is important that you develop your own lesson plan for each session, even if it‟s just a few

rough notes written out on a piece of paper. This is a session blueprint that ensures that you stay on schedule and ask the right questions in the right order.


Have you committed 1 John 5:11-13 to memory? It‟s important that you set the example.

B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Assignment Chapter 1, key questions:

4, 10, 15, 17. Work through the entire Timothy workbook lesson so that you are able to ask and answer questions. The key questions are the questions that most closely relate to the major concept.

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A few thought questions are given for each workbook assignment to help you get started. If you have difficulty developing your own questions, review the material on “How to Use Questions in a Guided Discussion”. This portion of your session is approximately 15 minutes, so you need to choose the three or four questions from Timothy‟s workbook Bible study that will give you insight into his grasp of the material. enter these questions in your lesson plan along with a brief answer.

Thought questions: * Why did God create us? (workbook question 4) * How do we know He loves us? (9,10) * Who is included in God‟s promise in John 3:16? (10,14) * What does it mean to receive Christ? (15)

Can you think of some additional “open” questions that you can use during your


C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - John 5:24,.John 10:27-30, 1 John 5:11-13

Carefully read and meditate on the basic Scripture verses for this session. Make sure you look up each verse and answer the questions below. Although you must carefully study all of this material to be adequately prepared, time may not allow you to voice it question-by-question with Timothy. As you study, choose the questions you feel best illustrate the concept and enter them in your lesson plan.

JOHN 5: 24 - “Eternal Life”

1. What two things must happen for a person to have eternal life?

______________________________ ____________________________

2. What three promises does God make to those who believe in Christ?

a. ___________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________

c. ___________________________________________________________

JOHN 10:27-30 - “I and The Father are One.”

3. What three promises does Christ make in verse 28 to those who follow Him?

a. ___________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________

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c. ___________________________________________________________

4. According to verse 28, what is the source of eternal life? ____________________

5. What is the importance of the claim Jesus makes in verse 30? ________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

1 JOHN 5:11-13 - “He Who has the Son has the Life”

6. In what ways would the concept of eternal life reflect quality or type of life as well

as duration? ________________________________________________________


7. What two types of people are described in verse 27? ________________________________ ________________________________

8. Who can have eternal life? ___________________________________________

9. How can one obtain eternal life? (also note John 3:16) ______________________


10. What does the word believe mean? (also note John 1:12) ___________________ __________________________________________________________________

11. What reason does John give in verse 13 for writing this letter? _______________ __________________________________________________________________

12. What is the meaning of the word know? ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ORGANIZING YOUR SESSION The primary purpose of this section is to help you put the various elements of your session

into an integrated presentation. It not only summarizes the basic teaching points, but also includes hints and reminders that will make your preparation easier and your time with Timothy more meaningful.

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In the back of this Leader‟s Guide is an Operation Timothy Diary. Its purpose is to record information that will help you be more effective in prayer and ministry with your “Timothy”. Don‟t interrogate him during the first session in order to fill in all the blanks. But, rather, gather information over a period of weeks during your fellowship and sharing time, entering any new information into your diary after each session.



The Scripture memory review is the first thing you do during the discussion portion

of your session. Ask Timothy to repeat the verse(s) to you, making sure that he knows both the reference (location of the verse) and the topic.

Next check his workbook Bible study. Did he complete the assignment? Did he have

any problems? Discuss the questions that you developed during your study of this assignment. These will probably be of an open-ended nature, dealing with the key questions from that assignment. Your objective is not to cover the material question-by-question, but rather to help him understand and apply this material to his life. Does he have any questions? If he does, help him work through the answers.

Introduce your discussion of the major concepts with a question. Keep in mind your

primary session objective - that he KNOW he has eternal life. This is his opportunity to sink a foundation upon which he will build the rest of his Christian life (1 Corinthians 3:11). If you did not use the questions in the section entitled “How to Challenge Your „Timothy‟ Through Introductory Meetings” pages 13-14, this would be an opportune time to do so. If not these questions, then begin with the questions you developed during your major concept Scripture study.

The teaching point is that we are to KNOW not just FEEL we have eternal life, and

we can base that knowledge on the fact and promises of God‟s Word.

Session Summary 1. Eternal Life is a GIFT from God John 10:28,1 John 5:11 2. We can RECEIVE the gift of eternal John 5:24, 1 John 5:13 life by believing (entrusting ourselves to the keeping of) in Jesus Christ 3. We can KNOW that we have eternal life 1 John 5:13 because of the trustworthiness of God (Titus 1:2) and the authority of His Word

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Question: How well does your “Timothy” grasp the major concept of this session? Ask him how he would explain to another person how they could know for certain they had eternal life.

HELPFUL HINT: If the purpose of Operation Timothy is accomplished, your “Timothy” will become someone else‟s “Paul”. Each session is a step along this path. It‟s important that he keep a notebook and take good notes to document the path, so that he, in turn, can lead someone else

down it. Are you doing this yourself?


Remember you may have a young believer who does not know how to pray or who may be self-conscious about praying aloud. Briefly explain that prayer is simply communicating with God -- a dialogue between two people who love each other. If he is hesitant, you merely close in prayer. Be patient, his confidence will increase as he watches you over a period of time.

If he is willing to pray, suggest that you both thank Jesus Christ for dying for your

sins and giving you eternal life. By thanking God you are demonstrating faith for His work in your life.

There is an area for „prayer requests‟ in the back of the workbook. Both of you

should enter the requests as you share them so that you can pray during the week. ASSIGNMENT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER

A. Share the major concept to be studied -- How to Understand the Work of Christ”. Explain that it deals with Jesus‟ life, death, and resurrection and what that means to us personally.

B. Assign Chapter 2 in the workbook. C. Turn to Romans 5:8 in your Bibles and have him read it aloud. Assign this verse

to him to memorize for the next chapter.

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A. That he understand some of the basic Scripture references that explain the work of Christ. Romans 5:8, Philippians 2:5-11

B. That Timothy develop an understanding of the gospel -- that Jesus Christ is God, He died on the cross for our sins, and He was resurrected.

C. That he has memorized Romans 5:8. PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST

A. Memorize the assigned Scripture memory verse, Romans 5:8. B. Complete workbook Bible study, chapter 2. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call your “Timothy” to confirm meeting details. E. Pray that Timothy will develop a sincere hunger for God‟s Word.


A. SCRIPTURE MEMORY REVIEW -- Memorize Romans 5:8. B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Chapter 2, key questions: 1, 6, 8, 16.

Thought questions: * Why did Jesus come to earth? (workbook question 1) * How was He able to predict He would die? (6) * Why was it important that He died voluntarily? (8) Notice that He practiced

what He preached (John 10:11;10:17-18; 15:13) * What is the essence of the gospel message? (16) * Why is it important to you and me that Christ rose from the dead? (10) Can

you think of some others? C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - Romans 5:8, Philippians 2:5-11 In Christ, God came to earth in human form to reconcile the world to Himself

(Colossians 1:19-20). The purpose of this chapter is to study, understand, and personally appropriate the “Work of Christ” -- His life, death and resurrection. Paul presents an overview of Christ‟s work in Philippians 2:5-11. Read this passage carefully and answer each question below.

PHILIPPIANS 2:6 - Jesus Christ is God.

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1. In Philippians 2:6, Paul describes the nature (form) of Christ before He came to earth. What was this nature? (also note Colossians 1:19)

PHILIPPIANS 2:7 - God Becomes Man

2. Describe the form and likeness of Christ as presented in verse 7.

INSIGHT: What did Jesus Christ give up when He exchanged the form of God for the form of man? Turn to Revelations 1:12-18 and read John‟s description of

Christ in heaven.

PHILIPPIANS 2 8, ROMANS 5:8 - God Pays the Penalty for Our Sirs

3. Read Philippians 2:8 - What was the consequence of Jesus taking on the form of


4. In verse 8, Paul notes that in dying, Christ was obedient. Matthew 26:39 provides

further insight. Who was He obeying? ____________________________________

5. Read John 1:29 and Colossians 1:20. Summarize in your own words the purpose

of Christ‟s coming to earth. ____________________________________________

6. Again, in your own words, how does this purpose apply to you personally? Need a

hint? Review Romans 5:8. _____________________________________________

An excellent way to set this personal application in your mind is to write out Romans 5:8, replacing the plural pronoun „us‟ with a more personal „me‟, „I‟ or even your own name.

“But God demonstrates His own love for ____________________ in this: While

__________ were still sinners, Christ died for _________________ .” Romans 5:8.

7. Why did Jesus Christ have to die to accomplish His purpose? Hebrews 9:22

provides the answer. __________________________________________________

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INSIGHT: No other passage of Scripture so vividly portrays the death of Jesus Christ and communicates the sacrifice He made on our behalf, as does Isaiah, chapter 53. Dedicate one of your quiet times this week to

read and meditate on this passage.

PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11 -- God Exalts Jesus as Lord.

8. What was God‟s response to Christ‟s obedience? Paul lists four specific things God

did in Philippians 2:9-1 1.

a. ________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________

d. ________________________________________________________________

Look at the progression Paul has given us in Philippians 2:5-11: 2:6 Jesus in the form of God 2:7 Becomes man 2:8 Dies on the cross 2:9 Therefore, God exalts Him

9. Read Mark16:19. Where is Jesus now? _________________________________

10. In 1 Corinthians 15:17, Paul explains how important the resurrection is to our

faith. What does he say the consequences would be if Christ were not resurrected?


A. FELLOWSHIP AND SHARING Remember to check last week‟s diary entries to refresh your mind on any personal

items and to see of there is anything you need to talk to Timothy about. Don‟t confine your discussion to personal business items, deal with his personal application of this material in his day-to-day activities as well.

B. DISCUSSION OF MEMORY VERSE, BIBLE STUDY, AND MAJOR CONCEPT After you have reviewed this week‟s memory verse (Romans 5:8) ask Timothy to

repeat 1 John 5:11-13, last session‟s memory verse. This will provide an excellent illustration of the importance of constant review.

As you discuss his Bible study lesson cover the key questions. When Timothy asks a

question concerning the assignment, find the answer together with open Bibles and guided discussion.

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Remember your session objective. You should have a lesson plan with key points

and Scripture highlighted as well as discussion questions. This part of your time together is built around your preparation and study of the major concept, „The Work of Christ‟.

Session Summary

1. Jesus Christ is GOD Philippians 2:6, Colossians 1:19 2. He came to earth in the form of a MAN Philippians 2:7

3. His purpose was to pay the penalty for Romans 5:8, Philippians 2:8, our sins and RECONCILE us to God Colossians 1:20

4. He was RESURRECTED and now sits on Philippians 2:9-11, Mark 16:19 the right hand of God in heaven

The second and third teaching objective of this session can be combined. This key to

personalizing this message is to recognize that Christ paid the penalty for your sins (Romans 5:8). We need to personalize this truth and not just think of it as a general, impersonal „us‟ or the „world‟. Ask your Timothy to recite Romans 5:8 again, making sure that he gives both the reference and the topic. After he does this, have him repeat it once more using his name in

place of “we” and “us”.

Question: How well does Timothy understand the essential elements of the gospel?

Question 16 in his workbook Bible study might be a good summary question. It‟s based on 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 and asks, “What is the essence of the gospel message?” Ask him to explain it to you.


INSIGHT: As you begin to work with your “Timothy” it is important you understand that your responsibility is to pray unceasingly, prepare diligently, and to exercise loving patience. What is God‟s responsibility as explained in 1 Corinthians 3:6? Although it‟s vitally important that you fulfill your responsibility do not take on God‟s as well. It is a task only He

can perform.


One short reminder - if he is hesitant to pray, don‟t push. Let him observe you conversing with God in a relaxed, natural manner. Keep it simple. Also, remember to enter the prayer requests in the back of your workbooks.

Try to incorporate this session‟s lesson in your prayers. You might say something like

this, “Tim, let‟s thank God for sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins.” ASSIGNMENT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER

A. Share the major concept to be studied – “How to Be Sure of God‟s Deliverance”. Explain that you will study how God helps us deal with fear, temptation, pressure,

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etc. in our day-to-day lives.

B. Assign chapter 3 in the workbook.

C. Assign 1 Corinthians 10:13 as the memory verse for the next chapter. This may be a difficult verse for Timothy, so you need to provide some extra help.

Remember to enter assignment and meeting details in the appropriate place in your


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A. That Timothy understand some of the basic Scripture explaining the promises and power of God to deliver him from fear, temptation and other pressures confronting him. Psalm 33:13-22, Isaiah 41:9-13, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Hebrews 4:15-16.

B. That he understand how to apply these promises on a day-to-day basis.

C. That he has memorized 1 Corinthians 10:13. PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST A. Memorize the assigned Scripture memory verse, 1 Corinthians 10:13. B. Complete workbook Bible study, Chapter 3. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call your “Timothy” to check on his preparation progress, encourage him, answer any questions, confirm meeting details. E. Prepare session lesson plan. F. Pray for your own personal spiritual growth as you study this material.


A. SCRIPTURE MEMORY REVIEW - Memorize 1 Corinthians 10:13.

B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Chapter 3, key questions: 6, 7, 11, 12, 13.

This week‟s workbook assignment is organized into two parts, “The Deity of Jesus

Christ” and the “Humanity of Jesus Christ”. As God, He has the power to deliver us, as man, He understands the need to deliver us. Use your thought questions to bring out this point in your discussion.

Thought questions:

* If someone were to ask you why you think Jesus is God, how would you answer (2,5,6,8)

* How do you know He has the power to deliver us from temptation, fear, pressure, etc.? (6,7) * In what specific ways did Christ demonstrate His humanity? (11,12,13) * Why was it important that He experience suffering and temptation? (12,13)

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C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - Psalm 33:13-22, Isaiah 41:13-22, 1 Corinthians 10, Hebrews 4:15-16 PSALM 33:13-22 - God is Our Help and Our Shield.

1. Often we don‟t feel that God is aware of the problems and pressures that confront us. What specific information in verses 13, 14 and 18 would show you God is aware?

2. Very often we want to rely on our own resources to deliver us from trouble (e.g., our health, intelligence, bank accounts, etc.). Verses 16 and 17 list three things the Lord says cannot deliver us. Write these things below. Next to them write things that might be the modern day equivalent.

a) _______________________________ ______________________________ b) _______________________________ ______________________________ c) _______________________________ ______________________________

3. How is the Lord described in verse 20? ________________________________

4. If we‟re not to trust in armies, our own strength, or other human resources, what

are we to trust according to verse 21? _________________________________

INSIGHT: In Psalm 34:4-10, David notes that the Lord “delivered him from all his fears and saved him out of his troubles”. Commit a quiet time

this week to study and meditate on this passage.

ISAIAH 41:9-13 - Do Not Fear for I Am With You.

5. What two things are we told in Isaiah 41:10 not to do?

a) _____________________________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________________________

6. What three promises does God make in verse 10? a) _____________________________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________________________ c) _____________________________________________________________

7. In both verse 10 and 13, God says “Do not fear”. What specific reasons does He give

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in these verses for not fearing? ___________________________________

8. What specific application can you make in your life today regarding these promises?

1 CORINTHIANS 10:13 - God is Faithful.

9. What is meant by “temptation common to man”? Why should this be an

encouragement to us? ______________________________________________

10. What does God promise to do when we are tempted? _____________________

11. What are the three most common temptations you (and probably Timothy) face in your day-to-day activities?

a) _____________________________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________________________ c) _____________________________________________________________

HEBREWS 4:15-16 - Approach the Throne of Grace with Confidence.

12. According to verse 15, why can Christ relate to the temptation you just listed? __

13. What are we to do in time of need? (Write this in your own words.) ___________

14. What is the result of this action? _____________________________________


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A. FELLOWSHIP AND SHARING As you discuss various life areas (e.g., family, work, etc.), look for points of

application for the material you studied up to this point. Timothy, how do you think 1 John 5:13 might relate to this situation?

B. DISCUSSION OF MEMORY VERSE, BJBLE: STUDY, AND MAJOR CONCEPT Remember to review the verses from past sessions as well as the assignment

for this week. This might be a good time to remind him of why we are putting so much effort into Scripture memory (e.g., Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2-3, 119:9)

HELPFUL HINT: What do I do if Timothy doesn‟t complete his workbook assignment? Do not let that hinder him from meeting with you. Take the time you have allocated to discuss the workbook Bible study and work through the questions together. It is important that he complete each assignment. Not only is this material vital for his Christian growth, but it allows him to demonstrate faithfulness and accomplishment. You need to be patient and help him to catch up. Make sure you finish one lesson before you move on to the next.

Session Summary 1. GOD IS AWARE of the fears, temptations, Isaiah 41:9-13

pressures and problems that confront us. 2. He has EXPERIENCED and UNDERSTANDS Hebrews 4:15

them. 3. They are COMMON TO ALL MEN. 1 Corinthlans10:13 4. We are NOT TO FEAR, or trust in our own Isaiah 41:10-13


5. We are to PRAY to TRUST in His name Hebrews 4:16, Psalm 33:21

QUESTION: Can your “Timothy” explain why he shouldn‟t fear the problems and

pressures that confront him? Can he explain how to deal with temptation? Ask him.


As you close in prayer this week, thank God that He knows the fears and

temptations that confront you and that He has provided deliverance. Pray for deliverance from specific fears and temptations with which you and Timothy presently wrestle.


A. Share the major concept to be studied - “How to Experience God‟s Forgiveness”. What is sin, and how do we deal with it?

B. Assign workbook chapter 4. C. Assign 1 John 1:9 as the memory verse for the next chapter

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A. That your “Timothy” develop an understanding of basic Scripture promises concerning God‟s provision for forgiveness. Psalm 51:1-17, 1 John 1:9.

B. That he understand how to apply these promises in his daily walk.

C. That he has memorized 1 John 1:9. PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST A. Memorize 1 John 1:9. B. Complete workbook Bible study, chapter 4. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call your “Timothy” to encourage him in his preparation and confirm meeting

details. E. Prepare session lesson plan. F. Pray that Timothy will apply the biblical truths he‟s learning and not just know


B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Assignment Chapter 4, key questions: 4, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Thought questions:

* Why should we obey God? (4) * What is sin? (15) * When does temptation become sin? (14,16) * How can we re-establish fellowship with God when we sin? (17,18)

C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - Psalm 51:1-17, 1 John 1:9

1 JOHN 1:9 - God is Faithful and Just

1. According to 1 John 1:9, what must we do to be forgiven our sins? ____________

2. What two things does God do for us when we confess our sins?

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a) __________________________________________________________

b) ______________________________________________________________ 3. What two attributes of God, mentioned in this verse, allow us to be forgiven?

a) ______________________________________________________________

b) ______________________________________________________________

4. What does the word “confess” mean? __________________________________

INSIGHT: Here, the word “confess” might better be translated “acknowledge”. It‟s made of two Greek words which mean “to say the same thing as another” or “to agree”. Confession means that if we sin, we need to say the same thing that God does about this sin. To agree with God concerning sin. This implies not only acknowledgment of it, but an

attitude toward it, that is, repentance.

5. Why is it important to confess our sins? _________________________________

INSIGHT: Psalm 51:1-7 explains the importance of confession and the consequences of not confessing. Devote a quiet time this week to reading

and meditating on this passage of Scripture.

PSALM 51 :1-17 - Cleanse Me from My Sin

6. According to verse 1, what reasons does David give for God to forgive his sin?

a) ______________________________________________________________

b) ______________________________________________________________

7. What, specifically, is David asking God to do in verse 2? ___________________

8. What does God desire, according to verse 6? How does this relate to question 4

above? ____________________________________________________________

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9. In verse 16 and 17, what does David say is most important to God? ____________



Begin your fellowship time by asking about Timothy‟s week. What life area will you discuss this week? As you interact on personal, business, and family issues, be alert to how he is applying the Biblical principles you have been studying to these areas. Help him see how these principles work in “real-life” situations.


As you discuss the workbook Bible study, look through Timothy‟s copy. Did he

complete the assignment? Is he demonstrating an understanding of the material? If you see by his answers that he is having problems with his workbook assignments, take some time and work through a few questions.

It is important that your “Timothy” understand and practice these principles in

his day-to-day walk. Here again, your example is key. Describe to him an instance where you sinned (speeding, loss of tempter, etc.) and explain point-by-point what you did to deal with that sin and re-establish fellowship with God.

Make sure he understand what sin is. What if he speeds . . . just a little? How

about yelling at his kids? Is there a difference between a little a sin and a big one? How does James 4:17 apply here?

“Anyone, then, who knows the good thought to do and doesn‟t do it, sins.” Does he know how to deal with sin in his life? If he is to confess sin, what should

he say? How should he say it? to whom should he say it? Remember your session objectives and focus on personal application of this


Session Summary 1. When we sin, God promises to FORGIVE 1 John t :9, Psalm 51:3~4,7

us if we CONFESS (agree with God) our sins.

2. He forgives us because HIS SON PAID THE Romans 5:8,1 John 1:9 PENALTY FOR THOSE SINS ON THE CROSS and God is faithful and righteous to honor that payment.

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QUESTION: Can your “Timothy” define sin and explain how to re-establish fellowship with God if he sins? Ask him.

INSIGHT: We have spent time discussing how you will develop and use questions to help Timothy discover the Biblical truth necessary for his growth and development as a Christian. But, you aren‟t‟ going to be the only one asking questions? Timothy is being introduced to a whole new dimension of life, and he‟s going to have plenty of questions. Inevitably, you will get a “toughy” that you won‟t have an answer for. Don‟t panic, God has just presented you with a fantastic teaching opportunity. This is Timothy‟s chance to find out where you, the leader, get “the answers”. By observation he will gain valuable insight into how tot use the basic training manual for Operation Timothy -- the Word of God. Don‟t hesitate to say, “I‟m not sure, let‟s look it up.” If your Bible has a concordance and you have the time, take a few minutes and do it then. If the issue is too complex or lengthy, bring the answer back next week. In either case, don‟t tell him the answer, show it to him - let him discover the answer using God‟s Word and your guidance. One last point! Your answers should always be based on Scripture. Its perspective is unique, pure, wise, true, and unchanging. In 2 Timothy

3:16-17, we see the purpose and result of using Scripture in this manner.


Start your prayer time with a few minutes of silent prayer, giving both of you an opportunity to confess any sins God has brought to your attention. Some have found the exercise of listing their sins out on a sheet of paper and then writing 1 John 1:9 across it a good illustration of this Biblical principle of confession being applied. Then tear up the sheet and throw it away -- God has.


A. Share the major concept to be studied – “How to Live by the Power of the Holy Spirit”. Explain that you will be studying the following questions. Who is the Holy Spirit? Why did He come? How do we experience His Power in our lives?

B. Assign workbook chapter 5.

C. Assign Galatians 5:22-23 as the memory verses for the next chapter.

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A. That Timothy understand the basic Scripture explaining the person and the purpose of the Holy Spirit. John 16:7-15, Romans 8:1-39, Galatians 5:l6-25, Ephesians 5:15-21.

B. That he understand how to live in the power of the Holy Spirit on a moment-by-moment basis.

C. That he has memorized Galatians 5:22-23. PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST A. Memorize Galatians 5:22-23. B. Complete workbook assignment, chapter 5. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call Timothy and remind him of the meeting. E. Prepare session lesson plan. F. Claim in prayer, God‟s promise in John 14:26 for both you and Timothy as you


A. SCRIPTURE MEMORY REVIEW - Memorize Galatians 5:22-23.

B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Assignment Chapter 5, key questions: 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 21.

This is a vital subject, and much of the material you need to learn in order to be adequately prepared is found in the workbook Bible study for this lesson. It‟s important that you complete it carefully.

Thought questions:

* Who is the Holy Spirit? (1, 2, 3) * Who has the Holy Spirit? (5, 6, 7, 8) * When do they receive Him? (7) * What is the work of the Holy Spirit? (10, 11, 12, 13) * How can we avail ourselves of His power on a moment-by-moment basis? (17)

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HELPFUL HINT: This is a particularly long workbook chapter. Call Timothy early in the week to check his progress. See if he has any questions. Encourage him to work through his material on a daily basis and not try to

do it in one shot at the end of the week.

C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - John 16:7-15; Romans 8; Galatians 5:16-25, Ephesians 5:15-21

Although the verses in this basic Scripture study closely parallel those in the workbook Bible study, this study emphasizes a few key principles and their application. This Scripture study has been designed to be used with the workbook assignment, so it‟s important that both studies are carefully completed.

JOHN 16:7-15 - The Work of the Holy Spirit

1. According to John 16:7, who sent the Holy Spirit? (Also, note John 14:26) ______

2. John 16:14 gives an important purpose of the Holy Spirit. What is it? __________

3. What are some of the other missions of the Holy Spirit?

John 14:26 _____________________________________________________

John 15:26 _____________________________________________________

John 16:8 ______________________________________________________

John 16:13 _____________________________________________________

ROMANS 8:1-39 - The Holy Spirit - The Key to Victorious living

This chapter not only describes the benefits of the victorious Christian life, but gives insight into the power source for living it. One out of every three verses refers to the Holy Spirit. Carefully read this passage, and answer the questions below.

4. How many times is the Holy Spirit mentioned in Romans 8? _________________

5. According to verse 9, is it possible for a person to be a Christian and not have the

Holy Spirit in him? ________________________________________________

6. How does Paul describe a “son of God” in verse 14? _______________________

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GALATIANS 5:16-25 - Conflict and Choice 7. What is the conflict Paul describes in verse 17?

____________________________ AGAINST ___________________________

8. Contrast Paul‟s description of the ACTS OF THE FLESH and the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT.

Acts of the Flesh - Galatians 5:19-21

Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23

NOTE that the word “fruit” is singular. Why is that? Do you think you can have one fruit

of the Spirit (e.g. love) and not another?

9. According to Galatians 5:16, how is this conflict between the flesh and the Spirit resolved? __________________________________________________________

10. In verse 16, Paul is saying we have a choice. We can live (walk) by the Spirit or we can gratify the desire of the sinful nature (flesh). Such a choice was not always possible. Before we were Christians, we were slaves to sin (Romans 6:6). According to Galatians 5:24, why don‟t we have to gratify the desires of the sinful nature if we are Christians? (Also, Romans 6:11)

INSIGHT: This entire issue is the subject of Romans, chapter 6. This chapter describes how we were freed from the power of sin when we received Christ as personal Lord and Savior. Devote one of your quiet

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times this week to carefully read and meditate on this chapter.

EPHESIANS 5:15-21 - Be Filled With the Spirit

11. What is Paul‟s exhortation in verse 17? ________________________________

12. What command is given in verse 18? __________________________________

13. Why does Paul compare being filled with the Spirit with being drunk with wine?

INSIGHT: The drunkard and the Spirit-filled Christian are controlled persons. For entirely different reasons they act and think in ways not natural for them. The Greek scholar and theologian, Kenneth Wuest, makes several observations about this passage.6 1. The term “Be Filled” is better translated “Be Controlled”. Reading it

thus, brings Paul‟s analogy in this passage to life. 2. The mode of the verb is imperative. This means the words “be filled”

are a command. 3. Also, in the Greek, the verb “be filled” speaks of a continuous process,

that is, to be constantly, moment by moment controlled by the Spirit. Note again that the need for such a command implies that even though all Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9,14,16), not all are controlled by the Spirit. We must first desire that control and then trust

Jesus Christ for that control.


A. FELLOWSHIP AND SHARING Make your time of fellowship and sharing count. It is an essential ingredient in

building a good friendship and a relationship that allows you to have a ministry in his life.


6 Work Studies in The Greek New Testament, Vol. 1, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerddmans Publishing Company. Ephesians

and Colossians in The Greek New Testament, p. 127-128

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Review your memory verse, remembering to also cover verses from previous chapters. Because of the importance and complexity of this subject, you must have a good discussion outline. The following Session Summary outlines the major points and identifies the Scripture verses that support them.

Session Summary

1. WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? He is God‟s Spirit, 1 Corinthians 2:10-13; the third person of the Trinity. Eph. 4 30; Matt. 28:19

2. WHO HAS THE HOLY SPIRIT? Romans 8:9-14, 1 Corinthians 3:16 Every believer has the Holy Spirit and receives Him the moment he receives Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.

3. WHAT IS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? John 15: 26; John 16:14; * To glorify Christ here on earth John 14:26;

* To teach us about what Christ said John 16:13-15; Acts 1:8; * To indwell every believer and empower them Romans 8:9,14,16;

to lead a victorious Christian life. Galatians 5:16


Although God commands us to be controlled (to keep in step with) by the Spirit on a moment-by-moment basis, it‟s not automatic. There‟s a conflict between the Spirit and the flesh - it exists in every believer. We must make a conscious choice to keep in step with the Spirit, desiring to be controlled and empowered by the Spirit, yielding ourselves to that control and trusting Him to control us.


A. First, we must understand the truths taught in God‟s Word concerning the Holy Spirit: who He is, why He came, that He indwells every believer, and that God wants us to live by the power of the Holy Spirit every moment.

B. We must desire His control, yielding every area of our lives to Him on a moment-by-moment basis, trusting Him to do what He promised - to manifest the fruit of His presence in our lives and to help us live as victorious Christians.

C. When we sin (go our own independent way, in spite of the Spirit‟s leading), and, therefore, quench or grieve the Spirit (Ephesians 4:30, 1 Thessalonians 5:19), we must confess that sin (1 John 1:9), and again, yield to His control and leading.

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QUESTION: Can Timothy explain who the Holy Spirit is and why He came? Does he

know how to avail himself of the power of the Holy Spirit on a moment-by-moment basis? Ask him to explain this to you.


Review some of the previous requests entered in your workbooks. Have you seen answers to prayer over the past few weeks? During your prayer time, thank God for His faithfulness.


A. Share the major concept to be studied - “How to Communicate with God” -- You will be studying: What is prayer; Why do we pray; and When should we pray.

B. Assign workbook chapter 6. Point out the introductory reading assignment, Seven Minutes With God, found at the end.

C. Assign Philippians 4:6-7 as the memory verses for the next chapter.

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A. That Timothy develop an understanding of the principles of prayer being taught in the basic Scripture for this concept and his workbook Bible study. Luke 11:1-13; Luke 18:1-14; Philippians 4:6-7.

B. That he is able to apply these principles in his daily prayer life.

C. That he understand the importance of a daily time of prayer with the Lord and commit to having this time. He should begin to fill out his 10 Most Wanted card in the back of his workbook and begin praying for men by name.

D. That he has memorized Philippians 4:6-7. PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST A. Memorize the assigned Scripture memory verses, Philippians 4:6-7. B. Complete workbook Bible study, chapter 6. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call Timothy at least one day in advance and confirm meeting details. E. Prepare session lesson plan. F. Pray for your “Timothy‟s” personal spiritual growth on a daily basis throughout


A. SCRIPTURE MEMORY REVIEW - Memorize Philippians 4:6-7 How are you doing in this area? It‟s important that you match Timothy verse

for verse. As his leader, you can‟t expect Timothy to go where you haven‟t already been.

B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Assignment Chapter 6, key questions: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10.

This is an excellent chapter that clearly presents the basics of prayer. Study it carefully because much of your discussion material will come directly from this study.

Thought questions:

* What is prayer? (Introduction, 3, 6). It‟s important that your Timothy understand that prayer is talking with God, not just talking to Him. * Why should we pray? (1,2) * What are some barriers to effective prayer? (7)

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* What are some pre-requisites to effective prayer? (7) * Why should we pray in the name of Jesus? (7)


4:6-7. LUKE 11:1-13 - Principles of Prayer

1. What was the request of Christ‟s disciple in verse one? _____________________

2. In verses 24, the Lord used a prayer to illustrate how his disciples ought to pray. Read this prayer carefully and then write the verse number for each part of the prayer shown below.


3. The Lord uses a parable about an “unfriendly friend” to illustrate a principle of prayer in verses 5-8. According to verse 8, what is this prayer principle?

4. What three instructions and promises did Jesus give in verse 9? Instruction Promises

_________________ ___________________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________________

5. In your own words, what are the principles of prayer illustrated in verses 9-10?

6. In verses 11-13, He shares another parable illustrating a second prayer principle.

According to verse 13, what is this principle? ____________________________

7. What was Jesus doing in verse one when His disciple made this request? _______

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Turn to Luke 5:15-16. How important was the Lord‟s ministry of preaching and

healing to the multitudes? In spite of the strong acceptance and intense need on the part of the multitude for this ministry, what do we see Christ doing in verse 16?

LUKE 18:1-14- Parables on Prayer

8. According to verse one, when should we pray? ___________________________

What is the thing we should not do when we pray? _________________________

9. Another parable on prayer is shown in verses 2-5. This one concerns “The widow and the unjust judge”. What is the prayer principle the Lord is teaching?

10. The next parable (verses 9-14) concerns the attitude of prayer. We see two men

and their prayers. The Pharisee‟s prayer is found in verses 11 and 12. How many times is the pronoun “I” is used in his prayer? ______________________________ What attitude does this communicate? ____________________________________

Compare this to the prayer and attitude of the tax gatherer in verse 13. What are

the Lord‟s conclusion in verse 14? __________________________________________

PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7 -- Present your requests to God

11. According to verse 6, what are we to pray for? ___________________________

12. What should be our attitude as we make these request? ____________________

13. Why shouldn‟t we be anxious? ______________________________________

INSIGHT: There are many prayers by God‟s men shown in the Bible and careful study of these prayers not only gives you insight into the character of these men, but into the principles of effective prayer.

MOSES Exodus 32:9-14; Deuteronomy 9:25-29

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NEHEMIAH Nehemiah 1:4-11 DANIEL Daniel 9:3-19 PAUL Ephesians 1:15-1!; 3:14-21 One of the most profound prayers in the Bible is the prayer of Jesus Himself in John 17. It‟s His farewell prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before He died on the cross. Set aside time this week to read and meditate on this prayer. Pay particular attention to the specific requests for His disciples (verses 6-19) and for us, their spiritual

descendants (verses 20-26).



Ask your “Timothy” how he applied the principles of walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. What effect did this have in his day-to-day activities? Where did he have problems? Victories? Questions?

This might be a good week to spend some extra time with Timothy, possibly even

putting in some recreational time such as playing tennis or some other leisure activity. You can learn a lot about his needs and progress in a relaxed setting.


Remember, the first item of business is to review the memory verse. The focus of

your time together must not just be to learn about prayer, but to teach Timothy how to pray and to help him establish an effective daily quiet time. Your discussions should focus in on the “whys” and “how-tos”.

What is prayer?

Why should we pray? Why is it important?

How should we pray?

At the end of Timothy‟s workbook assignment (Chapter 6), there is a short reading entitled Seven Minutes with God, that gives the “how-tos” of a daily quiet time. Go over this article during your session paying particular attention to the schedule of the four areas of prayer (ACTS). Agree to spend a minimum of seven minutes every morning this next week in a quiet time with God.

Along with Timothy‟s workbook on the Memory Verse sheets is a section headed MY

10 MOST WANTED. He should begin to list unsaved friends so that he can pray for them by name. Encourage him to carry this card with him so that he will remember to pray on a consistent bases.

Session Summary

1. Prayer is COMMUNICATION with God Philippians 4:6; Hebrews 4:16

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2. We pray to:

GLORIFY God John 14:13

OBEY God‟s command 1 Thessalonians 5:17

FELLOWSHIP with God Luke 18:1; Psalm 25:1; Jeremiah 33:3

3. We are to pray about EVERYTHING Philippians 4:6

4. In praying we must

have a CLEAN HEART Psalm 66:18

pray in FAITH Matthew 21:22

ABIDE in Christ John 15:7

Ask in CHRIST‟S NAME John 16:24

Ask according to GOD‟S WILL 1 John 5:14-15

5. We must pray with PERSEVERANCE Luke 11:5-10; Luke 18:1-5

QUESTION: Does your “Timothy” understand what prayer is and why it is important?

Does he understand the principles of prayer? Is he committed to investing quality, personal time on a daily basis in prayer?

INSIGHT: A key part in your preparation and that of your “Timothy” is prayer. God has placed this man in your stewardship and expects a good return on His investment. An important part of your stewardship responsibility is prayer - constant, specific, believing prayer of intercession for the man God has put into your care. Paul also expressed a commitment to supportive prayer for his disciples. Study Colossians 1:9-12. Can you identify seven specific prayer requests he made for these people? Take a few minutes right now and ask God to build these things into the life of your “Timothy”. 1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________


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As you share prayer requests and enter them in the appropriate section of your workbook, explain the importance of specific prayers. This is not only a step of faith, but the only way you can be sure when God answers. Give him an example . . . don‟t pray, “God bless me.” Be specific. What is it you want from God? Take a moment to take out a 10 Most Wanted card, list a few names, and begin praying for these men now.

Luke 18:41 provides an excellent example for the importance of specific prayer. Note

both the Lord‟s question and the man‟s response. Jesus knew the man was blind and that he wanted to see. Why do you think He asked that question?


A. Share the major concept to be studied - “How to Apply God‟s Word to Your Life”.

B. Assign workbook chapter 7.

C. Assign 2 Timothy 3:16-17 as the memory verses for the next chapter.

D. Spend seven minutes or more with God daily during the week. Keep notes of the lessons learned so that you can share them with each other next week. Include in this time. prayer for the men on his 10 Most Wanted card.

HELPFUL HINT: In Chapter 11, Timothy will be learning how to write and present his testimony. One of the best teaching tools in this area is for him to have a good example: your testimony. Is it ready? Do you need to review it or dust it off a little? You need to be well-prepared for that session; therefore, it would be profitable to review the “how-tos” at the

end of the workbook assignment chapter 11.

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A. That your “Timothy” develop an understanding of the role and importance of God‟s Word in our daily walk. Psalm 1:1-3; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4-12; James 1 :22-25.

B. That he understand how to find and apply biblical principles in specific situations.

C. That he has memorized 2 Timothy 3:16-17. PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST A. Memorize 2 Timothy 3:16. B. Complete workbook Bible study, chapter 7. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call your Timothy and confirm meeting details. Ask how he is doing with his daily

quiet time. E. Prepare session lesson plan. F. Pray that God will speak to your “Timothy” in a significant way this week during

his quiet times so that he would grasp the need for this discipline in his life. DISCUSSION PREPARATION

A. SCRIPTURE MEMORY REVIEW - Memorize 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Assignment Chapter 7, key questions: 1, 6,10,11,13.

Thought questions:

* Why did God give us the Holy Bible, His Word? (5,6) * Who is the primary author of the Scriptures? (1,2) * What specific steps can we take to apply God‟s Word to our lives? (11) * What is meditation and how does it apply to us personally? (12,13)

C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - Psalm 1:1-3; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews

4:12; James 1 :22-25

PSALM 1:1-3 - The Word of God is Beneficial

1. What type of man delights in the Law of the Lord? According to verse 1, he does not: a) ____________________________________________________________

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b) ____________________________________________________________

c) ____________________________________________________________

2. In verse 2, because of his delight, what does he do with the Law of the Lord?

3. What does the word “meditate” mean? __________________________________

4. When does this man meditate? ________________________________________

5. Turn to Joshua 1:8. Why does the Lord tell Joshua to meditate on His Word day and

night? _______________________________________________________

6. What will be the benefits to Joshua if he is “careful to do according to all that is

written in it”? ____________________________________________________

7. In Psalm 1:3, what are the benefits of delighting and meditating in God‟s Word?

a) ____________________________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________________________

c) ____________________________________________________________

8. How would you rephrase that to apply specifically to you? _________________

2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 - All Scripture is Useful

9. Who is the primary author of the Scripture? _____________________________

10. Why is Scripture useful?

a) ____________________________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________________________

c) ____________________________________________________________

d) ____________________________________________________________

11. Why, according to verse 17, is the Word of God necessary? _________________

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HEBREWS 4:12 - The Word of God is Living

12. The writer of Hebrews gives a number of attributes to the Word of God - what are they?

a) ____________________________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________________________

c) ____________________________________________________________

d) ____________________________________________________________

e) ____________________________________________________________

13. Meditate on this verse and write out in your own words how it would apply to your

life. ________________________________________________________

JAMES 1:22-25 -- Be Effectual Doers of God‟s Word

14. In verse 22, James notes two possible responses to God‟s Word. What are they? The Lord Jesus also explains there are two possible reactions to His Word in Matthew 7:24-27.

James 1:22 Matthew 7:24 and 7:26 a) ____________________________ a) ________________________ b) ____________________________ b) ________________________

In Matthew, the Lord used the illustration of building a house. Both men built a house, but on different foundations, what were they? The wise man built on ________________________________________________

The foolish man built on ______________________________________________

Note the importance of the foundations to the duration of the builder‟s efforts. What

do these houses represents? ____________________________________________

15. What analogy is used for God‟s Word in James 1:23? _____________________

How does this passage relate to Hebrews 4:12? _____________________________

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INSIGHT: Psalm 119 is a well-known passage of Scripture devoted to the Word of God and its ministry in our lives. Set aside some time this week to study and meditate on the first 75 verses of this passage. 1. How many different names can you find for the Word of God (v. 1,

Law; v. 4, Precepts)? 2. How many specific benefits are shown for those who follow and obey

God‟s Word (v. 28, Strength; v. 35, Delight; v. 46, Will not be put to shame)?

3. What are the specific things we are to do with God‟s Word (v. 8, Obey His decrees; v. 9, Living according to His Word; v. 15, Meditate on

God‟s precepts)?



Talk about your quiet times this week. Did Timothy have one every day? What were some of the things God showed him during his quiet times? How, specifically, did these lessons affect his daily activities?


Remember to review not only this week‟s verse, but those from previous sessions as

well. Ask Timothy how he has applied the verses he‟s memorized in specific situations, over the past few weeks.

As you discuss the workbook Bible study, pay particular attention to questions 10,

11, and 13, which are application oriented. Over the course of your time together, focus on application of God‟s Word. (James 1:22-25; Matthew 7:24-27). Explain how to apply God‟s Word in specific situations; for example, Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious for anything.”

Session Summary

1. All Scripture is INSPIRED BY GOD (God-breathed). 2 Timothy 3:16

2. The Word of God is PERFECT James 1:25

3. Scripture is USEFUL for: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 * teaching * reproof, * correction, and * training in righteousness

4. The Word of ,God is LIVING . . . James 1 :23-25

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it shows us the mind and heart of God Hebrews 4:12 and helps us bring our minds and hearts into alignment with His.

5. APPLICATION of God‟s Word James 1:25 to our lives brings spiritual prosperity. Psalm 1:1-3

QUESTION: Can your “Timothy” identify the personal benefits of knowing and doing

God‟s Word? Does he know how to apply it to specific situations? Does he know how to find God‟s - mind on a particular subject or topic using his Bible margin references, a concordance, or other Bible study aid?


As you close in prayer ask God to help you and Timothy „do‟ His Word and not


A. Share the major concept to be studied -- “How to Know God‟s Will”.

B. Assign workbook chapter 8.

C. Assign Proverbs 3:5-6 as the memory verses for the next chapter.

D. Assign your “Timothy” to find five verses relating to the Word of God, using a concordance or the margin references in his Bible. Have him choose one of those verses and answer the following questions.

1. Who is saying it? 2. To whom are they saying it?

3. What are they saying? 4. Why are they saying it? or, . . . What does it mean?

5. What is the personal application for me?

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A. That Timothy develop an understanding of basic Scriptures explaining the importance of knowing God‟s will and the benefits of following it. Psalm 32:8-9, Proverbs 3:5-6, John 10:1-11.

B. That he know how to seek God‟s will in specific situations.

C. That he has memorized Proverbs 3:5-6. PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST A. Memorize Proverbs 3:5-6. B. Complete workbook Bible study, chapter 8. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call and encourage your “Timothy” in his preparation. E. Prepare session lesson plan. F. Pray that Timothy will be developing into a “reproducer”.


A. SCRIPTURE MEMORYREVIEW- Memorize Proverbs 3:5-6.

B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Assignment Chapter 8, key questions: 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14,19.

Thought questions:

Why is it essential for us to know God‟s will? (1)

What are the qualities you would look for in a counselor? (14)

How can you tell that a specific direction or decision is God‟s will? (God‟s Word, inner peace, counselors, circumstances)

What should play the single most important role in helping you determine God‟s will? (God‟s revealed word, 6)

C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - Psalm 32:8-9; Proverbs 3:5 6; John 10:1-11 .

PROVERBS 3:5-6 – “He will make your paths straight.”

1. According to verse 5, there are two possible sources for guidance. What are they?

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a) ______________________________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________________

2. This passage explains God will make your paths straight‟ if you do three things. What are they?

a) ______________________________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________________ c) ______________________________________________________________

3. The word “all” is used twice -- both times to indicate the degree of, or extent of, our commitment. What are those two instances?

a) ____________________________ b) _____________________________

PSALM 32:8-9 – “I Will Instruct you”

4. In Ephesians 5: 17, we are instructed to know what the will of the Lord is. What is

the promise God makes to us in Psalm 32:8? ____________________________

5. What are the implications to you in verse 9 concerning the will of God? ________

JOHN 10:1-11 – “He Leads Them Out”

Throughout Scripture God has called his people “sheep”, and here in John 10, we

hear from the Shepherd, Christ. The shepherd has many responsibilities including care and protection, but here the emphasis is on a third area of responsibility - leadership and guidance.

6. In verse 3, we see that the responsibility of the shepherd is to lead. What role do we see for the sheep in verse 4?

7. Why do they follow? _______________________________________________

8. If we are to follow Christ‟s leadership, we must know His voice. How can we, in

practical terms, learn to know His voice? _______________________________

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9. In verse 5 we see that there are other voices we can follow, as we seek guidance in a particular situation. Who might some of these “strangers” be?

10. What is our protection from these strange voices in verse 5? ________________

INSIGHT: To know God‟s wilt it‟s vitally important that we know God‟s voice. This is for two reasons: First, so we will recognize God‟s voice (will) when we hear it. Often, God‟s word and will run contrary to the world‟s standards and values (1 John 2:15-17) and to human understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). Therefore, it‟s important that we be able to distinguish the voice of our Shepherd over that of other voices clamoring for our attention; Secondly, knowing God‟s voice implies that we know the Shepherd (His personality, His heart and mind) as well as His words. His words out of context and misquoted can run counter to God‟s desire. When Satan tempted Eve in the garden and Christ in the wilderness, he used God‟s word in both instances, but misquoted it both in content and


11. As we consistently follow our shepherd and rely on Him for direction and guidance,

what are some of the characteristics we see result? ________________



This week, if you haven‟t done so previously,. discuss your “Timothy‟s” church situation. Is he attending regularly? Is he involved in other church activities besides the Sunday morning worship service? Does his church preach the Word of God? A good church is a vital aspect of his Christian growth and your help and reinforcement in this area is important.


Review the memory verse for this chapter. Focus your discussion on the basic

principles of knowing God‟s will and working through several real-life applications of theses principles. The session summary below might be a good discussion outline.

Session Summary

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1. We are INSTRUCTED TO KNOW GOD‟S WILL Ephesians 5:17

2. God PROMISES TO REVEAL His will. How? Psalm 32:8 Through His revealed Word, counsel from mature Christians, inner peace, and circumstances. God‟s revealed word takes precedence over all other factors.

3. HEART ATTITUDE is a pre-requisite to Proverbs 3:5 6 knowing God‟s will.

4. God views His role as that of a shepherd, John 10 1-11 who has the RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE GUIDANCE, and there are blessings for the sheep who follow.

QUESTION: Does your “Timothy” understand the basic principles of knowing God‟s

will? Could he effectively apply them to a specific decision in his life? Have him do so this week.

HELPFUL HINT: Over the course of your weeks with Timothy, there has been an increased openness and willingness to discuss his problems as your relationship has deepened. It is vitally important that you remember that your goal is to help your “Timothy” develop a true dependence on Christ and His limitless resources, not upon you. To reinforce this dependence on the Lord, you need to constantly encourage him to take each problem and trial to Christ. When Timothy approaches you with a problem, don‟t just give him the answer. Instead, point him to God‟s Word, reinforcing the truth of Jesus Christ‟s sufficiency to deal with this problem. Help him deal with the problem, but don‟t deal with it for him.


During your prayer time, pray specifically for God‟s leading on the decisions you

discussed earlier in the session. ASSIGNMENT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER

A. Share the major concept to be studied – “How to Give Your Time, Talent, and Treasure”

B. Assign workbook chapter 9

C. Assign Romans 12:1-2 as the memory verses for the next chapter

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A. That Timothy develop an understanding of basic Scripture explaining „The Lordship of Christ”. Luke 9:23, Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15.

B. That he demonstrate commitment to this concept by giving Christ control of at least one uncommitted area of his life.

C. That he has memorized Romans 12:1-2. PERSONAL PREPARAT1ON CHECKLIST A. Memorize Romans 12:1-2. B. Complete workbook Bible study, chapter 9. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call Timothy and confirm your meeting. E. Prepare session lesson plan. F. Pray that your “Timothy” will discover the importance of the Lordship of Christ in

his life as he studies this week. DISCUSSION PREPARATION

A. SCRIPTURE MEMORY REVIEW - Memorize Romans 12:1-2.

B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Assignment Chapter 9, key questions: 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 19.

Thought questions:

What is the definition of the word “Lord”? (3)

What are some of the ways Jesus is Lord? (1-6)

What are some of the reasons you might hesitate to make Christ Lord of your life? (9)

What are the alternatives to making Jesus Lord of your life? (11)

By what right does Jesus have to be Lord of your life? (7-11)

Can you think of a “How” or “Why” question you can use to lead off your discussion?

C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - Luke 9:23, Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15.

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In Workbook Lesson #7, “The Work of Christ”, we say that Jesus Christ is Lord.

“. . . that at the name of Jesus every knee would bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. . .” Philippians 2:10-11

What does the word, “Lord”, mean? What does Christ being Lord mean to you as an

individual? Let‟s explore for a few moments, how the Lordship of Christ should affect our lives.

ROMANS 12:1-2 - Jesus Christ, my Lord.

1. In verse 1, what does it mean “offer” (present) your bodies? _________________

2. How do we offer our bodies? _________________________________________

3. To whom are we to offer them? ________________________________________

4. Why should we offer our bodies. according to this verse? ___________________

5. According to verse 2, what is the alternative to offering ourselves to God?

How does this passage relate to Matthew 6:24 34? What does it mean, “No one can

serve two masters?” Is there any middle ground?

LUKE 9:23 - Following Christ

6. Are our bodies all we are to present? In Luke 9:23, Christ gives three conditions to coming after Him. What are they?

a) _____________________________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________________________ c) _____________________________________________________________

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7. What does it mean to “deny” yourself? How does that relate to Romans 12:1?

8. What does it mean to “take up your cross”? (Hint: It doesn‟t mean to carry a burden).

9. In Luke 14:33, the Lord says, “any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple”. What are some of the things we possess and are to give up that don‟t fall into the area of tangible possessions like money, house, car, etc.?

____________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________ ________________________________

2 CORINTHIANS 9:6-15 - Lordship in Practice.

10. In verse 6, Paul talks of sowing, what is he referring to? ____________________

How are we to sow? __________________________________________________

11. Who is to make the decision to sow (also of what, how much, and when to sow)?

12. According to this passage (verses 6-15), what are we to sow? _______________

13. What are the benefits to sowing bountifully? ____________________________

14. When we are obedient and give cheerfully, who gets the glory according to verse

13? ____________________________________________________________

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“Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds.” Proverbs 27:23

Good advice for shepherds and disciplers! How is your “Timothy”? Really? What are

the problems he‟s wrestling with? What are the issues he‟s trying to resolve? Over the past few weeks you have been showing him an entirely new value system; it‟s not an easy transition. We have stressed the importance of asking questions, but there is another side to the coin -- listening intently to his answers. Listen for the nonverbal communication as well as the verbal -- voice tone, facial expression, what‟s not said, etc. This may be as much an indication of how your “Timothy” is progressing as what he says.


Review the memory verse for this week, Romans 12:1-2. Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and will remind us of everything He said to us (John 14:26). The prerequisite is that we put it in our heads first, so that He has something to remind us of. Set aside some extra time this week in your session and review the verses you and Timothy have memorized so far.

As you discuss the workbook assignment, pay particular attention to questions 8, 9,

11, 12, and 19. Can you and Timothy identify one area of your lives that isn‟t under Christ‟s control right now (e.g. habits, etc.)? Give that area to Him during your prayer time at the end of the session.

HELPFUL HINT: Every time God puts His finger on an area of our lives that is not under His control, we stand on a threshold. Our willingness and obedience in committing that area to His Lordship is critical to our continued Christian growth. It is important that your Timothy understand this concept and begins applying it to his life. A good first step is the area of personal finance. Does he give to the Lord‟s work? How much? How often? Why? Work through the principles of giving with Timothy and help

him begin making application of these principles this month.

Session Summary

1. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD Philippians 2:1 1; John 13:13

2. We must ACKNOWLEDGE HIS Romans 12:12; Luke 9:23 LORDSHIP in our lives, presenting ourselves to Him.

3. We must allow Him to EXERCISE 2 Corinthians 9:6-15; Luke 14:33 HIS LORDSHIP over every area of our lives.

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QUESTION: Can your “Timothy” define what it means to have Jesus Christ as Lord in his life? Does he know how to make Him Lord? Does he understand what that means in his day-to-day walk with Christ?


Review previous prayer requests and update your list. Devote the first part of your prayer time to thank God for those answers. During your prayer time ask God to point out an area of your lives that is not submitted to Him so that you may “present” it to Him.


A. Share the major concept to be studied – “How to Witness for Christ”

B. Assign workbook chapter 10.

C. Assign Acts 1:8 as the memory verse for the next chapter.

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A. That your “Timothy” understand the basic Scriptures explaining the importance of sharing with others what Christ has done for him. John 3:16-18, Acts 1:8, Colossians 1:28-29.

B. That he learn how to use the evangelistic booklet, Steps to Peace with God, and begins praying for an opportunity to share it with a friend.

C. That he has memorized Acts 1:8. PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST A. Memorize Acts 1:8. B. Complete workbook Bible study, chapter 10. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call Timothy and confirm meeting details. E. Prepare session lesson plan. F. Pray that God will give your “Timothy” a heart for sharing his faith as he studies


A. SCRIPTURE MEMORY REVIEW -- Memorize Acts 1:8.

B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Assignment Chapter 10, key questions: 2,3,5,7,10,13,14.

Thought questions:

What is meant by the term “witnessing” for Christ?

Why do people find it so dift7cult? (4, 5)

How can we be “ready” to defend our faith? (10)

What is meant by “witnessing as a way of life”? (10,11)

C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - John 3:16-18. Acts 1:8, Colossians 1:28 29

JOHN 3:16-18 - God loves the world.

1. Contrast John 3:16 to 1 John 2:15. What is meant by the phrase, “for God so loved the world”? What does the word “world” refer to?

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2. Why did God send us His Son according to John 3:17? ____________________

3. Who does God include in this plan? 2 Peter 3:9 __________________________

4. What two types of people are described in John 3:18? _____________________

5. What must one do, not to be condemned? ______________________________

6. Who has been entrusted to present this message of God‟s love to the world? 1

Thessalonians 2:4 ________________________________________________

7. How does this affect you and Timothy? What is your responsibility? 1 John 1:3

INSIGHT: Have you ever wondered why God, who has the resources of the entire universe at His disposal, chose to carry out His plan for the earth through men? In Acts 10, we have the story of a man named Cornelius who earnestly sought to know God. An angel of God told him to send a servant to a certain house in another city and find Peter who would come and share Christ with him. What if the servant had gotten lost? What if Peter hadn‟t come? Wouldn‟t it have been faster and safer to have the angel explain the gospel directly to Cornelius? God has chosen to use men to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land, so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.” Ezekiel 22:30

ACTS 1:8 - “You will be my witnesses”

8. The Lord uses the phrase, “You will” twice in this verse. What are the two things we will. . .?

a) _____________________________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________________________

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Note that He gives the power to witness before He gives the command to witness. Notice also the choice of words – “you will”, rather than “you can”, “you might”, of “you may”.

9. List the places He told His disciples to witness and enter the places that correspond to those places for you.

The Disciples You _______________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________

COLOSSIANS 1:28-29 –“To this end I labor.”

10. Why does Paul say he wants to admonish and teach men in verse 28? __________

11. How many people does he want to present complete in Christ? ______________

12. Colossians 1:28-29 gives us insight into the purpose of Paul‟s life. What is it?

13. Where does he get the power to accomplish this purpose according to verse 29?

How does this relate to Acts 1:8? ________________________________________

14. What are the 3 most significant barriers to sharing your faith? a) _____________________________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________________________ c) _____________________________________________________________

Discuss this question with Timothy. What are his fears? How do you overcome them? (Training, practice, faith, etc.) This point relates to question 2 in workbook lesson #10.



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Spend some time getting feedback on how your “Timothy” is progressing in the application of previous material. Is he having consistent quiet times? How is his prayer life? Is he seeing answers to prayer? Has he been able to effectively apply the biblical truths he has studied to specific life situations?

To change priorities, direction, and values is a major undertaking that would be

impossible without God‟s intervention and enablement. You need to constantly encourage and reinforce Timothy as he wrestles to apply these truths in his life.


The opportune time to cover any questions dealing with the memory verse is immediately after he has reviewed it with you. In this case, merely ask him the two questions you studied in the basic Scripture study of this lesson. “Tim, the Lord uses the phrase „You will‟ twice in this verse. What two things is He referring to?” You‟ve just introduced your major concept.

The key point of this lesson is that neither God nor man is simply drifting through

history. God has a plan for planet earth and we, as individual Christians, play a significant role in that plan. Your objective in this lesson is to make sure your Timothy‟ understands his specific role.

In your discussion with Timothy, you need to make the points outlined in the session

summary below:

Session Summary

1. GOD LOVES THE WORLD (the people John 3:16, Colossians 1:28, in the world) and is not willing that 2 Peter 3:9 any perish.

2. JESUS HAS INSTRUCTED US TO BE Acts 1:8, Colossians 1:29 HIS WITNESSES and has empowered us for this task.

3. OUR ROLE is a significant element Acts 1:8, 1 Thessalonians 2:4, in God‟s plan 1 John 1:3

QUESTION: Does your “Timothy” understand God‟s concern and plan for this world?

Does he understand his specific role in God‟s strategy? Is he able to share the gospel with another individual, using Steps to Peace with God?


There are many principles to be learned and practiced if we are to become effective

witnesses for Christ. It‟s a process that won‟t be completed overnight, but like any process, it takes a first step.

Very often, young Christians don‟t take advantage of witnessing opportunities

because they don‟t know what to say or how to say it. The booklet, Steps to Peace with

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God, is an excellent tool that allows us to communicate the essentials of the gospel message in an effective, easy-to-understand manner.

It helps you begin the conversation.

It begins with a positive note: “God loves you.”

It clearly presents the claims of Christ.

It helps you .stay on the subject

It enables you to be brief, prepared, and confident.

It can be left with the person.

Give Timothy a copy of the booklet and go through it with him making sure he understands the four steps that are presented. Show him how he might use it.

“Tim, pretend you are a friend of mine who has not received Christ, but who has

expressed interest. After I talk with you a while, I might say something like, „Tim, I‟ve been sharing this booklet with some friends to get their opinion of it. It explains how a person can have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Would you mind if I took a few minutes and shared it with you.‟”

Read the booklet directly to Timothy without additional explanation. Pretend you are

really sharing with a friend. Use only one book, yours, but hold it so he can see it. Go slowly, asking him to read a verse occasionally. Many have found that using a pen or finger to follow under the material helps focus and keep the attention of the person with whom you are sharing.

This is not in-depth training in evangelism, but it is a good first step when added on

to all you have studied before. You have put a simple, well-proven tool in his hand and shown him how to use it.

One of the greatest teaching tools in this area would be for your “Timothy” to see

you share this booklet in a real-life situation. Set a situation up (e.g. a lunch with a friend that has expressed interest or that you feel would be responsive to spiritual things) and invite Timothy along as a prayer partner. Share the booklet with your friend and later, when you‟re alone, allow Timothy to ask questions. Review the principles you applied during your presentation and then give him the assignment of sharing Steps to Peace With God with one of his friends during the next week. Particularly with one of the men on his 10 Most Wanted List.

HELPFUL HINTS FOR SHARING STEPS TO PEACE WITH GOD 1. Read slowly in a natural way. 2. Stay on the track! If questions come up that aren‟t related to the

subject, say, “Good question, let‟s come back to that later.” Deal with those questions after you have presented the booklet.

3. Hold the booklet so that the person can see it and use a pen or finger to focus attention on the material being read.

4. Don‟t argue. God‟s Word and Spirit must convince him. You need to be

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sensitive to the person you are sharing with so that you can deal with his questions, hesitations, or even reluctance to continue.

5. After you have read the booklet, give that person an opportunity to pray to receive Christ:

“Tim, did this booklet make sense to you? Have you ever asked

Christ into your life as personal Savior and Lord? Would you like to pray that prayer, right now, with me?”


Pray that God will “open doors” to witnessing opportunities for both you and

Timothy over the next few weeks and that both of you will be bold and walk through those doors. Pray that your “Timothy” will have an opportunity to watch you share the booklet and then, that he will, in turn, have a chance to share with another individual. Pray for these people by name.


A. Share the major concept to be studied – “How to Put Your Testimony to Work”.

B. Assign workbook chapter 11.

C. Assign 1 Peter 3:15 as the memory verses for the next chapter.

D. Your assignment, as leader, is to make an appointment to share Steps to Peace with God with a specific individual and take Timothy along as a prayer partner.

HELPFUL HINT: Chapter eleven is an important chapter. Here you will introduce your “Timothy” to a personal testimony. He will also begin the important task of preparing his own story. Most men will need help in writing a good testimony. You may find you need to devote two; three or even more sessions to this task before his testimony is written well enough to begin memorizing. Carefully go over the material in chapter eleven and assess how quickly you feel Timothy will grasp and complete the various assignments. Schedule accordingly.

You may want to add 30 minutes to this next session.

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A. That Timothy understand some of the basic Scriptures explaining the importance and the how-tos of a personal testimony in witnessing. Acts 26:1-29, Colossians 4:2-6, 1 Peter 3:15.

B. That he learn the basic ingredients of a personal testimony and has an opportunity to prepare and present his.

C. That he memorize 1 Peter 3:15. PERSONAL PREPARATION CHECKLIST A. Memorize 1 Peter3:15. B. Complete workbook Bible study, chapter 11. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call Timothy and confirm meeting details. E. Review your personal testimony so that you can share it with Timothy during your

session. F. Prepare a session lesson plan. G. Continue to pray that God will give your “Timothy” a heart for evangelism as he

studies this material. DISCUSSION PREPARATION

A. SCRIPTURE MEMORY REVIEW - Memorize 1 Peter 3:15

B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Assignment Chapter 11, key questions: 1, 3, 4, 7-16.

Thought questions:

Why is it so important that we always be prepared to give an answer? Flow does this relate to 2 Peter 3:9? (1 )

What is the most effective way to make the most of every opportunity? (5)

Who was Paul‟s audience in Acts 26? Were they influential people? Why was it important that Paul was able to present such a message under pressure?

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C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - Acts 26:1-29; Colossians 4:2-6; 1 Peter 3:15.

For this chapter your basic Scripture study is found in Timothy‟s workbook Bible study. In this one lesson they are one and the same. The primary purpose of this lesson is to introduce Timothy to the role and importance of a personal testimony, the basic ingredients of a testimony and to get him started in the preparation of his.

The scriptural mandate is clear:

“You will be my witness . . .” Acts 1:8 “Always be prepared to give an answer . . .” 1 Peter 3:15 “Make the most of every opportunity.” Colossians 4:5

The biblical principles of using a personal testimony to meet this mandate are well-

established: Acts 22:1-21 and Acts 26:129.

Most of your attention will be devoted to the questions concerning Paul‟s testimony in Acts 26 and helping Timothy get started preparing his testimony. In order to lay the groundwork for the session it‟s important that you carefully complete the questions concerning the other verses (1 Peter 3:15 and Colossians 4:2-6) in Timothy‟s workbook, and work through your own testimony as explained below.

The last section of chapter 11 in the workbook is entitled “Putting your Story to

Work”. This section clearly explains the principles and outline used by Paul in Acts 26, and helps Timothy apply them to his testimony. There are also some helpful hints to get him started. Go over this material carefully, and use your own testimony to illustrate the various elements of the outline from Acts 26. Also, write out the major parts of your testimony on the three-part outline (Before, How, and After) so your “Timothy” can have an example of how to do his.



Having introduced the subject of “How to Witness for Christ” last week, you may want to discuss Timothy‟s involvement with ministry opportunities in your local area. Is he participating in church activities other than Sunday morning worship service (e.g. Sunday School, Bible studies, prayer meeting, etc.)? Is he active in local evangelistic ministries (CBMC, Navigators, Gideons, etc.)? As you discuss this area share how involvement in the right ministry could increase his witnessing effectiveness by providing training and sharing opportunities. Another issue is the degree of involvement. Is he over involved? Is his involvement strategic or merely time-consuming?


As you review 1 Peter 3:15, check Timothy on some of the previous verses. This 1 Peter verse is an excellent illustration of why it‟s important to memorize Scripture. How can we always be prepared if we don‟t have the basics in our head? It would be like

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trying to quarterback a pro football team with a playbook in your hands instead of in your head.

The basic Scripture for this lesson emphasizes the importance of having a personal

testimony ready and the principles of how to prepare your testimony. In discussing 1 Peter 3:15 and Colossians 4:2-6, stress the need to be prepared and the importance of making the most of every opportunity. We can‟t expect God to open doors if we aren‟t prepared to walk through them.


The tool that has proven to be most helpful in witnessing for Christ is a well-

prepared personal testimony. Your “Timothy” was exposed to the concept in his workbook Bible study (questions 7-16) concerning Paul‟s testimony in Acts 26.

Turn to the workbook section, “Putting Your Story to Work”, and explain to him what

a testimony is and how and why we would use it. Briefly share with him an instance where yours was effectively used and then share your testimony. Remember to keep it between three and five minutes. After you share, walk through this workbook section and let him see how it applies to your testimony.

A good way to help a man begin to prepare his testimony is suggest that he make a

firs-pass presentation verbally while you write down his key thoughts and experiences on the outline in his workbook. Encourage him to talk until his best ideas come. Jot them down so they won‟t be forgotten. Help him to find and recognize his best thoughts.

Have him take these notes home and, using the helpful hints provided in his

workbook, put together a “first-pass” testimony on paper. He should bring this to the next meeting so you can check it and return it later with constructive comments.

When you and Timothy feel he has a well-written and polished testimony, have him

commit the major outline points and Scripture verses to memory. You will have him present it in front of you during one of your sessions. Then, make arrangements for him to give it in a group setting (e.g. a CBMC prayer breakfast, Sunday School class, Bible study, etc.).

Plan on devoting a portion of each future session to working with him on his



Pray that Timothy will have God‟s guidance in writing his testimony. Also, continue to pray for an Opportunity to share Steps to Peach With God this week.


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If you decide to devote the next session entirely to Timothy‟s testimony, then the assignment would be as follows:

Carefully review the workbook section in chapter 11, entitled “Putting

Your Story to Work”. Using the notes from this session and the hints given in the workbook, put together a 700 to 1000 word testimony using the three-point outline

If, however, you decide to work on the testimony along with other lesson material, or, after you have gotten the testimony under way, the next lesson assignment is as follows:

A. Share the major concept to be studied – “How to Have a Ministry”.

B. Assign workbook chapter 12.

C. Assign 2 Timothy 2:2 as the memory verses for the next chapter.

Special note: Notice the workbook assignment consists of a special article entitled, “Born to Reproduce”. Point this out to your “Timothy” and ask him to underline key thoughts as he reads it.

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A. That your “Timothy” understand the basic Scriptures explaining how to have a ministry. 1 Corinthians 4:14-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12; 2 Timothy 2:2.

B. That he understand and is able to explain the strategy of “„spiritual multiplication”.

C. That he commit himself to playing a significant role in this strategy and begins to ask God to lead him to his “Timothy”.

D. That he has memorized 2 Timothy 2-2. PERSONAL PREPARAT1ON CHECKLIST A. Memorize 2 Timothy 2:2. B. Complete workbook Bible study, chapter 12. C. Complete basic Scripture study of the major concept. D. Call and encourage your “Timothy” in his preparation. Depending on his progress

with his testimony, you may want to schedule an extra meeting to help him work on it.

E. Prepare session lesson plan. F. Pray that God will motivate Timothy to become a “reproducer”.


A. SCRIPTURE MEMORY REVIEW - Memorize 2 Timothy 2:2.

B. WORKBOOK BIBLE STUDY PREPARATION - Assignment Chapter 12, key questions: 1, 5, 7, 8, 9.

Thought questions:

How would you explain the principle of spiritual multiplication? (6-10)

What, specifically, should your role be in reaching the world for Christ? (9, 10)

Why aren‟t more men involved in discipling others?

What are the barriers that prevent men from discipling others? (2)

C. MAJOR CONCEPT SCRIPTURE STUDY - 2 Timothy 2:2, 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12, 1 Corinthians 4:14-17.

2 TIMOTHY 2:2 – “Entrust to Reliable Men”

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1. What is it that Timothy is to entrust to these men? ________________________

2. What qualifications are these men to have? a) _____________________________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________________________

3. What does Paul mean by the term. “reliable men”? ________________________

4. According to 1 Timothy 1:1 1-12, Paul was considered faithful. Because of this, what two things did Christ do for Paul in verse 12?

5. How does 2 Timothy 2:2 demonstrate the principle of spiritual multiplication?

1 THESSALONIANS 2 7-12 – “We Preached the Gospel of God to You”.

6. According to verse 7, how did Paul deal with his Christian brothers in Thessalonica? How does he describe the relationship?

7. Verse 8 shows the effort Paul puts into the task of building these men. How would you describe it?

8. What three qualities does Paul demonstrate to those to whom he ministers? Verse 10

a) _____________________________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________________________ c) _____________________________________________________________

9. What three methods does he use in verse 11 to motivate them to walk with God?

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a) _____________________________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________________________ c) _____________________________________________________________

10. According to verse 12, what was Paul‟s purpose? ________________________

How does this relate to the goal Paul expressed in Galatians 4:19? ______________

1 CORINTHIANS 4:14-17 – “Imitate Me”

11. How does Paul describe the Corinthians in verse 14? ______________________

How does he describe himself in verse 15? _________________________________

Notice the terms communicating the concept of “spiritual parents” here, as well as in

1 Thessalonians 2:7,11. “Born to Reproduce” develops this principle in more detail.

12. What does Paul exhort the Corinthians to do in verse 16? __________________

13. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, we see why Paul has the confidence to make such an exhortation. Why can he say with such boldness, “Imitate me.”?

14. Read 1 Corinthians 4:17 carefully. How does this verse show the principle of multiplication discussed in 2 Timothy 2:2?

15. How does Paul describe Timothy in this verse? __________________________

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Your primary purpose this session is to encourage your “Timothy” to find his “Timothy”. By this time, he should have developed a desire to have a personal ministry with another individual. He has seen the impact God has had through you in his life, and he knows men who have the same needs in their lives.

A second purpose is to encourage him to continue to meet with you. Although you

have been meeting for a number of weeks, you‟ve really just scratched the surface. It takes time to grow from a baby into a mature adult.


Review your times together. what changes have taken place over the past few months? What‟s been the area of greatest growth?

Discuss the benefits of continuing to meet. Future sessions might be on a less-

structured basis, possible over breakfast or lunch. As to content, the Navigator series, “Design for Discipleship”, would provide excellent Bible study material. This series formed the basis for Operation Timothy workbooks, and if you started with Book 3 of the series, there would be little duplication. There is also a good leader‟s guide available.


After you have reviewed the memory verse for this chapter, discuss the benefits of continuing to memorize a verse of Scripture every week. Your discussion should focus on the article “Born to Reproduce” and the questions with it dealing with 2 Timothy 2:2. During your discussion, keep in mind your ultimate purpose to produce and “reproducer”. Now it‟s time for your final exam.

Session Summary

1. God intends for us to REPRODUCE 2 Timothy 2:2, Hebrews 5:12, SPIRITUALLY Born to Reproduce

2. We are to be SPIRITUAL PARENTS 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, providing the love, care, and labor 1 Corinthians 4:14-17, necessary for our spiritual children Galatians 4:19, 2 Timothy 2:2 “to walk in a manner worthy of God”, and to, in turn, produce reproducers.

QUESTION: Does Timothy understand the principle of spiritual multiplication? Can he

explain it? Does he understand how he personally fits into this strategy? Is he committed to fulfilling this role?

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Timothy needs to visualize himself in the role of a leader, doing the same thing you have done with him. Ask him to think of two or three men he knows, who would benefit from this type of training. The best prospects, of course, are the men he leads to Christ.

Give him a copy of the leader‟s guide and review the basic content with him. Show

him the course outline, highlighting the “How tos” that are provided. His confidence and willingness to get involved will increase as he sees there is plenty of help. Remind him that you are available to help get him started and answer his questions.

As you talk about his prospective “Timothies”, review the criteria shown in the

leader‟s guide including the section entitled, “How to challenge your Timothy‟‟. Encourage him to pray daily for God to show him his “Timothy”.


During your prayer time together, pray for Timothy‟s Timothy. If he has a specific

man in mind, pray for that man by name. ASSIGNMENT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER

Timothy‟s assignment this week is to challenge the man God brings to mind to be his „Timothy”. He should also continue to work on his testimony.

Your assignment is to pray for your “Timothy” as he prepares to challenge his man.

And, if you have agreed to continue to meet, obtain the necessary study materials for both you and Timothy.

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The purpose of this diary is to record information that will help you be more effective in prayer and ministry to your “Timothy”. Each week, after your session, enter any new information that will help you work with him.

Name ______________________________________ Nickname ____________________ Address

____________________________________________________________________ City ____________________ Zip _____________ Home Phone ___________________ Age _____ Birthdate ____________________ Wife‟s Name _______________________ Children‟s Names & Ages ___________________________________________________ Present Job _________________________________________ Work Phone __________ Previous Work ____________________________________________________________ Hobbies _________________________________________________________________ Other Personal Information __________________________________________________

Session Notes: Progress? Does he need help with major concepts. family issues, application

of principles, prayer, Scripture memory, etc.?

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Elder Evaluation & Comments

Name of Elder: _________________________

Need to improve Strengths

a) Leadership

b) Speech and Conduct

c) Workload in the JCCF

d) Relationship with


e) Prayer Life

f) Time Management

g) Relationships with

other leaders

h) Decision Making

i) Others

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The Bridge Presentation

The Presentation:

When God created man, He created him for fellowship: to enjoy a personal relationship

with God Himself. And the Bible says that God use to walk with Adam in the Garden in the cool of the evening. So there was a warm and loving relationship with God and the man whom He created.

But something happened that ruined that relationship…do you remember what that

was? “Adam and Eve Ate the Forbidden Fruit.”

Right. Adam and Eve sinned against God and God cast them out of the Garden. And ever since that time, man finds himself separated from God.

We can illustrate this with two cliffs separated by a chasm. Man is on one side and God

is on the other. And what is it that separated God and man? Right. SIN. The Bible says several things about sin. Would you read Romans 3:23 here for me and

tell me what it means to you. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

According to this passage, how many have sinned? “It says „all’.” Does that mean I have sinned? “It says „all’ so I guess so.” Does it mean you too have sinned? “Yes, it means I too have sinned.” That‟s the first thing a man has to understand to become a Christian. Let‟s write that







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1. ALL SINNED Rom 3:23 SIN

The second thing a man must understand to become a Christian is found in Romans

6:23. Would you read this verse please? “The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Wages are what we get for doing something. And here the Bible says that the wages of

sin is death. What does that mean to you? “I‟m not sure. I guess it means that death is what you get when you sin.” Right. Death is the consequence of the result of sin. And in the Bible. Death means

more than just physically dying. It includes the idea of being separated from God. (Example: The prodigal son was “dead” in that he was separated from his father. Luke 15) So the results of our sin is that we are spiritually dead or separated from God. So let‟s put that down.

M A N G O D 1.ALL SINNED Rom 3:23 2.WAGES = DEATH Rom 6:23 There‟s a third thing we need to know to become a Christian. It‟s found in Hebrews 9:27.

Would you read this verse and tell me what it means to you? “And it is appointed unto men once to die and after this comes judgment.” According to this verse what happens to man when he dies? “He comes to judgment” Let‟s write that down. M A N G O D

1.ALL SINNED Rom 3:23 2.WAGES = DEATH Rom 6:23 3. JUDGMENT SIN Heb 9:27

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Now if its true that all have sinned, and that the penalty for our sin is death and separation from God, and that the day is coming when man will be judged, this doesn‟t paint a very bright picture for man, does it?

“No, it doesn‟t. Down through the ages man has basically understood this and has tried to make his way

back to God. Man has sensed that he is separated and alienated from God. what are some ways you can think of that men try to make their way back to God?

“By living a good life; being religious; helping his fellow man; giving to the poor.” M A N G O D

1.ALL SINNED GOOD LIFE Rom 3:23 2.WAGES = DEATH RELIGION Rom 6:23 3. JUDGMENT GIVE TO POOR Heb 9:27 Right. And this is basically how men try to make their way back to God. But the Bible

teaches that this falls short of what God requires. The Bible explains what God requires in John 5:24. Would you read this verse please.

“Truly, truly I say to you, he who hears My Word and believes Him Who sent Me has eternal life and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death and into life.” (John 5:24)

Jesus is speaking here and He says that if you hear His Word and believe, then three

things will happen. What are they?

1. Has eternal life.

2. Does not come into judgment.

3. Passed from death to life. Good. Let‟s write those down on the other side of the chasm. M A N G O D


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Notice that the eternal life that God gives cancels out “death” on the other side and “does not come into judgment” cancels out “judgment.” Let‟s write that down.


1.ALL SINNED GOOD LIFE JOHN 5:24 Rom 3:23 HEARS & BELIEVES 2.WAGES = DEATH RELIGION 1. HAS ETERNAL LIFE Rom 6:23 2. NO JUDGMENT 3. JUDGMENT GIVE TO POOR 3. DEATH LIFE Heb 9:27 SIN The reason for this is that Christ has come into the world and paid the penalty for our

sins by dying on the cross as a substitute so that you and I might be restored to fellowship with God.

There‟s another verse that explains Christ death for us on the cross. Would you read 1 Peter 3:18?

“For Christ also died for sins, once for all, the just for the unjust, in order that he might

bring us to God; having been put to death in the flesh but made alive in the Spirit.” (1 Peter 3:18)

This verse says that Christ died for sins…the just for the unjust. Tell me, who is the “just” and who is the “unjust” this verse is referring to?

“The „just‟ would be Jesus; and the „unjust‟ would be us.” Right! Christ died for us, the “unjust” ones. He died in our place, as our substitute. He

took the punishment and judgment that we deserved because of our sins. Jesus was the perfectly Holy Son of God who died for our sins in our place.

This verse also says that Christ died for our sins “that He might bring us to God,” so I‟ll

illustrate that by the cross bridging the chasm between God and man. The arrow illustrates that Jesus Christ is the One who is able to bring us from where we are here on man‟s side over to God‟s side.

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1 PETER 3:18



Rom 3:23 HEARS & BELIEVES 2.WAGES = DEATH RELIGION 1. HAS ETERNAL LIFE Rom 6:23 2. NO JUDGMENT 3. JUDGMENT GIVE TO POOR 3. DEATH LIFE Heb 9:27 SIN Tell me, if you were to place yourself in this illustration, where would you draw yourself?

Over here on man‟s side, on God‟s side or somewhere in between? “I would put myself over here on man‟s side.” Would you like to be over here on God‟s side? “Yes” This verse here in John 1:12 explains how to move over to God‟s side. Would you read it


“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12)

So what must a man do to become a child of God? “Must receive Him.” Must receive whom? “Jesus Christ.” Do you know how to receive Him? “I‟m not sure.”

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Let‟s look at revelation 3:20. Would you read it please? “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door, I

will come in to Him and dine with Him and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20) This verse describes Jesus standing at the door of your heart, knocking and desiring to

come into your life. The way to receive Christ is to open the door of your heart and let him in. Would you like to do this?

“Yes” Then why don‟t you pray right now and ask Christ to come into your life. If you want, I‟ll

pray out loud and then you can pray after me. Okay? “Sure” Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins. I want You to come into my life. Make me

the kind of person you want me to be. Thank you for forgiving my sins. Thank you for giving me the gift of eternal life. Amen.