Operating System Objective

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Operating System Objective

  • 8/12/2019 Operating System Objective


    GUPTA CLASSESA Premier Institute for MCA/MBA Entrance

    6, Utsav Complex, Shivaji Road Meerut (O) 400313 (M) !"3#$3111, !"3#464$0# Operati%& S'stem Spl ssi&%m

    1) Round robin scheduling is essentially the preemptiveversion of ________.

    1 FIFO 2 Shortest ob first ! Shortes remaining" #ongest time first2) $ page fault occurs1 %hen the page is not in the memory2 %hen the page is in the memory! %hen the process enters the bloc&ed state" %hen the process is in the ready state!) 'hich of the follo%ing %ill determine your choice ofsystems soft%are for your computer (1 Is the applications soft%are you %ant to use compatible%ith it ( 2 Is it epensive (! Is it compatible %ith your hard%are ( " *oth 1 and !") #et S and + be t%o semaphores initiali,ed to 1- %here /and 1 processes the follo%ing statements %ait0S)%ait0+) signal0S)signal0+) and %ait0+)%ait0S)signal0+)signal0S) respectively. 3he abovesituation depicts a _________ .1 Semaphore 2 4eadloc& ! Signal " Interrupt5) 'hat is a shell (1 It is a hard%are component 2 It is a command interpreter! It is a part in compiler " It is a tool in 67 scheduling8) Routine is not loaded until it is called. $ll routines are&ept on dis& in a relocatable load format. 3he main programis loaded into memory 9 is eecuted. 3his type of loading iscalled _________1 Static loading 2 4ynamic loading ! 4ynamic lin&ing" Overlays

    :) In the bloc&ed state1 the processes %aiting for I;O are found2 the process %hich is running is found! the processes %aiting for the processor are found" none of the aboveclusion- rogress and *ounded 'aiting.1 3he statement is false 2 3he statement is true.! 3he statement is contradictory. " @one of the above15) 3he problem of thrashing is effected scientifically b ________.1 rogram structure 2 rogram si,e! rimary storage si,e " @one of the above18) 3he state of a process after it encounters an I;Oinstruction is __________.1 Ready 2 *loc&ed;'aiting ! Idle " Running1:) 3he number of processes completed per unit time is&no%n as __________.1 Output 2 3hroughput ! >fficiency " 6apacity1

  • 8/12/2019 Operating System Objective


    GUPTA CLASSESA Premier Institute for MCA/MBA Entrance

    6, Utsav Complex, Shivaji Road Meerut (O) 400313 (M) !"3#$3111, !"3#464$0# Operati%& S'stem Spl ssi&%m

    2 to detect deadloc& in operating systems! to rectify a deadloc&ed state " none of the above


  • 8/12/2019 Operating System Objective


    GUPTA CLASSESA Premier Institute for MCA/MBA Entrance

    6, Utsav Complex, Shivaji Road Meerut (O) 400313 (M) !"3#$3111, !"3#464$0# Operati%& S'stem Spl ssi&%m

    +. 7"i#" of t"e following loader is e%e#uted w"en a s!stemis first turned on or restarted

    (A) Boot loader (B) Compile and 'o loader (C) Bootstrap loader (D) &elating loader ++. oor response time is usuall! #aused b!(A) ro#ess bus! (B) ig" *2 rates(C) ig" paging rates (D) An! of t"e above+. >T"roug"put? of a s!stem is(A) 0umber of programs pro#essed b! it per unit time(B) 0umber of times t"e program is invoked b! t"e s!stem(C) 0umber of re=uests made to a program b! t"e s!stem(D) 0one of t"e above+. T"e >blo#king fa#tor? of a file is(A) T"e number of blo#ks a##essible to a file(B) T"e number of blo#ks allo#ated to a file(C) T"e number of logi#al re#ords in one p"!si#al re#ord(D) 0one of t"e above+5. 7"i#" of t"ese is a #omponent of a pro#ess pre#eden#ese=uen#e(A) ro#ess name (B) $e=uen#e operator ;<(C) Con#urren#! operator ;E< (D) All of t"e above+8. 7"i#" amongst t"e following is valid s!nta% of t"e 4orkand Foin rimitive(A) 4ork GlabelH (B) 4ork GlabelHFoin GvarH(C) 4or GvarH (D) 4ork GvarH9. 0ested ,a#ro #alls are e%panded using t"e(A) 4*42 rule (4irst in first out)(B) L*42 (Last in 4irst out)(C) 4*L2 rule (4irst in last out) (D) 0one of t"e above

    1. A parser w"i#" is a variant of top-down parsing wit"outba#ktra#king is(A) &e#ursive Des#end. (B) 2perator re#eden#e.(C) LL(1) parser. (D) LAL& arser.. T"e e%pansion of nested ma#ro #alls follows(A) 4*42 rule.(B) L*42 rule (C) L*L2 rule.(D) priorit! rule.3.*n a two-pass assemblerE t"e task of t"e ass ** is to(A) separate t"e s!mbolE mnemoni# op#ode and operandfields. (B) build t"e s!mbol table.(C) #onstru#t intermediate #ode(D) s!nt"esi@e t"e target program.. A linker program

    (A) pla#es t"e program in t"e memor! for t"e purpose ofe%e#ution.(B) relo#ates t"e program to e%e#ute from t"e spe#ifi#memor! area allo#ated to it.(C) links t"e program wit" ot"er programs needed for itse%e#ution.(D) interfa#es t"e program wit" t"e entities generating itsinput data.+. 7"i#" s#"eduling poli#! is most suitable for a time-s"aredoperating s!stem(A) $"ortest-6ob 4irst. (B) Ilevator. (C) &ound-&obin.(D) 4irst-Come-4irst-$erve.. A #riti#al se#tion is a program segment(A) w"i#" s"ould run in a #ertain spe#ified amount of time.(B) w"i#" avoids deadlo#ks.

    (C) w"ere s"ared resour#es are a##essed.(D) w"i#" must be en#losed b! a pair of semap"ore

    operationsE and J.. An operating s!stem #ontains 3 user pro#esses ea#"re=uiring units of resour#e & .T"e minimum number of of & su#" t"at no deadlo#ks will ever arise is(A) . (B) 3. (C) +. (D) .5. Lo#alit! of referen#e implies t"at t"e page referen#e made b! a pro#ess(A) will alwa!s be to t"e page used in t"e previous pagereferen#e.(B) is likel! to be t"e one of t"e pages used in t"e last fepage referen#es.(C) will alwa!s be to one of t"e pages e%isting in memor!(D)will alwa!s lead to a page fault.8.7"i#" of t"ese is not a part of $!nt"esis p"ase(A)2btain ma#"ine #ode #orresponding to t"e mnemoni#t"e ,nemoni#s table(B) 2btain address of a memor! operand from t"e s!mbotable (C) erform LC pro#essing(D) $!nt"esi@e a ma#"ine instru#tion or t"e ma#"ine form#onstant9.T"e s!nta% of t"e assembler dire#tive I:/ is(A) I:/ Gaddress spa#eH(B) Gs!mbolHI:/Gaddress spa#eH(C) Gs!mbolHI:/ (D) 0one of t"e above1. T"e following features are needed to implement top dparsing(A) $our#e string marker (B) redi#tion making me#"a

    (C) ,at#"ing and Ba#ktra#king me#"anism(D) All of t"e above. A ma#ro definition #onsists of(A) A ma#ro protot!pe statement(B) 2ne or more model statements(C) ,a#ro pre-pro#essor statements (D) All of t"e abo3. T"e main reason to en#r!pt a file is to KKKKKKKKK.(A) &edu#e its si@e (B) $e#ure it for transmission(C) repare it for ba#kup(D) *n#lude it in t"e start-up se=uen#e. 7"i#" of t"e following is not a ke! pie#e of informatiostored in single page tableentr!E assuming pure paging and virtual memor!

    (A) 4rame number (B) A bit indi#ating w"et"er t"e page is in p"!si#al memoon t"e disk(C) A referen#e for t"e disk blo#k t"at stores t"e page(D) 0one of t"e above+. A /0* devi#e driver is(A) $tru#tured into two "alves #alled top "alf and bottom(B) T"ree e=ual partitions(C) /nstru#tured (D)0one of t"e above.T"e following is not a la!er of *2 management module(A) *2C$ ("!si#al *nput 2utput Control $!stem)(B) L*2C$ (Logi#al *nput 2utput Control $!stem)(C) 4$ (4ile $!stem)(D) ,C$ (,anagement Control $!stem)

  • 8/12/2019 Operating System Objective


    GUPTA CLASSESA Premier Institute for MCA/MBA Entrance

    6, Utsav Complex, Shivaji Road Meerut (O) 400313 (M) !"3#$3111, !"3#464$0# Operati%& S'stem Spl ssi&%m

    . 7"i#" amongst t"e following is not a valid pagerepla#ement poli#!

    (A) L&/ poli#! (Least &e#entl! /sed)(B) 4*42 poli#! (4irst in first out)(C) &/ poli#! (&e#urrentl! used)(D) 2ptimal page repla#ement poli#!5. Consider a program wit" a linked origin of +999. Let t"ememor! area allo#ated to it "ave t"e start address of 9999.7"i#" amongst t"e following will be t"e valueto be loaded in relo#ation register(A) 9999 (B) +9999 (C) 9999 (D) 899998. An assembl! language is a(A) low level programming language(B) ,iddle level programming language(C) ig" level programming language(D) *nternet based programming language59. T** stands for(A) Table of in#omplete instru#tions(B) table of information instru#tions(C) translation of instru#tions information(D) translation of information instru#tion51.An anal!sisE w"i#" determines t"e s!nta#ti# stru#ture oft"e sour#e statementE is #alled(A) $ementi# anal!sis (B) pro#ess anal!sis(C) $!nta% anal!sis (D) fun#tion anal!sis5 A#tion implementing instru#tione%ternal?fragmentation is(A) segmentation (B) swapping(C) pure demand paging (D) multiple fi%ed #ontiguouspartitions

    8. age fault fre=uen#! in an operating s!stem is redu#w"en t"e(A) pro#esses tend to t"e *2-bound(B) si@e of pages is redu#ed(C) pro#esses tend to be C/-bound(D) lo#alit! of referen#e is appli#able to t"e pro#ess85.*n w"i#" of t"e following page repla#ement poli#iesBalad!

  • 8/12/2019 Operating System Objective


    GUPTA CLASSESA Premier Institute for MCA/MBA Entrance

    6, Utsav Complex, Shivaji Road Meerut (O) 400313 (M) !"3#$3111, !"3#464$0# Operati%& S'stem Spl ssi&%m

    19+.KKKKKKK is t"e time re=uired b! a se#tor to rea#" belowreadwrite "ead.

    (A) $eek Time (B) Laten#! Time (C) A##ess time (D) 0one19. 7"i#" of t"e following is most general p"ase stru#turedgrammar(A) Conte%t $ensitive (B) &egular(C) Conte%t 4ree (D) 0one of t"e above19 4ile re#ord lengt"(A) $"ould alwa!s be fi%ed (B) $"ould alwa!s be variable(C) Depends upon t"e si@e of file(D) $"ould be #"osen to mat#" t"e data #"ara#teristi#s.195. A publi# ke! en#r!ption s!stem(A) Allows onl! t"e #orre#t re#eiver to de#ode t"e data(B) Allows onl! one to de#ode t"e transmission.(C) Allows onl! t"e #orre#t sender to de#ode t"e data.(D) Does not en#ode t"e data before transmitting it.

    %s*er Sheet+

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    6$ 66 6#a 6"- 6! #0- #1d #d

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