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Third Edition



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Core Operating System

1) An optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of

minimizing the average waiting time of a given set of

process is

A FCFS scheduling

B Round robin scheduling algorithm

C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

D Priority scheduling algorithm

2) The hardware mechanism that enables a device to

notify the CPU is called

A polling

B interrupt

C system call

D none of the above

3) In the running state

A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

B all the process waiting for IO to be completed are


C all the processes waiting for the processor are


D none of the above

4) Which technique was introduced because a single

job could keep both the CPU and the IO devices

busy A Time sharing

B Spooling

C Preemptive scheduling

D Multiprogramming

5) RMA works on static priorities while EDF algorithm

works on

A starvation

B dynamic priorities

C RR scheduling

D FIFO scheduling

6) In the method of data transfer the

participation of the processor is eliminated during

data transfer

A buffering

B caching

C direct memory access

D indirect memory access

7) Inter process communication can be done through

A mails B messages

C system calls D traps

8) RR scheduling is most suitable for

A time shared OS

B distributed OS

C real time OS

D an Ordinary OS

9) The aim of transparency is to ensure that the

movement of the object is handled automatically by

the system in a user transparent manner

A location B name

B migration D scaling

10) is a memory management scheme that

permits the physical address space of a process to be


A Paging

B Segmentation

C Virtual memory

D main memory

11) Context switching is

A part of spooling

B part of polling

C part of interrupt handling

D part of paging

12) The normal functioning of an RPC may get

disrupted due to

A call message gets lost

B response message gets lost

C callee node and caller node crashes and is


D All of the above

13) Mutual exclusion is referred as

A if one process is in a critical region others are


B prevents deadlock

C requires semaphore to implement

D is found only in the windows NT operating system

14) IFO scheduling is

A preemptive

B non-preemptive

C deadline scheduling


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D RR scheduling

15) deals with the process of deciding which

process should be assigned to which processor

A Process migration

B Processor allocation

C threads

D none of the above

16) Which scheduler controls the degree of


A Short term scheduler

B Long term scheduler

C Middle term scheduler

D Pre term scheduler

17) Safe state is

A deadlock state

B non-deadlocked state

C polling state

D spooling state

18) time is defined as the time period for which

the execution of the process is stopped for

transferring its information to the destination node

A turn around

B latency

C freezing

D execution

19) The principle of locality of reference justifies the

use of

A virtual memory

B interrupts

C main memory

D cache memory

20) For a multiple instances of resource type which

algorithm is used

A divide and conquer algorithm

B bankers algorithm

C partition algorithm

D sorting algorithm

21) In memory management a technique called as

paging the physical memory is broken into fixed

sized blocks called

A pages

B frames

C blocks

D segments

22) Which method is used to recover from deadlock

A Process termination

B Resource preemption

C Resource non-preemption

D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) Saving the state of the old process and loading

the saved state of the new process is called

A context switch

B static

C multi programming

D none of the above

24) The degree of Multiprogramming is controlled by

A CPU scheduler

B context switching

C long term scheduler

D medium term scheduler

25) Input transfers are done in advance and output

transfers are done after sometimes in which of these


A Spooling

B Buffering

C Swapping

D Paging

26) A binary semaphore

A has the values one or zero

B is essential to binary computers

C is used only for synchronization

D is used only for mutual exclusion

27) A scheduling algorithm is fair

A if no process faces starvation

B if a process is starved detect it and run it with high


C if it uses semaphores

D only if a queue is used for scheduling

28) Which of the following is also known as Double


A anticipated buffering

B buffer swapping

C circular buffering

D swapping buffering


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29) is the ability of a system to continue

functioning in the event of partial system failure

A fault avoidance

B fault tolerance

C fault detection

D fault recovery

30) Virtual memory is

A an extremely large main memory

B an extremely large secondary memory

C an illusion of extremely large main memory

D a type of memory used in super computers

31) Error handling and IO interrupt handling are the

functions of

A IO device Handler

B IO traffic controller

C IO scheduler

D IO buffer

32) In a multi-threaded environment

A each thread is allocated with new memory from

main memory

B main thread terminates after the termination of

child threads

C every process can have only one thread

D none of the above

33) The kernel keeps track of the state of each task by

using a data structure called

A process control block

B user control block

C memory control block

D hardware control block

34) A virtual device is a

A dedicated for none purpose

B shared device converted to a dedicated device

C dedicated device converted to a shared device

D shared device

35) CPU scheduling is the basis of operating


A batch

B real time

C multiprogramming

D monoprogramming

36) is a high speed cache used to hold recently

referenced page table entries a part of paged virtual


A Translation look a side buffer

B Inverse page table

C Segmented page table

D Indexed page table

37) A technique that smooths out peaks in IO

demand is

A spooling

B buffering

C swapping

D paging

38) In kernel model the operating system services

such as process management memory management

are provided by the kernel

A monolithic

B micro

C macro

D Complex

39) A process is said to be in state if it was

waiting for an event that will never occur

A safe

B unsafe

C starvation

D dead lock

40) Which of the following is an example of spooled


A The terminal used to enter the input data for a

program being executed

B The secondary memory device in a virtual memory


C A line printer used to print the output of a number

of jobs

D None of the above

Process Management

1 Which of the following isare the reasons for the

execution of process in two state process model

i) A process is created when a user at a terminal logs

on to the system

ii) A process is created in response to the submission

of a job


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iii) A process is created to perform a function on

behalf of a user program

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

2 In two state process model a process is terminated


i) A piece of data is of the wrong type or is not


ii) The process attempts to use an instruction

reserved for the operating system

iii) The child process was terminated

iv) The process has waited longer than specified time

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

3 Which of the following isare states in five state

model for the creation and termination of processes

i) Running ii) Ready iii) Blocked iv) Paused v) Exit

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 In five state process model state is

a process that is prepared to execute when given the


A) Ready

B) Paused

C) Queued

D) Blocked

5 In five state process model state is a

process than that can not execute until some event

occurs such as the completion of a IO operation

A) Ready

B) Paused

C) Queued

D) Blocked

6 In state of five state process model

a process that has been released from the pool of

executable process by the OS either because it halted

or because it aborted for some reason

A) Blocked

B) Exit

C) Released

D) Ready

7 transition occurs when it is time

to select a new process to run the operating system

chooses one of the processes in the ready state

A) Null rarr Ready

B) Ready rarr Running

C) New rarr Ready

D) Running rarr Ready

8 In transaction of five state process model if a

parent terminates all child processes associated with

that parent may be terminated

A) Running rarr Exit

B) Blocked rarr Exit

C) Ready rarr Exit

D) New rarr Exit

9 With the use of swapping an IO operation one

other state must be added to the process behavior

model called the state

A) Paused

B) Blocked

C) Swapped

D) Suspend

10 When all of the processes in main memory are in

state the operating system can

suspend one process by putting it in the suspend

state and transferring to the disk

A) Blocked

B) Exit

C) Suspend

D) Paused

11 When the operating system has performed a

operation it has two choices for selecting

a process either admitting a newly created process or

bring in a previously suspended process

A) Swapping-in

B) Swapping-out

C) Blocked-in

D) Blocked-out

12 In state the process is in secondary


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memory but it is available for execution as soon as it

is loaded into main memory

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

13 In state the process is in

secondary memory and awaiting an event

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

14 A process in the state is moved to

the state when the event for which it

has been waiting occurs

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

15 A process in the state is moved to

the state if there are no ready processes

then at least one blocked process is swapped out to

make room for another process that is not blocked

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

16 A process in the state is moved to

the when there are no ready processes in

main memory the operating system will need to

bring one in to continue execution

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

17 A process will while it is running

either because it has completed or because of some

fatal fault condition

A) Suspend

B) Terminate

C) Blocked

D) Ready

18 A process is moved to the ready state

when its time allocation expires

A) New

B) Blocked

C) Running

D) Suspend

19 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of suspended process

i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may or may not be waiting on an


iii) The process will remove from this state whether

the agent explicitly orders the removal or not

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 Which of the following isare the reasons for the

process suspension

i) The operating system needs to release sufficient

main memory to bring in a process that is ready to


ii) The operating system may suspend a background

or utility process or a process that is suspected for

causing a problem

iii) A user may wish to suspend execution of a

program for purposes of debugging or in connection

with the use of resource

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

21 are used to keep track of both main

and secondary memory in which some of main

memory is reserved for use by the operating system

and the reminder is available for use by processes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

22 The memory table includes which of the following


i) The allocation of main memory to processes

ii) The allocation of secondary memory to processes

iii) An information needed to manage virtual memory


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A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

23 includes information of any protection

attributes of blocks of main or virtual memory such

as which processes may access certain shared

memory regions

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

24 provide information about the

existence of files their location on secondary

memory their current status and other attributes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

25 Each process has associated with it a number of

attributes that are used by the operating system for

the process control these collections of attributes is

referred to as a

A) System stack

B) Process control block

C) Attributes block

D) Attributes control block

26 The process image includes which of the

following elements

i) user data ii) user program iii) system stack iv)

process control block

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

27 With respect to in virtually all

operating systems each process is assigned a unique

numeric identifier which may simply be an index into

the primary process table

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

28 Numeric identifiers that may be stored with the

process control block includes

i) Identifier of the process ii) Identifier of the process

that created parent process iii) User identifier

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

29 There are variety of processor registers that are

employed to control the operation of the processor

This includes

i) program counter ii) program codes iii) condition

codes iv) status information

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

30 consists of the contents of processor

registers while a process is running

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

31 is the additional information needed by

the operating system to control and co-ordinate the

various active processes

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

32 Processes control information includes which of

the following additional information needed by the

operating system

i) Scheduling and state information ii) Data

structuring iii) Data processing iv) Inter-process


A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

33 Which of the following items should be included

in scheduling and state information

i) Process state ii) Priority iii) Scheduling related


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information iv) Event

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

34 The examples of are the amount of

time that the process has been waiting and the

amount of time that the process executed the last

time it was running

A) Process state

B) Priority

C) Scheduling related information

D) Event

35 The item of information included in process

control information in which a process may be linked

to other process in a queue ring or some other

structure called

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

36 In various flags signals and messages

may be associated with communication between two

independent processes

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

37 All processor designs include a register or set of

status information

A) Status information word

B) Process status word

C) Program status word

D) Program signaling word

38 A good example of a processor status word is that

on Pentium machines referred to as the






39 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

bits allows the programmer to disable debug

exceptions so that the instruction can be restarted

after a debug exception

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

40 in Pentium EFLAGS register

control bits determines whether string processing

instructions increment or decrements the 16-bit half

registers SI and DI or the 32-bit registers ESI and EDI

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

41 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

operating mode bits represents carrying or borrowing

between half-bytes or an 8-bit arithmetic or logic


A) Carry flag

B) Over flow flag

C) Nested task flag

D) Virtual interrupt flag

42 Less-privileged mode in the mode of processor

execution normally associated with the operating

system is often referred to as the mode

A) System mode

B) Control mode

C) Kernel mode

D) User mode

43 Which of the following isare the typical functions

of an operating system kernel

i) Process Management ii) Memory Management iii)

IO Management iv) Support Functions

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

44 The process management function of an

operating system kernel includes

i) Process creation and termination ii) Process

Switching iii) Swapping iv) Process Scheduling and



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A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

45 The memory management function of an

operating system includes

i) Allocation of address space to processes ii)

Swapping iii) Process Switching iv) Page and

segment management

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The support functions of an operating system

kernel includes

i) Interrupt handling ii) Buffer Management iii)

Accounting iv) Monitoring

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

47 Once the operating system decides to create a

new process it can be processed as the following

steps order

i) initialize the process control block

ii) Assign a unique process identifier to the new


iii) Allocate space for the process

iv) Create or expand other data structures

v) Set the appropriate linkages

A) ii iii i v and iv

B) i iii v and iv

C) i ii iii v and iv

D) ii iv v and iii

48 may occur any time that the operating

system has gained control from the currently running


A) Process Scheduling

B) Process Creation

C) Process Switching

D) Process Synchronization

49 With an ordinary control is first

transferred to an handler which does some

basic housekeeping and then branches to an

operating system routine

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

50 With a the operating system

determines if the error or exception condition is fatal

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

51 If an interrupt is pending the processor does

which of the following

i) It saves the context of the current program being


ii) It sets the program counter to the starting address

of an interrupt handler program

iii) It switches from user mode to kernel mode

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

52 Order the following steps involved in a full

process switch

i) Select another process for execution

ii) Update the process control block

iii) Save the context of the processor

iv) Move the process control block

A) iv iii i and ii

B) iii ii iv and i

C) i iii iv and ii

D) ii iii iv and i

53 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

awaiting an event and has been swapped to

secondary storage

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

54 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

returning from kernel to user mode but the kernel

preempts it and does a process switch to schedule

another process


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A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

55 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process no

longer exists but it leaves a record for its parent

process to collect

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

56 The contains the basic elements of a

users program and can be generated directly from a

compiled object file

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

57 consists of a static part which is fixed in

size and stays with a process throughout its life time

and dynamic part which varies in size through the life

of the process

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

58 While process creation in UNIX when a process

issues a fork request the OS performs which of the

following functions

i) It allocates a slot in the process table for new


ii) It assigns a unique process ID to the child process

iii) It makes a copy of the process image of the


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 is an effective means of structuring the operating system to support process management and its other tasks A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 2 With the operating system must be able simultaneously to schedule different processes on multiple processors A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 3 is an example of a system of one process with multiple threads A) MS-Dos B) UNIX C) Java run time environment D) Linux 4 Which of the following isare the key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications i) It takes for less time to create a new thread in a existing process than to create a brand new process ii) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process iii) It takes less time to switch between two threads with in the same processes A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 5 State whether the following statements about thread are True i) The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as thread ii) Thread enhance efficiency in communication between different executing programs iii) An example of an application that could make use of threads is a file server A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 6 Which of the following are the example of the uses of threads in a single user multiprocessing system i) Foreground and background work ii) Synchronous processing iii) Speed execution iv) Modular program structure A) i ii and iii only B) ii iii and iv only


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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Core Operating System

1) An optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of

minimizing the average waiting time of a given set of

process is

A FCFS scheduling

B Round robin scheduling algorithm

C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

D Priority scheduling algorithm

2) The hardware mechanism that enables a device to

notify the CPU is called

A polling

B interrupt

C system call

D none of the above

3) In the running state

A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

B all the process waiting for IO to be completed are


C all the processes waiting for the processor are


D none of the above

4) Which technique was introduced because a single

job could keep both the CPU and the IO devices

busy A Time sharing

B Spooling

C Preemptive scheduling

D Multiprogramming

5) RMA works on static priorities while EDF algorithm

works on

A starvation

B dynamic priorities

C RR scheduling

D FIFO scheduling

6) In the method of data transfer the

participation of the processor is eliminated during

data transfer

A buffering

B caching

C direct memory access

D indirect memory access

7) Inter process communication can be done through

A mails B messages

C system calls D traps

8) RR scheduling is most suitable for

A time shared OS

B distributed OS

C real time OS

D an Ordinary OS

9) The aim of transparency is to ensure that the

movement of the object is handled automatically by

the system in a user transparent manner

A location B name

B migration D scaling

10) is a memory management scheme that

permits the physical address space of a process to be


A Paging

B Segmentation

C Virtual memory

D main memory

11) Context switching is

A part of spooling

B part of polling

C part of interrupt handling

D part of paging

12) The normal functioning of an RPC may get

disrupted due to

A call message gets lost

B response message gets lost

C callee node and caller node crashes and is


D All of the above

13) Mutual exclusion is referred as

A if one process is in a critical region others are


B prevents deadlock

C requires semaphore to implement

D is found only in the windows NT operating system

14) IFO scheduling is

A preemptive

B non-preemptive

C deadline scheduling


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D RR scheduling

15) deals with the process of deciding which

process should be assigned to which processor

A Process migration

B Processor allocation

C threads

D none of the above

16) Which scheduler controls the degree of


A Short term scheduler

B Long term scheduler

C Middle term scheduler

D Pre term scheduler

17) Safe state is

A deadlock state

B non-deadlocked state

C polling state

D spooling state

18) time is defined as the time period for which

the execution of the process is stopped for

transferring its information to the destination node

A turn around

B latency

C freezing

D execution

19) The principle of locality of reference justifies the

use of

A virtual memory

B interrupts

C main memory

D cache memory

20) For a multiple instances of resource type which

algorithm is used

A divide and conquer algorithm

B bankers algorithm

C partition algorithm

D sorting algorithm

21) In memory management a technique called as

paging the physical memory is broken into fixed

sized blocks called

A pages

B frames

C blocks

D segments

22) Which method is used to recover from deadlock

A Process termination

B Resource preemption

C Resource non-preemption

D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) Saving the state of the old process and loading

the saved state of the new process is called

A context switch

B static

C multi programming

D none of the above

24) The degree of Multiprogramming is controlled by

A CPU scheduler

B context switching

C long term scheduler

D medium term scheduler

25) Input transfers are done in advance and output

transfers are done after sometimes in which of these


A Spooling

B Buffering

C Swapping

D Paging

26) A binary semaphore

A has the values one or zero

B is essential to binary computers

C is used only for synchronization

D is used only for mutual exclusion

27) A scheduling algorithm is fair

A if no process faces starvation

B if a process is starved detect it and run it with high


C if it uses semaphores

D only if a queue is used for scheduling

28) Which of the following is also known as Double


A anticipated buffering

B buffer swapping

C circular buffering

D swapping buffering


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29) is the ability of a system to continue

functioning in the event of partial system failure

A fault avoidance

B fault tolerance

C fault detection

D fault recovery

30) Virtual memory is

A an extremely large main memory

B an extremely large secondary memory

C an illusion of extremely large main memory

D a type of memory used in super computers

31) Error handling and IO interrupt handling are the

functions of

A IO device Handler

B IO traffic controller

C IO scheduler

D IO buffer

32) In a multi-threaded environment

A each thread is allocated with new memory from

main memory

B main thread terminates after the termination of

child threads

C every process can have only one thread

D none of the above

33) The kernel keeps track of the state of each task by

using a data structure called

A process control block

B user control block

C memory control block

D hardware control block

34) A virtual device is a

A dedicated for none purpose

B shared device converted to a dedicated device

C dedicated device converted to a shared device

D shared device

35) CPU scheduling is the basis of operating


A batch

B real time

C multiprogramming

D monoprogramming

36) is a high speed cache used to hold recently

referenced page table entries a part of paged virtual


A Translation look a side buffer

B Inverse page table

C Segmented page table

D Indexed page table

37) A technique that smooths out peaks in IO

demand is

A spooling

B buffering

C swapping

D paging

38) In kernel model the operating system services

such as process management memory management

are provided by the kernel

A monolithic

B micro

C macro

D Complex

39) A process is said to be in state if it was

waiting for an event that will never occur

A safe

B unsafe

C starvation

D dead lock

40) Which of the following is an example of spooled


A The terminal used to enter the input data for a

program being executed

B The secondary memory device in a virtual memory


C A line printer used to print the output of a number

of jobs

D None of the above

Process Management

1 Which of the following isare the reasons for the

execution of process in two state process model

i) A process is created when a user at a terminal logs

on to the system

ii) A process is created in response to the submission

of a job


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iii) A process is created to perform a function on

behalf of a user program

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

2 In two state process model a process is terminated


i) A piece of data is of the wrong type or is not


ii) The process attempts to use an instruction

reserved for the operating system

iii) The child process was terminated

iv) The process has waited longer than specified time

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

3 Which of the following isare states in five state

model for the creation and termination of processes

i) Running ii) Ready iii) Blocked iv) Paused v) Exit

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 In five state process model state is

a process that is prepared to execute when given the


A) Ready

B) Paused

C) Queued

D) Blocked

5 In five state process model state is a

process than that can not execute until some event

occurs such as the completion of a IO operation

A) Ready

B) Paused

C) Queued

D) Blocked

6 In state of five state process model

a process that has been released from the pool of

executable process by the OS either because it halted

or because it aborted for some reason

A) Blocked

B) Exit

C) Released

D) Ready

7 transition occurs when it is time

to select a new process to run the operating system

chooses one of the processes in the ready state

A) Null rarr Ready

B) Ready rarr Running

C) New rarr Ready

D) Running rarr Ready

8 In transaction of five state process model if a

parent terminates all child processes associated with

that parent may be terminated

A) Running rarr Exit

B) Blocked rarr Exit

C) Ready rarr Exit

D) New rarr Exit

9 With the use of swapping an IO operation one

other state must be added to the process behavior

model called the state

A) Paused

B) Blocked

C) Swapped

D) Suspend

10 When all of the processes in main memory are in

state the operating system can

suspend one process by putting it in the suspend

state and transferring to the disk

A) Blocked

B) Exit

C) Suspend

D) Paused

11 When the operating system has performed a

operation it has two choices for selecting

a process either admitting a newly created process or

bring in a previously suspended process

A) Swapping-in

B) Swapping-out

C) Blocked-in

D) Blocked-out

12 In state the process is in secondary


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memory but it is available for execution as soon as it

is loaded into main memory

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

13 In state the process is in

secondary memory and awaiting an event

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

14 A process in the state is moved to

the state when the event for which it

has been waiting occurs

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

15 A process in the state is moved to

the state if there are no ready processes

then at least one blocked process is swapped out to

make room for another process that is not blocked

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

16 A process in the state is moved to

the when there are no ready processes in

main memory the operating system will need to

bring one in to continue execution

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

17 A process will while it is running

either because it has completed or because of some

fatal fault condition

A) Suspend

B) Terminate

C) Blocked

D) Ready

18 A process is moved to the ready state

when its time allocation expires

A) New

B) Blocked

C) Running

D) Suspend

19 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of suspended process

i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may or may not be waiting on an


iii) The process will remove from this state whether

the agent explicitly orders the removal or not

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 Which of the following isare the reasons for the

process suspension

i) The operating system needs to release sufficient

main memory to bring in a process that is ready to


ii) The operating system may suspend a background

or utility process or a process that is suspected for

causing a problem

iii) A user may wish to suspend execution of a

program for purposes of debugging or in connection

with the use of resource

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

21 are used to keep track of both main

and secondary memory in which some of main

memory is reserved for use by the operating system

and the reminder is available for use by processes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

22 The memory table includes which of the following


i) The allocation of main memory to processes

ii) The allocation of secondary memory to processes

iii) An information needed to manage virtual memory


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A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

23 includes information of any protection

attributes of blocks of main or virtual memory such

as which processes may access certain shared

memory regions

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

24 provide information about the

existence of files their location on secondary

memory their current status and other attributes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

25 Each process has associated with it a number of

attributes that are used by the operating system for

the process control these collections of attributes is

referred to as a

A) System stack

B) Process control block

C) Attributes block

D) Attributes control block

26 The process image includes which of the

following elements

i) user data ii) user program iii) system stack iv)

process control block

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

27 With respect to in virtually all

operating systems each process is assigned a unique

numeric identifier which may simply be an index into

the primary process table

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

28 Numeric identifiers that may be stored with the

process control block includes

i) Identifier of the process ii) Identifier of the process

that created parent process iii) User identifier

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

29 There are variety of processor registers that are

employed to control the operation of the processor

This includes

i) program counter ii) program codes iii) condition

codes iv) status information

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

30 consists of the contents of processor

registers while a process is running

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

31 is the additional information needed by

the operating system to control and co-ordinate the

various active processes

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

32 Processes control information includes which of

the following additional information needed by the

operating system

i) Scheduling and state information ii) Data

structuring iii) Data processing iv) Inter-process


A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

33 Which of the following items should be included

in scheduling and state information

i) Process state ii) Priority iii) Scheduling related


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information iv) Event

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

34 The examples of are the amount of

time that the process has been waiting and the

amount of time that the process executed the last

time it was running

A) Process state

B) Priority

C) Scheduling related information

D) Event

35 The item of information included in process

control information in which a process may be linked

to other process in a queue ring or some other

structure called

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

36 In various flags signals and messages

may be associated with communication between two

independent processes

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

37 All processor designs include a register or set of

status information

A) Status information word

B) Process status word

C) Program status word

D) Program signaling word

38 A good example of a processor status word is that

on Pentium machines referred to as the






39 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

bits allows the programmer to disable debug

exceptions so that the instruction can be restarted

after a debug exception

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

40 in Pentium EFLAGS register

control bits determines whether string processing

instructions increment or decrements the 16-bit half

registers SI and DI or the 32-bit registers ESI and EDI

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

41 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

operating mode bits represents carrying or borrowing

between half-bytes or an 8-bit arithmetic or logic


A) Carry flag

B) Over flow flag

C) Nested task flag

D) Virtual interrupt flag

42 Less-privileged mode in the mode of processor

execution normally associated with the operating

system is often referred to as the mode

A) System mode

B) Control mode

C) Kernel mode

D) User mode

43 Which of the following isare the typical functions

of an operating system kernel

i) Process Management ii) Memory Management iii)

IO Management iv) Support Functions

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

44 The process management function of an

operating system kernel includes

i) Process creation and termination ii) Process

Switching iii) Swapping iv) Process Scheduling and



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A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

45 The memory management function of an

operating system includes

i) Allocation of address space to processes ii)

Swapping iii) Process Switching iv) Page and

segment management

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The support functions of an operating system

kernel includes

i) Interrupt handling ii) Buffer Management iii)

Accounting iv) Monitoring

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

47 Once the operating system decides to create a

new process it can be processed as the following

steps order

i) initialize the process control block

ii) Assign a unique process identifier to the new


iii) Allocate space for the process

iv) Create or expand other data structures

v) Set the appropriate linkages

A) ii iii i v and iv

B) i iii v and iv

C) i ii iii v and iv

D) ii iv v and iii

48 may occur any time that the operating

system has gained control from the currently running


A) Process Scheduling

B) Process Creation

C) Process Switching

D) Process Synchronization

49 With an ordinary control is first

transferred to an handler which does some

basic housekeeping and then branches to an

operating system routine

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

50 With a the operating system

determines if the error or exception condition is fatal

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

51 If an interrupt is pending the processor does

which of the following

i) It saves the context of the current program being


ii) It sets the program counter to the starting address

of an interrupt handler program

iii) It switches from user mode to kernel mode

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

52 Order the following steps involved in a full

process switch

i) Select another process for execution

ii) Update the process control block

iii) Save the context of the processor

iv) Move the process control block

A) iv iii i and ii

B) iii ii iv and i

C) i iii iv and ii

D) ii iii iv and i

53 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

awaiting an event and has been swapped to

secondary storage

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

54 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

returning from kernel to user mode but the kernel

preempts it and does a process switch to schedule

another process


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A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

55 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process no

longer exists but it leaves a record for its parent

process to collect

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

56 The contains the basic elements of a

users program and can be generated directly from a

compiled object file

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

57 consists of a static part which is fixed in

size and stays with a process throughout its life time

and dynamic part which varies in size through the life

of the process

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

58 While process creation in UNIX when a process

issues a fork request the OS performs which of the

following functions

i) It allocates a slot in the process table for new


ii) It assigns a unique process ID to the child process

iii) It makes a copy of the process image of the


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 is an effective means of structuring the operating system to support process management and its other tasks A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 2 With the operating system must be able simultaneously to schedule different processes on multiple processors A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 3 is an example of a system of one process with multiple threads A) MS-Dos B) UNIX C) Java run time environment D) Linux 4 Which of the following isare the key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications i) It takes for less time to create a new thread in a existing process than to create a brand new process ii) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process iii) It takes less time to switch between two threads with in the same processes A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 5 State whether the following statements about thread are True i) The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as thread ii) Thread enhance efficiency in communication between different executing programs iii) An example of an application that could make use of threads is a file server A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 6 Which of the following are the example of the uses of threads in a single user multiprocessing system i) Foreground and background work ii) Synchronous processing iii) Speed execution iv) Modular program structure A) i ii and iii only B) ii iii and iv only


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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D RR scheduling

15) deals with the process of deciding which

process should be assigned to which processor

A Process migration

B Processor allocation

C threads

D none of the above

16) Which scheduler controls the degree of


A Short term scheduler

B Long term scheduler

C Middle term scheduler

D Pre term scheduler

17) Safe state is

A deadlock state

B non-deadlocked state

C polling state

D spooling state

18) time is defined as the time period for which

the execution of the process is stopped for

transferring its information to the destination node

A turn around

B latency

C freezing

D execution

19) The principle of locality of reference justifies the

use of

A virtual memory

B interrupts

C main memory

D cache memory

20) For a multiple instances of resource type which

algorithm is used

A divide and conquer algorithm

B bankers algorithm

C partition algorithm

D sorting algorithm

21) In memory management a technique called as

paging the physical memory is broken into fixed

sized blocks called

A pages

B frames

C blocks

D segments

22) Which method is used to recover from deadlock

A Process termination

B Resource preemption

C Resource non-preemption

D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) Saving the state of the old process and loading

the saved state of the new process is called

A context switch

B static

C multi programming

D none of the above

24) The degree of Multiprogramming is controlled by

A CPU scheduler

B context switching

C long term scheduler

D medium term scheduler

25) Input transfers are done in advance and output

transfers are done after sometimes in which of these


A Spooling

B Buffering

C Swapping

D Paging

26) A binary semaphore

A has the values one or zero

B is essential to binary computers

C is used only for synchronization

D is used only for mutual exclusion

27) A scheduling algorithm is fair

A if no process faces starvation

B if a process is starved detect it and run it with high


C if it uses semaphores

D only if a queue is used for scheduling

28) Which of the following is also known as Double


A anticipated buffering

B buffer swapping

C circular buffering

D swapping buffering


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29) is the ability of a system to continue

functioning in the event of partial system failure

A fault avoidance

B fault tolerance

C fault detection

D fault recovery

30) Virtual memory is

A an extremely large main memory

B an extremely large secondary memory

C an illusion of extremely large main memory

D a type of memory used in super computers

31) Error handling and IO interrupt handling are the

functions of

A IO device Handler

B IO traffic controller

C IO scheduler

D IO buffer

32) In a multi-threaded environment

A each thread is allocated with new memory from

main memory

B main thread terminates after the termination of

child threads

C every process can have only one thread

D none of the above

33) The kernel keeps track of the state of each task by

using a data structure called

A process control block

B user control block

C memory control block

D hardware control block

34) A virtual device is a

A dedicated for none purpose

B shared device converted to a dedicated device

C dedicated device converted to a shared device

D shared device

35) CPU scheduling is the basis of operating


A batch

B real time

C multiprogramming

D monoprogramming

36) is a high speed cache used to hold recently

referenced page table entries a part of paged virtual


A Translation look a side buffer

B Inverse page table

C Segmented page table

D Indexed page table

37) A technique that smooths out peaks in IO

demand is

A spooling

B buffering

C swapping

D paging

38) In kernel model the operating system services

such as process management memory management

are provided by the kernel

A monolithic

B micro

C macro

D Complex

39) A process is said to be in state if it was

waiting for an event that will never occur

A safe

B unsafe

C starvation

D dead lock

40) Which of the following is an example of spooled


A The terminal used to enter the input data for a

program being executed

B The secondary memory device in a virtual memory


C A line printer used to print the output of a number

of jobs

D None of the above

Process Management

1 Which of the following isare the reasons for the

execution of process in two state process model

i) A process is created when a user at a terminal logs

on to the system

ii) A process is created in response to the submission

of a job


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iii) A process is created to perform a function on

behalf of a user program

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

2 In two state process model a process is terminated


i) A piece of data is of the wrong type or is not


ii) The process attempts to use an instruction

reserved for the operating system

iii) The child process was terminated

iv) The process has waited longer than specified time

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

3 Which of the following isare states in five state

model for the creation and termination of processes

i) Running ii) Ready iii) Blocked iv) Paused v) Exit

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 In five state process model state is

a process that is prepared to execute when given the


A) Ready

B) Paused

C) Queued

D) Blocked

5 In five state process model state is a

process than that can not execute until some event

occurs such as the completion of a IO operation

A) Ready

B) Paused

C) Queued

D) Blocked

6 In state of five state process model

a process that has been released from the pool of

executable process by the OS either because it halted

or because it aborted for some reason

A) Blocked

B) Exit

C) Released

D) Ready

7 transition occurs when it is time

to select a new process to run the operating system

chooses one of the processes in the ready state

A) Null rarr Ready

B) Ready rarr Running

C) New rarr Ready

D) Running rarr Ready

8 In transaction of five state process model if a

parent terminates all child processes associated with

that parent may be terminated

A) Running rarr Exit

B) Blocked rarr Exit

C) Ready rarr Exit

D) New rarr Exit

9 With the use of swapping an IO operation one

other state must be added to the process behavior

model called the state

A) Paused

B) Blocked

C) Swapped

D) Suspend

10 When all of the processes in main memory are in

state the operating system can

suspend one process by putting it in the suspend

state and transferring to the disk

A) Blocked

B) Exit

C) Suspend

D) Paused

11 When the operating system has performed a

operation it has two choices for selecting

a process either admitting a newly created process or

bring in a previously suspended process

A) Swapping-in

B) Swapping-out

C) Blocked-in

D) Blocked-out

12 In state the process is in secondary


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memory but it is available for execution as soon as it

is loaded into main memory

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

13 In state the process is in

secondary memory and awaiting an event

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

14 A process in the state is moved to

the state when the event for which it

has been waiting occurs

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

15 A process in the state is moved to

the state if there are no ready processes

then at least one blocked process is swapped out to

make room for another process that is not blocked

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

16 A process in the state is moved to

the when there are no ready processes in

main memory the operating system will need to

bring one in to continue execution

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

17 A process will while it is running

either because it has completed or because of some

fatal fault condition

A) Suspend

B) Terminate

C) Blocked

D) Ready

18 A process is moved to the ready state

when its time allocation expires

A) New

B) Blocked

C) Running

D) Suspend

19 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of suspended process

i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may or may not be waiting on an


iii) The process will remove from this state whether

the agent explicitly orders the removal or not

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 Which of the following isare the reasons for the

process suspension

i) The operating system needs to release sufficient

main memory to bring in a process that is ready to


ii) The operating system may suspend a background

or utility process or a process that is suspected for

causing a problem

iii) A user may wish to suspend execution of a

program for purposes of debugging or in connection

with the use of resource

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

21 are used to keep track of both main

and secondary memory in which some of main

memory is reserved for use by the operating system

and the reminder is available for use by processes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

22 The memory table includes which of the following


i) The allocation of main memory to processes

ii) The allocation of secondary memory to processes

iii) An information needed to manage virtual memory


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A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

23 includes information of any protection

attributes of blocks of main or virtual memory such

as which processes may access certain shared

memory regions

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

24 provide information about the

existence of files their location on secondary

memory their current status and other attributes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

25 Each process has associated with it a number of

attributes that are used by the operating system for

the process control these collections of attributes is

referred to as a

A) System stack

B) Process control block

C) Attributes block

D) Attributes control block

26 The process image includes which of the

following elements

i) user data ii) user program iii) system stack iv)

process control block

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

27 With respect to in virtually all

operating systems each process is assigned a unique

numeric identifier which may simply be an index into

the primary process table

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

28 Numeric identifiers that may be stored with the

process control block includes

i) Identifier of the process ii) Identifier of the process

that created parent process iii) User identifier

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

29 There are variety of processor registers that are

employed to control the operation of the processor

This includes

i) program counter ii) program codes iii) condition

codes iv) status information

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

30 consists of the contents of processor

registers while a process is running

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

31 is the additional information needed by

the operating system to control and co-ordinate the

various active processes

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

32 Processes control information includes which of

the following additional information needed by the

operating system

i) Scheduling and state information ii) Data

structuring iii) Data processing iv) Inter-process


A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

33 Which of the following items should be included

in scheduling and state information

i) Process state ii) Priority iii) Scheduling related


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information iv) Event

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

34 The examples of are the amount of

time that the process has been waiting and the

amount of time that the process executed the last

time it was running

A) Process state

B) Priority

C) Scheduling related information

D) Event

35 The item of information included in process

control information in which a process may be linked

to other process in a queue ring or some other

structure called

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

36 In various flags signals and messages

may be associated with communication between two

independent processes

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

37 All processor designs include a register or set of

status information

A) Status information word

B) Process status word

C) Program status word

D) Program signaling word

38 A good example of a processor status word is that

on Pentium machines referred to as the






39 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

bits allows the programmer to disable debug

exceptions so that the instruction can be restarted

after a debug exception

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

40 in Pentium EFLAGS register

control bits determines whether string processing

instructions increment or decrements the 16-bit half

registers SI and DI or the 32-bit registers ESI and EDI

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

41 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

operating mode bits represents carrying or borrowing

between half-bytes or an 8-bit arithmetic or logic


A) Carry flag

B) Over flow flag

C) Nested task flag

D) Virtual interrupt flag

42 Less-privileged mode in the mode of processor

execution normally associated with the operating

system is often referred to as the mode

A) System mode

B) Control mode

C) Kernel mode

D) User mode

43 Which of the following isare the typical functions

of an operating system kernel

i) Process Management ii) Memory Management iii)

IO Management iv) Support Functions

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

44 The process management function of an

operating system kernel includes

i) Process creation and termination ii) Process

Switching iii) Swapping iv) Process Scheduling and



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A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

45 The memory management function of an

operating system includes

i) Allocation of address space to processes ii)

Swapping iii) Process Switching iv) Page and

segment management

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The support functions of an operating system

kernel includes

i) Interrupt handling ii) Buffer Management iii)

Accounting iv) Monitoring

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

47 Once the operating system decides to create a

new process it can be processed as the following

steps order

i) initialize the process control block

ii) Assign a unique process identifier to the new


iii) Allocate space for the process

iv) Create or expand other data structures

v) Set the appropriate linkages

A) ii iii i v and iv

B) i iii v and iv

C) i ii iii v and iv

D) ii iv v and iii

48 may occur any time that the operating

system has gained control from the currently running


A) Process Scheduling

B) Process Creation

C) Process Switching

D) Process Synchronization

49 With an ordinary control is first

transferred to an handler which does some

basic housekeeping and then branches to an

operating system routine

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

50 With a the operating system

determines if the error or exception condition is fatal

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

51 If an interrupt is pending the processor does

which of the following

i) It saves the context of the current program being


ii) It sets the program counter to the starting address

of an interrupt handler program

iii) It switches from user mode to kernel mode

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

52 Order the following steps involved in a full

process switch

i) Select another process for execution

ii) Update the process control block

iii) Save the context of the processor

iv) Move the process control block

A) iv iii i and ii

B) iii ii iv and i

C) i iii iv and ii

D) ii iii iv and i

53 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

awaiting an event and has been swapped to

secondary storage

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

54 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

returning from kernel to user mode but the kernel

preempts it and does a process switch to schedule

another process


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A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

55 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process no

longer exists but it leaves a record for its parent

process to collect

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

56 The contains the basic elements of a

users program and can be generated directly from a

compiled object file

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

57 consists of a static part which is fixed in

size and stays with a process throughout its life time

and dynamic part which varies in size through the life

of the process

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

58 While process creation in UNIX when a process

issues a fork request the OS performs which of the

following functions

i) It allocates a slot in the process table for new


ii) It assigns a unique process ID to the child process

iii) It makes a copy of the process image of the


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 is an effective means of structuring the operating system to support process management and its other tasks A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 2 With the operating system must be able simultaneously to schedule different processes on multiple processors A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 3 is an example of a system of one process with multiple threads A) MS-Dos B) UNIX C) Java run time environment D) Linux 4 Which of the following isare the key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications i) It takes for less time to create a new thread in a existing process than to create a brand new process ii) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process iii) It takes less time to switch between two threads with in the same processes A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 5 State whether the following statements about thread are True i) The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as thread ii) Thread enhance efficiency in communication between different executing programs iii) An example of an application that could make use of threads is a file server A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 6 Which of the following are the example of the uses of threads in a single user multiprocessing system i) Foreground and background work ii) Synchronous processing iii) Speed execution iv) Modular program structure A) i ii and iii only B) ii iii and iv only


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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29) is the ability of a system to continue

functioning in the event of partial system failure

A fault avoidance

B fault tolerance

C fault detection

D fault recovery

30) Virtual memory is

A an extremely large main memory

B an extremely large secondary memory

C an illusion of extremely large main memory

D a type of memory used in super computers

31) Error handling and IO interrupt handling are the

functions of

A IO device Handler

B IO traffic controller

C IO scheduler

D IO buffer

32) In a multi-threaded environment

A each thread is allocated with new memory from

main memory

B main thread terminates after the termination of

child threads

C every process can have only one thread

D none of the above

33) The kernel keeps track of the state of each task by

using a data structure called

A process control block

B user control block

C memory control block

D hardware control block

34) A virtual device is a

A dedicated for none purpose

B shared device converted to a dedicated device

C dedicated device converted to a shared device

D shared device

35) CPU scheduling is the basis of operating


A batch

B real time

C multiprogramming

D monoprogramming

36) is a high speed cache used to hold recently

referenced page table entries a part of paged virtual


A Translation look a side buffer

B Inverse page table

C Segmented page table

D Indexed page table

37) A technique that smooths out peaks in IO

demand is

A spooling

B buffering

C swapping

D paging

38) In kernel model the operating system services

such as process management memory management

are provided by the kernel

A monolithic

B micro

C macro

D Complex

39) A process is said to be in state if it was

waiting for an event that will never occur

A safe

B unsafe

C starvation

D dead lock

40) Which of the following is an example of spooled


A The terminal used to enter the input data for a

program being executed

B The secondary memory device in a virtual memory


C A line printer used to print the output of a number

of jobs

D None of the above

Process Management

1 Which of the following isare the reasons for the

execution of process in two state process model

i) A process is created when a user at a terminal logs

on to the system

ii) A process is created in response to the submission

of a job


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iii) A process is created to perform a function on

behalf of a user program

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

2 In two state process model a process is terminated


i) A piece of data is of the wrong type or is not


ii) The process attempts to use an instruction

reserved for the operating system

iii) The child process was terminated

iv) The process has waited longer than specified time

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

3 Which of the following isare states in five state

model for the creation and termination of processes

i) Running ii) Ready iii) Blocked iv) Paused v) Exit

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 In five state process model state is

a process that is prepared to execute when given the


A) Ready

B) Paused

C) Queued

D) Blocked

5 In five state process model state is a

process than that can not execute until some event

occurs such as the completion of a IO operation

A) Ready

B) Paused

C) Queued

D) Blocked

6 In state of five state process model

a process that has been released from the pool of

executable process by the OS either because it halted

or because it aborted for some reason

A) Blocked

B) Exit

C) Released

D) Ready

7 transition occurs when it is time

to select a new process to run the operating system

chooses one of the processes in the ready state

A) Null rarr Ready

B) Ready rarr Running

C) New rarr Ready

D) Running rarr Ready

8 In transaction of five state process model if a

parent terminates all child processes associated with

that parent may be terminated

A) Running rarr Exit

B) Blocked rarr Exit

C) Ready rarr Exit

D) New rarr Exit

9 With the use of swapping an IO operation one

other state must be added to the process behavior

model called the state

A) Paused

B) Blocked

C) Swapped

D) Suspend

10 When all of the processes in main memory are in

state the operating system can

suspend one process by putting it in the suspend

state and transferring to the disk

A) Blocked

B) Exit

C) Suspend

D) Paused

11 When the operating system has performed a

operation it has two choices for selecting

a process either admitting a newly created process or

bring in a previously suspended process

A) Swapping-in

B) Swapping-out

C) Blocked-in

D) Blocked-out

12 In state the process is in secondary


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memory but it is available for execution as soon as it

is loaded into main memory

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

13 In state the process is in

secondary memory and awaiting an event

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

14 A process in the state is moved to

the state when the event for which it

has been waiting occurs

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

15 A process in the state is moved to

the state if there are no ready processes

then at least one blocked process is swapped out to

make room for another process that is not blocked

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

16 A process in the state is moved to

the when there are no ready processes in

main memory the operating system will need to

bring one in to continue execution

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

17 A process will while it is running

either because it has completed or because of some

fatal fault condition

A) Suspend

B) Terminate

C) Blocked

D) Ready

18 A process is moved to the ready state

when its time allocation expires

A) New

B) Blocked

C) Running

D) Suspend

19 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of suspended process

i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may or may not be waiting on an


iii) The process will remove from this state whether

the agent explicitly orders the removal or not

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 Which of the following isare the reasons for the

process suspension

i) The operating system needs to release sufficient

main memory to bring in a process that is ready to


ii) The operating system may suspend a background

or utility process or a process that is suspected for

causing a problem

iii) A user may wish to suspend execution of a

program for purposes of debugging or in connection

with the use of resource

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

21 are used to keep track of both main

and secondary memory in which some of main

memory is reserved for use by the operating system

and the reminder is available for use by processes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

22 The memory table includes which of the following


i) The allocation of main memory to processes

ii) The allocation of secondary memory to processes

iii) An information needed to manage virtual memory


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A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

23 includes information of any protection

attributes of blocks of main or virtual memory such

as which processes may access certain shared

memory regions

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

24 provide information about the

existence of files their location on secondary

memory their current status and other attributes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

25 Each process has associated with it a number of

attributes that are used by the operating system for

the process control these collections of attributes is

referred to as a

A) System stack

B) Process control block

C) Attributes block

D) Attributes control block

26 The process image includes which of the

following elements

i) user data ii) user program iii) system stack iv)

process control block

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

27 With respect to in virtually all

operating systems each process is assigned a unique

numeric identifier which may simply be an index into

the primary process table

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

28 Numeric identifiers that may be stored with the

process control block includes

i) Identifier of the process ii) Identifier of the process

that created parent process iii) User identifier

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

29 There are variety of processor registers that are

employed to control the operation of the processor

This includes

i) program counter ii) program codes iii) condition

codes iv) status information

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

30 consists of the contents of processor

registers while a process is running

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

31 is the additional information needed by

the operating system to control and co-ordinate the

various active processes

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

32 Processes control information includes which of

the following additional information needed by the

operating system

i) Scheduling and state information ii) Data

structuring iii) Data processing iv) Inter-process


A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

33 Which of the following items should be included

in scheduling and state information

i) Process state ii) Priority iii) Scheduling related


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information iv) Event

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

34 The examples of are the amount of

time that the process has been waiting and the

amount of time that the process executed the last

time it was running

A) Process state

B) Priority

C) Scheduling related information

D) Event

35 The item of information included in process

control information in which a process may be linked

to other process in a queue ring or some other

structure called

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

36 In various flags signals and messages

may be associated with communication between two

independent processes

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

37 All processor designs include a register or set of

status information

A) Status information word

B) Process status word

C) Program status word

D) Program signaling word

38 A good example of a processor status word is that

on Pentium machines referred to as the






39 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

bits allows the programmer to disable debug

exceptions so that the instruction can be restarted

after a debug exception

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

40 in Pentium EFLAGS register

control bits determines whether string processing

instructions increment or decrements the 16-bit half

registers SI and DI or the 32-bit registers ESI and EDI

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

41 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

operating mode bits represents carrying or borrowing

between half-bytes or an 8-bit arithmetic or logic


A) Carry flag

B) Over flow flag

C) Nested task flag

D) Virtual interrupt flag

42 Less-privileged mode in the mode of processor

execution normally associated with the operating

system is often referred to as the mode

A) System mode

B) Control mode

C) Kernel mode

D) User mode

43 Which of the following isare the typical functions

of an operating system kernel

i) Process Management ii) Memory Management iii)

IO Management iv) Support Functions

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

44 The process management function of an

operating system kernel includes

i) Process creation and termination ii) Process

Switching iii) Swapping iv) Process Scheduling and



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A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

45 The memory management function of an

operating system includes

i) Allocation of address space to processes ii)

Swapping iii) Process Switching iv) Page and

segment management

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The support functions of an operating system

kernel includes

i) Interrupt handling ii) Buffer Management iii)

Accounting iv) Monitoring

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

47 Once the operating system decides to create a

new process it can be processed as the following

steps order

i) initialize the process control block

ii) Assign a unique process identifier to the new


iii) Allocate space for the process

iv) Create or expand other data structures

v) Set the appropriate linkages

A) ii iii i v and iv

B) i iii v and iv

C) i ii iii v and iv

D) ii iv v and iii

48 may occur any time that the operating

system has gained control from the currently running


A) Process Scheduling

B) Process Creation

C) Process Switching

D) Process Synchronization

49 With an ordinary control is first

transferred to an handler which does some

basic housekeeping and then branches to an

operating system routine

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

50 With a the operating system

determines if the error or exception condition is fatal

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

51 If an interrupt is pending the processor does

which of the following

i) It saves the context of the current program being


ii) It sets the program counter to the starting address

of an interrupt handler program

iii) It switches from user mode to kernel mode

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

52 Order the following steps involved in a full

process switch

i) Select another process for execution

ii) Update the process control block

iii) Save the context of the processor

iv) Move the process control block

A) iv iii i and ii

B) iii ii iv and i

C) i iii iv and ii

D) ii iii iv and i

53 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

awaiting an event and has been swapped to

secondary storage

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

54 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

returning from kernel to user mode but the kernel

preempts it and does a process switch to schedule

another process


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A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

55 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process no

longer exists but it leaves a record for its parent

process to collect

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

56 The contains the basic elements of a

users program and can be generated directly from a

compiled object file

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

57 consists of a static part which is fixed in

size and stays with a process throughout its life time

and dynamic part which varies in size through the life

of the process

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

58 While process creation in UNIX when a process

issues a fork request the OS performs which of the

following functions

i) It allocates a slot in the process table for new


ii) It assigns a unique process ID to the child process

iii) It makes a copy of the process image of the


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 is an effective means of structuring the operating system to support process management and its other tasks A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 2 With the operating system must be able simultaneously to schedule different processes on multiple processors A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 3 is an example of a system of one process with multiple threads A) MS-Dos B) UNIX C) Java run time environment D) Linux 4 Which of the following isare the key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications i) It takes for less time to create a new thread in a existing process than to create a brand new process ii) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process iii) It takes less time to switch between two threads with in the same processes A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 5 State whether the following statements about thread are True i) The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as thread ii) Thread enhance efficiency in communication between different executing programs iii) An example of an application that could make use of threads is a file server A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 6 Which of the following are the example of the uses of threads in a single user multiprocessing system i) Foreground and background work ii) Synchronous processing iii) Speed execution iv) Modular program structure A) i ii and iii only B) ii iii and iv only


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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iii) A process is created to perform a function on

behalf of a user program

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

2 In two state process model a process is terminated


i) A piece of data is of the wrong type or is not


ii) The process attempts to use an instruction

reserved for the operating system

iii) The child process was terminated

iv) The process has waited longer than specified time

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

3 Which of the following isare states in five state

model for the creation and termination of processes

i) Running ii) Ready iii) Blocked iv) Paused v) Exit

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 In five state process model state is

a process that is prepared to execute when given the


A) Ready

B) Paused

C) Queued

D) Blocked

5 In five state process model state is a

process than that can not execute until some event

occurs such as the completion of a IO operation

A) Ready

B) Paused

C) Queued

D) Blocked

6 In state of five state process model

a process that has been released from the pool of

executable process by the OS either because it halted

or because it aborted for some reason

A) Blocked

B) Exit

C) Released

D) Ready

7 transition occurs when it is time

to select a new process to run the operating system

chooses one of the processes in the ready state

A) Null rarr Ready

B) Ready rarr Running

C) New rarr Ready

D) Running rarr Ready

8 In transaction of five state process model if a

parent terminates all child processes associated with

that parent may be terminated

A) Running rarr Exit

B) Blocked rarr Exit

C) Ready rarr Exit

D) New rarr Exit

9 With the use of swapping an IO operation one

other state must be added to the process behavior

model called the state

A) Paused

B) Blocked

C) Swapped

D) Suspend

10 When all of the processes in main memory are in

state the operating system can

suspend one process by putting it in the suspend

state and transferring to the disk

A) Blocked

B) Exit

C) Suspend

D) Paused

11 When the operating system has performed a

operation it has two choices for selecting

a process either admitting a newly created process or

bring in a previously suspended process

A) Swapping-in

B) Swapping-out

C) Blocked-in

D) Blocked-out

12 In state the process is in secondary


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memory but it is available for execution as soon as it

is loaded into main memory

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

13 In state the process is in

secondary memory and awaiting an event

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

14 A process in the state is moved to

the state when the event for which it

has been waiting occurs

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

15 A process in the state is moved to

the state if there are no ready processes

then at least one blocked process is swapped out to

make room for another process that is not blocked

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

16 A process in the state is moved to

the when there are no ready processes in

main memory the operating system will need to

bring one in to continue execution

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

17 A process will while it is running

either because it has completed or because of some

fatal fault condition

A) Suspend

B) Terminate

C) Blocked

D) Ready

18 A process is moved to the ready state

when its time allocation expires

A) New

B) Blocked

C) Running

D) Suspend

19 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of suspended process

i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may or may not be waiting on an


iii) The process will remove from this state whether

the agent explicitly orders the removal or not

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 Which of the following isare the reasons for the

process suspension

i) The operating system needs to release sufficient

main memory to bring in a process that is ready to


ii) The operating system may suspend a background

or utility process or a process that is suspected for

causing a problem

iii) A user may wish to suspend execution of a

program for purposes of debugging or in connection

with the use of resource

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

21 are used to keep track of both main

and secondary memory in which some of main

memory is reserved for use by the operating system

and the reminder is available for use by processes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

22 The memory table includes which of the following


i) The allocation of main memory to processes

ii) The allocation of secondary memory to processes

iii) An information needed to manage virtual memory


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A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

23 includes information of any protection

attributes of blocks of main or virtual memory such

as which processes may access certain shared

memory regions

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

24 provide information about the

existence of files their location on secondary

memory their current status and other attributes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

25 Each process has associated with it a number of

attributes that are used by the operating system for

the process control these collections of attributes is

referred to as a

A) System stack

B) Process control block

C) Attributes block

D) Attributes control block

26 The process image includes which of the

following elements

i) user data ii) user program iii) system stack iv)

process control block

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

27 With respect to in virtually all

operating systems each process is assigned a unique

numeric identifier which may simply be an index into

the primary process table

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

28 Numeric identifiers that may be stored with the

process control block includes

i) Identifier of the process ii) Identifier of the process

that created parent process iii) User identifier

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

29 There are variety of processor registers that are

employed to control the operation of the processor

This includes

i) program counter ii) program codes iii) condition

codes iv) status information

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

30 consists of the contents of processor

registers while a process is running

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

31 is the additional information needed by

the operating system to control and co-ordinate the

various active processes

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

32 Processes control information includes which of

the following additional information needed by the

operating system

i) Scheduling and state information ii) Data

structuring iii) Data processing iv) Inter-process


A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

33 Which of the following items should be included

in scheduling and state information

i) Process state ii) Priority iii) Scheduling related


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information iv) Event

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

34 The examples of are the amount of

time that the process has been waiting and the

amount of time that the process executed the last

time it was running

A) Process state

B) Priority

C) Scheduling related information

D) Event

35 The item of information included in process

control information in which a process may be linked

to other process in a queue ring or some other

structure called

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

36 In various flags signals and messages

may be associated with communication between two

independent processes

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

37 All processor designs include a register or set of

status information

A) Status information word

B) Process status word

C) Program status word

D) Program signaling word

38 A good example of a processor status word is that

on Pentium machines referred to as the






39 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

bits allows the programmer to disable debug

exceptions so that the instruction can be restarted

after a debug exception

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

40 in Pentium EFLAGS register

control bits determines whether string processing

instructions increment or decrements the 16-bit half

registers SI and DI or the 32-bit registers ESI and EDI

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

41 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

operating mode bits represents carrying or borrowing

between half-bytes or an 8-bit arithmetic or logic


A) Carry flag

B) Over flow flag

C) Nested task flag

D) Virtual interrupt flag

42 Less-privileged mode in the mode of processor

execution normally associated with the operating

system is often referred to as the mode

A) System mode

B) Control mode

C) Kernel mode

D) User mode

43 Which of the following isare the typical functions

of an operating system kernel

i) Process Management ii) Memory Management iii)

IO Management iv) Support Functions

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

44 The process management function of an

operating system kernel includes

i) Process creation and termination ii) Process

Switching iii) Swapping iv) Process Scheduling and



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A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

45 The memory management function of an

operating system includes

i) Allocation of address space to processes ii)

Swapping iii) Process Switching iv) Page and

segment management

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The support functions of an operating system

kernel includes

i) Interrupt handling ii) Buffer Management iii)

Accounting iv) Monitoring

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

47 Once the operating system decides to create a

new process it can be processed as the following

steps order

i) initialize the process control block

ii) Assign a unique process identifier to the new


iii) Allocate space for the process

iv) Create or expand other data structures

v) Set the appropriate linkages

A) ii iii i v and iv

B) i iii v and iv

C) i ii iii v and iv

D) ii iv v and iii

48 may occur any time that the operating

system has gained control from the currently running


A) Process Scheduling

B) Process Creation

C) Process Switching

D) Process Synchronization

49 With an ordinary control is first

transferred to an handler which does some

basic housekeeping and then branches to an

operating system routine

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

50 With a the operating system

determines if the error or exception condition is fatal

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

51 If an interrupt is pending the processor does

which of the following

i) It saves the context of the current program being


ii) It sets the program counter to the starting address

of an interrupt handler program

iii) It switches from user mode to kernel mode

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

52 Order the following steps involved in a full

process switch

i) Select another process for execution

ii) Update the process control block

iii) Save the context of the processor

iv) Move the process control block

A) iv iii i and ii

B) iii ii iv and i

C) i iii iv and ii

D) ii iii iv and i

53 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

awaiting an event and has been swapped to

secondary storage

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

54 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

returning from kernel to user mode but the kernel

preempts it and does a process switch to schedule

another process


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A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

55 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process no

longer exists but it leaves a record for its parent

process to collect

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

56 The contains the basic elements of a

users program and can be generated directly from a

compiled object file

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

57 consists of a static part which is fixed in

size and stays with a process throughout its life time

and dynamic part which varies in size through the life

of the process

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

58 While process creation in UNIX when a process

issues a fork request the OS performs which of the

following functions

i) It allocates a slot in the process table for new


ii) It assigns a unique process ID to the child process

iii) It makes a copy of the process image of the


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 is an effective means of structuring the operating system to support process management and its other tasks A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 2 With the operating system must be able simultaneously to schedule different processes on multiple processors A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 3 is an example of a system of one process with multiple threads A) MS-Dos B) UNIX C) Java run time environment D) Linux 4 Which of the following isare the key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications i) It takes for less time to create a new thread in a existing process than to create a brand new process ii) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process iii) It takes less time to switch between two threads with in the same processes A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 5 State whether the following statements about thread are True i) The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as thread ii) Thread enhance efficiency in communication between different executing programs iii) An example of an application that could make use of threads is a file server A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 6 Which of the following are the example of the uses of threads in a single user multiprocessing system i) Foreground and background work ii) Synchronous processing iii) Speed execution iv) Modular program structure A) i ii and iii only B) ii iii and iv only


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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memory but it is available for execution as soon as it

is loaded into main memory

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

13 In state the process is in

secondary memory and awaiting an event

A) Ready

B) Blocked

C) BlockedSuspend

D) ReadySuspended

14 A process in the state is moved to

the state when the event for which it

has been waiting occurs

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

15 A process in the state is moved to

the state if there are no ready processes

then at least one blocked process is swapped out to

make room for another process that is not blocked

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

16 A process in the state is moved to

the when there are no ready processes in

main memory the operating system will need to

bring one in to continue execution

A) blocked blockedsuspend

B) ready readysuspend

C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

D) readysuspend ready

17 A process will while it is running

either because it has completed or because of some

fatal fault condition

A) Suspend

B) Terminate

C) Blocked

D) Ready

18 A process is moved to the ready state

when its time allocation expires

A) New

B) Blocked

C) Running

D) Suspend

19 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of suspended process

i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may or may not be waiting on an


iii) The process will remove from this state whether

the agent explicitly orders the removal or not

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 Which of the following isare the reasons for the

process suspension

i) The operating system needs to release sufficient

main memory to bring in a process that is ready to


ii) The operating system may suspend a background

or utility process or a process that is suspected for

causing a problem

iii) A user may wish to suspend execution of a

program for purposes of debugging or in connection

with the use of resource

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

21 are used to keep track of both main

and secondary memory in which some of main

memory is reserved for use by the operating system

and the reminder is available for use by processes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

22 The memory table includes which of the following


i) The allocation of main memory to processes

ii) The allocation of secondary memory to processes

iii) An information needed to manage virtual memory


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A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

23 includes information of any protection

attributes of blocks of main or virtual memory such

as which processes may access certain shared

memory regions

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

24 provide information about the

existence of files their location on secondary

memory their current status and other attributes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

25 Each process has associated with it a number of

attributes that are used by the operating system for

the process control these collections of attributes is

referred to as a

A) System stack

B) Process control block

C) Attributes block

D) Attributes control block

26 The process image includes which of the

following elements

i) user data ii) user program iii) system stack iv)

process control block

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

27 With respect to in virtually all

operating systems each process is assigned a unique

numeric identifier which may simply be an index into

the primary process table

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

28 Numeric identifiers that may be stored with the

process control block includes

i) Identifier of the process ii) Identifier of the process

that created parent process iii) User identifier

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

29 There are variety of processor registers that are

employed to control the operation of the processor

This includes

i) program counter ii) program codes iii) condition

codes iv) status information

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

30 consists of the contents of processor

registers while a process is running

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

31 is the additional information needed by

the operating system to control and co-ordinate the

various active processes

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

32 Processes control information includes which of

the following additional information needed by the

operating system

i) Scheduling and state information ii) Data

structuring iii) Data processing iv) Inter-process


A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

33 Which of the following items should be included

in scheduling and state information

i) Process state ii) Priority iii) Scheduling related


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information iv) Event

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

34 The examples of are the amount of

time that the process has been waiting and the

amount of time that the process executed the last

time it was running

A) Process state

B) Priority

C) Scheduling related information

D) Event

35 The item of information included in process

control information in which a process may be linked

to other process in a queue ring or some other

structure called

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

36 In various flags signals and messages

may be associated with communication between two

independent processes

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

37 All processor designs include a register or set of

status information

A) Status information word

B) Process status word

C) Program status word

D) Program signaling word

38 A good example of a processor status word is that

on Pentium machines referred to as the






39 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

bits allows the programmer to disable debug

exceptions so that the instruction can be restarted

after a debug exception

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

40 in Pentium EFLAGS register

control bits determines whether string processing

instructions increment or decrements the 16-bit half

registers SI and DI or the 32-bit registers ESI and EDI

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

41 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

operating mode bits represents carrying or borrowing

between half-bytes or an 8-bit arithmetic or logic


A) Carry flag

B) Over flow flag

C) Nested task flag

D) Virtual interrupt flag

42 Less-privileged mode in the mode of processor

execution normally associated with the operating

system is often referred to as the mode

A) System mode

B) Control mode

C) Kernel mode

D) User mode

43 Which of the following isare the typical functions

of an operating system kernel

i) Process Management ii) Memory Management iii)

IO Management iv) Support Functions

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

44 The process management function of an

operating system kernel includes

i) Process creation and termination ii) Process

Switching iii) Swapping iv) Process Scheduling and



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A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

45 The memory management function of an

operating system includes

i) Allocation of address space to processes ii)

Swapping iii) Process Switching iv) Page and

segment management

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The support functions of an operating system

kernel includes

i) Interrupt handling ii) Buffer Management iii)

Accounting iv) Monitoring

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

47 Once the operating system decides to create a

new process it can be processed as the following

steps order

i) initialize the process control block

ii) Assign a unique process identifier to the new


iii) Allocate space for the process

iv) Create or expand other data structures

v) Set the appropriate linkages

A) ii iii i v and iv

B) i iii v and iv

C) i ii iii v and iv

D) ii iv v and iii

48 may occur any time that the operating

system has gained control from the currently running


A) Process Scheduling

B) Process Creation

C) Process Switching

D) Process Synchronization

49 With an ordinary control is first

transferred to an handler which does some

basic housekeeping and then branches to an

operating system routine

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

50 With a the operating system

determines if the error or exception condition is fatal

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

51 If an interrupt is pending the processor does

which of the following

i) It saves the context of the current program being


ii) It sets the program counter to the starting address

of an interrupt handler program

iii) It switches from user mode to kernel mode

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

52 Order the following steps involved in a full

process switch

i) Select another process for execution

ii) Update the process control block

iii) Save the context of the processor

iv) Move the process control block

A) iv iii i and ii

B) iii ii iv and i

C) i iii iv and ii

D) ii iii iv and i

53 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

awaiting an event and has been swapped to

secondary storage

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

54 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

returning from kernel to user mode but the kernel

preempts it and does a process switch to schedule

another process


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A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

55 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process no

longer exists but it leaves a record for its parent

process to collect

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

56 The contains the basic elements of a

users program and can be generated directly from a

compiled object file

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

57 consists of a static part which is fixed in

size and stays with a process throughout its life time

and dynamic part which varies in size through the life

of the process

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

58 While process creation in UNIX when a process

issues a fork request the OS performs which of the

following functions

i) It allocates a slot in the process table for new


ii) It assigns a unique process ID to the child process

iii) It makes a copy of the process image of the


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 is an effective means of structuring the operating system to support process management and its other tasks A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 2 With the operating system must be able simultaneously to schedule different processes on multiple processors A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 3 is an example of a system of one process with multiple threads A) MS-Dos B) UNIX C) Java run time environment D) Linux 4 Which of the following isare the key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications i) It takes for less time to create a new thread in a existing process than to create a brand new process ii) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process iii) It takes less time to switch between two threads with in the same processes A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 5 State whether the following statements about thread are True i) The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as thread ii) Thread enhance efficiency in communication between different executing programs iii) An example of an application that could make use of threads is a file server A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 6 Which of the following are the example of the uses of threads in a single user multiprocessing system i) Foreground and background work ii) Synchronous processing iii) Speed execution iv) Modular program structure A) i ii and iii only B) ii iii and iv only


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

23 includes information of any protection

attributes of blocks of main or virtual memory such

as which processes may access certain shared

memory regions

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

24 provide information about the

existence of files their location on secondary

memory their current status and other attributes

A) Memory tables

B) IO tables

C) File tables

D) Process tables

25 Each process has associated with it a number of

attributes that are used by the operating system for

the process control these collections of attributes is

referred to as a

A) System stack

B) Process control block

C) Attributes block

D) Attributes control block

26 The process image includes which of the

following elements

i) user data ii) user program iii) system stack iv)

process control block

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

27 With respect to in virtually all

operating systems each process is assigned a unique

numeric identifier which may simply be an index into

the primary process table

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

28 Numeric identifiers that may be stored with the

process control block includes

i) Identifier of the process ii) Identifier of the process

that created parent process iii) User identifier

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

29 There are variety of processor registers that are

employed to control the operation of the processor

This includes

i) program counter ii) program codes iii) condition

codes iv) status information

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

30 consists of the contents of processor

registers while a process is running

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

31 is the additional information needed by

the operating system to control and co-ordinate the

various active processes

A) Process identification

B) Processor sate identification

C) Processor state information

D) Process control information

32 Processes control information includes which of

the following additional information needed by the

operating system

i) Scheduling and state information ii) Data

structuring iii) Data processing iv) Inter-process


A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

33 Which of the following items should be included

in scheduling and state information

i) Process state ii) Priority iii) Scheduling related


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information iv) Event

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

34 The examples of are the amount of

time that the process has been waiting and the

amount of time that the process executed the last

time it was running

A) Process state

B) Priority

C) Scheduling related information

D) Event

35 The item of information included in process

control information in which a process may be linked

to other process in a queue ring or some other

structure called

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

36 In various flags signals and messages

may be associated with communication between two

independent processes

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

37 All processor designs include a register or set of

status information

A) Status information word

B) Process status word

C) Program status word

D) Program signaling word

38 A good example of a processor status word is that

on Pentium machines referred to as the






39 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

bits allows the programmer to disable debug

exceptions so that the instruction can be restarted

after a debug exception

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

40 in Pentium EFLAGS register

control bits determines whether string processing

instructions increment or decrements the 16-bit half

registers SI and DI or the 32-bit registers ESI and EDI

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

41 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

operating mode bits represents carrying or borrowing

between half-bytes or an 8-bit arithmetic or logic


A) Carry flag

B) Over flow flag

C) Nested task flag

D) Virtual interrupt flag

42 Less-privileged mode in the mode of processor

execution normally associated with the operating

system is often referred to as the mode

A) System mode

B) Control mode

C) Kernel mode

D) User mode

43 Which of the following isare the typical functions

of an operating system kernel

i) Process Management ii) Memory Management iii)

IO Management iv) Support Functions

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

44 The process management function of an

operating system kernel includes

i) Process creation and termination ii) Process

Switching iii) Swapping iv) Process Scheduling and



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A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

45 The memory management function of an

operating system includes

i) Allocation of address space to processes ii)

Swapping iii) Process Switching iv) Page and

segment management

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The support functions of an operating system

kernel includes

i) Interrupt handling ii) Buffer Management iii)

Accounting iv) Monitoring

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

47 Once the operating system decides to create a

new process it can be processed as the following

steps order

i) initialize the process control block

ii) Assign a unique process identifier to the new


iii) Allocate space for the process

iv) Create or expand other data structures

v) Set the appropriate linkages

A) ii iii i v and iv

B) i iii v and iv

C) i ii iii v and iv

D) ii iv v and iii

48 may occur any time that the operating

system has gained control from the currently running


A) Process Scheduling

B) Process Creation

C) Process Switching

D) Process Synchronization

49 With an ordinary control is first

transferred to an handler which does some

basic housekeeping and then branches to an

operating system routine

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

50 With a the operating system

determines if the error or exception condition is fatal

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

51 If an interrupt is pending the processor does

which of the following

i) It saves the context of the current program being


ii) It sets the program counter to the starting address

of an interrupt handler program

iii) It switches from user mode to kernel mode

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

52 Order the following steps involved in a full

process switch

i) Select another process for execution

ii) Update the process control block

iii) Save the context of the processor

iv) Move the process control block

A) iv iii i and ii

B) iii ii iv and i

C) i iii iv and ii

D) ii iii iv and i

53 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

awaiting an event and has been swapped to

secondary storage

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

54 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

returning from kernel to user mode but the kernel

preempts it and does a process switch to schedule

another process


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A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

55 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process no

longer exists but it leaves a record for its parent

process to collect

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

56 The contains the basic elements of a

users program and can be generated directly from a

compiled object file

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

57 consists of a static part which is fixed in

size and stays with a process throughout its life time

and dynamic part which varies in size through the life

of the process

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

58 While process creation in UNIX when a process

issues a fork request the OS performs which of the

following functions

i) It allocates a slot in the process table for new


ii) It assigns a unique process ID to the child process

iii) It makes a copy of the process image of the


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 is an effective means of structuring the operating system to support process management and its other tasks A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 2 With the operating system must be able simultaneously to schedule different processes on multiple processors A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 3 is an example of a system of one process with multiple threads A) MS-Dos B) UNIX C) Java run time environment D) Linux 4 Which of the following isare the key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications i) It takes for less time to create a new thread in a existing process than to create a brand new process ii) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process iii) It takes less time to switch between two threads with in the same processes A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 5 State whether the following statements about thread are True i) The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as thread ii) Thread enhance efficiency in communication between different executing programs iii) An example of an application that could make use of threads is a file server A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 6 Which of the following are the example of the uses of threads in a single user multiprocessing system i) Foreground and background work ii) Synchronous processing iii) Speed execution iv) Modular program structure A) i ii and iii only B) ii iii and iv only


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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information iv) Event

A) i ii and iv only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

34 The examples of are the amount of

time that the process has been waiting and the

amount of time that the process executed the last

time it was running

A) Process state

B) Priority

C) Scheduling related information

D) Event

35 The item of information included in process

control information in which a process may be linked

to other process in a queue ring or some other

structure called

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

36 In various flags signals and messages

may be associated with communication between two

independent processes

A) Data structuring

B) Process structuring

C) Process privileges

D) Inter-process communication

37 All processor designs include a register or set of

status information

A) Status information word

B) Process status word

C) Program status word

D) Program signaling word

38 A good example of a processor status word is that

on Pentium machines referred to as the






39 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

bits allows the programmer to disable debug

exceptions so that the instruction can be restarted

after a debug exception

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

40 in Pentium EFLAGS register

control bits determines whether string processing

instructions increment or decrements the 16-bit half

registers SI and DI or the 32-bit registers ESI and EDI

A) Identification flag

B) Resume flag

C) Direction flag

D) Trap flag

41 in Pentium EFLAGS register control

operating mode bits represents carrying or borrowing

between half-bytes or an 8-bit arithmetic or logic


A) Carry flag

B) Over flow flag

C) Nested task flag

D) Virtual interrupt flag

42 Less-privileged mode in the mode of processor

execution normally associated with the operating

system is often referred to as the mode

A) System mode

B) Control mode

C) Kernel mode

D) User mode

43 Which of the following isare the typical functions

of an operating system kernel

i) Process Management ii) Memory Management iii)

IO Management iv) Support Functions

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

44 The process management function of an

operating system kernel includes

i) Process creation and termination ii) Process

Switching iii) Swapping iv) Process Scheduling and



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A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

45 The memory management function of an

operating system includes

i) Allocation of address space to processes ii)

Swapping iii) Process Switching iv) Page and

segment management

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The support functions of an operating system

kernel includes

i) Interrupt handling ii) Buffer Management iii)

Accounting iv) Monitoring

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

47 Once the operating system decides to create a

new process it can be processed as the following

steps order

i) initialize the process control block

ii) Assign a unique process identifier to the new


iii) Allocate space for the process

iv) Create or expand other data structures

v) Set the appropriate linkages

A) ii iii i v and iv

B) i iii v and iv

C) i ii iii v and iv

D) ii iv v and iii

48 may occur any time that the operating

system has gained control from the currently running


A) Process Scheduling

B) Process Creation

C) Process Switching

D) Process Synchronization

49 With an ordinary control is first

transferred to an handler which does some

basic housekeeping and then branches to an

operating system routine

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

50 With a the operating system

determines if the error or exception condition is fatal

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

51 If an interrupt is pending the processor does

which of the following

i) It saves the context of the current program being


ii) It sets the program counter to the starting address

of an interrupt handler program

iii) It switches from user mode to kernel mode

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

52 Order the following steps involved in a full

process switch

i) Select another process for execution

ii) Update the process control block

iii) Save the context of the processor

iv) Move the process control block

A) iv iii i and ii

B) iii ii iv and i

C) i iii iv and ii

D) ii iii iv and i

53 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

awaiting an event and has been swapped to

secondary storage

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

54 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

returning from kernel to user mode but the kernel

preempts it and does a process switch to schedule

another process


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A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

55 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process no

longer exists but it leaves a record for its parent

process to collect

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

56 The contains the basic elements of a

users program and can be generated directly from a

compiled object file

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

57 consists of a static part which is fixed in

size and stays with a process throughout its life time

and dynamic part which varies in size through the life

of the process

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

58 While process creation in UNIX when a process

issues a fork request the OS performs which of the

following functions

i) It allocates a slot in the process table for new


ii) It assigns a unique process ID to the child process

iii) It makes a copy of the process image of the


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 is an effective means of structuring the operating system to support process management and its other tasks A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 2 With the operating system must be able simultaneously to schedule different processes on multiple processors A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 3 is an example of a system of one process with multiple threads A) MS-Dos B) UNIX C) Java run time environment D) Linux 4 Which of the following isare the key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications i) It takes for less time to create a new thread in a existing process than to create a brand new process ii) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process iii) It takes less time to switch between two threads with in the same processes A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 5 State whether the following statements about thread are True i) The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as thread ii) Thread enhance efficiency in communication between different executing programs iii) An example of an application that could make use of threads is a file server A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 6 Which of the following are the example of the uses of threads in a single user multiprocessing system i) Foreground and background work ii) Synchronous processing iii) Speed execution iv) Modular program structure A) i ii and iii only B) ii iii and iv only


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

45 The memory management function of an

operating system includes

i) Allocation of address space to processes ii)

Swapping iii) Process Switching iv) Page and

segment management

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The support functions of an operating system

kernel includes

i) Interrupt handling ii) Buffer Management iii)

Accounting iv) Monitoring

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

47 Once the operating system decides to create a

new process it can be processed as the following

steps order

i) initialize the process control block

ii) Assign a unique process identifier to the new


iii) Allocate space for the process

iv) Create or expand other data structures

v) Set the appropriate linkages

A) ii iii i v and iv

B) i iii v and iv

C) i ii iii v and iv

D) ii iv v and iii

48 may occur any time that the operating

system has gained control from the currently running


A) Process Scheduling

B) Process Creation

C) Process Switching

D) Process Synchronization

49 With an ordinary control is first

transferred to an handler which does some

basic housekeeping and then branches to an

operating system routine

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

50 With a the operating system

determines if the error or exception condition is fatal

A) Interrupt

B) Trap

C) Supervisor Call

D) Memory Fault

51 If an interrupt is pending the processor does

which of the following

i) It saves the context of the current program being


ii) It sets the program counter to the starting address

of an interrupt handler program

iii) It switches from user mode to kernel mode

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

52 Order the following steps involved in a full

process switch

i) Select another process for execution

ii) Update the process control block

iii) Save the context of the processor

iv) Move the process control block

A) iv iii i and ii

B) iii ii iv and i

C) i iii iv and ii

D) ii iii iv and i

53 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

awaiting an event and has been swapped to

secondary storage

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

54 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process is

returning from kernel to user mode but the kernel

preempts it and does a process switch to schedule

another process


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A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

55 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process no

longer exists but it leaves a record for its parent

process to collect

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

56 The contains the basic elements of a

users program and can be generated directly from a

compiled object file

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

57 consists of a static part which is fixed in

size and stays with a process throughout its life time

and dynamic part which varies in size through the life

of the process

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

58 While process creation in UNIX when a process

issues a fork request the OS performs which of the

following functions

i) It allocates a slot in the process table for new


ii) It assigns a unique process ID to the child process

iii) It makes a copy of the process image of the


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 is an effective means of structuring the operating system to support process management and its other tasks A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 2 With the operating system must be able simultaneously to schedule different processes on multiple processors A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 3 is an example of a system of one process with multiple threads A) MS-Dos B) UNIX C) Java run time environment D) Linux 4 Which of the following isare the key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications i) It takes for less time to create a new thread in a existing process than to create a brand new process ii) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process iii) It takes less time to switch between two threads with in the same processes A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 5 State whether the following statements about thread are True i) The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as thread ii) Thread enhance efficiency in communication between different executing programs iii) An example of an application that could make use of threads is a file server A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 6 Which of the following are the example of the uses of threads in a single user multiprocessing system i) Foreground and background work ii) Synchronous processing iii) Speed execution iv) Modular program structure A) i ii and iii only B) ii iii and iv only


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

55 is the process state recognized by the

UNIX operating system in which the process no

longer exists but it leaves a record for its parent

process to collect

A) Sleeping swapped

B) Preempted

C) Zombie

D) Ready to run Swapped

56 The contains the basic elements of a

users program and can be generated directly from a

compiled object file

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

57 consists of a static part which is fixed in

size and stays with a process throughout its life time

and dynamic part which varies in size through the life

of the process

A) User level context

B) Register context

C) System level context

D) Memory level context

58 While process creation in UNIX when a process

issues a fork request the OS performs which of the

following functions

i) It allocates a slot in the process table for new


ii) It assigns a unique process ID to the child process

iii) It makes a copy of the process image of the


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 is an effective means of structuring the operating system to support process management and its other tasks A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 2 With the operating system must be able simultaneously to schedule different processes on multiple processors A) Thread B) Symmetric Multiprocessing C) Process D) Micro kernel 3 is an example of a system of one process with multiple threads A) MS-Dos B) UNIX C) Java run time environment D) Linux 4 Which of the following isare the key benefits of threads derive from the performance implications i) It takes for less time to create a new thread in a existing process than to create a brand new process ii) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a process iii) It takes less time to switch between two threads with in the same processes A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 5 State whether the following statements about thread are True i) The unit of resource ownership is usually referred to as thread ii) Thread enhance efficiency in communication between different executing programs iii) An example of an application that could make use of threads is a file server A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 6 Which of the following are the example of the uses of threads in a single user multiprocessing system i) Foreground and background work ii) Synchronous processing iii) Speed execution iv) Modular program structure A) i ii and iii only B) ii iii and iv only


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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C) i iii and iv only D) All i ii iii and iv 7 with in a single user multi processing system programs that involve a variety of activities or a variety of sources and destinations of input and output may be easier to design and implement using threads A) Foreground and background work B) Synchronous processing C) Speed execution D) Modular program structure 8 Which of the following are the basic thread operations associated with a change in thread state i) spawn ii) Block iii) Pause iv) Unblock v) Finish A) i ii iii and iv B) ii iii iv and v C) i ii iv and v D) i iii iv and v 9 In all of the work of thread management is done by the application and the kernel is not aware of the existence of threads A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 10 There are a number of advantages to the use of user level threads over kernel level threads They are i) scheduling can be application specific ii) ULT can run on any operating system iii) Does not require kernel mode privileges A) i and ii only B) ii and iii only C) i and iii only D) All i ii and iii 11 When a executes a system call not only is that thread blocked but all of the threads within the process are blocked A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 12 In there is no thread management code in the application area simply an application programming interface to the kernel thread facility A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads

13 In the threads library contains code for creating and destroying threads for passing messages and data between threads for scheduling thread execution and for saving and restoring thread contexts A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Application level threads D) Process level threads 14 In thread creation is done completely in user space as is the bulk of the scheduling and synchronization of threads with in an application A) User level threads B) Kernel level threads C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level threads D) None of the above 15 in the principal example of combined User level threads and Kernel level threads approaches of thread implementation A) Linux B) OS2 C) Solaris D) W2K 16 In a each thread of execution is a unique process with its own address space and resources A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 17 In a a thread may migrate from one process environment to another which allows a thread to be easily moved among distinct systems A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 18 In a process defines an address space and dynamic resource ownership A) single process and single thread B) single process with multiple thread C) multiple processes with single thread D) multiple processes with multiple thread 19 A is an example of a system of multiple processes with multiple threads A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Solaris


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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20 An is an example of a system of multiple process with single thread A) UNIX B) TRIX C) Linux D) Emerald

21 A is a single execution path with an

execution stack processor state and scheduling


A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

22 A is a small operating system core

that provides the foundation for modular extensions

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernels

D) Process

23 The philosophy underlying the is that only

absolutely essential core operating system functions

should be in the kernel

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

24 Which of the following are the advantages for the

use of micro-kernels

i) Uniform interfaces ii)

Extensibility iii) Flexibility iv) Portability v)


A) i ii iii and iv

B) ii iii iv and v

C) i ii iv and v

D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 allows the addition of new services as

well as the provision of multiple services in the same

functional area

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

26 Which of he following isare the micro-kernel

operations that can support external paging and

virtual memory management

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Flush

D) All of the above

27 In micro-kernel operation is a

process that can reclaim any pages that were

granted or mapped to other processes

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

28 In micro-kernel operation is a process

that can map any of its pages into address space of

another process so that both processes have access

to the pages

A) Grant

B) Map

C) Manage

D) Flush

29 Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance

even greater gains can be achieved with

a micro-kernel architecture

A) Extensibility

B) Flexibility

C) Portability

D) Reliability

30 A operating system must provide all

the functionality of multi-programming system plus

additional features to accommodate multiple


A) Multiprocessor

B) Uniprocessor

C) Multi Programming

D) Multi Functional

31 With a architecture the operating

system kernel always runs on a particular processor

where the other processors may only execute user

programs and perhaps operating system utilities

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster



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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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32 In a the kernel can execute on any

processor and typically each processor does self-

scheduling from the pool of available processes or


A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


33 In masterslave architecture the can

become a performance bottleneck because it alone

must do all scheduling and process management

A) master

B) slave

C) both

D) none

34 If the processors each have a dedicated memory

communication among the computers is either via

fixed paths or via some network facility such system

is known as

A) masterslave

B) symmetric multiprocessor

C) cluster


35 In architecture of parallel processor system a set

of processors simultaneously execute different

instruction sequences on different data sets





36 Within architecture of parallel

processor systems single machine instruction

controls the simultaneous execution of number of

processing elements in lockstep basis





37 In the micro-kernel has to control the

hardware concept of address space to make it

possible to implement protection at the process level

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

38 In message includes a header that

identifies the sending an receiving process and a

body that contains direct data

A) Low-level memory management

B) Interprocess communication


D) Interrupt management

39 With a architecture it is possible to

handle hardware interrupts as messages and to

include IO parts in address spaces

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

40 A is an entity corresponding to a user

job or application that owns resources such as

memory and open files

A) Thread


C) Micro-kernel

D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 To enforce two functions are

provided enter-critical and exit-critical where each

function takes as an argument the name of the

resource that is the subject of competition

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

2 In only one process at a time is

allowed into its critical section among all processes

that have critical sections for the same resource

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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3 Which of the following facility or capacity are

required to provide support for mutual exclusion

i) A process that halts in its noncritical section must

do so without interfering with other processes

ii) Assumption should made about relative process

speeds or number of processors

iii) A process remains inside its critical section for a

finite time only

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

4 With the use of special machine instruction to

enforce mutual exclusion has the following


i) It is applicable to any number of processes on

either a single processor or multiple processors

sharing main memory

ii) It is simple therefore easy to verify

iii) It can be used to support multiple critical sections

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

5 Which of he following isare the disadvantages of

machine instruction approach to enforce mutual


i) Busy waiting employees ii) hard to verify iii)

starvation is possible iv) Deadlock is possible

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

6 when a process leaves a critical section

and more than one process is waiting the selection

of a waiting process is arbitrary

A) Busy waiting is employed

B) Starvation is possible

C) Deadlock is possible

D) All of the above

7 techniques can be use to resolve

conflicts such as competition for resources and

synchronize processes so that they can co-operate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Synchronization

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

8 State whether the statements are True or False for

the operations of semaphore

i) A semaphore may be initialized to a non negative


ii) The wait operation decrements the semaphore


iii) The single operation increments the semaphore


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

9 A semaphore whose definition includes the fairest

policy First-in-First-Out (FIFO) is called a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

10 A semaphore that does not specify the order in

which processes are removed from the queue is a

A) binary semaphore

B) strong semaphore

C) weak semaphore

D) multi semaphore

11 For semaphores and binary semaphores a

is used to hold processes waiting on

the semaphore

A) Stack

B) Queue

C) Tree

D) Graph

12 are used for signaling among

processes and can be readily used to enforce a

mutual exclusion discipline

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

13 Semaphores provide a primitive yet powerful and

flexible tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and for


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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co-coordinating processes called

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

14 State whether the following statements are

correct for the characteristics of a monitor

i) The local data variables are accessible not only by

the monitors procedures but also by external


ii) A process enters the monitor by invoking one of its


iii) Only one process may be excluding in the monitor

at a time

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

15 lends itself to implementation in

distributed systems as well as in shared memory

multiprocessor and uni-processor system

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

16 A is a software module consisting

of one or more procedures an initialization

sequence and local data

A) monitor

B) message passing

C) strong semaphore

D) binary semaphore

17 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the communication of message between

two processes

i) The receiver cannot receive a message until it has

been set by another process

ii) We need to specify what happens to a process

after it issues a send or receive primitive

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-False ii-True

C) i-True ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

18 With the send primitive includes a

specific identifier of the destination processes

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

19 In messages are not send directly

from sender to receiver but rather are sent to a

shared data structure consisting queues that can

temporarily hold messages

A) direct addressing

B) indirect addressing

C) one-to-one-addressing

D) one-to-many addressing

20 are useful for the enforcement

of mutual exclusion and also provide an effective

means of inter-process communication

A) Semaphores

B) Messages

C) Monitors

D) Addressing

Deadlock And


1 A is one that can be safely used by only

one process at a time and is not depleted by that use

A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource

2 Processors IO channels main and secondary

memory devices and data structures such as files

databases and semaphores are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

3 is one that can be created and


A) Reusable Resource

B) Single Process Resource

C) Consumable Resource

D) Produced Resource


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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4 Interrupts signals messages and information in

IO buffers are the examples of

A) Reusable Resources

B) Single Process Resources

C) Consumable Resources

D) Produced Resources

5 Which of the following are the conditions of policy

must be present for a deadlock to be possible

i) If only one process may use a resource at a time

ii) If a process may hold allocated resources while

awaiting assignment of others

iii) If no resource can be forcibly removed from a

process holding it

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 is needed to ensure consistency of

results and integrity of a database

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

7 cannot be done arbitrary and

especially when data resources are involved must be

supported by a rollback recovery mechanism

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

8 is a closed chain of processes exists

such that each process holds at least one resource

needed by the next process in the chain

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

9 Which of the following isare the schemes uses for

the prevention of deadlock

i) Requesting all resources ii) Preemption iii)

Resource Ordering iv) Manipulate to find at least one

safe path

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Invoking periodically to test for deadlock is one of

the way for deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

11 Which of the following isare the major

advantages of requesting all resources at once

i) Works well for processes that perform a single

burst of activity

ii) No preemption is necessary

iii) Feasible to enforce via compile time checks

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

12 The indirect method of is to

prevent the occurrence of one of the three necessary

conditions Mutual exclusion Hold and Wait and No


A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

13 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of a

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

14 The condition can be prevented by requiring that

a process request all of its required resources at once

time and blocking the process until all requests can

be granted simultaneously

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

15 The condition can be prevented by

defining a linear ordering of resource types


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

16 With a decision is made

dynamically whether the current resource allocation

request will if granted potentially lead to deadlock

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

17 In order to the deadlock do not grant

an incremental resource request to a process if this

allocation might lead to deadlock

A) Prevent

B) Avoid

C) Detect

D) Delete

18 In resource allocation denial a

is one in which there is at least one sequence that

does not result in a deadlock

A) Safe state

B) Unsafe state

C) Safe allocation

D) Unsafe allocation

19 Which of the following isare the restrictions on

deadlock avoidance

i) The maximum resource requirement for each

process must be stated in advance

ii) There must be fixed number of resources to


iii) No process may exit while holding resources

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

20 In the processes under

consideration must be independent that is the order

in which they execute must be unconstrained by any

synchronization requirements

A) deadlock prevention

B) deadlock avoidance

C) deadlock detection

D) deadlock deletion

21 With requested resources are

granted to processes whenever possible

A) deadlock detection

B) deadlock deletion

C) deadlock prevention

D) deadlock avoidance

22 Which of the following are the strategies needed

for recovery once deadlock has been detected

i) Abort all deadlocked processes

ii) Backup each deadlocked process to some

previously defined checkpoint and restart all


iii) Successively abort deadlocked processes until

deadlock no longer exists

iv) Successively preempt resources until deadlock no

longer exist

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

23 strategy for dealing with deadlock

is reasonable if the maximum storage requirements

are known

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

24 It is reasonable to expect processes to declare

ahead of the time the resources that they will require


A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

25 In strategies for dealing with deadlock

prevention by preemption appears to be most

appropriate strategy for

A) Swappable space

B) Process resources

C) Main memory

D) Internal resources

26 Which of the following isare the variety of

mechanisms provided by UNIX for inter-processor

communication and synchronization are as follows


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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i) Pipes ii) Messages iii) Shared Memory iv) Main

Memory v) Semaphores

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

27 Which of the following are the mechanism used

by the W2K executive to implement synchronization


i) Process ii) Threads iii) Condition Variables iv)

Mutex v) Semaphore

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

28 In UNIX concurrency mechanisms pipes and

messages provide a means of communicating data

across processes whereas are used to

trigger actions by other processes

A) Shared memory and signals

B) Semaphores and shared memory

C) Semaphores and signals

D) Shared memory semaphores and signals

29 A is a circular buffer allowing two

processes to communicate on the producer

consumer model

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

30 is the fastest form of inter-process

communication provided in UNIX which is a common

block of virtual memory shared by multiple


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

31 A reading process in blocked if it attempts to read

more bytes than are currently in the

otherwise the read request is immediately executed

A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

32 A semaphore consists of which of the following


i) Current value of the semaphore

ii) Process ID of the last process to operate on the


iii) Number of processes waiting for the semaphore

value to be one

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 A is a software mechanism that

informs a process of the occurrence of asynchronous


A) message

B) pipe

C) shared memory

D) signal

34 Which of the following are the thread

synchronization primitives supported by solaris

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Semaphores iii) Signals iv)

Condition variables

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

35 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of deadlock avoidance

i) Future resource requirements must be known

ii) Process can be blocked for long periods

iii) Inherent preemption losses

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

36 The schema used for deadlock is

invoking periodically to test for deadlock

A) prevention

B) avoidance

C) detection

D) deletion

37 While preventing deadlock with


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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needs no run-time computation since problem is

solved in system design

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

38 is convenient when applied to

resources whose state can be saved and restored

easily while preventing deadlock

A) request all resources

B) preemption

C) resource ordering

D) finding safe path

39 Which of the following are the major

disadvantages of requesting all resources while

preventing deadlock

i) delays process initiation

ii) future resources requirements must be known

iii) subject to cyclic restart

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

40 In some resources such as files

may allow multiple access for readers but only

exclusive access for writers

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Hold and Wait

C) Preemption

D) Circular Wait

Memory Management

1 Which of the following isare the requirements of

memory management

i) Relocation ii) Protection iii) Sharing iv) Memory


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 Satisfaction of the relocation requirement

increases the difficulty or satisfying the


A) Protection

B) Sharing

C) Logical Organization

D) Physical Organization

3 The requirement must be satisfied by

the processor rather than the operating system

because the operating system cannot anticipate all

of the memory references that the program will


A) memory relocation

B) memory protection

C) memory sharing

D) memory organization

4 Any mechanism must have the

flexibility to allow several processes to access the

same portion of main memory

A) relocation

B) protection

C) sharing

D) organization

5 The memory management system must therefore

allow controlled access to areas of memory

without compromising essential protection

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

6 Main memory in a computer system is

as a linear or one dimensional address space

consisting of a sequence of bytes or words

A) relocated

B) protected

C) shared

D) organized

7 Which of the following are the advantages if the

operating system and computer hardware can

effectively deal with user programs and data in the

form of modules

i) Modules can be written and compiled


ii) With modest additional overhead different

degrees of protection can be given to different


iii) It is possible to introduce mechanisms by which


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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modules can be shared among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iii only

D) All i ii and iii

8 In almost all modern multi programming systems

principal operation of memory management involves

a sophisticated scheme known as

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

9 is based on the use of one or both of

two basic techniques segmentation and paging

A) memory partitioning

B) virtual memory

C) real memory

D) memory organization

10 Which of the following isare the different

memory management techniques

i) Fixed partitioning ii) Dynamic paging iii) Simple

paging iv) Simple segmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 Among all memory management techniques

is simple to implement little operating

system overhead

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

12 In there is no internal fragmentation

and is more efficient use of main memory

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

13 Having a small amount of internal fragmentation

is the weakness of in memory


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

14 Which of the following isare the strengths of

virtual memory segmentation techniques used in

memory management

i) No internal fragmentation

ii) Higher degree of multi programming

iii) More efficient to use of main memory

iv) Large virtual address space

v) Protection and sharing support

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) i ii iii and v only

C) i ii iv and v only

D) ii iii iv and v only

15 In there is a inefficient use of

memory due to internal fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

16 In there is a inefficient use of

processor due to the need for compaction to counter

external fragmentation

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

17 In technique each process is divided

into a number of segments and process loaded by

loading all of its segments into dynamic partitions

that need not be contiguous

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

18 In there is a improved memory

utilization and reduced overhead compared to

dynamic partitioning

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

19 A process may be loaded into a partition of equal

or greater size in of memory

A) Fixed partitioning


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

20 In there is not necessary to load all of

the segments of a process and non resident segments

that are needed are brought in later automatically

A) Fixed partitioning

B) Simple Paging

C) Virtual memory segmentation

D) Simple segmentation

21 In a program may be too big to fit into

a partition so the programmer must design the

program with the use of overlays so that only portion

of the program needed to be in main memory at any


A) Fixed partitioning

B) Dynamic partitioning

C) Virtual memory paging

D) Simple segmentation

22 The phenomenon in which there is wasted space

internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

a data loaded is smaller than the partition is referred

to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

23 As the time goes on memory becomes more and

more fragmented and memory utilization declines

This phenomenon is referred to as

A) external fragmentation

B) internal fragmentation

C) simple fragmentation

D) dynamic fragmentation

24 is the techniques for overcoming the

external fragmentation in which the operating system

shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and

so that all of the free memory is together in one


A) Transformation

B) Extraction

C) Compaction

D) Shifting

25 A is a reference to a memory location

independent of the current assignment of data to

memory in which a translation must be made to a

physical address before the memory access can be


A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

26 In the address is expressed as a

location relative to some known point usually

beginning of the program

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

27 is also called absolute address which is

in actual location in main memory

A) virtual address

B) relative address

C) physical address

D) logical address

28 eliminate internal fragmentation

but like dynamic partitioning it suffers from external


A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

29 In every programmer would have to

know the intended assignment strategy for placing

modules into main memory

A) absolute loading

B) relative loading

C) dynamic loading

D) relocatable loading

30 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of simple paging techniques

i) main memory not partitioned

ii) internal fragmentation within frames

iii) no external fragmentation

iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list

A) i ii and iii only


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

31 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of virtual memory segmentation

i) Main memory not partitioned

ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler

or memory management system

iii) No internal fragmentation

iv) External fragmentation

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

32 Which of the following isare the advantages of

segmentation to the programmer over a non-

segmented address space

i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures

ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and

recompiled independently

iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

33 indicate whether the contents of the

corresponding segment have been altered since the

segment was last loaded into main memory

A) Modify bit

B) Altered bit

C) Last bit

D) Main bit

34 The is of variable length

depending on the size of the process we cannot

expect to hold it in registers

A) Register table

B) Segment table

C) Variable table

D) Sized table

35 is transparent to the programmer

eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides

efficient use of main memory

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

36 is visible to the programmer which has

the ability to handle growing data structures

modularity and support for sharing and protection

A) Partitioning

B) Organizing

C) Paging

D) Segmentation

37 Which of the following isare the operating

system policies for virtual memory management

i) fetch policy ii) placement policy iii) replacement

policy iv) cleaning policy

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

38 The determines when a page should

be brought into main memory

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

39 The determines where in real

memory a process piece is to reside

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

40 The policy could be employed either

when a process first starts up in which case the

programmer would somehow have to designate

desired pages or every time a page fault occurs

A) prepaging

B) fetch

C) placement

D) replacement

41 With a page is brought into main

memory only when a reference is made to a location

on that page

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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D) precleaning

42 exploits the characteristics of most

secondary memory devices such as disks which have

seek times and rotational latency

A) prepaging

B) demand paging

C) page buffering

D) precleaning

43 In most operating system texts the treatment of

memory management includes a section entitled

which deals with the selection of a

page in memory to be replaced when a new page

must be brought in

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

44 In some of the frames in main

memory may be locked which is called frame locking

A) fetch policy

B) placement policy

C) replacement policy

D) cleaning policy

45 Which of the following isare the basic algorithms

that are used for selection of a page to replace in

replacement policy

i) Optional ii) Least recently used (LRU) iii) First in

first out (FIFO) iv) Last in first out (LIFO)

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

46 The selectors for replacement that

page for which the time to the next reference is


A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

47 The policy replaces the page in

memory that has not been referenced for the longest


A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

48 policy treats the page frames

allocated to a process as a circular buffer as pages

are removed in round robin style

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 policy does nearly as well as an

optimal policy it is difficult to implement and

imposes significant overhead

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

50 The policy is very simple to

implement but performs relatively poorly

A) Clock

B) Optimal

C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 The simplest form of requires the

association of an additional bit with each frame

referred to as the use bit

A) Clock Policy

B) Optimal Policy

C) Least Recently Used (LRU) Policy

D) First in first out (FIFO) Policy

52 State whether the following statements about

clock policy are True or False

i) The clock policy is similar to optimal policy

ii) In the clock policy any frame with a use bit of 1 is

passed over by algorithm

iii) The policy is referred to as a clock policy because

we can visualize the page frames as laid out in circle

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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53 With a policy in resident set

management whenever a page fault occurs in the

execution of a process one of the pages of that

process must be replaced by the needed page

A) global replacement

B) local replacement

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

54 policy is suffering persistently high

levels of page faults indicating that the principle of

locality only holds in a weak form for that process

A) Global replacement

B) Local replacement

C) Fixed-allocation

D) Variable-allocation

55 A chooses only among the resident

pages of the process that generated the page fault in

selecting a page to replace

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

56 A considers all unblocked pages in main

memory as candidates for replacement regardless of

which process owns a particular page

A) global replacement policy

B) local replacement policy

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

57 are attractive because of their

simplicity of implementation and minimal overhead

A) global replacement policies

B) local replacement policies

C) fixed-allocation

D) variable-allocation

58 For page to be replaced is chosen from

all available frames in main memory

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 In which of the following relation page to replace

is chosen from among the frames allocated to that


i) Fixed allocation Local Scope ii) Fixed allocation

Global Scope iii) Variable allocation Local Scope

iv) Variable allocation Global Scope

A) i and ii

B) i and iii

C) iii and iv

D) ii and iii

60 For the number of frames allocated

to a process may be change from time to time

A) Fixed allocation in Local Scope

B) Fixed allocation in Global Scope

C) Variable allocation in Local Scope

D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

Multiprocessor And

Real Time Scheduling

1 Which of the following are the proposals for

multiprocessor thread scheduling and processor


i) Load Sharing ii) Gang Scheduling iii) Dynamic

Scheduling iv) Load Scheduling

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

2 In a set of related threads is

scheduled to run on a set of processors at the same

time on a one to one basis

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

3 In approach for multiprocessor thread

scheduling and processor assignment processes are

not assigned to a particular processor

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

4 In approach the scheduling routine

of the operating system is run of that processor to


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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select the next thread

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Load Scheduling

5 Which of the following isare the advantages of

load sharing

i) Preempted threads are unlikely to resume

execution on the same processor

ii) The central queue occupies a region of memory

that must be accessed in a manner that enforces

mutual exclusion

iii) If all threads are treated as a common pool of

threads it is unlikely that all of the threads of a

program will gain access to processors at the same


A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

6 scheduling overhead may be reduced on

because a single decision affects a

number of processors and processes at one time

A) Load Sharing

B) Gang Scheduling

C) Dynamic Scheduling

D) Dedicated processor assignment

7 An has a deadline by which it must finish

or start or if may have a constraint on both and finish


A) hard real time task

B) soft real time task

C) aperiodic task

D) periodic task

8 An operating system is to the

extent that it performs operations at fixed

predetermined times or within predetermined time


A) deterministic

B) responsiveness

C) reliable

D) operative

9 is concerned with how long after

acknowledgement it takes an operating system to

service the interrupt

A) Deterministic

B) Responsiveness

C) Reliable

D) Operative

10 is concerned with how long an

operating system delays before acknowledging an


A) Determinism

B) Responsiveness

C) Reasonableness

D) Operatives

11 State whether the following statements are True

or False for the features of real time operating


i) fast process or thread switch

ii) ability to respond to external interrupts quickly

iii) minimization of intervals during which interrupts

are enabled

iv) preemptive scheduling based on priority

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

12 is a characteristic that refers to the

ability of a system to fail in such a way as to preserve

a system to fail in such a way as to preserve as much

capacity and data is possible

A) User control

B) Responsiveness

C) Fail soft operation

D) Reliability

13 The result of the in real time

scheduling is a schedule that determines at run time

when a task must begin execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

14 No feasibility analysis is performed in

of real time scheduling

A) Static table driven approaches


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

15 In feasibility is determined at run time

rather than offline prior to the start of execution

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 In of real-time scheduling the system

tries to meet all deadlines and aborts any started

process whose deadline is missed

A) Static table driven approaches

B) Dynamic best effort approaches

C) Static priority driven preemptive approaches

D) Dynamic planning based approaches

17 is applicable to tasks that are

periodic Input to the analysis consists of the periodic

ending deadline and relative priority of each task

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

18 makes use of the priority driven

preemptive scheduling mechanism common to most

non-real time multi-programming systems

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

19 With after a task arrives but before

its execution begins an attempt is made to create a

schedule that contains the previously scheduled tasks

as well as new arrival

A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 is the approach used by many real

time systems that are currently commercially


A) Static table driven scheduling

B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 is a decision to add a new process to

the set of processes that are currently active It is

performed when a new process is created

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

2 is a part of the swapping function in

which the decision to add to he number of process

that are partially or fully in main memory

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

3 is the actual decision of which ready

process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

4 State whether the following statements about long

term scheduling are True or False

i) It controls the degree of multi-programming

ii) It determines which programs are admitted to the

system for processing

iii) It is the part of swapping function

A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-False ii-True iii-True

5 may limit the degree of multi-

programming to provide satisfactory service of the

current set of process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

6 State which of the following statements about


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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medium term scheduling are correct

i) Medium term scheduling is a part of swapping


ii) The swapping in decision is based on the need to

manage the degree of multi-programming

iii) It is invoked whenever an event occurs that may

lead to the suspension of the current process

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

7 executes relatively infrequently and

makes the coarse-grained decision of whether or not

to take on a new process

A) Long term scheduler

B) Medium term scheduler

C) Short term scheduler

D) IO scheduler

8 also known as the dispatcher executes

most frequently and makes the fine grained decision

of which process to execute next

A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

9 The is invoked whenever an event

occurs that may lead to the suspension of the

current process of that may provide an opportunity

to preempt a currently running process in favor of


A) Long term scheduling

B) Medium term scheduling

C) Short term scheduling

D) IO scheduling

10 The short term scheduler is invoked in which of

the following event occurs

i) clock interrupts ii) IO interrupts iii) Operating

system calls iv) Signals

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

11 includes actual execution time plus

time spent waiting for resources including the


A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

12 is the time from the submission of a

request until the response begins to be received

A) Response time

B) Turnaround time

C) Deadlines

D) Throughput

13 is the measure of how much work is

being performed which depends on the average

length of a process

A) Throughput

B) Fairness

C) Enforcing priorities

D) Balancing resources

14 State whether the following statements about

response time are True or False

i) An example is response time in a interactive system

ii) It is visible to the user and is naturally of interest to

the user

iii) In the case of response time a threshold may be


A) i-False ii-True iii-False

B) i-True ii-True iii-False

C) i-True ii-False iii-True

D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 may be based on priority resource

requirements or the execution characteristics of the


A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead

16 Preemptive policies incur greater than

non-preemptive ones but may provide better service

to the total population of process

A) Selection function

B) Decision mode

C) Throughput

D) Overhead


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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17 The selection function of shortest process next

(SPN) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

18 The selection function of first-come-first-served

(FCFS) scheduling policy is

A) max[w]

B) constant

C) min[s]

D) min[s-e]

19 Which of the following are the algorithms have

been developed for making t he short-term-

scheduling decision

i) Round robin ii) Shortest Process Next (SPN) iii)

Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) iv) Feedback

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 establish a set of scheduling queues

and allocate processes to queues on execution

history and other criteria

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

21 algorithm use time slicing to limit any

running process to a short burst of processor time

and rotate among all ready processes

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

22 algorithm select the process that has

been waiting the longest for service

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

23 Which of the following statements about first-

come-first-serve algorithm are correct

i) It tends to favor processor bound processes over

IO bound processes

ii) It may result inefficient use of both the processor

and IO devices

iii) It is an attractive alternative on its own for a single

processor system

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

24 is particularly effective in general

purpose time sharing system or translation

processing system

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

25 policy reduces the bias in favor of long

processes inherent in first come first served (FCFS)

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

D) Feedback

26 is a non preemptive policy in which a

short process will jump to the head of the queue past

longer jobs

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Feedback

27 One difficulty with is the need to know

or at least estimate the required processing time of

each process

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

28 With the scheduler may preempt

whenever a new process becomes ready

A) SPN Policy

B) SRT Policy

C) SCFS Policy

D) Round robin Policy

29 should also give superior turnaround


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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time performance to SPN because a short job is

given immediate preference to a running longer job




D) Round robin

30 policy base the scheduling decision on

an estimate of normalized turnaround time

A) Round robin

B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

C) Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)

D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A is the basic element of data where

individual field contains a single value such as an

employees last name a data or the value of the

sensor reading

A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

2 A is collection of related fields that

can be treated as a unit by some application


A) field

B) record

C) file

D) database

3 communicate directly with

peripheral devices or their controllers or channels

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

4 The is responsible for all file IO

initiation and termination

A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

5 provides a general purpose

record IO capability and maintains basic data about


A) Device drivers

B) Physical IO

C) Basic IO supervisor

D) Logical IO

6 In the file organization data are

collected in the order in which they arrive where

each record consists of one burst of data

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

7 In file organization a fixed format

is used for records where all records are of the same

length consisting of the same number of fixed length

fields in a particular order

A) pile

B) sequential

C) indexed sequential

D) indexed

8 The maintains the key

characteristic of the sequential file Records are

organized in sequence based on a key field

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

9 The retains one limitation of the

sequential file effective processing is limited to that

which is based on a single field of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

10 are used mostly in applications

where data are rarely processed exhaustively

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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11 Airline reservation systems and inventory control

system are the examples of system

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

12 The greatly reduced the time

required to access a single record without sacrificing

the sequential nature of the file

A) pile

B) sequential file

C) indexed sequential file

D) indexed file

13 In free space management

method has negligible space overhead because there

is no need for a disk allocation table merely for a

pointer to the beginning of the chain and the length

of the first portion

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

14 In method on free space

management each block is assigned in a reserved

portion of the disk

A) Bit tables

B) Chained Free Portions

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

15 A on free space management has

the advantages that it relatively easy to find one or a

contiguous group of free blocks

A) Bit table

B) Chained Free Portion

C) Indexing

D) Free Block List

16 In method the file allocation

table contains a separate one level index for each file

the index has one entry for each portion allocated to

the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

17 is a preallocation strategy using

variable size portions where the file allocation table

needs just a single entry for each file showing the

starting block and the length of the file

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

18 Typically is on an individual block

basis where each block contains a pointer to the next

block in the chain

A) Chained allocation

B) Indexed allocation

C) Contiguous allocation

D) Variable allocation

19 Which of the following isare the types of

operations that may be performed on the directory

i) Search ii) Create file iii) Create directory iv) List


A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i ii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

20 are often used where very rapid

access is required where fixed length records are

used and where records are always accessed one at

a time

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

21 An alternative is to organize the sequential file

physically is a

A) List

B) Linked List

C) Queue

D) Stack

22 are typically used in batch

applications and are generally optimum for such

applications if they involve the processing of all the


A) Indexed files

B) Direct files


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

23 Directories pricing tables schedules and name

lists are the examples of

A) Indexed files

B) Direct files

C) Sequential files

D) Indexed Sequential files

24 An interactive user or a process has associated

with pathname is a current directory which is often

referred to as the

A) update directory

B) list directory

C) working directory

D) create directory

25 are small fixed portions which

provide greater flexibility which may require large

tables or complex structures for their allocation

A) Blocks

B) Columns

C) Segments

D) Partitions

IO Management And

Disk Scheduling

1 Which of the following isare the technique(s) for

performing IO management function

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) All of the above

2 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process to an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

3 In the processor issues an IO

command on behalf of a process continues to

execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by

the IO module when the latter has completed its


A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

4 A module controls the exchange of

data between main memory and an IO module

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

5 The unit is capable of mimicking the

processor and indeed of taking over control of the

system from the processor

A) Programmed IO

B) Interrupt driven IO

C) Direct Memory Access

D) Virtual Memory Access

6 The module deals with t he device as

a logical resource and is not concerned with the

details of actually controlling the device

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

7 In the requested operations and

data are converted into appropriate sequences of IO

instructions channel commands and controller


A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

8 At the layer of symbolic file names

are converted to identifiers that either reference the

file directory or indirectly through a file descriptor or

index table

A) Directory Management

B) Logical IO

C) Device IO

D) Scheduling and control

9 layer deals with the logical structure of


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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files and with the operations that can be specified by

users such as open close read and write

A) Physical organization

B) File system

C) Directory management

D) Scheduling and control

10 When a user process issues an IO request the

operating system assigns a buffer in the system

portion of main memory to the operation is called

A) Double buffer

B) Single buffer

C) Linear buffer

D) Circular buffer

11 may be inadequate if the process

performs rapid bursts of IO

A) Double buffering

B) Single buffering

C) Linear buffering

D) Circular buffering

12 On a movable head system the time it takes to

position the head at the track is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

13 The time disk controller takes for the beginning

of the sector to reach the head is known as

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

14 The consists of two key components

the initial startup time and the time taken to

traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the

access arm is up to speed

A) seek time

B) rotational delay

C) access time

D) Transfer time

15 The policy is to select the disk IO

request that requires the least movement of the disk

arm from its current position

A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first

C) Priority by process

D) Random scheduling

16 In policy when the last track has

been visited in one direction the arm is returned to

the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins


A) Last in first out

B) Shortest service time first


D) Circular SCAN

17 Which of the following isare the characteristics

of RAID architecture

i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of

an array

iii) It is used to store parity information which

guarantees data recoverability in case of disk failure

A) i and ii only

B) ii and iii only

C) i and iiii only

D) All i ii and iii

18 is not a true member of RAID family

because it does not include redundancy to improve


A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

19 would only be an effective choice in a

environment in which many disk errors occur

A) RAID Level 0

B) RAID Level 1

C) RAID Level 2

D) RAID Level 3

20 In the scheme two different parity

calculations are carried out an stored in separate

blocks on different disks

A) RAID Level 4

B) RAID Level 5


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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C) RAID Level 6

D) RAID Level 3

Computer Security

1 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that computer system assets can be

modified only by authorized parities

A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

2 In computer security helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

means that the information in a computer system

only be accessible for reading by authorized


A) Confidentiality

B) Integrity

C) Availability

D) Authenticity

3 The type of threats on the security of a

computer system or network are


i) Interruption ii)

Interception iii) Modification

iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 Which of the following is independent

malicious program that need not any host


A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Virus

D) Worm

5 The helliphelliphellip is code that recognizes some

special sequence of input or is triggered by being

run from a certain user ID of by unlikely

sequence of events

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

6 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is code embedded in some

legitimate program that is set to ldquoexploderdquo when

certain conditions are met

A) Trap doors

B) Trojan horse

C) Logic Bomb

D) Virus

7 Which of the following malicious program do

not replicate automatically

A) Trojan Horse

B) Virus

C) Worm

D) Zombie

8 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip programs can be used to

accomplish functions indirectly that an

unauthorized user could not accomplish directly

A) Zombie

B) Worm

C) Trojan Horses

D) Logic Bomb

9 State whether true of false

i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems

ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another


A) True False

B) False True

C) True True

D) False False

10 A helliphelliphelliphellip is a program that can infect

other programs by modifying them the

modification includes a copy of the virus

program which can go on to infect other


A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Zombie

D) Trap doors

11 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are used in denial of service

attacks typically against targeted web sites

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trojan horse

12 Select the correct order for the different

phases of virus execution

i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant



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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering


A) i ii iii and iv

B) i iii ii and iv

C) ii i iv an iii

D) ii iii iv and i

13 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip attaches itself to

executable files and replicates when the infected

program is executed by finding other executable

files to infect

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a form of virus

explicitly designed to hide itself from detection

by antivirus software

A) Stealth virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

15 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates copies during

replication that are functionally equivalent but

have distinctly different bit patterns

A) Boot Sector Virus

B) Polymorphic Virus

C) Parasitic Virus

D) Macro Virus

16 A portion of the Polymorphic virus generally

called a helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip creates a random

encryption key to encrypt the remainder of the


A) mutual engine

B) mutation engine

C) multiple engine

D) polymorphic engine

17 State whether the following statement is true

i) A macro virus is platform independent

ii) Macro viruses infect documents not

executable portions of code

A) i-only

B) ii-only

C) Both i and ii

D) Non i and ii

18 The type(s) of auto executing macros in

Microsoft word isare

A) Auto execute

B) Auto macro

C) Command macro

D) All of the above

19 In helliphelliphelliphelliphellip the virus places an identical

copy of itself into other programs or into certain

system areas on the disk

A) Dormant phase

B) Propagation phase

C) Triggering phase

D) Execution phase

20 A helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a program that secretly

takes over another Internet-attached computer and

then uses that computer to launch attacks

A) Worm

B) Zombie

C) Virus

D) Trap doors

OS Principles set-1

1 Which of the following is are the part of

operating system

A) Kernel services

B) Library services

C) Application level services

D) All of the above

2 The system of generally ran one job

at a time These were called single stream batch


A) 40s

B) 50s

C) 60s

D) 70s

3 In generation of operating system

operating system designers develop the concept

of multi-programming in which several jobs are

in main memory at once

A) First

B) Second

C) Third

D) Fourth

4 State True or False

i) In spooling high speed device like a disk is

interposed between running program and low-

speed device in Inputoutput


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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ii) By using spooling for example instead of

writing directly to a printer outputs are written to

the disk

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

5 Which of the following isare the functions of

operating system

i) Sharing hardware among users ii)

Allowing users to share data among themselves

iii) Recovering from errors iv)

Preventing users from interfering with one


v) Scheduling resources among users

A) i ii iii and iv only

B) ii iii iv and v only

C) i iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 executes must frequently and

makes the fine grained decision of which process

to execute the next

A) Long-term scheduling

B) Medium-term scheduling

C) Short-term scheduling

D) None of the above

7 With a page is brought into main

memory only when the reference is made to a

location on that page

A) demand paging

B) main paging

C) prepaging

D) postpaging

8 provides a larger sized of virtual

memory but require virtual memory which

provides multidimensional memory

A) Paging method

B) Segmentation method

C) Paging and segmentation method

D) None of these

9 is a large kernel containing virtually

the complete operating system including

scheduling file system device drivers and

memory management

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

10 is a large operating system core

provides a wide range of services

A) Multilithic kernel

B) Monolithic kernel

C) Micro kernel

D) Macro kernel

11 The first batch operating system was

developed in the by General Motors

for use on an IBM 701

A) mid 1940s

B) mid 1950s

C) mid 1960s

D) mid 1970s

12 Process is

A) A program in execution

B) An instance of a program running on a


C) The entity that can be assigned to and


D) All of the above

13 is a facility that allows

programmers to address memory from a logical

point of view without regard to the main

memory physically available

A) Visual memory

B) Real memory

C) Virtual memory

D) Secondary memory

14 is a large kernel including scheduling

file system networking device drivers memory

management and more

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

15 A architecture assigns only a few

essential functions to the kernel including

address spaces Inter process

communication(IPC) and basic scheduling

A) Monolithic kernel

B) Micro kernel

C) Macro kernel

D) Mini kernel

16 State whether true or false


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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i) Multithreading is useful for application that

perform a number of essentially independent

tasks that do not be serialized

ii) An example of multithreading is a database

server that listens for and process numerous client


A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

17 With only one process can execute

at a time meanwhile all other process are waiting

for the processer With more than one

process can be running simultaneously each on a

different processer

A) Multiprocessing Multiprogramming

B) Multiprogramming Uniprocessing

C) Multiprogramming Multiprocessing

D) Uniprogramming Multiprocessing

18 The two central themes of modern operating

system are

A) Multiprogramming and Distributed processing

B) Multiprogramming and Central Processing

C) Single Programming and Distributed


D) None of above

19 refers to the ability of multiple

process (or threads) to share code resources or

data in such a way that only one process has

access to shared object at a time

A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

20 is the ability of multiple process to

co-ordinate their activities by exchange of


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

21 Which of the following is not the function of

Micro kernel

A) File management

B) Low-level memory management

C) Inter-process communication

D) IO interrupts management

22 Match the following

i) Mutual exclusion a) A process

may hold allocated resources while waiting


ii) Hold and wait b) No resource

can be forcibly removed from a process holding


iii) No preemption c) Only one

process may use a resource at a time

A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-a ii-c iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrences of

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

24 The methods or algorithms which are used to

increase the performance of disk storage sub-

system is called

A) Disk performing

B) Disk scheduling

C) Disk storing

D) Disk extending

25 is the time required to move the

disk arm to the required track

A) Seek time

B) Rotational delay

C) Latency time

D) Access time

26 The policy restricts scanning to one

direction only



C) N-Step SCAN

D) Both A and B

27 policy selects the disk IO request

that requires the least movement of the disk arm

from its current position





28 refers to the ability of an

operating system to support multiple threads of

execution with a single process

A) Multithreading


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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B) Multiprocessing

C) Multiexecuting

D) Bi-threading

2 9 State whether the following statement is true

i) It takes less time to terminate a thread than a


ii) Threads enhance efficiency in communication

between different executing programs

A) i-True ii-False

B) i-True ii-True

C) i-False ii-True

D) i-False ii-False

30 is a special type of programming

language used to provide instructions to the

monitor simple batch processing schema

A) Job control language (JCL)

B) Processing control language (PCL)

C) Batch control language (BCL)

D) Monitor control language (MCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 refers to a situation in which a

process is ready to execute but is continuously

denied access to a processor in deference to other


A) Synchronization

B) Mutual Exclusion

C) Dead lock

D) Starvation

2 Which of the following is not the approach to

dealing with deadlock

A) Prevention

B) Avoidance

C) Detection

D) Deletion

3 Which of the following are the states of a five

state process model

i) Running ii) Ready iii)

New iv) Exit v) Destroy

A) i ii iii and v only

B) i ii iv and v only

C) i ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

4 State which statement is true for Suspended


i) The process is not immediately available for


ii) The process may be removed from suspended

state automatically without removal order

A) i only

B) ii only

C) i and ii only

D) None

5 Following isare the reasons for process


A) Swapping parent process

B) Inter request

C) Timing

D) All of the above

6 The different types of tables maintained by the

operating system are

A) memory logical IO file

B) memory IO file physical

C) memory IO file process

D) memory logical IO physical

7 Which of the following information not

included in memory table

A) The allocation of main memory to process

B) The allocation of secondary memory to


C) Any information needed to manage virtual


D) Any information about the existence of file

8 Process Management function of an operating

system kernel includes

A) Process creation and termination

B) Process scheduling and dispatching

C) Process switching

D) All of the above

9 The typical elements of process image are

i) User data ii) System Data iii)

User program iv) System stack

A) i iii and iv only

B) i ii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

10 Match the following mechanisms for

interrupting the execution of a process and their



a) Call to an operating system function


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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b) Reaction to an asynchronous external



c) Handling of a error or an exception


A) i-a ii-b iii-c

B) i-c ii-a iii-b

C) i-b ii-c iii-a

D) i-a ii-c iii-b

11 The unit of dispatching is usually referred to

as a helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Thread

B) Lightweight process

C) Process

D) Both A and B

12 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a example of an operating

system that support single user process and single




C) OS2

D) Windows 2000

13 State true or false

i) Unix support multiple user process but only

support one thread per process

ii) A java run time environment is an example of

a system of one process with multiple threads

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

14 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip are very effective because a

mode switch is not required to switch from one

thread to another

A) Kernel-level threads

B) User-level threads

C) Alterable threads

D) Application level threads

15 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip is a condition in which there is a

set of concurrent processes only one of which is

able to access a given resource or perform a given

function at any time

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

16 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Techniques can be used to

resolve conflicts such as competition for

resources and to synchronize processes so that

they can cooperate

A) Mutual Exclusion

B) Busy Waiting

C) Deadlock

D) Starvation

17 helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Can be defined as the

permanent blocking of a set of processed that

either complete for system resources or

communicate with each other

A) Deadlock

B) Permanent lock

C) Starvation

D) Mutual exclusion

18 The following conditions of policy must be

present for a deadlock to be possible

i) Mutual exclusion ii) Hold and wait

iii) No preemption iv) Circular wait

A) i ii and iii only

B) ii iii and iv only

C) i iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

19 A direct method of deadlock prevention is to

prevent the occurrence of helliphelliphelliphellip

A) Mutual exclusion

B) Hold and wait

C) Circular waits

D) No preemption

20 State true of false

i) With paging each process is divided into

relatively small fixed-size pages

ii) Segmentation provides for the use of pieces of

varying size

A) True False

B) True True

C) False True

D) False False

21 helliphelliphelliphellip Involves treating main memory as

a resource to be allocated to and shared among a

number of active processes

A) Partition management

B) Memory management

C) Disk management

D) All of the above


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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22 A process that execute only in main memory

is referred to as helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip and that allocated

in disk is referred to a helliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) virtual memory true memory

B) virtual memory real memory

C) real memory virtual memory

D) imaginary memory real memory

23 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines when new processes are admitted to

the system

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

24 In process scheduling helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

determines which ready process will be executed

next by processor

A) long term scheduling

B) medium term scheduling

C) short term scheduling

D) none of the above

25 The sum of the seek time and the rotational

delay is called the helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

A) reached time

B) access time

C) arrived time

D) common time

26 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip policy segments the disks

request queue into sub queues of the length N



C) N-Step SCAN


2 7 Which of the following are the functions of

operating system

i) recovering from errors ii)

facilitating inputoutput

iii) facilitating parallel operation iv)

sharing hardware among users

v) implementing user interface

A) i ii ii and v only

B) i ii iii and iv only

C) ii iii iv and v only

D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 File management function of the operating

system includes

i) File creation and deletion ii)

Disk scheduling

iii) Directory creation iv)

Mapping file in secondary storage

A) i ii and iii only

B) i iii and iv only

C) ii iii and iv only

D) All i ii iii and iv

29 The helliphelliphelliphelliphellip Determines when a page

should be brought into main memory

A) Fetch policy

B) Placement policy

C) Replacement policy

D) Resident set management

30 With helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip A page is written out

to secondary memory only when it has been

selected for replacement

A) pre-cleaning

B) demand cleaning

C) required cleaning

D) fast cleaning

जब तम पदा हए थ तो तम रोए थ जबकि परी दनिया ि जशि मिाया था| अपिा जीवि ऐस जजयो कि तमहारी मौत पर परी दनिया रोए और तम जशि मिाओ

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भीड़ हमशा उस रासत पर चऱती ह जो रासता आसाि ऱगता ह ऱकिि इसिा मतऱब यह िहीी िी भीड़ हमशा सही रासत पर चऱती ह| अपि रासत खद चनिए कयोकि आपिो आपस बहतर और िोई िहीी जािता|



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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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Core Operating System 1) C Shortest job first scheduling algorithm

2) B interrupt

3) A only the process which has control of the

processor is found

4) D Multiprogramming

5) C RR scheduling

6) C direct memory access

7) B messages

8) A time shared OS

9) B migration

10) A Paging

11) C part of interrupt handling

12) D All of the above

13) A if one process is in a critical region others are


14) B non-preemptive

15) B Processor allocation

16) B Long term scheduler

17) B non-deadlocked state

18) C freezing

19) D cache memory

20) B bankers algorithm

21) B frames

22) D Process termination and Resource preemption

23) A context switch

24) C long term scheduler

25) B Buffering

26) A has the values one or zero

27) A if no process faces starvation

28) B buffer swapping

29) B fault tolerance

30) C an illusion of extremely large main memory

31) A IO device Handler

32) B main thread terminates after the termination

of child threads

33) A process control block

34) B shared device converted to a dedicated device

35) C multiprogramming

36) A Translation look a side buffer

37) B buffering

38) A monolithic

39) D dead lock

40) C A line printer used to print the output of a

number of jobs

Process Management

1 D) All i ii and iii

2 C) i ii and iv only

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 A) Ready

5 D) Blocked

6 B) Exit

7 B) Ready rarr Running

8 C) Ready rarr Exit

9 D) Suspend

10 A) Blocked

11 B) Swapping-out

12 D) ReadySuspended

13 C) BlockedSuspend

14 C) blockedsuspend readysuspend

15 A) blocked blockedsuspend

16 D) readysuspend ready

17 B) Terminate

18 C) Running

19 A) i and ii only

20 D) All i ii and iii

21 A) Memory tables

22 D) All i ii and iii

23 A) Memory tables

24 C) File tables

25 B) Process control block

26 D) All i ii iii and iv

27 A) Process identification

28 D) All i ii and iii

29 C) i iii and iv only

30 C) Processor state information

31 D) Process control information

32 A) i ii and iv only

33 D) All i ii iii and iv

34 C) Scheduling related information

35 A) Data structuring

36 D) Inter-process communication

37 C) Program status word


39 B) Resume flag

40 C) Direction flag

41 A) Carry flag

42 D) User mode

43 D) All i ii iii and iv

44 C) i ii and iv only

45 C) i ii and iv only


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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46 B) i iii and iv only

47 A) ii iii i v and iv

48 C) Process Switching

49 A) Interrupt

50 B) Trap

51 D) All i ii and iii

52 B) iii ii iv and i

53 A) Sleeping swapped

54 B) Preempted

55 C) Zombie

56 A) User level context

57 C) System level context

58 D) All i ii and iii

Threads SMP And


1 D) Micro kernel

2 B) Symmetric Multiprocessing

3 C) Java run time environment

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 B) ii and iii only

6 C) i iii and iv only

7 D) Modular program structure

8 C) i ii iv and v

9 A) User level threads

10D) All i ii and iii

11A) User level threads

12B) Kernel level threads

13A) User level threads

14C) Combined User level threads and Kernel level


15C) Solaris

16A) single process and single thread

17C) multiple processes with single thread

18B) single process with multiple thread


20D) Emerald

21 A) Thread

22 C) Micro-kernels

23 C) Micro-kernel

24 D) All i ii iii iv and v

25 C) Micro-kernel

26 D) All of the above

27 D) Flush

28 B) Map

29 D) Reliability

30 A) Multiprocessor

31 A) masterslave

32 B) symmetric multiprocessor

33 A) master

34 C) cluster

35 D) MIMD

36 B) SIMD

37 A) Low-level memory management

38 B) Interprocess communication

39 C) Micro-kernel

40 D) Process

Mutual Exclusion And


1 A) Mutual Exclusion

2 A) Mutual Exclusion

3 C) i and iii only

4 D) All i ii and iii

5 C) i iii and iv only

6 B) Starvation is possible

7 A) Mutual Exclusion

8 D) All i ii and iii

9 B) strong semaphore

10 C) weak semaphore

11 B) Queue

12 A) Semaphores

13 A) monitor

14 B) ii and iii only

15 B) message passing

16 A) monitor

17 C) i-True ii-True

18 A) direct addressing

19 B) indirect addressing

20 B) Messages

Deadlock And Starvation

1 A) Reusable Resource

2 A) Reusable Resources

3 C) Consumable Resource

4 C) Consumable Resources

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 A) Mutual Exclusion

7 C) Preemption

8 D) Circular Wait

9 A) i ii and iii only


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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10 C) Detection

11 A) i and ii only

12 A) deadlock prevention

13 D) Circular Wait

14 B) Hold and Wait

15 D) Circular Wait

16 B) deadlock avoidance

17 B) Avoid

18 A) Safe state

19 D) All i ii and iii

20 B) deadlock avoidance

21 A) deadlock detection

22 D) All i ii iii and iv

23 A) Swappable space

24 B) Process resources

25 C) Main memory

26 B) i ii iii and v only

27 C) i ii iv and v only

28 C) Semaphores and signals

29 B) pipe

30 C) shared memory

31 B) pipe

32 A) i and ii only

33 D) signal

34 C) i ii and iv only

35 A) i and ii only

36 C) detection

37 C) resource ordering

38 B) preemption

39 A) i and ii only

40 A) Mutual Exclusion

Memory Management

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 A) Protection

3 B) memory protection

4 C) sharing

5 C) shared

6 D) organized

7 D) All i ii and iii

8 B) virtual memory

9 B) virtual memory

10 C) i iii and iv only

11 A) Fixed partitioning

12 B) Dynamic partitioning

13 B) Simple Paging

14 C) i ii iv and v only

15 A) Fixed partitioning

16 B) Dynamic partitioning

17 D) Simple segmentation

18 D) Simple segmentation

19 A) Fixed partitioning

20 C) Virtual memory segmentation

21 A) Fixed partitioning

22 B) internal fragmentation

23 A) external fragmentation

24 C) Compaction

25 D) logical address

26 B) relative address

27 C) physical address

28 D) Segmentation

29 A) absolute loading

30 B) ii iii and iv only

31 C) i iii and iv only

32 D) All i ii and iii

33 A) Modify bit

34 B) Segment table

35 C) Paging

36 D) Segmentation

37 D) All i ii iii and iv

38 A) fetch policy

39 B) placement policy

40 A) Prepaging

41 B) demand paging

42 A) prepaging

43 C) replacement policy

44 C) replacement policy

45 A) i ii and iii only

46 B) Optimal Policy

47 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

48 D) First in first out (FIFO)

49 C) Least Recently Used (LRU)

50 D) First in first out (FIFO)

51 A) Clock Policy

52 B) ii and iii only

53 C) fixed-allocation

54 D) Variable-allocation

55 B) local replacement policy

56 A) global replacement policy

57 A) global replacement policies

58 D) Variable allocation in Global Scope

59 B) i and iii

60 C) Variable allocation in Local Scope


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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Multiprocessor And Real

Time Scheduling

1 A) i ii and iii only

2 B) Gang Scheduling

3 A) Load Sharing

4 A) Load Sharing

5 D) All i ii and iii

6 B) Gang Scheduling

7 C) aperiodic task

8 A) deterministic

9 B) Responsiveness

10 A) Determinism

11 C) i ii and iv only

12 C) Fail soft operation

13 A) Static table driven approaches

14 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

15 D) Dynamic planning based approaches

16 B) Dynamic best effort approaches

17 A) Static table driven scheduling

18 C) Static priority driven preemptive scheduling

19 D) Dynamic planning based scheduling

20 B) Dynamic best effort scheduling

Uniprocessor Scheduling

1 A) Long term scheduling

2 B) Medium term scheduling

3 C) Short term scheduling

4 B) i-True ii-True iii-False

5 A) Long term scheduler

6 A) i and ii only

7 A) Long term scheduler

8 C) Short term scheduling

9 C) Short term scheduling

10 D) All i ii iii and iv

11 B) Turnaround time

12 A) Response time

13 A) Throughput

14 D) i-True ii-True iii-True

15 A) Selection function

16 D) Overhead

17 C) min[s]

18 A) max[w]

19 D) All i ii iii and iv

20 D) Feedback

21 A) Round robin

22 C) First Come First Served (SCFS)

23 A) i and ii only

24 A) Round robin

25 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

26 B) Shortest Process Next (SPN)

27 A) SPN Policy

28 B) SRT Policy

29 B) SRT

30 D) Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN)

File Management

1 A) field

2 B) record

3 A) Device drivers

4 C) Basic IO supervisor

5 D) Logical IO

6 A) pile

7 B) sequential

8 C) indexed sequential file

9 C) indexed sequential file

10 D) indexed file

11 D) indexed file

12 C) indexed sequential file

13 B) Chained Free Portions

14 D) Free Block List

15 A) Bit table

16 B) Indexed allocation

17 C) Contiguous allocation

18 A) Chained allocation

19 C) i ii and iv only

20 B) Direct files

21 B) Linked List

22 C) Sequential files

23 B) Direct files

24 C) working directory

25 A) Blocks

IO Management And Disk


1 D) All of the above

2 A) Programmed IO

3 B) Interrupt driven IO

4 C) Direct Memory Access

5 C) Direct Memory Access

6 B) Logical IO


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip


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7 C) Device IO

8 A) Directory Management

9 B) File system

10 B) Single buffer

11 A) Double buffering

12 A) seek time

13 B) rotational delay

14 A) seek time

15 B) Shortest service time first

16 D) Circular SCAN

17 D) All i ii and iii

18 A) RAID Level 0

19 C) RAID Level 2

20 C) RAID Level 6

Computer Security

1 B) Integrity

2 A) Confidentiality

3 C) i ii iii and v only

4 D) Worm

5 A) Trap doors

6 C) Logic Bomb

7 A) Trojan Horse

8 C) Trojan Horses

9 C) True True

10 B) Virus

11 B) Zombie

12 C) ii i iv an iii

13 C) Parasitic Virus

14 A) Stealth virus

15 B) Polymorphic Virus 16 B) mutation engine

17 C) Both i and ii

18 D) All of the above

19 B) Propagation phase

20 B) Zombie

OS Principles set-1

1 D) All of the above 2 B) 50s

3 C) Third 4 B) i-True ii-True

5 D) All i ii iii iv and v

6 C) Short-term scheduling

7 A) demand paging

8 B) Segmentation method

9 B) Monolithic kernel

10 D) Macro kernel

11 B) mid 1950s

12 D) All of the above

13 C) Virtual memory

14 A) Monolithic kernel

15 B) Micro kernel

16 B) i-True ii-True

17 C) MultiMultiprocessing

18 A) Multiprogra processing

19 B) Mutual Exclusion

20 A) Synchronization

21 A) File management

22 D) i-c ii-a iii-b

23 C) Circular waits

24 B) Disk scheduling

25 A) Seek time

26 B) C-SCAN

27 B) SSTF

28 A) Multithreading

29 B) i-True ii-True

30 A) Job control language (JCL)

OS Principles set-2

1 D) Starvation 2 D) Deletion

3 C) i ii iii and iv only 4 A) i only

5 D) All of the above

6 C) memory IO file process

7 D) Any information of file

8 D) All of the above

9 A) i iii and iv only

10 C) i-b ii-c iii-a

11 D) Both A and B

12 B) MS-DOS

13 A) True False

14 B) User-level threads

15 A) Mutual Exclusion

16 A) Mutual Exclusion

17 A) Deadlock

18 D) All i ii iii and iv

19 C) Circular waits

20 B) True True

21 B) Memory management

22 C) real virtual memory

23 A) long term scheduling

24 C) short term scheduling

25 B) access time

26 C) N-Step SCAN

27 D) All i ii iii iv and v

28 B) i iii and iv only

29 A) Fetch policy

30 B) demand cleaning The Endhelliphellip