Opening Salvo

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Transcript of Opening Salvo

Written and Designed byCam Banks and Chris Pierson

Edited byAmanda Valentine

Illustrated byJames Mosingo

Graphic Design byKevin T. Stein

Dragon Brigade RPG created byCam Banks, Dave Chalker, Tracy Hurley, Dain Lybarger,

Philippe-Antoine Ménard, Adam Minnie, Andrew Peregrine, and Chris Pierson

Based on the DRAGON BRIGADE novels byMargaret Weis and Robert Krammes

Aeronne is a fantasy world of swashbuckling action, intrigue, and romance. Magic is commonplace, and Aeronne’s kingdoms are built upon massive floating continents suspended in the Breath of God. Battles involve airships and flying fortresses reinforced with magical constructs. While the Church seeks to control and restrict the most dangerous uses of magic, kings and dukes engage their master crafters to produce greater instruments of war, and their spies to steal these discoveries from their opponents.

Years ago the finest military company in Aeronne, the Dragon Brigade, was disbanded by the King of Rosia, who considered them a relic of the past. The dragons they rode into battle returned to their own noble courts; the soldiers and officers turned to lives as mercenaries or simply retired. One decorated dragon rider, Lord Captain Stephano de Guichen, continues to fight for causes he believes in as the leader of the Cadre of the Lost, a rag-tag crew of misfits and mercenaries. Lately, however, he’s had to settle for causes that keep the Cadre’s coffers from being empty.


Dragon Brigade RPG, Dragon Brigade logo, Margaret Weis Productions, MWP logo, Cortex Plus, and Cortex logo are trademarks of Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. © 2011. Permission is granted to print this document for personal & non-commercial use.

MISSION BACKGROUND The Cadre of the Lost has received a

commission from the Crown to investigate reports of banditry in the inner provinces of Rosia near the Dragon Duchies. The bandits have been raiding merchant ships for several months now, but they recently struck a ship flying royal colors and robbed a tax collector who’s a distant cousin of the king himself.

The bandits are holding the tax collector hostage, threatening to kill him if any direct military reprisal occurs. There’s evidence that some of the bandits, possibly including those in charge of the band, are Trundlers—Aeronne’s nomadic gypsy people—and a pistol lost by one of them appears to bear the distinctive sigil of the Dragon Brigade. Because of the proximity of the attacks to the Dragon Duchies and the nature of the pistol, the Dragon Dukes may have valuable information about the identity or location of the bandits.

Stephano, as a former member of the Brigade, is offered a modest fee to travel to the Dragon Duchies and safely return the tax collector, as well as apprehend the leaders of the bandits—dead or alive. His friendship with Trundler sisters Miri and Gythe makes the Cadre the perfect choice, as they can lend insight in Trundler matters. As always, his childhood friend Rodrigo and the stalwart Dag Thorgrimmson accompany him on the mission.

Brother Gaspard is joining the Cadre for this mission as an observer for the Royal Army and the Church; he’s under orders to invoke religious censure against anyone of noble blood who might be acting to protect or aid the bandits.

The Heroes begin the mission in Miri and Gythe’s houseboat, the Cloud Hopper, sailing the Breath toward the mountains of Rosia…


o Dragon Brigade o

THE RULESPlayersThis is a game for up to seven people. Six players take on the Heroes of the Cadre of the Lost: former Dragon Brigade officer Stephano, rakish courtier Rodrigo, mighty Dag, airship pilot and healer Miri, mute crafter Gythe, and Church liaison Brother Gaspard. The seventh person is the Gamemaster, who uses this book to present the mission to the players and rolls dice for the villains and other supporting characters. If you don’t have seven people, some players can take on multiple Heroes, or the Gamemaster can play them as supporting characters. Hero Sheets for the Cadre of the Lost are provided at the end of this book.

DiceThe DRAGON BRIGADE Roleplaying Game uses dice of various sizes: four-sided (D4), six-sided (D6), eight-sided (D8), ten-sided (D10), and twelve-sided (D12). You will want several of each on hand, especially D6s and D8s. You might also want some glass beads or poker chips for Plot Points.

Dice are used to represent the value of Traits which are how we define characters and objects in the game. The die attached to a Trait is called a die rating. If there are multiple dice associated with the Trait, the quantity comes before the D.


Taking ActionAs a player, you make decisions for your Hero in response to the challenging situations the Gamemaster presents. Whenever your Hero takes action, you choose two of your five Action Traits—COURAGE, FAITH, GUILE, REASON, and VIGOR—to form your Action Pool. You can use one Action Trait twice, instead of two different Action Traits.

The Gamemaster picks up dice based on what your Hero is up against. This is usually a difficulty die (D6 being average, D8 hard, and D10 perilous) and one or more dice based on Traits possessed by the opposition or the situation.

Usually, the Gamemaster rolls his dice first and totals them up. This is called setting the stakes. You then roll and total up your own dice from your Action Pool, hoping to raise the stakes by rolling higher. If you raise the stakes, your Hero succeeds in the action you were hoping to take. If you fail to raise the stakes, something else happens.

Sometimes you or the Gamemaster get more than two dice. In those cases, you add the two highest to set or raise the stakes. You can spend a Plot Point to add in your third-highest die to your total. Spending a second Plot Point lets you add in your fourth-highest die, and so on.

Certain Action Trait pairs are common. COURAGE + VIGOR is often used for battle involving bravery and physical action; FAITH + REASON is the default pair for crafting magic, and so on. For this mission, all the dice are figured out for you. Each section of the mission tells you the dice the Gamemaster needs to roll and what Action Traits the players should roll for their Heroes. Each time the mission calls for an action, we give you an idea of what happens when you succeed, and what happens when things don’t go your way.

What Do the Action Traits Mean? ! COURAGE represents bravery, will, and mental

fortitude. ! FAITH represents conviction and strength of

spirit. ! GUILE represents craftiness, deception, and

wits. ! REASON represents intelligence and the ability

to understand. ! VIGOR represents physical endurance,

strength, and effort.3

o Opening Salvo o

ComplicationsIf you roll a 1 on any of your dice, the Gamemaster introduces a Complication. Whether your Hero succeeds or fails at the action, a Complication means something else has gone wrong, making life difficult for the Heroes. Each section of this mission has a list of Complication ideas for when a 1 is rolled, such as PISTOL MISFIRE or SUSPICIOUS DIPLOMAT.

When the Gamemaster introduces a Complication, he hands the player a Plot Point; this is the main way for players to gain Plot Points. The Gamemaster notes down the Complication—sticky notes or index cards work well for this—and adds a “D6” next to it. For the rest of the mission, if that Complication comes into play, the Gamemaster gets to roll an extra D6. The Gamemaster may also choose to step up an existing Complication by one die size. A D6 becomes a D8, and a D8 becomes a D10. No Complication may step up to more than a D12.

If the Gamemaster rolls a 1 on his dice, any player can spend a Plot Point to step an existing Complication back to a smaller size die. A D6 becomes a D4, and a D4 goes away.

AssetsPlayers can use Plot Points to create Assets. An Asset is something beneficial—improvised tools, helpful circumstances, etc.—that any player can use to help the Heroes out on the mission. When introduced, the player notes down the Asset and writes a D6 next to it. For as long as that Asset is around, any player who can justify it may use the Asset to get an extra D6.

If the player spends two Plot Points, the Asset lasts until the end of the mission (or until something happens in the story that would make it go away). Otherwise, it lasts until the end of the current engagement and goes away when the next engagement starts.

If you use an Asset in a roll and your roll is a success, you may spend a Plot Point to step the Asset up by one die size. You can’t step an Asset up more than a D12.

Distinctions, Specialties, and TalentsAll Heroes have some special skills, tricks, and abilities they can use; they’re noted on the Hero Sheets. Talents are special rule-changing tricks that often require you to spend a Plot Point; Distinctions and Specialties usually give you more dice to roll. Your Hero may have one or more Signature Assets—these behave like the Assets you create using Plot Points, but they don’t go away and they’re free to use if they’re on your sheet. You can step these Assets up with Plot Points during the mission, but they always reset back to their default dice at the end.

Tests and ContestsMost of the time when you’re rolling dice, it’s called a Test. This is a simple case of one side setting the stakes and the other trying to raise them. Sometimes you want to represent a back-and-forth exchange of action, which is called a Contest. In a Contest, once one side has raised the stakes, the opposition may attempt to raise them higher. This goes back and forth until one side fails to raise the stakes or decides to give in. If you fail, you usually take Stress and are at the mercy of the opposition; if you give in, the other side wins but you pick up a Plot Point, a D6 Complication, and the freedom to decide where you end up.

StressThroughout the mission, the Cadre of the Lost is challenged by dangerous opponents and thrust into difficult situations. There’s plenty of opportunity to get bruised, battered, and even broken. This takes the form of a special kind of Complication called Stress. Each time you fail to raise the stakes in a Test or Contest and there’s an opportunity for you to take some fallout from it, the Gamemaster may apply a Stress die to one of the Action Traits you used in the Test or Contest.


o Dragon Brigade o

The size of the Stress die depends on the action, but it’s usually the third-highest rolling die in the Gamemaster’s pool. If there is no third die, the Stress defaults to a D4. If there was already Stress on the Action Trait, the Gamemaster may either step the Stress die up to a larger die size (if the new Stress is the same size or smaller) or replace the existing Stress die with the new one.

The Gamemaster may also step up existing Stress by one instead of adding a Complication when you roll a 1 on your dice. You still gain a Plot Point in this case, just as if he had activated a Complication.

When your Hero uses that Action Trait and the Stress die is D6 or larger, the Gamemaster adds the Stress die to his own pool to represent the increased difficulty facing your Hero. If your Stress die is a D4, you must include it in your Action Pool instead of the Gamemaster rolling it against you.

In addition, if the Stress die is equal or greater than the Action Trait it’s assigned to, your Hero is shaken for the rest of the engagement and only keeps the highest rolling die of his Action Pool when that Action Trait is one of the dice in the pool. If your Hero is already shaken, he is stricken and is out of action for the rest of the engagement.

Sometimes it makes sense for a kind of Stress to apply to an action even when the Action Trait it’s applied to isn’t included in your Action Pool. For instance, the Gamemaster might decide that VIGOR Stress should apply to a COURAGE + GUILE roll, or FAITH Stress applies to a REASON + REASON roll. In these cases, the Gamemaster must give the player a Plot Point in order to use it against the Hero.

What Does Stress Mean?Stress represents not just injury or exhaustion but mental and even spiritual crisis. It means something different depending on what Action Trait it’s assigned to.

COURAGE Stress is fear and doubt, when events give rise to timidity, hesitation, or outright panic.

FAITH Stress is despair, melancholy, and hopelessness, when the spirit is weakened by anguish.

GUILE Stress reflects being tricked, deluded, or misdirected, making it harder to bring your own cunning to bear.

REASON Stress represents confusion, indecision, or madness, a paralysis brought about by shocking or unexpected circumstances.

VIGOR Stress is pain, weariness, or physical trauma, usually caused by exertion or injury.

Some of these types of Stress may seem to overlap. GUILE and REASON Stress, for instance, may resemble each other, while FAITH and COURAGE Stress could be caused by the same event. When in doubt, remember that Stress usually represents either the opposite of the Action Trait’s qualities or what happens when that Action Trait turns upon itself.

Recovering StressTo get rid of Stress or remove the shaken and stricken conditions, you need to take a Recovery Action at the beginning of the next engagement. Some characters, such as Miri, can help you recover earlier. Here’s how this works.

If you took Stress in the previous engagement and you are not stricken, you may spend a Plot Point to step back all of the Stress you’ve taken by one—D8 becomes D6, D6 becomes D4, and D4 goes away. You need to describe how you’re shaking off the pain, steeling your reserves, or clearing your mind of confusion and despair. If this reduces the Stress die below the associated Action Trait, your shaken condition goes away; otherwise, you remain shaken. You may spend as many Plot Points as you want, stepping back your Stress dice each time.


o Opening Salvo o

To recover when you’re stricken, when you don’t have Plot Points, or in the middle of an engagement, you need someone to take a Recovery Action for you. Because this can vary from first aid to counseling to spiritual assistance, backed with magic or not, we treat it as a general Test and rely on the player performing the recovery to explain how she’s giving relief. Recovery Actions are generally only necessary when someone is shaken or stricken; if the Stress hasn’t progressed that far, it probably isn’t serious enough to require a healer’s attention.

That player uses the following action, with the Gamemaster setting the stakes.


Gamemaster (set stakes): D6 (if at rest) OR D8 (if traveling) OR D10 (if in a battle) + all target Hero’s Stress dice (from all Action Traits)

Player (raise stakes): FAITH + REASON, REASON + REASON, or COURAGE + REASON, plus any Specialties or Distinctions. Miri’s Healer Talent lets her roll in her Channeler Specialty and add the three highest rolling dice together, not just the two highest.

Success: Remove one Stress die or step back all Stress dice by one. With an Extraordinary Success, remove two Stress dice or step back all Stress dice by two.

Failure: Step back one Stress die by one, but step up another Stress die by one (or, if there are no other Stress dice, add one at D4 to the Trait of your choice).

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls a 1, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: SHAKY HANDS, GUILTY CONSCIENCE, LOW SUPPLIES.

SUPPORTING CHARACTERS AND VILLAINSThe Gamemaster plays the parts of all of the supporting characters in the story, including the villains and other opposing figures the Heroes must face to achieve victory in their mission. These characters aren’t as fully detailed as the Heroes. Some of them are only represented by one or two Traits, which the Gamemaster uses when rolling dice to oppose the Heroes. Others may have several Traits and one or two special tricks of their own much like the Talents the Heroes possess.

The Traits provided give you an idea of how to portray each supporting character, since they often describe personality, background, or other helpful elements. When a supporting character or villain appears in this mission, we also provide their motivation and preferred course of action to make it easier for you to play them.

How Do I Know If I Win?This is a roleplaying game, which means all the players are acting the parts of heroic characters in a fantasy adventure. Your Heroes face difficult challenges against dangerous foes, but even failure can lead to interesting and exciting outcomes. What matters is not how the mission ends, but what hair-raising twists and turns the story takes to get there. So play your part, roll some dice, and have fun!

Is That All?Not remotely, but never fear. You have what you need to get started. Throughout the mission, we’ll introduce new rules as they come into play. If possible, provide the players with copies of these rules; permission is granted to print and share this content for the purposes of playing DRAGON BRIGADE: Opening Salvo.


o Dragon Brigade o


Getting Started Each player should choose a Hero from the six provided. Give them a brief description of each: Stephano is a brave but cynical leader, Rodrigo is a rakish scoundrel, and so on. Make sure everyone has dice and three tokens for Plot Points. You may want to provide sticky notes or index cards for noting Assets and Complications, as well as drinks and snacks. Once they’ve read over their Hero Sheets and are ready to play, describe the following situation to them.

The Cloud Hopper is cruising among the mountains of Rosia, en route to dragon-held territory. As it passes through a long valley, smaller airships and a few wyvern-pulled chariots appear on either side and fall upon the ship. These are the bandits the Cadre has been sent to investigate, already making their move to get rid of the interlopers. Miri

and Gythe notice that only a few of them are actually Trundlers, while the rest are Rosian provincials dressed in Trundler garb.

The lead bandit is Berach mac Crodan, a giant, red-bearded bear of a man armed with a massive, sigil-enhanced blunderbuss he calls Hullsplitter. Berach is a larger-than-life figure in Trundler lore, a robber and villain about whom many folk songs are sung. Miri and Gythe both believed him to be a fairytale character, but here he is, riding a griffon and bellowing curses at you.

As the Cadre scrambles to prepare for the imminent attack, the air is split with a resounding boom and a splintering crash. Berach mac Crodan has hit the Cloud Hopper’s mainmast with Hullsplitter, his legendary weapon.


o Opening Salvo o

There are a dozen bandits working for Berach mac Crodan, brandishing pistols and smallswords. Their weapons don’t really matter for the purposes of this engagement; each bandit is represented by a single Trait, either NEFARIOUS BANDIT or DANGEROUS BANDIT. When more than one bandit teams up to attack or harry one of the Heroes, pick up a die for each bandit and roll them together, as if it were a single Action Pool, plus a D6 for the difficulty of the situation. Add the two highest rolling dice to set the stakes of this attack.



Gamemaster Note: The bandits could join Berach mac Crodan in an attack, adding their dice to his Action Pool, but for this engagement they leave that until they mount their retreat. Also, note that Miri is able to use her Signature Asset (the Cloud Hopper) throughout this engagement, either because she knows its decks and rigging so well or she’s using it to give support to the other Heroes. This is her only chance to use it!

Bandit AttackThe action kicks off with the bandits trying to leap aboard the Cloud Hopper, intending to seize whatever goods and valuables they can find on the houseboat. There are 12 bandits working for Berach mac Crodan, brandishing pistols and smallswords. Berach hangs back out of range while the bandits trouble the Cloud Hopper.

Ask the players: Where is your Hero on the deck? Are you going to put up resistance? Aid another Hero by doing something clever or heroic?

To determine the outcome of their actions, each Hero rolls a Test. All support Tests should be done first, giving Heroes who are resisting the bandits the potential for additional dice.

Gamemaster Note: If Complications are created, you can either add a new Complication or step up an existing Complication by one (maximum D12). Use Complications on subsequent Tests where appropriate, adding them to your Action Pool.


Gamemaster (set stakes): D6 (difficulty) + D10 (for Berach’s ROBBER BARON Trait, as he’s the bandit leader) +D4 (for Berach’s TRUNDLER LEGEND, if the opposing Hero is Miri or Gythe)

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + FAITH (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) to use hearty encouragement or moral support; GUILE + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) for a clever or heroic distraction.

Success: Give a Hero of your choice the third highest rolling die in your Action Pool as a Support Asset, minimum D6. If the result is an Extraordinary Success (5 or more higher than the stakes), step the die up by one (D6 becomes a D8, etc.)

Failure: Give the opposition the third highest rolling die in your Action Pool as a Complication, minimum D6.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: CONFUSION OF BATTLE, IT’S MAKING THEM ANGRIER!, or THERE’S TOO MANY OF THEM!


o Dragon Brigade o


Gamemaster (set stakes): D6 (for difficulty) + 2D6 (for two of the NEFARIOUS BANDITS) + D8 (for one of the DANGEROUS BANDITS)

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + VIGOR (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if generally going after them with guns, swords, or some other attack; FAITH + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if using magic or constructs to oppose or deflect the bandits.

Success: Look at the third highest rolling die in the player’s Action Pool. If it’s a D8 or higher, remove one of the DANGEROUS BANDITS. If it’s a D6 or smaller, remove one of the NEFARIOUS BANDITS. If the result is an Extraordinary Success (5 or more higher than the stakes), remove two of each.

Failure: The Hero gets Stress to his VIGOR Action Trait equal to the third highest rolling die in the bandit’s pool.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: CURSED MISFIRE, SURROUNDED!, or IT’S MAKING THEM ANGRIER!

A player may ask if he can try to attack or otherwise do something to Berach, instead of the bandits swarming onto the Cloud Hopper. In his case, offer the following optional Test.


Gamemaster (set stakes): D8 (for difficulty) + D10 (FOR ROBBER BARON) + D6 (for GRIFFON RIDER) +D4 (for Berach’s TRUNDLER LEGEND, if the opposing Hero is Miri or Gythe)

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + GUILE (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) for taking a shot at the bandit leader; FAITH + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) for using magic or a construct against him.

Success: The Hero gives Stress to one of Berach mac Crodan’s Traits (such as ROBBER BARON or GRIFFON RIDER) equal to the third highest rolling die, or D4 if there are no dice left. Describe the injury or insult. If the player gains an Extraordinary Success (raised the stakes by 5 or more), step up the Stress die by one.

Failure: The Hero doesn’t give Berach any Stress, but earns the Robber Baron’s wrath; the Hero picks up the Complication ROBBER BARON’S IRE equal to Berach’s third highest rolling die.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: CURSED MISFIRE, ROBBER BARON’S IRE, OR HIS LEGEND GROWS STRONGER.

Gamemaster Note: Once all the players have a turn resisting the bandits or supporting the defense of the Cloud Hopper, it’s time to move to the next stage of the engagement.


o Opening Salvo o

Enter the DragonThe Cloud Hopper loses air fast, and the crew must work together, still fending off the bandits, to bring it down onto a safe patch—namely Lac Saint-Evrard, a long lake at the head of the valley. Once the bandits realize that the Cloud Hopper is bound for the lake and will land safely, they try to seize it. The Cadre must fight them off or lose their ship to the bandits.

If Miri’s player decides to spend a Plot Point to activate her Keep Her Flying Talent, you can tell her that the Cloud Hopper won’t sustain any additional damage when it hits the lake. Otherwise, it will suffer several hull cracks and so forth. Either way, Miri can’t keep the ship from descending with her Talent, due to Hullsplitter’s massive damage earlier.

The Heroes get an unexpected ally at this point—a young and spirited dragon named Arligash of Clan Cincorn has seen the battle and flies in to help. Describe the situation as follows:

“With the Cloud Hopper plunging

into its descent and the outlook growing

more dire by the minute, the sight of a

sleekly muscled dragon could be a sign

of hope or a grim agent of certain doom.

It seems, for your sakes, that the five-

horned youngster diving from the clouds

is more interested in driving off bandits

than in causing you more trouble.”

The Heroes each get a second round of Tests against the bandits. This time, the difficulty is increased because of the angle of descent and general chaos, so when setting the stakes you should roll a D8 instead of a D6 (plus the additional dice for the bandits). However, Arligash’s assistance adds a D8 to any Heroes taking action against the bandits; the dragon whirls and dashes among the bandits, throwing them off but never actually harming them.

Between the Heroes’ turns, describe the bandits clambering aboard, trying to seize rigging and the wheel, and so forth. The Cloud Hopper hits the lake just before the last Hero has his turn, which is worth an extra D6 Complication on that Hero’s Test: SPLASH LANDING.

Dragon AllyImportant dragons have detailed writeups as befits their status in the game, but for the purposes of the DRAGON BRIGADE: Opening Salvo, the young dragon’s individual Traits are simplified as follows:


The BREED Trait is possessed by all dragons and indicates their caste and strong bloodline. Noble dragons, like Arligash and the Dukes, have a BREED D10; war dragons have D8. Any time a dragon acts against or in opposition to the Heroes, roll BREED + a relevant Trait. During this engagement, Arligash restricts his assistance to a single D8 from his GRACE Trait, but later his full statistics may come into play.


o Dragon Brigade o

Next StepsAssuming the Heroes are still conscious after their next round of actions, Berach peels away on his griffon and takes off, shouting in Trundler-cant, “Don’t think this is the last ye’ll see of us, interlopers! The Red Lady’s brother will deal with you and your wee dragon!” Any remaining bandits flee with him, hurling insults. Arligath the dragon roars in response but flies down alongside the Cloud Hopper, staying with the Heroes as the houseboat lands in Lac Saint-Evrard.

Arligath assures the Heroes that if they are seeking counsel with the Dragon Dukes, he will stand watch over the Cloud Hopper. Once the

Cadre scrambles to shore, they can head up a flight of stairs that leads to a pass through the mountains, on to another pass into the dragon-held lands. Note that Miri effectively loses the use of her Cloud Hopper Signature Asset for the remainder of this mission unless her player is creative.

Gamemaster Note: Arligash is deliberately cagey; he’s not allowed to interact with visitors without express permission of his uncle, Duke Brealgarn of Clan Cincorn. He is definitely not allowed to have a rider, for he is both too young and inexperienced. He comes back into the story during the Fourth Engagement.


o Opening Salvo o


Bedraggled and exhausted, the Cadre reaches the outpost of the dragon-lands. There they must talk their way past the DRAGON GUARDS 2D10 who belong to Clan Nezarlat, one of the mighty clans in these Duchies. Describe the following situation to the players.

“Having crested the ridge and arrived

at the nearest outpost, your progress

through the massive granite gates is

blocked by a pair of Dragon Guards.

These are human riders dressed in Clan

Nezarlat’s crimson livery on tough,

powerful dragons, older and larger than

the youngling you met earlier. The bond

of human and dragon is evident, for

when they hail you they seem almost to

speak as one.”

If the writ of passage was destroyed in the crash (see Optional Assets and Complications sidebar), this will require some sweet-talking as a result of the added Complication. Run the Supporting Argument Test before the lead Hero rolls his Gaining Lawful Entry Test. You may suggest to the players that the young dragon would make a useful Asset at the cost of a Plot Point (e.g. WE KNOW THE DUKE’S NEPHEW D6 or ARLIGASH SENT US D6).

Gamemaster Note: You should allow the players to make Recovery Actions or use Plot Points to recover their Stress before they engage with the Dragon Guards. See the Stress section of the rules for more details. The difficulty for recovering is a D8 (Heroes are traveling).


Gamemaster (set stakes): D6 (for difficulty) + D10 (one of the Dragon Guards) plus any appropriate Complications, such as WRIT OF PASSAGE DESTROYED.

Player (raise stakes): GUILE + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if the support is sneaky, underhanded, or clever; FAITH + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if the support is earnest and rational.

Success: Give the Hero doing the talking the third highest rolling die in your Action Pool as a Support Asset, minimum D6. If the result is an Extraordinary Success (raises the stakes by 5 or more), step the die up by one (D6 becomes a D8, etc.)

Failure: Give the Dragon Guards the third highest rolling die in your Action Pool as a Complication, minimum D6. The GUARDS use this when setting the stakes.

Possible Complications: Don’t worry about activating any Complications for this Test. Leave that to the Hero doing the talking!


o Dragon Brigade o


Gamemaster (set stakes): D6 (for difficulty) + D10 (one of the Dragon Guards) plus any appropriate Complications, such as WRIT OF PASSAGE DESTROYED.

Player (raise stakes): GUILE + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if the effort is sneaky, underhanded, or clever; Faith + Reason (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if the effort is earnest and rational.

Success: No problems with the Dragon Guards. You’re on your way!

Failure: Gain Stress to COURAGE equal to the third highest rolling die in the Dragon Guard’s pool, or D4 if there were no dice left. You manage to get the Cadre past the guards, BUT at some cost to your confidence.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of these Complications at D6:NOT FROM AROUND HERE, ARROGANT REPUTATION, or UNINTENDED INSULT.

Talent Scout: The Second EngagementIn this engagement, most of the action is diplomatic or intrigue-related. It’s

where Rodrigo’s Talents shine, but Stephano’s Lead By Example and Gaspard’s Oh No You Don’t might also help. Rodrigo’s She Said She Wasn’t Married is perfect if the Heroes lost the dragon pistol or the writ of passage in the last engagement and Rodrigo wants to explain how that isn’t actually their fault.


o Opening Salvo o

If necessary (such as if the Hero fails the Test) a dragon officer recognizes Stephano from the Brigade. They are given clearance to enter the duchies as long as his fellows give up their weapons. Yes, this includes Dag. If they have a captive bandit (see the Optional Assets and Complications sidebar), the Nezarlat dragons ask that he be handed over to them. If they do, he conveniently “disappears” to hide the Nezarlat clan’s involvement. Otherwise, he comes in handy later when talking with the Dragon Dukes.

The Gorge of SpeakingRiding wyvern-pulled air-chariots, which can carry two people at a time, the Cadre makes its way to the Gorge of Speaking, a canyon surrounded by snow-capped peaks and inaccessible to anyone who can’t fly. The Gorge features prominent outcroppings of rock with sigils engraved into them denoting one of the five Clans. The dukes of the Dragon Clans agree to see them there, flying down to land upon their respective perches.

Duke Brealgarn of Clan Cincorn, the current head of the council and Arligash’s uncle, hails Stephano, for Lady Cam—Stephano’s now deceased bond-dragon—was a cousin of the Duke’s.

At this point, the company must parley with the Dragon Dukes to find out what they know

about the pistol recovered from the bandit attack on the tax collector’s ship or about the location of the tax collector. ! If they have the pistol, Brealgarn asks to see it

and interprets a symbol of the sigil as it being related to Clan Nezarlat. ! If they lost the pistol in the crash, they will

be at a considerable disadvantage here, for the lack of evidence will not convince many of the dukes. ! Mentioning the “Red Lady” could imply some

connection to Clan Nezarlet, whose heraldic color is gules (i.e., red). ! Mentioning Arligash may help their case with

Brealgarn but not the other Dukes; if they already created an Asset connected to the young dragon, they can use it again here.

Duke Orchal of Clan Nezarlat is, of course, annoyed that anyone from his clan has been implicated; he claims that the whole situation is suspicious and refuses to be persuaded otherwise. The Heroes must, therefore, sway the other four dukes.

Brealgarn is the most sympathetic, and he’s genuinely worried that there might be draconic involvement. He also has a connection to the Cadre, albeit indirectly. The other dukes (Duke Gorst of Clan Denlance, Duke Uvaam of Hérbarb, and Duchess Kharguresh of Nageoire) are harder to convince.

Dragons and Their ClansDragons in the world of Aeronne are usually divided among the sleek, noble

dragons and the bulkier, low-caste war dragons. Members of each can be found within any given Clan. Regardless of breeding, dragons are all huge creatures, larger than elephants, though they have an agility and grace that belies their size. The five Clans that dominate politics in the Dragon Duchies are as follows, with their identifying markings:

Clan Cincorn (SEEN-corn) Five horns, as opposed to the usual two or threeClan Denlance (DEN-lonce) Pronounced canine fangsClan Hébarb (HAY-barb) Bristly blue-green beards under their chinsClan Nageoire (NAZH-wahr) A long fin along the crown of their headsClan Nezarlet (NEZ-ar-LEY) Red patch of scales on the snout


o Dragon Brigade o

Mention of the Red Lady, however, makes it easier to sway the others, for one of Duke Orchal’s daughters, Thurien, often goes among the Trundlers and she once served in the Brigades. Consider this a D6 Asset.

The Dragon DukesMuch like Arligash’s statistics in the First Engagement, Clan leaders’ individual Traits are simplified for Dragon Brigade: Opening Salvo as follows:





Multiple dragons working together generally just roll the single highest BREED die of all involved + one appropriate Trait for each dragon. See the Convincing Speeches Test for an example.

Each Hero may attempt to say his or her piece, offering up evidence or simply declaring the truth as they know it. Heroes may attempt to convince the Dukes one at a time, or multiple Dukes at once at added difficulty. Let each player frame his or her argument, roll the dice, and then embellish as appropriate.


Gamemaster (set stakes): D10 (for BREED) + D6 (for Brealgarn’s CONCERNED) + D8 (for Gorst’s OBTUSE, Uvaam’s PETTY, and Kharguresh’s JUDGMENTAL). Only add in the dice for those Dukes the Hero is trying to sway with this Test. Add any appropriate Complications, such as NOT FROM AROUND HERE, UNINTENDED INSULT, or LOST PISTOL.

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + FAITH, COURAGE + REASON, or FAITH + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions). This is no place for GUILE or VIGOR; the Dukes are unlikely to be impressed by deception or by weaker creatures showing off their prowess.

Success: Gain a D6 Asset, SWAYED BY EVIDENCE, for each Duke targeted by this speech. This Asset means they’re listening to the Cadre and it may be used when dealing with that Duke in the future. If the Hero gains an Extraordinary Success (raises the stakes by 5 or more) one of these Assets is a D8 (player’s choice as to which Duke).

Failure: Gain Stress to COURAGE equal to the third highest rolling die in the Dukes’ pool, or D4 if there are no dice left. Not only have you not swayed the Dukes, but you’ve taken a hit to your own resolve.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose from one of the following at D6: NOT FROM AROUND HERE, ARROGANT REPUTATION, or UNINTENDED INSULT. These are the same possible Complications from the Dragon Guard parley earlier in the engagement, so they might be stepped up instead of adding new Complications.


o Opening Salvo o

Once every Hero has had a chance to sway the Dukes, determine how many remain unaffected by the speeches. The Heroes need at least a majority, which means three Dukes out of the five. This should be possible, but if they fail, the Heroes are left to puzzle out the mystery of the bandits without the hefty resources of the Dragon Dukes themselves. Either way, move to the next stage of the engagement.

Duke Orchal’s DaughterAt this point the Heroes may have mentioned the “Red Lady” or the “Red Lady’s brother” and been informed of Thurien, daughter of Duke Orchal of Clan Nezarlet. Orchal suggests that perhaps Thurien’s “brother” was her rider in the Brigades. He doesn’t know who that was, so he offers to take the Cadre to Thurien’s lair (a cavernous abode in the nearby foothills) so they can find out.

Gamemaster Note: If the Heroes never bring up the “Red Lady” but they have the CAPTIVE BANDIT, the bandit brings her up. In fact, he can confirm that the “brother” wears a Dragon Brigadier’s cloak. If there’s no bandit in captivity, the Dragon Brigade pistol the Heroes have with them is sufficient link for Orchal to bring up the “brother” of his daughter, Thurien.

A short time later, at Thurien’s lair, the Cadre finds that she’s no longer there. A servant living in a hovel near her lair claims she’s been gone for more than a week, off to Rosia’s northern provinces where she was stationed during the wars with Estara. There’s no need to roll dice to determine this. However, to learn more, the Heroes may need to be crafty.

Have the players all make rolls of GUILE + REASON plus any Specialties or Distinctions related to Crafting. The Hero with the highest result from this roll notes signs that Thurien left considerably more recently—the sigils on an illumination construct in her lair have some residual signs of having been active within the past day. At first Duke Orchal refuses to let the company search the cave for evidence of Thurien’s rider’s identity, but he can either

be convinced by pointing out that he doesn’t want her implicated in future raids (FAITH + REASON), or he can be distracted while the company searches surreptitiously for the evidence (COURAGE + GUILE). Ask the players which of them wants to try talking to the Duke.


Because this is a Contest rather than a Test, raising the stakes successfully doesn’t automatically mean you’ve won. If the Gamemaster raises the stakes, the player may pick up and roll his dice again, this time trying to raise the stakes himself. This continues until one side fails to raise the stakes or gives in. Duke Orchal never gives in and will always attempt to raise the stakes.

Player (set then raise stakes): FAITH + REASON for convincing Orchal of his daughter’s potential implication, or COURAGE + GUILE for a distracting conversation, plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions.

Gamemaster (raise stakes): D10 (for BREED) + D8 (for REASON) + D10 (for STUBBORN) plus any Complications in play, such as NOT FROM AROUND HERE or UNINTENDED INSULT.

Success: If Duke Orchal fails to raise the stakes, the Heroes have what they wanted and may search Thurien’s lair. They learn that Thurien’s rider is Comte Lothaire de Souriz, former Captain in the Dragon Brigade.

Failure: If the Hero fails to raise the stakes, he takes Stress to GUILE equal to the third highest rolling die in Duke Orchal’s last roll and Duke Orchal keeps them from searching.


o Dragon Brigade o

Give In: If the Hero gives in, he earns a Plot Point but gains a D6 Complication, DISPLAY OF WEAKNESS. The Cadre doesn’t find anything, as with Failure above.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls a 1, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose from the following: DISPLAY OF WEAKNESS, UNINTENDED INSULT, or NOT FROM AROUND HERE.

If the Heroes learn the name of Thurien’s rider, it should disturb Brother Gaspard greatly. Captain Lothaire is his nephew, the young man he failed to properly defend in military court and who then escaped custody. Gaspard may, of course, either share this information or keep it to himself, as his player decides.

Next StepsAs the Cadre leaves Thurien’s lair with the Duke of Nezarlet, a cannon shot goes off and Duke Orchal is hit. They have a chance of spotting this trouble in time to warn him and mitigate the severity of his injury.


Every Hero may roll to raise the stakes; the Hero who raises the stakes by the greatest degree may decide to warn Duke Orchal or not.

Gamemaster (sets stakes): D8 (for Difficulty) + 2D6 (for the CANNONS) plus any Complications or Stress as appropriate.

Player (raises stakes): VIGOR + REASON plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions relating to awareness or observation.

Success: You see or hear the cannon and your muscles respond fast enough for you to warn Duke Orchal.

Failure: Although you hear the cannon, you don’t grasp what this means or react fast enough to warn Duke Orchal.

Possible Complications: Don’t worry about Complications for this Test.

If the Heroes see trouble first, they can warn him and his wing is broken; otherwise, the shot hits him in the throat and he dies from the grievous injury. The Cadre sees a small frigate turning to flee, moving fast with the wind. Accompanying it are more griffon-riding bandits.

Human support and custodians arrive on the scene to minister to Orchal or assess his state. For the Cadre, however, it’s time to give chase!


o Opening Salvo o


When you’re ready to move to the next engagement, discard any outdated or old Complications and Assets, ask the players if they want to conduct Recovery Actions (difficulty is d8 for travel) and describe the following situation to the players.

“The Cadre leaps aboard their

wyvern-drawn chariots and goes after

the frigate. Duke Orchal’s assassins move

fast with the wind. Their frigate weaves

through the mountain valleys, trying to

lose the company. Led by Berach mac

Crodan, the griffons peel off, trying to

get behind the Cadre’s chariots and pick

them off.”

Canyon ChaseThis is a classic chase scene, filled with

cannon fire and swooping opponents. Each wyvern-pulled chariot carries two Heroes. While one Hero drives the chariot, engaging in a Contest of wits and speed with the fleeing bandits, the other Hero can shoot, use magic, or whatever else in a Test to knock out or weaken the opposition. Once each chariot (driver and passenger) has had a chance to act, move to the next stage of the engagement.


Pitiless (Light Frigate)


Gamemaster Note: Vehicles in the DRAGON BRIGADE RPG have more detailed game statistics than these, but the stats given here are suitable enough for this engagement. If the Heroes weren’t in command of their own vehicle (a wyvern-pulled chariot) the Pitiless would have an advantage of scale, but for the purposes of DRAGON BRIGADE: Opening Salvo this is moot.


Player (set and raise stakes): FAITH + VIGOR plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions appropriate to piloting a wyvern-drawn chariot.

Gamemaster (raise stakes): D8 (Pitiless’ PILOT) + D8 (Pitiless’ SPEED) +2D6 (Pitiless’ CANNONS)

Success: If the Pitiless fails to raise the stakes, the Hero’s chariot catches up with it. With an Extraordinary Success (raising the stakes by 5 or more), the chariot gains a D6 Asset, POSITIONING ADVANTAGE, which the chariot passenger can use as well.


o Dragon Brigade o

Talent Scout: The Third EngagementThis engagement once again focuses on battle and action. Stephano and

Gaspard’s Talents benefiting their allies should be critical. Miri can’t use her Talent to keep the wyvern-pulled chariots in the air, but her Healer Talent may see some use; there are multiple occasions for Stress to be dealt out.

Failure: If the Hero fails to raise the stakes, the chariot doesn’t catch up to the Pitiless, but does manage to keep pace with it. In addition, the Hero and his companion each take VIGOR Stress equal to the Pitiless’s third highest die as the Pitiless’s guns pound the chariot, sending up splinters and debris.

Give In: If the Hero gives in, the chariot falls far behind the Pitiless. The Hero earns a Plot Point but gains a D6 Complication, EXHAUSTED WYVERNS. The Hero and his companion take no Stress, however.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls a 1, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose from the following: EXHAUSTED WYVERNS, STUBBORN WYVERNS, or UNFAMILIAR SKIES.


Gamemaster (set stakes): D6 (for difficulty) + D10 (for Berach mac Crodan’s GRIFFON RIDER) + 2D8 (for the two GRIFFON BANDITS harrying the Hero’s chariot)

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + VIGOR (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if going after the bandits with guns; FAITH + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if using magic or constructs to oppose or deflect the bandits.

Success: The Hero has weakened the opposition, and one of the two GRIFFON BANDITS is removed from the engagement. With an Extraordinary Success, the Hero may either remove both GRIFFON BANDITS, or instead deliver the third highest rolling die as Stress to one of Berach mac Crodan’s Traits and remove a single GRIFFON BANDIT.

Failure: The Hero takes Stress to his VIGOR Action Trait equal to the third highest rolling die in the bandit’s pool.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: CURSED MISFIRE, EXHAUSTED WYVERNS, or IT’S MAKING THEM ANGRIER!


This Test is for the truly heroic, as the chariot passenger attempts to subdue or dispatch Berach mac Crodan for good. If the player succeeds by 5 or more, note that he has the choice of either killing mac Crodan outright or capturing him. The risks are substantial, however, so warn the player (and the player of the chariot driver) of the potential for spectacular failure.


o Opening Salvo o

Gamemaster (set stakes): D8 (for difficulty) + D10 (for ROBBER BARON) + D10 (for HULLSPLITTER) + D10 (for GRIFFON RIDER) +D4 (for TRUNDLER LEGEND, if opposed by Miri or Gythe) plus any Complications as appropriate.

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + VIGOR (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if trying to take down Berach mac Crodan by force; FAITH + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if using magic or constructs to capture Berach or send him to his doom.

Success: The Hero has Berach on the ropes and deals Stress to one of his Traits equal to the Hero’s third highest rolling die. If he gains an Extraordinary Success (raises the stakes by 5 or more) he can choose to either kill Berach mac Crodan, sending him to the floor OF the valley below, or capture him.

Failure: The Hero takes Stress to his VIGOR Action Trait equal to the third highest rolling die in Berach’s pool. If Berach mac Crodan’s result was 5 or more higher than the Hero’s, the chariot driver takes the Stress as well.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: HIS LEGEND GROWS STRONGER, SIGIL BURNOUT, or SPOOKED WYVERNS.

After each of the three chariot teams has had a chance to close with the Pitiless, update the players on the current situation. Each chariot has closed with, maintained speed with, or fallen far behind the Pitiless. Resolve each of these as follows:

Closed with the Pitiless: The Heroes on this chariot may board the Pitiless and engage its crew, hoping to confront Comte Lothaire.

Maintained Speed: The Heroes with this chariot may either provide support (pistol shots, constructs, etc.) or attempt to close with the Pitiless.

Fallen Behind: The Heroes with this chariot may try to close with the Pitiless or stay out of the remainder of this engagement.

If Berach mac Crodan isn’t taken out or captured by the Heroes, he and his remaining griffon riders abandon the Pitiless to its fate and peel away from the engagement. They will return one last time in the final engagement.

Boarding ActionsOnce the griffons are dealt with, the players can get close enough to the frigate to read the name on its prow—the Pitiless, which both Stephano and Brother Gaspard know belongs to Comte Lothaire. Lothaire is not aboard, however, for the captain is a woman with one eye and silver hair. This is Solvig Jarviksdottir, a disgraced Guundaran mercenary responsible for a major atrocity on the battlefield during the Estaran wars. Dag knows her by reputation. She shoots at anyone trying to board the ship and uses magic to deflect attempts to cripple the vessel.

Heroes who are trying to lend support may do that. Those who are able to attempt a boarding action may do so. Finally, those Heroes who wish to draw close may do so. As there will only be two rounds of action, any chariot that fell far behind will only be able to draw close enough to lend support for the second round, not make a boarding action.



o Dragon Brigade o


Gamemaster (set stakes): D6 (for difficulty) +D8 (Pitiless’ PILOT) + D8 (Pitiless’ SPEED) plus any appropriate Complications.

Player (set and raise stakes): FAITH + VIGOR plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions appropriate to piloting a wyvern-drawn chariot.

Success: The Hero’s chariot catches up with the Pitiless. With an Extraordinary Success, the chariot gains a D6 Asset, POSITIONING ADVANTAGE, which the chariot passenger can use as well (or steps up an existing Asset of that name by one, maximum D12).

Failure: The chariot doesn’t catch up to the Pitiless.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls a 1, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose from the following at D6: EXHAUSTED WYVERNS, STUBBORN WYVERNs, or UNFAMILIAR SKIES.


Gamemaster (set stakes): D6 (for difficulty) + D8 (Pitiless’ PILOT) + D8 (Solvig’s DEFENSIVE CRAFTER) + D4 (Solvig’s ONE-EYED) + 4D6 (for PITILESS BANDIT CREW) plus any Complications.

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + GUILE (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if using tricks, covering fire, or inspirational shouts; or FAITH + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) if using magic to foil Solvig and the Pitiless’ pilot.

Success: Give another Hero the third highest rolling die in your Action Pool as a Support Asset, minimum D6. If the result was an Extraordinary Success, step the die up by one (D6 becomes a D8, etc.)

Failure: Give Solvig the third highest rolling die in your Action Pool as a Complication, minimum D6. Solvig uses this when setting the stakes. If she’s already picked up one of these, step the existing one up by one (maximum D12).

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: EXHAUSTED WYVERNS, HIGH WINDS, THERE’S TOO MANY OF THEM!

Making It PersonalOne of the fun things about roleplaying games is getting in character, and the

battle against Solvig presents an excellent opportunity to put this in the forefront. If Miri is a supporting character rather than a player Hero for the game, have Solvig grab her and threaten her life to give Dag added motivation—this makes an excellent Complication if one presents itself. As Dag is falling for the Trundler pilot, he’s forced to decide whether he can risk Miri being hurt, and then whether he lets Solvig live or deals out his own punishment.


o Opening Salvo o


Gamemaster (set stakes): D8 (Pitiless’ PILOT) +D10 (Solvig’s GUNDAARAN MERCENARY) +D8 (Solvig’s DEFENSIVE Crafter) +D4 (Solvig’s ONE-EYED) +4D6 (for PITILESS BANDIT CREW) plus any Complications, including wyvern-related Complications earned earlier.

Player (raise stakes): GUILE + VIGOR (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions)

Success: The Hero clambers aboard the top deck of the Pitiless and eliminates one of the PITILESS BANDIT CREW. With an Extraordinary Success, the Hero also deals Stress to one of Solvig’s Traits equal to the third highest rolling die.

Failure: The Hero is pushed back into his chariot and takes Vigor Stress equal to the third highest rolling die in Solvig’s pool.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: EXHAUSTED WYVERNS, HIGH WINDS, THERE’S TOO MANY OF THEM!

Gamemaster Note: Remember, the players have two attempts to close in and board the Pitiless. If the Heroes on a chariot manage to board on the first attempt, they may either make another boarding attempt action to further harry Solvig and the frigate’s crew, but risk being pushed back into their chariot, or simply hold their actions until they’re ready to take down Solvig.

Next EventsThis engagement ends in one of two ways. If any of the Heroes have managed to board the Pitiless, they have a chance to seize Solvig and capture the frigate. If they failed to catch up to the frigate or were pushed back by Solvig to their chariots, the Pitiless escapes, but the Heroes have gained valuable information.


o Dragon Brigade o

Present the following action to the Heroes on board the Pitiless. Heroes who aren’t on board will get a chance for more daring action in the next and final engagement.


If the players can’t agree who leads the attack on Solvig, have them all roll the dice below and the player with the highest result starts the Contest. The others may choose their highest rolling die and give it to the primary player as a Support Asset. Depending on the outcome, this ends with Solvig escaping with her frigate, escaping but leaving her frigate in the Heroes’ possession, or being captured/killed.

Player (set and raise stakes): COURAGE + VIGOR (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) and any Support Asset dice from other Heroes.

Gamemaster (raise stakes): D8 (for difficulty) + D10 (Solvig’s GUNDAARAN MERCENARY) + D8 (Solvig’s DEFENSIVE CRAFTER) + D4 (Solvig’s ONE-EYED) plus D6 for each of the surviving PITILESS BANDIT CREW and any appropriate Complications.

Success: The Hero has Solvig beaten and bowed, and deals Stress to one of her Traits equal to the Hero’s third highest rolling die. If he gains an Extraordinary Success (raises the stakes by 5 or more) he can choose to either kill Solvig or capture her.

Failure: The Hero takes Stress to his VIGOR Action Trait equal to the third highest rolling die in Solvig’s pool. Solvig leaps over the edge of the Pitiless, whereupon a griffon swoops in to carry her away.

Give In: If the Hero decides to Give In, he gains a Plot Point and a D6 Complication, SOFT-HEARTED. The Heroes are driven from the Pitiless, and Solvig gets away.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls a 1, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose from the following at D6: FALLING DEBRIS, STORMY WEATHER, or TANGLED RIGGING.

Regardless of the outcome of the Heroes’ battle with Solvig and the Pitiless, they have confirmation that Lothaire is the leader of the bandits. They must return with all haste to the Gorge of Speaking, there to present their findings and possibly hand over Berach mac Crodan, Solvig Jarviksdottir, or the Pitiless. The kidnapped tax collector is likely being held at Lothaire’s castle.

They are thanked for their efforts at chasing down the vile assassins, but Lothaire must be brought to face his crimes and the tax collector brought back. They are sent immediately to a nearby Royal Navy outpost, and from there to Castle de Souriz to arrest Comte Lothaire.


o Opening Salvo o


This engagement is the grand finale, wherein the Cadre of the Lost finally track down the villains behind the attacks on Royal airships and the corruption within the Dragon Duchies, and rescue the tax collector from Comte Lothaire’s castle. Stephano and the rest of the Cadre should all have an opportunity to flex their abilities and skills, and Brother Gaspard may need to make a terrible decision. The Heroes are also reunited with Arligash, the dragon from the First Engagement.

Describe the following to the players once you’re ready to move ahead.

“The Cadre reaches the Royal Navy

outpost at the hinterlands of the Dragon

Duchies, accompanied by two dragons of

Clan Cincorn—your new friend Arligash,

and one of his brothers. Here, you find that

word has gone ahead of your arrival and you

have been assigned a two-deck warship,

the Saint-Reynaud, to confront Comte

Lothaire at his mountain home, which is

several leagues into neutral territory.”

Back for MoreIf the Heroes didn’t capture or kill Solvig Jarviksdottir or Berach mac Crodan in the previous engagement, this is an opportunity for a last confrontation with them. As they near Castle de Souriz, the Pitiless (or another frigate, the Salamander, with identical game statistics) drops into view and confronts the Saint-Reynaud with cannon-fire. One or both of Solvig and Berach mac Crodan sneer from the forecastle, their weapons raised in challenge. If neither of these villains is at large, the Salamander and its crew (BANDITS 4D6) is all that stands in the Saint-Reynaud’s way.

Saint-ReynaudWARSHIP D8, SPEED D8, CANNONS 2D6, CREW 3D6This vessel has a skeleton crew whose only role is to support the Heroes. If a Hero wishes to include them in any action, any that are used are effectively out for the remainder of the engagement. So, if you include 2D6 Crew, you’re left with Crew D6. The Cannons Trait assumes its gunners are dedicated to this role on the vessel; reducing Crew won’t have any effect on it.

While the Heroes are engaged with the enemy ship, Arligash and his brother descend to break down the castle’s construct-bound fortifications with their dragonfire. They won’t participate in the battle against the enemy airship. You can use the following actions to handle the airship conflict. One of the Heroes (presumably Miri) acts as the Saint-Reynaud’s pilot; the others repel the boarding party of Solvig, Berach, or the bandits.


o Dragon Brigade o


Gamemaster (set stakes): D8 (for difficulty) +D8 (for Frigate’s PILOT) +D8 (for Frigate’s SPEED) +2D6 (for Frigate’s CANNONS)

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + REASON (plus Signature Assets, Specialties, and Distinctions, such as Miri’s PILOT Specialty) +D8 (for Saint-Reynaud’s speed) +2D6 (for Saint-Reynaud’s CANNONS)

Success: The enemy frigate is driven back and sustains heavy damage. If the Hero gains an Extraordinary Success, powder stores and constructs aboard the frigate explode violently; take the Hero’s third highest rolling die and add it as Stress to either Solvig or Berach, or remove the bandits.

Failure: The enemy frigate escapes significant damage entirely and returns fire. The Hero gains REASON Stress equal to the frigate’s third highest rolling die.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls a 1, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose from the following at D6: HEAVY WINDS or EMBOLDENED FOES.


This is an all-purpose action for each of the Heroes who aren’t engaged in piloting the Saint-Reynaud. If Solvig and/or Berach are present, add their dice to set the stakes, as provided. If one of the Heroes wants to take on Solvig or Berach personally, use the To The Last! action instead.

Gamemaster (set stakes): D8 (for Difficulty) + 4D6 (for BANDITS) + D10 (for Berach’s ROBBER BARON) + D10 (for Solvig’s GUUNDARAN MERCENARY) plus any Complications. Remember, only add Berach or Solvig’s dice if they’re present.

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + VIGOR for use of guns and force to repel; FAITH + REASON for use of magic and constructs; GUILE + VIGOR for dirty tricks and distractions. Add Signature Assets, Specialties, and Distinctions as appropriate.

Success: The Hero has delivered a blow to the boarding party, and one of the four Bandits is removed from the engagement. With an Extraordinary Success, the Hero may either remove two Bandits, or instead deliver the third highest rolling die as Stress to one of Berach mac Crodan’s Traits or Solvig Jarviksdottir’s Traits, in addition to removing a single Bandit.

Failure: The Hero takes Stress to his VIGOR Action Trait equal to the third highest rolling die in the boarder’s pool.

Talent Scout: The Fourth EngagementThis is yet another long and potentially complicated engagement, where Miri’s

Healer and Dag’s Never Lie Down are as useful as Stephano’s Lead By Example or even Rodrigo’s Think Outside the Box. At several points, Gythe’s Quick Sigil may allow her to work her magic while carrying out support actions, and Brother Gaspard’s All In Your Head makes taking a lot of Stress somewhat less challenging.


o Opening Salvo o

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls a 1, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose from the following at D6: EMBOLDENED FOES, SLIPPERY DECKS, or SURROUNDED!


Use this action if one of the Heroes wants to directly challenge Berach mac Crodan or Solvig Jarviksdottir. It’s just a Test, not a Contest, because there’s a castle to storm below.

Gamemaster (set stakes): D8 (for difficulty) +D10 (for Solvig’s GUUNDARAN MERCENARY) +D8 (for Solvig’s DEFENSIVE CRAFTER) +D4 (for Solvig’s ONE-EYED); or D8 (for difficulty) +D10 (for Berach’s ROBBER BARON) +D10 (for Berach’s HULLSPLITTER) +D4 (for Berach’s TRUNDLER LEGEND).

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + VIGOR for physical battle; GUILE + VIGOR for misdirection and dirty tricks; FAITH + REASON for magic. Add Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions as appropriate.

Success: The Hero overcomes the villain. Have the player describe the finishing blow or winning maneuver. If an Extraordinary Success is gained, the Hero gains an Asset of his choice equal to the third highest rolling die: EMBOLDENED, SECOND WIND, or TRIUMPHANT!

Failure: The Hero overcomes to the villain, but at cost to himself. He gains VIGOR, COURAGE, or FAITH Stress (depending on the approach he took against the villain) equal to the villain’s third highest rolling die.

Possible Complications: Don’t worry about Complications for this Test. Move on to the final battle!

Once the frigate (the Pitiless or the Salamander) is taken care of, and the dragons have broken down the castle’s defenses, the Saint-Reynaud closes in with the castle.

At the Castle de SourizComte Lothaire de Souriz maintains a small yet well defended castle with a single impressive spire surrounded by curtain walls and fortifications. The dragons of Clan Cincorn have demolished much of this; Arligash flies up to the Saint-Reynaud to inform the Cadre that the former Dragon Brigade officer has made his way to the spire, connected to the body of the castle by a wind-swept causeway. The spire is most likely where the tax collector has been locked away.

The Cadre can bring the warship in close enough for them to disembark and pursue their quarry. Arligash and his brother return to the skies to make sure no other bandits approach the castle while the Heroes are engaged.

Comte Lothaire de SourizDRAGON BRIGADE VETERAN D8, MASTER SWORDSMAN D10, DRAGON RIDER D8, HONORABLE D4A young man when he was charged with treason against the Crown, then-Captain Lothaire de Souriz was counseled by his uncle, Brother Gaspard, to become a devoted idealist. His decision not to set fire to a captive Estaran vessel and condemn its crew to a fiery death saw him thrown in chains, but he escaped and has since been embracing a new, radical idealism. Even so, he retains a sense of honor beneath the bitterness.


o Dragon Brigade o

Although the Heroes could try something forceful or aggressive, remind them that this is a rare opportunity to talk some sense into a once-great officer of the legendary Dragon Brigade. Stephano or Brother Gaspard might try to appeal to him; Gaspard, especially, should be given this option before the others. Also, at least one of the Heroes should go and recover the tax collector from the spire. This doesn’t require a roll but it means that Hero won’t participate in the confrontation with Lothaire.


Like the other Contests, this involves each side trying to progressively raise the stakes until one side Gives In or fails to roll higher than the other. The Hero is trying to appeal to Lothaire’s honor, beliefs, or Crown Law. Lothaire is opposed to the status quo and those who would defend it.

Player (set and raise stakes): REASON + REASON, FAITH + FAITH, or FAITH + REASON, plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions. The approach taken may depend on the Hero’s relationship to Lothaire, but it is the player’s choice.

Gamemaster (raise stakes): D8 (for Difficulty) + D8 (for DRAGON BRIGADE VETERAN) + D4 (for HONORABLE) plus any Complications relating to the Hero’s recent activity.

Success: If Lothaire fails to raise the stakes, he rejects his misdeeds and surrenders to the Hero.

Failure: If the Hero fails to raise the stakes, Lothaire’s face twists into a sneer. He draws his pistol and shoots the Hero, who takes Stress to his VIGOR Action Trait equal to the third highest rolling die in Lothaire’s pool.

Give In: If the Hero Gives In, he gains a Plot Point and a D6 Complication, IMPENETRABLE RHETORIC.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls a 1, hand him a Plot Point and choose one of the following Complications at D6: IMPENETRABLE RHETORIC, SEDITIOUS LOGIC, or TREASONOUS CYNIC.

If Lothaire surrenders, the Heroes can take him into their custody. Otherwise, they must resort to force. It’s also possible they want to go this route to begin with, of course. If this is the way things go, some Heroes may use Support Actions while at least one may try to take him in a rapier duel or similar Contest. Take care of the Support Actions first, as usual.


Gamemaster (set stakes): D6 (difficulty) + D10 (for Lothaire’s DRAGON BRIGADE VETERAN)

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + FAITH (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) to use hearty encouragement or moral support; GUILE + REASON (plus any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) for a clever or heroic distraction.

Success: Give a Hero of your choice the third highest rolling die in your Action Pool as a Support Asset, minimum D6. If the result was an Extraordinary Success, step the die up by one (D6 becomes a D8, etc.)

Failure: Give the opposition the third highest rolling die in your Action Pool as a Complication, minimum D6.


o Opening Salvo o


Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: FASTER THAN HE LOOKS, SLIPPERY SURFACE, or WINDY CAUSEWAY.


This is likely a physical contest, one without magic or clever intrigue. It’s where Stephano and Dag perform well, as opposed to Rodrigo or Gythe.

Player (set and raise stakes): COURAGE + VIGOR, for heroic fencing, or GUILE + VIGOR, for more devious efforts (plus Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions as appropriate).

Gamemaster (raise stakes): D8 (for difficulty) + D10 (MASTER SWORDSMAN) + D4 (HONORABLE) plus any Complications where appropriate.

Success: If Lothaire fails to raise the stakes, he drops his sword (orthe Hero disarms him with a flourish) and surrenders.

Failure: If the Hero fails to raise the stakes, Lothaire makes a run for the other end of the causeway. The Hero takes Stress to his VIGOR Action Trait equal to the third highest rolling die in Lothaire’s pool.

Give In: If the Hero chooses to Give In, he gains a Plot Point and a D6 Complication, CONFLICTED. As with Failure, above, Lothaire makes a run for the other end of the causeway.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: FASTER THAN HE LOOKS, SLIPPERY SURFACE, or WINDY CAUSEWAY.

Gamemaster Note: At this stage in the mission, the Heroes may have acquired a great number of Complications. There’s only one more conflict before the end, however, so it shouldn’t get too much worse for them. Of course, now it involves a dragon…

Whether Lothaire has surrendered or fled, the last and final stage of the engagement takes place. If one of the Heroes freed the tax collector, the poor man, starved and exhausted, can be helped onto the Saint-Reynaud. Just as this happens, everything gets worse.

Dragon ArrivalAt this point, the true mastermind of the bandits reveals herself: Thurien, the Comte’s dragon partner. She comes diving out of the clouds while the Heroes are catching a breath after their encounter with Lothaire. If he surrendered, she kills Lothaire; if he fled, she tries to help him escape. She sprays dragonfire along the causeway in either case.

If Lothaire surrendered, you might describe how he stands and advances toward the diving dragon before becoming engulfed in a blossom of flame. If he has fled, he’s out of range of the flames and waits for Thurien to swing down to collect him.


o Dragon Brigade o


The Heroes aren’t truly in danger here, though there’s no reason to let on. Set the stakes just once for Thurien, then have each Hero roll to raise the stakes and avoid a fiery doom.

Gamemaster (set stakes): D6 (for difficulty) + D8 (for Thurien’s BREED) + D10 (for Thurien’s DRAGONFIRE) plus any Complications.

Player (raise stakes): COURAGE + VIGOR, VIGOR + VIGOR, or FAITH + VIGOR. Add any Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions as appropriate.

Success: The Hero finds cover or leaps clear of the trail of burning destruction. With an Extraordinary Success, he can give another Hero a Support Asset equal to his third highest rolling die, minimum D6.

Failure: The Hero’s clothes catch fire or his hair is singed. The Hero takes Stress to his COURAGE Action Trait equal to the third highest rolling die in Thurien’s pool.

Possible Complications: None for this Test.

The Heroes must retreat to the Saint-Reynaud, for there’s little chance of survival standing along the open causeway. Thurien makes a grand sweep around the castle, either picking up Lothaire if he yet lives or building up speed to pursue the Heroes’ ship. Thurien attacked the two younger dragons of Clan Cincorn before she arrived, but Arligash survived her assault. The Heroes may use the injured dragon as a Support Asset, as described in the Pierce the Clouds Test.

Here’s where Miri’s piloting skills are put to the test, as well as possibly Gythe or Rodrigo’s channeling. The Saint-Reynaud sustained some

damage in the battle; to outpace the dragon it needs to fly faster than its design allows. Have Gythe and/or Rodrigo attempt the Channel Power Test, followed by Miri in the Pierce the Clouds Test.


This is a basic use of Crafting and Channeling ability, reaching into the constructs that connect the Saint-Reynaud’s helm to its airscrews and propulsion. Only Heroes with both Channeling and some form of Crafting may attempt it, thus, Gythe and Rodrigo.

Gamemaster (set stakes): D10 + D8 (based on the scope of the Constructs and the general difficulty)

Player (raise stakes): FAITH + REASON plus CHANNELING Specialty plus CRAFTING Specialty

Success: Give the Saint-Reynaud’s pilot the third highest rolling die in your Action Pool as a Support Asset, minimum D6. If the result was an Extraordinary Success, step the die up by one (D6 becomes a D8, etc.). This represents the increased flow of power to the helm or the refinement of existing constructs.

Failure: Although power was redirected and channeled, the sigils and constructs the Hero manipulated were not immediately useful to the pilot.

Possible Complications: If the Hero rolls any 1s, activate the Complication with a Plot Point and choose one of the following at D6: FAILED CONSTRUCT, SHE CAN’T TAKE THE STRAIN, or UNFAMILIAR SIGILS


o Opening Salvo o


This is a very direct and to the point effort to outrun a swift dragon. It’s terribly difficult, but Miri should be up to the task. Arligash is aiding this action, but he’s taken injuries from Thurien; while he adds two Traits to the player’s roll, his Stress also adds to the Gamemaster setting the stakes.

Player (set stakes): COURAGE + REASON (plus Signature Assets, Specialties, or Distinctions) plus any Support Assets from Rodrigo and/or Gythe plus D10 (Arligash’s BREED) + D6 (Arligash’s VIGOR)

Gamemaster (raise stakes): D10 (for Difficulty) + D8 (Thurien’s BREED) + D10 (Thurien’s SPEED) + D6 (Arligash’s STRESS) plus any Complications as appropriate.

Success: The Saint-Reynaud pulls ahead of the pursuing dragon, leading her back into the Duchy of Nezarlet, her own Clan. If the Hero gains an Extraordinary Success, Thurien is exhausted by the effort to catch up.

Failure: The Saint-Reynaud is able to make it to the Duchy of Nezarlet, Thurien’s clan, but not before the dragon unleashes more dragonfire. The Hero and all aboard the warship take Stress to their VIGOR Action Traits equal to the third highest rolling die in Thurien’s pool and the tax collector is scared out of his wits. If the Hero’s result is 5 or more points below the stakes (stakes are 10, Hero’s result is 5) then the tax collector has a fatal heart attack.

Give In: If the pilot chooses to Give In, she gains a Plot Point and a D6 Complication, SHE’S TOO FAST!. The rest of the Crew takes Stress to their Faith Action Trait equal to the third highest rolling die in Thurien’s pool. The pilot loses any Assets gained from Channel Power, but the Crew reponsible for the Channel Power Test may try again, and then this Contest may be repeated until the Crew succeeds or fails.

Possible Complications: None for this Test.

Once the Heroes arrive back in the Duchy of Nezarlet, Thurien realizes she’s been drawn out. Dozens of dragons belonging to Clan Nezarlet rise from the mountains and valleys to intercept her, led by Duke Orchal if he still lives. If Lothaire was killed, Thurien decides she has nothing to live for, and fights back at her clanmates. She is dragged screaming from the skies, a victim of her own ambition. If Lothaire was not killed and is with her, she surrenders to her clan’s justice.

The Heroes have triumphed over the bandits and their leaders! Move on to Denouement and the wrapup of this mission.


o Dragon Brigade o

DENOUEMENTBack among the Dukes in the Gorge, the Cadre of the Lost are rewarded with plenty of gold and jewels from the dragons’ common hoard.

If the tax collector was freed from Castle de Souriz and survived Thurien’s pursuit, he is grateful and promises to put in a good word with the King. If they returned without him, the Cadre may have a good deal of explaining to do to the Crown.

If Orchal and Thurien are still alive, she is sentenced to exile for her crimes and forced to leave Rosia forever. If Orchal died, his voice of measured reason is not heard. Thurien has

her mighty wings clipped before she’s sent into exile.

If Lothaire, Solvig, or Berach mac Crodan survived, the Cadre are tasked with bringing them to justice.

If Lothaire died, Duke Brealgarn gives the Cadre his sworn confirmation of what happened, to be brought to the Royal Court in Rosia at once.

At the end of the mission, the Heroes are taken back to Lac Saint-Evrard, where the Cloud Hopper awaits repair, restocking, and the return of its brave Heroes—the Cadre of the Lost!


o Opening Salvo o


D10 COURAGE My heart shall not fail.

D6 FAITH Honor guides my hand.

D4 GUILE Truth is the first casualty of war.

D8 REASON Focus is key to success.

D8 VIGOR Stand until the job is done.

When the Gamemaster asks you to roll something like “COURAGE plus VIGOR” you take those two dice (a D10 and a D8), roll them, and add them together. If you have any extra dice (such as if you used one of your Distinctions), then you pick the two highest values and add those together.

If what you’re doing directly relates to one or both of the taglines associated with your Action Traits, you can spend a Plot Point to reroll all the dice, even the 1s. You must keep the result of the new roll.

DISTINCTIONSCynical, Dragon Brigade Veteran, Noble Bastard

Any time you’re rolling dice and acting Cynical, drawing on your experience as a Dragon Brigade Veteran, or dealing with your Noble Bastard heritage, then you can describe one or more of these things and you can add an extra D8 to the roll for each Distinction you use.

On the other hand, if you think one of these things might make your life harder, you can describe that and add an extra D4 to your roll and gain a Plot Point for each Distinction you use instead.

SPECIALTIESCommand 2d6, Dragon Psychology d6, Fencing 2d6, Firearms 2d6

When your training in any of these areas is appropriate to an action, you get to roll these dice, too. You still only add together the two highest rolling dice, unless something says you can add in more.

TALENTSLead By Example: You inspire others by your swift and decisive action. When you succeed at a Test or Contest, you may give your third highest rolling die to an ally engaging in a similar action. Your ally adds the die to her own Action Pool for her next roll. If you already used your third highest rolling die for an effect, like

Stress, or added it to your result with a Plot Point, use the fourth highest rolling die, and

so on.Tactical Eye: Once per engagement, when you’re involved in a battle or other

combat situation and you or one of you allies in earshot

of you fails to raise the stakes in an offensive Test or Contest, you may roll your REASON die and add

it to the result, possibly changing the outcome. When

the Gamemaster gives you an Opportunity

when rolling dice against you (a 1 comes up on one

of the opposing dice) this Talent is refreshed and you canuse it again.


o Dragon Brigade o

SIGNATURE ASSETSDragon Pistol d8, Sigil-Reinforced Shirt d8

You may add one or both of these Assets without spending a Plot Point if and when their use is appropriate to the success of your action. If someone else wants to use them, he has to spend a Plot Point.

STARTING PLOT POINTS: 3You may spend a Plot Point to add the next highest die you rolled to your result in addition to the two highest. You may also spend a Plot Point to create a temporary Asset rated as D6 to represent using an improvised tool, exploiting the environment, or otherwise improving your chances of success.

ABOUT STEPHANO DE GUICHENRumored to be the son of a noblewoman, Stephano was born “on the wrong side of the sheets.” He was raised by his father, Sir Julian de Guichen, a knight-rider for the famed Dragon Brigade. When Stephano was sixteen, Sir Julian was executed as a traitor for taking part in the Lost Rebellion against the despotic King Alaric. Stephano fought at his father’s side during the last battle. Grievously wounded, Stephano was saved from death by his childhood friend, Rodrigo.

Stephano avoided the wrath of King Alaric and obtained a commission in the Dragon Brigade. When the king disbanded the Brigade five years ago, Stephano found himself living only on his pension. He formed the Cadre of the Lost, a group who takes on odd jobs in order to earn their keep, even if it means working for the Crown.

Stephano is loyal to his friends, a peril to his enemies. He is proud of his father but suspicious of courtly intrigue. Believing the Church betrayed his father, Stephano has little use for priests. Stephano can fight and fight well, but he does not love battle. He is thirty-four, strong and fit, for he practices his fencing daily.

RelationshipsStephano and Rodrigo are best friends; they would do anything for each other. Despite Dag’s lack of confidence, Stephano sees his potential and knows he can count of Dag in a pinch. Once romantically involved with Miri, Stephano sometimes thinks his feelings forher are conflicted which can lead him to be a bit overprotective of her; however, he knows they’re best off as friends. Gythe is a mystery to Stephano—like everyone else, he’s protective of her; he isn’t quite sure what to make of the mute, child-like girl, however. Brother Gaspard is a fellow Dragon Brigade veteran but his deep ties to both Church and Crown make him twice the annoyance.


o Opening Salvo o


D4 Courage Combat would ruin this coat!

D8 Faith I believe in myself, which only lets me

down occasionally.

D10 Guile What’s sauce for the goose…

D8 Reason With the right lever, the mind can move

the world.

D6 Vigor Exertion is for those without style.

When the Gamemaster asks you to roll something like “GUILE plus REASON” you take those two dice (a D10 and a D8), roll them, and add them together. If you have any extra dice (such as if you used one of your Distinctions), then you pick the two highest values and add those together.

If what you’re doing directly relates to one or both of the taglines associated with your Action Traits, you can spend a Plot Point to reroll all the dice, even the 1s. You must keep the result of the new roll.

DISTINCTIONSCharming, Lazy, Rosian Courtier

Any time you’re rolling dice and being Charming, drawing on your experience as a Rosian Courtier, or getting out of something by being Lazy, you can describe one or more of these things and add an extra D8 to the roll for each Distinction you use.

On the other hand, if you think one of these things might make your life harder, you can describe that and add an extra D4 to your roll and gain a Plot Point for each Distinction you use instead.

SPECIALTIESChanneler d6, Court Affairs d6, Courtly Crafter 2d6, Seduction 2d6, University Scholar d6

When your training in any of these areas is appropriate to an action, you get to roll these dice, too. You still only add together the two highest rolling dice, unless something says you can add in more. Being a CHANNELER means Rodrigo can flow magic through constructs; he can craft constructs as well (see below).

RODRIGO’S CRAFTINGRodrigo is a Crafter, trained in making magical constructs by inscribing sigils of power and connecting them through lines of magical energy in order to produce effects.

Rodrigo gave up on his formal training as a Crafter, but picked up a number of tricks while spending time amongst the royal courts of Aeronne. His COURTLY

CRAFTER Specialty allows him to make constructs related to his training,

like constructs related to espionage, entertaining, and keeping his

suit clean. His Signature Sigils provide a few examples of the kind of effects that he has practiced.

When Rodrigo wants to create a construct, the

Gamemaster decides if it’s within his realm of expertise and if it would be a fairly routine effect. If the answer to both is yes, then Rodrigo simply does it without needing any kind of roll. Otherwise, if it’s an effect

he wouldn’t be familiar with or if there are any particular difficulties involved, then he must roll to create it using his FAITH

+ REASON as the Action Traits. If the effect involves a variant on one of his 34

o Dragon Brigade o

Signature Sigils, he may re-roll any of the dice used once without spending a Plot Point, but he must keep the new result, even if it is worse that the original.

SIGNATURE SIGILS“I create FIREFLIES to entertain at parties.”“I EAVESDROP to gather juicy gossip.”“I avoid prying eyes and pilfering hands by

keeping my secrets under lock and SEAL.” “Lost learning is not lost to me when I


TALENTSCrafter: You are a Crafter, able to create magic by carefully inscribing sigils and constructs. Your COURTLY CRAFTER Specialty gives you 4 Signature Sigils, described above.

She Said She Wasn’t Married: You’re frequently accused of crimes and misdemeanors and have a knack for dodging those bullets. Add a D8 to any roll you (or an ally) make when attempting to try to escape the blame for something you (or your ally) has done.

Think Outside The Box: Once per mission, you may add a third (but different) Action Trait of your choice to your pool for any Action you take, but you must also add a D4. When the Gamemaster gives you an Opportunity when rolling dice against you (a 1 comes up on one of the opposing dice) this Talent is refreshed and you can use it again.

STARTING PLOT POINTS: 3You may spend a Plot Point to add the next highest die you rolled to your result in addition to the two highest. You may also spend a Plot Point to create a temporary Asset rated as D6 to represent using an improvised tool, exploiting the environment, or otherwise improving your chances of success.

ABOUT RODRIGO DE VELLENEUVEMost people judge Rodrigo by his scandalous affairs, his foppish fashion sense, and his refusal to take life seriously. Stephano alone knows that a courageous and generous heart beats beneath

all that lace. Rodrigo is thirty-three with “melting” brown eyes, a long, narrow face, and a sardonic smile.

Rodrigo is the spoiled youngest son of the large de Villeneuve family, a lineage that dates back to the Sunlit Empire. He could do no wrong in the eyes of his fond parents, the Viscount and Viscountess de Vellenueve. He spent his youth with Stephano, who was tutored alongside him at the Viscount’s invitation, but this relationship to the de Guichens caused political problems later on. It was only with great sums of money that the Viscount could regain the Crown’s favor.

Rodrigo rarely finds the energy or ambition to pursue his many talents. He is fond of dressing well and spends much of his allowance on clothes. He is a favorite of the ladies of the court and falls in and out of love about once a week. He is adept at court intrigue and knows every secret and scandal about every person in the Royal Palace—knowledge that has saved him from irate husbands on more than one occasion.

Rodrigo attended University, his father deciding his talented son should be a priest. Various escapades, including smuggling women into his bedroom and sending the Grand Bishop’s miter floating around the dining hall, resulted in Rodrigo’s expulsion. He lives on the allowance provided by his father, sharing a house with Stephano. Rodrigo has a head for numbers and is the Cadre’s bookkeeper. He is hopeless in a fight.

RelationshipsAs he’s already proven, Rodrigo would

risk his life and reputation for Stephano, including defy an order from the Crown. Dag is a fairly recent addition to the Cadre and once fought on the other side from Stephano, but he seems dependable. Rodrigo teases Miri as though she were his sister. He’s intrigued by Gythe’s talent for crafting which is so unlike his own and he feels particularly responsible for keeping her safe. Rodrigo is sure that his checkered past will be a problem for Brother Gaspard, assuming the church liaison is as devout as he looks.35

o Opening Salvo o


D8 Courage I’ve got a job to do.

D8 Faith God helps those who help themselves.

D6 Guile There are no rules in battle.

D5 Reason Books don’t solve problems,

people do.

D10 Vigor It isn’t over if I’m still standing.

When the Gamemaster asks you to roll something like “VIGOR plus COURAGE” you take those two dice (a D10 and a D8), roll them, and add them together. If you have any extra dice (such as if you used one of your Distinctions), then you pick the two highest values and add those together.

If what you’re doing directly relates to one or both of the taglines associated with your Action Traits, you can spend a Plot Point to reroll all the dice, even the 1s. You must keep the result of the new roll.

DISTINCTIONSGuundaran Mercenary, Haunted, Huge

Any time you’re rolling dice and drawing on your experience as a Guundaran Mercenary, benefiting from being Huge, or keeping alert thanks to your Haunted past, then you can describe one or more of these things and you can add an extra D8 to the roll for each Distinction you use.

On the other hand, if you think one of these things might make your

life harder, you can describe that and add an extra D4 to your roll and gain a Plot Point for each Distinction you use instead.

SPECIALTIESBrawling 2d6, Firearms 3d6, Underworld Lore d6, Survival d6

When your training in any of these areas is appropriate to an action, you get to roll these dice, too. You still only add together the two highest rolling dice, unless something says you can add in more.

TALENTSMighty: When you need to break down a door, break or smash open something, add

D8 to your dice pool to perform the Action and add the three highest results together instead of the two highest to determine your result.

Never Lie Down: You don’t succumb to pain or trauma easily. When you take Stress that makes you shaken, you may spend a Plot Point to immediately step back the Stress die by one, possibly removing the shaken condition. When you

take Stress that makes you stricken, you may spend a Plot Point to ignore the

stricken condition and remain shaken, instead.


(your big, curious cat) d6, Enormous Pistol d8

You may roll one or both of these Assets with your other dice without spending a Plot Point if


o Dragon Brigade o

and when their use is appropriate to the success of your action. If someone else wants to use them, they have to spend a Plot Point.

STARTING PLOT POINTS: 3You may spend a Plot Point to add the next highest die you rolled to your result in addition to the two highest. You may also spend a Plot Point to create a temporary Asset rated as D6, to represent using an improvised tool, exploiting the environment, or otherwise improving your chances of success.

ABOUT DAG THORGRIMSONBorn in the nation of Guundar, famous for their mercenaries, Dag was eight years old when he joined his sergeant father in the army. Dag started as a drummer and fought in his first battle at the age of twelve. He served for many years as a mercenary, holding the rank of Sergeant, fighting other people’s wars.

Dag first encountered Stephano and the Dragon Brigade at the Battle of the Royal Sail. The two were on opposing sides in that conflict, with Dag fighting with the besieged Estarans in a floating fortress. Although they didn’t technically meet each other at this point, Stephano was impressed with Dag’s courage, and Dag was impressed with Stephano’s honor.

Dag’s military career ended abruptly when he gave an order that resulted in the deaths of all of the men under his command. The sole survivor, Dag determined that he would never again be placed in a position of authority.

Guilt-ridden and traumatized, Dag drifted about until he came to the free-wheeling city of Westfirth. Heedless what became of him, Dag joined one of the city’s many gangs as an enforcer. He found the job distasteful, but he went along with it until his partner nearly beat a man to death. Dag killed his partner to save the man’s life and spent days at the victim’s bedside, trying to save him. The man died, bequeathing Dag his only treasure—a large orange-and-white striped cat named Doctor Ellington. Dag and the cat became firm friends. Dag has a

special coat with padding on the left shoulder for the cat to use as a perch.

Unable to stay in Westfirth, Dag drifted about Rosia, doing odd jobs until he ran into Stephano, who recognized Dag from the Battle of the Royal Sail. Stephano offered Dag a job in the Cadre. Dag would not accept until he had “confessed” his crimes. Stephano listened and, at the end, shook Dag’s hand.

Dag is haunted by his past and, strictly religious, he is convinced that he is going to hell for his many sins. He takes a somber, serious view of life and rarely laughs. Dag is an expert with all types of firearms, from pistols to cannons. He plays the bagpipes, a skill he learned from his father. Dag is six-foot-two, close to forty years old, big-boned and heavy-set. He wears the dark and somber clothing of his strict religious sect.

RelationshipsDag feels that he owes a great debt to Stephano for giving him another chance and he would do almost anything to be the man Stephano thinks he is. Ever practical, Dag has little time for Rodrigo’s antics. Dag secretly loves Miri, but believes he is not worthy of her; he is likewise protective of her sister Gythe. As a devout man, Dag gives Brother Gaspard due respect and may even look to him for spiritual counsel, although their branches of faith are different.


o Opening Salvo o


D8 Courage People rely on me.

D4 Faith God isn’t always there when you need


D8 Guile Everybody lies sometimes.

D10 Reason Thinking, not fighting, solves problems.

D6 Vigor I don’t need you to tell me what to do.

When the Gamemaster asks you to roll something like “REASON plus GUILE” you take those two dice (a D10 and a D8), roll them, and add them together. If you have any extra dice (such as if you used one of your Distinctions), then you pick the two highest values and add those together.

If what you’re doing directly relates to one or both of the taglines associated with your Action Traits, you can spend a Plot Point to reroll all the dice, even the 1s. You must keep the result of the new roll.

DISTINCTIONSFiery Temper, Stubborn, Trundler

Any time you’re rolling dice and acting Stubborn, using your Fiery Temper, or dealing with your Trundler heritage, then you can describe one or more of these things and you can add an extra D8 to the roll for each Distinction you use.

On the other hand, if you think one of these things might make your life harder, you can describe that and add an extra D4 to your roll and gain a Plot Point for each Distinction you use instead.

SPECIALTIESPilot 2d6, Channeler 2d6, Lore 2d6, Trade d6

When your training in any of these areas is appropriate to an action, you get to roll these dice, too. You still only add together the two highest rolling dice, unless something says you can add in more. Being a CHANNELER means Miri knows how to flow magic through constructs but cannot craft the way Gythe or Rodrigo can.

TALENTSHealer: The power of life is largely misunderstood, but you are able to guide it intuitively when helping others. Add your

CHANNELER Specialty to your pool when using a Recovery Action to recover VIGOR Stress and include an extra die in the result (adding up the three highest rolling dice, not just the two highest).

Keep Her Flying: You’re a master of holding an airship together. Your instincts are usually right even when your training tells you something else. When your airship is heavily damaged, incapacitated, or falls into the Breath, you can

spend a Plot Point to keep it in the air or (in the worst cases) land her safely, although this doesn’t negate any Stress the ship has taken. You can repeat this for as long as you still have Plot Points.

SIGNATURE ASSETSThe Cloud Hopper d8, Healing Salve d8

You may roll these Assets with your other dice without

spending a Plot Point if and when their use is appropriate to the


o Dragon Brigade o

success of your action. If someone else wants to use it, they have to spend a Plot Point.

STARTING PLOT POINTS: 3You may spend a Plot Point to add the next highest die you rolled to your result in addition to the two highest. You may also spend a Plot Point to create a temporary Asset rated as D6, to represent using an improvised tool, exploiting the environment, or otherwise improving your chances of success.

ABOUT MIRI MCPIKEMiri is a Trundler Lore Master; she keeps the history of the Trundler people in stories, legends, and songs. Miri became fascinated by dragons and their connection to Trundler history. She met Stephano when he wandered by mistake into the McPike’s camp and got into a fight with some of the Trundler lads.

The two became lovers, but when that didn’t work out, they decided they were more comfortable being friends. When Stephano formed the Cadre, he needed a reliable form of transportation—one the authorities might tend to overlook. Miri’s boat, the Cloud Hopper, proved to be well-suited for the job.

Miri has red hair and a temper to match. She never stays angry long, but when she is on a rampage, even the cat goes into hiding. She is a skilled pilot, herbalist, and Channeler, an expert on Trundler lore. She knows almost as much about dragons as Stephano does. Miri can handle firearms and is especially skilled at reloading.

Miri has no love for the Church, believing that the Church abandoned her people. She is thirty-five, with red hair, freckles and green eyes.

RelationshipsMiri’s friendship with Stephano is strong, even if she chafes at his occasionally overprotective nature. She’s grateful to Rodrigo for his care of Gythe. Miri is in love with Dag and is convinced that he loves her, but she knows that if she breathes a word, he will run away and never come back. Gythe and Miri are exceptionally close to each other; Miri

is very protective of Gythe but also knows her sister’s inner strength. She is wary and likely antagonistic toward Brother Gaspard, unless he can show her that he is more than just a pawn of the Church.


o Opening Salvo o


D4 Courage Not every horror can be faced.

D10 Faith My heart lies with my friends.

D8 Guile It’s not a lie if you are smiling.

D8 Reason I am not strong, so I must be sharp.

D6 Vigor I have survived worse than this.

When the Gamemaster asks you to roll something like “FAITH plus REASON” you take those two dice (a D10 and a D8), roll them, and add them together. If you have any extra dice (such as if you used one of your Distinctions), then you pick the two highest values and add those together.

If what you’re doing directly relates to one or both of the taglines associated with your Action Traits, you can spend a Plot Point to reroll all the dice, even the 1s. You must keep the result of the new roll.

DISTINCTIONSBeautiful, Mute, Trundler

Any time you’re rolling dice and capitalizing on being Beautiful, avoiding something by virtue of being Mute, or dealing with your Trundler heritage, then you can describe one or more of these things and you can add an extra D8 to the roll for each Distinction you use.

On the other hand, if you think one of these things might make your life harder, you can describe that and add an extra D4 to your roll and gain a Plot Point for each Distinction you use instead.

SPECIALTIESChanneler 2d6, Empathic Insight d6, Singing d6, Untrained Crafting 3d6

When your training in any of these areas is appropriate to an Action, you get to roll these dice, too. You still only add together the two highest rolling dice, unless something says you can add in more. Being a CHANNELER means Gythe can flow magic through constructs; she can craft constructs as well (see below).

GYTHE’S CRAFTINGGythe, as a Trundler, never received any formal training in magic, but that doesn’t stop her from using the magic she was born with. While her

self-taught magic is flexible, it often comes with more problems than a trained

Crafter (like Rodrigo).Gythe can create effects related to

her Trundler background, especially those that help the Cloud Hopper or

her crew. Her Signature Sigils give a few examples of this.

When Gythe wants to create magic, she must be able to sing

(even though she is otherwise mute.) The Gamemaster decides if the effect she wants to create

is within her realm of expertise, and if it would be a fairly routine effect. If the answer to both is

yes, then Gythe simply does it without needing any kind of roll. If the answer to either is no (either it’s an effect she

wouldn’t be familiar with, or if there are any particular difficulties involved), then she must roll to create it

successfully, using her FAITH + REASON as the Action Traits, plus a D4

for her UNTRAINED CRAFTER Talent. If the effect involves a variant on one of 40

o Dragon Brigade o

her Signature Sigils, she may re-roll any of the dice used once, but she must keep the new result even if it is worse.

SIGNATURE SIGILS“My SHIELDING protects those I love.”“The Cloud Hopper is safe because I

REINFORCE WOOD.”“I DIRECT WINDS to arrive at port by nightfall.” “Our home is well stocked with all you could

need because I LIGHTEN LOADS.”“I HIDE what is valuable to me so nobody can

hurt me.”“I CHARM others with my smile and my music.”

TALENTSQuick Sigil: You’re adept at crafting single sigils quickly and efficiently. If you spend a Plot Point when you’re using one of your Signature Sigils, it takes no time to use it and you can combine it with another action.

Untrained Crafter: Your magical ability somehow slipped by the usual trainers of magic. You can Craft in another manner different than inscribing sigils and constructs (in Gythe’s case, with singing). Whenever you do so, add D4 to your Crafting dice pool.

STARTING PLOT POINTS: 3You may spend a Plot Point to add the next highest die you rolled to your result in addition to the two highest. You may also spend a Plot Point to create a temporary Asset rated as D6, to represent using an improvised tool, exploiting the environment, or otherwise improving your chances of success.

ABOUT GYTHE MCPIKEMiri’s younger sister Gythe is a mystery. She sings beautifully, yet she does not speak. She is a crafter so skilled in magic that she ranks as a Savant, yet she knows little about magic. When Gythe’s uncle recognized her talent and tried to teach her, she ran off, laughing.

Gythe’s talents in music are much like her magic. She cannot read a note. She taught herself to play the harp. She sings the old

Trundler songs. Her voice is beautiful, with a haunting, wistful quality. Despite her vocal talents, Gythe has been mute since childhood, when some sort of terrible incident befell her and her sister. Miri refuses to speak of what happened, even to her friends.

Gythe has a childlike quality about her that makes her seem younger. This quality is not innocence, for dark knowledge shadows her eyes. She is skilled in magic, but undisciplined in its use, with very little understanding of what she is doing. She often sings when casting spells, and her singing may have something to do with her magic.

Gythe has the ability to empathize with people, seeming to read their souls. She and Miri have a special bond that allows each sister to know—at least most of the time—what the other is thinking. Gythe speaks in sign language she and Miri developed. Gythe is lithe and dances among the rigging with the skill of an acrobat. Gythe is twenty-one, with a slender, light build. Her champagne-colored hair is wild and wind-blown.

RelationshipsBecause Gythe can read people so well, she knows Stephano’s strength, Rodrigo’s heart, and Dag’s stability. She worries about Miri who is too often strong for others at the expense of her own wellbeing. Gythe sometimes rebels against the way the rest of the Cadre tries to protect her. Brother Gaspard may once have been a man of faith but now he seems wracked with guilt and spiritual crisis, though he seems intent on hiding this.


o Opening Salvo o


D6 Courage If you threaten those I care for, you stoke

the fires of my valor.

D6 Faith How can I have conviction in a world

such as this?

D8 Guile I must not let them see my loss of hope

and duty.

D10 Reason In all things, there must be a purpose, or

we are lost.

D6 Vigor The Royal Army has given me

strength enough.

When the Gamemaster asks you to roll some-thing like “REASON plus GUILE” you take those two dice (a D10 and a D8), roll them, and add them together. If you have any extra dice (such as if you used one of your Distinc-tions), then you pick the two highest values and add those together.

If what you’re doing directly relates to one or both of the taglines associated with your Action Traits, you can spend a Plot Point to reroll all the dice, even the 1s. You must keep the result of the new roll.

DISTINCTIONSChurch Liaison, Dragon Brigade Veteran, One-Armed Man

Any time you’re rolling dice and asserting your status as a Church Liaison, drawing on your experience as a Dragon Brigade Veteran, or somehow benefiting from being a One-Armed Man, then you can describe one or more of these things and

you can add an extra D8 to the roll for each Distinction you use.

On the other hand, if you think one of these things might make your life harder, you can describe that and add an extra D4 to your roll and gain a Plot Point for each Distinction you use instead.

SPECIALTIESTheology 2d6, Counsel 2d6, Swordfighting d6, Dragon Lore d6

When your training in any of these areas is appropriate to an Action, you get to roll these dice, too. You still only add together the two highest rolling dice, unless something says you can add in more.

TALENTSOh No You Don’t: When another character uses an Asset or Complication

against you (i.e., rolls the die in with his Action Pool) when he sets

or raises the stakes, you can spend a Plot Point to turn the

tables and use it against him on your next roll to raise the stakes. If you succeed, the Asset or Complication

is stepped back by one (D6 becomes D4, D4 goes away). If you fail to raise the stakes, the Asset or Complication steps up by one (D6 becomes D8, etc.). Either way, the other character gets the die back.

All In Your Head: When you or another Hero takes Stress, you can spend a Plot Point to move it from one Action Trait to another, stepping the Stress die back by one (D6 becomes D4,

D4 goes away). Give some 42

o Dragon Brigade o

appropriate rationale for why one type of injury or impairment was in truth something else. You may only use this once on any given Stress die.

STARTING PLOT POINTS: 3You may spend a Plot Point to add the next highest die you rolled to your result in addition to the two highest. You may also spend a Plot Point to create a temporary Asset rated as D6, to represent using an improvised tool, exploiting the environment, or otherwise improving your chances of success.

ABOUT BROTHER GASPARDA church liaison to the Royal Army of Rosia, Gaspard is older than the other Heroes, around 50 years of age. He was formerly assigned to the Dragon Brigade and acted as a confidant to several Brigade officers, among them his young nephew, Comte Lothaire de Souriz.

Gaspard defended Lothaire in his military trial when the Comte disobeyed orders and allowed the Estaran ship Barca Negra to escape rather than burning it and all the men aboard. His failure to save Lothaire from the headsman’s axe disenchanted him with the military, and then when de Souriz escaped from custody, Brother Gaspard was interrogated as a possible accomplice.

Soon after, Gaspard lost his left arm below the elbow to a shot fired from a blunderbuss when Freyan privateers boarded his airship. The very next day, while he lay in hospital, the orders arrived from the king that the Dragon Brigade be disbanded. This string of misfortunes changed Gaspard’s personality radically—once a sly and light-hearted friar, he is now withdrawn and bitter, no longer certain of his place in the world.

Gaspard has continued in service to the army and the Church alike, but more and more he questions the authority and wisdom of both—a building crisis of faith and loyalty that he has kept hidden thus far, but is likely to come to a head soon. He is skittish around gunfire, due to his injury, but ferocious when those he cares about are threatened. He still blames himself for

Lothaire’s fall from grace and disappearance, and his great regret in life is that he has never been able to make amends for failing to save his nephew.

RelationshipsGaspard knows Stephano by reputation, although they never served together in battle. Rodrigo is the type of foppish rake that used to annoy Gaspard but lately he’s seen the virtue of such levity. Dag is clearly very religious though of a Guundaran sect, which likely means he is stoic and dependable. Miri and Gythe are both Trundlers and the owners of the Cloud Hopper, but they are no friends of the Church. Gythe, particularly, may be an empath and sense the guilt and frustration he’s trying so hard to hide.


o Opening Salvo o