Opening Day – Golden Spike Commemoration GTJ... · Bob Hasset works on the hood of our GE 25 ton...

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Transcript of Opening Day – Golden Spike Commemoration GTJ... · Bob Hasset works on the hood of our GE 25 ton...

Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum PO Box 665 Willimantic, CT. 06226-0665

Mark Your Calendar: 4/14/2019 – Monthly Meeting – Windham Hospital – 7:00PM—Please note change of date

5/4/2019 – Opening Day – Golden Spike Commemoration 5/19/2019 – Monthly Meeting – Windham Hospital – 7:00PM

6/16/2019 – Monthly Meeting – Windham Hospital – 7:00PM

7/21/2019 – Monthly Meeting – Windham Hospital – 7:00PM

8/18/2019 – Monthly Meeting – Windham Hospital – 7:00PM

Here’s the entire Mary Lou train in the children’s depot area of the museum with the addition of the long awaited tank car. Photo—Bob LaMay

Bob Hasset works on the hood of our GE 25 ton locomotive pri-or to us opening on May 4, 2019. Photo—Bob LaMay

Page 2 Spring 2019

Vol. 26 No. 1 – Spring 2019

The next scheduled meeting of the Con-necticut Eastern Chapter, National Rail-way Historical Society will be held at

Windham Hospital on

Sunday, April 14, 2019 @ 7:00 PM

Please note! If you have photos, short articles, or just want to make a com-

ment – please forward them to:

James L. Key - Editor


Chapter Leadership

President: Mark Granville


Vice President: Duke York


Treasurer: Jeff Laverty


Asst.-Treasurer: Vacant

Secretary: Jean Lambert




Ray Axelrod


GTJ Editor: James L. Key


Endowment Committee:

Howard Raphaelson

Adrian Atkins

Richard N. Symonds, Jr

Museum Website

Like Us on Face Book

Roundhouse Floor Finish Adrian Atkins

Unrestricted cash donations are nice, but

donations of needed materials or services help

us just as much. When it came to trying to

figure out how to seal the concrete floor in our

Roundhouse, I thought real professional help

would be beneficial. I asked A.H. Harris, a

construction materials supplier, whom I have

been buying materials from for a long time.

They are supplying all our floor materials ex-

cept the concrete. They referred me to Tom

Lane, Regional Sales Manager for PROSOCO


Tom came to Columbia Junction to see

what we were doing. His two concerns were -

using the floor in a heavy duty shop area and

trying to maintain a surface that we could easi-

ly keep clean as a museum exhibit area. Not

exactly compatible uses. He recommended

using a first coat of Consolideck LS Hardener

followed by a second coating of Consolideck

Concrete Protector SB Sealer. This treatment

should help us with both uses.

Tank Car to be Added to Children’s Depot

Adrian Atkins

It all started when Mary Lou DeVivo pur-

chased and donated a wooden locomotive for a

children’s play area. This locomotive soon be-

came a very popular attraction for children and

adults at our museum. It was really the start of

the Children’s Depot play area near our picnic

tables. Last year volunteers built a tender to be

located behind the locomotive. As we are adding

new cars we are constructing them out of pres-

sure treated wood for durability and letting them

age outside for a year prior to painting. This win-

ter the tender was brought into our paint shop for

finishing. Carolyn Stanich has been happily put-

ting black stain on the tender while working in

the warm section house.

As we started adding more rolling stock to

our train, Janet Atkins suggested the idea of get-

ting a sponsor for each car. This would not only

cover our costs but provide some advertising

opportunities to local businesses.

This winter Mark Granville and Rolf Johnson

constructed a tank car. This will give the chil-

dren opportunities to climb through and over it.

A tank car made me think of Bender Oil Service

in Lebanon who have been great supporters of

the museum through the years. Ray Axelrod

volunteered to talk to the Bender people. Ray got

them interested but told them I would drop by

and explain the details. Thanks, Ray. I then

made a presentation resulting in coming home

with a $500 check and signage information.

Good idea, Janet, and good sales job by Ray. Jan

McCullum is making “Bender’ signs to adorn the

car. It should be ready for our opening day, May


While discussing the museum and our

financial position, Tom agreed to have

PROSOCO donate the chemicals for our floor!

To date they have donated well over $1000

worth of chemicals.

Our thanks go to Tom Lane and PROSO-

CO Inc.

The Bob and Ed team apply the floor finish to the recently poured floor. Photo—Bob LaMay

Here Bob applies the finish while Ed sweeps and smooths it. Photo—Bob LaMay

This shows the recently finished tank car prior to final painting. Photo—Bob LaMay

Spring 2019 Page 3

Memories of Opening Day 2018 Join us on May 4th at 11am and make some new ones!!!

Photos—Bob LaMay

… coloring … … and even a train ride on a garden train.

Join the students from ECSU in our Children’s Depot.

There will be face painting, … … puzzles, ...

Opening Day

Saturday, May 4 By Mark Granville

Winter is over. Spring is here. Time for the Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum to open for its 2019 season. As usual, we are opening on

the First Saturday in May. Also, as usual, we expect a crowd so we need volunteers to help with the parking lot, ticket booth , gift shop, train

ride tickets, hand car rides, turntable demonstrations, village area and roundhouse docents, attendants in the children’s depot area and Garden

Railroad crew, etc. Please leave May 4 open on your calendar so you can help with some of these tasks.

We are planning some special displays and events around the 150th anniversary of the nation’s transcontinental railroad Golden Spike cere-

mony in Promontory, Utah on May 10, 1869. Some of the things we want to do are (1) staging of our #10 steamer and a diesel at the East

crossing in the museum to commemorate the Golden Spike ceremony and our museum’s golden spike ceremony held in 2003; (2) providing an

opportunity for visitors to try their hand at swinging a spike maul; and (3) a short video about the Golden Spike showing in the Chaplin Station.

As you can see from some of the photos in this issue, the children’s depot has been enhanced again. We expect both the Mary Lou play

train and the garden railroad to get a lot of action.

The museum will be open from 10am – 4 pm with special activities planned for 11am – 3pm.

Page 4 Sept 2018—Jan 2019

Memories of Opening Day 2018 Join us on May 4th at 11am and make some new ones!!!

Photos—Bob LaMay

Take a ride along sections of the Original Air Line to Bridge Street. (Extra Fare)

Check out the Mary Lou, our play ground climb-on train.

Try moving our 16 ton Armstrong Turntable.

When you think you’ve done it all – think again – try our 1850’s replica Hand Pump Car.

Sept 2018—Jan 2019 Page 5

Passing of Bill Bouchelle Adrian Atkins

It is with sorrow that we must note

the passing of Bill Bouchelle. He had been

in St Francis Hospital for 11 days before

slipping away peacefully on Monday, the

25th of February.

Bill did a lot of work helping Duke with

the 4052 Central Vermont Caboose project.

We last remember Bill quietly plugging

along fitting and placing each board on the

exterior of the 4052. A work of perfection

and we will miss his congenial presence at

the museum. Services were held for Bill on

April 13.

Roundhouse Floor update Adrian Atkins

This winter we have removed the

remaining “precious items” from the rest of

the floor area to be poured. At last a clear

working area lies ahead! Don’t ask where

everything has been put. We are at last ap-

proaching the corner of the roundhouse

nearest to the Freight House.

We are almost ready for pour #7 which

is the central area on both sides of Pit 6.

Grading has been completed, soil compact-

ed, forms built and mesh is being placed.

The pour is currently scheduled for April


Much of the preliminary work has also

been done for pours #8 and #9. So pour #8

should be completed shortly after opening

day. Pour #9 is the last concrete floor pour.

Along with the good news comes the

bad. Art Hall dug around and discovered

the heavy timbers between he rails and con-

crete side walls of Pit #6 are rotting big

time! The same maybe true in Pit #5. We

are continuing with the floor pours, but

keeping the concrete 8” away from the rails

so that in the future we can remove rails and

rotted timbers. Timbers will be replaced

with concrete pit side walls all the way up to

the rails. We have not noticed rot in Pits #1

though 4. Different types of timbers were

used in these pits.

The floor in Pit 6 is ready for our final pour. Photo—Bob LaMay

This another view of Pit 6. Photo—Bob LaMay

Bill was one of the major time contributors in the restoration of our CV Number 4052 caboose. Photo—Bob LaMay

Here is another photo of him working on the CV Number 4052 caboose. Photo—Bob LaMay

Page 6 Spring 2019

Annual Banquet Adrian Atkins

Sunday, January 13, 2019 arrived along with

good weather. We were fortunate! Thirty five

brave souls had gambled on the weather and

signed up for the banquet. Georgina’s provided

their usual delicious and plentiful meal.

Tom Chase provided an enlightening talk -

“Great East Thompson Train Wreck of 1891”. It

was good to hear the results of more recent re-


This was followed by Mark Granville’s an-

nual “what we accomplished this year”. His slide

show highlighted the work behind the changes at

the museum. In spite of ourselves, we all togeth-

er get a lot accomplished in one year. As we plug

along on whatever we are doing, we tend to not

notice what everyone else is doing. That is why

Mark’s presentation is important. Add in Mark’s

little humorous comments and it is something to

look forward to.

This year Pieter Roos was the recipient of the

Golden Spike Award for his work on our web

site and his continued activity with the “Trains,

Toys and Trees” extravaganza show at the Mill

Museum in December. Good showing, Pieter.

To those of you who did not attend, you

missed another of our traditional gatherings. So

plan now to attend next year’s banquet in Janu-

ary 2020.

25 Tonner Undergoing

Major Maintenance Adrian Atkins

The 25 Tonner is our first choice to pull our

excursion train ride but it has been down for

awhile due to serious problems. Led by Bob

Hassett, assisted mainly by Rolf Johnson and

Paul Shamonis, it has been carefully taken

apart. an outside “Tired Iron Mechanic” was

called in to assist and helped remove the en-

gine. The engine is now back in place and vari-

ous associated parts are carefully being returned

to their proper locations. Two questions re-

main. First, how many parts will remain on the

cart when it is back together? Second, will it be

running by opening day? We are looking for an

answers of “none” and “yes”!

This has been a major undertaking but it

had to be done. We are fortunate to have the

talent to undertake a project of this magnitude

in house. A great dedicated crew at work!

A Threatening Tree

Removed Adrian Atkins

The large twin oak tree near the Chaplin

Station was in ill health. Bob Hassett was con-

cerned about this tree because if it fell it would

do severe damage to one or probably more of the

following: Chaplin Station, freight house, section

house or the rolling stock. The tree was over 2

feet in diameter at the base and around 100’ tall.

We could have taken the tree down ourselves

but would it have been the best use of our time? I

talked to Mark Roberts of New View Tree Re-

moval and he agreed that the tree should come

down. Now for the dollars! I had estimated it

could cost us over $1500. Mark generously do-

nated his bucket truck and chipper for a day if we

would pay him $400 for the labor. The work

would have to be done in early winter when

things slowed down and we would have to help

him. How could we say no?

On the appointed day Ed Shekleton, Rolf

Johnson, Bob Hassett and I provided the addi-

tional labor. By early afternoon all that remained

was a 20 foot stalk which we could take care of


By the SW corner of the roundhouse there

was a group of 3 large oak trees which we need-

ed to have removed. We can get 2 of these our-

selves, but the third one hung over the round-

house and turntable. The rest of the afternoon

was spent removing the limbs over the round-

house and the turn table pit. Now we only have 2

trees plus a 20 foot stalk which we will tackle.

We are already talking of a repeat perfor-

mance next year. We have trees selected along

the driveway west of the section house that need


Our thanks

to New

View Tree

and Mark


To Ed,

Rolf, and

Bob - keep

looking up

- the


are falling!

Pres. Mark Granville thanks speaker Tom Chase for an excellent presentation at our annual banquet. Photo—Bob LaMay

Marks hands the Golden Spike award to Pieter Roos Photo—Bob LaMay

This tree has been removed from our Village area. Photo—Bob LaMay

Rolf works on one side our 25 ton GE locomotive. Photo—Bob LaMay

While Ed works on the other side. Photo—Bob La-May