Post on 18-Dec-2015

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INTRODUCTION TO OPEN SOURCE:1. Open source is a development method for software that harnesses the power of

distributed peer review and transparency of process.

2. The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in.

3. One of our most important activities is as a standards body, maintaining the Open Source Definition for the good of the community.

4.The Open Source Initiative Approved License trademark and program creates a nexus of trust around which developers, users, corporations and governments can organize open-source cooperation.



OSS is software for which the source code is freely and publicly available, though the specific licensing agreements vary as to what one is allowed to do with that code.

1. Open source software (OSS) is defined as computer software for which the source code and certain other rights normally reserved for copyright holders are provided under a software license that meets the Open Source Definition or that is in the public domain.

2. This permits users to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified forms. It is very often developed in a public, collaborative manner.


1. Free Redistribution

2. Source Code

3. Derived Works

4. Integrity of the Author’s Source Code

5. No Discrimination against Persons or Groups6. No Discrimination against Fields of Endeavor

7. Distribution of License

8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product

9. The License Must Not Restrict Other Software

10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral


1. Free Redistribution

The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.

2. Source Code

The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in source code as well as compiled form. Where some form of a product is not distributed with source code, there must be a well-publicized means of obtaining the source code for no more than a reasonable reproduction cost preferably, downloading via the Internet without charge. The source code must be the preferred form in which a programmer would modify the program. Deliberately obfuscated source code is not allowed. Intermediate forms such as the output of a preprocessor or translator are not allowed.

3. Derived Works

The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software.


4. Integrity of the Author’s Source Code

The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified form only if the license allows the distribution of “patch files” with the source code for the purpose of modifying the program at build time. The license must explicitly permit distribution of software built from modified source code. The license may require derived works to carry a different name or version number from the original software.

5. No Discrimination against Persons or Groups

The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.

6. No Discrimination against Fields of Endeavor

The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research.

7. Distribution of License

The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties.


8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product

The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program’s being part of a particular software distribution. If the program is extracted from that distribution and used or distributed within the terms of the program’s license, all parties to whom the program is redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted in conjunction with the original software distribution.

9. The License Must Not Restrict Other Software

The license must not place restrictions on other software that is distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license must not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be open-source software.

10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral

No provision of the license may be predicated on any individual technology or style of interface.



1. Reduce dependency on closed source vendors.

Stop being dragged through constant product upgrades that you are forced to do to stay on a supported version of the product. Suppose if you are using the License product you have to wait from the developer to deliver the next updated version. so that he can get a completed version of the software.

2. Your annual budget does not keep up with increases in software maintenance costs and increased costs of employee health care.

Your budget remains flat, you bought five new tools last year with new annual costs in the range of 18-20% of the original purchase price for "gold support", and your employees' health care costs shot up 25% again. What gives?

3. More access to tools. You can get your hands a variety of development and testing tools, project and

portfolio management tools, network monitoring, security, content management, etc. without having to ask the boss man for a few hundred thousand green backs.

4. Try before you buy.

Are you getting ready to invest in SOA, BPM, or ECM? Why not do a prototype with out spending huge sums of money? First of all, it allows you to get familiar with the tools so you can be educated when you go through the vendor evaluation process. Second of all, you might find that the tool can do the job and you don't need to lock yourself in to another vendor.


5. Great support and a 24/7 online community that responds quickly.

Despite the myths that you can't get support for open source software, the leading communities provide support far superior to most closed source vendors. Most communities have a great knowledgebase or wiki for self service support. You can also post a question and one of the hundreds of community members throughout the world will most likely respond in minutes. Make sure you chose software with strong community backing.

6. Access to source code and the ability to customize if you desire.

You can see the code, change the code, and even submit your enhancements and/or fixes back to the community to be peer reviewed and possibly added to the next build. No longer do you need to wait for a vendor roadmap that doesn't have the feature you need until their Excalibur release in the Fall of 2009.

7. Great negotiating power when dealing with closed source vendors.

Tired of vendors pushing you around because you don't have options? I wonder if companies like Microsoft would be more willing to be flexible with their pricing if you have 20 desktops running Ubuntu as an alternative desktop pilot initiative. 9

8. Feature set is not bloated and is driven by collaboration amongst the community.

Tired of products that consume huge amounts of memory and CPU power for the 2000 eye candy features that you will never use? With open source software, most features are driven by community demand. Closed vendors have to create one more feature then their competitors to get the edge in the marketplace.

9. More secure then most closed source vendors.

This topic is highly debated, but studies like this one from Trend Micro show that open source software is typically more secure.

10. Bug fixes are implemented faster then closed source vendors.

Actually, many bugs are fixed by the community before they are even reported by the users.


Software experts and researchers on open source software have identified several advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage for business is that open source is a good way for business to achieve greater penetration of the market. Companies that offer open source software are able to establish an industry standard and, thus, gain competitive advantage.


It has also helped build developer loyalty as developers feel empowered and have a sense of ownership of the end product. Moreover less cost of marketing and logistical services are needed for OSS. It also helps companies to keep abreast of all technology developments. It is a good tool to promote a companies’ image, including its commercial product. The OSS development approach has helped produce reliable, high quality software quickly and inexpensively. Besides, it offers the potential for a more flexible technology and quicker innovation. It is said to be more reliable since it typically has thousands of independent programmers testing and fixing bugs of the software. It is flexible because modular systems allow programmers to build custom interfaces, or add new abilities to it and it is innovative since open source programs are the product of collaboration among a large number of different programmers. The mix of divergent perspectives, corporate objectives, and personal goals speeds up innovation. Moreover free software can be developed in accord with purely technical requirements. It does not require thinking about commercial pressure that often degrades the quality of the software. Commercial pressures make traditional software developers pay more attention to customers' requirements than to security requirements, since such features are somewhat invisible to the customer.

•The availability of the source code and the right to modify it is very important. It enables the unlimited tuning and improvement of a software product. It also makes it

possible to port the code to new hardware, to adapt it to changing conditions, and to reach a detailed understanding of how the system works. This is why many experts are reaching the conclusion that to really extend the lifetime of an application, it must be available in source form. In fact, no binary-only application more than 10 years old now survives in unmodified form, while several open source software systems from the 1980s are still in widespread use (although in many cases conveniently adapted to new environments). Source code availability also makes it much easier to isolate bugs, and (for a programmer) to fix them. 11

• The right to redistribute modifications and improvements to the code, and to reuse other open source code, permits all the advantages due to the modifiability of the software to be shared by large communities. This is usually the point that differentiates open source software licenses from ``nearly free'' ones. In substance, the fact that redistribution rights cannot be revoked, and that they are universal, is what attracts a substantial crowd of developers to work around open source software projects.

• The right to use the software in any way. This, combined with redistribution rights, ensures (if the software is useful enough), a large population of users, which helps in turn to build up a market for support and customization of the software, which can only attract more and more developers to work in the project. This in turn helps to improve the quality of the product, and to improve its functionality. This, once more, will cause more and more users to give the product a try, and probably to use it regularly.

Source code availabilityFree of costReduce dependency on S/w vendor

Easier to customize -Allows user to install product according to their needs. Doesn’t need to install complete software collection.

Highly Secured -Virus free Platform. No need for Anti virus software. 12


The Major areas where the open source software will be used highly,

Internet Application : Starts from Website creation using PHP, Designing search engine, Content management process

Utilities : Open source Language script aids in creating utility files (disk, file management, driver’s routines).

Tool creation : Aids in the developments of customized tools and software packages, and games too.




Linux is “open source” software meaning, simply, that anyone can get copies of its source code files.

1. Richard.M.Stallman started the GNU project in 1984.2. By the End of 1991 he complete all the core components of the operating system

except the kernel.3. During that period a student of Computer Science department from a Finland named

Linus Torvalds implemented the first version of the Linux Kernel.4. As soon as he completes the kernel, many people were collaborating the GNU

project with the Kernel created by Torvalds, and adding many utilities to complete GNU/Linux, a real operating system.

5. The Linux kernel and the GNU applications used on top of it are covered by GPL. 6. Linux is a full-featured UNIX® implementation. The main design criterion of the 7. Linux kernel is the throughput, while real-time and predictability is not an issue. The main handicap to considering Linux as a real-time system is that the kernel is not pre - emptable; that is, while the processor executes kernel code, no other process or event can preempt kernel execution. 8. The Linux kernel is useless in isolation; it participates as one part in a larger system that, as a whole, is useful.9. As such, it makes sense to discuss the kernel in the context of the entire system.


1. User Applications - the set of applications in use on a particular Linux system will be different depending on what the computer system is used for, but typical examples include a word-processing application and a web-browser.

O/S Services -- these are services that are typically considered part of the operating system (a windowing system, command shell, etc.); also, the programming interface to the kernel (compiler tool and library) is included in this subsystem.

2. Linux Kernel -- this is the main area of interest in this paper; the kernel abstracts andmediates access to the hardware resources, including the CPU.3. Hardware Controllers -- this subsystem is comprised of all the possible physicaldevices in a Linux installation; for example, the CPU, memory hardware, hard disks, andnetwork hardware are all members of this subsystem



• Robust and Stable.• Safe and Secure.• The basic underlying architecture of Linux was designed with security in mind.• No viruses.• An “Open” System.• Free of cost.

Benefits of Linux OS Compare to other OS

•Free of Cost and easily downloadable from the internet from the distributors site.•Availability of Source code made user to make changes and integrate their own

code to create features required by him•Flexible i.e. Using the same copy of Linux Os we can able to create work station,

networks and stand alone PC)•Supports customize installation options.•Aid the user to test the components functionalities while during OS installationitself.

Linux Distributions:

The Major distributors provide the Linux operating system as Debian, Red Hat, SUSE, Mandrake, Turbo, Corel, Ubuntu, etc., 17

An Overview of the Linux File systemThe Linux operating system design is centered on its file system, which has several

interesting characteristics..

FilesA Linux file is an information container structured as a sequence of bytes; the kernel

does not interpret the contents of a file. Many programming libraries implement higher-level abstractions, such as records structured into fields and record addressing based on keys. However, the programs in these libraries must rely on system calls offered by the kernel.

From the user's point of view, files are organized in a tree-structured name space as shown in


Directory System Details


SHELLThe program which allows user to interrupt and manage commands was referred to as

the shell. There are different types of shells available in the Linux OS such as, BASH, TCSH, KSH (K Shell).

BASH ShellBASH is an acronym for Bourne Again Shell, acknowledging the roots of bash coming

from the Bourne shell (sh command) created by Steve Bourne at AT&T Bell Labs. Bash includes features of the shells originally developed for early UNIX systems, as well as some other features. Expect bash to be the default shell in whatever Linux system you are using, with the exception of some specialized Linux systems (such as those run on embedded devices or run from a floppy disk) that may require a smaller shell that needs less memory and entails fewer features. All of the Linux distributions use bash as the default shell, with the exception of some bootable Linux distributions, which use the other shell instead.

Tcsh ShellsThe tcsh shell is the open source version of the C shell (csh). The csh shell was created

by Bill Joy and used with most Berkeley UNIX systems (such as those produced by Sun Microsystems) as the default shell. Many features of the original csh shell, such as command-line editing and its history mechanism are included in tcsh as well as in other shells. While you can run both csh and tcsh on most Linux systems, both commands actually point to the same executable file. In other words, starting csh actually runs the tcsh shell in csh compatibility mode.


Ksh(K Shell)The ksh shell was created by David Korn at AT&T Bell Labs and is the predecessor of

the sh shell. It became the default and most commonly used shell with UNIX System V systems. The open source version of ksh was originally available in many rpm-based systems (such as Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux).


calDisplay a calendarSyntax: cal [-mjy] [[month] year]

Options:-m Display monday as the first day of the week.-j Display julian dates (days one-based, numbered from January 1).

catDisplay the contents of a file (concatenate)Syntax: cat [Options] [File]...

-y Display a calendar for the current year.cmp

Compare two files, and if they differ, tells the first byte and line number where they differ. You can use the `cmp' command to show the offsets and line numbers where two files differ. `cmp' can also show all the

characters that differ between the two files, side by side. 21

Syntax: cmp options... FromFile [ToFile]comm

Common - compare two sorted files line by line and write to standard output:the lines that are common, plus the lines that are unique.Syntax: comm [options]... File1 File2

continueResume the next iteration of an enclosing for, while, until, or select loop.Syntax: continue [n]

If n is supplied, the execution of the nth enclosing loop is resumed. n must be greater than or equal to 1. The return status is zero unless n is not greater than or equal to 1.

cpCopy one or more files to another location.Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multipleSOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.Syntax : cp [options]... Source Dest

cutDivide a file into several parts (columns). Writes to standard output selected parts of each line of each input file, or standard input if no files are given or for a file name of `-'.

Syntax: cut [OPTION]... [FILE]...declare

Declare variables and give them attributes.Syntax: declare [-afFrxi] [-p] [name[=value]] 22

diffDisplay the differences between two files, or each corresponding file in two

directories. Each set of differences is called a "diff" or "patch". For files that are identical, diff normally produces no output; for binary (non-text) files, diff normally reports only that they are different.

Syntax: diff [options] from-file to-filediff3

Show differences among three files. When two people have made independent changes to a common original, `diff3' can report the differences between the original and the two changed versions, and can produce a merged file that contains both persons' changes together with warnings about conflicts. The files to compare are MINE, OLDER, and YOURS. At most one of these three file names may be `-', which tells `diff3' to read the

standard input for that file.Syntax: diff3 [options] mine older yours

echoDisplay message on screen, writes each given STRING to standard output, with a space between each and a newline after the last one.

Syntax: echo [options]... [string]...

execExecute a commandSyntax: exec [-cl] [-a name] [command [arguments]]


exitExit from a program, shell or log out of a Unix network.Syntax: exit

exprEvaluate expressions, evaluates an expression and writes the result on

standard output.Syntax: expr expression...

fgrepSearch file(s) for lines that match a fixed stringSyntax: fgrep <options>

findSearch a folder hierarchy for filename(s) that meet desired criteria: Name, Size, and File type.Syntax: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [path...] [expression]

grepSearch file(s) for specific text.Syntax: grep <options> "Search String" [filename]

gzipCompress or decompress named file(s)Syntax: gzip options

InitInit is the parent of all processes. Its primary role is to create processes from a script stored in the file /etc/inittab see init.

killStop a process from running, either via a signal or forced termination.


logoutExit a login shell.Syntax: logout [n]Returns a status of n to the shell's parent.

lSls (list) will simply list the names of the directories and files in the current

directory ls-l will give you a long listing which includes the permissions, ownership, size, date/time, and name of the files and directories

(ls -a) to list ALL the files in the current directory, including hidden filesman

man formats and displays the on-line manual pages.Syntax: man command name

mountTo mount a file system.All files accessible in a Unix system are arranged in one big tree, the file hierarchy, rooted at /. These files can be spread out over several devices. The mount command serves to attach the file system found on some device to the big file tree.

mvMove or rename files or directories.Syntax: mv [options]... Source Dest

passwdModify a user password.Syntax: passwd [options...]pwd [-LP]Print the absolute pathname of the current working directory.


pwd [-LP]Print the absolute pathname of the current working directory.

PipeA pipe is a sequence of one or more commands separated by the character. It passes

the output of previous command to the input of the next one, or to the shellSyntax: echo ls -l | sh#Passes the output of "echo ls -l" to the shell,#+ with the same result as a simple "ls -l"

rebootReboot the systemreturnCause a shell function to exit with the return value n.Syntax: return [n]

rmRemove files (delete/unlink)Syntax: rm [options]... file...

rmdirRemove directory, this command will only work if the folders are empty.Syntax: rmdir [options]... folder(s)...

shutdownShutdown or restart linuxSyntax: shutdown [options] when [message]


SplitSplit a file into fixed-size pieces, creates output files containing consecutive

sections of INPUT (standard input if none is given or INPUT is `-')test expr

Return a status of 0 or 1 depending on the evaluation of the conditional expression expr umount Unmount a devicewho

Print who is currently logged in.Syntax: who [options] [file] [am i]

whoamiPrint the current user id and name.Syntax: whoami [options]

while list; do list; doneThe while command continuously executes the do list as long as the last

command inlist returns an exit status of zero

passwdPasswd is used to update a user's authentication token or the user password.


KERNELKernel is generally referred as heart of Linux Os or base of Linux Os is the kernel. It

manages resource of Linux Os. Resources refer to the facilities available in Linux. For e.g. Facility to store data, print data on printer, memory, file management etc. Kernel decides who will use this resource, for how long and when. It runs your programs (or set up to execute binary files). The kernel acts as an intermediary between the computer hardware and various programs/application/shell. The kernel is the software that starts up when you boot your computer and interfaces with the programs you use so they can communicate effectively and simply with your computer hardware. The Linux kernel contains device drivers, memory management, process management and communication management Kernels provide an execution environment in which applications may run. Therefore, the kernel must implement a set of services and corresponding interfaces. Applications use those interfaces and do not usually interact directly with hardware resources.


CPU can run either in User Mode or in Kernel Mode. Actually, some CPUs can have more than two execution states. For instance, the Intel 80x86 microprocessors have four different execution states. But all standard Linux kernels make use of only Kernel Mode and User Mode. When a program is executed in User Mode, it cannot directly access the kernel data structures or the kernel programs. When an application executes in Kernel Mode, however, these restrictions no longer apply. Each CPU model provides special instructions to switch from User Mode to Kernel Mode and vice versa. A program executes most of the time in User Mode and switches to Kernel Mode only when requesting a service provided by the kernel. When the kernel has satisfied the program‘s


request, it puts the program back in User Mode. Processes are dynamic entities that usually have a limited life span within the system. The task of creating, eliminating, and synchronizing the existing processes is delegated to a group of routines in the kernel. The kernel itself is not a process but a process manager. A process running in User Mode refers to private stack, data, and code areas. When running in Kernel Mode, the process addresses the kernel data and code area and makes use of another stack. Unix-like operating systems adopt a process/kernel model. Each process has the illusion that it's the only process on the machine and it has exclusive access to the operating system services. Whenever a process makes a system call (i.e., a request to the kernel), the hardware changes the privilege mode from User Mode to Kernel Mode, and the process starts the execution of a kernel procedure with a strictly limited purpose. In this way, the operating system acts within the execution context of the process in order to satisfy its request. Whenever the request is fully satisfied, the kernel procedure forces the hardware to return to User Mode and the process continues its execution from the instruction following the system call.

The process/kernel model assumes that processes that require a kernel service make use of specific programming constructs called system calls. Each system call sets up the group of parameters that identifies the process request and then executes the hardware-dependent CPU instruction to switch from User Mode to Kernel Mode. Besides user processes, Linux systems include a few privileged processes called kernel threads with the following characteristics:

•They run in Kernel Mode in the kernel address space.•They do not interact with users, and thus do not require terminal devices.•They are usually created during system startup and remain alive until the system is shut down. 29

Linux processor system, only one process is running at any time and it may run either in User or in Kernel Mode. If it runs in Kernel Mode, the processor is executing some kernel routine.

Process 1 in User Mode issues a system call, after which the process switches to Kernel Mode and the system call is serviced. Process 1 then resumes execution in User Mode until a timer interrupt occurs and the scheduler is activated in Kernel Mode. A process switch takes


place, and Process 2 starts its execution in User Mode until a hardware device raises an interrupt. As a consequence of the interrupt, Process 2 switches to Kernel Mode and services the interrupt. Kernels do much more than handle system calls; in fact, kernel routines can be activated in several ways:

• A process invokes a system call.• The CPU executing the process signals an exception, which is some unusual condition such as an invalid instruction. The kernel handles the exception on behalf of the process that caused it.• A peripheral device issues an interrupt signal to the CPU to notify it of an event such as a request for attention, a status change, or the completion of an I/O operation. Each interrupt signal is dealt by a kernel program called an interrupt handler. Since peripheral devices operate asynchronously with respect to the CPU, interrupts occur at unpredictable times.• A kernel thread is executed; since it runs in Kernel Mode, the corresponding program must be considered part of the kernel, albeit encapsulated in a process.

PROCESSWhat is ProcessesA process is usually defined as an instance of a program in execution; thus, if 16 users are running vi at once, there are 16 separate processes (although they can share the same executable code). Processes are often called "tasks" in Linux source code. Process is any kind of program or task carried out by your PC. For e.g. $ ls -lR , is command or a request to list files in a directory and all subdirectory in your current directory. It is a process. A process is program (command given by user) to perform some Job. 31

Each process is represented by a unique ID number referred to as a process ID (PID). In Linux when you start process, it gives a number (called PID or process-id), PID starts from 0 to 65535. In order to manage processes, the kernel must have a clear picture of what each process is doing. It must know, for instance, the process's priority, whether it is running on the CPU or blocked on some event, what address space has been assigned to it, which files it is allowed to address, and so on. This is the role of the process descriptor , that is, of a task_struct type structure whose fields contain all the information related to a single process. As the repository of so much information, the process descriptor is rather complex. Not only does it contain many fields itself, but some contain pointers to other data structures that, in turn, contain pointers to other structures.

Why Process requiredLinux is multi-user, multitasking o/s. It means you can run more than two process simultaneously if you wish. For e.g.. To find how many files do you have on your system you may give command like

$ ls / -R | wc –l

This command will take lot of time to search all files on your system. So you can run such command in Background or simultaneously by giving command like

$ ls / -R | wc -l &


The ampersand (&) at the end of command tells shells start command (ls / -R | wc -l) and run it in background takes next command immediately. An instance of running command is called process and the number printed by shell is called process-id (PID), this PID can be use to refer specific running process.

Linux Command Related with ProcessTo see currently running process ps $ psTo stop any process i.e. to kill process kill {PID} $ kill 1012To get information about all running process ps -ag $ ps –agTo stop all process except your shell kill 0 $ kill 0For background processing $ ls / -R | wc -l &

Process StateAs its name implies, the state field of the process descriptor describes what is currently happening to the process. It consists of an array of flags, each of which describes a possible process state. In the current Linux version these states are mutually exclusive, and hence exactly one flag of state is set; the remaining flags are cleared. The following are the possible process states:

TASK_RUNNING -The process is either executing on the CPU or waiting to beexecuted.TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE -The process is suspended (sleeping) until some

condition becomes true. Raising a hardware interrupt, releasing a system resource the process is waiting for, or delivering a signal are examples of conditions that might wake up the process, that is, put its state back to TASK_RUNNING. 33

TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE -Like the previous state, except that delivering asignal to the sleeping process leaves its state unchanged. This process state is seldom

used. It is valuable, however, under certain specific conditions in which a process must wait until a given event occurs without being interrupted. For instance, this state may be used when a process opens a device file and the corresponding device driver starts probing for a corresponding hardware device. The device driver must not be interrupted until the probing is complete, or the hardware device could be left in an unpredictable state.

TASK_STOPPED -Process execution has been stopped: the process enters this state after receiving a SIGSTOP, SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, or SIGTTOU signal. When a process is being monitored by another (such as when a debugger executes a ptrace( ) system call to monitor a test program), any signal may put the process in the TASK_STOPPED state.

TASK_ZOMBIE -Process execution is terminated, but the parent process has not yet issued a wait( )- like system call (wait( ), wait3( ), wait4( ), or waitpid( )) to return information about the dead process. Before the wait( )-like call is issued, the kernel cannot discard the data contained in the dead process descriptor because the parent could need it.




Distribution of the resource ’processor’ to the competing tasks. Like any time-sharing system, Linux achieves the magical effect of an apparent simultaneous execution of multiple processes by switching from one process to another in a very short time frame.

Scheduling Policy

The scheduling algorithm of traditional Linux operating systems must fulfill several conflicting objectives: fast process response time, good throughput for background jobs, avoidance of process starvation, and reconciliation of the needs of low- and high-priority processes, and so on. The set of rules used to determine when and how selecting a new process to run is called scheduling policy. Linux scheduling is based on the time-sharing technique, several processes are allowed to run "concurrently," which means that the CPU time is roughly divided into "slices," one for each runnable process. Of course, a single processor can run only one process at any given instant. If a currently running process is not terminated when its time slice or quantum expires, a process switch may take place. Time-sharing relies on timer interrupts and is thus transparent to processes. No additional code needs to be inserted in the programs in order to ensure CPU time-sharing. Recall that stopped and suspended processes cannot be selected by the scheduling algorithm to run on the CPU. The scheduling policy is also based on ranking processes according to their priority. Complicated algorithms are sometimes used to derive the current priority of a process, but the end result is the same: each process is associated with a value that denotes how appropriate it is to be assigned to the CPU.


In Linux, process priority is dynamic. The scheduler keeps track of what processes are doing and adjusts their priorities periodically; in this way, processes that have been denied the use of the CPU for a long time interval are boosted by dynamically increasing their priority. Correspondingly, processes running for a long time are penalized by decreasing their priority. When speaking about scheduling, processes are traditionally classified as "I/O-bound" or "CPUbound.“ The former make heavy use of I/O devices and spend much time waiting for I/O operations to complete; the latter are number-crunching applications that require a lot of CPU time.

An alternative classification distinguishes three classes of processes:

Interactive processes These interact constantly with their users, and therefore spend a lot of

time waiting for key presses and mouse operations. When input is received, the process must be woken up quickly, or the user will find the system to be

unresponsive. Typically, the average delay must fall between 50 and 150 ms. The variance of such delay must also be bounded, or the user will find the system to be erratic. Typical interactive programs are command shells, text editors, and graphical applications.

Batch processes These do not need user interaction, and hence they often run in the

background. Since such processes do not need to be very responsive, they are often penalized by the scheduler. Typical batch programs are programming language compilers, database search engines, and scientific computations.


Real-time processes These have very strong scheduling requirements. Such processes should

never be blocked by lower-priority processes, they should have a short response time and, most important, such response time should have a minimum variance. Typical real-time programs are video and sound applications, robot controllers, and programs that collect data from physical sensors.


The Scheduling AlgorithmThe Linux scheduling algorithm works by dividing the CPU time into epochs . In a single epoch, every process has a specified time quantum whose duration is computed when the epoch begins. In general, different processes have different time quantum durations. The time quantum value is the maximum CPU time portion assigned to the process in that epoch. When a process has exhausted its time quantum, it is preempted and replaced by another runnable process. Of course, a process can be selected several times from the scheduler in the same epoch, as long as its quantum has not been exhausted—for instance, if it suspends itself to wait for I/O, it preserves some of its time quantum and can be selected again during the same epoch. The epoch ends when all runnable processes have exhausted their quantum; in this case, the scheduler algorithm recomputes the time-quantum durations of all processes and a new epoch begins. Each process has a base time quantum: it is the time-quantum value assigned by the scheduler to the process if it has exhausted its quantum in the previous epoch. The users can change the base time quantum of their processes by using the nice( ) and setpriority( ) system calls . A new process always inherits the base time quantum of its parent.In order to select a process to run, the Linux scheduler must consider the priority of each process. Actually, there are two kinds of priority:

Static priorityThis kind is assigned by the users to real-time processes and ranges from 1 to 99. It is never changed by the scheduler.


Dynamic priority

This kind applies only to conventional processes; it is essentially the sum of the base time quantum (which is therefore also called the base priority of the process) and of the number of ticks of CPU time left to the process before its quantum expires in the current epoch. Of course, the static priority of a real-time process is always higher than the dynamic priority of a conventional one: the scheduler will start running conventional processes only when there is no real-time process in a TASK_RUNNING state.

SIGNALSSignals were introduced by the first Unix systems to simplify inter-process

communication. The kernel also uses them to notify processes of system events. In contrast to interrupts and exceptions, most signals are visible to User Mode processes.

A signal is a very short message that may be sent to a process or to a group of processes. The only information given to the process is usually the number identifying the signal; there is no room in standard signals for arguments, a message, or other accompanying information.

Signals are represented by a set of macros whose names start with the prefix SIG is used to identify signals; Signals serve two main purposes:

• To make a process aware that a specific event has occurred• To force a process to execute a signal handler function included in its code

Of course, the two purposes are not mutually exclusive, since often a process must react to some event by executing a specific routine. The kernel distinguishes two different phases related to signal transmission:


• Signal sending The kernel updates the descriptor of the destination process to represent that a new signal has been sent.• Signal receiving The kernel forces the destination process to react to the signal by changing its execution state or by starting the execution of a specified signal handler or both.

Each signal sent can be received no more than once. Signals are consumable resources: once they have been received, all process descriptor information that refers to their previous existence is canceled. Signals that have been sent but not yet received are called pending signals . At any time, only one pending signal of a given type may exist for a process; additional pending signals of the same type to the same process are not queued but simply discarded. In general, a signal may remain pending for an unpredictable amount of time. Indeed, the following factors must be taken into consideration:

• Signals are usually received only by the currently running process (that is, by the current process). Signals of a given type may be selectively blocked by a process in this case, the process will not receive the signal until it removes the block.

•When a process executes a signal-handler function, it usually "masks" the corresponding signal, that is, it automatically blocks the signal until the handler terminates. A signal handler therefore cannot be interrupted by another occurrence of the handled signal, and therefore the function doesn't need to be reentrant. A masked signal is always blocked, but the converse does not hold.


Although the notion of signals is intuitive, the kernel implementation is rather complex. The kernel must:

• Remember which signals are blocked by each process.• When switching from Kernel Mode to User Mode, check whether a signal for any process has arrived. This happens at almost every timer interrupt, that is, roughly every 10 ms.• Determine whether the signal can be ignored. This happens when all of the following conditions are fulfilled:

• The destination process is not traced by another process (the PF_TRACED flag in the process descriptor flags field is equal to 0).• The signal is not blocked by the destination process.• The signal is being ignored by the destination process (either because the process has explicitly ignored it or because the process did not change thedefault action of the signal and that action is "ignore").

• Handle the signal, which may require switching the process to a handler function at any point during its execution and restoring the original execution context after the function returns.

Sending a SignalWhen a signal is sent to a process, either from the kernel or from another process, the

kernel delivers it by invoking the send_sig_info( ), send_sig( ), force_sig( ), or force_sig_info( ) functions. These accomplish the first phase of signal handling described earlier; updating the process descriptor as needed. They do not directly perform the second phase of receiving the signal but, depending on the type of signal and the state of the process, may wake up the process and force it to receive the signal. 42

The send_sig_info( ) and send_sig( ) FunctionsThe send_sig_info( ) function acts on three parameters:

SigThe signal number.

InfoEither the address of a siginfo_t table associated with real-time signals or one of two special values: means that the signal has been sent by a

User Mode process, while 1 means that it has been sent by the kernel. The siginfo_t data structure has information that must be passed to the process receiving the real-time signal, such as the PID of the sender process and the

UID of its owner.

Receiving a SignalWe assume that the kernel has noticed the arrival of a signal and has invoked one of thefunctions in the previous section to prepare the process descriptor of the process that is supposed to receive the signal. But in case that process was not running on the CPU at that moment, the kernel deferred the task of waking the process, if necessary, and making it receive the signal. We now turn to the activities that the kernel performs to ensure that pending signals of a process are handled. The kernel checks whether there are nonblocked pending signals before allowing a process to resume its execution in User Mode. This check is performed in ret_from_intr( ) every time an interrupt or an exception has been handled by the kernel routines. In order to handle the nonblocked pending signals, the kernel invokes the do_signal( ) function, which receives two parameters: 43

regsThe address of the stack area where the User Mode register contents of the current

process have been savedoldset

The address of a variable where the function is supposed to save the bit mask array of blocked signals (actually, this parameter is NULL when invoked from ret_from_intr( )).


CLONINGProcess of how to clone a Linux installation to a different computer. First, a thing to

remember is that the new computer where you will put a copy of the drive image needs to have a motherboard with the same architecture as the original one. Otherwise, Linux will not boot. Consider you have a computer with Fedora Core 2 Linux installed on an IDE drive with the following partitions:

/dev/hda1 /boot/dev/hda2 //dev/hda3 swap/dev/hda4 /home

First step is to create images of these partitions and use them to make an exact duplicate on a drive of the same size in another computer.

Part 1: Make an HDD Image of the InstallationConnect another HDD as a secondary master, where I will put hard drive images of the first disk, and boot using System Rescue CD or Linux Bootable CD. During booting, it asks for a keyboard to use, then offers the # prompt. First, we need to mount a partition on the secondary master drive:

# mount /dev/hdc4 /mnt/temp1Under temp1, we can make a directory to store our images.

# mkdir /mnt/temp1/fedora_core2_template# cd /mnt/temp1/fedora_core2_template

Now, it's time to save the Master Boot Record and Partition Table information of the /dev/had drive. 45

# dd if=/dev/hda of=fedora_core2_template.hda.mbr count=1 bs=512I use the .mbr extension just to show that this is a Master Boot Record.

# sfdisk -d /dev/hda > is for Partition Table.

Now, we're ready to run part image to save the contents of the /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, and /dev/hda4 partitions. We do not need to image the swap partition, as it can be created after applying the partition table information to a new drive.

To save a partition, use the following command:# partimage -b -z1 -o -V700 save /dev/hda1 fedora_core2.hda1.partimg.gz

This will create a compressed file of the first partition and, if it is larger than 700 MB, split it into multiple 700 MB files which end with 000, 001, ..., ###. 700 Mb is just enough to put one file on a CD, if you ever want to backup your installation. After executing the above command, I type a description of the image and hit F5 to continue.Repeat the above command for the /dev/hda2 and /dev/hda4 partitions and a copy of the first hard drive is done.

# partimage -b -z1 -o -V700 save /dev/hda2 fedora_core2.hda2.partimg.gz# partimage -b -z1 -o -V700 save /dev/hda4 fedora_core2.hda4.partimg.gz

Part 2: Restore the Image to a New Drive on a Different ComputerThe new computer can have an HDD of the same size or larger. Images we made in the first part of the tutorial cannot be applied to a smaller HDD than the one we made a copy from. Connect an HDD with images as a secondary master and boot with System Rescue CD. When you get to the # prompt, mount the partition on the second drive. 46

# mount /dev/hdc4 /mnt/temp1# cd /mnt/temp1/fedora_core2_template

Now, we can restore the master boot record on the new drive.# dd if=fedora_core2_template.hda.mbr of=/dev/hda

Before we can run partimage, we also need to apply partition table information to the new drive.

# sfdisk /dev/hda < fedora_core2_template.hda.ptNow, everything is ready for partimage. Use the following command to restore the

image to the new drive:# partimage -e restore /dev/hda1 fedora_core2.hda1.partimg.gz.000

After you hit enter, partimage will display information about the image. You can verify that this is the right image for this partition and click F5 to continue. After it's done, repeat the above command for the remaining partitions:

# partimage -e restore /dev/hda2 fedora_core2.hda2.partimg.gz.000# partimage -e restore /dev/hda4 fedora_core2.hda4.partimg.gz.000

Now, all that's left is to make swap on the /dev/hda3 partition.# mkswap /dev/hda3

This will create a default swap structure and will use the whole /dev/hda3 partition for it. Restoration of the installation is complete. We can shut down and disconnect the second HDD. This will fix the boot loader, and Linux should load nicely after that. This process can be used for Windows installations, as well. If you would like to look at other ways to do it for Windows systems, there is a very nice tutorial on cloning Windows XP installations using Norton Ghost, HDClone, and Ranish Partition Manager. 47

Development with LinuxBasic of Shell ScriptingThe following steps are general guidelines for writing shell scripts:

• Using a text editor, create and save a file. You can include any combination of shell and operating system commands in the shell script file. By convention, shell scripts that are not set up for use by many users are stored in the $HOME/bin directory.

Note: The operating system does not support the setuid or setgid subroutines within a shell script.

• Use the chmod command to allow only the owner to run (or execute) the file. For example, if your file is named script1, type the following:

chmod u=rwx script1• Type the script name on the command line to run the shell script. To run the script1 shell script, type the following:


How to define User defined variables (UDV)

To define UDV use following syntax

Syntax: variable name=value

'value' is assigned to given 'variable name' and Value must be on right side = sign. Rules for Naming variable name (Both UDV and System Variable)


• Variable name must begin with Alphanumeric character or underscore character (_), followed by one or more Alphanumeric character. For e.g. Valid shell variable are as follows HOME,SYSTEM_VERSION,vech,no. • Don't put spaces on either side of the equal sign when assigning value to variable. For e.g. In following variable declaration there will be no error

$ no=10 But there will be problem for any of the following variable declaration:

$ no =10;$ no= 10;$ no = 10

• Variables are case-sensitive, just like filename in Linux. For e.g.$ no=10;$ No=11;$ NO=20;$ nO=2

Above all are different variable name, so to print value 20 we have to use $ echo $NO and not any of the following

$ echo $no # will print 10 but not 20$ echo $No# will print 11 but not 20$ echo $nO# will print 2 but not 20

• You can define NULL variable as follows (NULL variable is variable which has no value at the time of definition) For e.g.

$ vech=$ vech=“” 49

Try to print it's value by issuing following command $ echo $vechNothing will be shown because variable has no value i.e. NULL variable.

• Do not use ?,* etc, to name your variable names.

How to print or access value of UDV (User defined variables)To print or access UDV use following syntax

Syntax: $variablename=valueDefine variable vech and n as follows:$ vech=Bus ;$ n=10

To print contains of variable 'vech' type. It will print 'Bus',To print contains of variable 'n' type command as follows

$ echo $vech$ echo $n

Shell ArithmeticUse to perform arithmetic operations.Syntax: expr op1 math-operator op2

Examples:$ expr 1 + 3; $ expr 2 – 1; $ expr 10 / 2;$ expr 20 % 3; $ expr 10 \* 3;$ echo `expr 6 + 3`


For the last statement not the following points(1) First, before expr keyword we used ` (back quote) sign not the (single quote i.e. ') sign. Back quote is generally found on the key under tilde (~) on PC

keyboard OR to the above of TAB key.(2) Second, expr is also end with ` i.e. back quote.(3) Here expr 6 + 3 is evaluated to 9, then echo command prints 9 as sum(4) Here if you use double quote or single quote, it will NOT work

For e.g.$ echo "expr 6 + 3" # It will print expr 6 + 3$ echo 'expr 6 + 3' # It will print expr 6 + 3

echo CommandUse echo command to display text or value of variable.echo [options] [string, variables...]Displays text or variables value on screen.

The read StatementUse to get input (data from user) from keyboard and store (data) to variable.

Syntax:read variable1, variable2,...variableNExample program 1

$ vi sayH#Script to read your name from key-boardecho "Your first name please:"


read fnameecho "Hello $fname, Lets be friend!"

Run it as follows:$ chmod 755 sayH$ ./sayH

OutputYour first name please: vivekHello vivek, Lets be friend!

More command on one command lineSyntax:command1;command2To run two command with one command line.

Examples:$ date;whoWill print today's date followed by users who are currently

login. Note that You can't use

Redirection of Standard output/input i.e. Input - Output redirectionMostly all command gives output on screen or take input from keyboard, but in Linux (and in other OSs also) it's possible to send output to file or to read input from file. For e.g. $ ls command gives output to screen; to send output to file of ls command give command $ ls > filenameIt means put output of ls command to filename.

There are three main redirection symbols >,>>,<52

(1) > Redirector SymbolSyntax:

Linux-command > filename

To output Linux-commands result (output of command or shell script) to file. Note that if file already exist, it will be overwritten else new file is created. For e.g. To send output of ls command give

$ ls > myfilesNow if 'myfiles' file exist in your current directory it will be overwritten without any type ofwarning.(2) >> Redirector Symbol

Syntax:Linux-command >> filename

To output Linux-commands result (output of command or shell script) to END of file. Note that if file exist , it will be opened and new information/data will be written to END of file, without losing previous information/data, And if file is not exist, then new file is created. For e.g. To send output of date command to already exist file give command$ date >> myfiles(3) < Redirector Symbol

Syntax:Linux-command < filename

To take input to Linux-command from file instead of key-board. For e.g. To take input for cat command give$ cat < myfiles 53

Shells (bash) structured Language Constructsif condition

if condition which is used for decision making in shell script, If given condition is true then command1 is executed.

Syntax:if condition then

command1 if condition is true or if exit statusof condition is 0 (zero)...

fitest command or [ expr ]

test command or [ expr ] is used to see if an expression is true, and if it is true it return zero(0), otherwise returns nonzero for false.

Syntax: test expression OR [ expression ]

Following script determine whether given argument number is positive.$ cat > ispostive#!/bin/sh# Script to see whether argument is positiveif test $1 -gt 0then

echo "$1 number is positive"fi


Loops in Shell Scriptsfor Loop

Syntax:for { variable name } in { list }do

execute one for each item in the list until the list isnot finished (And repeat all statement between do and done)


Example:$ cat > testforfor i in 1 2 3 4 5doecho "Welcome $i times"done

while loopSyntax:

while [ condition ]do

command1command2....done 55

Loop is executed as long as given condition is true.Example:

while [ $i -le 10 ]do

echo "$n * $i = `expr $i \* $n`"i=`expr $i + 1`


The case Statement

The case statement is good alternative to Multilevel if-then-else-fi statement. It enable you to match several values against one variable. Its easier to read and write.

Syntax:case $variable-name inpattern1) command ;;pattern2) command;;patternN) command;;*) command;;esac

The $variable-name is compared against the patterns until a match is found. The shell then executes all the statements up to the two semicolons that are next to each other. The default is *) and its executed if no match is found. For e.g. write script as follows: