Open Source Library System Software: Libraries Are Doing it For Themselves

Post on 16-May-2015

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One of the great advantages of an Open Source Library System (OSLS) such as Koha or Evergreen is the ability to empower staff and optimize the user's experience by getting involved in improving the software. This is in contrast to the traditional integrated library system (ILS) model where all the software development was done by "the vendor," creating a condition of "learned helplessness" on the part of library staff. By making the transition to OSLS, you can shift the culture of your organization from "learned helplessness" to one in which everyone can contribute to enhancing their work environment.This webinar will describe all the ways to get involved with an OSLS project -- even if you aren't a programmer. By the end of the webinar, you will understand why involving your organization in an OSLS project creates opportunities for delivering new services to customers and optimizing the work of your staff.

Transcript of Open Source Library System Software: Libraries Are Doing it For Themselves

Open Source Library System

Software: Libraries Are Doing it For


Lori Bowen

METRO WebinarOctober 13, 2009

Why are we here?

Tough working environment…

Diverse Customer Services Needed!

“One of the great advantages of an Open Source Library System

(OSLS) is the ability to empower staff

and optimize the user's

experience by

getting involved in improving the software.”

Involvement = Write Code

Increase participation

“Coding” is just one way to be involved…

Contribute new code

Co-Sponsor development


Organize Koha


Do usability testing

Create and test third party


Manage communities

of interest (e.g. customers,

catalogers, circ staff)

Write specifications

Conduct userneed



Troubleshootexisting code

Raise money

Beta Testnew


Design screens

You decide what gets built.

Write specifications

Conduct userneed

assessmentsCo-Sponsor development

You decide how it works.

Design screens

Do usability testing

You decide how you work.

Manage communities

of interest (e.g. customers,

catalogers, circ staff)

Beta Testnew



Design screens

Conduct userneed


Step One: Read

Where to Get Started….• Evergreen

– Evergreen demos, mailing lists, blogs– FAQ– Development roadmap– Downloads

• Koha– Koha demos, mailing lists, blogs– Development roadmap– Support – Sponsoring a project– Test things and report bugs– Suggest improvements– Teach developers about library standards/process


• Owen Leonard, Nelsonville Public Library

• South Central Library System

• Nicole Engard

Evergreen Blogs

Follow #koha on Twitter

Follow @esilibrary on Twitter

Step Two: Lurk

* To lurk, joining is required

Social Networks

Facebook: LinkedIn:

Koha Mailing Lists

Evergreen Mailing Lists

Wed Jul 15 15:02 2009Do automatic email notifications for holds need a cron job set up on the server to send them out? If so, is there a script already set up that I could run to pull and send out the notifications from evergreen?Thanks, Robert

Wed Jul 15 15:38 2009Yep, see Open-ILS/support-scripts. We run the following cron job:01 06 * * * cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-trunk/Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/; PERL5LIB=/openils/lib/perl5 perl --send-email --notice-type overdue,predue-Dan Scott, Laurentian University

Thu Jul 16 13:13 2009Thanks Dan and thanks for your answer regarding my earlier question on a "due time" column which was exactly what we needed.-Robert

• Tool used for keeping track of bugs and enhancements of software

• Mechanism for directly communicating with developers

• Publically available to anyone who creates a Bugzilla account


Bug # 813Summary: OPAC virtual shelves should store commentsDescription [reply] Opened: 2004-08-06 03:51 The OPAC virtual shelf

system would be improved by allowing for storage of description and comments information. I suggest the addition of a 'description' column in the 'bookshelf' table so that shelf creators can describe the purpose of the bookshelf (useful for teachers, for instance, who want to provide their students with more information about the purpose or use of the list).

------- Comment #1 From tipaul 2004-12-17 00:32:59 [reply] ------- good idea, could be done after 2.2.0 official release as it requires new

DB field(s), and i don't want to modify DB structure during 2.2.0RC process

------- Comment #2 From tipaul 2006-05-12 21:11:12 [reply] ------- good idea, moved to head for 3.0

Reporter: Owen Leonard <> Assigned To: tipaul <>

Bug# 3342Summary: Changes to holds priority list should be logged for accountability.

Component: Hold Request

Description:  [reply] Opened: 2009-06-19 15:11 When a library staff member changes a hold priority or moves a hold up or down the list, the change information should be logged to encourage accountability. Log information should include: - Which user did it - Date/Time stamp - Which Patron was moved and to which priority.

Reporter: Liz Rea <> Assigned To: Galen Charlton <>

Holds-related Enhancement Requests

Evergreen is still a tadpole…

Step 3: Test Drive

Install and Try Koha

• Current stable version: 3.0.2• Server operating systems support: Linux with Apache,

MySQL and Perl installed• There is no client software. It is browser based. Firefox

is recommended.• Download the software and installation instructions from:• Download End User Documentation from

You need someone knowledgeable with a Linux to set up your own demo. Not for the faint of heart….

Install and Try Evergreen• Current stable version:• Server operating systems support: Ubuntu or Debian• Client operating systems supported: Windows, Mac,

Linux• Client software must match the server version• Download the software and installation instructions from:• Download End User Documentation from

You need someone knowledgeable with Debian or Ubuntu to set up your own demo. Not for the faint of


In case your head is exploding…..

Help is on the way!

Equinox Software

• Support– Per incident or comprehensive 24/7/365

• Migration – Project Management– Data Translation– Training

• Hosting

• Custom Development

• Support– 24/7 phone-based support

• Migration – Data clean-up– Installation– Configuration– Training

• Hosting• Custom Development


• Product selection • Support

– Email and helpdesk support– Tiered support structure

• Migration – Data export– Retrospective conversion– Implementation– Configuration

• Hosting• Custom Development

Media Flex

• Not available to download locally without registering with Media Flex

• No obvious open source community

• Most users are hosted by Media Flex


• Support– Web and phone-based support

• Migration – Installation– Data clean-up– Configuration– Training

• Hosting• Custom Development

Non-Commercial Support Options

• PINES (Georgia)


• Michigan Library Consortium

• Northeast Kansas Library System (NEKLS)

• NYS BOCES provides support services for NY state school libraries using OPALS

Peer-to-Peer Support• IMLS Grant for $1,000,000 Awarded to King County

Library System (KCLS) and 3 other library systems to….

• Watch for developments related to this grant project

“create and develop the critical infrastructure components that have traditionally been provided by ILS vendors and establish a peer-to-peer support model for open source libraries.”

Let me know how I can help!

(707) 763-6869