Open Enterprise Space · You are an entrepreneur. You have, or want to start, a successful...

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Transcript of Open Enterprise Space · You are an entrepreneur. You have, or want to start, a successful...

Open Enterprise Space !


!Are you ready for a two month Journey, that will change the way you do business and will change your life? !In these times of global uncertainty and fast changes, how to best prepare yourself for an unknown future? How to expand businesses in a world, where everyone crosses borders? Step into the most challenging learning process for entrepreneurs ever designed.

you and your business network before OES Journey you and your business network after OES Journey


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OES is a global platform for, starting, entrepreneurs of all ages and backgrounds that want to be prepared for a world that is transforming at an increasing speed in a global setting. For people that want to have the power and the smarts to make increase their business and make a difference that matters. !

Our Call to Adventurous Entrepreneurs !How to be an entrepreneur in our modern glocal world? How to overcome inner and outer barriers and stay, or become, successful in our fast changing world? !You are an entrepreneur. You have, or want to start, a successful business. You're young, old, established or beginning and want something more. Perhaps you struggle with your development, but can't pinpoint where things get stuck, or you know and don't know what to do about it. Think your safe within your country, think again. Or you seek opportunities across borders, but don't know where and how to begin. Here's where OES can help. !To succeed in business in the future you'll need: - to know how to deal with different cultures - be able to deal with fast changing situations - to be mentally and physically healthy & strong - have a meaning and purpose that adds value for others - have a passion and the mentality to go for it - be social and communicative !Join our 2 month program that will change the way you do business. Change the way you see it. Change the way you feel it. Change the way you relate to people. Change the way you expand your enterprise. And learn what you need to succeed in the future. The OES learning Journey is the most exiting, and probably most tough, real down to earth business experience you can get on this planet, that helps you prepare and be ready to whatever the 21st century will throw at you..and grasp the opportunities within it. !

Mikele Ferraro, serial global entrepreneur calling: !Welcome to the Open Enterprise Space. OES is the new way to teach about modern business. It's local, it's global, it's personal and transformational embedded in modern complexity. And it's open. !You should choose the OES two months Journey, when you wish to experience yourself and your full potential. You are interested in us, because you want to make some changes all around. You are here because you want to increase your turnover and transform yourself into a mover in business. After participating with our Journey and your breakthrough at OES, you will be a Global Entrepreneur. Your passion and intuition brought you here and we’ll do our best to make great things happen for you. All of this is tentative, we want you to keep in mind this aspect every time you feel confused and dizzy. Breakthrough learning like OES offers is really more like a military commando training in the field, than some business university sitting on chairs. This is not about knowledge, this is about having the guts to act and street smarts to not do something stupid. We do not promise you anything more, than simple and authentic reality. We hope that, after the two months OES journey, you will be ready to face the all trouble, when it finds you and seize the possibility within it.I wish you success born out of guts and presence of mind. I’ll be part of your Journey of course, so feel free to ask whatever you need to know before you join us at the OES. Tomorrow we’ll need strong arms and multilevel intelligence minds, but most of all powerful hearts! Then the gold of worldly business and a warm community lies within grasp. Welcome ! Mikele Ferraro

What is the Open Space journey all about? !"Life starts where comfort zones end." Being an Entrepreneur or a Social Entrepreneur is a tough way to live your life. You must be ready and aware about that before trying to set up your own enterprise. No matter where you are from, here you will learn by different method! We offer you a lot of real world experiences through your Journey at OES ! Through these you will discover who you are and find the motivation to make your ideas reality! !How does it work? !For the Open Space Journey you'll travel to a foreign country and expand your inner and outer borders. Why? Our future economy will be both global and local, therefore we expect our participants to be proficient in making business happen in both challenging and booming locations. That's why we let you experience what it means to start up in locations, that cannot be taken for granted. In each case we start in nature and later move to a global city to develop the essential skills to make it everywhere. !Is it an education or a training? Yes, and no. Yes, it's designed to make you learn. No, is not a school. You'll develop strength, smartness, people skills on a deeper level, by learning in, and from, a reality beyond your comfort zone. OES works through a mix of real world assignments, from local entrepreneurs, specialists or from the team and (coached) space for self development. These assignments are experience driven to grow inner wisdom, courage and possibility. !Will it be tough? Yes. You'll meet criminals, unreliable businesses, frauds, rough situations and also lots of beautiful people to restore hope and connect deeply with. You'll have to open up your inner capacity to survive, live through and even celebrate set backs and difficulties. OES is a deep dive into the shadows, to rise above the waves shining, with new possibilities you'd never believe you had. That's how to build businesses bigger than you ever dreamed of. !And at the end of the 2 months you'll have started up, you'll have a network and you'll have a new way to look at the world and your possibilities in it.

What are our locations? !OES runs at two locations in, and near, four global cities in four countries (India, Brazil, Italy and Colombia). You'll learn with your fellow entrepreneurs first in a rural setting, during which we'll dive into, who you essentially are and what your gifts and possibilities are. After that we transfer to a big city (Mumbai, Bahia de Salvador, Bogota or Reggio de Calabria), where you'll work on assignments and set up, or expand, your business on both a local and a global level. You'll always will have to choose a place away from your own culture, because being able to build bridges in cultures outside your own, is what is necessary to learn essential street smarts of body language, trust & relationship building, flexibility and self resilience.


Why would you choose for the OES approach to learning: !“We need to train people for a future we don't know yet.” That does not only mean, you must be able to change yourself, you must also be able to see and adapt to what's coming. Aside from a possible whole system collapse, several trends may have huge impact, like global warming, new wars impacting economies everywhere, new technological advances, shifts in how and where we find energy, rise of viral and mesh developments, the rise and fall of great political and economical powers or industries. And even when these all don't happen, anyone anywhere with an education and a computer may start up global businesses, impacting yours with much lower prices. No business book or traditional training may prepare you for unexpected new realities. Al over the world, it is the street smart entrepreneurs who've seized opportunities and often transformed their communities while doing so. !We see care for, awareness of (your) community also as essential. Business impacts. We don't need more damaging industries on this planet, we need socially conscious entrepreneurs who improve the conditions of their community as much as their own. A deep understanding how community works and flows is essential to set up something that has a positive impact, rather than damaging or disruptive. When you learn to give to your community, it will love to back you up when you need it. !Why is family and community so important at OES? Once during a big research in a hospital they asked the sick and dying about their lives. Nobody wished they'd worked harder or made more money. They basically all regretted not having spend more times with friends and family and related better and deeper to the world. So. What is most important for you and what regrets would you want to avoid? For us this puts life central in your career. How to have a life in which income, friends & family and being connected to the world around your are all integrated? !

What do you learn and develop at OES? • A Start-Up, or Expansion of your own business, across borders and markets around the world on a global and local level. • Adaptability to future developments in a fast changing world. • Have changed from an individual mindset to a community mindset. • Developed Street Smarts, such as reading people, connecting to strangers, keep safe and being able to act under pressure. • Developed friends and community, both within the group and across boundaries. • New more holistic ways to look at business, the world and at your place in it. • An active pioneering attitude focussed on making things happen. • The Strength, Courage and Love to make things work anywhere, anytime and with anyone.

!OES has these three levels of learning: !!1.Income. OES believes the best of you can make the easiest income. Your best talents, and even biggest weaknesses, may be a easy source to start up your own enterprise. If diversity is king, the your specialty is a much needed niche. Discover at OES how you make a difference for others and how to secure an income from that. And create work that supports your life instead of your life supporting your work. !!2.Relationships. Our social network is our primary wealth, when all other economic systems fail. To create this wealth we both need to give and dare to ask. So how to deepen relationships with friends and family? How to become part of a community? And how to help your family to rise above negative patterns and becoming the beautiful supportive organism that it basically is? !!3.Relating to the world. We are part of a big world, that's getting smaller with each new discovery about how everything is interconnected. In this world we are neither guardians nor rulers, we are just part of it. Playing part means several things. It means connectedness, interdependence and enriching the living world around us. Enriching means that your profession also has a positive impact on all life around you and perhaps even is designed to tackle a specific problem many others have. On top of that, we need to train our capability to deal with every change that life throws at us.

Signing up We hope you feel challenged and exited about our offer. You can sign up directly, bombard us with questions or meet us at one of our promotional events. In these events we'll talk more about the economical reality and necessity for a different training for entrepreneurs. You can also take part in a genetic test, considering your talent for entrepreneurship. !Check our website for all the practical information about those Costs: !Prices for our journeys may very due to local conditions and global price fluctuations. Excluding your travels costs, medical insurances and other private matters, the cost of a journey may vary between € 2750 and € 5000. That is including main meals (2 a day), lodging, staff and excursions led by us. Local transportations for assignments will be self handled. Participants may get responsibility over part of the budget and some freedom to self invest in lectures, tours or flying a specialist in. !

The Core Members of the OES team: Our Power – Dashboard 50 MASTERS/MENTORS/SPEAKERS

These are the people connected to OES, the people we'll learn from and with. These people make up our field and network they bring value for school, individual students and our business network(s), whether they bring workshops, or lectures, private coaching or just their wisdom on what's happening in the(ir) world.




*Rua Dr. Nelson de Sá Earp, 111/308 - CentroPetrópolis / Rio de Janeiro / BrasilCEP 25.680-195Tel. +55 (21) 9 8307-8288(24) 9 8813-4671e-mail.navarro.julia@gmail.comLocal Officer: Julia Zacaron Navarro

*Leela sterling b wing flat 404 dindoshi yahsodham goregoan east, Mumbai. e-mail. gaurav@globalyouthforum.inTEL. +919920342394Local Officer: Gaurav Mishra

*Via Eremo Al Santuario 75/A - 89124 Reggio Calabria (RC) Tel. +393477069647e-mail. mariarita_morello@yahoo.itLocal Officer: Mariarita Morello

*Carrera 13 No. 147-26, Apt 705 Bogota, ColombiaPhone: (+57) 317 4425847Local Office: Camilo Villa

*Mikele FerraroGeneral

The OES Journeys are being made possible by lots of courageous people and the following organizations: !