Open data and the city of Montreal

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McGill Librarian Deena Yanofsky presents on open data in the city of Montreal.

Transcript of Open data and the city of Montreal


Open Data and the City of Montreal Deena Yanofsky Coordinator and Liaison Librarian W. Hitschfeld Geographic Information Centre

Une première au Québec! La Ville de Montréal ouvre ses

données sur Internet

28 octobre 2011— Jocelyn Bourbonnais

+what is open data?

n  Open Data is a practice that makes machine-readable data freely available by way of portals, metadata, and search tools for reuse by governments, citizens, voluntary organizations, and the private sector in new and unanticipated ways.

n  It's about letting Canadians explore our data sets to find information that is of value to them.


(adj) Accessible.

Used to describe architectures or content, open means free availability and unrestricted use.

n  Open Access

n  Open Source

n  Open Content

n  Open Data


+3 laws of open data

n  If it can’t be spidered or indexed, it doesn’t exist

n  If it isn’t available in open and machine readable format, it can’t engage

n  If a legal framework doesn’t allow it to be repurposed, it doesn’t empower

Eaves, D. (2009, November 29). [Web log message]. Retrieved from /2009/11/29/three-laws-of- open-data-international-edition/

+open data in government


n  2009 – United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand

n  2010 – Norway, Russia

n  2011 – Canada, Australia, Italy, France, Kenya, Chile

n  2012 – Brazil, Estonia

Rocha, R. (2012, February 03). The push for open government in quebec. Montreal Gazette. Retrieved from

+open data in Montreal

The biggest challenge facing the portal, and any open data initiative for any government, is the radical shift in culture it entails. Bureaucrats must re-learn not only to create data in open formats, but also to share: to break out of their silos, socialize with other government agencies, and listen to citizens clamoring for information.

The open data portal [is] the first step towards more transparency, socialization, and semantization.

Rocha, R. (2012, April 28). Interview with diane mercier, montreal’s open data coordinator. The Gazette. Retrieved from

+portail données ouvertes

n  Population data from the 2006 Census

n  2009 Election data

n  Photographs

n  GIS shape files of the City of Montreal and its boroughs

n  Statistics from les bibliothèques de Montréal

n  Location data for fire stations, police stations, cultural sites

n  Ski and skating conditions for Montreal’s boroughs


n  Montreal’s data is published under an open license inspired by the Creative Commons model Attribution (BY) and Share-alike (SA).

n  Attribution-ShareAlike:

“This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to “copyleft” free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.”



“I heard you folks like books and eat catalogs of data for breakfast. You beautiful people are going to scour the earth for interesting data, helping the rest of us figure out what’s important and generally useful.”

+some interesting links

n  Canada's Action Plan on Open Government

n – Canadian and international open data sites

n  Data Hub - community-run catalogue of data sets on the Internet.

n  List of apps for Montreal using open data


Deena Yanofsky Walter Hitschfeld Geographic Information Centre 514-398-6052