Online Crisis Management + Case Studies - Elkottab Workshop

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Online Crisis Management + Case Studies - Elkottab Workshopز Please note that this presentation was designed to fit into a workshop, so not everything written in the slides, just headlines & less descriptions. If you wish to have more explanations please don't hesitate to contact me as shown on my profile here.

Transcript of Online Crisis Management + Case Studies - Elkottab Workshop

Crisis Management!

Intro +! Case Studies!

!Common Mistakes + Open Discussion!

Qs & As!



Management Process!

11:00 - 12:30! 12:30 - 1:00! 1:00 - 1:45!

2:15 - 3:45! 3:45 - 4:00! 4:00 - 5:00!


1:45 - 2:15!

What is a Brand?!•  Your identity, who you are, and how people

perceive your company!

•  It is what builds the customers’ loyalty!

•  Your first sales point!

•  It is the most valuable asset among all your company’s assets!

Brand Relationship Management!

I have a problem!

My friend has a problem!

Someone has a problem and i’m cheering for them!

I hate you!

Your service is bad!



عندي مشكلة!

ياوالد تييييييت!

اعالن وحش!

ثورة دي وال انقالب؟!

خدمة زبالة!

You’re sucks!

الساعة كام؟!

اتكلموا عربي!


االسعار عالية!مابحبكوش!


So, when it can be a CRISIS?!

“When it goes out of control & affects your

name negatively”!

Why Crisis Management matters?!

•  Protect your brand reputation!

•  Retain your customers’ loyalty !

•  Tell your customers that you do care!

•  It’s how human relationships work!

•  Because bad news travels faster than good news!

•  Anyone’s voice online can be heard!

Define crisis in a few words…!

Receiving mass Negative messages !due to an error associated to the

brand name, promise, diversity, or culture, which could lead to brand


Online Crisis!

Case Studies!

Mickey Mouse tweet costs mobinil +3 million customers

Is it enough?!

ArabIdol - MBC!

ArabIdol - MBC!Arabidol & MBC managed to contain the negative buzz!smartly by introducing Palestine in an emotional video with a fantastic reportage about its people’s sacrifices & culture. !!Result: !The heat declined and disappeared next day after the episode.!


Left bank: from an individual case to a crisis!

The case was offline - but left bank brought it online for some reason…!

- Typical PR Statement !-  No apology to the

customer!-  Mass attack in return!

48 hours left – no action!

Noise on Twitter!

The topic became Egypt’s number 1 twitter trending topic!

Leftbank ignored the buzz, but…!

•  People started to write negative reviews on leftbank’s facebook page with low rating score (because they know that reviews cannot be taken down – which negatively affects their potential customers’ decisions !

•  The customer “victim” started her facebook page, telling all the updates about her experience with Left Bank!

•  The case is generating a daily negative buzz around Left Bank!

Brand Damage…!

Tivoli Dome !Perfectly handled a similar case months ago!!

Tivoli Dome !Apology + the right compensation !

KLM Offends Mexico With Dumb World Cup Tweet

Adios Amigos! #NEDMEX !

Original tweet

Seeking engagement but…

Among the offended was Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal, who used some harsh language to criticize the airline and vow never to fly on it again.

The tweet was deleted without an apology or explanation after outraged fans began retweeting it in anger.

KLM Reaction!

The best response came from Mexican airline Aeromexico.

Thanks for the great tournament, we are proud of you and expecting you at home # VivaMéxico!

Don’t risk your brand name to be funny! !

First online crisis in Egypt!Vodafone Abbas Ebn Fernas !


The Ad provoked Egyptians Tweeps to ask Vodafone to take it down, because of abusing a

great Muslim scientist and mocking the islamic culture!


Negative Buzz reached 6K in the first 18 hours!

18 Hours!

Vodafone removed the ad from YouTube with all its negative

comments and re-uploaded it!!



Tough reaction: Mostafa Mourad’s video! 24 Hours!







12 Nov! 13 Nov! 14 Nov! 15 Nov! 16 Nov! 17 Nov! 18 Nov! 19 Nov!

Case was escalated after the wrong move + Mostafa’s video to reach 12K tweets in 36 hours!

36 Hours!

Vodafone Response: Removed the video from YouTube & TV and issued an apology statement !

48 Hours!

Right actions are the shortest!After 72 hours!

TE Data Facebook page was hacked for 24 hours.!No updates, apology or statement were issued to customers - brand damage & mismanagement of

the crisis…!

TE DATA treat their customer with disrespect !

Coca Cola A7la Ramadan 2014 - True Crisis Avoided !

Coca Cola didn’t print religious related names on its bottles/cans

in their Ramadan campaign, choosing nicknames, such as

Hamada, Darsh, etc. !!

This smart approach saved the brand expected damage!

Takeouts!•  Once it’s online, you have no control, so it’s better to be

careful before publishing!

•  Be responsible for your mistakes and say sorry with actions!

•  Traditional PR statements do not work online !

•  Bad news travels faster than good news !

•  People want to see you apologizing for your mistakes !

•  Respect your customers’ culture !

Common Mistakes!

1!OMG!!! I’m dead…!



Please corner me…!4!

Result :(!

Crisis Management Process!

What is the ideal plan to handle a crisis?!

“The secret of crisis management is not good vs. bad, it's preventing

the bad from getting worse”!

Damage Control Concept!

Co-author of the best-selling book Get To The Point - Andy Gilman !

Build your crisis management committee!!•  Social Media!

•  Public Relations!

•  Brand Team!

•  Legal SPOC!

•  CEO & Board Members!

Get Some listening softwares!

•  Create keyword groups for your brand name, products, & services!

•  Update your team with automated email alerts!

•  List the top influencers and include them in your keyword groups monitoring!

•  Set a severity level!

Monitor your brand + Alerts!

1.  If it’s something hurts your name !

2.  High volume of messages !

3.  Influencers involved !

4.  Political/sexual/religious topic!

Know when it is/isn’t a crisis!

The first report!Because it gives the right/wrong direction — The first alert matters the most - so be clear and honest: !

•  a brief about the buzz + main message !

•  Buzz trend + quantity!

•  Sentiment analysis!

•  Top people/blogs/newspapers !

•  Most mentioned concern !

Now, you’re ready!!

Acknowledge + apologize


Choose the right medium


Create scenarios (What if) and prepare answers


Be open to negative discussions


Take it offline


Update all your employees


Resume life normally


Thank you!