Online assignment online editing in wikis and digital magazine

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Transcript of Online assignment online editing in wikis and digital magazine














INTRODUCTIONAn online magazine is a magazine published on the World Wide Web. Some online magazines call themselves Webzines. An e-zine [also spelled e-zine] is a more specialized term appropriately used for small magazines and newsletters distributed by any electronic method, for example, by electronic mail [e-mail, email]. Some social groups may use the term scyberzine and hyperzine when referring to electronically distributed resource. Similarly, some online magazine may refer to themselves as “electronic magazine” or “e- magazines” to refer their readership demographics or to capture alternative terms and spellings in online magazine

An online magazine shares some features with a blog and also with online newspapers, but can usually be distinguished by its approach to editorial control. Magazines typically have editors or editorial boards who review submission and perform quality control function to ensure that all material meets the expectations of the publishers and the readership.

Editing is the process of selecting and preparing written, visual, and audible and film media used to convey information. The editing process can involve correction, condensation, organization, and many other modifications performed with an intention of producing a correct,

consistent, accurate and complete work. Editing most Wikipedia pages is quite simple. Wikipedia uses two methods of editing: classic editing through wiki markup (wiki text) and through a new Visual Editor (VE). Wiki markup editing is chosen by clicking the Edit tab at the top of a Wikipedia page (or on a section-edit link). This will take you to a new page containing the editable contents of the current page. Wiki markup is used extensively throughout Wikipedia for such things

as hyperlinks, tables and columns, footnotes, inline citation, special characters and so on.The Visual Editor option is intended as a user-friendly, "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) editing aid allowing one to edit pages without the need to learn wiki text markup, It is only available to 3 to make articles and facts appear in a standardized form and Wikipedia easier to use as a whole. A basic list of wiki markup can be found on the cheat sheet. An "edit toolbar" is provided just above the edit box (pictured below), which will allow logged in users (by selecting the option in personal preferences) to automatically place and format various aspects of wiki code. See Help: Wiki markup for more information, remember that you can't break Wikipedia, and, although there are many protocols, perfection is not required, as Wikipedia is a work in progress. When you have finished editing, you should write a short edit summary in the small field below the edit box (pictured below). You may use shorthand to describe your changes, as described in the legend. To see how the page looks with your edits, press the "Show preview" button. To see the differences between the page with your edits and the previous version of the page, press the "Show changes" button. If you're satisfied with what you see, be bold and press the "Save page" button. Your changes will immediately be visible to all Wikipedia users.


Online editing is a post-production linear video editing process that is performed in the final stage of a video production. It occurs after offline editing. For the most part online editing has been replaced by video editing software that operate on non-linear editing systems (NLE).The point of a wiki is that all users can edit and update information and create new page altogether , On all pages of the wiki , you will see an “edit” link at the very top. If you click on it, you will see the source code for that particular page, to return to the real page, click on the “article” link, also at the top of each page.

The rest of this page will contain the basic rules of editing and creating wiki pages. One easy way to get started is simply to copy the source code from one page, and paste it into another page before editing the text in it. The formatting will remain identical to the first page, but you can edit the contents if you only change the text paragraphs.

To edit an existing page, just click the “edit “link at the top. Do your work, and then forget to save the page!

To create a new page, you should first make a link to the new page in an existing page. The link will appear in the red, indicating that the linked page doesn’t exist yet. If you click on any red link, you will be taken directly to the new page’s “edit” section, so you can create the page. It’s perfectly reasonable to create links to non existing pages in your text without immediately creating the pages the point to. Other people can then see the red links and create the pages themselves if they know what belongs there. Wiki How is a wiki, so anyone can edit it, even people who don’t have an account, When you have saved your very first edit, you have become a wiki How editor!


1. Review the writer’s guide for proper format.

2. Click the “edit” button at the right –hand side of the labeled line for the section you’d like to edit.

3. Click the “edit” button at the very bottom of the page. This is the same button as the Edit tab at the top of the page.

4. Edit to improve the quality of an article.5. Copy edit for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.6. Click on preview, at the bottom of the articles, to review your

changes. [Only submit the final draft of your work.]7. Write a note in the Edit summary, at the bottom of the article, to

clarity your edit.8. Click on publish, at the bottom of the article, to save your changes.

A digital edition is an online magazine or online newspaper delivered in electronic form which is formatted identically to the print version. Digital editions are often called digital facsimiles to underline the likeness to the print version. Digital editions have the benefit of reduced cost to the publisher and reader by avoiding the time and expenses to print and deliver like a paper edition. This format is considered more environmentally friendly due to the reduction of paper and energy use. These editions also often feature interactive elements such as hyperlinks both within the publication itself and to other internet resources, searching and bookmarking, and can also incorporate multimedia such as video or animation to enhance articles themselves or for advertisements. Some delivery methods also include animation and sound effects replicating page turning to further enhance the experience of their print counterparts. Traditionally, magazine publishers have relied on two revenue sources: selling ads and selling magazines.

Additionally some publishers are using other electronic publication methods such as RSS to reach out to readers and inform them when new digital editions are available. Digital magazines are accessed via the Internet (online) by authenticated (registered / logged in) or public audience visitors and viewed using prevalent media screen resolution ranges for desktop and mobile devices. The digital magazine typically

utilizes multimedia or interactive elements that accent the medium’s ability to leverage its content in the digital format. Common additional metaphors for this magazine media format include interactive magazine, online magazine, e-magazine, and web magazine.

ABC requires that digital magazine replicas (assumes digital is a print derivative) include the print edition’s full editorial content and advertising, but does not require layout to be identical to the print magazine edition. Audit bureau organizations now also audit digital circulation and overall magazine website audience traffic data. Audit organizations monitor both the execution of the digital delivery notice as well as the actual digital edition readership. Digital magazine platform analytics allow for detailed metrics beyond the pages viewed, time spent, and reader interactions, however the unique issue visits and page views is typically the result focus similar to website stats reporting.

Digital magazines may present in the traditional print-like and digital edition horizontal page-flip reading format to accomplish a linear page-by-page user interface. However, new and innovative UX web-based organization and scrolling user interface structures that maintain a sequential editorial composition and leverage a responsive content presentation will eventually be preferred to these fixed page (page flip) layout structure interfaces.

Lonny Magazine – Digital Magazine Issue Format

Current technologies are generally both reader-based, requiring download of an application and subsequent download of each edition, or browser-based, requiring no application downloads (such as Adobe Acrobat) and is often Macromedia Flash-based. Some application-based readers allow readers to access editions while not connected to the internet. Dedicated hardware such as the Amazon Kindle and the iPod is also available for reading digital editions of select books, popular national magazines such as Time, The, and Forbes and popular national newspapers such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.Archives of print newspapers, in some cases going back hundreds of years, are being digitized and made available online. Google is indexing existing digital archives produced by the newspapers themselves or by 3rd parties.

Newspaper and magazine archival is not new with microform film formats solving the problem of efficiently storing and preserving though the format lacked accessibility. Many libraries, especially state libraries in the United States are archiving their collections digitally and converting existing microfilm to digital format. The Library of Congress provides project planning assistance and the National Endowment for the Humanities provides funding through grants from its National Digital Newspaper Program. Ezines, e-editions and images are sometimes referred to as digital editions but some of these formats are published only in digital format unlike digital editions which replicate a printed edition as well.

Digital magazines

Digital-replica magazines number in the thousands—consumer and business publications, and house magazines for associations, institutions and corporations – and adoption was still increasing as of 2009.A 2008 report funded by digital-replica technology providers and auditing agencies counted 1,786 digital-replica editions having more than 7 million circulation among business-to-business publications, of which 230 editions were audited  The same report counted 1,470 digital-replica editions of consumer magazines having 5.5 million digital circulation, of which 240 editions were audited. These authors estimated that by yearend 2009 there would be 8,000 having a combined distribution of more than 30 million peopleSurveys have shown that, while not all subscribers prefer a digital edition, some do because of the environmental benefit, also because are searchable and may easily be passed along or linked to. One such survey funded by reported on inputs from more than 30,000 subscribers to business, consumer and other digital magazines.

Digital magazine business modelsReduced printing and distribution costs

The ability for publishers to save by moving some or all subscribers from print to digital is widely accepted. Oracle magazine, which has 176,000 of its 516,000 subscribers receiving digital according to its June 2009 BPA circulation statement, is said to be the most widely circulated digital edition of a business-to-business publication. Publishers who do this need to choose whether to make some issues all-digital, move some subscribers to digital edition, add some digital-only subscribers, or send all subscribers the digital edition.Paid subscription revenueIn 2009, a major consumer magazine, PC magazine, went all-digital, charging an annual subscription fee for its digital-replica edition Many consumer magazines and newspapers are already available in ereader formats sold through booksellers.Sponsorship and advertising revenueDigital editions often carry special "front cover" advertising, or advertising on the email message alerting the subscriber to the digital edition. Publishers also produce special digital-only inserts and rich-media ads or advertorialDesigned-for-digital issues another approach is to replace entire printed issues with digital ones, or to use digital editions for extra issues that would otherwise have to be printed.


ONLINE MAGAZINE – The online magazine is a digital magazine and defined with a word that places less emphasis on multimedia or other digital user

experience enhancements beyond editorial formatting for the digital (online) presentation. While “Digital Magazine” has been used more prominently among professionals within the publishing industry, and in the early 2000’s this label would differentiate from the many less structured online magazine (e-zine) website startups, the term online magazine has evolved to become a branding term of choice for many digital magazine publishers. Using online magazine maintains the expectation that the publication is available online and implies that there is no print magazine edition. The term online magazine also reduces emphasis for the higher expectation of interactive or technical elements that are often used to accent features of modern digital magazines. My definitions of the “digital magazine” or “online magazine” utilize the “digital” and “online” as transition terminology. We will not need to precede the word “magazine” with “digital” or “online” in the next decade. The digital format will become the standard delivery format and structure for profitable mainstream business and consumer magazines. Thus, a digital magazine will be referred to simply as a “magazine” in the same way “eBooks” or “digital books” will once again only need to be reference as “books” by default with digital becoming the format expectation within the next generation. Terminology such as “Online” implies a status or activity where the user is connected or networked “online” which has less relevance in a modern era when we are always online everywhere.

In the near future era, it will become necessary to address the characteristic of being printed on paper “the print edition” as the exception or novelty edition when compared to new modern digital magazine equivalent. Reading periodic content from paper will not be the default medium for future generations. Publishers that offer this format will treat it as a premium format and highlight this as unique traditional delivery format. The label for these magazine editions will need to include the word print as “print magazine” or “print edition” to highlight this format as unique to the expected digital format publication. Thus the print format, will becomes the inverse reference to the way we add “digital” as the delivery format descriptor today. I’m certain print industry proponents will disagree with my futurist view and I certainly understand the value of a print magazine readily available for convenient access on desk as opposed to an easily missed issue access notification or email with the link to the latest digital magazine issue. However, digital media delivery will be the majority and default format for published media in the very near future and that and the future of the fax machine can’t be changed.

Another feature of the modern digital magazine will be the challenge to the permanence or editorially completed nature of today’s print magazine definition. As new media takes on a living, ongoing, collaborative format aided by commenting, discussion, debate, and editor/publisher moderation directly at the published source as well as externally via offsite social platform and stream discussions we will develop an elevated and refined version of the original published content. And when properly cultivated, the content will become perpetual both edited for improvement and enhanced collectively inline with comments and annotations that give greater value to the work and allow the most recent reading audiences to gain the greatest knowledge and value from reading the enhanced published work. (see also Core article content changes will be referenced in visible history & changes format for editorial integrity, but the evolved content may even contain added or completely adjusted key journalism elements.

Wikipedia is a wiki, meaning that anyone can edit any unprotected page and improve articles immediately for all readers. You do not need to register to do this. Anyone who has edited is known as a "Wikipedia" and, no matter how trivial the edit may seem, can be proud that he or she has helped make Wikipedia what it is. All of these edits add up! Wikipedia uses two methods of editing: the newVisualEditor (VE), and classic editing through wiki markup (wiki text).Some pages are protected from editing. These pages are denoted by a lock icon on the top right of the page and, if you are not allowed to edit the page, it will have a View source  tab instead of an Edit  tab. You can still edit these pages indirectly, by submitting an "edit request" – an editor with the ability to edit the protected page will respond to your request. You can submit a request by clicking on the View source  tab on that page and using the "Submit an edit request" link at the bottom right




