Online and On the Ground Community Work

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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This presentation is about my motivation and experiences of working as an online project coordinator in global community work. Its message can be summarized accordingly, People + Purpose + Technology = Community

Transcript of Online and On the Ground Community Work

Community Work: Online & On The Ground

Passing trend?

Promising solution?

Community Work: Online & On The Ground

Presentation by Lia Hadley


a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals...

People + Purpose = Community

In my Grandparents‘ Generation...

community was all about the Church.

In my Parents‘ Generation...

community was all about mutual interests.

My Generation: Lost Generation?

All about being busy all the time

And in the Next Generation...

community will be about participation & collaboration.


+ Purpose

+ Technology

= Community

Here are the people of my community...

Rev. Wasike (Kenya)

Man with a mission

Skill: caring for and educating 250 orphans

Does: leader of Community Breakthrough Support Mission in Kimilili, Kenya

Romina (Canada)

Woman with a vision

Skill: connecting people all over the globe

Does: organiser for

Greg (Australia)

Man with an adventurous spirit

Skill: feels a calling to work on the ground

Does: creating and sustaining a HIV/AIDS youth vision program in Kimilili, Kenya

Millicent (Kenya)

Woman with a fresh perspective

Skill: working with people in the community

Does: writing project proposals for the CBSM fundraising committee

Ron (England)

Man with realistic expectations

Skill: big-hearted pragmatist

Does: project manager for CBSM projects

May (USA)

Woman with needed expertise

Skill: planning and organising

Does: top adviser to the CBSM fundraising committee

Malcolm (South Africa)

Man with many talents

Skill: social activist and hobby gardener

Does: plans and advises on the CBSM Nutrition and School Garden project

Lia (Germany)

Woman learning by doing, doing by learning

Skill: resilience and resourcefulness

Does: organiser and coordinator of CBSM projects

Here are the projects we are working on...

Building a New School

Promoting Media Literacy

Nutrition and School Garden

HIV/AIDS Youth Vision Program

• Offering the children and their guardians information and counseling

• Creating opportunities for discussion and exchange of information

• Creating peer-to-peer cultural exchanges with other youth groups: theatre, song, dance, and sports events

Village Phone Salons

Creating businesses where,

• customers make local and international calls• customers buy prepaid telephone cards• small business owners send information to their distributors• customers receive news from friends and family

Clean Cooking Fuel

Fumes from indoor cooking fires kill more than 2 million children a year.

We are creating women‘s co-op businesses that make biomass briquettes that produce very little carbon monoxide and can be used for indoors cooking.

Clean Water Project

And lastly, why we do this work is...

for the smiles from each and every child...

Do you want to join in or help?

Work, sponsor, or donate to Community Breakthrough Support Mission in Kimilili, Kenya(

Online volunteer work at Nabuur(

Or, you can contact us directly ...

Rev. Wasike Wilberforce Walubengo(

Lia Hadley(

Presentation by Lia Hadley

Photos:cc licensed from CBSMcopyright free from stock.xchng