One word Questions

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of One word Questions

Q1. How many strings does a violin have ?

Answer: Four

Q2. How many times has Brazil won the World Cup Football Championship?

Answer: Five Times

Q3. According To The Zodiac, What Is The Birth Sign Of Jesus Christ?

Answer: Capricorn

Q4. Spinach leaves are rich source of

Answer: Iron

Q5. Who Has Written The Bhajan’mere To Giridhar Gopal,doosro Na Koi’?

Answer: Mirabai

Q6. A Surprise Attack On Which Of These Led To USA Joining World War 2?

Answer: Pearl Harbour

Q7. ‘Swifter, Higher, Stronger’ is the motto for the modern ‘what’?

Answer: Olympic Games

Q8. What Is The Nationality Of The Ancient Philosopher Confucius?

Answer : Chinese

Q9. India's first nuclear blast at Pokhran in Rajasthan took place in the year?

Answer: 1984

Q10. Which Boxers Real Name Is Cassius Clay

Answer: Mohd. Ali

Q11. What Is The Japanese Art Of Folding Paper Into Decorative Objects Called?

Answer: Origami

Q12. Which Color Is Common To The Flags Of India And Bangladesh?

Answer: Green

Q13. Which is at the apex of the three-tier system of Panchayati Raj ?

Answer: Zila Parishad

Q14.From which country did India buy an aircraft carrier which was rename as INS Vikramaditya ?

Answer: Russia

Q15. The gas predominantly responsible for global warming is

Answer: Carbon dioxide

Q16. Which Community’s New Year Day Is Called Navroz?

Answer: Parsis

Q17. In Which Year Will India Observe The Bicentenary Of Its Independence?

Answer: 2047

Q18. In 1948,who Founded The RKStudio?

Answer: Raj Kapoor

Q19. What is India’s ingeniously developed passenger car ?

Answer: Tata Indica

Q20. Which Country Lies Between Bhutan And Bangladesh?

Answer: India