One Historical Event

Post on 13-Jul-2016

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A description of a historical event I would've been amazed to see

Transcript of One Historical Event

One historical event I would have been amazed to witness would be the day that Israel was proclaimed a state. On May 14, 1948, in the city of Tel Aviv, David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the State of Israel. This staggering historical event marked the first Jewish state in 2000 years. Britain withdrew from the area with the expiration of it mandate and Ben-Gurion established the State of Israel. Being Jewish, this has strong meaning to me. With the formation of Israel, Jewish people all over the world have a place they are always welcome to call home. I had the opportunity to visit Israel with my family and while the history of the area is so deep and almost overwhelming, I felt a strong connection to the land. Almost immediately after becoming a State, Israel was attacked by several Arab nations but survived and has continued to thrive and develop despite much hatred from several neighboring countries. There remains significant unrest and conflict in that area of the world. Yet Israel remains a strong nation. Being present in the Tel Aviv Art Museum, May 14, 1948 and witnessing the ceremony in which the State of Israel was established would have been an incredible experience to witness.