Once upon at time in Europe - Pedagogical guide

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Id. project: 2012-1-ES1-GRU06-53427!This project has been funded with

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of the information contained therein.

Pedagogical Guide


!A. Pedagogical Foundation

B. Methodology

C. Evaluation

D. Activity blocks

1. Contextualization of both author and work

2. The narrator

3. Subject and plot

4. Estructure. Dark side of the book

5. Space and time. Laying out scenes

6. The characters

7. Comparing books (subjects: love, freedom, oppression)

8. Personal conclusions

9. Creative activities

A. Pedagogical Foundation !The main objective of this task is to develop the students´ reading habits, trying to

make them conscious about the pleasure of reading. In the meanwhile, other

fundamental objectives are:

1. To improve the students´ knowledge on geography, being highly recommended

that, while reading, students should be situated in space, using both the attached

maps and other complementary ones.

2. To promote the love for learning, not only as a source of personal satisfaction, but

also for the role it has taken in the development of the human genre: therefore, to

think over together after each reading turns out to be essential.

3. To develop a new perception of the environment as an integral part of life and

history, rising awareness about its importance. In other to achieve this objective,

we will work upon several aspects which appear in the book, such as winds,

waves ...lying emphasis, as far as possible, on the sensorial reactions they provoke

on us.

! The activities exposed below, are no more than a suggestion for a didactical

exploration. these activities are exposed in nine different blocks, blocks that such as the

activities themselves, can be varied, changed or adapted, as the teacher may consider.

! Note: the links that appear in this guide, are links in Spanish, it would be a task for

each teacher to provide his/her students with the suitable links in their own mother





B. Methodology ! To work with any of the books, we have gathered a series of premises that will

guide the pedagogical methodology and the elaboration of activities:

Pedagogical knowledge: it will allow us to analyze the reason for choosing a

determinate selection of content-texts.

social knowledge: it allows carrying out a re-construction of the knowledge.

Psychological knowledge: in order to know the type of learners, their diversity and their


To guide the working and the use of this pedagogical guide, we will quote some

general pedagogical principles, but without entering in “pedagogical methods”, thus

respecting the principle of pedagogical autonomy. The job of each teacher will consist of

adjusting to his/her own frame the pedagogical principles which are stated in the diverse

theories of learning. On this guide, on the one hand we will follow the basic principles of

constructivism, and on the other hand, we consider that nowadays the lapse of time

passing since the moment when the knowledge is acquired to the moment when it

becomes obsolete is very short. To fight back this shortage in the average life of

knowledge, we will use the TRACK method (Technological Pedagogical Content

Knowledge) as well as the theory of connectivism according to which, in Karen

Stepheson´s words, the knowledge of the students will depend on the connections they

have with the people and the elements of their nearest environment. The principles of

connectivism on which educational practice will be based are:

- Ability to realise the connections among areas, ideas and concepts.

- The actualization (present and accurate knowledge).

- Taking of decisions. To choose which information may be useful.

! Concerning this used methodology, it is basic to consider the mistake as the

engine of learning, because when we contrast the mistakes against the new ideas and

models , the significant restructuring of knowledge takes place.

We will lay emphasis on the work about activities related to questions of genre, and for

this purpose we will use as a resource some texts from “La Casa de Bernarda


Alba” (Bernarda Alba´s House) to denounce the situation of women prevailing still

nowadays in many cases.

! The language used to carry out the activities may correspond to the language in

which any of the books have been written, or either, the mother language of the students

may be chosen (in case it were not the same than the one of the translated text ), as to

work with the mother language of the students enhance in them the development and

construction of a more inner and solid structure of knowledge, although, in this way, we

will not be working with other languages. Bearing mind pedagogical criteria, the best

option would be a combination, in which the teacher may choose a language according

to the difficulty of the proposed activities. (it is understood that the students´mother

tongue will be used for the most difficult activities )


C. Evaluation ! The evaluation of students will be carry out in a continuous way. The activities will

be evaluated in relation to the key competences worked upon in each of them,

considering their acquisition as the really significant fact, and not the learning of simple,

isolated knowledge. It will be considered that a key competence has been sufficiently

acquired if a pupil reaches the 50% of each of the items ( contents, abilities, attitudes and

values, learning strategies) of each of the key competences

The criteria for the qualification of the key competence for each activity block are:

IN (Insufficient): if a student reaches less than 50% of the items for each K.C.

SU (Sufficient): if a student reaches 50% of the items for each K.C.

NT (Notable): if a student reaches 70% of the items for each K.C.

EX (Excellent) if a student reaches from 90% to 100% of the items for each K.C







ABILITIES1. Accuracy in oral and written expression 5. Correct and responsible use of ITCS.

2. Comprehension of oral or written expression 6. Use of creative spirit.

3. Mathematics abilities related to the area 7. Autonomy in the search or elaboration of contents.

4. Accurate selection and processing of information.

8. Use of communication to improve social relations.

ATTITUDES AND VALUES1. Recognition of linguistic diversity as cultural enrichment

6. Eradication of prejudice and stereotype.

2. Respect to the rules of communicative exchanges

7. Critic analysis of the information received

3. Lack of fear to the mistake 8. Democratic and cooperative participation

4. Empathy and solidarity 9. Respect to tradition and historic memory

5. Interest for Reading and writing 10. Encouragement of affective environment

LEARNING STRATEGIES1. Search of information 6. Creativity facing the possible problems

2. Selection of information 7. Improvement of the coefficient of optimism

3. Comprehension and assimilation 8. Illusion for the work carried out

4. Autonomy on the process 9. Communication of what has been learned

5. Elaboration of their own contents! 10. Self-evaluation of the learning process


D. Activity blocks

1. Contextualization of both author and work • Subject or subjects directly related to: Literature, Arts • Key competences implied: Digital Competence, Cultural awareness and

expression, Learning to learn !1.1 To make a photography album of aspects related to the country, social context,

author´s life....using google images and information picked up from internet. Under each

photo, an explanatory foot should be included.

!“La casa de Bernarda Alba” “Album of the author” - spanish team example (attached)

!1.2 Look up the answer to the questions below in the following links:

! http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breviario




!A. What is a Brebiary?

!B. Where was Predrag born?

!C. In which language are his books written?

!D. What does Mediterranean Breviary deal with?



2. The narrator • Subject or subjects directly related to: Literature, Languages, Social Science • Key competences implied: Learning to learn, Communication in foreign

languages, Social and civic competences !2.1 Look up information about the different types of narrators existing in literature in the

following link: http://www.studygs.net/fictiona.htm

Also, practice what you have learn with the following interactive exercise in:


!• You can as well find information about the different types of narrator in:




ht t p : / / e d u c at i o n - p o r t a l . co m / a c a d e my / l e s s o n / n a r rato r- d e f i n i t i o n - t y p e s -


• With the information gathered, make a summary about the types of narrator and their

characteristics, and ask your doubts to the teacher. Afterwards, everybody will read

his/her summary and a common summary will be made up; it must be synthetic and

easy to understand.



2.2 Once you have worked upon the different types of narrator, and taking as an

example the two last books you have read (“Mediterranean Breviary” and “The Missing

Rose”), make a comparison between the type of narrator that exist in they both, filling in

the following fields:

!- Who is the narrator in each of the works?

!- Which type of narrator are they?

!- Person in which each of the stories is told.

!- Have we found any internal narrator?

!- Which are, from your point of view, the main differences between the ways the stories

are told in each of the books?

!- Which of the two ways of narrating has appeared more attractive to you? Justify your




3. Subject and plot • Subject or subjects directly related to: Literature, Languages, Social Science • Key competences implied: Learning to learn, Communication in foreign

languages, Social and civic competences !3.1 To analyze the plot of the work, pupils will make up teams of 4 or 5 people. The

teacher will give each team a sheet with as many questions or exercises about the

subject they are working upon at the classroom as members each team has (normally

four). In this case the questions will be:

- Which is the main subject from your view point?

- Is there any conflict going on?

- How is this conflict solved?

- Can you think about any other different solution?

!Each of the students has to take on a question under his/her charge:

- He/she must read it aloud and be the first one in giving his/her opinion on the subject.

- Then, he/she must ask for the opinion of all the member of the team, making sure that

all His/her mates give information and express their opinion.

- They discuss all the different opinions and they choose the correct answer in common.

- Finally, he/she must verify that everybody has understood the common answer and

write it down on a sheet with questions.

!* While each of the students is reading his/her question aloud, and while each of them is

expressing his/her opinion and they decide together which the correct answer is, pens

and pencil must be placed on the center of the desk, to indicate that those moments are

only meant to speak and listen, and that writing is not allowed.

After that, pens and pencils are put again on the center of the table, and the same thing

is repeated with a new questions led ,this time, by a different pupil.



3.2 Reading exercise (Based on Cooperative learning-principles):

We suggest that the teacher divides the class in two groups of 4 (if possible). The

students hereafter work together following these directions:

Each person gets a number from 1 to 4, wich shifts in a loop, when you have done

reading one passage and move to another.

!Person 1: reads the passage aloud (stop when you reach the questions)

Person 2: is responsible for everyone to understand all words. That means to ask for or

give explanations in the relevant language (if the students are supposed to learn fx

Danish, then Danish is the language to speak – not just translate into own language) –

dictionaries are nice to have.

Person 3: reproduces the passage in his own words for the group

Person 4: reads the questions aloud one at the time and makes sure, that every person in

the group says something to answer every question (make a round for each question –

with a different starting point for every question)

Person 1: writes headwords for all the questions

! After every question the teacher can make a common gathering making the

groups enlighten the other students in their answers to the questions. The teacher can

choose to make person number 1 do the talking for the group since he is the one who

has written the headwords.



3.3 Look at these pictures and look for some fragments in the book which may be related

to them (Mediterranean Breviary):


4. Estructure. Dark side of the book • Subject or subjects directly related to: Literature, Arts, Languages • Key competences implied: communication in the mother tongue, sense of

initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression !4.1 After having read the book and having analyzed the different ways of solving a/ the

conflict(s), in the classroom, write an alternative ending for this book.

!The Leopard - Croatian team´s example


Prince dies surrounded by many grandchildren, and they continue to spread the joy and

insouciance in his house.

Marija Ajša Penc:

Actually, it is sad that all three sisters remained spinsters and that the end of relics is the

end of everything, end of the family of the Prince of Salina. In a better and happier end of

the novel at least one of the sisters would have had a family and children.

Maja Baće-Dumančić:

"Then all found peace in a heap of livid dust." But only briefly. From the window a figure

of women soon flew, naked, and in each of its compact fraction close abstract picture in

which women are human beings in the head during the life informs. Her age was also

indeterminable, movements superseded. On the same axis the scalp, the neck, the back,

knees and heels, and the arms completely straight and close to the hull. She was falling

for so long, as in the slow movie scenes a hundred years later. Nobody saw falling nor

collision with the ground. Something must have happen because the repeated calming

of piles of dust could be observable and maid saw it. But the truth about what happened

has gone missing in the usual short duration of every truth in Sicily: ‘’ a fact has scarcely

happened five minutes before its genuine kernel has vanished, been camouflaged,

embellished, disfigured, squashed, annihilated by imagination and self-interest. Here and

elsewhere: on the Adriatic coast in Croatia, Albania, on the shores of Greece, Asia Minor,

through Gibraltar and further, everywhere equally. "The truth no longer existed.”



4.2 Make a photographic composition which recreates an alternative ending




5. Space and time; laying out scene • Subject or subjects directly related to: Literature, Natural Science • Key competences implied: cultural awareness and expression, social and civic

competences, learning to learn !5.1 Answer the following questions using the description and attaching an image

(drawing or photo) which may be used as an example for each of the questions:

- Where are the characters?

- What is this place like?

- At what time in history does the story happen?



5.2 Look at the following image. Describe it, and say to which book, from all you have

read in the project it may belong to.

!5.3 Videoforum “La Sicilia del Gattopardo”

(Sicily at The Leopard time) by Ugo Gregoretti, 1960

Available in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1xUM3JAjm4 (activate translation subs.


• After having watching the documentary series, hold a colloquium to discuss the

geographical context, the invasion, the prince´s behavior….and other questions that

may appear on contrasting different interests.

!5.4 Considering that the sea inspires different sensations depending on the personal

experience of each one, (leisure time, work, contemplation, mystery, meditation, or even

respect or fear), write a short essay to tell about your opinions and experiences having

the sea as its main character.


5.5 The Mediterranean Breviary mentions the Silk Road: it consist was a long net of

commercial routes existing from the III century B.C to the XVI A.C. and that reached the

Mediterranean after having crossed all Asia. Look up the following web pages:



!With the information found in these web pages, answer the following questions:

!A. What did encourage the travellers to go along the Silk Road? Mention some of these


!B. How long has it been called the Silk Road? Who gave it its name?

!C. Which were the products exchanged in this route?

!D. Which technical inventions coming from Asia were a novelty in Europe?

!E. When was the decline of the Silk Route? What caused this decline?



5.6 Attached goes a printed map of of Europe, North of Africa and Asia where there

appear unnumbered several geographical locations which the author uses to give

geographical context to the Mediterranean sea.

!Fill the following chart with the name of each of these locations.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.


6. The characters • Subject or subjects directly related to: Literature, Natural Science • Key competences implied: cultural awareness and expression, social and civic

competences, learning to learn !6.1 In “La casa de Bernarda Alba” (Bernarda Alba´s House) all the female characters have

outstanding personal characteristics: according to your opinion: which one would be the

heroine and which one the anti-heroine?

!6.2 From all the books you have read in the project so far, tell us who is your favourite

character and why it is so. Attach an image to illuminate your answer.



6.3 Working with the book (Bernarda Alba)

Before reading:

What do you think the view on women is in the story?

What do you think the Exercises are for women in the story?

What expectations about womens behaviour towards men in general, do you think there

are in the story?

What do you think is the case about gossip in a small village in the story?

How do you think the relationship is between master and servant in the story?

! Read the following pages: 5-11 (The beggar woman leaves)

1: What do you think has happened?

2: Why do you think the maids eat?

3: Who do you think Magdalena is?

4: Why do you think the maids do not like Bernada?


7. Comparing the books (subjects: love, freedom, oppression)

• Subject or subjects directly related to: Social Science, Natural Science, Languages.

• Key competences implied: learning to learn, social and civic competences, digital competence !!

7.1 Re-read pre-selected fragments of the books and group them in four different

thematic blocks: freedom, love…..

!7.2 Write a text given your personal view about each of the subjects, and explain with

which of the approaches you are more or less identify to and which connections you

have found between what appears on the book and daily life etc



7.3 Look for head-titles and news in the press (either traditional or digital) about the

subjects dealt with and related to the preselected fragments. Some of the links where

news can be found are:

http://www.huffingtonpost.es/ (available in different editions for different countries).

http://kiosko.net/ (press from every country)

http://www.presseurop.eu/en (several languages)

!7.4 With the news found by all the students, make a press dossier organized by the

blocks in activity 1. In this dossier, the news will appear together with the fragments of

the books selected for each of the blocks. Once the dossier has been finished, it may

remain at the high school library.


8. Personal conclusions • Subject or subjects directly related to: Languages and Literature • Key competences implied: learning to learn, cultural awareness and

expression, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship !8.1 Write your opinion about the books that you have read



8.2 Reading tab

After Reading the book, we will appreciate your filing l in the following sheet. The results will be discussed during the group sessions in order to create the bookmarks and the alternative ending

!Title of the book:



Main character:

Characterization of characters:

Characterization of time and space:

Reading this book was worth it because:

With this book I reflected about:


9. Creative activities • Subject or subjects directly related to: Literature, Arts, Natural Science • Key competences implied: cultural awareness and expression, sense of

initiative and entrepreneurship, digital competence !9.1 To choose fragments from the text and make pictures, photos, video,

drawings....inspired by the fragment. Example:



9.2 “Breviary of a Happy World”; each students must imagine his/her own happy (ideal)

world, following these steps:

- Physical description of this world: invented names for places, seas, rivers, lakes.....

- To draw a map of this happy world including the mentioned invented places.

- Following the structure of the book, to speak about their inhabitants, the weather, the

imaginary fruits that may grow there, the cities, the political regime...

- In addiction to the maps, they may also include some pictures that may belong to this

imaginary world


Breviary of my happy world:

For me, an ideal world would be to live in a beautiful village with good houses and the

comfort anyone could wish for. Men and women would have a job suitable to their

expectations, and their children would have everything necessary to lead a happy and

healthy life. In addiction they could attend any school they had chosen so that, with the

running of the time, they could have the best possible education. In this village, we would not

spare a big mountain in the surroundings, from which a river would spring to water both

fields and plants. There would also be a lake, from which animals such as cows, horses, some

wolves or even foxes would drink. We must not forget to ask about something to spend our

leisure time, something like a cinema, or a theatre, and if possible, the two things, so I would

have a great time watching many films and not from a TV screen. There could also be some

pub or some cafeteria, well, whenever possible, nothing would be spare. I wish politicians

would be honest and formal, not just thieves, since, as we can see, there are already too many

of them. And with this, I finish, as I feel that being that way, it would be a happy world.



9.3 Search in the internet, libraries, etc text by different authors and of different formats

related to the sea, (poetry, novel, songs...) in small groups, match the texts with the

graphic material previously worked out (pictures, drawings, videos...) in order to make a

video-poem, and having as a reference, the link below:









