Onboarding Webinar: Sparking Employee Performance & Supercharge Busines growth

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Onboarding Webinar: Sparking Employee Performance & Supercharge Busines growth

@wheniwork @HelloSign@wheniwork @HelloSign

Spark Employee Performance & Supercharge Business Growth


@wheniwork @HelloSign

Jason DelodoviciWhen I Work

Gina LauHelloSign


@wheniwork @HelloSign

Why A Structured Onboarding Process Matters


@wheniwork @HelloSign

E�ective Onboarding

1. Promotes employee and business success from day 1

2. Boosts employee retention and saves you money

3. Results in a stronger, more loyal team

@wheniwork @HelloSign

E�ective onboarding promotes employee and business success from day 1

40% of employees who receive poor job training leave their positions within the first year. —Go2HR

@wheniwork @HelloSign

E�ective onboarding promotes employee and business success from day 1

HR Magazine reports that companies investing $1,500 or more per employee per year on training average 24 percent higher profit margins than companies with lower yearly training investments.

@wheniwork @HelloSign

E�ective onboarding promotes employee and business success from day 1

The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) collected training information from over 2500 firms and found that companies that o�er compre-hensive training:

1. Have 218 percent higher income per employee than those with less compre-hensive training

2. Enjoy a 24 percent higher profit margin than those who spend less on training

3. Generate a 6 percent higher shareholder return if the training expenditure per employee increases by $680

@wheniwork @HelloSign

E�ective onboarding promotes employee and business success from day 1

In a Gallup, Inc. study of over two thousand business units on “the causal impact of employee work perceptions on the bottom line of organizations,” researchers found a distinct link between employee attitudes and a company’s financial performance, employee retention and customer loyalty.

Research conducted by the Wharton School found that Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For in America” reported 3.5 percent higher returns than their peers (Harvard Business Review Daily Stat).

@wheniwork @HelloSign

E�ective onboarding boosts employee retention and saves you money

For all jobs earning less than $50,000 per year, or more than 40 percent of U.S. jobs, the average cost of replacing an employee amounts to fully 20 percent of the person's annual salary.

Among positions earning $30,000 or less, which includes more than half of all U.S. workers, the typical cost of turnover for positions earning less than $30,000 annually is 16 percent of an employee’s annual salary.

— Center for American Progress, 2012

@wheniwork @HelloSign

E�ective onboarding boosts employee retention and saves you money

New employees who attended a well structured onboarding orientation program, were 69 percent more likely to remain at a company up to three years.— SHRM Foundation

@wheniwork @HelloSign

E�ective onboarding boosts employee retention and saves you money

Organizations with a standard onboarding process experience 54 percent greater new hire productivity and 50 percent greater new hire retention.—Interactive Services

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E�ective onboarding results in a stronger, more loyal team

Ine�ective onboarding can result in unhappy employees. Unhappy employees are:

Unproductive. According to Gallup, disengaged, unhappy employees cost the American economy up to $350 billion per year due to lost productivity.

Disloyal. According to a survey by 24 Seven, 90% of employees are willing to consider changing jobs and unsatisfied employees are 11 times more likely to move to a new organization in the next year.

Disengaged. The bulk of employees worldwide -- 63% -- are "not engaged," meaning they lack motivation and are less likely to invest discretionary e�ort in organizational goals or outcomes. And 24% are "actively disengaged," indicating they are unhappy and unproductive at work and liable to spread negativity to coworkers.

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HelloSign Onboarding Process


@wheniwork @HelloSign

HelloSign Onboarding Journey

Need for onboarding came from:

- Fast growing & lean team

- Making our team awesome

@wheniwork @HelloSign

HelloSign Approach

- Focus on providing context- Start at 30,000 feet- Drill down each day- Similar approach for all roles

**Most important for new team members to understand our decision making process

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- Focus on providing context- Start at 30,000 feet- Drill down each day- Similar approach for all roles

**Most important for new team members to understand our decision making process

@wheniwork @HelloSign

Day 1Warm welcome & introductions

HelloSign Basics (HR housekeeping)

Company history & overview

culture & values

HelloSign teams & welcome lunch

Product Test Cases

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Day 2Discuss role, responsibilities, expectations

Intro to company initiatives

Intro to department initiatives

Overview of HelloSign Product

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Day 3Learn about company metrics

How we measure success

Begin role specific training

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Day 4Meet with key partners

Assigned first project

Review test cases

Learn about our product feedback loop

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Day 5Meet with manager to recap week 1

Deep dive into role specific training

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Post Week 1

Week 2:Additional sessions with key partners (if needed)

Month 1:Co�ee catch-up with TeamOpsCo�ee catch-up Joseph, our CEO

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Key Take-aways

- Context is paramount...understand why- You can ask anyone- Feedback, feedback, feedback

@wheniwork @HelloSign

When I Work Onboarding Process


@wheniwork @HelloSign

Before Day 1

- Welcome note along with company t-shirt- Welcome emails to keep them updated and let them know we’re thinking of them- We send an intro to all of the employees about who they are, what they’ll be doing, and when they are starting- We prep all their tools, hardware, accounts, desk beforehand so that they can start right away on Day 1- They get access to our company wiki ahead of time and are asked to fill out their profile. They can go through and learn about other employees ahead of time.

@wheniwork @HelloSign

Day 1We review the tools we’ve given them and how we use them

O�ice tour

Meet with our President to go over benefits and to give them a chance to ask any questions

Everyone has lunch with the head of their department on their first day to talk about expectations, get an intro to their role, and any other information that they need to be successful

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Day 2-4They start product training

Spend the rest of day 2 and day 3 working through assignments that have been given to them about our product

Learning our product is a big focus for these 2 days (no matter what position you are going into)

They do a product demo for the Customer Care Manager and the President of the company

@wheniwork @HelloSign

Week 2They get a 30-minute sit-down with the head of each department. The department head gives them a summary of what they do, what their department focuses on, who’s on their team, and answers any questions a new hire has.

Toward the end of the 2 weeks they also get time with our CEO. He discusses things like our mission, vision, values, culture, etc. They get a chance to ask him anything they want.

Role-specific training happens at this time

@wheniwork @HelloSign



@wheniwork @HelloSign

Task someone with creating a repeatable, standardized process

In order to build an e�ective team, you have to put someone in charge of standardizing your entire HR process. Consistency is key. Pick someone who can dedicate the time and energy needed in order to onboard your new hires

If you don’t have a well-thought out process established already, spend some time researching processes online and find something that you can use for your own business.

Don’t just copy another company’s process. Take it and make it your own. Make sure it represents you, your team, and your company.

@wheniwork @HelloSign

Start The Entire Process Before Day 1

Onboarding starts as soon as an o�er is accepted.

- Warm welcome to new team member- Partner with hiring manager to build the week 1 agenda- Button up logistics: - Reserve conference rooms - Welcome lunch - Set-up desk - Lay out welcome swag

@wheniwork @HelloSign

Use Technology To Make Things More E�icient

Boost e�iciency and establish a consistent process by using tools and technology such as:

- Zenefits- Google Apps For Work- TinyPulse- KinHR- HelloSign (of course)

Using technology will make onboarding more fun and enjoyable for all parties involved

@wheniwork @HelloSign

Involve Other Team Members and Leaders

Reinforce how your teams collaborate.

- Introduce to key partners- Involve senior leaders & content experts- Walk through the org chart to connect the dots

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Give New Hires SwagLet your new hires know how excited you are to have them onboard by giving them free company swag. It’s a great way to make them feel like part of the team from day 1. For example, you can give them:

- T-shirts and hoodies - Bumper and laptop stickers - Co�ee mugs - Anything else fun that you produce for your company

This might seem like an unnecessary or pointless expense, but we’ve found that it’s worth the money when it comes to employee retention and loyalty

@wheniwork @HelloSign

Go Through Your Company Culture, Your Mission, and Other Expectations

Proactively anticipate and solve mysteries for your new team member.

- Do this on Day 1- The overarching ‘why’:Company culture, values, philosophy- Discuss other (commonly forgotten) expectations: - Daily job responsibilities - Expectations for week 1, month 1, month 3, etc - Department norms: hours, vacation, communication style - Learning & management styles.

@wheniwork @HelloSign

Encourage employees to give you feedback

Feedback is an important part of the onboarding process. In order to make improvements overtime, you have to know what works and what doesn’t work.

Toward the end of (or a�er) your onboarding process, ask your new hires to give you feed-back on their experience. Feedback can be given verbally, in person, or anonymously using tools like TinyPulse.

Other feedback collection tools include: - Google Forms - Typeform - SurveyMonky


@wheniwork @HelloSign

Pulse Check Your Onboarding Process & Tweak O�en

Build in a structured feedback loop- Check in with your new team member a�er 1 month- Partner with hiring managers and presenters to tweak- Be flexible to serve changing needs

@wheniwork @HelloSign

Actionable Steps For A Successful Onboarding Process [SUMMARY]

1. Task Someone With Creating a Repeatable, Standardized Process2. Start The Entire Process Before Day 13. Use Technology To Make Things More E�icient4. Involve Other Team Members and Leaders5. Give New Hires Company Swag6. Go Through Your Company Culture, Your Mission, and Other Expectations7. Encourage Employees To Give You Feedback8. Pulse Check Your Onboarding Process & Tweak O�en

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