On-Site Commercial Solar PV Decision Guide for the Healthcare ...

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Transcript of On-Site Commercial Solar PV Decision Guide for the Healthcare ...

On-Site Commercial Solar PV Decision Guide

For the Healthcare Sector

4 August 2015

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Page i

Acknowledgments This report was prepared by Navigant Consulting, Inc. under the guidance of Andrew Mitchell, Amy Jiron,

and Kristen Taddonio of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Alliance program. We would

also like to thank the following contributors and reviewers:

Erin Richmond, JDM Associates

John Jameson, ICF International

Rick Avery, Healthcare REIT

Tommy Sunderland, Borrego Solar

Kyle Kearney, Borrego Solar

Sarah Horn, Borrego Solar

Jim Johnson, Madera Community Hospital

Thomas McNamara, NSLIJHS Southside Hospital

Kevin Feyen, Gundersen Health System

Tom Thompson, Gundersen Health System

Disclaimer This report should be viewed as a general guide to best practices for end users in the healthcare sector

who are considering the installation of a solar photovoltaic array. A qualified professional engineer or solar

installer should always be contracted to oversee a photovoltaic project.

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States

Government. Neither the United States Government, nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees,

nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied,

or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any

information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately

owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,

trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,

recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency, contractor, or subcontractor

thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state of reflect those of the

United States Government or any agency thereof.

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Page ii

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................................ i

Disclaimer..................................................................................................................................................... i

Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... ii

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1

Benefits and Barriers of Solar PV in Healthcare........................................................................................... 1

Technical Considerations for Healthcare ..................................................................................................... 3

Installation Type ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Location .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

New Construction ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Operations & Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................................. 4

Financing Solar PV for Healthcare ............................................................................................................... 5

Third Party Ownership .................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Direct Ownership ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Other Financing Considerations ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Project Execution for Healthcare ................................................................................................................. 7

Planning for Solar PV in Healthcare ............................................................................................................................................... 7

Executing the Project ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Resources for Healthcare ............................................................................................................................ 9

References ................................................................................................................................................ 11

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Page 1


The Better Buildings Alliance works to develop and deploy innovative, cost-effective, energy-saving

solutions in U.S. commercial buildings. According to the Department of Energy, hospitals and other

healthcare facilities consumed more than 8% of the total energy used in U.S. commercial buildings in 2012

and spend more than $8 billion on energy every year. A hospital with 1 million square feet uses 2.5 times

as much energy as a similarly-sized office building, making healthcare the second most energy-intensive

building sector.1 Additionally, according to the Healthier Hospitals Initiative, healthcare energy costs rose

56% between 2003 and 2008.2 As large energy consumers, healthcare providers are becoming

increasingly aware of energy saving opportunities.

Healthcare survey responses collected by Pepper Hamilton in 2011 indicated that 58% of respondents

considered energy management a top priority, and 67% intended to make a facility improvement in energy

management in the next year.3 Reasons included:

Concern for the environment,

Expectations to be a community leader,

Cost savings,

Expectation of future increased energy costs, and

Desire to enhance the reliability of the energy supply to healthcare facilities.

Hospitals and care systems are increasingly looking for ways to improve efficiency and reduce overall

costs–while improving patient experience. As part of this, more hospitals are pursuing LEED certifications4

and seeking other means to achieve energy and sustainability goals. This guide focuses on solar PV as a

means for healthcare facilities to reduce electricity consumption and operating costs as well as showcase a

commitment to public health.

In September 2014, the Better Buildings Alliance Renewable Integration Project Team published the On-

Site Commercial Solar PV Decision Guide for commercial buildings. Building on this work, the On-Site

Commercial Solar PV Decision Guide for the Healthcare Sector is intended to serve as an additional,

targeted resource to address specific solar PV barriers and help drive solutions for hospitals and other

healthcare facilities, including long-term care providers, laboratories, retirement communities, and

outpatient facilities. This guide will not duplicate the information presented in the On-Site Commercial Solar

PV Decision Guide, and so these guides should be approached as a complementary set of resources.

Benefits and Barriers of Solar PV for Healthcare

Benefits of Solar PV for Healthcare

As hospitals and other healthcare facilities looks for ways to reduce energy consumption and/or increase

1 Whitson, 2012. The food service industry is the most energy-intensive (U.S. DOE EERE, 2012).

2 “Leaner Energy.” Healthier Hospitals, January 25, 2012. (healthierhospitals.org/hhi-challenges/leaner-energy)

3 Fader et al., 2011.

4 More information on LEED certification available at: www.usgbc.org/leed

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Page 2

environmental sustainability, decision-makers should consider the various, significant benefits of solar PV.

Installing solar PV reduces electricity consumption and helps decrease the peak demand of a facility, which

means the organization has lower operating costs and hence more resources for patient care.

Though renewable energy projects may have longer payback periods than some other sustainability measures and other healthcare-related capital investments, a solar PV project typically has a very favorable return on investment (ROI) over its 25+ year operating life. This is especially important since hospitals are using increasingly sophisticated clinical equipment and therefore have higher energy demands.

As an energy-intensive industry, healthcare is more vulnerable to rising fossil fuel prices and price volatility

than other commercial sectors. Solar energy can help protect against rising costs and volatility by decreasing

utility bills and locking in electricity generation at a fixed price.

Healthcare facilities may be considered especially compatible with solar PV because of the public health

benefits of renewable energy. Solar technology provides electricity without any direct emissions, and helps

reduce harmful air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions by displacing electricity generated from coal,

natural gas, and oil power plants.

Hospitals also have the option to increase energy resilience using renewable energy including solar PV.

Recent natural disasters have highlighted the need for critical infrastructure improvements and the failure of

typical diesel backup generators. One solution to serious power outages is reliable distributed generation,

such as combined heat and power systems (CHP) and solar PV systems with battery storage. Though this

application of on-site solar PV is not the focus of this guide, healthcare facilities should explore these options

to increase emergency preparedness.5

Barriers to Solar PV in Healthcare

Although interest in saving energy is high in the healthcare sector and many organizations already target

sustainability in healthcare,6 leaders of the Better Buildings Alliance healthcare sector team and solar

installers report a number of challenges faced by solar PV projects. These challenges, or barriers to solar

PV, include the following:

Hospital roofs are crowded with other equipment and there is very limited space for a solar PV array.

Staff have limited availability to focus on energy, and many hospitals do not have a dedicated energy


Large healthcare systems are often made up of many small, autonomous organizations which complicate

ownership considerations for solar PV installations and other capital projects.

Nonprofit healthcare organizations and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) cannot take direct advantage of

tax benefits for solar PV projects and nonprofits may be intimidated or confused by third party financing,

leading to difficulty deciding upon the project transaction structure.

Management sees solar PV as a large investment that may not be financially viable for the organization,

especially compared to new and advanced healthcare technology–the organization’s core focus.

5 More information on renewable emergency services for critical infrastructure may be found in the 2013 Clean Energy States

Alliance report, “Using State RPSs to Promote Resilient Power at Critical Infrastructure Facilities.” (www.cesa.org/assets/2013-Files/RPS/Using-State-RPSs-to-Promote-Resilient-Power-May-2013.pdf). 6 A list of sustainability-focused organizations and publications may be found in “Resources for Healthcare” at the end of this guide.

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Page 3

Technical Considerations for Healthcare

Installation Type

The largest technical barrier for solar PV on hospitals is the insufficient roof space due to medical

equipment. Many hospital roofs are dominated by specialized medical equipment that require easy access.

One solution to the roof space barrier is to design a carport-mounted solar PV array for the parking lot or

parking garage. Due to the extra materials for the carport structure, these solar PV systems come with a

higher price tag than roof-mounted systems. However, carports arrays also add benefits like shading cars

from the sun (a valuable amenity in hot climates), sheltering cars from rain and snow, providing a

convenient location for electric-vehicle charging stations, and providing a more visible commitment to clean

energy than a rooftop array.

In snowy climates, hospital management may have concerns with carport structures or parking canopies

shedding snow into the visitor parking lot. But in most regular storms, the snow melts before it accumulates

too significantly (the array heats up as soon as the sun comes out). However, if there is a storm overnight

and snow remains on the carports the following day, several preventative actions can be taken:

The carport can be manually cleared with a roof rake by maintenance staff.

Management can have snow rails or guards installed on the carport, retaining and breaking up the snow so

there are no large pieces sliding off the structure.

Snow guards on a roof in Jackson, WY. Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons.

A large commercial carport-mounted PV array. Photo Credit: National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Alternatively, if the hospital is situated on a large property with unused grounds or owns an empty adjacent

plot of land, a ground-mounted array is also a favorable option. This puts underutilized land to use and will

likely also host a larger array than the rooftop type, meeting more of the building’s electricity requirements.

Ground-mounted arrays are also typically less expensive than roof or carport systems.

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It is important to note that healthcare facilities other than

hospitals will often be better hosts for a solar PV array.

Medical office buildings, laboratories, material management

centers, outpatient facilities, and other care centers often

have less rooftop equipment than a hospital or none at all

aside from typical building HVAC systems, providing more

space for the solar installation. Additionally, many of the

alternate buildings have a smaller energy footprint than a

hospital, so solar production will meet a higher percentage of

the on-site electricity consumption. These facilities should

not be ignored when a healthcare organization is assessing

the feasibility of a solar installation.

New Construction

Building management should also keep in mind that new

construction may be the best option for solar PV on hospitals

because new buildings can be designed to better

accommodate the PV system by positioning medical

equipment to the north (accommodating south-facing or

west-facing PV panels). Typical project siting considerations

are further described in the 2014 Onsite Commercial Solar

PV Decision Guide and a 2011 DOE fact sheet for hospitals.

The architectural community has undertaken a “2030

Challenge” which calls for the design of new buildings that

use no carbon-emitting energy by 2030.7 To accomplish

this, today’s target is for all new buildings, developments and

major renovations to meet a fossil fuel, GHG-emitting,

energy consumption performance standard of 70% below

the regional (or country) average/median for that building

type. Energy-efficient design strategies and on-site

renewable energy are prioritized, with a 20% cap for

purchasing off-site renewable energy and/or renewable

energy credits.

Organizations planning to build new hospital buildings are recommended to take an integrated design

approach to achieve a higher level of performance. For new and existing healthcare facilities, pursuing

energy efficiency opportunities prior to installing solar enables the solar PV array to meet a larger

percentage of the facility’s needs.

7 More information available at: www.architecture2030.org/2030_challenge/the_2030_challenge.

Gunderson Health System

Location: La Crosse, Wisconsin

Size: 56 kilowatts

Energy Production: 75,000 kWh/year

Solar Installer: Full Spectrum Solar

Financing: Cash purchase and state grant

A new hospital for Gunderson Health System was designed with a “green” underground parking ramp. The ramp has solar PV panels installed flat on the roof, as well as 100% recycled glass flooring, environmentally-friendly paint, and other measures. The solar array was the first in a portfolio of local renewable generation – including wind energy, solar thermal, geothermal, and biogas – that enabled the entire health system to achieve 100% energy independence in late 2014.

Photo credit: Gundersen Health System www.gundersenenvision.org

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Page 5

Operations & Maintenance

Hospitals and medical laboratories are facilities with

extensive equipment needs. Additionally, healthcare facilities

are highly regulated and undergo continuous maintenance,

inspection, and certification. Fortunately, solar PV equipment

requires little, straightforward operations and maintenance

(further described in the Onsite Commercial Solar PV

Decision Guide).

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates

average fixed operations and maintenance costs to be just

$20 per kilowatt per year (lower fixed costs than comparable

distributed generation including small wind, biomass

combined heat and power, and fuel cells).8,9

Financing Solar PV for Healthcare The Onsite Commercial Solar PV Decision Guide discusses

general financing considerations for solar PV installations,

including the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and

depreciation benefits, types of state and local incentives,

and some information on owning the system versus using a

third party ownership model. Readers should refer back to

that guide for additional information on this topic.

Third Party Ownership

Third party ownership structures typically involve a power

purchase agreement (PPA) for the electricity generated by

the solar PV array. The third party owns, installs, and

operates the array, and in turn, the medical facility

purchases the power generated at an agreed upon price.

For nonprofit healthcare organizations that cannot take

advantage of tax benefits, a PPA is likely the most advantageous financing strategy because the third

party will be able to access the tax incentives and reflect this in the electricity price (resulting in indirect tax

benefits for the nonprofit healthcare organization).

Additionally, there is no direct commitment of capital by the healthcare organization and industry advisors

consider a PPA to be low-risk.10,11 The PPA model is also an energy hedge against utility rate volatility, because

the agreement locks in an electricity price for an extended period of time (typically 20 or more years).

8 Comparison of O&M costs of distributed generation technologies: www.nrel.gov/analysis/tech_cost_om_dg.html.

9 SENTECH, Inc., 2010.

10 Fader et al., 2011.

11 Sustainability Roadmap for Hospitals: www.sustainabilityroadmap.org/strategies/financialfunding.shtml.

Madera Community Hospital

Location: Madera, California

Size: 1,140 kilowatts

Energy Production: 2,183,220 kWh/year

Hospital Energy Offset: 40%

Solar Installer: Borrego Solar

Expected Monthly Savings: 12-15%

Madera Community Hospital is a nonprofit organization that decided to go solar as a way to cut electricity costs. An energy service company working on the hospital’s energy portfolio issued a request for proposals for a solar PV system that would provide electricity at or below the utility electric rate. A 20-year PPA agreement with Borrego Solar achieved this goal, with zero capital investment by the hospital and immediate savings of 12-15% on monthly bills. Borrego Solar is also responsible for operations & maintenance of the large ground-mounted array.

Photo credit: Borrego Solar

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Page 6

To begin developing a project under a PPA structure, a healthcare organization may issue a request for

contractors to bid on the solar installation and stipulate a particular electricity price ($/kWh). The solar

provider will design a system to meet these requirements; for example, a fixed-tilt ground-mounted PV

array has a lower upfront cost than a tracking ground-mounted array, but the higher energy production of

the tracking array may lower the long-term PPA price more significantly and turn out to be the best option

for the customer. One example is the Madera Community Hospital (right), which successfully engaged a

solar provider with a PPA rate lower than its local electric

utility rate.

Direct Ownership

On the other hand, lifetime dollar savings are often higher

with direct ownership. Direct ownership of the project may

be the better choice if a healthcare organization has

sufficient internal funds for the upfront system cost. Many

hospitals have investment funds, from endowment, cash

reserves, or retained earnings. The most common sources

of capital for hospital project finance (in 2001-2002) were

municipal bonds, for-profit debt/equity, bank loans, leasing,

and philanthropy. These options can be considered when

evaluating the purchase of a PV system. An in-depth guide

to energy investments with these types of funds is presented

in the Hospital Facility Investment Guide by BetterBricks, a

Northwest energy efficiency initiative.12 Using funds for a

solar PV array can yield a higher return on investment than

many other investment options.

Other Financing Considerations

When pursuing the direct ownership option, the healthcare

organization should seek local and state grants to cover a

portion of the solar array’s costs. For example, in 2011 the

Southside Hospital of the North Shore LIJ Health System

was awarded a grant for its rooftop solar PV array (right).

Currently, the New York State Energy Research and

Development Authority (NYSERDA) NY-Sun Incentive

Program offers financial incentives for solar PV systems,

and further offers low-interest rate financing options for small

businesses and nonprofits. Participation Loans of up to $100,000 at below-the-market interest rates and

On-Bill Recovery loans of up to $50,000 at 2.5% interest are available with repayment periods of up to 10

years.13 State funding is also available for other on-site renewable technology at hospitals; for example,

12 Full investment guide at: www.betterbricks.com/graphics/assets/documents/FinanceGuideFinal.pdf.

13 Program details at: ny-sun.ny.gov.

North Shore LIJ Health System

– Southside Hospital

Location: Bay Shore, New York

Size: 50 kilowatts

Energy Production: 55,000 kWh/year

Expected Payback: 2 years

The Southside Hospital installed its 50 kilowatt rooftop solar array in December 2011, as part of a Hospital Administration and Engineering Department effort to curtail energy usage. The project was financed in-house by the organization and was supported by an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)/NYSERDA grant which reimbursed a significant portion of the cost.

Photo credit: NSLIJHS Southside Hospital

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Gaylord Hospital in Connecticut was awarded a $323,000 grant from the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund

for a $550,000 solar thermal hot water project in 2011.14

Additionally, as the PV system owner, the organization can benefit from Solar Renewable Energy

Certificate (SCREC) revenue if located in a state with an active market. These states are New Jersey,

Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware, and Ohio. An SREC represents

the renewable aspect of the solar electricity and its value is determined by the market.

Project Planning and Execution

Planning for Solar PV in Healthcare

During project development, the solar PV project should be approved by both the healthcare organization’s

Chief Financial Officer and the Facilities Manager and/or Director of Engineering (or equivalent). After this,

the project will likely proceed up through an executive board or other committees to the Board of Directors.

This poses a small timing challenge, as a Board will typically meet only once per quarter. Larger healthcare

organizations should be prepared for a slower, more incremental approval process. Having an internal

champion, such as the Director of Engineering or a Sustainability Manager, helps ensure the project will

make it through the longer process.

The American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) recommends integrating sustainability efforts

into the organizational structure of the healthcare organization, forming permanent groups and committees

such as an environmental leadership council with the Board of Trustees, directors, and vice presidents,

and an overall sustainability coordinator that works with green subcommittees and departmental

sustainability coordinators.15 This would encourage multiple internal champions for solar PV and other


Projects are generally more successful if ownership is invested and there is top-down motivation from

management. For new buildings, the healthcare organization should maintain a vision of on-site renewable

energy generation from the beginning of the project. And once existing healthcare systems adopt

sustainability policies, changes must be promoted and advocated throughout the organization. Education

for the hospital community is an important part of the process. Physicians, nurses, administrative staff, and

facilities staff can all be part of the task force supporting sustainability measures and solar energy.

A solar PV project may be one part of a larger energy improvement portfolio at the hospital or healthcare

facility. For these large-scale efforts encompassing multiple energy projects, hospitals (and many other

organizations in commercial sectors) often work with an Energy Service Company (ESCO). The U.S.

Department of Energy maintains a Qualified List of ESCOs, comprised of firms that have been approved by

a qualification review board.16 An ESCO is an energy project developer, typically with experience in

integrating multiple efficiency measures. The ESCO may be the primary interface with the solar developer

and help shepherd the project through the necessary approvals.

14 mcdmag.com/2011/08/connecticut-clean-energy-fund-awards-solar-energy-grant-to-gaylord-hospital.

15 ASHE & HRET, 2014.

16 The DOE Qualified List of Energy Service Companies: energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2015/01/f19/doe_ql.pdf.

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Page 8

Executing the Project

When it comes to installing solar PV, there is one primary difference between hospitals and other types of

commercial buildings: the interconnection of the PV system to the hospital building will almost certainly

occur late at night. This is because hospitals typically have a consistent 24-hour load profile, with no

convenient time to disrupt power for interconnection to the electricity grid. However, hospitals are already

well-equipped for power outages with backup generators and there should be no risk to critical operations.

Many solar installers have experience working with hospital facilities for the midnight to 2:00 AM

interconnection. Medical laboratory buildings may choose to go this route as well, since many labs are also

active on a 24/7 schedule.

When the installation is complete, the healthcare organization should make sure its facilities staff receive

adequate training; for example, monitoring the condition of solar equipment and cleaning panels (if the

organization owns the solar array directly). To reach staff outside of dedicated facilities personnel, the

healthcare organization may include progress reports on the solar array’s construction and an

announcement of its completion in the in-house newsletter.17

Following project execution and internal outreach and education, the healthcare organization may be

interested in external promotion for the solar project. One avenue could be participation in award and

recognition programs through the various healthcare sustainability organizations listed in the next section.

Additionally, educational posters, photographs, and a display screen showing construction footage and

real-time electricity production can be attractive features in the main lobby to interest staff, patients, and


The 1.14 MW Madera Community Hospital ground-mounted array Photo credit: Borrego Solar

17 Communication Quick Sheet: www.betterbricks.com/graphics/assets/documents/BB_CommQuickSheet.pdf.

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Page 9

Resources for Healthcare

There are many other resources that provide support for energy management and renewable energy

implementation in the healthcare sector. A selection of these are provided below.

The American Hospital Association (AHA): A national organization that represents and serves hospitals,

healthcare networks, and their patients and communities. Through the three membership groups listed below,

AHA sponsors the Sustainability Roadmap for Hospitals. The Sustainability Roadmap for Hospitals provides

tools and resources for individual healthcare organizations to map a path to reduce impact on the

environment. www.aha.org, www.sustainabilityroadmap.org/topics/energy.shtml.

The Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE): A personal membership group of AHA that

supports professional development, industry information, and advocacy for the physical healthcare

environment. www.ahe.org.

The American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE): A personal membership group of AHA

representing the work of professionals responsible for care of the patient environment. ASHE created the

Energy to Care program, a free energy benchmarking and awards program for healthcare facility management

professionals. www.ashe.org, www.energytocare.com.

Sample resource: “The Dawning of Power Purchase Agreements.” ENERGY STAR. Inside ASHE, January-February, 2008. (www.ashe.org/resources/inside_ASHE/pdfs/2008/16_1_c.pdf)

Sample resource: “Evaluate opportunities to use alternative and renewable energy sources.” Webpage. Sustainability Roadmap for Hospitals. (www.sustainabilityroadmap.org/pims/260)

The Association for Healthcare Resource & Materials Management (AHRMM): A personal membership

group of AHA, and the leading national association for executives in the healthcare resource and supply chain

profession. www.ahrmm.org.

Practice Greenhealth: A nonprofit membership organization committed to environmental solutions for the

healthcare sector, supporting better, safer, greener workplaces and communities. The Greenhealth Energy

Alliance offers energy solutions to facility members such as the Healthcare Clean Energy Exchange. A pilot

program called the Healthcare Renewable Energy Initiative in New Jersey and Massachusetts works with Citi

Bank to finance and implement renewable energy.18



Sample resource: The official membership magazine of Practice Greenhealth, greenhealthmagazine.org.

Healthcare Without Harm: An international coalition of hospitals and healthcare systems, medical

professionals, community groups, and environmental organizations promoting ecologically sound and healthy

alternatives to polluting health care practices. The coalition helped develop and launch the Green Guide for

Health Care (GGHC) self-certification green building rating system, a ten-year program which ended in 2011

but created many tools and resources that are still in use. noharm-uscanada.org/issues/us-canada/building-


Sample resource: Green Guide for Healthcare, a best practices guide for sustainable construction and operations for the healthcare industry. (www.gghc.org)

18 Healthcare Renewable Energy Initiative:


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The Center for Health Design: An international community focusing on improving the quality of healthcare

facilities with the design of healthcare environments. www.healthdesign.org.

Healthier Hospitals Initiative (HHI): A national campaign to improve environmental health and sustainability

in the healthcare sector, created by Healthcare Without Harm, the Center for Health Design, and Practice

Green Health. The initiative aims to enroll at least 2,000 hospitals in the U.S. over the next three years, to

implement sustainable operations and measure the impact on improved patient, worker, and community health

and reduced costs. www.healthierhospitals.org.

Sample resource: “Leaner Energy.” Webpage. Healthier Hospitals. (www.healthierhospitals.org/hhi-challenges/leaner-energy)

Healthcare Energy Impact Calculator: A tool to estimate premature deaths, chronic bronchitis, asthma

attacks, emergency room visits, and more, by energy use (kilowatt-hour per year). Based on a U.S. EPA

analysis of the health impacts of power plant emissions. www.eichealth.org.

RES-Hospitals: A European project from 2011-2013 that encouraged hospitals to be more strategic and

sustainable about energy reduction and production, including renewable energy opportunities. www.res-


Sample resource: Renewable Energy Guide for European Hospitals. (www.res-hospitals.eu/renewable-energy-guide-for-european-hospitals)

Sample resource: Summary Report of the RES-Hospitals Project. (www.res-hospitals.eu/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=5GiYUhTWsLQ%3d&tabid=741)

BetterBricks: An initiative of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance funded by regional utilities, providing

tools and services to help improve energy efficiency, contribute to critical hospital services, and improve

patient care. The High Performance Hospital Partnership is a collaboration between BetterBricks and

Northwest state and regional hospital associations. www.betterbricks/healthcare.com.

Sample resource: “The Business Imperative for Sustainability: The Seven Critical Success Factors.” BetterBricks. (www.betterbricks.com/graphics/assets/documents/BB_Article_BusinessImperative.pdf)

Health Facilities Management Magazine: A publication of the American Hospital Association. The magazine

covers health facility design, construction, and operations expert insight and industry changes.


The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE): A comprehensive source of

information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States.

DSIRE includes up-to-date, state-by-state policy and incentive information. The database is a useful tool to

review current incentives programs for any organization considered solar energy and energy efficiency.


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Page 11


Burpee, Heather, Hatten, Michael, Loveland, Joel, and Stan Price. “High Performance Hospital

Partnerships: Reaching the 2030 Challenge and Improving the Health and Healing Environment.”

Paper presented at the annual American Society for Healthcare Engineering Conference on Health

Facility Planning, Design, and Construction. Phoenix, AZ, March 8-011, 2009.

“Commercial and Industrial CHP Technology Cost and Performance Data Analysis for EIA.” SENTECH,

Inc. for the Energy Information Administration, June 2010.

“Environmental Sustainability in Hospitals: The Value of Efficiency.” American Society for Healthcare

Engineering and Health Research & Educational Trust, May, 2014. <www.hpoe.org/Reports-


Fader, Henry C., Machlin, Marc D., Reinstein, Todd B., and Mark A. Solomon. “Renewable Energy for

Hospitals and Health Care Provides: Solar, Wind and Cogeneration.” Pepper Hamilton LLP, May 5,

2011. <www.pepperlaw.com/resource/2149/18J1>

“Guide to Optimizing Hospital Facility Investments.” BetterBricks.


“Hospital Energy Alliance 2012 Annual Report.” U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy,

October, 2012.


“Improving Air Quality with Solar Energy.” U.S. DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, DOE/GO-102008-250, April 2008. <www.osti.gov/accomplishments/documents/fullText/ACC0433.pdf>

Olinsky-Paul, Todd. “Using State RPSs to Promote Resilient Power at Critical Infrastructure Facilities.”

Clean Energy States Alliance, May 2013. <www.cesa.org/assets/2013-Files/RPS/Using-State-RPSs-to-


“Renewables Make a Powerful Case as Hospital Energy Source.” U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency &

Renewable Energy, July, 2011.


Sheppy, Michael, Pless, Shanti, and Feitau Kung. “Healthcare Energy End-Use Monitoring.” National

Renewable Energy Laboratory, August 2014. <www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/61064.pdf>

“The Renewable Energy Guide for European Hospitals.” The Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the

European Union. <www.res-hospitals.eu/renewable-energy-guide-for-european-hospitals>

Whitson, Alan. “Developing a Plan for Reducing Energy Costs in Hospitals.” Healthcare Financial

Management Association, August 2012. <hcinstitute.info/download/developing-plan-to-reduce-hospital-


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