On Relational Sociology - Haiko Lietz · Literature on Relational Sociology Lietz: On Relational...

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Transcript of On Relational Sociology - Haiko Lietz · Literature on Relational Sociology Lietz: On Relational...

On Relational SociologyModeling Socio-Cultural Systems

Haiko Lietz

June 6 2013

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Lietz: On Relational Sociology

„Connections between Human Dynamics and Network Science“

Song, Wang & Barabási, 2013, arXiv

„Network-Related Personality and the Agency Question“

Burt, Am. J. Sociol. 118, 2012, 543, DOI

high networkconcentration

~ low sociability

~ low burstiness

What is Relational Sociology?

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

Undersocialized Conception

Relationalism Oversocialized Conception

Person consciously builds society

duality of individuals and self-organized society(Elias, Society of Individuals, 2001 [1939])


Structure irrelevant as „social atoms“ act rationally (homo oeconomicus)

Networks and embeddedness(Granovetter, Am. J. Sociol. 91, 1985, 481, DOI)

dictates behavior through norms

Cultural Turn: Duality of Structure and Culture

Mische, „Relational Sociology, Culture, and Agency,“ in: Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis, 2011

Politicians' Co-Affiliation Networks

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

n = 292


= 18.59


= 1.37

Category Network Construction

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

Organizations Politicians Politicians

Strong Cultural Tie Weak Cultural TieWhite, Sociologica, 1/2008, DOI


t = 1

14th Bundestag(2002)

n = 572n

main component = 292

m = 11,918

t = 2

15th Bundestag(2005)

n = 517n

main component = 326

m = 5,539

t = 3

16th Bundestag(2008)

n = 532n

main component = 323

m = 7,241

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

Modeling Policy Domains: Multiplexity

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

t = 1 Medium Strength Culture

Domestic Policy Cultural Policy Foreign Policy

Science & Infrastr. Policy Fiscal & Budgetay Policy Faily & Health Policy

Blockmodeling Observers: 2nd Split

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

t = 1 Medium Strength Culture

Blockmodeling Observers: 3rd Split

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

t = 1 Medium Strength Culture

Focus on inter-dependen-cies of groups of nodes

Reichardt & White, Eur. Phys. J. B 60, 2007, 217, DOI

(Block)modeling Observers: Metrics

Lietz: On Relational Sociology


k = 41C = 0.32


Homophily H = 20/41 = 0.49

t = 1 Medium Strength Culture

Predictability of Persons

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

cf. 93%: Song et al., Science 327, 2010, 1018, DOI

Stability of Macro Structure

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

System Is Not In Equilibrium

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

t = 1 t = 2 t = 3

White: Gov't Coalition at t = 1 and t = 2

Modeling Institutions and Styles

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

„Popularity Versus Similarity In Growing Networks“

Papadopoulos et al., Nature 489, 2012, 537, DOI; Barabási, Nature 489, 2012, 507, DOI

α = 2.36


Lietz: On Relational Sociology

„In the short run, actors create relations; in the long run, relations create actors.“(Padgett & Powell, „The Problem of Emergence,“ in: The Emergence of Organizations and Markets, 2012)

Positional thinking has long tradition in sociology

Modeling socio-cultural ystems- Duality of structure and culture- Duality of institution and syle- Multiplexity: Meaning from switching

Socio-cultural systems are messy: Predictaility larger when system is in reproduction mode

Hypothesis: We are more predictable in terms of weak culture

Literature on Relational Sociology

Lietz: On Relational Sociology

White, 2008, Identity and ControlAn abstract but brilliant account of socio-cultural systems

Mohr & White, Theory and Society 37, 485, DOIShort account of central thoughts of White (2008)

Padgett & Powell, 2012, The Emergence of Organizations and MarketsDeep insights from Sante Fe

Emirbayer, Am. J. Sociol. 103, 1997, 281, DOI„Manifesto for a Relational Sociology“

Fuhse, Sociological Theory 27, 2009, 51, DOIProposal to view networks as sociocultural structures

… plus the works cited in the slides

Thanks for your interest!Contact me at: haiko.lietz@gesis.org

These slides at: haikolietz.de/docs/relational.pdf