On Page SEO

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Transcript of On Page SEO


On-Page SEO

On-Page Optimization

Simply speaking, On-page optimization refers to optimizing all those things on your website that can help rank your website higher in SERP.

More precisely, on-page SEO is the most important process for ensuring better ranking of an website

According to industry legends, on-page SEO now covers up to 70%-80% of total optimization in these days!

On-Page Optimization

SEO friendly permalink/URLs: better to have your Keywords (KWs) in URL within first 3-5 words.

Title Tag: crucial on-page SEO factor. Make sure KW is in title. Beginning with KWs gives extra advantages Make sure title looks catchy and engaging too!

Title in H1 Tags: Default in WordPress CMS But some WP themes often override this setting. So check

the H1 tag setting before using any WP themes.

On-Page Optimization

Add Modifiers to your Title: Content title with just your targeted keyword doesn’t make a catchy

title. So try to use modifiers like best, killer, powerful, best, guide,

review, 2015, etc. Using such modifiers also help to rank content on long tail

keywords!Meta Title & Description:

Meta title & description should have your keyword Meta title length will be within 55-60 characters (512 pixels) and

meta description length will be within 155-160 characters.Keywords in Content: Use keywords within first 100-150

words (1st Para) of your article.Keyword Density: Should be within 1.5-2%

On-Page Optimization

Post Long Contents: Long content works well now Contents must be over 450+ words, 1000+ words would be better. While publishing long contents, make sure your content looks catchy and

engaging Social Sharing Buttons:

Sharing content on social media often makes a content viral and increases visibility of website too.

Study shows, having prominent social sharing buttons on website can boosted social share up to 700% (Source: BrightEdge)

Use Multimedia: Use image/infographic/video to make your content more engaging.

Use Image Tags: Always use images with alternative text Outbound Links: Inbound Links:

On-Page Optimization

Heading Tags: At least try to use H2, H3 tags in your content.

Loading Time: Page loading time is another important ranking factor as per

recent Google algorithm updates. 75% visitors never visit a website twice that took more than

4 seconds to load (source: MunchWeb) So a website shouldn’t take more than 4 seconds to load Loading time checker tools:

https://gtmetrix.com/ http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/ https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

(Shows result in 100, Try to keep your score above 75)

